Aug-Nov. Reichard Report Newsletter

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 Aug-Nov. Reichard Report Newsletter


    MonthsAug. Nov. 2012

    We have had quite a bit going on here in Guatemala. We have had lots of answers to prayers and

    blessings and lots of struggles. God has helped us every step of the way. He has protected us and he has

    provided for all our needs. Pleas continue to pray for us as we raise these children to be men and women

    of God.

    AugustAugustAugustAugust Kids baptized - Some of the children got baptized in the lake.

    Praise the Lord!

    A trip -We took the children toa city and we stopped at a

    couple import stores that sell

    used items from the US. We

    also got to eat at Burger King.

    That stinks! - Our septic tankfilled unexpectedly But no damage done. We

    dug a new one and are now stink free.

    A prayer answered - A couple, Wilmer and AnnaMary Zimmerman, committed to come and be the house parents in our other

    home for abused girls. We have been praying for this for about two years. We

    hope to have the home up and running my March or April.

    Dental team - We hosted a dentist team that was able to work on 46 people inthe local town of Tzanchaj.

    SeptemberSeptemberSeptemberSeptember Kids program - We were invited to sing some songs at a church in the

    town. The kids did a great job, and we got to make some new friends.

    Independence day! - For Guatemala that is. As is custom, we ran tothe local town with a banner and a torch. We also made Guatemala

    flag cookies.

    OctoberOctoberOctoberOctober Life Church - From Tennessee came down this month for 10 days.

    They were a huge help and a blessing to us as well as to the

    community. They did a great VBS for a local church and put a

    concrete floor in our shed.

  • 7/30/2019 Aug-Nov. Reichard Report Newsletter


    Josh and Donna Peachey - Left after helping us here for a year and six months. We are very thankfulthey came to help with school, maintenance, and watching the kids on our days off.

    Spending time - We got to spend allot of time with the kids this month as school is out. We went on anumber of outings this month and did many activities.

    Volunteer came - A male volunteer, Logan by name, came and has committed two months to help uswith the maintenance as well as do activities with the kids.

    Yelsi off to face the world - After living in the home for the past nine yearsof her life, Yelsi is off to face the world. She plans to go to China to helpDeborahs sister and then on to India in hopes of helping abandoned and

    abused girls.

    Surgery - Lucia had her appendix removed on her birthday. Praise the Lordwe caught it before it got too bad. The surgery went well and she is now


    NovemberNovemberNovemberNovember Last minute help - Phoebe, a female volunteer, came on rather

    short notice to fill in a gap of time we had without a volunteer.

    Help couple - We found out this month that a couple will bemoving themselves and their family to serve here as our

    helping couple. They will help run the school, babysit the kids,

    maintenance, and with the other ministries we have. Praise the

    Lord for a quick answer to prayer! Concert we helped

    host a concert in

    Santiago. We had over

    2,000 attend. There were four bands, one of which was from

    the United States. There was a pastor from Mexico, as well as a

    professional BMX rider from California. A number of people gotsaved and many have been asking when they are coming back.

    A trip to the horse ranch We took the kids to ride at a local horse ranch. It was a lot of fun andeveryone got to ride.

    Thank you all for your prayers and support. The photo document that came with this has photos and

    comments on more of the things we have been doing. As you may remember from our last newsletter, we

    have had a Christian counselor coming for the past six months or so. We had some hard times with the kids

    dealing with their problems, however it seems we have passed the harder working through phase, and are

    now in the healing stage. Please continue to pray for the kids here as they heal from the abandonment and

    abuse they have suffered from. Please also pray for us as we need wisdom and patience to raise these kids.

    Thanks and God Bless,

    Dave, Deborah, David, and Felicity.

    Please see bottom 2 pages

  • 7/30/2019 Aug-Nov. Reichard Report Newsletter


    Child Highlight

    Name: Angel Alexander Palencia

    DOB: August 16, 1999

    Age: 13

    Sex: Male

    Home Town: Mixco, Guatemala

    Arrival Date: May, 2002

    Story: Angel and his two siblings were born into a broken home. His

    mother didnt care for them and kept them locked in a one room basement

    apartment alone. Angels mother and father were alcoholics and his

    father has since died. His grandmother took care of them for some time,

    but after a while the grandmother decided she could no longer care for

    them and was afraid of their mother coming after her. She then turned

    them into the court for protection. Angel is a leader and likes to build

    and invent things. He likes to care for little kids and is good withanimals. Angel is good at witnessing to Jehovah witnesses or others who

    try to contradict what the Bible says. Please pray that he will seek God

    for his future and grow closer to Him more each day. Angel is starting


    grade in January.

    Prayer Requests

  • 7/30/2019 Aug-Nov. Reichard Report Newsletter



    God has provided a couple to be house parents at the new home!

    God has provided a helping couple!

    God has kept us safe, even through a 7.4 earth quake.

    God has provided for our financial needs.

    We will be digging a well very soon!

    That God gave Deborah and I the opportunity to care for these children.

    Give thanks to the LordGive thanks to the LordGive thanks to the LordGive thanks to the Lord,,,, forforforfor HHHHe is goode is goode is goode is goodPsalmPsalmPsalmPsalm 136:1136:1136:1136:1


    For continued safety in this rainy season and from robbers That the well costs will be lower than estimated That the two new couples and their children will adjust well to the change in culture and life style That God will continue to provide the support for the home as well as the new home. For patience and wisdom for us.

    And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faithAnd whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faithAnd whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faithAnd whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faithMatt. 21:22Matt. 21:22Matt. 21:22Matt. 21:22

    Please keep all of us in your prayers. Feel free to e - mail us at or call at 011-502-

    4407-0519 or 011-502-4407-1480. We would love to hear from people. If you would like to support us on a

    monthly basis or to give one time gifts please see the information below on page 4. Please do not write ournames on checks.Attach a not with the check as to who it is for. Thank you all for your support and your e-

    mails. God Bless.

    Contact Info Below

  • 7/30/2019 Aug-Nov. Reichard Report Newsletter


    How to Contact us

    Our Address in Guatemala for letters and packages:

    Dave and Deborah Reichard

    APDO POSTAL #35San Lucas, Sacatepequez, Guatemala.

    For those who wish to contribute and want a tax receipt, please make check out toand send to:

    Harvest Fellowship of Colebrookdale

    584 Colebrookdale Road

    Boyertown , PA 19512.

    Contribute online @Contribute online @Contribute online @Contribute online @

    FACEBOOK Our Facebook page - Manos de Compasion

    Web site Our web sire is finally done! Check it out!

    Blog We have a blog where we post the newsletters and write about what is going on.

    Skype Our Skype name is - david.e.reichard

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