August 2007 Bulletin

Post on 21-May-2022






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August 2007 Av - Elul 5767

2007 High Holy Days Schedule

Joint Selichot Services Saturday, September 8 8 p.m. Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday evening, September 12 8 - 9 p.m. First Day Rosh Hashanah Thursday morning, September 13 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Tashlich Services Thursday, September 13 7:30 p.m. (At the home of Steven Rosansky, 526 N. Trenholm Rd.) Second eve Rosh Hashanah Thursday evening, September 13 8 - 9 p.m. Second Day Rosh Hashanah Friday morning, September 14 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Kever Avot Services Sunday, September 16 Hebrew Benevolent 11:00 a.m. Whaley St. Cemetery 11:45 a.m. Arcadia Lakes Cem. 12:30 p.m.

Kol Nidre Friday evening, September 21 7:00 - 8:45 p.m. (Please be seated by 6:45 p.m.) Yom Kippur-Yizkor Saturday, September 22 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Yizkor at approx. 2:00 p.m.) Minha and Neila 5:15 – 8:00 p.m. Break-the-Fast at approx. 8:00 p.m. Erev Sukkot Wednesday, September 26 6:30 p.m. First Day of Sukkot Thursday, September 27 9:45 a.m. Second Day of Sukkot Friday, September 28 9:45 a.m.

Beth Shalom’s

“Adinah” kitchen

is looking good!

New ranges & convection ovens have

arrived and remodeling is underway.

Clean out your closets

& help raise money for

Beth Shalom.

See page 8 for details!

Page 2

From the Rabbi’s Study….

Shalom Aleychem!

I hope everyone is enjoying the summer. We have been having fun here, with the “Shabbat Rocks” mu-sical Friday night service (a traditional service with some new melodies, jazzed up with guitar and drums, and topped off by cake from Tiffany’s) and with an experimental Saturday morning service led by our own equivalent of the “three tenors”--Cantor Anna Fedrick, Dr. Meira Warshauer, and Student Cantor Michal Rubin, PhD. I hope you have the opportunity to join us—the next “Shabbat Rocks” is on August 17, and the next experimental service date will be announced soon.

The month of Elul starts on August 15, which means that the High Holidays are only a month away. The month leading up to the High Holidays is a time in which we focus on teshuvah, on reflecting on how we conduct our life and trying to repair our weak-nesses and apologize to anybody we may have hurt. According to the rabbis, Yom Kippur only works if, when we approach it, we have already done teshuvah for our sins; otherwise it is like going to the mikveh (ritual bath) while holding a weasel. Ideally, we can approach the holidays having identified and corrected at least one personal weakness, so that we can ask for forgiveness on Yom Kippur and sincerely commit to changing our ways. I would suggest thinking about the following areas over the next month, and deciding on a few specific items to do teshuvah on and to ask for forgiveness on during the holidays: Relationship to my body: Am I eating healthy? Am I exercising enough? Am I dressing in a way that honors my body? Personal relationships—how do I treat family members, friends, and strangers? Am I patient, forgiving, slow to anger, and gen-erous? How could I embody the divine more in my relationships? Relationship to God—Am I nourishing my soul? Do I have a regular spiritual practice? Am I living up to my current goals for daily prayer, service attendance, and blessings? Am I growing in my relationship to God? Do I have enough of a regular regi-men of Talmud Torah (study of sacred texts)? How can I grow in my observance of the lifestyle advocated by the Torah? Relationship to the world: Am I living up to my personal goals for zedakah (Torah teaches us to give 10-20%)? Am I active and vocal on social and environmental topics? Do I spend enough time doing mitzvoth? We will also be doing a “sin drive” in an effort to make the high-holiday services more meaningful. We will compile an “Al Heyt” (the Yom Kippur confessional) based on sins sent to us by congregants like you, to be read together on Yom Kippur. Please submit any sins to be included in this prayer to Emails will be held in strict confidence.

Have a wonderful summer and a meaningful Elul. B’vrocho,

Rabbi David Siff

Nominate a congregant for the

Magen David Award

Beth Shalom Synagogue’s highest

honor. Nomination form on

page 12

Welcome Dr. David Greenhouse as guest

speaker to our next Hesed Outreach Meeting Sunday, August 26

10:15 a.m. - Beth Shalom Social Hall

We would like to invite all our volunteers as well as eve-ryone who has interest in learning about "The Many Faces of Dementia." Dr. David Greenhouse will give us a presentation and engage in a question and answer session. We look forward to seeing all those who want to join us. Use this opportunity to share your thoughts, doubts and fears about a topic that can touch you, a friend, fam-ily member or anybody in our community.

Page 3

Schedule of Services

Friday …….... 6:30 p.m.

Saturday …….... 9:45 a.m.

Mon.-Thurs. ……… 6:15 p.m.

Candle Lighting Times

August 3 ………... 8:03 p.m.

August 10 ………... 7:56 p.m.

August 17 ………... 7:49 p.m.

August 24 ………... 7:40 p.m.

August 31 ………... 7:31 p.m.

As most of you are aware, I appointed a Committee to Evaluate the Rabbi's perform-ance. This committee is chaired by our immediate past President Jack Swerling. The other members are former Presidents Harold Kline and David Lovit. The Evaluation Committee has met several times with a number of congregants who wished to address them personally. The committee will meet with the Rabbi to report on the results of their evaluation as soon as he returns from vacation. The committee is then charged with making a report and recommendation to the Board at its October 10th meeting. The Board must make a decision on renewal of the Rabbi's contract (which runs through August 31, 2008) by December 1, 2007. A final decision must be made by the

President’s message…

Board at its November 14th meeting in order to meet the December 1st deadline. The Board respectfully requests that any comments regarding the Rabbi be directed to the Evaluation Committee. Jack, Harold, and David welcome and encourage the congregation to communicate any comments directly to them. Their e-mail addresses are as follows:,, Anyone who wishes to comment can be assured that his or her identity will remain confidential, unless you wish it known, and all comments to the Committee will be disclosed only to the extent necessary and appropriate for their report and recommendation to the Board. Thank you in advance for your understand-ing and cooperation. I wish all a happy, healthy, and peaceful summer. Sincerely,

Howard B. Stravitz


8/3 Shayna Brannock Bat Mitzvah 6:30 p.m.

8/4 Shayna Brannock Bat Mitzvah 9:45 a.m.

8/11 Shabbat morning services; Sponsored Kiddush luncheon in honor of Daryl Giddings’ special birthday.

9:45 a.m.

8/14 High Holiday singing - Come and learn the congregational songs for the High Holidays with Michal Rubin.

6:30 p.m.

8/15 Jewish Women’s Book Club Meeting - Social Hall 7 p.m.

8/15 Board of Directors Meeting - Library 7:30 p.m.

8/17 Shabbat evening services “Shabbat Rocks” with Oneg Shabbat following. 6:30 p.m.

8/23 Harvest Hope Food Bank project - volunteers will staff the emergency food pantry from 5-8 pm.

5 p.m.

8/26 Unveiling of the stone for Matthew Nankin at Whaley Street Cemetery 10 a.m.

8/26 Accepting clothes for: Beth Shalom’s Gently Used Women & Children’s Designer Clothing Sale Women’s clothing, purses & shoes and children sizes up to 4T (10 a.m. - 12 noon)

10 a.m.

8/26 Hesed Outreach Meeting/Training. Dr. David Greenhouse will do a pres-entation—Social Hall.

10:15 am.

8/29 Accepting clothes for: Beth Shalom’s Gently Used Women & Children’s Designer Clothing Sale Women’s clothing, purses & shoes and children sizes up to 4T (4 - 6 p.m.)

4 p.m.

8/29 Hebrew School faculty workshop 6:30 p.m.

9/1 Aufruff for Joey Kligman and Vanessa Brill and baby naming for Rachel Woldorf. Sponsored Kiddush following services.

