ATtyC' 4(>o(ol' THE AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS...A 2k page pictorial pamphlet will be sketched, with the It’ / la-y°ut of Pictorial Representation by Technical Advice from Mr. Constable.

Post on 27-Jun-2020






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ATtyC' 4 (> o (o l'


Motto : Right not Might.

J. N. ]ACOBS, Esq.,Prov. President, A.N C.,

Phone 0062,Uninon Cafe, Bochabela Loc., Bloemfontein.

2nd June, 1946.

A N SEFOTLHELO, Esq., Prov. Treasurer, A.N.C., Bantu Social Institute, Batho Location, Bloemfontein.

S. M. ELIAS, Esq ,Prov. Secretary & Organiser, 2038 Gabashane Street,Batho Location,Bloemfontein.

u r . A . J3. D* ,D, I . H . ,

(t r e s id e n t- General)A fr ica n n a tio n a l Congress.104 , ,&na S tr e e t ,J OHAHj i!lSi5UHG.

jj«ar P resid en t-G en era l,I am in re c e ip t o f your l e t t e r .of the 2 l s t

u l t , - contents c a r e fu l ly noted, fo r which p lease accent my hearty thanks.

in re p ly , due to presure o f personal business work, I re 6r Bt immensily my i n a b i l i t y to f i r n i s h you with s a t is f a c ­tory p a r t ic u la r s contained in your l e t t e r , however, I no* e to ao so in due cause. You w i l l remember that on the same 19th .April (Good ij-riday) I tr ie d to p o in t out to you the d i i i i c u l t i e s that stanas in our way to bring congress to what i t was intended f o r , altnou^n i t had seems to me that you take that very very l i g h t .

I am anxious to see congress expand by lipB and bounds h u t, how can that oe "brought about when u l t e r i o r motives a r ~ p lay in g supreme in the minds o f many. I have asked you to &o cut in the f i e l d to organise with a view to be paid a l i v i n g v«age, when l sh a l l then prove what 1 can do w itnin a short time.

I have communicated with every congress branch to fu rn ish me with a l l p a r t ic u la r s required by you. There’ s two dorps 1 may mention, tnat ao not s a t i s f y me that i s H iilbron and S e lib a Resrve. I put the blame on you because you have p rivate communication with Drancnes tn is end.

1 nave no more c o n s t itu t io n s ana Trippie re c e ip ts , irlease do not form opinion o f any kind u n t i l I have been able to forward you every p a r t ic u la r sort fo r .

A V X - 4 6 c £b3


I9k6, AT 1 P.M.

PRESENT; Mr. V. Clapham, in the C ha ir , General Fake f i e I d ,Mr, Frew,Dr. Anning,Mr. C o n s ta b le ,Mr. Kuper,Mrs. H.C. F ra n c is in a t tend an ce .


Mr. Frew agreed t o d e s ig n the B e l l symbol. The words Remember ond Onthou' are t o be embodied w ith the B e l l in

la rg e s c a le p r o d u c t i o n , but to be s e t s e p a r a t e ly f o r miniature d i s p l a y , and bo th d e s ig n s are to be used in a s s o c i a t i o n w ith the F o u n d a t io n 's name:-

The N a t io n a l War Memorial

Health Foundation


A 2k page p i c t o r i a l pamphlet w i l l be s k e tch ed , w i th theI t ’ / l a -y°ut o f P i c t o r i a l R ep re se n ta t io n by

T e ch n ic a l Advice from Mr. C o n s ta b le . Tenders w i l l be c a l l e d f o r , and a d r a f t o f the pamphlet t o g e th e r w ith some est im ate o f the c o s t o f p r i n t i n g 2 5 , 000, 50 ,000 and 100 000 c o p ie s w i l l be p laced b e f o r e the T e c h n ic a l A d v i s o r y Committee a t i t s next meeting on the 2 1 s t June, 1SU+6.


• ®er;*-cs o f s i x b u l l e t i n s ( f o r p u b l i c a t i o n in paidhS w fn inv pre88 t s k i n S the form o f i l l u s t r a t e d statements by w e l l known p e r s o n s , s p e c i a l i s t s e t c . ) i s to be preparedt h T f t ho£' M TGe!T:P? -V SkeffSId wil1 obtaln a atBteLnt from

? % for the f lr8 t end thex e c h n i c a l A d v iso ry Committee w i l l be asked t o produce the remainder.


As the p r e p a r a t i o n o f these ch ar ts and car to o n s w i l l ake c o n s id e r a b le t im e , i t was d e c id e d t o make a v a i l a b l e t o the

exoe iS y,? t°h 1 ttee ^ mteria.1 M o o te d fJoma view to the b u i l d i n g up o f the r e o u i s i t e i l l u s t r a t i v e m a te r ia l .


