~attle ove~ 'swap meet' _heats up - City of Newport Beach

Post on 23-Apr-2023






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- -------------------------------------------~------------..... --------------------.... ----... IPO

THURSDAY August 22, 1991

TIDES TODAY flri l h1~h fttt l loW S« ond h rp S«ond loW FltlOAY first h igh f 1nt loW S«ond hi&ti S«ond low


"A~n 's poltcits ha~t tht moral bockbont oj Ptt Wtt Htrmon "

Newpon Beach reo;ident Randall Toter, on fellow pre identiat c.md1date Larry Agran (Al).

"Any parry wluch ta~t\ crtdlf for the ram mwt not~ surpn.ml tf Ill opponmts blam1· it for tilt drougltt. ··

Dwight W. Morrow

i , Co ta Me a Qukksteppns will be quare dancing todJy at JO a m. al the commumry center at Anaheim and Center trce1 I or detail call 545-5669.

• Weatherman Or. Grorge Fl hbeck will thank employee~ of Mortin Aviation at 'Orange County Airport for their part1c1panon in the 1991 Cahforma hrefighters Burn Rela)' at 2 p.m. today The relay benefits a Southland burn foundation

• l oda)' 1s the la~t ch.rncc to ee "The Be t or the f'estlval or Anlmatlon° at R p m at E:.dwards Me a Theater in Co ta Mc a The fe uval feature., 18 anim.1ted 4ihort film'I, for .1Ju11mn.1l inlorm.ition c:ull 650 X7AA

• The ewport Buch Plannlna Commission will rC\.11!"- .1 rcquc'I 10 add outdoor 'eating and .illow the Jaguar Diner lo operate 24 hour u day al 7 30 tonight 1n the City 1 lall council chamhcr~. '300 Newport Dlvd

• rhc '400 C luh ot the Republican Party of Or.rnge Cou nty ho ts a rectptlon ~uh Quintin L . VIiianueva Jr., Pac1ht Rcttinnal c:nmm1 1oner With the s Cu\tOm'I erv1cc, rmm 5.30 7:30 tonight 1n the office., of The Inland Clroup. 3Ci00 fambmec Rd . ~ulle N>6, Newport lk<tch .

JUST THE FACTS • Jn 1905, the fiN real ~chool

hutlJmg m Ncwpc>rt IJca'h wa~ conwuacd What i~ thnt hut/ding u cd /or nnw.'

·11r.1t i<u) •

............... Pl( . ,, • ~....,."""' UboP, I ~ .... • Qv• ~ t.H.:31'1 0t t. .,..,. ..... ,111

Aln11n1cJAJ BndgeJ88 Bu inc A4 Cla\\1f 1edlB6 forumlAJ I

rm *""IM . .. ,.._,rrra111. Copyriaht J 991 @ Pnnted In pan on mytled papu • .


DoCI Larry Aaru h8\IC • c:hanc:e • of wi n nina t h e D e m ocratic nominatioa fof praidcDl in 1992?

... 71 2

Published Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays Circulation 45,000

• I

~attle ove~ 'swap meet' _heats up Marketplace merchants plan to bid for lease contract· to $4.1 million of Tel-Phil'· $14.4 million

in revenue la~t )Car.

• The fair ground • board will have · areater control over the swap-meet operator.

By Tony Cox ~Edlor

Co unty Marke tpla ec .Merchen ts As ociation. " We think the current operator 1s doing a wonderful job. Our assoc1a11on feels we could do better, and do beUcr for ourselves."

scheduled to expire.in April. The new lease will 1 be Jc attractive

COSTA MESA - While Orange County Marketplace Pre idcnt Bob Teller has u ed the purported support of bis 1,200 merchants as a trump card in bi battle to get a lease renewal from the Orange Cou nty fairgrounds, an association representing many of the swap-meet vendors is preparing a bid to get the contract fo r 11setr.

The contract is coveted by the ,merchants group, Tel-Phil Entcrpnscs {Teller's company) and about 25 other potential bidders becau e Teller has built the wap meet into a $14 million (annual

than the original Tel-Phil pact, though, bccau e fai rgrounds official have set pre­conditions for bids that will sweeten the pot for the state, to the detriment of the operator Among the changes:

• The talc wtll get at lea t one-third Df the opera tor's revenues, including adm1 ion fees, rents paid by vendors and conce ion . The state wall also get at lca~t hair of the operator' remaining net profit Tel-Phil currently pays the talc 15 percent or its conce ion sale • plus one­th1rd of other income - which amounted

• The Markctpl cc will have a capacity of 1,100 to 1,300 merchanl paces, down from a current level of 1,500.

As a re ult, under the new contract, the operator will likely have lo charge higher rents than the current average o! $60 a day. • "They will be going up. We ju t don't

know hov.: much," said Glen Greener, a polccsman for Tel-Phil. " And the

Marketpl cc is the epitome of pnvatc cnterpn e . To have the government


"The merchant arc the only ones other than him (Teller) who can put together a good propo'ial," said Serge Kohan, pre 1dent of the 500-member Orange

ales) cnterpn e since founding it in 1969. The board that governs the state-owned fairgrounds has set a Sept. 5 deadline for propo .. al on the swap-meet lease. The cu rrent lea e , held by Tel-Phil, l'i

... pl

Gorbachev back at· work ! On reforms But some feel leader's role will be diminished By Russ Loar ..:.&!! \\ •

So .. 1c1 leader M1kha1I Gorbache" returned to Mo<1 CO \lo earl) today, reclaiming h1 pn!\ldencv and re'>toring confidence \\Orld\\1dc that the procc of democratic reform in the ~m1ct nion \\ 111 continue

But Rep Chrt

'Regardless of Gorbachev' s return, the Gorbachev era has passed •

- llP. ma ca

Cox ( R-Newport Beach) aid there arc scnou doubt Jbout Gorbache' \ future ot \\ell a h1 relationship 10 the failed coup perpetrated hy Kremlin hard· liners lnown a' the "iana of eight,"

"Rcgardle of Gorbachev' return, the uorbache\i era ha passed. Co'C said

Worker approa'h potential e mployer Wednesday at the Job Center following the city's deci ion to keep it oper<1ting. "Gorhache\'\ 1numpban1 return will

marl the onset of a new round of international bcggmg. Without a doubt, he will \\Ith renc"cd \Igor wa..-c· the tin cup under the no .. c of the Wec;t Our re!ipon c !\hould be clear. There l'ln't enough monc) on the face of the planet tu ,a,c Communa m ·•

Many ·call Job Center their salvation Workers thankful for City Council decision By AMa Cekola Stlfl w •ltet

F or some, the Co lcl Mc a Job Center ha offered a legal and afc place to <,eek JOb'I. For others, the regular

work lhey\c found through the center ha' helped them nc.c from the ranks of the homele;;,,

omc of their tone were offered a'i

tC\llmony, lo the need or J,..eep1ng the t\\O-)car-old center opened. a need unet1u1\.ocally affirmed hy the C 1<~ Council earlier 1h1~ week.

" Plc,\\c don't clo e the Joh Center hccau c we rcall> need 11," Carlo Jo1,e Quinto told the council, speaking on hchalf of cvcrnl fellow worker who have found periodic work through the center

01 only ha Quintos been blc to find work through the Placen\ia A\cnuc l1u:1h1y. hut through the efforts or the Co'''' Mc'ln l 11eracy Center he' been .1hle to ha'e En1tli h le'>\Ons t"-O times a

See CENTEAJta .....

Food for tbougbt: car dealer •ks diner IJQlllillon By Ir s Vokol

" I mpon c t dcaltr l .cc We t. whn •n cred Newport 0 'h le tier

IW\) ~~ n. go when he defied them anu 1llcaally orc!ateJ a '!i<H· tylc diner at h1 dcalcnh1p, 1 now king the city to allow the c tcf) tu 1 npen 24 hour a J ay and pr0\i1dc outdoor catina. • •

l'hc Plannin Comn11<1 ion 1 'lated tonight 10 review We t' rct1ue1o1 to ci.p.lnd the hour of the Ja uar Diner:, located in the m1Jdlc



John Roberto _"_·_o_f_C_o_t•_M_e_a_~_a_it-10< ~hanco at a da~ job w~:; day. ·-:J \

('(1, \U:'lf'C40l there ..m ) he method to the maJnc ... s l'I· rnup plotters \\hti \\Cf('

either unal'llc or Un\\ 1lhng 10 \UN.luc Ru'''"" Federation Prc~ident Bor1., 'cit in ·· There are manv unan,\\crcd quc,llon' about th1' coup· I hope that (k1rhachc\ \\3' u '1c11m and not a perpetrator," Co\ ,;11J. " It 1~ 'tunning htiw "cal and inettellual (the h.1rd­hncr<;') rnmbmed effort' '"~re "

The United tato~ hould no" pledcc 1h full 'uppurt for reformer.- m the ~u''"'" republic' and thr B1tlt1t:, , .inmllmli! 10 Co\ "llnitc.J \t t1cs f11re1gn policy h." Ileen 1rrnoc,il'lh .Altt.rcd 1n the d1rc..t1on of 'upporl for the ' \erc1gnl) of Ru'"• .ind all other nation' held curu'c h\ the ~o,1ct empire ," he .. ,1id.

f.,h,n1an ·horn Cf o 1al c1cn1.;c profc'>•,or Rem 1 ugcpcra. a mcmhcr of the f· 1,1on1an Congrcc;s. ~e' the quick rc,cf'\al <ll the coup tt!I proof that the di\ ot the 0'1e1 empire arc o'e r " The

o\tct "4.)·l.lllcd Union "II' nc,er a lnuntl'). it wa' a di.,·un1on." Taagepcra ,,11J. " II 1' , n empire that " falling apart - •' empire' 'houhJ ·•

l ui.icpc:"ra auee' that C1orh chc 's lc.1der,h1p role will ine\ltabl be


Agran, T ol~r declare bidS for presidency ran ' pre tdential dy Russ Loar


The ndc,h be damned, former Irvine Mayor Larry Aaran will formally annuum:e h1 candidacy for the Democratic ptc'litknt 1 I nom11\allon today 11 a to u n U l pre'I conference.

' The chances of ultimately prevailing, of securing the nomination or the presidency itself - I would rate that as a lo.ngshot. But that's what makes Amencan polltics so interesting - you never know what's going to happen.'

a p1ra1ion • hr t rcponcd ti the Pilot on Aug. J. ha'e not been dampened h\ the "olattlc tum of e\:cn\l\ in the ovict

And peaking of long od~h. Agran ha 1lre1dy 1n pircd a home-grov.n orr-onent, JS·ycar-olJ cwpon Be ch fC\1tfcn1 and comeuter con uh nt Randall l'olcr. founder or the lJ 'I A Green Party.

ran me nwhtle, i\ n t kidding hinhclf ahout the thrf1 ultu: 1h11 lie head. "' I he c.h n~ of ul11matcly fHC\ l11lmg, ol C\;unng th nom1natmn or the prc,1dcnqi il,elf - I ~ould race chat a kl bot," he ail!. " Rut that' what m k s American pohti" l 1nterc,ting - you OC\'C r kn -hal' 1n to h ppcn."

.. -t.-w­pres dential candi<1at

• l Jnmn 1\ r n bclid the ColJ Wiu 1 re 11 ' O\'i:r. :anJ the nc.\t pr idcnt mu t shift national pr1orat1c4! h~ cutttna dcfcn'e rending and

10\es1u1a 1n "rcbu1ld1na our n ~lC1cty." ; '' lne failure l•f the S<wiet cuup und r C1rc the fact that the

dcmt\cr.lll<' reform arc 1rrcvc 1btc. and that v.-c can Cely put the (' Id War bcbind U' fnrevcr;' he aaJ. " We ought nOt to I c our he d with every tw1 t and turn of tntcmal ict polilk ."

folcr, whtl ha nC\Cr hclJ II cl tcd offi c. II ltdmtt bi c nJ1d cy 1 a Ion hot, but he a lhc lime ha come for an

... S.. l.ONOSHOTIWlla ...



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Pilot People


A bartender who has been mixing drinks for 30 years. His last 10 years as a mixologist have been at Snug Harbor in Newport's Cannery Village. "We pour a lot stiffer drink than other places around town because there's not much overhead."

IE'S llHN AROlllJ TOWN,-, -------Mccrary has worked at numerous bars in Newport Beach

dunng the 19 year he has been a resident. He claims there arc only two bartenders that have been tending bar longer than he has in Newport Beach " Danny at Woody's Wharf and Bruce at the Stag," he said. From bartending at the Cannery Restaurant when at first opened in 1973 to a three year stint at the Arches Restaurant in the late 1970's, Mccrary said he has enjoyed his year~ at Snug Harbor the most. "You can wear shorts to work and you don't have to wear a tie."

HAVE A SNUGDRIVER."---------working from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. four nights a week keep ·

McC:rarv hu~y and "completely nocturnal." During the day, Snug H.irhor\, chentele 1i. filled with old-time locals. By 9 p.m., Snug I larhor 1~ t.ikcn over by college students, McCrary said. "Eight year' .1go. you would never ee young people in' here. It was all old-t1mcr.,," he: '>aid. "Our prices arc lower than everyone else's. 'I he kid' fake that. " The most asked for drink at the Snug is a .. \Crcwdnver hut .ire called "Snugdrive1 l>" by the locals.

ROOM FOR All IOMJS.- --------rrnm h1lhonaire'> to paupers. Mccrary has served all kinds of

people at the Snug "We get a lot of high-powered people in here hut I lctn't tell )·ou Y.ho the} arc or I'd be an deep bananas," he ,,ml In jll h1<. }eJr' of bartendang. McCrary said he has never o,cen lhc rich interact Y.tth pauper . e'<Cept at the Snug. " It's the darndc-.1 thing r"c C\cr -.een," he said. "Everyone will talk to c,\lh , thc..r hcrl: One l m be a m1lhona1re. the other a pauper, anJ they .act like he1ot friends But lhe minute they're out that door. thn Y.11uld never ljlk to one another:·

- - By Anal~ Shooman

K ,1thcrinc Bell had plenty of lime to th ink as her battered

· BM\\< \al '>luck in the single northbound lane of Balboa Boulevard.

'J he C11y of NcY.port Beach had chosen mid-summer as the pc:rfcct tame to widen the Arches Dridge, so the usual summer 1r.iffic Jam rcJched e'<ponent1a l portions.

Katherine had a date with a \erial killer, hut she hoped he was pJllcnt '>Ince 1t \\Ould take her more than 30 minutes to get off the Pcnam.ula



A' 'lhe inched her way passed the police '1at10n ne'<t to City Hall, Katherine Y.ondered 1f she should tell them Y..hat hjppcned. that the senal killer suspect, Al Bund\-. had called her at the ney,.spaper .ind 1old her c;he had gouen the story all Y.rong He Y.as angr} at fir\t, but then he l'.tlmed dov.n and asked her to meet him at I he Arches. No police, he warned, or he <l disappear forever - with a few more \ldlm\.

by SIHlral hBMu Katherine decided to forget the police. \\<hat good Y..erc they anyway, she

re.10,11ncd' J\I Bundy " ·•sn't the Lingerie Looter, after all. No, K.1thcnnl who hJ\C to take a risk by herself.

hn.i11, 1u-.1 ,1,cr the Arches Bridge, Katherine was able to ,h,1ke frl·c of the traffic Jam. She quickly swu ng her car down Old Ncwpor 1 B(\ulcv.1nl Jnd into the parking of the Archc~

A' 'he entered the rcMaurant, her eyes had trouble adJu~ting 1n the cl.irknc\\, and 'he never saw the blow coming.

I c 1 he uint11111cd

Vil. 85, NO. tori

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' MftCMfltll'l/l'llvt

Tom Hersh, an avionics instructor at Orange Cost College, stands beside one of the ~hoof's planes .

Avionics training rare in California By Vonda Vandaveer Sul! Wnur

0 range Coast College is flying high this fall afte r distinguishing itself as

one of only two community colleges statewide to offer a . cert ificate program !n avionics.

The school established the course after learning the aircraft industry was demanding more personnel qualified to work on airplane electrical system .

The only other 1"0-year state college to offer a certificate in

avionics I!> an Mateo City College m Northern California

"We're really e'<citcd about the program," said lorn Her h, profe or of robotics and elcctronrc . who helped design the cour e "When the (aircraft industryJ came to us with a need, we looked for a way to fall 1t. It'!> not too far off what we .ilrcady tc,1ch. I think 9r airpl.inc' a' nothing more than large , Oymg robots."

I lersh and fellow dectronics professor Jack Nudelman hcgan pursuing the course almost t\\O ycari. agu on the advice of a third professor, Bob Oifton, who teaches Air Frame and Power Plant courses at OCC.

Did You Know?

•' -

• ·· '1tr .111 -HI •••

Tom Her h sits in the cockpit of one of the plane where students will gain practical experience.

At the time, the airline industry also decided to start an nggrcc:<;,ivc program to encourage college 10 set up av1on1ci. cour t\ after noticing a shortage of per onnel coming out of California. Last year, only 82 technician ou t of 1,200 htretl hy Boeing lnJu tnc' in Seattle came from Cahfornill, 1 lersh \aid I

T he program, called Partnerlohip 2000 and hosted

by the state, Boeing Industries, McDonne ll Douglas and United Airline , allowed antcrc ted profe o r\ to enhance their sk11ls an order to teach the avionics


"You might sav Bob w,1~ the impetus behind 11," Her h .iitl. "He'd been interci.ted in 'tarting an av1on1c:S program for o long tame. When we found out about the Partnership 2000 program, it '"°''~ <10 timely \\C had to <lo it. "

I he one-year course, taught by Her h and Nudelman, will instruct students irbout airplane commu nication and navigation system-;.

"We Jta,e a lot of don.itcd .11rcraft here, ~o our cour'>e work provjdc..~ hand11 Oll· C~pcncncc." Heri.h <;J1d.

- - ~ -

.,._AA 11••11• ••••• _ .. •• -

Mo l student come from the Air Frame and Power Plant program and are interested in supplementing their mechanical kill . The remainder are

mech11nics alread} working an the indu try who want to upgrade their positions, new student11 interested in pcciala1:ing 1n avionics and

private pilots who want to learn more ahout I heir planes.

After Mudents receive their certificates and pass a Federal Communication Commission hcensrng te t, they arc qualified to enter the job market, where they can earn between S 12 and $14 per hour

" I hey can now be calJed '5parky,' as they're affectionately known in the business," Hersh !lll1d witb a laugh.

A fcv. tudcnts will also move on to four-year universities

and tudy nviauon management or science, Her h added.

l lc said other private un1verst1ie have offered similar programc;, but cveral have had to Jrop them becau e of co ts. At OCC, the $50,000 program is being funded lhrough grants nnd the Coastline Community Collc~c '>Y'tcm.

" I he community college arc packing 11 up now," Hersh said. "And we're glad to be one of the first. We're rcall) looking forward to teaching it."

Jn Corona del Mar: The cast 1~-likc William O. Kcr c kh off Marine Laboratory, tucked in the rocky coa tline below Corona dcl Mar, was built as n luxurious bath house for the Balboa Palisades Club . Cost ing an eye-popping $50,000, th e conc rete structure was dedicated in the 1920!> by actrc Dorothy Machill and famou surfer, Duke Kahanamoku, who WM a club member.