9:45 a.m.

9/2 Accepting clothes for: Beth Shalom’s Gently Used Women & Children’s Designer Clothing Sale Women’s clothing, purses & shoes and children sizes up to 4T (10 a.m. - 12 noon)

10 a.m.

Page 4

Dear Friends,

There are many things to love

about being Jewish, the food,

the holidays, the joy of praying

with one another, but for me

there is a special place for the

stories. Rabbi Carlebach said

that the stories have the ‘the unbelievable power of

taking us back to the beginning though the story it-

self has no end. For the soul has its own reality. It

knows the Messiah is yet to come.”

“Everybody knows,” the Rebbe says, as his audience

falls asleep, convinced they’ve heard this story a mil-

lion times before and knows its cause, effect, and

the punch line. “Everybody knows, yadua in fact

means “hardly anybody knows. The truth is more,

“HaMevin, yavin,“ or, “He who understands will un-

derstand.” For those still awake, the phrase

“Everybody knows” (the equivalent of Once Upon a

Time) is a signal to “Open your hearts, sweetest

friends and to listen to the deepest depths. What

follows comes from the wellsprings of the unknown,

the original root of Oneness.

In Judaism we speak of two Torahs, or teachings –

the torah shebichtav, or written portions, and the

torah shbaal peh, the oral transmission from the

most ancient times. The written portion has order:

it comes from the world of laws that regulate and

work for the perfection of our being. Torah shbaal peh is the hidden torah, which has been passed by

word of mouth to the chosen, from master to stu-

dent, prophet to disciple, Elijah to Elisha, one great

teacher to the next. To qualify to receive these oral

teachings, one must truly be a “master of the

mouth.” Even though the written teaching is the ba-

sis of the law, scholarship, and intellect, the oral law

is given highest respect by the most knowledgeable.

For, as the Viznitzer Rebbe once said when asked

why he received a storyteller before a great scholar:

“What is the beginning of the Torah? G-d is telling

us stories.” Or, as Shlomo Carlebach said, “The

world was created because G-d needed to tell sto-

ries.” G-d needed to have listeners who would hear.

Each of us has our own story, the one that dwells

From the Director of Education…. deep in our heart and soul. As it is every year, we are

in a time of thoughtful contemplation of the deeds

over the past year as we draw closer to the yomim noraim, the days of awe, Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kip-

pur. It is with that thought that I ask your forgive-

ness for any offense I may have caused you and I of-

fer you a story:

Everybody knows Moishele the water carrier would

come once a year to the Seer of Lublin. Mamash, he would save every penny to go see his rebbe around

Rosh HaShanah. I don’t have to tell you how people

treat water carriers – no kavod, no honor. But once a

year Moishele would come to the Seer of Lublin and

the rebbe would greet him with such joy and love, that

he would mamash hug Moishele. And this outpouring

of love from his rebbe kept Moishele and his wife and

family going for another whole year.

One day before erev Rosh HaShanah, Moishelel set

out to see his rebbe. He couldn’t wait to be in his

presence and receive the holy Seer of Lublin’s warm

greeting. But when he arrived, the holy Seer of Lublin

seemed suddenly very bitter. He barked at the hum-

ble water carrier: “Moishele! Go home! I don’t want

you here!” “Rebbe…I…I but I saved everything just to

be with you.” “There is nothing I can do! If you really

consider me your rebbe, you must trust me! Go home


What can he do? Argue with the Seer of Lublin?

Moishele went away heartbroken and began walking

back to his village, crying all the way. He couldn’t

make any sense of what the rebbe had said to him.

For him this rejection was like the end of the world.

Later that night Moishele stopped at an inn to rest.

Many Hasidim were there, on their way to Lublin to

see the rebbe. They were so filled with joy at the

prospect of seeing their rebbe that they were dancing

about with great simcha. But when Moishele walked

into the room and stood there so sadly, they called

out: “Moishele, what is causing you all this sorrow?” “I

can’t understand it. The rebbe told me to go home.”

Everyone suddenly became silent. A mood of gloom

seemed to descend on the inn. One of the Hasidim

finally said: “How long can you be sad? Moishele, Le-Chaim! I wish you the best!”

Then another hasid stood up on a chair and said:

Page 5

Harvest Hope Food Bank

Food Drive The leaders of MAIN (Midlands Area In-terfaith Network) are promoting a food drive for Harvest Hope Food Bank, through August 15. There is a Harvest Hope food barrel in the lobby at Beth Shalom Synagogue. Harvest Hope will pick up the donations August 15th and deliver the food to Harvest Hope. Please bring your donations of non-perishable food items and put them in the barrel during the four weeks of the drive. Harvest Hope, as you know from news reports, had the misfortune of losing a substantial amount of food because of a water line break earlier this summer. They are still trying to recover and this effort will be of enormous benefit to them and the hungry in our community. Thank you for helping us fight hunger in Columbia!

“Moishele, don’t be sad! I promise you this year will

be the greatest of your life! Le Chaim!” Blessing

Moishele at the top of their lungs. Until all the Hasi-dim were shouting strongly, “Moishele! Le Chaim!

That the sadness that had fallen over Moishele com-

pletely lifted and everyone started dancing, and

Moishele harder than anyone else. “Le Chaim! Le Chaim!”

Then it was time for the Hasidim to go onto Lublin and for Moishele to continue on foot to his village.

The Hasidim piled into a wagon but when they saw

Moishele going in the opposite direction they called

to him: “Moishele, don’t be crazy! You don’t have to

listen to the rebbe!”

“The Gemora says: everything the owner of the

house tells you to do, you must obey – except when he

tells you to leave the house.” So the Hasidim pulled Moishele into the wagon. They traveled together and

just before dawn arrived in Lublin. When he came

off the wagon, Moishele saw the holy Seer of Lublin

standing in the doorway, watching him. He was imme-

diately afraid.

But the rebbe called him over and embraced him:

“Moishele, I’m so glad you came back. I’ve been wait-

ing for you.” “Rebbe, what is this all about – sending

me home, then wanting me back?” The Seer of Lublin

answered: “When you first walked in the door, I saw

the Angel of Death was following you. I knew you did-

n’t have much time, so I sent you home to say good-

bye to our wife and children. But when you met the

Hasidim and they began to say ‘Le Chaim’ to you, each one’s blessing drove the Angel of Death another ten

miles from your door. Moishele, with friends like you

have, you could live forever!” “Le Chaim!’” (from

Shlomo’s Stories, Shlomo Carlebach, Susan Yael Mesi-nai).

For the year 5768 may you and your family be blessed

with good health, good friends, good income, and many

Le Chaims.

B'vrachot, Rebecca Pinsker

Tikkun Olam Committee Needs You! Thursday, August 23rd

5 - 8 p.m.

We need your help!! The Tikkun Olam Committee is work-ing to help address hunger here in the Midlands through our project with Harvest Hope Food Bank. Volunteers of all ages in the congregation can commit to one evening a month for up to four months in the next school calendar year in the food pantry, just four evenings a year, we can meet this vital challenge. We will be there from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. We will start on Thursday, August 23, 2007. We will also need volunteers for September 27, October 25, November 29 and December 27. There will be opportunities for adults, teens and children. In order to staff the emergency food pantry, we will need volunteers to do a range of jobs such as sorting and bagging food, carrying food to cars, and conducting eligibility inter-views. You will be able to work with your family and friends. Training will be provided for any job that requires special skills. We need your help!! Please contact the office if you would like to par-ticipate.

Jewish Woman’s Book ClubJewish Woman’s Book ClubJewish Woman’s Book ClubJewish Woman’s Book Club Beth Shalom Synagogue - Social Hall

Wednesday, August 15th

7 p.m.