•+ S e c r e t a r y w i l l make e n q u i r i e s f o r s u i t a b l e f r e c u e n t -ed s i t e s where the above e x h i b i t may be e r e c t e d .

The meeting term inated a t 2 .5 p.m.







Cash at Bank.

Currant Assets.-Inyastaenta at Pook yp.lue.

1500 Grantrex 6 ' F raf.800 A friein It uropean.

£17356. Klnamea Debenture >tock. P.O. 8evings Bank.

w " " C e r t lf io s te a .


17700.£16 .4 0 0 .

additional Investments Received, ex S ift by ,:ol. Donaldson (i.utlTed)1000 frlcan * European £ l c .12 ,400 Carrig Diamonds l t d . , 50 /-£1 0 ,61C. Kineaa Debentures £102.

J. Donaldson loons st Call.i n

£ 1 0 ,0 0 0 . 3 1 ,COO. 1C .882.

£ 1131.30000.






3♦A. Nitlve Collegeto 3C.6.46.

Bessie Knight Hospital, Sulenkama Salvation kray Eostel.Donaldson Publications Fund, undry Qrants.

o.A .I Secretarial fees to 3C.6.46.„ o a a s .

Approved - not yet paid out. Outstanding partly paid loans.

E 5000. 250 .

0 0 . 3000. X 0 .

75 . ------ 75.




i / 6 / f t i / C ,


l i 7 ,1 9 6 .

1 1 4 ,2 2 6 .

12 ,5 9 O'.£1 0 1 .6 36 .



6th June, 6 .

' IP


The P rovincial se cre ta ry ,A f i ic ; n National Congress,

(Orange Free S t a t e ) ,?0 }d , Gabtshane s t r e e t ,

Baujo Legation,. . a L/I« .

1 /,' Dear P r o v in c i .l se cre ta ry ,

1 received yuur lei, .er o f tne ?nd instant' fo r which 1 L-lL*ixK. y o u §

I re^rei. that yo ir l e t t e r seems evasive and f a i l s to f.ive information tn o could luve been given without to luacn unnecessary anti unins truetive w ritin g .

• n e ly i th your eyes b lin d fo ld ed :(1 ) yo i coui . • ;i vi £i$uB6f and ad. rfegrof cl* youj

Provincii i hxecucivej(2) you ci r. ct. te hov you have disposed of t ie 1 ,000

t r i p l i c . t>- recoi. t bovks, t'.at i t , to wnat branches you have rent;

(3) y u cc l a do r &...{? wi tu trie 40' co i e > of the C o n stitu tion ; I

( 4 ) you t icuIq i cna ill Lia< money for th 5C tic k e ts whiCw* yOA* tola vsas ready on th 19th npril and would be tent on the ' r.d p r i l , 1J46.

iiiij bxcut < .c a^ouc your d ii j . ic u lt ie t cu.ii/ic t in anyv,ay a ^ e c t thes e points •

Year suggestion 01 jou uiichecked s.rr uncentroiled wit'iOUo re_ d to c o n stitu tio n a l recpor.f i b i l i t y ar.d co -operative res o i .s ib i l i ty with your 1 Executive, x s h . l ] neve 1 e n te rta in . I shtili not allow people to oe explo ted by anyone to make a l iv in g at th e ir expense including m yself . 1 am prep red to con si­der ar:y any proposition in thi.- regard that i l l leave us s t i l l with a sense o f honour ar.d r e s p o n s ib i l i t y •We are prep red to give any person we employ a l iv in g w. ge but we shall not alJow e x p lo ita tio n of tne masses to enrich any in d iv id u a l,

1 Li.u s t i l i waiting foj: the f in a n c ia l report on "Masemceng".

1 want you to prouuce copies o f my communi­cation with br< i.eues at Leliba ana Keiuron as proof of youi Ci-usti. ion .

..inuly s•no the in fo tion asked for by return post as outlii.ed ab ve .

Yours s in c e r e ly ,

PRESIDjlvr G-c. j,rwiL

/h3»X' 4(>o$b']fr / y

bjlstu welfare trust.


COL. J . DCNALDSOE, D .S.O ., AT 10 a.a. OS FRIDAY 7tfa JUNE. 1946.

A G E N D A .

Confirmation of Previous Minutes,


(a) Elliot Manual Training School.

(b) South Went Africa.

(c) Native Education - Orlando.

(d> Donaldson Award 1545-46.


U> Bantu Co-operative Council.

(b) Miss Stella Jacobs.

(o) W.S. M'Cvabeni.

(d) V.M. Tsotsi.

(s) Joint Penal Reform Committee.

(f) Colonel Maxwell.

(«) B.E.S.L.

(h) Social Services Association.

(i) St. Margaret's Hostel.

<J> P.E. Non-European Comercial School

(k> Dr. B.W. rilakasl.

HM applications^

U ) Non—European Adult Education Corami

<b) Harvest In-gathering Appeal.

