AUB-NCC Newsletter Summer 2008, Issue No. 24

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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nNo.24 summer08 The Newsletter of the Initiative for Biodiversity Studies in Arid Regions

Bird Watching: the Great Escape or the Great Connection?

The first point to stress is that I am a bird watcher not an ornithologist. If any of you

want to meet someone who really understands birds scientifically, then visit with Dr.

George Tohmeh and Dr. Ghassan Jaradi. My knowledge is like that of someone who

goes regularly to the cinema. I enjoy enormously what I see, but I do not know as

much as I would like about the creatures that so delight me.

I have been a bird watcher since the early 1980s when I first saw a malkite kingfisher

at Lake Naivasha in Kenya. That tiny jewel kept me from paying much attention to

elephants, giraffes, and lions. I have “birded “ ever since in New Jersey, California,

Texas, Costa Rica, Peru, Ethiopia, Botswana, Tanzania, Morocco, Turkey, Armenia,

France, and of course Lebanon in the last ten years.

Few Lebanese I fear realize what a treasure lies at their doorstep, at least twice

a year. Lebanon is on the great migration corridor leading from Northern Europe

and Siberia to Africa. Millions of birds make this passage twice annually, sometimes

10,000 kilometers in either direction. Believe it or not, many of these birds, often

exhausted from hundreds of kilometers of continuous flight, come down on our

campus, seeking rest and food before resuming their voyage. A few years ago

Mike Harrison photographed an exhausted common cuckoo outside his office in

Corporation Yard.

During migration in the fall and spring one can frequently see on our campus

European bee eaters (war war in Arabic), black capped warblers, spotted flycatchers,

song thrush, red starts, hoopoes, and very occasionally herons, and large raptors

like buzzards.

We also have birds that take

up longer term residence like

the spectacular Palestinian

sun bird (photographed

by Marwan Sabban along

the road to the lower

campus), the lesser white

throated warbler, the black

bird (in Arabic, shahrour),

the common kingfisher

Common Kingfisher at Marquand House. Photo by John Waterbury.

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(photographed by me at

Marquand House), and

the European robin (rouge


Then there are the permanent

residents, primarily green

finches, bulbuls, sparrows,

doves, and prinias. We have

also the feral (domesticated

animals/birds that have

returned to the ‘wild’)

such as the ring necked parakeet. Most visitors and residents are depicted in the

wonderful brochure prepared by Ghassan Jaradi on the birds of the AUB campus.

Unfortunately it is difficult to appreciate these birds without a good pair of

binoculars. Perhaps the University could look into establishing a pool of binoculars

that could be loaned out to interested students, staff, faculty and visitors so that

more AUBites can actually see what we have.

AUB’s campus is a very special place ecologically, a green and varied forest in

the heart of Beirut. It is an imperfect resting place given the dangers of the urban

environment. We also have our large resident cat population that we hope will

diminish naturally over time but which poses a threat to birds, especially those that

feed on the ground. However you will notice frequently doves and cats almost side

by side. We hope that full stomachs and advanced age will dull the cats’ hunting


Birds are extraordinarily beautiful and extraordinarily strong. For me they are

my link to nature. They are also a sign of the health of the earth’s ecology. So

many bird species are

threatened by the loss of

habitat, hunters, and toxic

materials in their food from

pesticides and herbicides.

Their endangered status

is merely a prelude to

our own. I am happy that

the AUB campus does

something to slow the

process down.

Spotted Cuckoo. Photo by Mike Harrison.

Palestine sun bird. Photo by Marwan Sabban.JOHN WATERBURY

Ibsar power of planting initiative – ‘seeds of hope, trees for tomorrow’ special updates:

The gift of giving trees – 1,000 trees for 1,000 guests

Some gifts are precious – others are

priceless. Such was the wedding gift

of Zena el-Khalil, an environmentalist

and artist, seeking a meaningful

wedding gift for her brother. Rather

than presenting him with a traditional

wedding gift, she approached IBSAR

with hopes of finding something that

would make a lasting impression

while preserving nature. A mutual

agreement was made and the idea

emerged to have 1,000 trees planted

– one for each guest at the wedding.