Join us to discuss:

“Triple Identity: A Dan Gordon Intelligence Thriller”

By Haggai Carmon (FIC)

This will also be the annual planning meet-

ing. In addition to choosing titles for the

next year, we will be discussing a possible

change in venue. Plan to join us and bring

your suggestions for next year’s reading list.

Page 6

Arcadia Lakes

Cemetery Plots

Plan ahead

Call Bruce Filler, Cemetery Chairman at 788-2416

to purchase your plot.

Unveiling of the stone for

Matthew Nankin Sunday, August 26

10 a.m.

Whaley Street Cemetery

Dear Beth Shalom family, Thank you to all of the well wishers on the birth of our grandson, Maxwell Aaron Raynes. He is adorable and everyone is doing well.

Lilly & Bruce Filler



Plan to be with your Beth Shalom family as we honor Rose and Harold Kline and as we cele-brate our traditions of old and some, not so old. This will be a wonderful evening at the Em-bassy Suites, full of favorite music, special foods, and an additional surprise. We come to-gether to celebrate and honor the contributions given to Beth Shalom by Rose and Harold Kline over their many years here at Beth Shalom. You will not want to miss this occasion, so be sure to mark you calendars with the date, OCTOBER 14, 2007 and more information will be forthcoming.



Please join us as we honor Rose and Harold Kline for their many years of service to Beth Shalom at the Traditions Dinner on October 14, 2007 at the Embassy Suites. We are preparing a Well Wishers Book which will con-tain advertisements and good wishes from their many friends. You can participate in this book by sending in your contribution with your inscription.

If you have any questions, please contact

Belle Jewler at 787-7174.

Congregants wishing to purchase an ad for the Congregants wishing to purchase an ad for the Congregants wishing to purchase an ad for the Congregants wishing to purchase an ad for the Tradition’s Dinner Well Wisher’s Book: Tradition’s Dinner Well Wisher’s Book: Tradition’s Dinner Well Wisher’s Book: Tradition’s Dinner Well Wisher’s Book:

$180 for full page $100 for 1/2 page

$50 for 1/4 page

$25 1/8 page

$18 for “Well Wishes”

Please send the information you want printed and your check to Beth Shalom/Traditions Dinner Well Wishers book, 5827 N. Trenholm Rd., Columbia, SC 29206.


Rabbi Dr. Leon H. Spotts, Beth Shalom Resident Scholar


It is fascinating for me as a stu-dent of Jewish history, to note the inordinate number of Rabbis and scholars who died in the up-coming month of Elul and whose yahrzeit we commemo-rate during this month prior to

the High Holy Days. The occurrence of these yahr-zeits in the month of Elul gives each of us the opportu-nity to review and reflect on the unique contributions made by each of these individuals to our traditions and to the ever growing body of sacred literature. For cur-rent purposes, I have chosen three great luminaries of our past whose yahrzeits fall in the month of Elul: the Maharal (1525-1608), the Chafetz Chaim (1838-1933); and Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1865-1935) The Yahrzeit of Rabbi Yehudah Loew (ben Betzalel) of Prague, Czechoslovakia, is observed on Elul 18. Rabbi Yehudah is better known within the world of Jewish scholarship as the Maharal, an acronym for Morenu HaRav Loew (our teacher, Rabbi Loew). Remarkably, in his writings and teachings, the Ma-haral found a way to synthesize the mystical/emotional approach to Judaism and the deeply en-grained rational/intellectual tradition. In reconciling these ostensibly antithetical approaches to Jewish life and tradition, paradoxically, this seminal thinker pro-vided a platform a century later both for the emer-gence of Hasidism under the tutelage of the Baal Shem Tov, and for the consolidation of the opposition to the Hasidic movement, under the leadership of Elijah, the Gaon of Vilnna. The Mahral was prolific in his writings, which touched on a wide variety of scholarly topics, including a commentary on Rashi’s commentary on the Five Books of Moses. Perhaps not surprisingly, however, he was best known for his alleged association with a fictitious creature called the Golem, which the Maharal was reputed to have conjured up through the employment of mystical devices. According to the popular folklore, whenever a Jew in Prague, and perhaps elsewhere in Czechoslo-vakia, was threatened with physical harm, the Golem would suddenly appear to defend the Jewish victim.

Elul 24 marks the Yahrzeit of Rabbi Meir Israel Ka-gan (or Hakohen). His more popular name, Chafetz Chaim derives from the title of his first published book (Chafetz Chaim – He who is Desirous of Life). One of the abiding interests of the Chafetz Chaim throughout his life was the area of inter-personal rela-tionships –especially between Jew and Jew within the framework of the mitzvot. Not surprisingly, then, this major work deals with the issue of l’shon hara, spreading gossip and slander relating to a third party. In fact, the offense of l‘shon hara was considered so serious in Jewish tradition that the Rabbi likened it to (psychological) murder. Among the later publication of the Chafetz Chaim was a commentary on the Mishnah, called the Mishnah Brurah. This commen-tary is so illuminating that it has become standard study material for all serious students of the Mishnah. The Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook is ob-served on Elul 3. Rabbi Kook (or better, Harav Kook) is remembered for the most part for his unique contributions to the Jewish community of Pal-estine in the years preceding the establishment of the Jewish State. His influence on both the religious and the non-religious sectors of the community was par-ticularly telling during his service, from 1929 to 1935, as the first Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi in Pales-tine in the modern era. Because he believed that every Jew, religious or secular in orientation, has a spark of divinity within him, and because he was wholly committed to the Zionist mission of settling the land of Israel as a sacred task, he was able to form bonds with all segments of the pre-State yishuv. Harav Kook was indeed a Chief Rabbi for all his con-stituents. It would have been hard to predict from Harav Kook’s humble beginnings in Latvia that his career would be so distinguished and successful. True, he was recognized early on in his studies as a child prodigy; his memory and analytic ability were as-tounding. But it was his engaging personality and his unique approach to inclusion of all Jews within his Rabbinical fold, plus his love for the land of Israel which enabled him to exert such a profound influence on his own and on later generations.

Page 7

Round up your nearly new clothing for: Round up your nearly new clothing for: Round up your nearly new clothing for: Round up your nearly new clothing for:

Beth ShalomBeth ShalomBeth ShalomBeth Shalom’s Gently Used Women & s Gently Used Women & s Gently Used Women & s Gently Used Women &

ChildrenChildrenChildrenChildren’s Designer Clothing Sales Designer Clothing Sales Designer Clothing Sales Designer Clothing Sale WomenWomenWomenWomen’s clothing, purses & shoes and s clothing, purses & shoes and s clothing, purses & shoes and s clothing, purses & shoes and

children sizes up to 4Tchildren sizes up to 4Tchildren sizes up to 4Tchildren sizes up to 4T

SundaySundaySundaySunday----Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday,

October 7October 7October 7October 7----10101010

Noon Noon Noon Noon ---- 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m.

Beth Shalom SynagogueBeth Shalom SynagogueBeth Shalom SynagogueBeth Shalom Synagogue

Open to the publicOpen to the publicOpen to the publicOpen to the public

Accepting clothes Accepting clothes Accepting clothes Accepting clothes

August 26 August 26 August 26 August 26 ---- September 9 September 9 September 9 September 9

Sundays: 10 a.m. Sundays: 10 a.m. Sundays: 10 a.m. Sundays: 10 a.m. ---- noon noon noon noon

Wednesdays: 4 Wednesdays: 4 Wednesdays: 4 Wednesdays: 4 ---- 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m. 6 p.m.

Clothing must be clean, less than 5 years old and on hangars.

Donations are tax deductible. Donations are tax deductible. Donations are tax deductible. Donations are tax deductible.

Call Sandra Poliakoff or Gloria Goldberg if you have any

questions or would like to volunteer.