/king bathed m fame as ' /oc1/ know-1t-1/I i a concrete rcuon for contnbuting }'Our h1 tonc1/ filctf to Did You Know, The Pilot, P.O. 8o:f 15(1(1, Coo,tu M~ a, 926i6.

-Compl/ttl by Anne plan

Police log

Co ta Me a 11rto ..omen robbed a C'oron11 dcl M1r re 1dcnt at

knife point Fnd1y n11ht '' she w1\kcd 1ion1 Ot1n1c lrccl llVtlh I friend rollow1.n1 I Pac1l1c Ampl'11thutcr ~nrert . The twO robber• too"\ the VKltm'• purM tli1th about SI and ~d1t cards trmdc •ncS took off in a pot· \Jble aold Mcrc.cdes One of the IU•J'ICCIS l1thcd the

1tchol1de at the Victim, but did not hit her. •

A 2S·ye1r-0ld Lapn11 Ntt\lcl men "' r~J at


unpoint Ythcn he itoprsd hU car 11 1 iram haJ!t on 7th and Tu hn 11ect tJn WcdncaJ1y. A man camo

up an a kcd dm:ct10llJ •nd lhen pulled • sun taylna. " JuJI aivc mo yuur money" Ilic "-nd11 101 away w11ll ssoo •

After rctum111a home from tho llO.p11at, 1 71·yc•r·

old wom11n found tha1 tomconc had tolcn her video cusc11c rc\:ordct, 1mn •nd JC~chy from her Pl1ccn1ta Avenue home , l ntry inlo 11\c hotnc was made by pl) • 1n& (lJ'('O 1 h,\\~ window, fhc hH w11 about $Ht9

• ~"' 1>1nocf\ 11hcrt1'ln& open iCho11l tnrollm nt

~ere rcrottcJ ltolcn from 1-n~c uf Pc re School un Mc Vert! Avenue anJ t.fontc lit Harbor Mcu '.'Khool on W, Uaktr Street on lllurW•Y The b"'nncn "'ere W<trlh 1hout UOO

• A $2,700 riuwcr .,. th r Wit rc1oortc,1 ,rotcn lliur:t•

day h 11\ • Pa,i( Stdfl MJ un the Wl M k of l nlt'J'lfl\e ~Creel ,.n. k k d 11' the ~' ol a tidtl-1"1 Or p C:on,truc11ott tr.lier on S••~h trcct and !I le • s~oo refit cr1ro1 1umcttmc lot l'hunday


~wport Beach I he uwr11:r tif a 4ti foot )kl<lj) d•Xkcd ln tho ~

Mock tif ~ l'di~w.itcr Pl1\C founJ 1 11>1tcr ho ha<I l>ecn rlllt'd 1nlo h11 l•0•1 llnJ ·lhc ... 1er lumU on, l •u1 na S I0,(100"' rlh of permanent Jamaae . -

Ihm: ~,rl•hlc h1h1101 11n Y,.\lrth S7$0 total, were 1olcn Crom a con tr\Ktk'!B \lit In the tOO bk'k or N Ila Jc Drtvc

• 1\n c hmatcJ $8,tSO ~>tlh of~try _.., mlu•na lrom 1 h""1c left 11nkdci! 1n the 200 black nf Via M ntnnt • •

1 " "KJcot•~ •nth llaW111 pri)fnotiun,d 11\f()nna• I !ft 'WC~ l!!'O"I ~al neMt 10ieft ~l of a 1"'9 Ctuytlet l .eBart,. ~cm PMrt A..,..., nc dlW cnlcred the t " by •Mt11 the eotMftiMe top

Attherl*ol._., nt•t'RJdllleolilt•'I...., ........ . ............ _ ...... ...&11,.,.. ......... 911112& .............. ,_ ot

anocber, dklll'I .lie 11 r.-mt •111 rd to the pr!auit .,... wboD die GOii EM ... ~ writtea. .

• (....._ do noc __, me ot bcias alothful. It au._,,. lime IO rifle throuP tho .,,.... ol .. Prdmia.11 ~er'• Noceboob" in which aa... Mlppett bM bee• llidfq than it doCI to Interview ICMMOM. )

Oary Cote. ikippcr o( a aiahueeina boat out of tbe ....,_ hvilion, when pauina a IUJC tapo.a moored in Newport Haibor: ''The tuab<* WUliam 8 . hu 'been rellorcd and comened into a luxury yacht by a local oilman." The .. oilman .. i1 Oary Hill. Who owns Hill'• Marine Seivice, the Chevron fuel dock on the Peninlwa.

On the Coast

Darryl Griebe, acncrat manager of At Ease, on why the 1tore'1 new owncn 1tock more than 3,000 ties: ''Have you tried to buy a tie i.n

____ _. Irvine? You can't. Well, yea you can, but only at Mervyn's."

Dr. Peggy Bassett, O\urch of ReliJk>us Science, on what the nation is coming to: "I think we'll bric to push ourselves to the brink before we wake up. And I dO bave faith that we will wake up. But it has been wone. At one time, Huey Long ran the whole country."

Septuagenarian juz-c:lub owner and bass fiddle player Howard Rumsey at last spring .. tn'bute to Stan Kenton and the SOth anniversary of has openina at Balboa'• long-gone Rendezvous Ballroom: "Time is (>USing everything by. If we don' t make some effort to preserve thas music it will go bye-bye forever."

W alter Cronkite, autographing The Fred Column's personal copy of his and artist Ray Elli&' book. " We$t Wind": "To a

fellow ailing joumalilL .. " Both titles greatly appreciated, Walter."

Walter Cronkite on Walter Cronkite: " l am pleased to be upright."

Duncan Milne, a paraplegic who is tryin& to bring the experience of sailing to other disabled people, on my comment after an interview that I truly admired his courage: " Thank you. l feel th e same way when I see a quad'.' (quadriplegic).

Tom Edwards of the Airport Working Group on the future as seen from the airport: " Noise, mo re noise and the Qpportunity to make more noise."

Rug merchant Mark Hart on why there are so many going-out-of-business sales in the Oying carpet trade: " It 's the same guys who go out of business over and over again. They go out of business here, rent an e mpty store a few miles away, bring in new containers full of (expletive dele ted) and go o ut of bu inc over there. That's their mu keting plan."

A theater-goer after seeing a performance of the O range County Crazies' latest in a series of satirical revues spoofing

Oran$e County. "They're pretty dam funny ... and l can't imagine anything that lends itself to spoofing more than Orange County."

T. Jefferson Parker, author or ·

'They will get Gorbachev and they will get Yeltsin and we will go right back to where the old boys want us to be.•

the Newport Beach-localed mystery nO\lel " Pacific Beat" and a former Piiot repon er, on remembering his roots: " I still have nightmares that I'm back working o~ the newspape r ... "

A young Moscow man, a re cnie officer in the Soviet army's incelligence corps, who Visited Jerry and Donna North in

- 1 IUM WNJ Co ta Mesa last year, on the visiting Costa Mesa fucure Of his country: "They will

get Gorbachev and they will gel Yeh in and we will go right back to where the old boys want u to be. It will be ad a nd it might be bloody, but we wiJI be bad. to the had old day "

A Slxth·gradcr at Anderson School in Corona del Mar after a ftcld·lnp•with inner-city first-graders in Long Beach: " I never realized the diCfcrence between families that have money and those that don't. I gue my family ha money. But now l know or other ~1d who could use some of it. It's realty important that we learn to hare ourselves with others."

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Bulletin board Speaker semce

A newly a-eal.ed aeealcer'a burc1" wtll offer free 1peakcn ao aoo-prolil poupe 1tartina in Ses>'cm· ber.

For more information or lo r~IYC 1 listina o( 1vallable speakers. call Oormick's AJI American at 831-2021.

High tea NEWPORT BEACH - The rucue of EthlO­

pian Jewry by the I raelis will celebrated 1t hi&h lea at the Four Seuoru in Newport Beach

· tod•r from 2"" p.m. \JCI profcuor Howard lcnh(.)ff., who is put

president of the American A.tsoci1t1on tor Ethio­p11n Jews, will serve as iuesl speaker For more 1oformation and reservations, call 2.59-0655.

Guard traJnlng Free training to be a security o!racer 1s offered

tbrou&h the Or1n&c County Prv1te Industry Council. Srudents will take a 120-bour course 11 the Amcncan AcadcmY. of Pubhc Safety coverin& nate laws, firearms, bat6ns and teu gas.

For more utformation, caJI l ·t00· 47)-00ll .

Fashionable events COST A MESA - A pletM>r1 of C¥enU dedi·

catcd to lhc litC$t ruhiot\s are comma up at Bui· lock's South Coast Pl1u.

• Ocs1ancr Nicole MtUcr will otfer tuhlon a<f.. vice to men durlna 1 visit to Bulloc:k'a from s-8 p.m. today. For more information, call (213) 612-5836.

• A back·to-scbool full lon ahow (e1NJina lbc lJte.st children's, youna men'• l8d JUOIOC"I uc~.~ modeled .by winnen of 8'l0ock'1 rucnt model search contc t will be beld Sa~t l p m. The model Kirch contut was held In and illVlted children and )'OU"J adults a.ae _ ~ to 8 to _partici· pate For anfonnalion, call S5&-061 l , at. 370.

• To celebf1tc the openin& ol The Men's Store, Bullocks and GO M11umc will iofn forces 1110 ho$t "A Des11f1cn Sbc>Wcue" on T~ from 6-8 p.m The tvcnl will feature the F1U 1991 coUcc­uons from ui European and American dc.i1pen. Thouch the event is ~mcntary. reaeTV11uont arc required 11 SS6-0600.

Commission meeting NEWPORT BEACH - The Parks. Beac.hes

and Rccreauon Comm1 inn of the Oty of N~·

port aklCh <wall De meeUn& XJ>l. 'j1 at 7 p.m. in the C'.ouncil Cb1mbcn at 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach

Retirement plan seminar NEWPORT BEAOI - Tbe Newport Bcada ol·

ficc of Shearson Lehman Brothen is ~J a ~min¥r on "Lump Sum Drstrabution1 From Ile· 11rcmcn1 Plans" It MU lake place from 7 to S:IS pm., Sept. 4 11 lhc Hyact Re,ency Hotel, 17900 Jamboree BM! ln Irvine.

Free of cbarie and •n to the- public, the semi· nu LS ooc or an onaoin& fmanCJal sc:miAar series. For reservallOns and further information, call Wendy Smi1h at 644-9111.

Attention disorder " NEWPORT BEAOf - On Monda] ~nma.

Sept. 9, a free lcctorc c:alled, "Attcnhoo DcfJcit DtSOTdcr m Adults, AdolCICCn\I aod Qi.ldrcn: Fact or F1ct.1on.,," will be 11YCn ~ Joan Andrews, an eduational ~bol~f and founder o/ Coast· lane Coun.selin& <:enter m N~rt Be1ch.

'The kcturc Wiii be held from 7· 8:30 p.m. at the Coutlloe Counschn& Cencer oa ~ Street, For mnre mformation, c&Jl 476-0991.

ln the same issue, an incorrect closing date was given for an art collection currently on display at the Newport Harbor Art Museum. " Different Stories: Five Views or the Collection" ends on Sept. 15.

GRAND OPENING Jn the Aug. 20 issue, Bori

G urevich was incorrectly referred to as a Costa Mesa resident. G urevich, president o f BG International, lives and works in Irvine.

0 The Pilot regrets the errors.

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! Peters may take over 1 company he founded

By Tony Cox llUlhss Edlof

Luxury homebuilding \.cteran James M. Peters is keeping outsiders guessing

' about his future with his namesake company.

' He's keeping his cards close to his vest. I would lay money that he'll be a

With J.M. Peters Co. Inc. struggling financially and on the block for sale by the government agency that controls its major shareholder, the man who made the : bidder (to

- repurchase company a J.M. Peters).• l~ader in its

niche faces _ ..,. MATIEm several

Analyst options, ~~~~~~- among them:

• He can rcaquirc majority interest in the company at a fraction of what he sold it for six years ago.

• He can leave the company after it's old or liquidated -which is expected to happen by the end of the year - and use his w~hest and reputation to create another homebuilding_ fi rm.

• He can remain with J.M. Peters Co. and run it for the

new owner. • At the age of 56, he can

kick back and enjoy the money he earned with the 1985 sale of controlling interest in nis company to Houston·based San Jacinto Savinp.

"He's keeping his cards close to bis vest, .. said Mark Matheson, an analyst with Cruttendcn &: Co. in Newport Beach. " I would lay money that he'll be a bidder (to repurchase J.M. Peters Co.)."

P etcrs isn't giving any hints about a possible repurchase

or any other option. " I'll have to see trow the sale

situation progresses," Peters said. " I could stay a part of the company. The first order of business is to get new ownership and direction. That will dictate what I'm going to do."

The company has had ownership and direction prob.lcms for the last two years, since San Jacinto began trying to sell its stock. With the government takeover of San Jacinto last November,.the Resolution Trust Corp. became owner of the fo iled thrift's 86 percent inter~sl in J.M. Peters Co .. worsening tlte cloud of uncertainty hangi ng over the com pan)'.

"Ever since we've: been on the market fo r sale, it's been somewhat difficult to anange

YOU ARE HERE - John Mo ier( a merchant near Newport Pier, was among the businesspeop e who helped get a Newport Merchant's Gui ld directory installed at the Mcfadden Square

financing because no~.ne knew who was going to own it," Peters .aid. " I'm anxiou to see a good resolution to the ownership problem so tbc company can continue."

With financing sources dried up and a depre cd residential real ·estate market, J.M. Peters Co. has adopted a strategy of ellinjt off inventory to raise cash

and developing only projects already in the pipeline.

T he RTC has hired inve tmcnt banker

McFarland Dewey & Co. to market its J.M. Peters Co. stock and ha ct a Sept. 30 deadline for bid .. Peters said he's confident the RTC will sell the company to a buyer who can revive its fortunes.

Matheson said that in his estimation, there's a 70 percent chance a buyer will b'e found, saving the company from ' liquidation. The J.M. Peters name is one of the company's most valuable assets, he said, even if the new owner can't coax the founder to stay aboard.

" It's still a big brand name, and when I'm going to buy a

home, I don't know who Jim Peters is or if he's still with the • company.'' Matheson said.

Despite its name, J.M. Peters Co. suffered a net loss of $108 miJlion in its 1991 fiscal year, ended Feb. 28, compared to a profit of $25 million the previous year. The company has laid off about 200 of its 300 employees in the l11t two years.

T hings have gotten so bad that Peters, who made

$457,750 last year, has taken a $115,000 pay cut this ,car.

In an Aug. 12 research report, Matheson termed J.M. Peters Co.'s stock an "extremely speculative" buy. The stock had been trading at $2.125 a share, but increased to $2.625 last week on speculation that the RTC would be able to make a deal.

That's still a far cry from the $14 a share the stock was trading at in late 1989, when San Jacinto was actively marketing its hares. Peters said he believes Son Jacinto failed to make a deal because tt,e P.riee it was asking, about $100 million, was unrcaJistically hifth.


kio k. The directory, loated near the Dory fishing_ Fleet lructure, points out businesses in the newly refurbl hed

Mcfadden Square area.

Working at home made easy I

f you're r1red of office politics. your JOb, lengthy commutes and not having control of your

life, you're not alone. According to recent surveys,

nearly one-third of Americans would prefer to leave all those things hch1nd and work from home AJ1othcr survey has shown that 33 million people in thi country have already done 1t, and the number goes up every year.

Authors Sarah and Paul Edwards arc among tho e 33 million people working from home Their businc s as tcUtng others how to do it

well The newly reVISCd and expanded edition of their book, "Workina From Home: facrythins You Need to Know About Uvin1 and

Business Books

Worlcina Under tt~"-----• me Roor· (Jeremy Tarchcr, 1990, $14.95), will help you decide whether workina at home is Cbr you. It lt0 bowl hOw to ao about doina it ucces fulty.

The book is comprchcn ive in

The book is comprehensive in its scope. It wilt setve as a reference tool from when you first start thinking about working from home to the point you outgrow your home office.

its scope. It wall erve as a reference tool from when you first start thanking about wo rk.ma from home to the point you outgrow your home office.

S omc people enjoy the freedom, while other... m1 s going into

the office and interacting with others. The authors have included n self-a mcnt urvey, which will hctp you determine ar w r1Un1 al home is for you.

Jf you arc a aood candidate for workina at home, you'IJ 1hen hove to decide what you're goina to do there. The following arc some of the options: .

• Start your own busine . • Buy a franch1 c • Get in..,olved with a direct

ales orpniiallon, such 11 Avon or AmWay.

• Find a ulaned job that aJloW you to work at home.

The author1 offer five plan for

\ tarting a home bu inc : • I he MoonliJhllng Plan -

Keep your full-ttme job and de .. elop your bu inc a a ~1dcline. When it takes off, you can go full-time.

• The Part-Time Plan - Work a part time job to provide base income while you're bu1ldina up the bu,ane , When your bu,ine cquaJ• the tncome, dr()p the part-time job.

• The Spin·Off Ptan - Tum your previou employer into your fint major customer, or, when ethically poasable, take a major client with you from your pre'liou job. .

• I he Cu h1on Plan - Find a f1nanc1al resource to 1upport you durina the start·up phase of ~r bu inc •

• Tho Pifpt>ICk Plan - If )IOU have a working spouse or panner, cut back your e~nlCI '°you can


lave on one salary until your busine gets going.

T he remaining sections cover the nuts and boll of workin&

from home. ScctiOI\ two covers your home office and includes everything from where to locate 11 to how to equip it. The book al'° offers advice on how to keep your personal ond work live separate.

Section three covers the legol 1 ucs - tax matters and in uranc:c issue involved with runninJ a bu lnc s from home.

Sectton four deals with mana ina your time, paperwork and money. ·

Section five concerns the people you'll be dcaJlna -with.

Scc:uon Ill Jives &Uidehnc Oft how to price your product or .crvice as well as how to W.arket It

I ronically, ucce~ or your home bu inc can force you t>ack to

an office building. Tho book cndt by addressing the question of when and if your bu in h outgrown your home. and whit the option• are. Some people mo\'C to an out ide office, but the boot 1lao offcn IOCM optiona that will allow ,0. to~ worlin& It hOmc while your butincsa continues to grow. ,

• .. ' J.M. Plllrl ----.

1'75: Junos M. Pcten founds his homebuildinc company ha Newport Beach. The company ii set up to build homes for the move-up market ia Soutbcm California.

1'85: After 10 years of buildin1 a reputation for quality homes, Pcten sells tbe company to Houston-bued San Jacinto Sa~ Association. Peters remains to run the company for San Jacinto as chairmaA and presidern. .

September 1'87: San Jacinto announces that h has doubled Peters' credit lines to $100 million and takes the company public with a $12 million stock offering.

April 1988: J.M. Peters Co.'s stock begins trading on the American Stock Exchange. ·

Febnaary 1989: The company records a $38.7 million profit in it 1989 fiscal year, ended Feb. 28, 1989, its best year ever.

Summer 19&9: Financially struggling San Jacinto begins trying to ell its 12 million $hares of J.M. Peters stock.

Ftbnaary 1990: Troubled by a depressed market for luxury homes and financing difficulty stemming from iu clouded ownership situation, the company has net income of $25.3 million in fiscal 1990, down 35 percent from the previous year.