(c) African National Congress.

<d) M. Phetlhu.

(•) Lutheran Mission Station.

a*HTu m o s t


tfiH um w k msmim ot r > uku> sm th * o w ic iaor l t . c o l . j . poghLbdotij e .a . o . , - .h .G ., oFttttsJafcs, zttim M vrsir jm tm t. At iv . m mu^x, 7 juhk, i?46.


WHIttiyi 44. i-ol. J. Donaldson, {(.b&lvmn), tor, i»,d.&,k,<imun<i*,« r . Hbolnal i t Jonrs, #r* P.ft. *o*akftf B r, m y &,P h ill is , ar. 8. ftgiopa rh«»ra*r £r. a .*. Xttmfc, Kr, «f.E. altsaa In a*ttaodanoe. ,. .

Apgygg^i *h* IIt. Hon. Jan m. &otm*rrt

taxm m or g r a in s ttsi# on max. :

The cilnutee >f th« neetin* on * fcay. 19^6. »*r* oonfimed an<5 deolBtona r t l flad. — ^ 8----------m

fc&tTKh* * ftu Xhft :

I*) S lllott s^nnal training ~oho<>i - In reaponso to forth *r in~iilrl-»s, I I f t i i r dated2? *&*y* IwmI been r»cel»*i ffOM Hi# SumfiipM’la iit , ntatit? thi% the Boptrtnent **a not tn a v9*i%i<m to **ke a reoowtfBendatlon, aa the jSohnol wa» not dtat«~*lded.

' ' t- : ■ : - - - vt:y . ■ • ■ - ^ '■ -. ' , " •••• . •.% ■. __ • ;.\ • • , ■ .--- , • ;. -. ■■} . Ut# ; . . - ‘ ‘ ■£;*«.

W # * *® M ‘ ^ tr^gt»94LJM». &beII »iil29 >a» to inform m neteal-, M , Ifel. It y'mld a^aln bo oonaiaor^^iSdnia n» b*_

•;, i .- V '. .... "}> '■*■ ;4C.; . . ■••-.. 9 .r# ■' ■■' ’ ■ • • • % .•_. :.'4» ;

JW iStth - fh»lE*qjLt Jonw»8 revor tu t thet*o*«V*X Purpo*M Comittoa o f tbo InatUut* of tiao» Aal^tiona ha<3 r«qna«t<»d him to go to Sonfli »«#t 4friea to aoll^t* tnfofw&tlon for a pa»phl«t. Ua had written to tha ^etln^ *rima Sinister for hla Approfmi o f th« tour, and a r*j?ly %a* a«alta«. Tho Uh lman had also written to th® *»otl»% h iftt lftilcksr in awpport of th# ptopoaod tour.

On tha ootlon of th« (.huSyv ntn »Afl AGK'jD; tiMt should jr . itfi^nallt_Jp».J» hf aoat tft -outh

»JL Hte .ty » § l ...

U) ga.tivo ^duoation - Orlando « l^ttara «atod l§ itk/, and 4 Jun#, had hoan rvcalvad fro« tha Saorttary for IUt\v»» -ffolre, and tha Joh&naaabui Wwnleijsality r^apactVval/, stating tlwt In i^ov«ah r,19 5» tho joh»n»»abnrg d t f vomncU h;.d *a«opt#d a policy of onilMng •l&mltaneonalj with hnael % aehoaaa a swffioiont mtn* **r of pri»ir|r

1 holMInga to a atook daai^p to p m t% Of th* oat hlishaant, •staffing anti •qtitpsa nt by the appr#>pri ito authority o f orinwry sohnnia un«#r m aitfc6g#«#*t whoraby the loo&l authority »U ! ba wvi«inte«d a rate of interest on the m0% o f tha to&lrllqg ooverin it«|pilnat all loan* including oaintananoo i f th# N U d i^ .

MOTES.ur. yoaAfca fe lt that t^la w « o nhtter in ohioh tho looal

authority should ba oontlniw^ily prodda , andIt AftSSEBi to t i i Mw on tMJXmA* In thr#e «onth»a tine.

Pw»ldaofl Aoa,rd 19if|v-46 t «eld orer._ _

U| gfrstu ^Q-ooa^tlre - Detailad ra^orta and roooanend»tionaha<5 boen receive frea Sr&ha* o f tha Durban and'tiiatrlota Co­operative -’tor# tad fro* »r. 5 M'Ti^kulu and HaK ^eiby %oobos

Hr. Ho—I f was not aatisfied as to the work the Connellwas doing, **adIT *AS AangKSt to bold this > ^ H c tlon aver and to olroalato

taa reports to ths Troateee.(b) H H S tella JaQobo- The Hogloasl Goaalttee o f the In stitu te o f Haee Relations had interviewed ttlse Jaeoos on 10 May, and h*d inv*stig<*t«d h«r « » s t thoroughly. The Ooaaltte* thata gr*nt too aade.