Page 8

Well Wisher Support for Eugene Frost

Gene, our faithful custodian/maintenance worker/shamash for over 17 years, was diagnosed with kid-ney cancer and has no medical insurance. Gene has always been there for us, and we would like to be there for him during this difficult time. We are ac-cepting gifts to help him pay for his every day needs, such as, prescriptions, medical bills, rent, etc. Please make your check out to Beth Shalom and we will make sure Gene receives the contributions made for him. Todah Rabah!

Save the Date! Sunday, September 9, 2007

12:30-3:00 PM

End 5767 with a BangEnd 5767 with a BangEnd 5767 with a BangEnd 5767 with a Bang----o!o!o!o!

BackBackBackBack----totototo----School Bingo School Bingo School Bingo School Bingo and Auctionand Auctionand Auctionand Auction

Fun for Everyone! Cash Prizes! Fun for Everyone! Cash Prizes! Fun for Everyone! Cash Prizes! Fun for Everyone! Cash Prizes! Lunch and Ice Cream Social!Lunch and Ice Cream Social!Lunch and Ice Cream Social!Lunch and Ice Cream Social!

Great Auction Items! Great Auction Items! Great Auction Items! Great Auction Items!

Send in your reservations nowSend in your reservations nowSend in your reservations nowSend in your reservations now….... $8.00/adult

$5.00/child 7-13 yrs.

Children 6 and under– free

$25.00 maximum/family

Donations for auction gratefully accepted

(Please call Linda or Daryl - 419-0203).

***************************************************** To reserve tickets, complete form & mail to:

Beth Shalom Synagogue, 5827 N. Trenholm Rd. Columbia, SC 29206

Name: _______________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________ Number Attending: Adults____________ Children___________


In a developing tradition of the “Beth Shalom

Meshorerim” (Beth Shalom singers), we will learn

congregational singing for the High Holidays.

Tuesday, August 14th Thursday, September 6th

6:30 p.m.

For more information contact Michal Rubin, 738-0267.

Dear Synagogue Member:

First eve of Rosh Hashanah is Wednesday, September 12th, and the Board of Directors is getting in gear for the High Holidays and the New Year of 5768. In order to enhance security, tickets will be required for admission to the synagogue. Police officers will be stationed at the doors to check tickets for the High Holidays. Fill out and return the following form with your check to the synagogue office before September 1st.

Remember, you must be current in your dues (Dues are past due after September 1st) to purchase tickets

and no-one will be admitted without a ticket. Sincerely, Barbara Blau Financial Secretary


Names: (Please list all names, including children)

Please return by September 1st. List all names (including children) to receive tickets.

Single Ticket $50.00 Single (out of town) Guest $50.00

Family Ticket $100.00 Family (out of town) Guest $100.00

Dear Congregant:

For the past several years, with your most generous financial help, we have been printing a beautiful Memorial Booklet. It is a solemn way of remembering departed loved ones at the Yizkor Services on Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeret (Sukkot), Pesach and Shavuot. May we suggest that you list in the booklet names of departed parents, spouse, other close relatives, honored friends, Rabbi Karesh, Rabbi Kandel, or the Six Million Jews. Each family's loved ones will be listed together with the family name in the following format: Abe Cohen Bertha Cohen

Remembered by Joe & Rachel Stein

For accuracy please type or print all names you wish included. If you wish to have the same listing as last year, just write the word "same" and return to the synagogue no later than August 21st. This deadline must be adhered to otherwise the memorial booklets will not be ready in time for the holidays, which begin on September 12th.

A minimum donation of $18.00 will be most appreciated.

Thank you for your cooperation! Ritual Committee, Beth Shalom Synagogue

Remembered by:




Aliyahs & Honors: Rosh Hashanah Kol Nidre Yom Kippur

1st Day 2nd Day

Sept. 13 Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Sept. 22

(Minimum Contribution)

Aliyah (Torah Reading) $600 $350 $650 Cohen $650 $350 $700 Levi $650 $350 $650 Maftir (Haftorah) $550 $450 $550 Hagbah $250 $150 $275 Glilah $250 $150 $275 Ark Opening $290 $200 $360 $300 Ark Opening - Special $325 $225 $325 Hebrew Reading $250 $175 $275 Hebrew Reading - Special $300 $200 $325 English Reading $275 $175 $375 $325 English Reading - Special $400 $250 $450 Special Prayer $450 $195 $475 Odon Olam $200 $200 $200 $200

Special Instructions:

Name: Phone:


You will be notified of the page number and appropriate time of your honor.

Please return this section by August 15th

Beth Shalom Synagogue, 5827 N. Trenholm Road, Columbia, SC. 29206

Dear Fellow Congregants:

Your Ritual Committee is now finalizing the plans for High Holiday Aliyahs and honors. First Day of Rosh Hashanah is Thursday, September 13th. We hope you will take this opportunity to participate in an honor for either Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur. Aliyahs and honors will be given on a first come basis and if possible, we will give you the same honor which you may have had last year.

Your early selection will assist the committee in planning their services. We suggest a minimum contribution to the synagogue as set forth below. We might suggest that you may wish to take this honor for yourself or your spouse, or for a child (over 13 years old) or a parent. This would be a nice way to honor some member of your family for the holidays. Women and men may participate equally in Aliyahs or honors in all services. Please indicate your selection of an Aliyah or honor and return it to the synagogue by August 15th.

Sincerely, Melton Kligman, Chair, Howard Hammer & Henry Goldberg High Holiday Honors Committee


Each year a Magen David Service Award Committee is formed to select a congregant (s) who, in the eyes of the committee, deserves recognition for the services “they” have performed over the past year or years for the synagogue. In addition to the Magen David Committee, the congregants themselves send in those names that in their opinion most typifies such a person. As President of Beth Shalom, I have asked Doris Frank, last years recipient, to chair the Magen David Com-mittee. In addition, I am suggesting that all Magen David Service Award recipients become part of this stand-ing committee. Our past recipients are: Doris Frank, Lilly Filler, Lycia Golson, Barry & Lynda Laban, Heidi Lovit, David Lovit, Bruce Filler, Hyman Karesh, Rose & Harold Kline, Sura Wengrow, Helen Kahn, The Chevra Kadisha, Tobie Drucker, Robert Kahn, Henry Ray Wengrow, and Melton Kligman. We dearly remem-ber our departed past recipients: Carol Bernstein, George Port, Ernest Furchtgott and Ben Stern. The response from the congregants is very important. Please send in your ballot nominating the person you feel deserves such an honor, and indicate why you feel he/she merits this award. This information will be turned over to the selection committee and will be used in helping to name a recipient.

The criteria for the Magen David Award for Distinguished Service is as follows:

1. The Award shall be given annually. 2. The recipient shall be a member in good standing of the congregation. 3. The Award is to be based on service. 4. Selection of the recipient will be made by the Awards Committee. This committee is made up of the past

recipients of the Magen David Award and the chairperson (s) selected by the President of the Board. 5. In recognition of the Magen David Award for Distinguished Service, a plaque honoring the recipient will

be displayed in the synagogue. 6. The recipient will also be honored at a Shabbat service to be announced by the Magen David Committee. 7. The Magen David Committee, in determining the recipient of this award, shall give consideration and

weight to all aspects of a person’s service to Beth Shalom - from those who serve in leadership capacities to those who have served equally in other areas of the religious, social, educational and synagogue life.

Please return the nomination form at the bottom of the page by September 15th to Doris Frank, Chair-

person, c/o Beth Shalom Synagogue, 5827 N. Trenholm Road, Columbia, SC. 29206. Use additional pa-

per if needed.

Thank you, Howard Stravitz, President


I hereby nominate ___________________________ for consideration for the 2007 Beth Shalom Synagogue Magen David Award. This individual has consistently promoted the ideals of the synagogue and served the synagogue in the following ways: Signed

Page 12

Order your Etrog & Lulav

in time for Sukkot

And win a chance to have your own Sukkah this year.

