Audience Specific Events

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Audience Specific Events


    Audience Specific Events

    1. Sit on the floor

    2. Hold your hands together

    3. Clap quietly

    4. Walk with heavy footsteps

    5. Clap loudly

    6. Do nothing

    7. Give someone an answer

    8. Do something

    9. Place your hands over your ears

    10.Do anything

    11.Ask someone a question

    12.Drop something small to the floor

    13.Achieve nothing

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    14.Achieve something

    15.Achieve anything

    16.Achieve everything

    17.Move with big steps

    18.Sing a long note

    19.Make a long sound

    20.Make a very loud sound

    21.Make a very quiet sound

    22.Make several sounds

    23.Recite a line of a poem, very slowly

    24.Recite a line of a poem, very quickly

    25.Take a pen and some paper, write a short poem inspired by the

    events around you and perform it

    26.Freeze for at least one minute

    27.Take a piece of paper. Screw it up and throw it in the air

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    29.Do not loiter


    31.Count the number of people around you

    32.Mime smoking a cigarette

    33.Mime holding a baby

    34.Hold your hand on your face as if it were stuck there by glue

    35.Crush a mobile phone in your hand until it turns into a diamond

    36.Imagine the pain of having a recently boiled kettle poured onto

    your face

    37.Imagine that you have won 7.3 million

    38.If you had the power to bring an end to war, would you do it?

    39.Concentrate on an inanimate object so hard that it comes to life

    40.Suck one of your own fingers

    41.Eat popcorn

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    42.Concentrate on one thing

    43.Concentrate on two things

    44.Absorb the sound

    45.Perform the alphabet

    46.Perform the phonetic alphabet

    47.Close your eyes

    48.Blink rapidly for five seconds

    49.Stand on one leg

    50.Read a book click your fingers

    51.make a sound like a baby

    52.Move from a standing to a sitting position as slowly as possible

    53.Remove something from your bag or pocket. Use it. Put it back

    54.Think about something

    55.Think about nothing

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    56.Think about anything

    57.Think about everything

    58.Dial a random number and ask to speak to anyone.

    59.Make a phone call that lasts for five minutes.

    60.Do any activity using the hand you use least.

    61.Take a handful of coins and arrange them into similar piles.

    62.Open and close your eyes.

    63.Move a part of your body as slowly as possible.

    64.Write out the alphabet thirty-seven times.

    65.Walk around the outside of something.

    66.Think about the number seven. Say it aloud six times.

    67.Spend some time looking at the lines on the inside of your


    68.Say out loud as many colours as you can think of as quickly as


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    69.Imagine the letter a.

    70.Explore the number seven for as long as you wish.

    71.Denounce something.

    72.Consider the universe.

    73.Walk through a solid wall.

    74.Wait for anything.

    75.Keep your mouth open for three minutes or more.

    76.Tell someone you love them, when you really dont.

    77.Understand a shadow.

    78.Contemplate a haircut.

    79.Do something that makes fifty-one percent of the people you

    know happy.

    80.Shake hands with another person.

    81.Say what you really think.

    82.Be yourself.

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    83.Fly like a bird.

    84.Walk backwards.

    85.Jump so high in the air that you burst through the ozone layer

    and dance with the stars.

    86.Pick up an object and place it in one hand. Close both hands.

    Guess which hand the object is in.

    87.Wriggle your toes.

    88.Walk 1000 steps and rest.

    89.Look at the floor.


    91.Drink a river.

    92.Emasculate a dictionary.

    93.Solve a simultaneous equation.

    94.Wear a suit.

    95.Run away from something.

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    96.Watch a group of people.


    98.Go behind something.

    99. See your future.

    100. Act upon an impulse.

    101. Place something around your neck.

    102. Think long and hard about becoming a ghost.

    103. Express yourself in nine different ways.

    104. Draw a line that best reflects your personality.

    105. Consider: 5x0=0

    106. Say out loud all the letters of the numbers nought to ten, atthe rate of one number per second.

    107. Be fabulous.

    108. Make sure they all laugh at you.

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    109. Walk across a rainbow.

    110. Take the lid off a pen, put it back on again.

    111. Relax.

    112. Make an anagram of your name.

    113. Stop photosynthesis.

    114. Think about osmosis.

    115. Touch the meniscus.

    116. Choose a word for every letter of the alphabet, find a word

    that rhymes with each word. Now find a word that connects the

    two rhyming words. Take the first letter of each of the seventy-

    eight words and arrange into a sentence.

    117. Open something, close it and repeat.

    118. Blink once a second for sixty seconds.

    119. Put your hands in your shoes and walk.

    120. Turn something.

    121. Touch the material you are reading this sentence from.

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    122. Comb your own hair, first slowly then speeding up.