This inspired IBSAR to continue

thinking of interesting ways in

which the Lebanese public, both

home and abroad, can have a native

tree planted as a gift to someone special. Learn more about our tree gift cards at

From left to right:

Arbi Sarkissian, Zena El-Khalil, Khaled Sleem.



Reducing wedding pollution with native trees

In July 2008, I posted an article on my blog I made for IBSAR called, “Tree Proposal:

Reducing Wedding Pollution with Native Trees” (http://simbarusseau.wordpress.


The article was about Zena Al-Khalil, a Lebanese recycling artist and environmental

activist who joined an IBSAR-initiated ongoing tree awareness project. By planting

1,000 trees, she aimed at raising guests’ interest in Lebanon’s environment and at

creating a sacred memento for her brother’s wedding. The following month, I received

a comment thanking me for reporting on this issue. I think that as storytellers and

journalists, it is vital for us to take responsibility by reporting on issues ignored by

mainstream media – so as to raise awareness and to highlight key issues facing the

region, such as the environment.

Seeds of Hope Trees for Tomorrow

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IBSAR establishes a native tree nursery at AREC

At tree nurseries, tree

seedlings grow in optimum

conditions, ensuring they are

ready for transplanting at the

appropriate time. In support

of the “Seeds of Hope,

Trees for Tomorrow” project,

IBSAR established a large

nursery at AREC consisting

of two green houses and a

shade house to host more

than 25,000 trees from

26 species (all natives).

The scientific justification

behind using seeds for this

tree planting campaign is

that seeds always acquire

the most diverse genetic

makeup, so when used in

any plantings, they help

restore plant biodiversity.

More importantly, IBSAR

collected seeds from different regions in order to help sustain the diversity of trees.


ACS and IC youth plant seeds of hope

One of the major goals of

IBSAR since its founding

has been to raise awareness

about biodiversity, especially

amongst the youth, for they

will be tomorrow’s decision

makers. In this context,

IBSAR held two activities;

in May 2008, it helped

organize a one-day field trip

to AREC (Beqaa) for a dozen

ACS graduating high school

students from Ms. Renée

Codsi’s Environmental

Systems course. This class

was given a brief seminar

about IBSAR’s “Seeds of

Hope, Trees for Tomorrow”

by IBSAR’s Arbi Sarkissian.

The group planted about

300 seeds that will be

transplanted as young trees

in villages by autumn 2009.

The second event involved nearly 100 IC students. IBSAR held a seed planting

workshop at AUB’s nursery introducing them to composting and seed preparation

and lecturing on an undervalued native Lebanese tree, the carob.ARBI SARKISSIAN


IC students learning about seed planting during the IBSAR workshop

held at AUB.

View of the AREC nursery established by IBSAR.

View of the AREC nursery established by IBSAR.

ACS students during their one-day field trip to AREC.

IBSAR plants its “seeds of hope” in tomorrow’s grown-ups

It all began with collecting seeds of different Lebanese trees and plants – this was

how IBSAR’s “Seeds of Hope, Trees for Tomorrow” project started. The strength

of this project lies in its

ability to underscore the

importance of saving

Lebanon’s biodiversity and of

pressing citizens to assume

responsibility in that field.

As part of this project, and

proceeding from its belief

that children are tomorrow’s

hope, IBSAR launched a new

initiative focused on kids.


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Some of the participating kids.

The Center organized a biodiversity promotion day in Bazbina-Akkar on the 30th of

August 2008. Twenty-eight kids from the region aged between 9 and 13 participated

in the event. The children went on a forest trip and learned about different trees

and plants through interactive and educational games. They enjoyed a Saturday in

nature and developed an environmental awareness that should hopefully prompt

them to preserve forests and understand the significance of biodiversity.

Tree Identification Workshop in Al-Shouf

Educational outreach that links academic knowledge to public practice is effective.