One lucky winner will get the use of a Sukkah for his/her yard.

Send your check for $35.00 Payable to Beth Shalom Synagogue by September 14.

High Holiday Babysitting Reservation Form The answers to your prayers….Beth Shalom is offering babysitting for both days of Rosh Hashanah and one day of Yom Kippur. We will need your reservation to ensure a safe ratio of babysitters to children. We will provide snacks and toys, but please bring your child’s favorite blanket or stuffed animal, diapers, and bottles as appropriate. You know your child best, and will know what makes their environment more comfortable!

Please complete the form below, and return it to the synagogue by September 1, 2007. We are asking for a one

time, minimum donation of $15.00, made payable to Beth Shalom Synagogue, to help offset costs. Sitting available for ages birth through 7 years old. Eligible youngsters should be in services during their scheduled times. Thank you for your interest and cooperation with reservations.

Babysitting Dates & Times

First Day of Rosh Hashanah September 13th 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Second Day of Rosh Hashanah September 14th 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Yom Kippur September 22nd 10 a.m. until 1 p.m.

For babysitting reservations, complete and return this form:

Child/Children’s Name (s) Parent/Adult Name & Contact Info:

Name:_________________________ Age:_______ Name:____________________________________ Name:_________________________ Age:_______ Address:__________________________________ Name:_________________________ Age:_______ _________________________________________ Name:_________________________ Age:_______ Cell phone #_______________________________

Please Indicate Dates Needed

First Day of Rosh Hashanah September 13th 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Second Day of Rosh Hashanah September 14th 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Yom Kippur September 22nd 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. Please mail the reservation form and the minimum $15.00 donation to:

Beth Shalom Synagogue - 5827 North Trenholm Road, Columbia, SC 29206

Dear Beth Shalom family,

I want to thank you all for your help, cards, generous donations during this difficult time. I really appreciate all that you have done for me. Sincerely, Eugene Frost


There will be a Break-the-Fast, at the conclusion of

Yom Kippur Services

Saturday, September 22nd at approximately 8:00 p.m.

We would be very grateful if

you would give a donation to

help cover the cost of the

Break-the-Fast meal.

Donors will be listed

in the bulletin.

Please call the Synagogue office

to reserve a seat at 782-2500.

Important Notice regarding

High Holiday Tickets:

You must be a member in good standing to purchase

tickets to attend services for the High Holy Days.

If you are If you are If you are If you are notnotnotnot a member, and you live in the vicinity a member, and you live in the vicinity a member, and you live in the vicinity a member, and you live in the vicinity

of Columbia, the fee for purchasing tickets is of Columbia, the fee for purchasing tickets is of Columbia, the fee for purchasing tickets is of Columbia, the fee for purchasing tickets is doubledoubledoubledouble

the regular member cost for the tickets.the regular member cost for the tickets.the regular member cost for the tickets.the regular member cost for the tickets.

Please keep in mind, that a “family ticket” is for hus-Please keep in mind, that a “family ticket” is for hus-Please keep in mind, that a “family ticket” is for hus-Please keep in mind, that a “family ticket” is for hus-

band, wife and any children under 21 years of age. If band, wife and any children under 21 years of age. If band, wife and any children under 21 years of age. If band, wife and any children under 21 years of age. If

your child has graduated from college or older, a sin-your child has graduated from college or older, a sin-your child has graduated from college or older, a sin-your child has graduated from college or older, a sin-

gle ticket must be purchased separately, as they are gle ticket must be purchased separately, as they are gle ticket must be purchased separately, as they are gle ticket must be purchased separately, as they are

old enough to become members in their own right to old enough to become members in their own right to old enough to become members in their own right to old enough to become members in their own right to

a synagogue.a synagogue.a synagogue.a synagogue.

We look forward to sharing these holidays with you

and your children! Thank you for supporting your


2007 High Holiday

Parking Spaces for sale

$250 each

10 spaces are available near

the building

On a first-come, first-served basis.

Call the office at 782-2500 to reserve your space no later that Monday, September 3rd.

• Is your husband still wearing his Bar Mitzvah tallis?

• Are your kiddush cups chipped and dented?

• Are your mezuzzahs weather beaten?

• Is it ok to replace Aunt Sadie’s challah knife?

• If YES is the answer to any of these questions -

Beth Shalom Gift Shop - can solve your problems!

• Are you looking to spend a couple of hours in a worthwhile activity?

• Are your days long, with nothing to do? Volunteer at Beth Shalom Gift Shop.

Beth Shalom Gift Shop - can solve your problems!

Wednesday: 4:30 - 6:15 p.m.

Friday: 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Sunday: 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Or by appointment 782-2500 5827 North Trenholm Road

Beth Shalom Sisterhood

Gift Shop Can solve your problems….

Page 14


To Brenda Joy (B.J.) Bernstein, daughter of Dean and Arnold Bernstein, who has been named the University of Georgia Law School Distinguished Alumnus of the Year. B.J. is a criminal attorney in Atlanta and has handled many high profile cases. She can often be seen discussing legal issues on network news shows and Court TV. To Rachel Golson, daughter of Joe & Lycia Golson, who graduated from the College of Charleston.

Page 15

Aufruf & Baby Naming Saturday, September 1st

The upcoming marriage of Joey Kligman and Vanessa Brill and the baby naming for Rachel Woldorf, daughter of An-drew & Lauren Woldorf and granddaughter of Steve & Sheila Gendil will be celebrated at Beth Shalom on September 1st. Sponsored kiddush luncheon following services is in honor of Joey Kligman and Vanessa Brill and in honor of the baby naming for Rachel Woldorf. Hosted by the Lovit, Harvey, Odle, Sheckler, Firetag-Hyman, Denberg families and Steve & Sheila Gendil.

The congregation is invited to attend!