Novtmbtr 1990: FcderaJ regulators take over San Jacinto, meaning that the thrift's 86 percent interest in J.M. Peters Co. is controlled by the Re olution Trust Corp.

Ftbruary 1'91: The company report a $108 million loss. Nearly two-thirds of the 300 employees have been· laid off.

Aupst 1'91: The RTC sets a Sept. 30 deadline for bids on its J.M. Peters stock. A sale or liquidation of the company is expected by year's ertd.

At Inst week's prices, the 12 million share controlled by the RTC would sell for about $30 million.

A good indication of whether or not th:it ' a bargain price

will be if Peters bids on the RTC-controlled tock, Matheson said, bccau e a chairman and pre adcnt, Peters hould

understand tt"lc company's pro peels better than anyone.

Peters pa scd up options to purcha e more than 350,000 shares at $6 a hare. If he is to make a bid to repurchase . majority interest, he' ll have to tart v1nually from scratch. He

said he now owns about 100 harell.

RTC names new West 'Coast boss By Tony Cox Busantss Ed or

COSTA MESA - Anaheim Hill re idcnt Jo eph G . Honeseko started work Wednesday as director of the Resolution Trust Corp.' huge West Coa t office, becoming lhe fifth bo s in the two· year histo ry of the local beachhead.

With the hiring of ·Honcscko, the agency that adminis1rate!I

. faded thrift !,Jlfilled it» promise to elect a heavy hitter from the

private sector - and not a bureaucrat to head the maligned Costa Me'a office. Hone cko wa~ most recently enior vice president in the Lo Angele office of Chicago-based real estate giant JMB Realty Corp.

"I'm glad it's resolved," said Frederick C. Dougla Jr., who . stepped down from acting director to deputy director with the hiring of Honescko. "The more help we get, the more we can do."

Honescko could not be reached for comment Wcdne~day

Dougla , a vc1eran government regulator, was dispatched from Washington la t month to crvc a deputy director. He wa elevated to acting director with the re 1gnmen1 of former boss J. Michael Berry to a 1'° ition in the agency' Denver regional office.

Tbe 380«employee Costa Me a

office, which controls $11 billion in as ets from 42 failed California thrift and will eventually assume another $24' billion in assets, has been criticil.fd for being slow to sell holdings and award contracts.

Douglas said he believes the combination or his public-sector experience and Hvnescko's private-sector connections an~ • acumen hould help step up the pace of as ct ales. He said that even before the hiring· of Honescko, the RTC had improved its liquidation efforts.

"Ev~rybody's pumped up about getting thin~ sold," Douglas said.

As western regional manager for JMB, Honcscko wa~ re pon ible for the admina trat1on of a $1.8 billion real estate portfolio. Prior to joming JMB, Hone cko was vice pre idcnt and director or property management with Newport Beach· ba sed Leadership Housing Sys tem • a large apartment management company.

fh c loca l RTC offi ce is scheduled to move to larger quarters in Newport Beach late tha year to accommodate a pro1ected 600 employees. The out(it is one of the largest and mo'it motivated a set cllcrs in the state, as 11 1s saddled with real c tate holdings, loans, •junk bond and a host of other as ct it took over from fa iled thrifts

I \



Local News Briefs

COST A MESA - In a 1DCM lhat Mlped lllab bil 40th birthday a tilde htppier, Cllj Coaecil ..... UMnienwlr ....... Mark KorandO ,.___ to 1111 • ......... Coaunltlion Mat WI open la i11611-July when Joe Bricbm .. lllnled to flll Bd 0....,..1 YICaDI CIDUndl .. t.

Korando, a code enforcement officer with the Oty of Irvine, wu a finalist hillllclf for the council appointment.

He will tab hi1 new teat on the Pluntna Commltlion Monday cvenina. the same niaht the commilaion 1t11U hearina public comment on the propoeed general plan, the blueprint of f\lture deYelopment in the city.

For aomcone who hu been involved with the document since 1987 throuah his work on the gcncnl plan itccrina commiuee. the chance to serve on the Planning Commi ion is an exciting prospect.

" It will be a chance to take place in the dcc1Sion-making process with the general plan after working with it for so Korando long," Korando said.

A resident of Costa Mesa since 1966 and a graduate of Estancia High School, Korando has also served on the city redevelopment advisory committee and is presJdent of the Mesa West Homeowners Association.

Min 1111'm llllcl, llll'lltlnl -• COSTA MESA - Police here are seeking a man who allegedly

Fine Print 8.ilbo.l r~~nt Amy Brown .ind

CO«>M ~I M.ir resident S..llY. Pedlenpaud\ eldl ~iwd ooe OI the top .diievement .ilw.irds gi~n bv the ute P~m()('( SchoOI In C'vpenteri.ll Brown rrce1ved the H.ii,.,,.ird Book Aw.iird, the h1~ .ii~rd a 1unl0f ain receive, and Peckenpaugh receM!d the Ellis Cup, giyen to the ~nlOf who most posit1~ly •f<ected the community. . -

Navy Petty Officer 2nd Oass lrlan l . Douglu, son of David C. Douglas of Cos!A Mesa, recently returned from cle~nt to the Middle E.ut in support of Operation ~rt StOl'm while serving aboard the destroyer USS P.iul f" Foster, llomeported 1n long Beach.

The 1 q95 graduate o( Costa Mt'W High SchOol joined the Navy m September 1986

• Bryan Oane' t, of Cosu Mesa,

~.is n1med a rush counsel°' on the 1ntr.ilfr1termty council .ll Nonbe.ut Lou1~aN Un!Wl'jfty

Rush coun~lors lt'M' as sup~ suff lor students 1oinmg fr.itf'rnllies dunng roun.il rush WttlC •

• David lruuln, • \tudcnt .lit Es 1Anc1.i Higfl School m Cou.a Mesa, is .1mong 27 uuclenB who are at tending the 40th ~l1forn1<1 Schol.is­t:IC Pess Asloctabon WOfluhop this sum~r at .UI Poly ~n Lut) Obis· po.

During the two-Wffk worbhop he will receive instruction from pro­feui<>Nls in prmt, r.tdio. and televi· slOn ioumah~m

• M.mne Pfc. Lawrtn<:e M. Mkk·

ebon, son of Larry O. Mkkelton, of C<ma Me'\I, recently completed the 8<Ulc Helicopter Course at the Na\/al Air Techniul Training Cent r 1n Tennesstt.

MlckMson, graduated from Es· tancia H1 h SCM<>I in 1990 ;al"<f j04ned the Marines tn October of 1h.tt ~·r. ~ . . .

J.iime CoatH ol Coron.i· 0e1 Mar wb honored Sunday Aug 11 for her work .lit the Or.10 COunty fair 1nform.i1.on booth tll1s ~ar ~n she a )led a h.tndappcd v1S1t0f' .

She and two others were chos«!n by their pttr) to rece1"e the 1991 Emplo)tt Aw•rd of hcelk-nce .

• M..mne Pfc !Uri V. Schnug. son

of 0 1.ine a. K~ndall of N~port 8t'tl'-h ~ently c:ompl ·ted recrutt tr.ll1n1ng .at M.m~ Corf>\ Recruit 0.-poc 1n S..n Oqn

The 194 gr.tdu1te of C0ton1 Del Mar ~l1gh ~11ool join<><I tht' M.innt' (Ofps 1n ft'bru.uy





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(714) 540·6690

., \



auacbd Md dnataed to lbc>Ot the Nnqcr ot a tdcnwbdal nr.w~_,,,

Police ta.ve .... ol ..._ ....,.ct. but b8d not -* an aneat al preta time. He II w11a1 d • ":-= ol -1111 ud bettcry.

All employee 11 Nlliollwkll -- ..e11 a..ounie. om Broedwly near Newport lbalcwicl 1Gld 11le Pilot die uqteaa erupted around 10:30 a.m. wben the ....,.. llonned iato the oMce and threatened to retrieve a sun from hil car and lbooc the maaqer.

Another employee intel'\'enecl. and the 1uapcct 1Uc1edly tried to choke him before flccina the olfice, runnina e .. tbound throush an alley behind the building. accordina to police and witnca 1tatemcnt1.

When police armecs, they patrolled thC area, but could not find the suspect, who wu described as 1 larae man wcarin1 a white tank top and colored aboru.

..... 1:1 ..... , •• ii .......... . COSTA MESA - Police have

released an artist's rendition of a man being sought io the beating, rape and rObbCry of a 79-year-ofd woman in her apartment.

''Thi~ appears to be an isolated case," aid Costa Mesa police Sgt. Ron Smith. "We haven't had any other imilar assaults like this in the area or anywhere else. This is an unusual · case, but it's not ' unheard of,"

Around 8:30 p.m. Sunday, the \ • .....- · attacker broke through the kitchen door of the ~round-floor apartment \ the unidentified woman lived in alone in the 2900 block of Royal • Palm Street. .... -· - .../


He puncbed die .,... ia the face. caUllq ber DC* to bleed. wl hit and bruited her beck before rapina bcr. He then l1olc S30 from the victial'• pane ud fled throush the kitchen door, Smith aald.

The woman wu taken lO ~ Ho.pital, treated (or her iajuria ind rdcucd.

"We don't think hc knew her or was lp)'in1 on her," Smith said . "She uid abe didn't recopiu him.'' ~ ~ described the rapist u white, aac 30~. 6 foot 1 with a

muscular build and brown hair in a 3· or 4-inch ponytail. He wore a green T-shirt with 1 design and dark colored panta.

Anyone who information about the cue should caJI Det. Jack Archer at 154·S20S.

11111•1 ... , .................. .. COST A MESA , - Brian Klamm, who killed two people and

IOJUred five others while driyina drunk, will remain in prison until at least NOYember. , A Su~rior Court jud&e b ordered the 28-ycar-old ex.Urpcnter to be monitored at the California Jn trtut1on for Men in Chino. Prison officials will recommend at 1 Nov. 20 court hearing whether Klamm, who has been behind bar since July 10, hould remain in prison or be put on probation.

He pleaded guilty to charges temming from the July 17, 1990, crash in which his Jeep sma hed into a tation wagon on Wilson Stree(, killing Roger Olm tcd, 46,'l>and his sister-in-law, Su an St. Clair, 40. The era h also injured Olm ted's wife Alta, their two daughters and St. Oair's two daughters.

While awaiting sentencing, Klamm completed a court-ordered alcohol treatment program and spoke to students about the evils of drin~ing - winning praise Crom local educators.

However, a preliminary probation report recommended that Klemm be imprisoned becau e of the severi ty of his crime. He face up to eig~t years in prison. ·


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le fun ·keeps art fans gay I t wu a put place to party.

And at wu a night to have ~ "mahol"

The Visionaries, a .Newport Harbor Art Museum support group, was celebrating at its summer fund-raiser, Visionaries Go Caribbean.

Cll'll 1111 Jllll


Arla and Devillo Brown played host to the gathering of 150 a t the ir beaut ifu l new Ir v in e Cove h o m e. T h e Tr inidad Steel Orum and Show Ba n d p laye d music.

Plenty of palm trees added Car­ibbean flavor to t h e S75 pe r

person event and guests had a great time filling up on appetizers as they pretended that the sun wasn't setting over the Pacific ocean.

Visionaries charter member Arla Brown was a gracious hostess. Confiding that she was responsible for the interior design of the pic ture pe rfec t house, she explained that the unique patio furn iture (k inda Cari bbea n looking) was something she had fabricated in Bangkok.

Event chairwoma n Diana Sterling wouldn't take credit for the well organized fun. ''The committee did it really. They're all incredible women!"

Sterling's committee included group president Janet Corbin, Ronnie Allumbaugh, Arla Brown, Barbara Miles, utherine Thyen, Kathryn Wright, Janet Smith, Harriet Cox, Nancy Tarnutzer and

...,... "--"'*' Enjoying the Caribbean festivitia were, from left, Gypsy Pulliam, Diana Sterling and Karen Hardin.

Arla and D.V. Brown, far left, hosted the event attended by Kath')n .wright, at left, Byron and Ronnie Allumbaugh (center photo) -and Don and Janet Corbin (photo on right).

Gypsy Pulliam.

Wally Wolf watched Pulliam as she clowned around with the band. ''Gypsy's jacket looks like the same ones the band members have on. She fits right in! '' he teased.

If you wanted, you could quaff

rum punch trom a coconut or just enjoy the feast provided by Turnip R ose . It i nc lude d sa lmon sccabechi, a rum runner fru it salad and pork roast pwast.

Too bad for those who didn't leave any room for the banana




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Zuckerman were. there as well as Edward Sterling, Toni and Ken Oliphant, fane uwson, Victor and Karen Hardin, Byron Allumbaugh, Donald Corbin, fUchard Miies and Marilx.n and Robert.Mcintyre.


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Leamin• about " Getaway Dreams" were, from left, Melisaa Williams, Lizabeth Polo and Nanette Williams.

Mary Morton chats with Ed Postal.

Dreams on sale to help Cystic Fibrosis foundation S omet imcs what you 're

hoping for can come true. Especially if the C)tstic

Fibrosis .Foundation has a s'y an it.

Friday night at the Newport Beach Marr iott , the CF Foundation held a kick of( recept ion to introduce its u p c o m i n g f u n d -r a i s e r C h am p ag ne Wishe s and Getaway Dreams. At the Sept. 20 event everyone will get n chance to enjoy lifestyles of the rich and famous.

Sponsored in part by The Pilot ....and the Marriott (where the party will be held} the low co t evening ($25 in advance) will feature lots of aood hors d'ocuvres and good company, the chance to mingle at the si lent auct ion a n d th e opportu~ to bid on some fantastic getaways.

Chairman Mu Hoskins e~laincd that the event will be a good way for single to meet. Hoskins joined the effort for CF, he said because, "Ll(c and community have been good to me and now I have a little tame to give back. The key to the cure for CF is right around the comer (there arc new advance every month.) I think that's what makes the cause so popular. A plus is you can meet above averl\ge human beings. the type that care, at this event!"

And, apparently the type that like to travel and party.

Some of the aoodics they'll bid on include trips to place like the Hayman J land Resort,·

Susan lane and Max Hoskins.

Cancun, London, Australia and the Virgin Islands. There arc package which include dinners and concert~ and boating nd tours. Some~ of the prizes arc pricele , like dining at the Newport Beach fire station or even editing Tht Piiot for the day.

There was no doubt Liz Polo would be there fo r the September fun

"The concept of th1 event is great. I'll bet we attract a big

ud1ence (500 arc expected). ~eople love to dream. We all love fantasy."

If the reception was an indication, Polo's forecast was ri&ht on. Champagne bubbled in hght renectang gla ~e . About I SO were gathered fo r the complimentary appetizers served from a fountain centered table. They looked ready to puty.


HUNTINGTON BEACH Emphasizing Academics

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......aWe(f•t ..... CO.. ...... r'D•) · Ch ' e 1 U ....... •• .,.,.. .c-, ...... ............ ~ . .................. ,) ...... . ........ . ...... . AltAU wtaltlea • ftz 'r 1 Sta11d1

9UMMU PllOGllAM-P.ltllc 8cllool a.11-.. WelC••• ENaOLL NOW FOii FALL

' I

T ouin& and turning, a lot or lhakial aoina on, do run runnina, strolling and

rocking around, th'e clock! Sha Na Na was at the outdoor " Class Reunion" of the Barnraisers of Discovery Museum of Orange·County.

Maybe "There ain't no cure for the Summertime Blue , " but the nine-member mu ical group had the crowd of 150 feeling belier - at

..._ least they were •- able to clap - their bands,

~------~ move to the Society rhythm, wave

their poi:n porns and some even

left their concert seating to dance.

" We thought the reunion theme ~ould be fun," said chairwoman Jo Corbett of Newport Beach. "I was going to

Party chairwoman Jo Corbett teadt partygoen In a cheer.

wear my cheerleader costume from Pacific University in Oregon, but it 's wool and I thought it would be too warm."

Committee member , Miriam Demmel, Jane English, Vemette Gilbert, Mary Ann Hunt, Mitzi Holmes, Karen Jpnes, Sue Krause, Mary Seith \ind Sandie Straub, had uggested nostalgic attire. A variety of remembrances were noted as the partygoers examined auction 11cm . and visited the hors

d'ocuvres buffet. Anina Henderson wore white

shirt over jeans while husband, Jim, wore a "Leave it to Beaver" Tee with his jeans; Gilbert wore pearl with her skirt and sweater, and Ann Pange wore jeans with a sequinned top and a silver western hat. Mo t simply wore casuaJ attire.

"That's what I like about this party. It's casual, you can wear something comfortable and have a good time," said Anne Nutt at


Anina and Jim Henderson (in his "leave it to leaver" T-shirt enjoy the nostalgic reunion.

the eighth annual event. Barbara and Tom

Peckenpaugh, Cathy Schroeder, Judy and Joel Slutzky and Mary and Ed Hunt were others attending.

" We will make close to $10,000 tonight," said Corbett after the 36 silent auction items had been sold and Lyn Wilder had auctioned 10 live ones following the grilled chicken, pasta and ace cream and cobbler dinner by Creative Cut inc.

A no 1alg1c evening could not have had a more fitting ettmg - on one 1de was the three· story Maag house built in 1899

and now awaiting iis face h!t which begins in two months: nearby was the home's restored carriage house and water tov.cr and in front was the beautiful old Kellogg house which has been open for tours since 1985.

'.:. "We've been busy with tours all summer," said Karen Johnson, mu cum director. (More infonnation about tours, seminars can be obtamed by calhng 540-0404.)

The museum 's annual Victorian Fair, food, Cun, entertainment, arts and crafts, 1

set for Oct. 12 at the museum, 3101 W. Harvard St., Santa Ana


Ed and Mary Ann Hunt.

No nural -100 liig· tor -megastar or .. Bren · H URDLES, ANYONE? - A

Newport Beach bu inc eucutavc, who requests

anonymity, has ent me evcrnl Xeroxed' pages from his Beverly Hills High School yearbook. The Watchtower, Cl of 1950.

The page , headlined "Varsity S-ptkeman," glorify and cnol the ~chool's track and field team.

Thi wouldn't qualify a ports legend, ncccssanly, but it docs 111illate as trivia.

Two of the pikemen, who raced on to great f amc and fortune, were

~ SCflior, Donald Bren, and a sophomore. Rkhud Cbambtrlaio. ' There's a

picture o( the . entire squad, but :-. for re.i on only The Watchtower sport editor can

----- explain - their track and field pcciallle

weren\ li~ted -----• Richard's spending much of his time these days at hi home m Hawa11, and I wa n't about to phone him there. I placed n call to the actor' mother. dear Elsa Cbam~rlaln, at her hilltop haetenda m Laguna Beach - trying to learn more about his athlc11c career - and guc what happened?

Richard Chamborlain himsctC got on the phone, that's what!

Tclcvi ion's much-acclaimed "King of the M1mscnc " 1 on the

receiving end of many important telephone call , bµt thi wasn't one of them. Mo t interviewers don't a k him about his athletic exploits four decade ago at Beverly Hills High.