Tito Trustees wore doubtful aa to whether, i f seat overseas, bits jaoobo would return to do work aooagat bar ova people.IT *4* AiiREED: in principle to ^asjgt jjiajfr.. J*ooba to do,rfjfarftfc

work in >-.outh * fr le i. and thvt lno»lrl»fe oe a^dg Aa Is ft ip o ss ib ilit ie s . o Q i l .

U ) *.a. scwabenl - So recaamenaatlon hwd yet boon reoelvad from tV. terr,bu t the Bov* c-.F. Da^oore had strongly roooaa oadad Mr. Movabeni's application.

Dr. Phillips pointed out that atudents who received keaoblli- eation study Oxwata Mid boon a related further toy the «overn-Gener&l'< Bati >n*l %r fund.IT »A6 Atauftj): to ref*r *»r. acwabera to the oovcraor-0energy

S xleh kI*

I*) *-M- Taotal: -r. Isotsl had stated that ha oao unable to obtain sureties for any sum over the above the £100 In shares which ho vas able to offer aa aeourity against a loan.If aoftfcKids to »*k? * loan of *5 per aonth to hr, Tsotgl

1 or the jiuraiio n o f his lega l a r t ic le s , . pgovldjd \ h e .d jp o ifft^ . I t e - q OQ. in afor^e »m th & ,,T in ia_t.

<•) Jo|n| BrftiH .f lW lt to g :IT »A8 ACWESD; to rr*»nt this body a, sua of^fc&O.(f ) Social aervloo ♦■relation*XT iM AOBXSD] to ^mat tela bote i - f f l f t I 5QQ for the dirtlQjfr-

■ e «i or ' m iMwrV I r i o t f l w

U ) St. Margaret »s hostel:IT «a» m i o i to ferant a aua of 450 non, and to gpnt £ for A

s a u ^ !L ^ liE § j J L5 - UiLJp » .j ..Jftffia a total waxjiauo jffia^t of ,&75«.

& isSivas«however, unable to B*ke any definite reea»aeodation.IT «ab AORi-£0: to aa^e further jpQuirlga.(1) e.A. Legion - jJUbkt A letter dated 3rd June had boon re­ceived fro® the Motional Preeldent of this organisation stressing the urgent need for investigation into the oases of African Ex- Bervieeaen in the Reserve# who had not been traced by Deaoblli- satlon O fficia ls. The B.K.a.L. intended eotting up a teas of afrlean investigators to trace auch »«n aad to take up a ll oases requiring attention la reg“s*d to pong Iona, gratuities, pay, «to.A start had already been aade la the Northern T^ansv 1. This task would involve the i.K*S.L. In additional expenditure o f be- hveea <6,000 aad *7,000.

ar . Ross,the national President, and co l. kiaeald-weekea, National Org&nlser, then appeared before the Trusteea to


•}aborate on details I f required.

i ir 9 Phillis* doubted whether the statistics givon by *r . >oas were up to date and enquired w h e th r they had been submitted to the L'ireotor-Geaets*! of Demobilisation.

Mr. Ross stated that should the Trustees samite a grant, he would welcome representation by the Trust on the NoiwUiropean Committee of the » .E .i> .L .

After full discussion, Mr. Rois and Col, fceefces withdrew fro* the Meeting.

The Trwstees, after discussing the matter further,

i i ) Col. Maxwell; *0 further communication had besn received from col. Maxwell. the matter was dropped.

(k) Pr. B.w. Vlint* all Mr. Rheinallt Jones reported that he was awaiting further information.

burg Area.

IT iA« JM g teo i i o j q & m M M ! t o r 1 Xffg .

(b) Harvest In-gathering eg peal; An appeal froia the titaner*! Conference of seventh D*y adventists for their Medical Mission <*ork.

XT M l aorkkd: to Kvm% u p to the C o n fe r e n c e WOKHUPIig

U ) Afrjgan national Congress! An appeal from the President General fo r £1,000 to appoint four P rovincia l Organisers.

IT sAd to ask the Prcsldent-Q*ner 1 to submit a s t m % »

^■Phstlhu: *n application from a student social worker Tor a loan of o to purchase a motor cycle essential to his efficient performance of his duties at the Plepkloof Reformatory.

or. P h illip s corroborated hr. Phetlhu'e st*tem*nt th*t i t was necessary fo r him to h*ve a m otor-cyle.

» «aa t o « a ^ a ig m o f *Aa t o y m H r tf e a .^ lg - j^ I &ja c u r l t l g a. or t hg n mes o f . tfffi

IT %A& A»ftKfi»S


rg gg^ ap ^ iivys a f o ' f s t i s «owgy-l« .baiwfc..i|sod tcTthg beat *«lv r.taKO.

ment of th* funca of the Congress and o f Its

‘a s a k m h lB .