8/1 Jayson Chabrow 8/16 Edmund Richman

8/1 Rachael Filler Raynes 8/17 Michael Zalesne

8/3 Leah Cherney 8/18 Sandra Friedman

8/3 Tania Murciano 8/18 Sol Kline

8/3 Leon Ritter 8/18 Jenna Safran

8/3 Harry Strick 8/19 Judith Murciano

8/4 Jay Kline 8/20 Lyssa Fischbein

8/5 Ruth Burack 8/20 Gail Lieb

8/5 David Fischbein 8/20 Gail Schein

8/5 Ferne Kantsiper 8/21 Sarah Rosenzweig

8/5 Harrison Palmer 8/21 Dianne Witten

8/6 Sue Berkowitz 8/22 Blayd Fins

8/6 Lyssa Harvey 8/22 Alex Lesov

8/6 Sharon Robinson 8/23 Mark Gelman

8/8 Hyman Steckman 8/24 Daniel Matzner

8/8 Alex Zalesne 8/25 Alex Filler

8/9 Daryl Giddings 8/25 Harry Goldberg

8/9 Elizabeth Webb 8/26 Andrew Levinson

8/10 Reberta Karesh 8/26 Henry Miller

8/10 Nancy Nankin 8/26 Wayne Sribnick

8/12 Helene Kligman 8/27 Marcie Baker

8/12 Max Palmer 8/29 Sharon Batey

8/12 Jessica Thur 8/30 Ram Kalus

8/13 Clarke Friedman 8/30 Janine Spevack

8/13 Jay Friedman 8/30 Mary Winter

8/13 Samuel Tenenbaum 8/31 Ben Arnold

8/14 Rachel Rosansky 8/31 Barry Feldman

8/15 Naomi Freedman 8/31 Jaden Rome Kline

8/15 Anny Zalesne 8/31 Adele Salzberg

8/16 Margie Arnold


8/3 Joe & Lycia Golson 28 years

8/5 Nathan Crystal & Nancy McCormick 34 years

8/5 Murray & Marlene Riebman 51 years

8/5 Andrew & Marilyn Safran 18 years

8/8 Hyman & Paula Karesh 31 years

8/10 David & Anny Zalesne 16 years

8/11 Hyman & Natalie Steckman 45 years

8/12 Karl & Margo Goldberg 23 years

8/12 Harold & Gloria Rittenberg 56 years

8/13 Isaac & Tania Murciano 13 years

8/15 Andy & Julie Gendil 9 years

8/16 Rob & Shelley Kriegshaber 26 years

8/17 Roger & Barbara Blau 38 years

8/17 Wayne & Ann Sribnick 21 years

8/18 Douglas & Irene Milliman 44 years

8/18 Ben & Arlene Pearlstine 54 years

8/18 Leon & Dorothy Ritter 61 years

8/20 David & Heidi Lovit 24 years

8/21 Norman & Donna Goldberg 25 years

8/22 Peter & Wendy Stahl 31 years

8/23 Daniel & Eveda Matzner 9 years

8/25 Arnold & Nina Levine 29 years

8/26 Melton & Helene Kligman 56 years

8/26 Lawrence & Brenda Needle 17 years

8/26 Ted & Anne Solomon 62 years

8/27 Neal & Lisa Sutker 19 years

8/29 Barry & Lynda Laban 25 years

8/31 Neal & Robin Lourie 4 years

8/31 Troy & Elysa Sexton 4 years


The congregation extends its condolences to: The family of Shaul Lewsky

8/1 Bammie Solomon Av 17 8/14 Ella W. Kline Av 30 8/1 Carrie L. Sussman Av 17 8/14 Molly Paschek Oppenheim Av 30

8/2 Sandra Garland Av 18 8/15 Jacob Ginsburg Elul 1

8/2 Israel Greenberg Av 18 8/15 June Beverly Helmick Elul 1

8/2 Joseph B. Halpern Av 18 8/15 Jack Krugman Elul 1

8/2 Adolphe Solomon Av 18 8/16 Bashe Kaplan Elul 2 8/3 Leon Schwartz Av 19 8/16 Mary Smith Kordon Elul 2

8/3 Abraham Steckman Av 19 8/17 Fannie Bercovitz Elul 3

8/3 Ralph D. Sussman Av 19 8/17 Maxine Alpert Kline Elul 3

8/3 Evelyn Goss Wolf Av 19 8/18 Francis Roberts Blumenfeld Elul 4

8/4 Isadore Altman Av 20 8/18 Moses Blumenfeld Elul 4

8/4 JoAnn Schreiber Baker Av 20 8/18 Isaac Fins Elul 4 8/4 Adinah Kukchi Silverstein Av 20 8/18 Fanny Hammer Elul 4

8/5 Ruth Gruen Av 21 8/18 Murray Shane Elul 4

8/5 Lois Katz Av 21 8/19 David Baker Elul 5

8/5 Isadore Rothstein Av 21 8/19 Louis Edward Baker Elul 5

8/5 Melvin Siegel Av 21 8/19 Molly Hammer Binsky Elul 5 8/6 Rosella Drucker Av 22 8/19 Peter Grant Elul 5

8/6 Irvin Izzy Goldstein Av 22 8/19 Gitla Matzner Elul 5

8/6 Jennie Lifchez Av 22 8/20 Gertrude Switzer Berry Elul 6

8/6 A. Fredric Serbin Av 22 8/20 Jacob Brotman Elul 6

8/6 Saralee Soldinger Av 22 8/20 Evelyn Kline Cremer Elul 6

8/7 Frank Harrison Chabrow Av 23 8/20 Eve Evans Elul 6 8/7 Ethel Cohen Av 23 8/20 Sylvia Garvin Elul 6

8/7 Nellie Giddings Av 23 8/20 Paul Stravitz Elul 6

8/7 Jeanette Goldberg Av 23 8/21 Dora Arnold Elul 7

8/7 Frederick Hoffman Av 23 8/21 Ben Kantsiper Elul 7

8/7 Lila Russ Av 23 8/21 Rosalie Landsman Elul 7 8/7 Naomi Lifchez Russ Av 23 8/21 Libby Pinsky Elul 7

8/8 Rita Karesh Blum Av 24 8/22 Ida Freed Elul 8

8/8 Dora Erlichson Av 24 8/22 Sarah Ellis Laden Elul 8

8/8 Fritz Gibson Av 24 8/22 Sidney L. Winter Elul 8

8/8 Mollie F. Levine Av 24 8/23 Moses Gergel Elul 9

8/8 Myer Poliakoff Av 24 8/24 Blanche Gross Elul 10 8/9 Moses Austin Av 25 8/24 Robert Lance Elul 10

8/9 Israel Buckler Av 25 8/24 Rose Siegel Elul 10

8/9 Morris Dickman Av 25 8/25 Dr. Seymour Kirschenfeld Elul 11

8/9 Else Frank Av 25 8/25 Annette Struletz Elul 11

8/9 Lena Parasol Av 25 8/25 Ella Wicker Elul 11 8/10 Ida K. Alion Av 26 8/25 Robert M. Zalkin Elul 11

8/10 Matilda G. Benjamin Av 26 8/26 Ida E. Ginsburg Elul 12

8/10 Lynda Gale Picow Catlett Av 26 8/26 Luba Schribmann Goldberg Elul 12

8/10 Leo Deutschmann Av 26 8/27 Ida (Skippy) Berkeley Elul 13

8/10 Meyer Lachoff Av 26 8/27 Rubin Breger Elul 13

8/10 Dr. Jerry Weinstein Av 26 8/27 Max Manischewitz Elul 13 8/11 Michael Eisenstadt Av 27 8/27 Recca Steel Elul 13

8/11 Meyer Harris Av 27 8/27 Meyer Warren Tenenbaum Elul 13

8/11 Edward I. Picow Av 27 8/29 Betty Jean Brownstein Elul 15

8/12 Julian M. Blachman Av 28 8/29 Meyer Sutker Elul 15

8/12 Tillie Goldfine Finkelstein Av 28 8/30 Celia Buckler Bochner Elul 16 8/12 Murray Helfer Av 28 8/30 Steven E. Stark Elul 16

8/12 Helen Lipton Av 28 8/31 Flossie Arnold Elul 17

8/13 Jacques Benchabbat Av 29 8/31 Jacob Y. Baker Elul 17

8/13 Louis Berkus Av 29 8/31 Louis Blacher Elul 17

8/13 Leila Jones Moore Av 29 8/31 Leon Bluestein Elul 17

8/14 Bertie W. Fischbein Av 30 8/31 Eli Ravdin Elul 17 8/14 Sherman M. Gordon Av 30

Page 17


Bejobi!Ljudifo!Gvoe!In memory of Mel’s parents, Bessie & Louis


By: Naomi Mart & family

In memory of my father, Joseph Fischbein.

By: Lyssa & David Fischbein

In memory of my brother, Wally Fischbein.

By: Lyssa & David Fischbein

In honor of the birthdays of our

granddaughters, Laurel & Emily Raxter.

By: Lyssa & David Fischbein

In memory of my father, Samuel Noble.

By: Diana Rubinger

To Rose & Harold Kline - In honor of your

dedication to the synagogue.

By: Sylvia Cremer

In memory of Lillian Saland.

By: Alice & Tom Simmons

In memory of Fanny Gerson.

By: Alice & Tom Simmons

In memory of our beloved family members,

Lila Russ, Naomi Russ & Mary Kordon.

By: Darryn, Karen & Joseph Russ

To Suzi Stark - Wishing you the best on your

upcoming birthday.

By: Minda & Henry Miller

To Tobie Drucker - Thanks for your contin-

ued devotion & care to our synagogue.

By: Minda & Henry Miller

To Ethel Weiner - Happy birthday.

By: Minda, Henry, Dawn & Bret Miller

To Vera Lansky - Best wishes on your up-

coming birthday.