But he was very gracious about 11 , and we had a few laugh .

for the record, young Chamberlain specialized in spnnb He ran the 100 - and 220-yard da he • and collected a chestful of medals - some gold, he aid, but mo th ilver. Also, he ran the thud leg w11h a "pretty damed good" mlle relay quartet - and ha been a dashing figure ever

IOCC And what were Don Bren'

specialties? Richard said he couldn't rightly remember, noting th3t they were two classes apart, and didn't gel to fraternize much .

•·we might have become friend ," Richard laughed, "but he wasn't a bilhonatre then "

The reader who sent me the yearbook clips wasn't sure, either, but o;ccmed to recall that Bren was a hurdler.

Detenntncd 10 track the truth-( no pun intended), I placed a call to Mr Bren's c11ccut1ve suite at the Irvine Co.

Ht ccretary eemcd to have a problem with the purpo c of my call, and ref erred me to the company poke man, Lany Thomu, ''who takes care of these matters."

Mr Thomas h tcned briefly and then - acting a though nobody' ever po cd the crucial que tion before - said he'd check into it and get back to me.

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As of deadline time, he hadn't called, but I've no doubt that he wall. I mean, the man 1 reputed to be a ma tcrf ul communicator. And, after att fhc c years, we can wall a few days tonger 10 learn: Wa Don Bren a hurdler, or wac;n'I he?

We'll clear that hurdle, cxcu e me, when ~e get to it.


MINISERIES - Richard Chamberlain, who's between epic:$ at the moment, will be 1n Pilotland all week - vi 1ting his dear sweet mother, whom he describes as" a very )'oung 89."

I can au.est to that, Elsa.has the skm of a schoolgirl, with ltvcfy wit to match.

The mega tar of "Thom Btrd " and "Shogun" will return 10

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Hawaii on Monday, for pondering purpo cs. He' considcnng three different projects - none of which, he a ~ures, wilt be a documentary based upon his athletic accompltshment at Beverly Htll Ha~

HEY, EVERY YEAR COUNTS - Corrccuon on Tuesday's item about su great Tex Btntkt, who rcccruly swuched re idence from Co ta Mesa 10 East Anaheim:

Bandleader Beneke was born I-eb l::?, 1914, which makes him merely 77 at tht writing, not an elderly 78 as reported.

And may we all shed a year so easily.

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day: What if they taged a coup, a

nobody came?

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Toni Bruner at Recycled Romances In Costa Mesa.

year is Lori Herter, author of day. Now the store houses over ''Obsession." 3,000 books - both hard and

However, the shop carries sof't cover. much more than just romances. How d~ she keep so many This is one boOk store with books while making money? eve rything, whethe r you' re "People. just give me boo.ks," said interested in romance stories, Bruner. horror novelists such as Stephen for:tY percent of all books sold King , myste ries, westerns, anywhere are romance novels. children's books or just browsing Bruner has one entire room filled for a brilliant new recipe In a with them alone. That's abovt cook book. They even carry both 1, 1 oo romance novels. the au tobiographies on Jim Morrison and Nancy Reagan. As for the cost, all paperbacks

Recycled Romances and Other are priced down half price or less. Used Books started out about four A basket full of "bargain books" years a o when Bruneueceiv for 25 cents each sits In the 700 romance novels for her romance sec ion . e most birthday. -Since she already had expensive books in the shop are about 700 of her own, Bruner new editions, and those vary. decided to open up a shop. I( this sounds like your cup o(

Collaborating with her husband tea, call R~led Romances and and her neigfibor, she managed Other Used Books at 645-0519. to get her hands on a large The store is located in Costa Mesa number of westerns, mysteries, right off Newport Boulevard on spy novels and horror stories. Broadway, and is open Tuesday Bruner was on her way, with her through Saturday from 1 O a.m. to collection rapidly growing every 6 p.m.

Dunes Marine keeps boat motors running ~ By Amy Young

D on't you hate it when you're .on vacation at the most gorgeous resort, just

about ready to slide your boat into the crisp, clear water. and your boat dies? Well, Dunes Marine makes sure that never hap~ns again.

8111 Har\lilton and Art Cronsky run the marine repair facility located next to the launch ramp at the marina. Both have a long history with boats. Their business is an inde~ndent one with five experienced mechanics aside from themselves working to 1mwove your trip.

'We'll do the best we can," Hamilton said.

If Hamilton 's name sounds

f am1ltar, there's a good reason He invented the water rake a while ago to clean up the water. The rake can pick up anythi,,g from a little trash to an oir spitr. and 1s kept on the premises. Also, he owns both the Cannery restaurant and Malarkey's lri$h Pub

Hamilton has been in the engineering field for many years. " I like bOats," he said, "and dC$ign engineering brings new challenges."

As for Gronsky, his family has owned ~he Pcwilion for 30 years

·.Plus, he i~ .the founder Jlf Art's landing, which has been in

operatiorr for the past 20 years. Together, the two decided to open their own company - and what a location.

l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~~~~~~ill Dunes Marine, owned by the II Evans family for about 20 yeafS, 1s in a direct _line from th Costa Mesa Freeway. This beautiful trailer park is open from 8 to 5 Q.m. "every day except for Chri!.tmas and Thanksgiving,'' said Crons!<Y, and offers the perfect area for fishing, boating, cruising or just playing in the sun - not to mention the absolutely breathtaking view of the water and the reels.


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The marina also has recently added such facilities as a restaurant, a swimming pool, a laundry room and a gym. This isolated paradise is "a resort in the middle of the citified see " according to Hamilton.

The marine repair faci ty houses close • to 1,000 boat.S, about 460 docked and ~20 in f\e water.

Aside from rep.liring , Hamilton and Cronsky sell fish 1g equipment, boating supplies a d new Johnson motors. for e information call 729-3663.



ii A f'.ULL SEL£CTIONI A 1ypt Ind Clf>K1ty for rno•• r.omea

fia LONG LIH' WARRANT I S! ~. NlelpertOl'l f()( tht ....... dfl ill I ...................................

""II 11•1 llff I N

• '

llid the MluDCC •' ?rel .... bo Uled IO harm tM ftftM' ....t minoridla. • ..--. ..-

UQder the ........ wR•ap c:ould be declared MiluW if dli; ~trc declared 1truauraJly unsafe in ca1e1 where "dilapldadon. obsolescence, fire hazard or abandonmen t.. posed life· threatening situations. Buildings declared a nuisance would have to be repaired or demolished.

Other changes include: • A mandatory inspection of

home at the time of sale, which planners say would help protect consumers and cut down the number of building code violations in older dwellings.

• Designed to help ease residential overcrowdinf. a new housina code would cut m half the number of people allowed to live in a home. The code would require that every dwelling have at least ISO square feet for the first two occupants and at least 100 square feet for every additional occupant. Codes now require 75 feet of living space for the f int two occupant . Children under S would not be included rn the occupancy limit.

• A " ecurity ordinance" would require new home41 and busines e to beef up safety measures. About 24 pages of the document deal Some~rents decided Mariners School in N~rt ae:h with the type of lock.41, doors and window barriers re idents anp nttd some sprudn_g up before the first bell o the school

year rings nm montn. So, under the guidance on Principal merclaants would need to use to Bonnie Swann, they organized the "Mariners Pride Projed" comp I y w 1th the security wt weekend. Though several families were out of town for ordinance. summer vacation, a committtt headed by parents Judy

• Pool safety provisions would Davis, Anne Stevens and Karen Kenn~ conected about be increased for new pools 10 help $1,500 to buy flowers, shrubs and .f~:~~ :h'firlies, and reven~drownings. ~.i:tl4Ji~......,.w--+---'$ veral pareots and_their ildr.ctuol · time last

would include a 5-foot-high fence Saturday to Plant rose gardens and drought-resistant plants. around the perimeter of a yard The event was so successful that another 1s in the worlts. that has a pool.

ly 1rt1 Yolcal ...... NEWPORT BEACH - An

Anaheim construction company apparently bit off more than it could chew when it took on a Balboa Penintula storm drain project

Inexperienced at workin& with groundwater, Guild COastruction Co. ran into a 1lew of problems -including dama1in1 a sewer main and a cu line and Ooodin& the street - while installing tonn drains and street improvements on the ~ayfront end of 19th Street.

Tryin& to right its wrongs._ the company hired <iewatcring experts and even offered to pay for hotel rooms for 1he Jrunrucd, inconvenienced 19th Street residents who've endured five months of pounding noises, shaking and hu&e gaping boles and bulky construction equipment clogging their garages and street.

Now Guild is apparently gorng out of business, partty because of the problematic, month -overdue 19th Street pro1ect that should have only taken one month to complete, but i still not I()(). percent done.

Telephone calls to Guild over the past week w e been answered by a message s~ce and company officia ls have not returned numerous me ages left with the service.

that "in retrOlpCCt, the (19th Street) work ahouJd Uvc bcea stopped after the first few days." But he said city offidals be1ioYed the oompany could ·handle the job.

Guild. whicb was hired by the city after pr0\'1ding the lowest bid for the project, is properly licensed and has done good work oe irnllar, but not identical, projccu,

Nolan said. ln fact, Gutld has been doing an "excellent job," without any problems or delays, on torm drains elsewhere on the peninsula, Nolan aid

"They performed satisfactorily on other paru of the a:uuraa,'' Nolan aid. "Their wa no reason to find they weren't qualified."

But. as soon as Guild oegan work in March on 19th Street {as early as the second day of work. according to re idents), the compan)'~ inexperience with grou~dwater became eV1denl.

On that 5econd day, 'ftOrkcrs htt a water main and flooded the street entirely, mcik.ing the street look like an extension of the bay, according to resident Later, inadequate dewatering caused caving that damaged an existing e~er main and a ga hoe, · olan

\ltd . And even after concrete was

poured, workers ended up going ba~k and repairing and replacing structures because of damage from inadequate dewatenng. ·

The company has subsequently asked to be released from another city dra1n contract on Balboa Island that W:is put on hold because of the 19th Street

But city officials said the financial losse suffered on 19th Street, coupled with a lack of other jobs due to the recession. was what apparently forced Guild

t-JWJ.~~~. J~ ~~-t"ntnnl'Tn1Tm1~""lnnt-1\1l"lf!ll'l<--nmt--tnr~~~~-1

In a memo to the City Council, is \till revtewmg whether to as e Newport Beach Public Works the company penalties for the Director Ben Nolan acknowledged _ dc:la) .

It's peanut butter and jail for.suspect By Iris YokOt heard someone ms1de, Nev.i><>rt he had the ca h and credit cards

Wll9r Beach Pohce Sgt. Andy Goni on tum and sub equehtly arrested NbWPORT BEACH - Next said. him. Morin initially gave (also

11me, he might go easy on the Gordon and Officer Richard information about hi identJty, and peanut butter. Or maybe switch BaTk chat went mto the office and officers learned he had a traffic from chunky to smooth. found a 'refr1genuor with its door warrant and a no-bail burglary

Son1ething Exciting is HaJJJJening in Lido

A 45-year-old transient wa open m the kitchen area. Monn, e capec warrant as well, GontS J rre ted on susp1c1on of with the .sticky food tuff smeared aid . 'ommercial burglary early on h1o; face and surgical gloves on Morin apparently ate the peanut Check todays Weekend Section for Important Details Wednc day after be was found hi hands, was allegedly passed out butter at the Berkris Corp. office, 1~up inaN~pon~mcr officc oo ~e floor 1n bot~ the Gon~~~. "Webchne~~y~========================~~~~=~==~~=~~ with peanut butter SJJ'leared on his refrigerator. also ha,·c been under the influence face, police reported. The officers woke Morin, found of alcohol or drugs," Goni said.

The events leading to Donald E. 'jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 Morin's nutty arrest began around 11 ~ 20 a m Wedne day, when an employee of 1he Berk.rt Corp. at 567 San Nicholas Drive, Suite 201, arrived at work to , f rnd ~meone had mashed the front window of the busine , climbed through nd ~tolen about SJO cash and some

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lyl.GflMa ....... ...... T

he pidiboaU IOld them ne¥er 10 ID ashore unarmed.

It wu 1936 and they were off lhe coast of an island inhabited by cannibals juat north of Tahiti.

But several of the boys decided to tako their chances anyway. AfteraU, they were only boys still in their teens.

So they paddled to shore in a canoe and pent the day exploring. Only problem 'NIS

they oouJdn't figure out how to get back and they eventually found thcmselve aJone in the duk.

Then they panicked. Now they lauch. That's because they made it out of that

tough spot and many others and lived to reminisce about them at a SS-year reunion at the Balboa Yacht Oub Wednesday in Newport Beach.

About two doz.en sea scouts from Southern C<llifomia gathered there to swap · photographs, old newspaper clippings and tales of their adventures on the M .S. Stranger.

Originally a Swedish freight liner, the 230-foot vessel was converted to a yacht and named the Stranger by wealthy Newport Beach landowner Fred Lewis in 1936. Lewis then recruited a group of young sea scours

''We~ beard thae storin ewer and over," said Mildred Pattenon, the

widow of one sea acout wbo died tour yean ago. ••And then they make up a few more!'

Wednesday's reunion wu no different. The sc:outs recalled the lime they joined a tribal chief in a ceremonial fire •alk on an island north of Tahiti. And the storm that nearly drown them off the coast of St. Matthews bland in .Alaska.

But their primary job, and what Lewis paid them $10 a month for, was to explQre uru:barted waters and coJlcct exotic animals,­plants, shells and -0rtifacts.

They ~sited 42 tslands from Guatemala to Vancouver and brought home alligators, monkeys, boa constrictors, flamingos and tropical fish for local zoos and aquariums.·

Dana Point resident Ed Bucko, 77, recalled the time when a handful of scouts hired an Eskimo to help them capture aomc baby walruses for the San Diego Zoo.

"We f*ldled like hell to get out of there, buC ~ were comina up under the boat and rmnmlnl bola riaht throu&h the one and a balf indi p&anb. YOU know how Iona WC

would ts.ve luted in that water if we had , sunk?"

Fortunacely. Bucko never f9und our.

About the worst thina that happened lo a crew member on the Stranger was a boul or two of seaslcknc~ - and homcsicknc~ .

The oldesl scout was 21, tbc younge)t 15.

D espite their age, the boys temporarily left their homc!l and their ,~hools for

the once in a lifetime adventure th"' Lewis offered. And judgmg by Wednesday' reunion, they found it

" I don't know if there will be any (scouts) left five years from now," aid reunion coordinator Vic AJleman, 71. "One thsrd of these guys arc gone now. But there will never be a last reunion until the la t guy dies."

Soldering work sparks house fire

City to pay 8270,• to man struck by cy•list on ocianfront boardwalk

., ,_ Cllllll --COSTA MBIA - hciflc Aaiphltbeatre oaecen pn who thi8k me,:re ....... • deal by parkina iD the Muby Colle• Patt nelahbortM>od belief tltink twice.

Onder a ordinance paued by the City COuncil Tuetday ni,tit, finea for parkjlll the neighborhood without proper permits will cany a maiumum $100 fine, up from $17.

" I think we should make sure our neighborhoods arc protected," said Councilman Jay Humphrey, who proposed the increased fine to help the neishborhood, often impacted by traffic and trash associated with amphitheater events.

Humphrey said the $17 fine wasn't enouah to keep some people from parking illegally in the neighborhood.

" I think $100 will make some noi e," he said. " It will get their attention."

AJso with the new ordinance, residents in the neighborhood will be prohibited from selling their permits to other people . Humphrey said there have been complaints that some people have been selling their guest permits during concerts.

Sign will be posted 10 lhc neighborhood advertising the new suggested fine.

llMNl 175 ............... ................ " .. .................. ....... Wiil .., ... Illa ... commercial mnea. dole IO 11op1 or major tmplople centers. Plaaaen uplCt alllina Allid9atial ...-..· .wlll likely candidates for SR convenionl by Pfi!ato dM

• Efforts . by BUI ~ brin4 the Ballet Folklorico Mutc0 to Costa Mesa for a special free performance i r school children at Oranae t College in September reC:ciWd a t>oosl of $3,000 from the c:ouid. Holiday needs to raite more tluin $10',000 to secure a Jut-minute perfonnance by the ballet, wbicih will tie passing through o""'° Coun~ on its way to Los ~

Hohday said he's already -,.Md about Sl ,000 in private donado+a from the local Latino commurucr. He had initially requested S6,0QO in matching funds from the city.

The Ballet Folklorico de Mcxido is the largest and most widely acclaimed folk dance company ln the Americas, and has rc<lendy been promoted by Columbia Bush, the Mexican born daughter-in-I• of President George Bush, Holidty said.

CO I A MESA - A small fare hroke out m the walls of a homo at 2921 Royal Palm Street "hen spark\ from a By Ins Yokoi April 1988 when he wns hit by a Most bicycles ride on the In other council action:

bicyclist who lo t control. Gorman walkway at a low <;peed, and the • Council members unanimously

• Council members decided to cancel the last $26,000 stage of a SS6,2AO report that offered to implement what traffic officials say were only problematic steps to help coordinate signal lights an the City.

soldering torch accidentally S1all wnw 1gn1ted in .. ulation Wednc day NEWPORT BEACH - The nsght. city of Newport Beach must pay

The fire dcp.1rtment $270,000 to a man who was injured responded to the call at 6:39 when. a bicycle hit him ns he pm "hen William McK.Jm wal led o n the ocea nfront re p o rted he had been hoardwalk, a Superio r Court jury ~o+ckring some p.._.;::..-.... 1 ......... --11--~h>-Atl+s ""'rt1H'lli1"'e.+d- - -----p1pe in the bathroom .. and Ci t> Attorney Robert Burnham noticed _s moke forming ~aid Wednesday that he is still around him. con\tdenng whether to appeal the

When firefighters arrived, dec1Mon, which has the potential they discovered the blue to open the floodgate to other spreading up the walls and ll> im1lar law<;uit and raises ms1dc the framewo rk. It tool questions of whether the city 24 firefighters one hour to should take aggre s1ve action o n douse the flames. Damage is the busy oceanfront walkway. estimated a t $10,000 for the Newport Beach resident Nat '>tructu re and $5,000. in Gorman, who wa 65 at the time, contents. was "alkmg on the crowded

boardwalk near 18th Street in

fractured his knee in the incidt:nt city hai. only been sued one other approved a policy that will help and sued Newport Beach, claiming time in connection with a bicycle guide the future development of the city knowingly allowed a v~. pedestrian accident on the Single Room Occupancy hotels, dangerous condition to exist. hoardwalk, Burnham aid. known as SROs. With tric t

The jury awarded Gorman lhat other i.ull, which involved 8

security and management $270,000 la t week, apparently duld ¥i ho wes struck b"' 3 ei,eh~t-t *ftS.,__re_9.1..-u1rementi., planners ho c SRO ' nHueuced by has ao~c~t...,.o-r r-'s-~*1-'w. / prOJCct w1 o er as1c, sa e and testimony that the retired toy he darted across the walkway in affordable hou ing for the working manufacturer may still need a n·.,pon .. c to hi\ grandmother' call, poor. knee transplant in the future . was dismb ed. Burnham aid Under the guidelines, rents· for

" You can't de ign any kmd o f the furni shed unit , which would Allan Hcrzlich, Gorman 's facility to protect against a include kitchenettes, bathrooms

attorney, contended the city has bicyclist losing control." Burnham and even color television sets, allowed too many u e on a said. would range between about $300 boardwalk tha t isn't wide enough But Mayor Phil S:rn~ne aid he and $540 a month. " I 'll be to handle all of the activity. fear Gorman's award "could very supporting· the motion, although I

The city argued that while there y·ell open n Pandora's Box" o f don't consider a color televisions is the po 1bHity of accidents on <;1milar lawsuits and that the city to be a neces ity of life," Vice the boardwalk, the risk of injury 1s "'111 have to look at way1, to control Mayor Sandy Genis said. low. the boardwalk traffic. The small units will tart at

While the study found that thefe were no major problems with the timing of city traffic signals, it found that so c made if green lights were e entially lengthened on major tree ts.