As such, and in collaboration with the Al-Shouf Biosphere Reserve, IBSAR organized

a workshop in Maaser Al-Shouf for the Reserve’s volunteer guides. The workshop

featured a presentation on the distinct species of trees in the proximity of the

Reserve, on tree taxonomy, and interesting uses of trees. It also featured a lunch

and field trip from Maaser to Khreybeh Al-Shouf where participants were shown

different types of trees and given exercises to help memorize names through

studying their botanical characteristics. KHALED SLEEM

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IBSAR publishes a new booklet on biodiversity in Lebanon

Did you know that Lebanon is

abundant in wild orchids? As

orchids play an important role

in biodiversity preservation,

IBSAR published its first

booklet titled “Orchids

from Lebanon” as part of

its initiative on biodiversity

conservation. The booklet

covers wild orchid species

that can be found in one part

of Al-Shouf Biosphere Reserve. Thirteen wild orchid species have been identified,

and their habitats and natural cycles monitored, through mapping and determination

of their conservation status in villages of Ain Dara, Bomhray, Barouk, Dalboun and

Ain Zhalta. The initiative’s aim is to raise awareness about the existence and need

to preserve wild orchids in Lebanon. Among other activities, IBSAR’s next step

is production of more booklets covering wild orchid species in other parts of the

country. “Orchids from Lebanon” is being distributed through IBSAR and Al-Shouf

Biosphere Reserve. To learn more about wild Lebanese orchids, please pick up a

copy of this new booklet.




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IBSAR holds another successful edition of IBDAA

Another edition -

and another success

registered by IBSAR…

The event: IBDAA. The

date: May 22nd, a date

designated by the United

Nations as International

Biodiversity Day. In

keeping with this

tradition locally, IBSAR

hosted its 2nd annual

forum for students and

faculty members from a wide range of disciplines. Hundreds of AUB students and

faculty toured the Green Oval quad to view poster presentations set up by AUB

students showcasing their personal interests in promoting biological diversity in

Lebanon. Among the themes was the research conducted around three particular

plants growing in Lebanon – cactus (Opuntia spp.), carob bean (Ceratonia siliqua),

and bay (Laurus nobilis).

A view from the IBDAA event.

IBSAR’s booklet “Orchids from Lebanon”.



View from the Maaser El Shouf IBSAR workshop.

View from the Maaser El Shouf IBSAR workshop.


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s Anti-inflammatory and Anti-cancer bio-activity in the popularly used folk medicinal plant Centaurea ainetensis (Qanturyun

aynata or Shawk al-dardar)

Lebanon and the coastal Mediterranean region, known for its rich floral diversity

and unique trade route through history, has had a resourceful literature of folk

medicine and herbal remedies for a wide range of diseases including inflammation,

hyperlipemia, arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, immune

deficiency, central nervous system disorders, and cancer. For the past several years,

a group of IBSAR faculty members has been involved in studies to validate the use

of folk medicinal plants that are endemic to Lebanon. Twenty nine plants endemic to

Lebanon and claimed to have medicinal effects, according to a survey of Lebanese

folk literature as well as interviews with several known herbalists in the Greater

Beirut area, were chosen for such studies. After preliminary testing of the plants’

extracts, Centaurea ainetensis Bois [= C. eryngioides Lam. var. ainetensis Bois.], a

native plant of Lebanon, which grows at an elevation of 1200-1800 m in the northern

part of the country, was selected as the candidate plant to further characterize its

claimed anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer bio-activity using in-vitro and in-vivo


The Centaurea, a genus of about 500 species of herbaceous plants of the composite

family (Asteraceae) and native to the Mediterranean region, is widely used in Middle

Tree Identification Workshop in Al-Shouf


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Eastern folk medicine. In

vitro studies showed that

water decoctions (1:8 vol/vol

decoctions as used in herbal

remedies) from C. ainetensis,

at noncytotoxic concentrations,

inhibited in a dose-dependent

manner several inflammatory

markers including interleukins

and gelatinases produced

by endotoxin-treated cells.

The inhibition was detected in doses as low as 3% and reached maximal levels of

inhibition at 8%. C. ainetensis extract at these concentrations did not affect the

cell’s expression of normal housekeeping proteins. In vivo studies showed that C.

ainetensis extract reversed endotoxin-induced pain and paw edema in rodents.