    123. Graphically represent music or art.

    124. Observe what is in front of you, mentally capture it and twist

    your head as far round as you can. Close your eyes and

    remember the captured image.

    125. Place your hand over a surface where you can see the

    resultant shadow. Hold your hand four centimetres away and

    very slowly bring it down.

    126. Multiply a number by a shape.

    127. Choose any word, say it out loud, making it last for one


    128. Feel your own face with your own hands.

    129. Touch your own eyeball with a finger.

    130. Have a conversation with another person. Each newsentence must begin with the next consecutive letter of the


    131. Be.

    132. Be not.

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    133. Listen.

    134. Do.

    135. Make a line, follow it.

    136. Release yourself.

    137. Cover one side of a small piece of white paper with enough

    small/thin lines to eradicate the whiteness. Display so that both

    sides are clearly visible, a reminder of peace and unity.

    138. Consider the eventuality of consideration.

    139. Freedom.

    140. Tense your entire body as much as possible for seven


    141. Identify with the anxiousness of a revolutionary theory.

    142. Contradict a predominant characteristic.

    143. Reclaim an environment.

    144. Reform a society, without speaking.

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    145. Construct and deconstruct a situation.

    146. Eat 1000 raffle tickets.

    147. Expect the unexpected.

    148. Wander.

    149. Observe ambience for any duration of time.

    150. Superimpose a popular belief onto an urban legend.

    151. Seduce a simplicity.

    152. Create a radiant, vibrant harmony.

    153. Find the relationship between the following four sets of

    numbers: 40/73+131/186+262/339+1079/1898

    154. Consider the definition of the word context

    155. Write out the fibonacci sequence.

    156. Go as far as you can go, then go farther.

    157. Telephone a friend, preferably a relatively new friend, to tell

    them the time.

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    158. Give a person a blank sheet and ask them to explain.

    159. Look around you, find a small cross and focus on it.

    160. Think of a word that rhymes with sticker, use it in a sentence

    about your friends.

    161. Look for someone with very long hair; watch what they do.

    162.Think about how many grains of sand there are in the world.

    163.Think about how many blades of grass there are in this world.

    164. Consider yourself in a parallel universe.

    165. Make a sound, if you are happy with that sound - make

    another. Keep going until you make a sound you are unhappy


    166. Try something for two minutes, if you find it boring try it for

    four minutes, then eight minutes.

    167. Scream.

    168. Subtract your age from 103.

    169. Try to do nothing.

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    170. Take the vowels and consonants out of your name, then

    pronounce is out loud.

    171. Tell a lie so great, you stop time.

    172. Write in 100 words, exactly how you wish to die.

    173. Be hypnotised.

    174. Imagine all the worse things, creeping in and standing icily

    around your bed.

    175. Smell like an orange.

    176. Brighten someones day.

    177. Say it with flowers.

    Variation: say it with words.

    178. Address your irrational fears and be cured of them.

    179. Find yourself, lose yourself, find yourself, lose yourself.

    180. Take a 1 coin, look at the date and add the numbers

    together, then triple the product. This may be the age you die.

    181. See how many sounds you can make with your mouth.

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    182. Focus on an object, without blinking, until your vision blurs.

    183. Write out the alphabet at a rate of one letter per five seconds.

    184. Have no senses at all for about five minutes.

    185. Find a bald headed person, touch their head.

    186. Find a man with a beard, stroke it.

    187. Write the number one once; two four times; three nine

    times; four sixteen times. Continue this pattern for as long as

    you wish.

    188. If you see a person wearing glasses, tell them you like their

    glasses. If there are no glasses in the equation, tell the person

    they would look good with glasses.

    189. Invent a suitable twenty-seventh letter to extend the alphabet.

    190. Invent your own word and use it convincingly in a sentence.

    191. Sit down, lift yourself up by pushing your arms down.

    192. Have an adventure.

    193. Wink at someone.

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    194. Write down Shakespeare in as many ways as you can think


    195. Name a pianist for each letter of the alphabet.

    196. Place about twenty small dots on a page and draw lines

    between as few or as many as you like.

    197. Tell a joke in extremely bad taste, amongst people you know

    will not appreciate it.

    198. Tell a joke, without laughing.

    Variation:Laugh uncontrollably throughout the telling, so much

    so that the other person does not hear the joke.

    199. Draw any shape; then draw any two shapes near it. Turn

    your page ninety degrees. If it looks like a car do it again, if not,


    200. Fill your mouth with saliva, open your mouth and let it dribble

    out down your chin.