" That would create more problems than we stand to gainp" said Transportation Services Manager Peter Naghavi, rcferrifa& to backup that would occur on s ide s tree t s .

Counci lman Peter Buffa ab tained from the vote since tic works for the Irvine-based consulting company that conducted the study.

UNTIL WE FIND A CURE THIS IS THE BESI MEDICINE. Ynu !..nm~ \\ h.ll the\ "w .lbout l.H1~hll'r. About -.unshml'. AnJ ,1bout lo\'l'

Thuu .... rnd1, tlf children w ith nt>uromu\('ular diseases know, too - th,m~ to c;pt.'\.1tll ummer camps -.ptmwred by the Mu-.rular Dv'-tr\lphy Ac;'-''IOJhon

E.1ch -.umnwr, MDA '"''"'P" provadl' •' . pt.'C'aal outdoor world· w1thout·barr11.~r., to child nm dasabkJ by neuromuscular disorders. O\...,pitt.• k·~ hr.ice and wht•dchair.., the-.e chaldrcn swim and fi h . Thl'V go b.:l.1ting Thl'v hor •ruck nde Thl'y have cookout and cr.1ft And e.lCh voung.,ter .. hare"" '>Pf'Clal (nend hip with a volun· tl~r rnun.,dor who wor~ onE>-on~me with the child. . ':>ummt'r cJmp ilfl' ju.,t om• way MDA '-erv patients with neuromu'<ul.u diS4?a'>t.~ The A., )("lllllon alc;o mamlam 50me 2:l0 chnsc .uound the (ountrv lo provide ~.;,h•I rv1c like -dtagno!ti'i, mcd1'-•'' follo\V·up, phy.,1c.il therapy and co\Jnwhng. And MOA prmidc orthqpt'J1 '-'quipmcnt and uther .uds for d.1ilv hvm~. all friX' nf char~e to thl' p.itient .rnd hi ' family.

~1DA n'C'e1vc no l'W"'-'rnlnl•nt grant~ or f for rv1 es -it program' arft fundl>d l'nttrdy b private donations For thou· "1nds of pJtll•nt., with nNlr\lmu-.cul.u d1S4.'t.'IM"'t , you can bl- the N><.t med1c10l' Plc.•.1<,(' nd" 1.1,"(fl'Juctiblt.> contribution tod"Y·

- MDR. Mu ular Oy.,trophy A!lso<i.1tion, J rry L 'Wis, N.uional h.ljrm.-n

f it ....i, • J.nt1ti.11t t11 ,_,,~ !wt Mll '\ 11• M fR¥ 0116tfflW/ ft'P."I "1 ' ' ._,,. .,..,.... ~-. 111' I • .41 111.tr ~1rrpr, "'".. "" ~..,.,,. AMlllf' Nfw-"~ N'r 1m1• r/lt ""',,., _,...,, ""'' i\HH ..,, ...

WA•• e ,.._. ____ .......... .,......... _..,


nity Forum Editorial

Ullrll'Y has right Idea to •courage reading T he re may be no uch thing as a free lunch but at the ·

Newpon Beach Public Library, there i!I su~h a th ing as a free hook.

Out ide the Ba lboa library bra nch thi su.mmer you'll find a cart fu ll of Cree paperbacks, awaiting new owners.

" People arc hocked whe n they fi nd o ut there's no obligatio n then they're really thrill-cd," .. aid Phyllis Schemer, b ra nch • manager of the Balhoa hbrary o n Balboa Blvd . south o f ~th Street. " We're do ing this becau'ie we want to ~ncourage people to read during the ir recreatio na l time."

It seems to be working. Pat rons, both r.cgula rs a nd vi ito rs to Newport Beach, deplete a nd reple na h the do nated tock regularly. In fact, last weeke nd a rush red uced the number o f boOkc; to ~hrce. But by th,e middle or" the week, a wave o f contnbuuo n had refilled the car t

ro help advc n i c the cart to out-of-towne r , the library e nd Oycrs to real e'lta te agents to include in rental packages. Most people, tho ugh, who u e the cart d11,<:over it on their way to the bench. '"

I rec book to beachgocr)· another wonderful en.ice brought to )'OU by the folks at the Newport Beach Pubhc Library.

Mo re safety with mo re noise o r l cs noi e with le safety? These a re the

rather stark cho ices foisted upon citizens who either u e the Jo hn Wayne Airport or live under its flight path. Understandably, as in the past, the residents o f Newport Beac h a nd th e u r roundmg e nvirons a re inte rc<,tcd in les no1 e. Equa lly unde r tandblc a rc

,.------------------- -------- · the concerns expressed by a irline

LBtlBl'S . - ·

Co........... to wrue, becau<;c ot ":1.Y utte r """ltlil.ll -----~ih'itfaln TOryour viewpoint.

I wo uld be very urpnsed 1f I I don't ~cc any differe nce were the fir t to complunent hch, een the incident o f rhe

vou o n the Add1t1on o f Lauri d river o f the sto le n car killing Mende nha ll to the fa mily of people, or the Acosta · ·

1 ' er ar review where the police we re k illed. column is mo t anformnt1ve und fhcy both were the re ult o f ente rtaining. ,1 "hot pursun" by the police

It i no ecre t that m<iny of Your analogy o f the police u' in the O range County art being up in the a ir, rat her than community ha\.c long been o n the ground, 1s ridicu lously J 1<imayed by the paucity o f , 1upid a nd immate rial. coverage andlor the te rminally • hope you will rethinl your negative mind c t o f tho~e editoria l. and come lorth with writers who cover the local a dirferent conclusion 'ccne. I don't think I \\Ill buy )'Our

Laun pre e l}l'\ writ ing on ·' p.1per again, hccau'c I feel .,o par with a nything pubh hed m ,trnn~ >ahout )Our editorial. the two "big" newspapers, and analysis tha t U\Oid~ the feel of an "advertorial" while hkew"c 1destc ppmg the pitfall of ovcr­

mtcllcctualtzcd pra tlle In plain longuage, het writing. is m art and fun . l:

Plea c convey our me ~age to M . Me nde nhall keep up !he good wor k!

Bc<;t Rega rd STEPHEN G ILLETit

C.osta M esa

Delulctadon Afte r rcod mg )Ou r ed11onal

Aug. 6th, l feel compelled

Crltlcal analysla? M uch as I admire Mark

Pe tracca ~ an o ut pok.en un1\.cr sty p rofes\o r . h 1'> rnvcrage of Cong re 'man'11 C.0'< 'pcech ( Augu'it Pilo t ) wns a li ttle like a'lk1ng Robec;pierrc to \\ ritc ... :-~)flleth1ng ObJeCl l\C uoout Lou1' '(\ I and hi " lct­C"m·c,1l ·cale" pou,c. M arie Antointtc.

L LAVRAKAS Co ta Mec;a ,.....

pilots, the a irport adm inistrat ion, a nd the FAA that the cu rre nt noise a bateme nt p rogram a t Jo hn Wayne may no t be \.Cry safe.

Mark PetrlCCa

Les~ noise o r m o r e ~a f e ty'> H ow would you decide? Fo r mo t

u'. the ~01ce i) obvious O e~J>ite our a bhorrence of no1c;e pollu t1on, most of U'i \\ Ould ma lo..c a rat ional judgemen1 and 'elect more

------ 'iaCety, even 1f 11

Liberal Politics

me,1n1 more nOl'C We would all tend to

-----• privilege ltfr over comfort

Yet, once the debate atxlut nol\e and afet) 1 framed in '>UCh mutuall~ e'<clu l\C term , the rc"dent' of Nc"r.ort Beach don't \land a chance of wmnmg the fight to protect their qua lity of hfe

Alter -yea r\ o l SUCCC'ISfUll) htigat1ng, moh1lizmg ,ind . lohb)ing tu curtJtl C'<pamion of the airport, the rc,1dcnh of Newport : Beah ma\ h.11,c to thm" 1n the towel. 'll to · 'peak, a' 1he compclhn~ 'l'!Clclal preference for hfe over comfort define' aviation policv .11 John \.Vuync

Thuraday, Au~ 22, 1811 Att

Editor WilHam Lobd~l .. . 642·4321 , ext. lS 1

.. . . "' ..

(f ~'i"f~~ ~~1'00~~

w~ CDOt.-D $\U.. I ~ "'~·'" _ _......_.......__

Less noise or more safety? Orr is it simply--a matter nf expansion at JWA?

will gene-nu~ 22 million potennal p a!> enger' per year. However, John Wayne Airport will o nly be ab le to accommodate 10.24 milhon, even wu h the Raley Terminal

Y et, in'ltead of rc<>pondmg effccti1,el) and dec1 1vely to

th1 reality, a haunting 1mmob1h\m ha!. charactcrued av1at1on policy making by the Board of ~uperv1)6r~. In 1963, Quinton .. ~ l ngmeer' ubm1t1ed the Master Plan for the Orange County \irport to the Board of Super\ l'>Or,, calling upon them to

fll urcct th1tt facility f1 Olli encro:1chmen1 b\. land u en. that \\OUld he. detrimental to 11s oper .iuon." ·1 he Board did not lollo" the advice of Quinton

--------------------------i:n~mecr an . a\lca .. . It a n t "no," going back at ICa t 10 the flllJO\\Cd the rcrnmmend.1lion of 1968 Pereira and A soc1atc' .tn\ ma1or report calling upon u to report. the Ma\ter Plan of AJC dnelop an altcrnall\.e to the John I rano;portat1on, for the Board of w a .. ne Airport ewr ,incc

Of COUf'iC, the airline') and the airport. adm1n1stra tion h. ve a '>trong incentive to frame the l\!.uc., for debate in prce1sel)' this "ay. In so doing, noi'c abatement a' ,, priori t) wlll ~o out the " 1ndo"' . and Mth 11 the maJOr "eJpon ut1ltzcd by Nc\\port Beach re"dent during the pa\t three decade'> to 'illfle the ill-concc1vcd t::xpan'ilon of the airport.

D on't get me \\rong. there .ire p robably real rr.idc -off1;

between noic;e a nd , .. fcl)- at the .urrx1rt But, , that \ not tht re.ii ,,c;ue : and mo\t resident' oC Ne" JXlrt Beach kno"' ll ! fhcy kno" the real '"uc 1'1 C:\pans1on of rhe airport - In the number of talc-off, and landing, . and po-."bl). 1£ the airline' had their "'av, m the length of the airport'<; run"a' fhc 1c;c;uc 1'n'1 nor e "' · \Jfcr. · ·1 hat'' a fal\c and hi~hl)

• m1 .. lc.1Jirfo J1ch1lt11m\ Rather, thl' '''uc 1~ ~ " hcthcr ur not John W ,1yne .11rport 1s the nirport for O range County\ futu re

Ironically, the nn,wcr to that quc\t1on ha' been an unequivocal

Superv1 or The Pereira report I t 1' po'.,, h I c. through concluded· ''The Oran~c Counl'V 1ecJlnt1logy and through further airport - should not he further rc,tnction on the timing and dc\.cloped a u rcgannal :urport · number of take off and landing' ~mcc then more than a do1en to balance ,alet\ and no1'c other repor10 from prt\te<.,1<10111 concern<. at John ·wa,nc . Tho'c con,ultant • c1tilcn comm1,.,1on,, ~intcrc,tcd in removing the limit" and go"ernment a~cnCtes ha\.e on talc-off\ and landing'> at John arrived at the 'nme concluo;ion. \'. ,t\ ne "'111 tr\ to hnk the no1o;e fli ... John Wayne Airport 1s o;1mply .11id c;atel)' 1 .. uc'> not Orange Counr)\ airport of the Or.rnge County and Orange f uturc < ounuan dco;erve an airport that

\\ h1lc there has alway been ,, ,arc and one that doc!> not fra, con 1derablc d1 agreement about r he nc r" ,, and damage the what 1 to be done ahOut Orange eardrums of 1t'i rcsidenual count)\ av1at1on neodc;, there arc ncighborc; Such a. Cacilny 1' tV11t1 matters about which there 1 pc;w.1ble, 1f the Board c~n finally \\Ide prc:id agreement. First. the lH ercomc It policymak10g John Wa)nC Airport cannot grow paral)''' anJ began the proce ' lll much more for there arc severe de .. cltlptng .rn altern3ll\e "ltc lcRal, pohC) . :ind ptry 1cal lunm to. ldc3' fllr 'uch a site arc pknllful, 11' e'(pan ton !)ccond. more onl~ courage and poht1cal v.111 .mpon . pace i' needed to keep ,ecm 10 be in 'hnrt ,uppl) . . pace "ith the county's burgeoning \1•r" PttnC'c• I •n •s!ti t• nt populatiun .ind economic gro\\.th. proft sor of Pol/tic•/ • d t'ntt •t 0) the \Car :!OOS, Orange Count)' l CJ.

Teacbing good wr~tipg b~gins with . te~ching. good reading .. '

Students can learn a lot from these tested authors

You "ere c-cpect mg a column on Gorhathc' perhap ! Ot gnatcatcher\., No. not a' Augu't . fades away. ( It 1 too soon to comment

cohe re ntly o n even ts 1n Mo,cow. and too l,11e to matter o n the bird ) ln,1c,1d, let u all p ra1,c good "'ntmg, about v.hich onl)' the Modern Lrngua~c: A' oc1a11on .ind 11 .. Ph 0 (fct0n,truct1o ni'h can dl\agree

Do }ClU remember " !:11la ' Marner"? T hi was m my day -the Ba ntaan De .. th Murch of the I I th grade I:ngli1,h I hot'' novel \cem'> 10 me to he a k ind of h.wn:; I he teacher h'-ld to read 11 m.&n) )CJf\ b>icl \U now hi\ \tudcnt\ muc,t l\ well.

My call to Ma te r Oe1 m Santa Columnist Arm could no t locate a teacher of

Without Portfolio htcrnture T hey are off \Omc\\he re collect1n~ them;,elvc'

fo r. ano the r )Car's trial and triumph' God blcs1,

the m , e11ery one. ~o I could not confirnl "'hcthcr ·· ~Ila'> ~1.1rner"

rcma1"' in circula11on. unread, unrcad.1hlc , hut required reading of hundred of thou,and' of )Oung adult But 1 'u pect 1t 1 , or \Orne "milar cla1, it that "· moqly a clao;s1c pain ("Great h ;pcc1a 11ons" wa' in th l\ category till l rounded on Dicken., and became h i" frie nd, limiting my<;cJt to o ne o f his nuveb a year so that t hey will la t.)

r he pedagogical point o f schol.i tu: reading 11ignmcnts of th1\ o;ort 1 , I uppo e. part the

grappling hook theory of cducatmn. and part the keep the-parent comfortable approach .

t he grappling hook theory 1~ that 1f enough h lunt and boring m1'\1le11 of lite ra ture arc fired off ,1t enough tuden t'l, o ne C\f them will 'core a direct hit and "111 10.,pire t)meone o n to mc:mhcr,h1p in the Ml A where he Clr 'ihc can wear \ellll'-" 'f'\'rl' cuats and 'mokc Lucky .

Other educator' mu't figure th.it J S1l.i' Marner" here .ind there will per u:ide p.1rtnt' 1h:it i.chool' h,1vcn"t c:h.1ngcd .111 that much. und mu't ;, till be OK. no matte r hnw the mu'IH.' -.uumh

I ~uggcst th.it 1 llh grade Engh"h he rc,tructurcd. l ct one or more teacher\ aim to 1nsp1re, guide,

a nd in truct their tudent in gllOJ "riling. And. I

The grappling hook theory is that if enough blunt and boring missiles of literature are fired off at enough students, one of them will score a direct hit...'

h,1"c 1 plan. M\ pla n', name "k•,eph Fp,tein Mr Ep\tem 1\ the fahtor of the \ mc:.rir.m

\cholar. 1\.fotc rele,ant, he 1' the author llf .t tm1 of Nx\k'

v.h1~h arc comrri,cd of lJm1har e"'")"' All told, there arc :tbl'Ul SO e"' "' 1n thc ... e t-i<x1k' the mo't rct:cnt cbmpenJ1um 111 ~'h1ch - a,,11lahle Ill liner hook,tl>reo; n1l" - 1, " ,\ I inc Out fur a Wall. ..

I he e 50 e"ll)' .ire m\ 'htlrt. hut 1dt ti, re. ding 11,t Fath Monuu\. nl the 'choc1I \ear I \\ould J1,tnhute one hl ·,"' d., .. , .md mo111h1r their rc.1dtnjl of 11. J'11e'4d.1'f ''c v.l)uld J1,cu'' 11. both for the 1d1.: '' ' ll CllO\c''· ,11\d tor '" 'cn1cn1.:c 'ltructurc. \.1lC 1bul.1rv, phr.1 .. 1n~ . C'k

\ t\\ll p;agc Jl.l{X'r "'iuld he: .a '1gncll y,,r I hur,J ,1~ . On Wednc,d.1\ I "''ulJ kt:ture on the

tndl\ 1dual' quoted or mentioned m the c'"a' 1 he halance of fhuNfa\' und all or Frida\ " ould

he g1\Cn O\er to the reading and cnt1'4umg ;,, the 'tudent!>' e' a\'\.

By \/car 'i end, m) cla'' would h1nc ~c prep;m:J lor the AT and do vef) 'A Cll at Jeopard\ fhc' would a lso he happy bunch. for, above aJI. Mr I pc;tein 1c; a funn)-. funny v. riter For )'l"lung adult' hrccd nn the low- rent humor of aturda\ '".:ht l.1\e. tht'i " the bonu . •

I I a "'"~le teacher v.tll agree to . 'h" curri.. ulum. I v.111 po't ~llU up un hr or her 1denttt) , anJ the:

pro~rc' of their clas . 1 'u pcct " e could tlbtam Mr rp,lcm's and his pubhsher's perms \!On Ill U"C' phntoc(lptc'>. and 1 will pay for the cop)lmg - 1 1m ,o \Ure tht) \\.Ill \\.mk that I'll tn1o-ite Bill Hl'"'"1 ~'" 1t1 Ill\ radio -;h;I\, .ind lohby him nn tht ,ur for ih

npamkd U\C thrnu hnut the \late WI encourage )()Ur local teacher to 1ump <ln th• '

t'PJ'<'~tun1~ AnJ, b) thC' "'"). o out and get a cop\ ,,f "·\ I 1ne Out For A Walk " Ynu'll thank me for 11 .

llugh lfM'i tt practltt4> law with Ptttl\ , fr,ttr, ti. ro,t and Krln~k,.l In l n 1nt . and ho h • talk 'ho ... on #t. H \\I {)4() on SaturdtJ ft'om II 1.m. 10 1 p.m. Iii' column lp~ars t•try Tttund•.l In 1bt /'riot.