£ w 2 x .

rr *A5 MmESDi to grant £250

rm n c iA L aTATiMJMttt 'Thu Hon. Treasurer. Mr. idaunds. presented * statement r e f le o - f f l t tfeooa S S o f r i f the Tru-t Ihleh « r « ea s ily rea lisa b le .A substantial asset not so ea s ily re a lisa b le hafi not been in - eluded - the In terest in the auper-toncrete Co.Approval ess requested and was granted fo r the follow ing trans­action s s-

' M

-i V.. >j,V

(a )(h )

U )

U )

The rea lisa tion o f 1,000 African * European dfaarsa.

The sale o f 10,<KK Carrie Diamond shares*

A loan od 430,000 a t to Mr. &. J. Donaldson fo r which security had been obtained t© the extent o f $0,000 Carrlg Diamond shares valued at approximately £1*?0#00Q.

fhe payment o f one-half o f the le^a l costs involved in the donation o f Col. Donaldson to Mr. K.J. Donaldson and the Trust*

6. *Atr**y fifr* gygi roH m wa^g.(a ) Springbok Legion,

.. . f'' VV' :', ^(b ) Mew Bantu Nev. spa per.

MEKTIMO:* -:-V.*v*' ’* r


iP si^ W 1 v (o ) Council fo r Mental Hygiene.«* ■•' '' ’:S; ■■■■ :

••• ■ ’ v ^ (d ) B.C. The®a.Co) &.*, Native college.

•• :

t h x c . c o H c m a B ) m s s s i s m -k > ,*•'' -; £

> , :' C - 'W

gOMJPIKMSD...................................... ..rTVA*»5tf-ir . ** • * - . . -•*

*;L /- 6.V?" .‘v.r \vfc ; y* u'« W . . *lr- t ’ ■ - ' -■ : - ■ ’• ■

f „'?" ■ 'vU V:- c;:. .J;. 5..#A■ :■ ?*:• '« ••• ■ ... . •- _.:■!•.

. .•!• *., .•. -j, i ■ ; ■ ,• ■• ./■ '■■ >'• « ■. -V V... >• i jr: ' - i,'- _.. ■'

>:/' r*

v**j f c ' - ' L V g • *'*• • .:v -


' - . .. . v. ;■• ',. ,i

fa ll* '* "! '


Telephone: 2^-0406 P.O.Box 84*6,


^^-~-^J7jth^June 1946


W i l l members o f the E x e cu t iv e Committee p l e a s e note that

the next meeting w i l l be h e ld on F r id a y , 5th Ju ly 1946 (NOT

Monday, 1 s t Ju ly ) at m. 15 p.m. (NOT 5 p .m .) in the F o u n d at ion 's

o f f i c e s , Hrtt R, Union Grounds (en trance Twist S t r e e t ) Johannesburg.


A Meeting of the above Committee will be held at the B.*'. S. Centre, Eloff Street Extension* Johannesburg on Saturday,15th June 1946, at 11 a.m.

The Committee oonsiets of »- Messrs. P. R. Mb saka( Chairman) C.R. Eozwsyo(Treasurer)D.R.Tw«la(convenor) D.M.Denalane, Br*A*B*/'uaa* J*R.Rathebe, J . Mophi ring, and <5. Motsieloa.

ASEN’DA i 1. Report by Convenor2* Report by Chairman, Mr* P. Mosaics t Bantu -felfare Trust3. Report on Illuminated Address* Dr. A. B. Xhma4. Discussion

Please make a point to attend.

D. R# Twala Hon. Seoretaiy

P. 0. Box 6975 Johannesburg 10-6-46


POPULATION OF SOUTH AFRICA________________*3, the undersigned* as representatives and

leaders o f the African people* desire hereby to place on record the deep and sincere appreciation o f the people we represent for

the generosity and the large-heartedness which inspired you in the creation o f the Bantu Welfare Trust from which so many o f our

people and their organisations have already benefitted.

The Bantu Welfare Trust was created by NotarialDeed o f Donation and Trust on the 29th April* 1956* and althoughthe Deed o f Trust has been amended from time to time* i t s basis

remains the same* namely that "the assets and monies forming the subject o f such g i f t should be dealt with by the Trustees for the benefit o f the Bantu Population."

Your breadth o f vision and your national outlook

as donor i s shown by Article 4 o f the Deed o f Donation and Trustwhich defines the purposes o f the Trust as follows*-

MThe purpose o f the Trust shall be to give assistance to persons and/or bodies fo r the advancement o f the status* the improvement o f the conditions and the removal o f the d isa b il it ie s now suffered by the Bantu population and generally to seek the benefit and betterment o f the said Bantu population o f the Union."