By: Minda, Henry, Dawn & Bret Miller

To Lilly & Bruce Filler - Mazel Tov on the

birth of your grandson, Maxwell Aaron


By: Minda & Henry Miller

To Henry Emerson - In memory of your

mother, Jane Eneman.

By: Minda & Henry Miller

To Meira Warshauer & Sam Baker - Mazel

Tov on the birth of your granddaughter.

By: Minda & Henry Miller

To Rose & Harold Kline - Mazel Tov on your

upcoming synagogue honor.

By: Minda & Henry Miller

To Bluma Goldberg - Wishing you a belated

happy birthday.

By: Minda & Henry Miller

To Everett Ness - Happy birthday & Mazel

Tov on the anniversary of your Bar Mitzvah.

By: Minda & Henry Miller

To Estelle Bluestein - Glad you’re feeling


By: Minda & Henry Miller

To Erika & Jack Swerling - Mazel Tov on

your new home.

By: Minda & Henry Miller

To Dr. Rick Milne - Our prayers are with

you & your family. Continued improvement.

By: Minda & Henry Miller

To Min Chen - Glad you’re doing so well.

By: Minda & Henry Miller

To Clarke & Harold Friedman - Mazel Tov

on Lauren’s leading role in Joseph & the

Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat.

By: Minda & Henry Miller


To Susan & Frank Lourie - Double Mazel

Tov on Josh’s engagement & Joanna’s

graduation from Law school.

By: Penni & Larry Nadel


To Dr. Leon Spotts - Thanks for all you have

done for the synagogue.

By: Linda & Bill Stern

To Rachel & Derek Raynes - Mazel Tov on

the birth of your son, Maxwell Aaron


By: Linda & Bill Stern

To Lilly & Bruce Filler - Mazel Tov on the

birth of your first grandchild, Maxwell

Aaron Raynes.

By: Linda & Bill Stern By: Penni & Larry Nadel By: Lynda & Barry Laban By: Sheila, Sid, Andy & Mark Kaffee By: Fran & Larry Weiner By: Nancy & Steve Shane

To Jack Gottlieb - In honor of your being

inducted into the Society of St. Luke 2007.

By: Toni & Sam Elkins

To Sheila & Steve Gendil - Mazel Tov on the

birth of your new granddaughter, Rachel

Jane Woldorf.

By: Penni & Larry Nadel


In loving memory of my parents, Betty Jean

& Marvin Brownstein.

By: Janet Brownstein

In loving memory of my grandmother, Hattie


By: Janet Brownstein

To Chuck McConnell - In memory of your

wife, Susie.

By: Janet Brownstein & Jim Jepson

To Andy & Frank Bigelow - In memory of

your sister, Susie.

By: Janet Brownstein

To Janet Brownstein - Congratulations on

being appointed to the First Citizen’s Board

of Directors!

By: Lil & Nathan Picow

To Margi Goldstein & family - In memory of

your husband, & father, Julius Goldstein.

By: Lil & Nathan Picow

To Al Morrison - Wishing you a speedy


By: Janet Brownstein & Jim Jepson


To Sandy & Ivan Gottlieb - In honor of your

80th birthdays.

By: Faye Miller & Children By: Rene Plante

To Michele Lewsky & family - In memory of

your husband, Shaul Lewsky.

By: Marlene & Murray Riebman

Dfnfufsz!Gvoe!To Celia Port - In memory of your sister,

Jane Eneman.

By: Ida Berry By: Mildred & Al Berliner

To Henry Emerson & family - In memory

your mother, Jane Eneman.

By: Ann Lee Baron !

Fevdbujpo!Gvoe!In memory of Rose Wallenstein.

By: Ronnie & Herb Drucker

To Dr. Leon Spotts - In honor of your

outstanding service to Beth Shalom Religious


By: The Spevack Family By: Ronnie & Doris Frank

To Murray Politis - In memory of your wife,

Kay Politis.

By: Inez & Samuel Tenenbaum

Page 18

In memory of my brother, Robert


By: Ronnie & Herb Drucker

In memory of my uncle, Harry Wallenstein.

By: Ronnie & Herb Drucker

In memory of my husband, Manny Burack.

By: Ruth Burack

To Sam Baker & Meira Warshauer - Mazel

Tov on the birth of your first grandchild.

By: Nancy & Howard Nankin !


To Celia Port - In memory of your sister,

Jane Eneman.

By: Eleanor Hammer

To Sandy & Ivan Gottlieb - Happy 80th


By: Nancy & Mick Lourie

To Peggy & David Jacobs - In memory of

David’s parents, Beverly & Fred Jacobs.

By: Nancy & Mick Lourie

To Ira Miller - In memory of your mother,

Meta Miller.

By: Nancy & Mick Lourie

Foepxnfou!Gvoe!To Harold Kline - Hope you are up and

dancing soon.

By: Doris & Ronnie Frank

To the Sunshine/Karesh family - In memory

of Irving “Jeff Sunshine.

By: Frank & Larry Weiner

To Gail & Bobby Ginsberg - Mazel Tov on

the birth of your grandson, Nathan Gold


By: Fran & Larry Weiner

To Barbara & Roger Blau - Mazel Tov on

the birth of your granddaughter, Zoe Rose


By: Fran & Larry Weiner

To Peggy & David Jacobs - In memory of

your parents, Beverly & Fred Jacobs.

By: Fran & Larry Weiner

To Sarah & Tobie Drucker - Happy


By: Rose & Harold Kline

To Marcie & John Baker - Happy anniver-

sary and birthday wishes to John.

By: Rose & Harold Kline

To Dean & Arnold Bernstein - Happy

anniversary and birthday wishes to Dean.

By: Rose & Harold Kline

To Eleanor & Joel Levy - Happy birthdays.

By: Rose & Harold Kline

To Susan R. Lourie - Happy birthday.

By: Rose & Harold Kline

To Shirley Levine - Happy birthday.

By: Rose & Harold Kline

To Arlene Pearlstine - Happy birthday.

By: Rose & Harold Kline

In loving memory of “Big Pop” Alex Samet.

By: Rose & Harold Kline

In loving memory of “Little Pop” Meyer


By: Rose & Harold Kline

In memory of my brother-in-law, Albert E.


By: Rose & Harold Kline

To Erika & Jack Swerling - Wishing you

much happiness & good health in your new


By: Suzi & Scrappy Stark

To Lilly & Bruce Filler - Mazel Tov on the

birth of your first grandchild, Maxwell

Aaron Raynes.

By: Suzi & Scrappy Stark

To Frances & Philip Levin - Wishing you

well in your new office.

By: Suzi & Scrappy Stark

To Louis Rabinowitz & family - In memory

of your wife, Kris Rabinowitz.

By: The Stark families

To Aileen Sunshine & family - In memory of

Jeff Sunshine.

By: Arlene & Ben Pearlstine

Hfofsbm!Gvoe!To the Sunshine family - In memory of Jeff


By: Tanya & Stan Applebaum By: Eddie, David & Stan Ross

To David Ross - Happy birthday.

By: Dad & Stan

To Sandy & Ivan Gottlieb - Congratulations

on your 80th birthdays.

By: Eddie, David & Stan Ross

To Arlene & Jack Cherney - Happy


By: Eddie, David & Stan Ross

To Morgan Lovit - Congratulations on your


By: Ruth & Walker Rast

To Meira Warshauer & Sam Baker - In

honor of the birth of your grandchild, Chaya


By: Paula & Hyman Karesh

To Rose & Harold Kline - In your honor.

By: Marlene & Murray Riebman

To Iris Balser - Best wishes for a speedy


By: Marlene & Murray Riebman


In appreciation.

By: Thalia Birch

To Ruth Bazerman & Robert Frank - A

great trip and safe return.

By: Ronnie & Doris Frank

To Paula & Hyman Karesh - Mazel Tov on

Abby’s marriage to Rob Suss.