How to contact your legislators

VIC~ l'IU SllH D111n Quu}ft ,

W.1~hlll~ IUO l) (


I \cn.11e .. ll't 111

Oll1lt: llu1ld mg.

t"ttt \\ lhun , ( !{). S t . h ' Cu p11ul, Sat:r;amcnto, ~ Xl4. (1'1ti)-"4 Ci , 41

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Uhd .• ~Ullc S l.o.~ Ail •ck,, ye104 ~. l2 n} 21\ 21Ho

John Stymour {R), 2400 h ~atc ll u1tc lt ltl't, J\n,1h 1m, l./Z&ll'1, 6 ' 4-.t.H I.

f.111 m•J I <> 1' acJdtcHtcl 111 v ~ ,\(~tc. ~o·hm"lil/t, V c ,0~10 \ I .• nous•. ()t' RPPRF.s• .. l'ATIV ·s

' h rl ' o\ , ( R ) '40lh l>11t .. 4000 M rt l'lu r Hlvd , tL.,t Towe r, Ncwpcwt Ucach, 91tJrO, 75ti·2.l"4· ( Rc rr ~nt p.ru of Co~t• Mc nd c"'rort HclK'h)

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Ii i iabtth n. Parker, member. I "''tee \ h' ~ (Co,to 1c'a a nd Nt'V..J"'n l l 11d1)

OR \ N(;f', <'O n · •\IR ROAMI> IC~ l ~11r Dr., ( \1 t Mc :11 .Sl · l 1\I R l'rc 1Jc nt Rt ~erty lA•tt~•on . \: 1e1.· Prc'\111 n1 l aff) Arnuld: l'lm: lclr<, Tom l'ltum,on.

line llou<1•'. l'hu loue C.' lury, San~ l>uok , Bu k Jottn-. Raect Smith. l)iiin \\llltt.

<an GO~ f.M ~n 1

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SHWOIU ·~U '\ llNl~ lt I> S4.'l lOOI , 01\ fRl(,-lt ll IMh St, '"' I"'''' I 11; h, 7tiO:"l2UU '"l'''rinhm,h;nt• John \\, koll l"4 ;uJ \kml;cr, Sbt'" I .oofhoum,,., chairman; J im dt Boc1m. Rod t ac\tilhan, Jud • ran\-o, t n " •)man, ••Of'ftlt \\tmtr, I m \\tll llam'

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.\n Ind pend nt Ncw'>papcr

PuDl1~ b • Pa Croup Publ1g,1ng.. Inc.

Elliot t In, Jr • chairm.in

Williams. lobdffl edito r & vt pr 0

dent Marble n editor

... wa1tet-1~1 1901 · 1 89

found• pu 1~


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l.lla1111: Bath -­llllVlron1118111 -

CENTER: Keeps - an From A1

From A1

week, something he said he wishes could happen every day.

For Vietnam Veteran Richa rd Grisham, the regular work he's been able to find through the Job Center has helped ~irn-Jurvive 1 fight in a different type of Jung~.

'The Job center has helped me tremendously. I am no longer on the streets now .. •

environmentally oriented candidate to step forward.

"The JOb center ha helped me'

--- ,. veteran. center client Agran a hardly con 1dered a slouch on environmental i ue . In 1989, Agran made the front page of the New York Times and appeared on networl tclevi ion news how for his role o ma)'or of the fir t city in the nation to approve an ordtnance against ozone-destroying CFCs (chloroflourocarbons).

Although the Green Party 10

Europe is ranked for left on the political spectrum, Toler said his Orange County-based party i' more middle-of-the-road. closer to the Repubhcan Party. His group as not affiliated with the more liberal California ( 1reen Party. ..We are a mainstrean' group,'' he said. "Our gojl l is 10 create JObs without pollution "

Marc MltllNl'llnc

Green Party P-residentfal andidate Randy Toler of Newport Beach

tremendously," he said. " l am no longer on the streets now."

Much to the relief of Quinto , Gn ham and the many other worll.ers who depend on the Co ta Me a Job Center, the City Council hud no trouble dccidmg to keep open the hiring hall, which has helped more than 3,700 day laborers find work already this year.

But the council decided to pay the $48,565 needed to keep the job center running through July 1992 from n emergency council ttccount of $100,000. After th~ ft cal year, the job center will be fundfd through the regular city operating budget .

Roy Alvarndo, who works with many migrant children through the Newport· Me a Uni fied School Pi trkt and is president of L.itano for Coo,ta Mc,a, al~ agreed that the city need!. to .-icknowlcdge and help the irnmigrunts in town

" lt's ~omething we can't i~norc," he i..tid. "We have to deal with 11 .'

~owth along with plans for national mduslrial recycling parks.

"The Job Center will be funded and will remain open," Mayor Mary Hornbuckle said, following the unanimous vote by the council early Tue day morning during a marathon council meeting.

Controversy involvmg the use of the center by undocumented workers was al o at the canter of rhc debate. although council members unanimously decided that the city is not res~nsible ror enforcing federal t'w and wall not screen for citizenship.

One res1'dent, ho"ever, au.I he believe the JOb ·center hould be clo!.ed unlc city official screen JOb eeker.. for c1tacn!>h1p. "Clearly the'>e people arc entering our country illegally," said Ph1hp Morello. " l:.thically, we can not harbor them."

Toler wall hold a pre conference

In 1983, Toler ran unsuccessfully in Orange County for the 43rd district congressional seat in the Democratic primary. While living in Illinois, he ran for mayor of Chicago in 1988 after the death of Harold Washington, followed by an aborted run for govemor of the state in 1989. He is now a registered Republican.

Council members say they never even considered closing the center, they just had to figure out how to pay for it at a time when the city is facmg about $2.2 million in cuts.

In tead, signs wiJI be posted at the center warning employers that it is their re ponsibility to check (or proof of citizenship.

When the city decided to turn the Job Center to the ll tatc in Februnry. 11 $lopped screenmg center applicants for legal citi1cn hap. rntc policy ~oe not require that day laborers prove they are legal citizen .

of his own today at 12: 15 p.m. to an nounce hi~ candidacy at the Hall of Administration in Santa Ana

His tone has softened somewhat since the Reagan years, when Toler told the Piiot during a 1983 interview: "We want to he a thorn an the side of Rcagiln · Now Toler 1<; ad"ocating a ch::mge in t,I\ law<> to h0<ht busine s

" r m trying to paint myself as a moderate as compared tq,..Agran, who 1s a leftist," Toler aid. "Agran's policaeo; have the moral backbone of Pee Wee Herman."

Earlier thi ~ month, the state Employment Development Department announced it would not be tak.fog over operations of the Job Center a expected, eating a lack of staff and resources.

The announcement cast doubt upon the futu re of the center ince the city hnd already cut $42,000 from the budget with the as'lumption the state would he taking over the center.

" ( do believe this job center fulfills one of those areas where people fall through the cracks," said Mark Korando, a Co ta Me a re ident who lives near Lions Park, where cores of workers tried to find work before the Job Center stopped screening for citizen hap. " We need to provrde for aJJ our rc,idtnt . "

Since the caty !.topped screening, the number or laborers seeking work at the center has more than doubled. In June, 3,565 people l>Ought work at 1he center with 859 or ahout 24 percent being placed. -

GORBACHEV: Now ~......:.....;__-+---..---r~

. ac ng more woes From Al

<l1 m1n1\hL·ll He will not he.: the.:· ,,11lll' 111.111 w Ith I he ' a me pn.:,t1~c ·" hdorc. Yclt-.en\ p r C q I~ l' h .1 \ In Cf e 3 S C d Jr.im 1t 1L.ilh 'tclr..1n hJ ' r u'hl· J f11r n p1d n:form \\h1lc Glirh.l\.he\ ''a' ' tall1ng <. .1ut1e1u, H·fn1 m doc' nut p.i:-

·1 he w1thJ r,l\\.al ot Soviet tdn lo.. ' .ind the repeal of w up

. leader,· c.:mcri::enc.:• dc.:ert:c' hil\C hc~un a p ru ce '' I .1.11!c:per.1 hd1e\C!. will le.id tn lull 1ntkpcnJc.:nce for the Baltic.: \l,t tL'' .111d Ru,.,1,1n rc.:·puhl1t:'

DINER: Dealerslii ·owner wa From A1 of Nc.wport Imports on West Coast H1ghw.1v. to round-the-clock and to eMabh'h .in outdoor eating area JUSt mm1de the 'diner, on "pace where luxury impart car are pre entl~ d1.,pl.1ycd.

'A lot of people go drinking in the area and there's no place to get a decent breakfast in the area anymore.• The diner. which West ope rated

1llegall) a' a putll1c restaurant for almo't a ycilr before the city finall) app roved it, is now · • operated hy the Ruby's chain of

- UIWOT import car dealer

1.lincr-style restaurants. ., and hintc; that West. like other West '~ rcqueltl also includes a pricey .auto dealers, i~ uCfering

proposnl to hold about •. a dozen from a sci;iou., lack of car ale<;, 'charitable promot ional event , We 1 brushcJ off suggestion<, that

wnh an esumatcd 200 guest , at he ( lo"'IY moving out of the night and on weekends on the! import car market. Newport lmpom proper.ty. " We're looking for WB)S to

Whil e the request trigger in~rcalle "ale<t 1n th$! diner, that'' \ 1'1l>n' of a IJrge-scale, banquet .111," he <.aid. ' 'We're only trying to hall-111.e f,1c1hty on the property meet the need' Of our CU'itnmcrs.

··A lot nf people go drinking in the .are.1 and there's no place to get a decent hreakfast in the area .tnvmorc ··

In fact, .llthough the i!pprovc<l u-.c permit ~ct the diner's hour' a' 7 .i.m tn IO p.m., WcM ran the rc\laurnnt on a 24-hour ba'il'> for a \ hort period un til city code enforci:mcn1 office" 1n Octoher warned him the Pl nnn1ng Comm1.,s1on mu!.t approve sucb an Clltcn. 100 of hour;.·

Some nearby re\ltlent !t who origaoally fought the idea of a pubhc re taurant ut the dealer hip questioned the need to expand 11 to an all-hours operation w11h outdoor 'icatmg.

" I don't think we need a 24-hour re tnurant there," said Janine Gault, pre jdent of the Newport Heights Community As ocrntion

'I don't think we need a 24-bour restaurant there. It went from an employee cafeteria to a restaurant to now a banquet room .. .'

-.wm CBT community resident

Gault \ aad she didn't know yet how community members felt about West' late t proposal, but she· indicated ome opposition as likely.

..A, an as\OCiataon, we \\ere agatn\l the re tnurant tn the farit pluce,'' \he \aid. " lt went from an employee cnf ctcna to n re taurant to now a hanquet rollm, <oerving

the communil) .at funct1on'i." Wc,t mlun.11cd nc1ghhor.. and

C ll) Council member., .1hlo..e ~hen he illegal!; oper.1tcd the eatery as a public rc~taur.int for about ei~ht mont-h~ 111 JCJIN. nftcr the Planntng Comm1"i\IOn .ind council had both reJeCted the diner bccau<,e II f.ulcd tu rnect tr.tffo. requirement'>

1' \\-e,t 'aid at the time that he bucked the city be~au"c he folt the laws "ere unf.ur. Ho""cver, he applied agam for a use permit amendment in June 1989, after the city filed a law,u11 ngamst him to stop operation of the re laurant.

mce Wc'it showed the dtner now met all city traffic and parking requirements, including the ndd1t1on of a ne1ghboraog lot ro·r p a rking, th e Pl anning Commas ion and council approved the permit · I ht· \ Cl · l .ilkJ l n111 11

I rc;'lt, 1 h.11 ( iC1 r hill hl'\ ru,ht•d ,, tk.nl 1 he h,1\ ll rnult cit 1h1' rl'l,clluin I' 1h.1t the rehl·I l."u'" \~ hn lrn:d to pre\l:nl 1he d 1~m.intleng nf 1 he \ m 1cl em pire were hl u fl 1n~ B) ha\.1ng their hlull c.: 1lled. the\ h,1\C mJei.:t ,1ccckr.1tcd 1h1.: l.11,m.111t l111 i:

MARKETPLACE: Co~tract for swap meet less appealing ·Injured driver cited in crash

.. nl tlw c m1111c.: '

From A1 boa rd, fa!!(• Gc)lera l Manager Norbert Barto'>ik~pointed out that

ctkc11vcly take 11 over as a Strange the contract 1c; 'itill attractive .. 1nomi1I) ·· enough to attract many applicant

\\ hal~ ·1 cl-Phil and many wap- . meet merchants hove complained "Bas1c<1lly. it's a large revenue-

terms mandated by fairgrounds official -;. a vendor-run outfit might not have ro rai e rent - or nt lca't not a' much a!i another ope rator

.itiou t the new lease terms pr'oducmg contract, and we !.ihould demanded by the fairgrounds find out what the market 1<1 willing

?=::::;~:::=:=~=======;~;;;~;;;~=;;====~::::::=::-i to bi!a r he fo re we go en to negotiation of a new lease,"

' aid Greener. " \\ e don 't \C:C

how a~h<>d) coukl opcu.ate under the condatmn' 'ct down by the \late ,and not rn1'e rent!.."

e ·e

emts C\\' Laser Treatment Removes Red

and Brown Skin Blemhes Candela la'f'r' Jrt' now avclilablr m your Mea Laser' that fad<' brown .1g(• spotc; KPd 'P•dt>r vein' Frcckl<·., And many o th N red and hrown b lem1c;hc, . Until th<>y d1 r,appcar.

DNm.1tolog"1" and pla<.t1c '>urgeon' trl'at men and womPn of .1 II JR<'<> right m thf'1r offte pr, No hoc.p1tal ~ tay V1rtu.1lly f>tlln fr<'l' treatm<'l'll

fl Wal Tt 8'1~ 'I) Bk• ... - -, I l,lmply complelf' .ind rf'turn , I I C.•ndpfa lt1\f'r C orpot.uron ~111 I I wovrd(' n.tml'\ of 'Pf'Clt1lr\I\ Ill I I

your •rN Plf'il\f' , no lelephonf' t•ll' I

I "'•mP I I .,.,,.,., ------ I I , •h'' • •11· ' '" ---- I I '"'"""""" t·--"-~---- I I Rlt"l'no•h hJlt'I\ I I I


OCMDE!A C 1ndel1 L1~N ( otpor11ion

S )()Bo\ ton fb I Ro.ad W•yl1nd, MA01178

Barto 1k 'iJ1d ''That '~ not to say the curccnt opera tor won·t get it

" It JU t appear' to me there '!. .1 bigger piece of the revenues generated here that could he available to the \ late, and the state wishes to be a part of that .''

The merchant\ association ' Kohan said that although hi' grnup's bad 1 not yet prepared, he hche\eS that even under the new

Greener \a1d he con4'1dcr4i the merl h an t \ a formidable compc utor, g1 ... cn their 'iuccc ., as marketplace vendor!>. But he aid that among thl~ potential bidders, he hchevc., only Tel-Phil h11' a proven track record as an up ca le 'wap-mect operator.

·'Though most a rc <1 uperb merchants, they're not necc anly

GOOD NEWS FROM FARMERS INl1llANCE <- "=' • If you're a good driver an~ ".r '' your car is equipped with Rabbm Insurance Agency

anti lock brakes or airbags... 44 l Old Newport Blvd. CAl1 •• 1_7740 Newport Beach (Near Hoaa Hoap)

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tht! Ju ury of your C"on~ultant Jnd

TreClt yourwlf tit very own Fashion

th • fobulou. cloth ~ WlllfOl!TrnE HIGH

. that you d ' rvc. . COST YOU WOULD

EXPECT. l om • in now to l\"<.l'IVt.• your


522..1 E md Stn.! BELM NT HORE

213 •434•6400 . -•

good marke tp lace operator..." Greener ·sa id . " It doe .. n ' t necessarily tran.,latc."

Still. the merchant~ group and 1 cl· Ph1I arc friendly eompct1tors. Kohan !>Did that 1f ha!> group doc'in' t .wan the contract, the a'soc1ation wants Tel-Phil to be retamed as ope rator. Greener aid Tel-Phil ,.,· happy to be the fir~t choice of many o ( 1h vendor • and the second choice of vendors in the merchant association

"Whale we ce rtainly undcr!ltand and rc~pcc t their qunlif1cd su pport , we're aware of at lcn.\I 300 mercha nt ' "ho'vc made unqualified &tC\turc' of upport," he aid .

CO fA McSA A 21-ycar o ld man wa' arrcr,tcd for drunken dnvmg Tuesday night after he fl ipped ha c; pick up truck on P:mfic Street, 'ending himself .rnd a pai.,cnger to the ho petal.

Jaime Mendoza of Co ta Me'>J WJ\ st ill in IOICn\l\.C ca re with e raou'i head 1n1une' .1t \.\ C'>tcrn Medical Cente r Wednesdnv C\.Cnmg Mcnduu w;" CJCCtcd trom ha . truck

Jaim e Cru1, 2Q, ,\\ a' treated J I { ollcgc I Jn petal for minor anj u rac' .and rclea ed.-

I I 11 1; \I I ' ' ' s AL E I: \I : I ' ' ( ' "

I 1; I \ I I . ' I ' " I >I~ I

ITAINMAITI@ CAIPO In 24 Different Colors

Friezes & Plush (Minimum 40 ,... )


·2~~ . 4 Different Colora



0 range County hiah school distnct.s arc overwhelmingly in favor of forming their own CIF section, .

according to a feasibility study relca1ed Tuesday at a meeting of 12 of the 15 county superintendents, including Newport-Mc a Unified Superintendent John Nicoll.

or the 13 school districts surveyed, only the budget wa termed a negative for the change, which would move the county high schools out or the ClF Southern Section, which includes teams from Los • Angeles, Riv~rside and Ventura counties, among others.

• llT •111: Mater Del, Servlte and Santa Margartta representatives absenWI

Though the survey revealed positive responses about th..e move, it showed eight of the 13 polled wish to "move as slowly as ncce ary to achieve the most positive results."

Saddleback Valley District Superintendent Peter Hartman said the process or forming an independent section could take as long as two _years.

«We will proceed in an orderly and timely fashion, becau c we want to do this right and deliberately," Hartman C'<J>laincd following Tuesday's closed-door meetin in Anaheim. "1'11 be more

w11h everyone affected and develop a broader perspective of how this is all going to work out."

Barbara Wilson, a consultant hired by the county superintendent to over ee the process, will pre ent the results of the survey to the CIF Executive Committee today at the Southern Section Office in Cerritos.

"It' more a courtesy to the Executive Council than anything else," explained Wilson, who served 10-ycar stint on both the CIF Executive Committee and the CIP State Federated Council during her 35 r,cars or working in education.

' I'm arc the Southern Section is curious about what's going on in Orange County and hopefully, I can answer any questions they may have about the survey,'' Wilson said. "We don't want to keep what we're doing a ccret from the Southern Section."

Forty of the SS county school urveycd, said they would support the move to form their own section, while 13 were undecided and two failed to re pond by the·deadhne. ·

Direct control of cction policies and improved governance were among the key positives cited by the study, as well as reduced transportation costs and increased community support.

No representatives from private or parochial schools were invited, but Clark Stephen , Principal of Liberty Christian Higo in Huntington Beach a11cndcd the meeting.