Interestingly, such extracts also inhibited the growth of several tumor cell lines

and showed anti-cancer effects in rodents. Further studies suggested that the bio-

activities noted are due to a sesquiterpene agent; salograviolide A. Further studies

on salograviolide A are currently underway to determine its mechanism of action at

the cellular level.

Centaurea ainetensis.


Sesame oil as a natural remedy for cough in children

In an increasingly chemical world, natural remedies are increasingly of interest.

Within the context of natural treatments for common health problems, a presentation

titled “Sesame Oil in Ameliorating Cough in Children: Myth or Reality” was held by

Drs. Bassem Saab, MD, Nora Pashayan, MD, Najat Saliba, PhD, and Ramzi Sabra,

MD PhD. Held in Aley, Lebanon on 24 August 2008, the presentation covered the

rationale, methodology, and results of a study held to determine the usefulness of

sesame oil for treating cough in children.

Though usually a self-limited problem, cough requires treatment as it causes

pain, insomnia, fatigue, and impacts family members and personal productivity.

In fact, acute cough is the largest cause for consultation in primary care. In

terms of treatment, more than 100 OTC preparations are available and often have

decongestants, antihistamines, antitussives, and expectorants as ingredients. The

majority includes 2-4 active ingredients, yet there is no proven evidence for their

effectiveness. As for herbal common cold remedies, these include the Lebanese

Zhurat, opiates, thyme, ephedra, and menthol.

Sesame oil, the study concludes, provides lubrication and acts as a disinfectant.

It has active ingredients such as Phenols (which have anti-oxidant, antiseptic,

antimutagenic & expectorant properties). It is also rich in vitamin E, an anti-oxidant.

Sesame oil’s Free Fatty Acids - oleic, linoleic (LA) and linolenic acids (LNA) – are

essential for normal cellular functions such as membrane fluidity, membrane enzyme








n IBSAR participates in The Garden Show

IBSAR participated in this

year’s Garden Show which

has been held five years

in a row successfully at

the Hippodrome de Beirut.

During the five-day event,

held from 10-14 June 2008,

over 20,000 visitors strolled

in a relaxed and inviting

atmosphere around the 160

booths to select their plants,

flowers, equipment and

garden furniture. The IBSAR team presented their projects in a booth located next

to the nature and ecotourism NGOs, and gave the participants the chance to adopt

native trees and donate to help preserve native orchids through buying an orchids

screen saver CD. Kids were well catered to at IBSAR’s booth as parents assisted

their children in painting native tree silhouettes that they took home as souvenirs.

View from The Garden Show stand.

activities and eicosanoid synthesis. The study concludes that sesame oil seems to

decrease the frequency of cough and sputum production, but not significantly so.







US Forest Service delegation visits IBSAR

The US Forest Service (USFS) recently sent a delegation to Lebanon to explore

opportunities for collaboration on biodiversity conservation, wildfire control and

prevention, and forest management. IBSAR faculty members Dr. Salma Talhouk and

Khaled Sleem, along with several graduate students, welcomed the delegation and

gave them a tour of the AUB Agricultural Research and Education Center in the Bekaa

Valley, where they were introduced to IBSAR’s Seeds of Hope municipal reforestation

program. The delegation was impressed by IBSAR’s mission and the dedication

of its members to protect Lebanon’s stunning and unique biodiversity. While in

Beirut, the USFS delegation also met with representatives from governmental and

nongovernmental institutions to identify new areas for cooperation.

The USFS is a domestic government agency that manages 777 million dunams

of national forests and grasslands on behalf of the American people. The Agency

has a strong history of commitment to international cooperation, beginning with

its first Chief, Gifford Pinchot, who advocated for international engagement to

both conserve natural resources and sustain rural livelihoods. Pinchot often cited

Lebanon’s cedars as a compelling example of a globally important treasure that

would benefit from cooperative international conservation efforts. Today, the Forest

Service works around the world to achieve Pinchot’s vision, promote sustainable

forest and grassland management, advance biodiversity conservation, and assist

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opened for me a window of opportunities to test and develop my skills in a cause I

find worth investing my time and efforts into. Working with IBSAR has exposed me

to people of different backgrounds and skills, which enriched my experience and

enhanced my ability to work harmoniously in a diverse environment”.