By: Wendy & Peter Stahl

To Sandy & Ivan Gottlieb - Happy 80th


By: Claire & Issy Nezvesky

In memory of my father, Sylvan Whitton.

By: Jack Whitton

To Doris Kahn - Happy birthday.

By: Larisa Aginskaya & Haim Tigay

To Sandra & Jack Whitton - Happy


By: Ida Berry

To Ann Lee Baron - Remembering Nat.

By: Ida Berry

In memory of my father, Paul Mennicke.

By: Ilse Sammon

To Lee Reisman - In honor of your

graduation from high school.

By: Wendy & Peter Stahl

To Amy Berger - In memory of Myron

“Buddy” Rones.

By: Melanie & Frank Baker

To Celia Port - My deepest sympathy on the

loss of your sister, Jane Eneman.

By: Anna Cohen & Harvey Cohen By: Sylvia Cremer

To Mr. & Mrs. Henry Emerson - My deepest

sympathy of the loss of your mother, Jane


By: Anna Cohen & Harvey Cohen

To Goldie Morris - We love you, good health


By: Anna Cohen & Harvey Cohen

Page 19

To Sharon & Howard Robinson - Mazel Tov

on Marci’s marriage.

By: Shelley & Rob Kriegshaber

To Helene & Melton Kligman - Mazel Tov

on Joey’s engagement to Vanessa Brill.

By: Shelley & Rob Kriegshaber

To Paula & Hyman Karesh - Mazel Tov on

Abby’s marriage.

By: Shelley & Rob Kriegshaber

In memory of my father, Sam Riebman.

By: Stanley Riebman

To Eleanor & Joel Levy - Birthday greetings.

May we continue to be friends for another 80


By: Shirley & Everett Ness

Mjcsbsz!Gvoe!To Barbara & Roger Blau - In honor of the

baby naming of your granddaughter, Zoe


By: Penni & Larry Nadel

To Everett Ness - Happy birthday.

By: Andrienne & Jack Massey, Barbara & Ron Smoller & Caren & Melvin Frank

To Shirley & Everett Ness - Happy 59th


By: Andrienne & Jack Massey, Barbara & Ron Smoller & Caren & Melvin Frank

In honor of the birth of our grandson,

Parker Jordan Fields.

By: Suzi & Sandy Fields

Qsbzfs!Cppl!)Tjn!Tibmpn*!To Shira Reisman - In honor of your Bat


By: Linda & Daryl Giddings

Sbccj’t!Ejtdsfujpobsz!Gvoe!To Nancy McCormick & Nathan Crystal - In

honor of Abraham’s engagement.

By: Sue Berkowitz & Harrison Palmer

In memory of Joseph Friedman.

By: Clarke & Harold Friedman

To Rabbi David Siff - Thank you for officiat-

ing the wedding of our children, Abby Ka-

resh & Rob Suss.

By: Paula & Hyman Karesh By: Lisa & Ron Suss !

Zbis{fju!Gvoe In memory of my mother, Mollye Silver.

By: Rachel & Rick Silver

In loving memory of my beloved father, Ezel

“Skeet” Solomon.

By: Arthur Solomon By: Hilda Pearl Solomon

In memory of my brother, Richard Grant


By: Rachel Silver

In memory of my son, David.

By: Barbara LaBelle

In memory of Penny Kirschenfeld.

By: Hannah & Paul Kirschenfeld

In loving memory of my husband, Nat


By: Ann Lee Baron

In memory of my husband, Ivan Miller.

By: Faye Miller

In memory of Jules Seideman.

By: Max Gergel

In memory of Fryderyka Gross.

By: Kay & Jeff Gross By: Elizabeth Gross

In memory of Shirly Coplan.

By: Caron Coplan

In memory of Joseph Coplan.

By: Caron Coplan

In memory of Daniel Roth.

By: Sandra & Robert Roth

In memory of my mother-in-law, Clara


By: Patricia Lovit

In memory of my father, Arnold Shayne.

By: Leslie Shayne

In loving memory of Albert E. Cremer.

By: Sylvia Cremer

In memory of my mother, Eunice Gail


By: Robin Beck

In memory of my husband, Arnold Shayne.

By: Charlotte Shayne

In memory of my father, Joseph Struletz.

By: Cheryl S. Weinstein & Louis Weinstein

In memory of Sarah Stern.

By: Marcie & John Baker

In memory of my father, Rubin Roth.

By: Sandra & Robert Roth

In memory of my wife, Adele Volin.

By: Frank Volin

In memory of Gertrude Coplan.

By: Caron Coplan

In loving memory of my daughter, Theresa


By: Ilse Sammon

In memory of my husband, Lee Baker.

By: Patricia Baker


Upebi!Sbcbi!gps!epobujpot!!sfdfjwfe!jo!ipops!pg!!Es/!Mfpo!Tqpuut Ronnie & Herb Drucker

Ilse Sammon Mark & Hope Brannock

Andrew & Marilyn Safran Catherine Ross

Tristan & Ella Weinkle Roger & Barbara Blau

P. G. Weinstein



Joe & Lycia Golson Josh, Rachel & Laura Golson

Naomi Mart Alan & Diane Witten Roger & Barbara Blau Bruce & Lilly Filler

Paul & Leah Cherney Sylvia Cremer

Mel Go Ed & Sandra Poliakoff

Gerald & Nancy Sonenshine Sol & Helen Silver

Thalia & Harold Birch Sue Berkowitz & Harrison Palmer

Hyman & Paula Karesh Harold & Rose Kline

Gerda Kahn Steven Rosansky

Ruth Burack Beth Shalom Gift Shop

Dorothy Eisenstadt Michele Lewsky

Helen Kahn Howard & Nancy Nankin

Sam & Toni Elkins Fred & Ellen Seidenberg

Ellen Simon & Leonard Damond Robin Beck

David Reisman & Michal Rubin Sol & Tootsie Kline

Ben & Arlene Pearlstine Harold & Gloria Rittenberg Jonathan & Lyssa Harvey

Beth Shalom Hebrew School

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The deadline for the September bulletin is August 15th.




(803) 782(803) 782(803) 782(803) 782----2500250025002500

RABBI: David Siff DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION: Rebecca Pinsker RESIDENT SCHOLAR: Dr. Leon Spotts PRESIDENT: Howard Stravitz EDITOR: Shelley Kriegshaber TYPESETTING & PUBLISHING: Tonya Dotson BULLETIN DONATIONS: Gwen Hutcherson WEB SITE:

Shayna Michelle Shayna Michelle Shayna Michelle Shayna Michelle

BrannockBrannockBrannockBrannock to become Bat Mitzvah to become Bat Mitzvah to become Bat Mitzvah to become Bat Mitzvah

August 3 & 4August 3 & 4August 3 & 4August 3 & 4

Shayna Michelle Brannock, daughter of Hope and Mark Brannock, is a rising eighth grade student at Dutch Fork Middle School. She is a friendly and caring teen-ager and excels in her studies. She is a member of the Junior Beta Club and plays

the flute in the middle school band. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends. She also enjoys listening to music, talking on the phone and text messaging. Shayna loves to volunteer her time at different organizations and charity events as well as baby-sitting. Shayna has developed a love for dance and has been a stu-dent at Dance World for the past three years. Please join us for the Friday evening and Saturday morning services for this special oc-casion.

Save the Date!

Back to School BingoBack to School BingoBack to School BingoBack to School Bingo September 9, 2007

12:30 – 3:00 p.m. Auction Items Needed:Auction Items Needed:Auction Items Needed:Auction Items Needed:

Please make this afternoon successful by donating items for the auction: new, unused goods, gift certificates, tickets, vacations, etc. Anyone interested in helping on the Bingo/Auction committee please con-tact Linda Schoen Giddings or Daryl Giddings at or

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