W1I on and Hartman ~said future mccnng with private and parochial school official , including Mater Dc1, would be chcdulcd

Kona has it all ther-e for . the taking I t's the bottom of the· 10th. Two

strikes. One ball. The pitcher adjusts his glove, eyes the heavy wood, goes

into the wind up. let it fly and ... Crash! Leaves a even pin tanding. Fooled you. Thc!>C Boys of Summer

(and $1fl , men and women, too) arc throwUlg stnke on the lane , not the

lllPll W1lmtt On the

diamond. And once the World Scne has come and gone, they'll till be there, rolling away.

Whether you're Earl Anthony or Fred Fhntstonc, bowling can help put you in the nght frame of mind. h 's fun, affordable and, if you desire, carcmcly competitive. Be t of aJI, bowling is only, well, a stone' throw away.

"We've aot something move here for everyone, .. said

Cherie Nagy, operations manager 11 Kona Lanes in Co ta Mc a, the only bowlina center in the Newport Beach·Costa Mesa area.

Indeed, Kona lanes' fall hncup i packed.

Leading off are leaau«. offered every day and ni3ht of the week. The carlic t begin the fint week 1n cptember, with othen tartin throu hout the month and 1n10 October.

11n up ate being taken now and up through the firM day or league, Nagy said.

For the beginner, there's the BaUs &. Baa mucdJcaguc Thursdays at 9 pm, where every bo\Nlcr 1 aivcn hi own equipment at the end or the teaauo.

For the aamhler, Sunday nipt offers the larae•t Vea•• leape 1n Onnae


11ca111 I ...

Sporu f.ditor ..... Cart ...... 642-t331 nt. 317

Rich Dunn-Club llrinllJB2 Challe~ Classifi~ . .

Newport Harbor High product Dave Cadigan duels NFL foe in ~leveland.

• • ,..>

Forget the Pro Bowl, just give ~ him one healthy season to remember

By Barry Faulkner -\;. SoOl1J Wl1tet

A month into la t year's NFL

campaign. New York Jets offcn ivc lineman Dave Cadi~an was well on his way ton Pro Bowl ca on.

This year, however, after rehabilitating a deva tat ing knee mJury many thought would sideline him until midway throu&h this year' schedule, the former Newport H rbor High tandout would settle for a full season. An injury-free season. Pro Bowl be damned.

Cadigan, who went on to ach~vc All-American status at USC after burying area com~tition·at Newport, had finally e tabhshcd himself a a full -time starter la t fall f ollowing the typical rookie adju tmcnt to the NFL. Cadigan had overcome a broken foot thal idelmcd llim for much of hi ccond season tb earn the tar11na job at

right guard On Oct. 7, week five in M1am11 il

wayward Dolphin hncman nearly cclip ed Cad1gan's bright future , f ll1ng into his right knee tcanna two ligaments, includma the anterior crucia1e. The damaac al included torn cartilage and a chapped femur (thigh bone). Whal followed were eYernl day of doubt and disappointment for the 6· foot-4', 285-pound behemoth, who for tho f1nt time began dcalin, with the p<X'tb1lity or lire in lead 0 football.

Cadigan, reached by phone 11 the Jct ' tratnina camp in New York, said he had come to terms Iona •to with the pr~pcct of hfc after foothall . He had worked hard at U to tecurc hi dearce 1n communications, and w prepered to tac:tti the buatnesa world, had football not wortted out. But at 2h, he wu too dote 10 futfilllna hi Pro Bowl dream to trade hil lhOuldcr pad for a three-piece u1t.

" 1-onunatcl~ I ha"c alway been in

touch w11h the fJct that football wa!i "ery temporary,'' Cadigan 'ia1d. " I cn1oy the game, I'm thankful I'm in 11, and I'll JU t play ycar-10-)car. I don't cc any reason I can't have a 10-)car career in the NFL, hut (the in1ury) reaffirmed the fact that in this league, a career-ending Injury is alwayl> JU t one play away "

Cadigan aid he quickly era eJ doubts about coming all the way back. and ha !iurpn cd naysayers by cutting the a-; urned rcco"cry time of 12 month\ ocarly in half. Cadigan called hi '> painstaking even-month rchah1h1n11on proce 10 " the h1gge t challenge I've e'er faced "

He admit.\ he still ubcon 1ously fa"ors the leg, but said physically, he 1 clo e 10 full !ilrength The ru tine accrued by mi ing part of the pJst ~o o;cason'll ha also been an ob taclc, but Cadigan claims h1 confidence ha nearly returned to 1t prev1ou lcveh

" I've had a lot to deal with my first three years, but I know I'm a good football player,'' he explained. '' l think I've r ro\ICn that to my

'With the 4-3 being used by more and more teams, it gives me more opportunities to man-handle down guY,s. which I hke. •

-MW CJ EM NV Jets lineman

coaches and my teammate . My main concern right now 1 to tay healthy."

C:.d1aan' de ire to avoid in Jury ha , for the time being, repla cd pe"'mal achic"cmcnt (i.e. the Pro Bowl), but he realuc th matter i laraely ou1 of hi hand

'" f•oo(l\ II one of th rare nccup t i()l\S in life ~here hard ., rk a'J preparation don' t alwa produce u« .. he id. "llun · '*NAiiy tum

out well for rm»t pcnplc who work hard

D.ave Cadigan i once •gain hoping for an injury-free NFL umpaign.

LH their JOb . But in football , a lot of time and effort can be era cd in an in tant. I've alwa~ trained hard and pla ed harJ, but mcthin& frcak-y could happen, hkc it did 1n M1am1. It's a roll of the thee cYtry time ) u ao on the field , and the stake arc eltrcmely hi h."

C1J1 an. an 11-Arneri n t dJc at u ~ ht tran 1t1on to suard i "''mplete. and he i happY 10 have the c'pcnencc at th position .

.. lt 'i n1"c to have 'cna11llty and l thin~ I'm ut 0 betw en bc1.na able ttl pla guard or tad.IC," he 1d

S1m1larl , C'aJ111n' teen th (he ~m~h pre d nearly 500 pound " a JUn1or ll u C) and peed, he ..

clod.ecJ at 4 7 m the 40 yard da h 'luit him ~ell for the varied duties at guard. H1\ ~.tren 1h enable'> him to lod up ~ith a do~n hncman d1m;tl over his no'sc in .. 1hc 4·3 heme that ha enjoyed a return to v.1Je prcad populanty. In the 3-4', howe\cr, he mu t u c h1 quickn · to cha'e llncbac._tr and pull for trap and ~c:ep

"W11h the •·:l bcin u d mo~ nJ more tum,, It 11\ic me more orrortunme~ to man·handle down au.Yi which 1 It c," Cadi an c~pla1ned. '

lt ... clear, ad1 n ha also learntd to hanJI (f·lhc·ficld l ta I at tea t u

a 6-6, OO·round ddenli\'c


I ~: I..,, ,. ' .l I ... ' I '

Mater Dei 'Indian ~ · .., ... and see after pow-wo for Orange County Cl

T hey'U be crccpina toward the net 'md covcrina the basel_ine, only thi time their jump hots must take a drastically different

arch. An array or Natt0nal Basketball Auociation

tars, who will be partiCJpating in Byron Scott '~ flfth aMual Orange County "Challenge for O uldre_n" charity event September 6-8, will sub titute !!lam dunks for overhead smn hes at the Newport Beach Tennis Club on September 8 for

< the tennis portion of the weekend exhibition.

Sco11, along with Laker teammate Magic Johnson, James Worthy, Vladc D1vac, A.C. Green, Sam Perkin!!, Elden Campbell and Larry Drew, as \\-ell a other NBA d1gn1tanes, wall compete in the Pro-Sta~ Uasketball Game on September 7

The)' well abo vie again~t 16

Club tennis

local amateu rs on the tennis court!> in the Sedgwick James Celebri ty-Amateur Tenni Tou rnament the following day at 12:30 p.m.

Adm1ss1on to the tennis tournament is $1 0 (open stadium seating) and tickets may be purcha cd the day of the event. Corporate boxes ""h1ch eat eigh t arc also available for $200.

The Pro·Stars hoops game will begin at 8 p.m. at the UC Irvine Bren Events Center.

0 I k \ at 11 again. Robyn Ray, Director of Tenni

.11 th1. Newport Beach Marriott Tenni Club, will

be tr1avelin1 to Philadelphia on Friday to compete in the National Senior Grass Court · Champion hips next week.

Ray, who won the Nahonal Indoor Championships m Sall l.Oke City last February with longtime partner Fred Drilling (Wash., DC.), play. in the •5-agc division. Ray and Drilling were douhle partnen at the University or Arizona in the mid~60s.

Bob Due ler nd Jim Nelson, both of Newport Beach, will also be in the City of Brotherly Love to compete in the 50 divi ion. The finals arc scheduled for Labor Day, September 2.

0 . The Orange County Junior Tenn is League,

hosted by the Mc a Verde Racquet Club and under the d1recuon or league comma ioner Glenn Morton, opens its fa ll coson on Seph' mber 21. The registration deadline is September 12.

The program, which allow kids valuable ma\ch play experience, offers 14-and-under and 12-hnd-under division for boys and girls. Any Ornnge County club member is elig1blc to play in the llatelhtc tournament. Interested players who are not club members can call Morton at (714) 540-8633. The league last eight weeks.

0 ln-hou c round robin play is scheduled for this

Sunday (2 p.m.) 3t the Newport Beach Tcnnii. Club Your!> truly will be on the green pavement teaming with club member Lori Ferguson, who a surcs me that l won' t be escorted out if I m1 place too many ball over lhe fence.

RJch•rd Dunn /1 a Newport lk•ch/Co I• Mesa Pilot Sport Writt r .. bose dub tcnnl column appears t H !ty other Tbursd•J'·

Skipper BiJI Ward or Corona dcl Mar and c:rew R1an Millet or Newport Beacb, representing Bahia Corinthiaa Yacht Oub, currently hold a commanding lead over the IO·boat fleet racing in the USYRU/Rolcx Junior Sailina CharnpioMIUpe in Newport, R.J.

Ward and MUict qualified !or the championahips in Area J and have po1ted finishe5 of 4· 1-1-1-1-1-1 for 8 .5 poi n ts and an overwhelming lead or 17.25 points in the dooblchanded division of the competition for the Berni Trophy.

On the third day of racing. condition~ were much improved ovcr' th'e first two dar,s which saw lhe ncct battle tailwinds - from Hurricane Bob. The doublehanded division got in a total or four races Wednesday in winds that ranged from 14 knot~ at the start or racing to 10 knots as the day progrei.sed,

Racing concludes Friday with the champion hips winding up on Saturday with a celebration lunch that officially names the 1991 US YR U/Rolcx Junior Sailing Tea m .

- B)' Tb~ Pilot

New SCC aide


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BOWLING: Leagues are heating. up From 61 County After !>lX month'! of bowling, all 36 teams head for the Citnp

l·or the hot !iho.t, i.crntch leagues heat up Monday and Tuco;day night'i while 1hc Sunday mght 'L~-~amc \Cratc.h tournament lcature\ 'omc of the hc\t bowler tn the \late

And for tho<.c with le er a"cragc' (and probably egos, too}. Mondav .11 9 p m 1c; a me<cd trio h:agm: c.1lleJ the LOU\) Bowle rs I e.1guc

II\ never too lc.1 tc or too c;oon to ~ct 'tarted, either Senior league~. for bowler<. 5~ anJ ·up. arc offered m 11\f .1ftcrnoon\, while junior .... • 1gc' 6-:rnd-up, rule the lanes C\.Cry

'>aturd.1) mornm~ But \\-h)' bo""l in a lt-.iguc at all?

\ \ di, tor ~ • .u tcr' 1,500 people arc dotng 11 alread) .it Kon.i Lane . and one of them will soon he O)ing tu Hawaii and a weclc·long .111-c, pcn cs-paul vacation.

I hat·, nght (1n l ahor Day, during the Kona Dale Hawaii l.uau, one lud'" leaguer and a friend of h~ or her choice wlll win th1c; lu,ury trip tn n drawing JU5t for pa rt1c1pa11ng 1n league bowhng.

I he luau. Sept 5 from 5-7 pm with huwling to fo llow, i~ open to .111 bowler.,, league or othc""W1SC l ' nt1l thcn. free game., arc awarded tn Pineapple Pin Bowling each Monday antf Wednc'iday ru~ht. after 9 p.m when a tnkc 111 thrown with a )ellow headpin

~ti ll not hooked? Then you ha.,,en't hccn to Konn l..Jncs lately

Along with 40 'parkhng lane , there\ n carnival atmo phere arcade, ..i pnll 1hat dcl1\e rs foo<.t ~h1lc )OU howl il)ld a cozy, full -i-erv1cc lounge where stars arc horn each night on the new k,iraokc m111\1C machine.

While on the topic llf mu ic, C\.CI)' I riday and · aturday from l 1 p.m to closing the lane hake w11h l<cxk n' Bowl. Saturday also tcature Rt&inhow Mama. where colored pin comban, tions lead 'o $S()() JllCkpot.

l 'vc n with II th1 ction, oecn bowhng 1 till nva1la~lc pr c11cally every day .md night or the week. l.nnc m y be rented by the game or by the hour. hut make urc 10 ' II ahead f1N

till he'l1t nt ' Incn let pro howler 1.irk Bal.er touch up rour g.\lnc at h1, le rn-10-bowl chn1c, rea'lon 1hly pru:cd three· hour pcr\On, li1c:J in truc: tion oou~c nffc rcd at the cnJ nf , cptemhcr.

And re'\1J cnt pro Dch ic Van Dell, ur one of her \ ti ff, 1 on h,1nJ d.11ly frnm 2·8 p m. to help wit h q11c,t1on rana1n from c4uipmcn1 and I nc condition to the he t wa 10 tackle that n ty ~-1 plat.

Any other quc tiun 1bnu1 lcaaue • tournament , open howling \lt o ther \J)Ct ialt, ju1t a ll the l ne!I at 4~- J l 12 anJ ICt the hall mlhng.


• c n r p ca yak foes T be Newpoe1 AquatJc C... canoe and

bJak ...... -- ............. week Iha• a •«wr ma, bl._. IO 118J.

Canoelias for the ftnt lime ill tbe U.S. Canoe and r!:/:,k Sprint Nat~I Ownpionahipt, Wed throup ~ m lndianapolia. the NAC aenk>n •tole otr with ftnt place and the team ftnilhod accond cweraU.

"Everyone w" aurpriled with our auc.ceu includina me," 11id Jirta Batlik, NAC canoe and kayak director, who bepo the procrarn in January. .

The NAC senior team, ages IS.and-over, ICOrcd

Local arass and sand tournaments have been Cun, competitive: and educational.

Many of these tournaments have become annual affairs with varying degrees of seriousness.

Jason Perkins and Tom Schriber ·recently held their fifth annual TJ Tournament at Big Corona. The tournament wa a doubles draw and is geared for the younger players. Darren Lance and Doug Skoro defeated Chris Lee and Jon Lyles in the final.

Matt Regan runs his annual Pink Elephant mi.x.cd double tournament in early August at 9th Street in Newport. The tournament 1s pool play with

playoffs to follow and the competitive spmt is at many

i Fittingly,

Trunks-Ts-a major sponsor. This year's winners were Steve Blue and Valerie Foley of Laguna Beach.

Terry Sheward

Volleyball ~~~~~~~Id rhe annual Bayshore

Open at Bay hore Beach It i hardly an open (sorry hew) but tS

a great tournament votle)'ball day for the Bay horc community.

rhe Corona del Mar High School players arc also in the tournament M:ene wi1h a boys and girls gra tournament beld within the community park

19ot poiall ao IOp lbe Hawaii Canoe/Kayak Team with 122 ud dac Wllbiftcion (O.C.) caiaoe OUb with 66. Haw.ti loolt overall honon with S48.2S points, followed _,, NAC with 25S.25 and Seaulc Canoe Cub With 139.75. ............ ............


Brook Hoppe and Jeremy Mape hol~ their grass tournament in Harbor View Hilb for boys. Kim Coleman and Andrea Su son urc the tournamenf directors for the Big Canyon girl tournament. fACTORYAlt IM£~AAANTY' --~-

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14~!. All of the e tournaments arc

great but they arc babies compared to the grandfather tournaments of Newport Beach. Mark and Paul Barrett will host the 18th annual Barrett lnVltational, while Bob Black.man held the 21st annual Black's . . Invitational in late July.

Receiver Driers Accumulators • 0... 65 '*""" ~

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For years, under the label of the Semog·Black 1n ... 1tattonal, Bob Black.man and Bob Hahn held u tournament at 52nd Street for many of their Un1ve~1ry or Southern California fraternity brothers, friend 11nd their fam1lie .

Three years ago. Bob Black.man moved his tournament, now known as Black' lnv1tatJonal, to the Newport Dunc .

The tournament ha two d1viMon , the father-son (or daughter) division and the family draw which i computerized and drawn to C'ltnbli5h equality. Among the many familic that have competed are· Bob Perkins, J'om Wilham , Mickey Hartling, John Pitche and Tom Schriber

In thi year·~ fa1her·wn final, Bob und Jason Pcrktn defeated Ll<>yd Wn ht and Rob Mope.

The Barrell Invitational i to be held thi weekend in the backyard or John and Paultne Barrett an Newport Beach. This tournament I~ a great ellample or the closcnc \ of the Newport volleyball community due to the lremend u ho,p1tulity of the Barrell fami ly {all ph1yer1).

·r h" ycllr' tournament field include Bill Y rdlcy, Peter Helfrich, Brian Laud~nbach, Gary and Andy Crane, Alilfl and Stu Oadd1s, Joe Ro er • Orea Sullivan, Oary Nakamura, can Sheward, Bruce A per, and, of course, Mark and Paul Barrett. It hould be eitcit1na.

PHt performers in the B rrett ln ... ltational include 1984 Olympian Mike Blanchard .&11d al1°World team member tC\iC ' I 1mrnons

I C\iCn WI fortunate cnouah to compete in my younacr year •nc.1 actually won th., tournament with my partner, Bruce CaktWcll . Th1t wa a k>ni time ago

C'Wfli ,,,_.. ..,,,,..n ,.,. ... ,,,,..,.. .. ,,., Nf ..,.n ~ .... ,...,,,,., ~ .........,..

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M art lhon of Newpon 8eedl _. .... Be tseh of Corona del Mar_.,. dl aad the men '1 and wo•••'• Ora•d

Olampton 111 the ISth ...... .., lul1'nl World Champ1 nsJ11ps tut wea.d '8 Oce8Midc.

Thon and Bert h were ...,.. J6 local and ,3.80 OYtrall oonte tant to compete in c~t men·• and three women' gc C'lauea in 1he three-day event, Aug. 16·18.

Thon, who won the men's 11e :35~ bracket, " • and Ben - h, who took the women's 30·and-over

froup, were each awarded two free tickeu to towaii for be ting the other age-bracket winners

in the Grand Champion hip. -B~ ~Pilot

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Brett Baker of the Newport Harbor Soccer Oub Lions ciJllides with opponent, watches as ball bounds away during action in the Ml11lon Viejo Soccer Invitational last weekend.

Lions give n a good shot, just~ miss finals · T he Newport Harbor Lions

~talked their most dangerou~ prey so far last

\\Cckcnd at the I Ith Annual

Mi ion Viejo Invitational Soccer Tournament.