Albert Vanlien, a Biology student at Haigazian University,

joined IBSAR in Summer 2008. The reason? “I needed

a medium in which I could efficiently make a positive

change in this world, and because the preservation of

nature is one of my priorities. Joining IBSAR was one of

the best choices I’ve made so far. I am a dreamer, but I’m

an active dreamer,” says Albert.


Nour graduated with a BS in biology in June ’08 and

is now planning to master in health management and

policy. She first found out about IBSAR while taking a

chemistry course (Chem 206) with Dr. Najat Saliba and

ended up helping with the organization of IBDAA ’08.

She is working on developing the IBDAA competition so

that it can be taken to the next level, as well as working

on producing upcoming products for IBSAR.


A second-year LDEM student, Siba Samra started

volunteering at IBSAR at the end of July 2008 due to her

major and interest in nature and biodiversity. At IBSAR,

she helped plan events such as the Akkar biodiversity

day camp for kids. In addition, she worked on designing

signage for the AREC farm, and interactive maps that

show IBSAR plantings in all Lebanese regions. “I enjoyed

my summer at IBSAR, mainly due to meeting new people and experiencing many

activities. I look forward to repeating this experience next summer,” says Siba.


Joelle graduated with a master in Biology. She started

working last March with IBSAR as a part-time research

assistant. She was involved in the research and outreach

committee and gained a lot of experience from being

part of diverse events such as IBDAA, The Garden Show,

Akkar Workshop and many other activities.

other nations in responding

to natural disasters. The

Agency has a staff of over

35,000 employees with

a wide range of technical

management and research


The USFS began a program

of technical cooperation

with various partners in

Lebanon in 2004. Since

then, the Agency has provided technical assistance to communities in southern

Lebanon on sustainable pine-nut harvesting techniques, conducted workshops

on trail development and maintenance in support of the Lebanon Mountain Trail,

and sponsored several

Lebanese experts in

international seminars on

watershed and protected

area management. The

USFS is looking forward

to continuing its work in

Lebanon and developing

a strong partnership with

IBSAR for the coming years.

For additional information

about International Programs


View from the US Forest Service Delegation visit.







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Meet IBSAR interns and volunteers

IBSAR’s young support team of interns and volunteers has been highly active this

summer, learning a lot while simultaneously contributing much to the success of

IBSAR’s activities. Students with different majors converge on one aim: nature

conservation and sustainable futures. Here’s a quick profile of each…


Ramy began working with IBSAR as a student years ago,

and ever since, found himself involved with its mission.

After graduating, he was assigned a research assistant

position there for the ‘Seeds of Hope’ campaign, where

he undertook several tasks in addition to developing

and updating the IBSAR webpage. Says Ramy: “IBSAR

View from the US Forest Service Delegation visit.

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Michel Ghanem, 1st year Agriculture student, is designer

and photographer at IBSAR. “I’m always involved in all

the projects... I joined IBSAR because I felt that it was

more or less parallel to my studies and due to the fact

that I enjoy being outside and getting dirty for a good

cause!” says Michel.


Jessica is a Lebanese expatriate. She has been living in

Milan for the past three years where she just completed

her undergraduate degree in International Economics

and Management at Univertità L. Bocconi. The impact

of environmental issues in an economic perspective,

she says, was mentioned in a few of her courses but

was never a fully developed subject. Nevertheless, she notes, it was a very popular

topic on Italian news since Rome hosted the World Energy Congress last November

and Napoli’s ongoing waste problem was at the center of the April parliamentary

elections. As a result, it awakened her curiosity, and she was pleased to have the

opportunity to volunteer in an organization concerned with environmental issues.

Send your news, articles, and editorial comments to

Visit the IBSAR website at

Edited by Hania Jurdak

Designed and produced by the Office of University Publications


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