    201. When Catholics cross your path, cross theirs.

    202. Protest silently, do not make it known.

    203. Rename the months of the year to suit your personality.

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    204. Sing the highest note you can think of then think about the

    lowest note -but do not sing it.

    205. With some friends, form a line, keep checking your watches,

    stamping your feet and making impatient vocal sounds.

    206. Choose a nationality, different from your own and behave


    207. Become aware of your own heartbeat.

    208. Cough loudly in public.

    209. Rub the end of a black ink pen against a fingernail.

    210. Touch the persons hair, in front of you, without them realising.

    211.Cut yourself on the rings of Saturn.

    212. Talk as a pirate might, for as long as you wish.

    213. The colour of blood. The colour of money. The colour ofheat. The colour of envy. The colour of the sky.

    214. Tell a joke about a duck. Now tell a joke about a goat and

    then a horse. Now tell ten jokes about a duck..

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    215. Choose two words. Begin chanting one word and slowly,

    gradually turn the first word into the second.

    216. Move your head continuously.

    217. Bite the last apple with your blood stained fingers.

    218. Comment loudly that you have terrible body odour.

    219. Talk to someone, go red, feel yourself turning red, go even

    redder, feel yourself turning crimson, turn a thick, congealed

    blood colour, feel this happening, walk away.

    220.Dont eat, if you get hungry, dont eat, if you feel hungry, dont

    eat, if you feel hungry, dont eat, dont eat, dont eat.

    221. You stand in a wasteland, surrounded entirely by nothing.

    You wait, in a black hole. Time. Time. Time. In a wasteland,

    you stand, nothing surrounding you. A black hole. Time time

    time. The wasteland surrounds (you are nothing) entirely. The

    whole black. Timetimetimetimetime.

    222. Comment out loud on the state of you being.

    Variation:Comment out loud on the state of your nothingness.

    223. Make a name out of the following letters: OHENMJCRIRK.

    224.Solve: 2+2

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    225. In a public place, with not too many people, draw the frame of

    a game of noughts and crosses on a piece of paper and show it

    to someone and offer them a pen without saying anything. If

    they so wish, play a game.

    226. Take a small plastic cup - slowly squeeze the top together, it

    is your choice to whether you break the cup or not.

    227. Place a car on your eyeball, lift it up. Place a car on top of

    that car. Take away the first car and let the second car drop

    onto your eyeball.

    228. Do something which you know will change your outlook on


    229. Wander lonely, as an eyeball in a glass of cloudy lemonade.

    230. Observe two people sat within close proximity. Imagine a

    bridge linking their knees together.

    231. Write half a text and disregard.

    232. Open your palm wide, imagine a handful of broken glass -

    slowly close your hand with your eyes shut.

    233. Detach your legs, give them to someone who might use them


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    234. Open your mouth as wide as you can, remove all your teeth

    with a pair of pliers, collecting all the blood. Remove your

    gums, tongue and lips. Burn your genitals and pour the blood

    through the fingers of one hand, reciting the lyrics of any song

    by the Spice Girls.

    235. With four crotchets, four quavers and thirteen

    demisemiquavers, make a rhythm.

    Variation:You may include any numbers of rests of any duration

    at any point.

    236. Make a list of ten essay titles. You should not write the


    237. Change the suns light bulb.

    238. Place a hand on a wall, close your eyes, feel around for

    impurities. Take time to feel as much as possible and imagine

    what it might look like.

    239. Hold your right thumb as far in your left armpit as possible

    and stretch out your little finger as much as you can.

    240. Spell the word Mississippi.

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    241. Walk for five steps with your hands in your pockets, then an

    immediate five steps with your right hand out, down by your

    side, then a further five steps with your left hand out down by

    your side. For the following five steps return your right hand to

    your pocket and then after another five steps return your left

    hand to its starting position. After those twenty-five steps walk

    freely without counting, then, when you are ready, repeat with

    six, seven steps etc until you reach your destination.

    242. Create two objects, blue and green. Place them against a

    brown backdrop.

    243. Make contact with an alien species.

    244. A person holds their mouth in terror. Whenever they remove

    their hands an unbelievable cacophony of horror escapes.

    245. Imagine yourself to be two swans, resting on a lake.

    246. Touch your tongue on your top lip, leaving it there as long as

    you wish.

    247. Draw an arrow on a page.

    248. Put your fist in your mouth and keep it there until the tide

    goes out.

    249. Be cautious, but not overly.

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    250. Find the connection between football, basketball and netball.

    251. Is there a need for war?

    252. If you make someone laugh, they dont have to pay.

    253. Keep breathing, in, out, in, out, in.

    254. Choose a number between one and eighty-eight. Every time

    you hear this number you must squawk loudly.

    255. Make any one sound in ten minutes and twenty eight


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