Audience feedback on 1st magazine draft

Post on 28-Jun-2015






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Audience Feedback on First Magazine DraftGeeta Gohil

The first question was asking the person who was being surveyed on whether the magazine reached it’s level of professionalism, before starting the survey, they were given a link to the magazine in which they could have a quick look at it.Out of the 11 people who answered my survey, 8 of them responded to my magazine being professional and 2 saying it’s very professional. This gives me a clear indication as an editor that the magazine has reached it standards, however there are few things in which I could do to make it a bit mature. Furthermore the results of the first question has given me a boost into my confidence on my magazine being good and reaching the expectations of the target audience.

Question 1

Question 2The second question asked the audience on each of the different features of the front cover and whether it was appealing.The features of the front cover in which they had to give their opinion on were; Image, Layout, Colour Scheme, Font and Chosen Sell Lines. They had to rate them all; Excellent, Good, Ok or Poor. This gave me a big indication on whether they liked the front cover, as it’s the most important page of the magazine, In order for the magazine to sell.For the image, 11 people thought the choice of image was excellent or good, similar with the layout.More people (7 – 63.64%) said that the colour scheme was Excellent, giving me a big indication that my front cover so far is appealing. Continuing, for the Font, 1 person said that it was Ok, whereas 7 people said it was Ok, here I took in consider of the font and may decide to change my font into making it a bit more readable for my audience.7 People said that the chosen sell lines were Good, implying that maybe my sell lines may have to be more exciting.

Question 3

The third question asked the person taking the a survey a similar question from the previous one, however it was based on the contents page.From the data below, you can see that 6 people thought that the types of images chosen are Good, however ^ people said the layout was Excellent.The Font got 3 votes for Ok and 5 votes for Good, once again implying that the font could be improved and more appealing.The colour scheme is excellent according to 54.55% out of 11 people. Similarly, 54.55% thought that the information (text) on the contents page was Good.I received additional information by one person leaving a comment saying ‘the light blue made it a little difficult to read initially.’ This has given me a great chance to improve my work and make sure I meet the expectations of my target audience.

Question 4The fourth question is once again following the concept of rating the following features on the double page spreads. From looking at the data, I can see that the images were good with 6 people voting ‘Good. The layout had two equal responses with excellent and good have 5 votes each, meaning my magazine’s double page spread’s layout are good.The article has 7 votes on being Excellent, proving that my article may have possible intrigued the audience and may have entertained them which is my sole purpose.The style of the magazine got 63.64% out of 11 people portraying that overall my magazine double page spreads are decent and looking good.With the colour scheme, Quotes and Font, the borders of the appropriate rating is levelled between excellent and good.

Question 5

This question once again asked the audience to rate the features however this was for my additional page. I received many negative votes which proves that this page wasn’t as appealing and successful as the others. I received data that the layout was mainly ok, the colour scheme was excellent however one person said that it was poor – contrasting strongly.The text and the font both received Excellent, Good and Ok rates. In my point of view, from the information given from the survey, I need to make sure that this page is significantly improved to make sure it matches up the standard of the other pages.

Question 6

I asked the people answering my survey to comments on which my strengths were in general in the magazine, I received a lot of mixed comment ranging from images, to the colours.This is beneficial to me as then I can see what the readers like. It also shows what I’ve been doing well in appealing the magazine to my targeted audience.

Question 7

I asked the people answering my survey to comment on which my weakness were in general in the magazine, I received a lot of mixed comments ranging from the last page, to the colours and font.This is beneficial to me as then I can see what the readers dislike and can make sure that my media product is appealed to them and meets their expectations. The comments given will be taken in consideration when improving my magzine.

Question 8

I asked the people answering my survey to comment on general improvements I can make to my magazine.I received a lot of mixed comments ranging from changing the font and change the colours to make them more mature. The layout was also mentioned a lot of the back page. I will make sure I take these comments in consideration as these will be very beneficial to me when improving my magazine as I have found out on what my audience have not liked and would possibly like to be improved so that they can red a better version of it.

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