This declaration shows a comprehensive understanding o f the position o f the Bantu population in our national l i f e and indicates a creative and constructive mind determined to make a

positive contribution to the lightening o f the Black Man's Burden in the land o f h is b irth . The courage o f conviction and the public spiritedness implied in th is donation has made a deep

impression upon our people* has inspired them with hope regarding

their future and has been an immeasurable influence for good as far as race relations in South Africa are concerned. '

In the main purpose o f the Donaldson T*u«t you have^

indicated beyond doubt that you desire the African in South Africa to be developed to h is fu lle s t capacity and ab ility like other races by the "advancement o f h is status, improvement o f h is conditions and the removal o f the d isa b il it ie s now suffered by

the Bantu population." *vIn th is way you showed yourself not merely a friend

2. o f j u s t i c e . . . /

o f ju stice which is greater and more fundamental. You hare sho.*n

yourself a lover o f and a believer in your fellcwmen irrespective o f race or colour. You reached down ana l i f t e d as you rose.

You seem to have taken the greatest pleasure in -v*. Igiving as you believe that " i t i s more blessed to give than receive.!

Your selflessness and self-effacement in creating this great benefaction has been a symbol o f a great and generous mind.

The turning o f your great mental energies to the details o f administration o f tha Trust* as you must have done in the amassing o f the fortune which has become o f such great human benefit, i s an indication that you do not only believe in the purposes o f the Trust but you also wanted those purposes carried out in the sp irit and the le tte r .

This declaration i s an imperfect but sincere expres­sion o f everlasting gratitude o f the African people to you, Colonel James Donaldson and your family for your fellow-feeling ana your

broad humanity.As we say in our mother tongue - "Nangomso Mfo ka Donaldson -

Le ka mo so Kora Donaldson." /* *■In grateful acknowledgment o f the g ift and on behalf

o f our people we, therefore, append our names.


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Oflice Stamp.Time of .Handing in Tyd v.uyiniewenng


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Diensaanwysings-Rocte— lemae InstructionsRouted—

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86 Beatrice Street, Durban.

11/6/46. .

My dear Dr.Xuma,After the fa ilure on the part of both o f us to meet

at the reception in Durban to discuss in greater deta i l the plans 1 had

raised with you,I decided to write you a personal note------ just to

acquaint you with what I propose doing.

situations 1 mentioned to you,I suppose there would be no objection to

my exploit ing my foreign connections to educate the world along the

lines I outlined to you.

given the head o f f i c e the opportunity to have a say in the matter.\sell,

circumstances altogether beyond your control intervened and made i t

impossible for us to meet as we had planned.As time is not on our side,

I fe e l that already,we should bo exposing General Smuts’ s design to

incorporate South-^est Africa.He w i l l be going to UNO in September and

this does not give us much time to contact the foreign Press.I propose

to write a series o f a r t i c l e s fo r papers in the Commonwealth,USA and,

possibly,Russia.Needless to say,I shall express my own personal views

and shall be paid fo r so doing.

foreign e d i t o r s , ! notice that they do not think wc are acting very

democratically and in te l l ig e n t ly i f we adopt the attitude we have taken

up.I myself personally,am not happy about our attitude.There is l i t t l e

vision in i t . I hope you had a safe journey home. greetings,

I f Congress cannot employ i t s own nsn to exp lo it the

I did not want to set out on this course before 1 had

One other point which worries me is the attitude o f

the African % t ion a l Congress to the indian problem.In my contacts with

Li U X 11(3° $ •

Alty' 4 (>o C 1(1/

R e f . No. P .R .C . 10o

O f f i c e o f the Penal and P r i s o n Reform Commission,

Room 117, Supreme Court,Queen V i c t o r i a S t r e e t ,


11th June, 1946.

D r . A . B . Xuma,Pres i d e n t - G e n e r a l ,

A f r i c a n N a t ion a l Congress , 104, End S t r e e t ,


G r e e t in g s ,


W ith r e f e r e n c e to your l e t t e r o f the 27th u l t im o and our subsequent t e le p h o n e c o n v e r s a t i o n , I have to in form you th a t the above Commission, w hich i s l e a v i n g Cape Town f o r Johannesburg towards the end o f June, i s d e s i r o u s o f h e a r in g e v id en ce from your Congress a t 10 a.m. on Thursday, the 4 th J u ly , 1946. S i t t i n g s w i l l take p l a c e in Room 501, Second F lo o r ,

‘ New M a g i s t r a t e s 1 C ourts , Fox S t r e e t , Johannesburg.

P lease a d v is e me, i f p o s s i b l e by t e l e g r a p h , whether the t ime and date a l l o c a t e d are s u i t a b l e , and i f e i g h t c o p i e s o f your C o n g r e s s 's memorandum can r e a ch me a t my Cape Town address by the 24th June.

I s h a l l a l s o be g la d i f you w i l l in form me,in due c o u r s e , o f the names o f the r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s whoare to appear b e f o r e the Commission.

G r e e t i n g s ,


/ e ?r7 - ___

OMMISSION ON PENAL AND PRISON REFORM.His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government

has been pleased to appoint a Commission to enquire into and report upon : —

1. The causes of delinquency and crime in .the Union,especially among juveniles and non-Europeans.

2. The adequacy of the measures presently available forthe prevention of crime and delinquency and alternatives to the arrest and trial of delinquents.

3. The treatment of accused persons awaiting trial.4. The desirability of provision for the defence of poor

persons, including the functions and control of Legal Aid Bureaux, and the extension of the Prisoners’ Friend System.

5. The possible simplification of procedure in criminal cases,especially those in which ignorant non-Europeans are concerned.

6. The standard of interpretation in the courts and whatsteps, if any, should be taken to raise such standard.

7. The desirability of the extension of the right of appealin criminal cases and the constitution of the Court or Courts to which and the conditions under which, such appeal may be made.

8. The general objects of punishment and the methodsavailable to courts of justice for the punishment of offenders, and the applicability of such methods to particular classes of offenders.

9. The desirability or otherwise of short terms of imprison­ment and the means by which, if undesirable, they may be avoided.

10. The organisation of the Department of Prisons, includingthe constitution and functions of Boards of Visitors, the recruitment and qualifications of Prison officers, etc.

11. The classification and proper control of prisons and otherpenal institutions and of the persons confined therein.

12. The means available, and used, within prisons and otherpenal institutions for the maintenance of discipline, in particular corporal punishment, physical restraint, spare diet and solitary confinement, and the award and deprivation of privileges, and the authority under which any disciplinary measures are applied.

13. The development of suitable forms of education for allprisoners and their training in handicrafts and in agricultural and other pursuits with a view to their better adaptation to social life, and how far and by what means such training may be given outside prisons.

14. The remuneration of prisoners by means of gratuitiesor otherwise.

15. The use of. convict labour by private persons andauthorities other than the Government.

16. The transition of prisoners from institutional to sociallife, including release on probation and the appoint­ment, functions and control of probation officers.

And to appoint the following persons to be members of the said Commission : —

The Honourable Charles William Henry Lansdown, K.C.(Chairman).

Mrs. Agnes Winifred Hoernle.Senator the Honourable Gustave Hartog.Alec Arundel Robb, Esq.Lieutenant-Colonel Troskie Mare.William Lotan Marsh, Esq. (Member and Secretary).

And further, His Excellency, has been pleased under section five of Ordinance No. 30 of 1902, Transvaal, to confer upon the said Commission, while holding inquiry in the Transvaal, all the powers, jurisdiction and privileges described in that Ordinance.Printed by and under the superintendence of the Government,

Printer, Pretoria.


Hit het Sy Eksellensie die Amptenaar Belas met Uitoefening van die Uitvoerende Gesag behaag om kommissie te benoem om ondersoek in te stel na en verslag uit te bring oor : —

1. Die oorsake van misdaad in die Unie, veral onderjengdiges en nie-blankes.

2. Die doelmatigheid van die bestaande maatreels vir dievoorkoming van misdaad, en ander metodes in die plek van die inhegtenisneming en verhoor van misdadigers.

3. Die behandeling ran beskuldigdes onderwyl liulle opverhoor wag.

4. Die vvenslikheid van voorsiening te maak vir die verdedi-ging van arm persone, met inbegrip van die funksies en beheer van regshulpburo’s en ran die uitbreiding van die stelsel van welsynbesoeke aan gevangenes.

5. Die moontlike vereenvoudiging van die prosedure bystrafsake, veral die waarby onkundige nie-blankes betrokke is.

6. Die standaard van tolkwerk in die howe en watter stappe,indien enige, gedoen behoort te word ten einde hierdie standaard te verhoog.

7. Die wenslikheid van die uitbreiding van die reg vanappel in strafsake en die samestelling van die hof of howe waarna en die voorwaardes waarop in sulke sake geappelleer kan word.

8. Die algemene oogmerke van straf en die metodes waaroorgeregshowe beskik om oortreders te straf, en die toepas- likheid van die metodes op bepaalde klasse oortreders.

9. Die vvenslikheid, al dan nie, van kort tydperke vangevangenisstraf en hoe dit vermy kan word indien dit onwenslik is.

10. Die organisasie Van die Departement van Gevangenis-wese, met inbegrip van die samestelling en funksies van rade van toesig, die werwing en kwalifikasies van gevangenisbeamptes, ens.

11. Die indeling van en behoorlike beheer oor gevangenisseen ander straiinrigtings en die persone wat daarin gevange gesit is.

12. Die middele wat in gevangenisse en ander straiinrigtingsbeskikbaar is en aangewend word vir die handhawing van dissipline, in die besonder lyfstraf, lyfsdwang, skraal kos en eensame opsluiting, en die toekenning en ontneming van voorregte, en die magtiging waar- kragtens tugmaatreels toegepas word.

13. Die ontwikkeling van geskikte vorme van onderwys viralle gevangenes en hul opleiding in handwerk en in die landbou en ander beroepe met die oog op beter asmpassing by die maatskaplike lewe, en in watter mate en hoe sodanige opleiding buite gevangenisse verskat kan word.

14. Die vergoeding van gevangenes deur middel vangratifikasies of andersins.

15. Die gebruik van bandietearbeid deur private persone enander owerhede as die Staat.

10. Die oorgang van gevangenes uit die inrigtings- na die maatskaplike lewe, met inbegrip van voorwaardelike invryheidstelling, en die aanstelling, funksies en beheer van proefbeamptes.

En om ondei'genoemde persone tot lede van voormelde kommissie aan te stel: —

Sy Edelagbare Charles William Henry Lansdown, K.C.(voorsitter).

Mev. Agnes Winifred Hoernle.Sy Edelagbare senator Gustave Hartog.Die heer Alee Arundel Robb.Luitenant-kolonel Troskie Mare.Die heer William Lotan Marsh (lid en sekretaris).

En verder het dit Sy Eksellensie behaag om kragtens artikel vyf van Ordonnansie No. 30 van 1902, Transvaal, voormelde kommissie, solank hy in Transvaal ondersoek instel, met al die bevoegdhede, jurisdiksie en privileges wat in die ordonnansie beskryf is, te beklee.

t.27. POST o f f ic e t e l e g r a p h s .— pI P.P.-8.7198—1944-5—350.000-200. 8. - 4 6 o 6 l 4 *Traffic Serial No.

Verkoei*- Tolgaommtc.



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Doubtful words may be repeated. No Repetition Fee will be collected if an error is disclosed. .This form should accompany any inquiry. Twyfelagtige woorde kau herhul word. U 'a tout aan die lig gebring word, sal geea koste rir di* harhaling gerorilar word ma. Hierdie Torm moel aO*

navra* vargasaL ,

In reply 'phase mwU Z. 14 IIOtliewe in uant ioord UNION OF UNIE VAN



P.O. Box 7 7 5 8 .--- native com m issioner ,

JOHANNESBCTKG,14th June, 1 9 4 6 ,

1)-. The S e cre ta ry ,Transvaal Gounoil of Non-Burope^n Trade U nions,8 fiosenberg Arcade,58 , L ^ fk et S t r e e t , /Y / / . CJ o h a n n e s b u r g .

2 ) . Dr. A .B . XumaP re sid en t-G e n era l,A fr ic a n N ational Congress, 1 0 4 , End S t r e e t ,JOHANNESBURG.

G reetin gs ,Occupation of Premises a t 58 Market ___________ S t r e e t . Johannesburg.________

I have been requested by my Department to inform you th at the City Council has made an adverse recommendation in regard t o the a p p lic a t io n for the lease of the abovementioned p rem ises . I have a l s o been asked t o draw a t te n tio n to the apparent o p p o sitio n of the landlord to the proposed le a s e , i nd to s t a t e that the a p p lic a t io n can only be submitted to the Governor-General on an agreement bein g arr ived at between the lan d lord ^ and ten an ts , and a f t e r such agreement has been submitted t o the City Council fo r r e c o n s id e r a t io n .

With G re etin g s ,

^k c t g T Na t i v e co&l i i s s i o n e r .

<f io i n , *

/ r &* f u^ t-/ /? //‘tjfi-r. <£/f?cX ^c^ t A . & S e . .

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(All (Enmmmticaiiotis to be

aiJbrcsBeh to ilje Jsecretarj)

Rosenberg Arcade58 Market Street, JOHANNESBURG.

lofru June,,.......194)....

The President-General,African National Congress,1^4, and Street,JoHMi^SBURG.

Sir ,With further reference to your telephonic message

on Fndqy 14th June, i am sending herewith me number of members o f Congress in some wh-i .h h«wAreported since January, up to some of the branches nave not this o f f i c e although requests report be submitted monthly, members whose reports we have

branches whicn nave date, i may point out that yet sent tneir returns to nave been made that this So that there are many more s t i l l to c o l le c t .

Yours fa i th fu l ly ,

Johannesburg Benoni Be thalGrevlingstao Heidelberg Alexandra T.Ship Eva ton Komatipoort NigelPietersburg.Scnweizer nenekeVentersdorpWolmarandstadadenvaleBe thalTrichardVereenigmgOrlandoBelfastNewclare

13. Members. 3

14 2

12 1

32 lou

2 Y .1

24 24 7215 54 lb 6u

3 1UQ 43.




Collection Number: AD843

XUMA, A.B., Papers


Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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