Needin a three-goal victory to advance to Sunday's final, the

undcr-12 boy's team was sla hed, 4· 1, by the two·time defending champion Upland Celtics.

The Celtics went on to break

the Canyon Breakaway, l·O, and claim the title again at Lake Youth Park in Mi ioq Viejo.

"This was a very tough

tournament," said Lions head coach Ray Hales. "But that's good for us. We needed to find out where our weak.ne c are."

Newport Harbor, which climbed to the top· ratcd Gold Division this year after winninf the Silver Div1 ion club soccer title in its fir t cason la t car la a ai

arur ay t rough Monday in the North Huntington Beach Tournament.

The Lions opened on top in M1 ion Viejo, stopping the Streaking Stars of Las Vegas, 2·1, last Friday. Forwards Dusty Hein and Btctt Baker scored to bring the Lions back from a J-0 deficit.

Chad Van AJtein a i ted on Hein' goal from his midfield po ition and Hein assisted on Baker's score .

Goalkeeper Garrett Govurs held the Star to one goal, with stead}' dcf en'live support from weeper Eric Warner and fullback

Phil Tripoli, the team's captain: Newport Harbor dominated its

second game Friday, only to come out on the short end of a 1-0 dcc1 ion with USA Red.

"There were five chances. We had four and missed our opportun ities. They had one chance and made it," said Hales, who noted that an apparent l 1on • goal was di allowed by the referee.

~ blnoner'Nal

Ramone Garcia fires aw.ay.

Newport Harbor got back on track Saturday, with Baker and Jason Zilla scoring goals in a 2-0 shutout of the San Juan Exprc . Jo h Yockers and Hein assisted on the goals.

The Lion entered their fourth game with 17 point , trailing USA Red with 25 and the Cchics with 20. In the lO·point system, ix points arc awarded for a win, one point for a hutout and !>ne for each goal up to three.

Thu , Newport Harbor needed nine points 10 top USA Red, . which had already completed it four game , and advance to the final. In tcad. Hcin's goat, a · isted by Baker, wa not enough to overcome the Celtic onslaught.

"They're the defending champ , the state champs, the team everyone 1'1 gunning for," Hale 'laid of Upland.

And, once again, the hunted came home with the trophy.

lions Coach Ray Hales talks it over with his players during competition at the Mission Viejo Invitational.

"Even the oppo ing team' co.ich aid we outplayed them. You don't often hear that," Hale \Jld - B}' Kirk Wolcott

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Getting into the swim is as easy as pulhng yourself from end to end By Kirk Wolcott SPorts Writer •

To be a member of thi Dolphin f ltmily 1s to become a porpoi c wjth a purpo c.

" We emphasize troke improvement, \O we're a good program for beginners," aid YMC' A swim team coach Stacey Hand "But we at o tre s competition, so we're a good program for advanced wimmcrs, too ..

The Newport-Co ta Mc a family YMCA youth swim team - aptl) named the Dolphan'I - i'i de ignc<l for alt lcv~I or wimmc~. agct. 5 18. To J01n, each

participant mu t he a member of the YMCA and be able to swim one length -0r both free tyle and backstroke in good rorm.

The Dolphin recently flni hcd their ummer c aon, competing in the Orange County Swim Conference atrnmst United States Swimming (USS) team . They beJan their foll !ICoson next month, swimming against other YMCA club , and arc alway lookma for new member .

.. We take novices, up a few Mep\ from bcginnina etas cs, nod we take .,cry DCComph hcd w.iimrner.,," aid Hand, who held two ~hoot swimming records dunng her four years at Pcppcrdinc University.

She and her 1 i4'tant, Tere a

l .. ,,,_,...

C~rey Read, a 14·yHr-old Dolphin, works on her breaststroke.

Hick , 1 prcviou US team co ch, took over ttfc YMCA program thi year and have been plca~d with the ~ucce'I of the 26'member team ((> rar.

The Dolphin placed three i.wammcn in the Conference l•anal!i at l:I Toro High on Aug. 6. Aaron


Cycle Seafest scheduled for Sept. 15. NfaWPORT 81.!ACH - C.)'clc

Sea Fe t, a rccreat1onaJ bicycle event to be held at Newport Dunc Aquatic: Puk, wall t1kc place Sunday, Sept. JS.

"'I h1 avcnt is acarfd both for

the family and for the aV1d cycli t," 1id event chair Jack Caresa. "Th•

twn courte.1 we have de lgncd will be cnjc.yYahlc ~ r every level of cyclina cnthu ia t."

AU events uc open to tho

pubhc ind most are free of ch1r1e. r:or a calcndu of events. contaet the Ncwpon Harbor Aru Cham r of < ommerce at (714) 6-44-8211 .



\l Look For Roger Carlson's

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the Newport..:Mesa District from 1965-90 . .

Appearing Saturday, August 24th.

Couch potato corner

. . \ ( .. ....

Meanwhile, on the roof of the dugout, the team's famous mascot entertained fans and pCayers with

his hilarious antics.


TIIURSOAY • An el~·A's, Ch. S, noon • Ram ·Oiler , Ch. 9, S

FRIDAY • Dodgers-SI l., Ch. 11 , 5:30 • Raiders-Chargers, Ch. 9, 7


Battbell Noun - Anael ·A 's. Ch 5 4:30 p m.- Bravu-Rcd TBS

Uttle lnl'" laMblll 12 JO pm - World Serie , F..SPN.

Golf 4 p m.-World cries. USA 11 pm.- World Serie,, USA

Pro feott.ll (UWtioft) S pm. - Ram ·Oiler' Ch. 9, F.SPN.

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...... b<lftl 8·30 pm Del Mar replafl, Ch. S6 12:30 am Del Mar rcpla)'I. PT.

A••• lt1<1a1 12-:lO a.m -Spark Plua 400, ESPN.


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5 pm R1ms·01lc"- KMPC (710).

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12 20 pm - P ... re1·Cubs, WON 4:)0 p m - P. PN • 4:l0 pm - Otilln·ln1.h1n , WGN. 4:l0 pm - Rods· Met WOR 4~5 pin - Phlll ·BraYCJ, TBS ':JO p m - Dndscn·C'•rdt. Ch 11 . 71JO p m - Bmrc rt•A 'a, P. PN 7:30 pm - Rtd St11.Afteell.

-Oelf 4 pm - Work.I llC U A 11 p m - Wotkt rlcs. USA

rr.F ..... ICE1hlllle ... ) S pm - 49Cn·Stanlf, Ch ' 1 r en - R• ,,.c;: llflCl'J, Cll 9.

Vel""*" .Sr m - f ab tourney, ~

Amertaln Le...,_ ............ • L Ge ......... n •• -

CHtl8I 17 54 5\t OIMlllll 11 u • ~ .. $7 l \t ~~ ., 67 ~ r- " M 10'A ..... M ., 14 .............. • L u Terortt • ... 6$ -a.el as $7 l\t ... ., 5t 4\; ....... 5t 14 t\t

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An11leeota1dule .... on1r1 ~-- TV A4,!2-•~ I IS CMNI

. -.n-.... 51• ~ A14 24-.._ I 705 ..,.,.. Mt ZS- ... IOI -

.......... LHIH• ............ • L -~ .. u -~ a 54 ,.,. Cl'(llllll M 11 ·~ s.tf .... SI 11 .... s. 111111 51 a , • .,. ,___ Ml • 17\t ............. • L Ge .......... 10 .. -Sl l• .. $4 • =~

II • 10 M ., ,,,. ........ $1 ez IH ........ .. 71 77\t

o ........ eOhetlule .... °"''"'" ..... TV A8t 22 ...

Clllmll 11 Ai41' •Slt•.s» Mt t• - •Sl l- 506 0....11 Aflt..JS - • $l lM 11 1$ 0-...11

Ttan 1 rm - Hamlet Chalkn e, PT.

. llwMb<I .. I 30 p.m - Del Mar replays. Ch $6 J·30 am - Del Mar rcpl1ys. PT.

..... , ..... , <Cn.> JO JO p ..... Wuu1ipca·Calpry, PT.

UftltU..- ........ 12:30 • m - WortJ Seriet; E.SPN. • llADIO .........

1220 P"' - Plldra.('i,bt, KFMB (760) ~ 10 p m - Dodpn.S. t. KABC ()90) 1 • p.m .! BolOil~ KMPC (710) rr.r ....... c-.:_........_, 7 rm - R1idcrt·Cll•rae Kfl (MO) _.,. ,,...,. ,,,...,...,

FtOm 114 Pienol, 8, took top bonon amoftl them with a lecond·piace fanish in the 25 bu'tterOy. His sister, Hayley Piersol, 6, finished sixth in both the 2S back and free, while Allison ~tuey, 11, of Cotta Mesa was 10th in the JOO free .

What sets the YMCA program apart from some of the other swim club in the area is its dedication to learning strokes as well as racin& races.

"The goal of our program, and what we stre in each workout, is yardage and stroke imP.rovcment," Hand said. "Our philosophy is if the stroke is not correct, there's no reason to swim 500 yards (using it)."

Another goal is to keep swimming fun. Typically, team members practice 10 hours a week in the ~L As a veteran swimmer or 17 years, herself, Hand knows how easy it is for young athletes to get burned out.

So, on Monday the Dolphins took a break from lap work to spla h it up at Wild Rive~ park. . La t week they visited the Ncwport.Jiarbor Aquatics Center to learn how to kayak.

l•,.,...... COKh Stxey Hand (foreground) demonstntes strc*e with Linsay Ratowsky for other team members.

"l wanted to introduce them to a new water port," Hand said. " You should have seen the 5-year·olds out there paddling around in kayaks."

The Dolphins have a pecial attitude toward these:. young swimmers, who Hand referred to as the "team mascots." The older athletes help the 5· and 6-ycar-old adjust to team swimming and also serve as role model

" We're hke a famil). Our team motto i ' ha"e a. ~itive attitude.' We're only a trong as

our weakest link, so a child in last place iJ just as im~rtant as the one m first place,' the coach said.

"We really stress tbe team here. We teach them team cheers. and get aJJ the swimmers to encourage each other. You need that support to get through aJI of this," be said.

Parents are also vitaJ to the succc of the program " We wouldn't be here without their help," Hand added.

New swunmers arc always encouraged to join the family. In

" .

fact, the YMCA will hold a _ swimming clinic Sept. 21 for both team members and those 1ntere ted in joining.

The Saturday clinic, the second Hand has organized so far, will feature -area coaches and former college athletes. Half the session wiJI be dedicated to trok:e <WOrk and the other half to fun, including a game that involves a are ed watermelon in. the pool.

The followmg week the Dolphin will hold tryouts for anyone interc ted in becoming a team member.



If you think about 1t. placing a bet 1s kind of like entering a drawing for a cash prize. Unlike those annoying contests. however. you don't have to show up at the site of the drawing. ·

Because while the horses C}nd nders are sweating 1t out in Del Mar. you can be lounging com_!'~rtably at a Satellrte Wagering Center. And. as a matter of fact this weekend would be a fine time for such lounging

Saturday's featured race 1s the $100,()(X) Pat O'Brien Breeders' Cup Handicap a seven furlong tussle for older sprinters. On Sunday. three-year-old fillies take to the turf 1n the $175,()(X) Del Mar Oaks.

So this weekend, head for a Satellite Wagering Center near you. Because like all contests, you can't win a thing 1f you don't play. ...

Satellite Wagering From Del Mar

cJl!Hfpijps 60~ Fwy on Kate la "fl 14) 2 6·-1300

. .

' I


...,...- • ·-~ T"' .. . '

MO-lllO 4M llDO

,....,.neoa·11•00. P'llOll IOUTN CMlAW co.

.ca.o•10au , ............. 1 ~ •ttt• •• ....... .,. .. ..... ///M~ ~ =' s.~ .......

CNrm1111 1M, .eov.. nR 1BA, 1rtetry rm, 84 'e.i8TO . ,,..,.....,,_ 1711 ..,, "Mc IO IM*t No ,......, orpt, ..,, lndry GtOH to •hOP• ..... f8A ......... . . , Ml70flftllAwC.,. .,.. ., ......... IM II rm. No 1*9. 1 '*90ft, buMe. WI• eecept prege, lndry ""· tMf A._. C 1741 _..;.1...,;:;..;;::..;,1,;;,;I•;..;· ·n.....;.;.,o-....--.--.. 1711/mo + MO = 0 c. HouetnQ ... 76 to lieeatt. w.-... IUNNY 1·aaoe. HR. ,.,. ~ .......... 1 Y' 1 .. c.11 M0-17 1291 MA~ 17'Wmo. •• oon tllA. P"' .., 6 9me11 ._, lllM w/tlfSW 1100

409"'9 ACACIA CENTAU.. MGMT Allr8Clllwe lg lbr IN, I ynt, W/O htl-4AP. No elf, e11yMe. ..,._ 8'000 ~·· ~ """• 942-UM or 1314711 cer t•r w/etor•ge, ...._ 11n ltl IDll Aftl;HIP!' W , .. 2Br, 18a. lt075/mo. •D'lux 19R HA.~. fnod ~•yet & ..,_, T,_,_.,,,,. ____ ..... lllA 18A ....... 9i1r

173-7942 qutec, 9t01'9g9. D/W, Yr ........... ,.. .... ...... _._.,_ .... - ...... eech.ic>r Al)t Ownetre, lfQe ctoeete, .,._, 3811, I~. lllvt bectc Afl', -- •

... ..


C .. Cll YC>C.M AO THE FIRIT DAY 7~~ Jaemlne. W/O, liaO No pee ~486 .. 1\t .. twn- r:· I 09'-encil g9r. W/ ........ W/d, ullll. ~

fflg. LA W/d .. k. l82a •Oo you nMd lg~ ~· = C: .. :,,,-v:;:~ =: ::'::1-:0--~~ ... ~~c... ................... .... .. $500 MC. UI 723- 2br 1be1 0..0-. new ·---- ..... a..a vi.. M IMe-1001 ....-.

1513 Jett 529-8 t85 cpt, O/W, etor•O•· • •--- • lllA, 1BA, .,..., --.-., ........ ......... ,.., ___ "'-1Mn ~..;;..;. _________ ,Old COM, f\Jll ocn VU , 17IO No ,. .. 8404486 • ••••• 1 .. try, 28.. nelghbol'ftOOCI. Lndry

..,_,,.. .. , ....... _ .... ,,...,.., ...... _ '-"" 2 I b le MM61L h ....... 9"d\.C ... ~. OOClllPl .. llllblly .... - ., ... ., - -· .. _ _.. 1\tBA, deftwahr, bft· ""· 911'9'9· 1100.a.v 3BA 2 full BA, t>Hutl• *IAIT'llDI• St. llMOJmo ~

fl.II Avt Im~ eve in., enct ger, petlo, · ,,,., ........... ---....... " .. IP9Cl9..,., • ' tM tMO a 8" no . 146-4319 Bechetora. 1 & MA

921-1571 1111 lnol gee, W.Cet & E Side 8" tM w/ 38A 28A 11'9 10WMome, ~ ev .. , Pool. lndty -..-.11r ... _ c.-..,..., ............... ~ ,,,._td .-.-.... ...,.... ............ ~,., ernted to • .__.____... .. I 1n- <II ...

! \ " I I

2BR 1BA up.,_,, pvt UPSTAIRS 2Br H'•B•. gar~. 1323 Elden. • •. Im Al w/ d hkup, d/'w, frpk:, rm. Nr Ho9g. f'fOfn gar. n•w pnt/crpl, 11150 No petalpetlo. No IMCll .... 78M 19;. 7:1, ~i ~ OWllCM· 11100 + MO. IMO-MOO ...... 7 1945/mo yrty. 3409"' r.!:!r~ •. ~;~70e'h • U8TSID•• pd, ~ m/.' Call 21~·2Zt4 LOVELY 38r 3 .. turn

\..,aid - .... ~-~ --°"" _....,,.,.,..,, ..... ! . it, Mercu1. 873-73$3 .._... ~n 1151"°424 . _ hM. Quiet W. Bay AV9

"• .. . ' .-. . . '.

e •• " .. • ' ~ .\. r .. , .. • ~.I

,'. l ...... ~

, __ , ·-· ··~ • '-41 ll " ' J

s . ... c. .y 01rtc tor 1 l"\

:>u"' :>A

Hou••• ~ For Sale ••

Genera l 1002

!% SOLUTION Purchase th• home of your chol~ with only 5% down. No cloalng coat• needed. Thi• 11 not • VA, FHA or eq· uny 1hare. You r• celve 1 OO'N. owner1hlp & 1~ tu t>enenta. Mu•t have clHn credit 1nd 1t1ble Income. Ca ll Co·Eqully, Agl

231M334 R1ncho Senta



Home1 , 1 ·2 Bedroom•

From S10S,990 Goll Co w-.e

Neighborhood I

714/589-2883 the San Juen Group

WHY RENT? • Brend new·2BR, 2BA -Oiled Comm PooA/ Spe • 2 car attach garage • Tiie entry & ftreplece • 22 'Frwy clo•• • S7,495 Down • Agt on site

Lea, 534-4149

Corona del Mar 1022

Costa M1,.;. 1 t 02·1

COLLEGE PARK ClnO.,ella h0m4t 48r lb• b onu1 rm hrdwd n,., eJr rrplc etc 117',000 CUf &

• •tynn Komt1 71().6000 or l lO 1114

I ,. • t t

......... ., ....... ~ c,.. • • . . .

. . -.. ~ .•. -• • l

Oper '10~H ... O•re.: lc11 , 1.•

...... ..... . ') ~ ,. ,.


Cost.1 M1" .... t 102·l

38R 2BA condo, walk Smell 1 BA, emell .,.... ........_ o.. 8'9pe to bey or bch. UTTlE l8l.AND to bchl Pool, J•c, 2 backyard, No pets. IUD tar 1'hea, enc. N/pec. Wint« a t liOO,

.. ,_ ----. ....... 2 .... car gar. L .. opt, • Z Sii • --~ Adun. prefd, blcyd, ,. .. , seas. 2M7 yrty l22&0. 173-3063

....,. ............ ..vn.i.=--~ ~ 1 2,. .. _ .. .,, .. 1""V ~. M .. tat att 4pm - VICT-IA ..... ,,..,. -pert(lng, Aeelr r-.. •Mtft• '......,.,... ..., Spac1ou1 1 2BR ' Eld.,, 942·2520 vn 9W1 MCLAIN ENTERPRISES

i7MOOO ~•R COTTAO•. Furn. apt• Qul•t . cool •IUMMD SPECIAL .,..14M-•••~ Or•nee S t udio 1 BA A pt . FEATURES Yttw Uttte !Mand cl'l.,m· •••ri• to bch, garage, ocean br9eze Pool & MK MANAG•R 2Bt 1ea. encl petlP, Ocean vltlw, cloN to EXCLUSIVE

Ing 3 Br 2BA furn, pa lo , frplc. w /d . covered parking. Bach.iot, 18 A, 2BR. gar, w/d hkup•. $800 =lh4~~C::O ~vall BEACH & COUNTRY frplo, DIW. l'lrdwd flra, St300/mo w inter. AveJI 548-0338. Pool.~, Cable hkup mo. Scott 733.9437 CLUB COMMUNmES • 1800/mo. 87•-...,.17 9/1 , 875-2707 I WSS V1•• ...... • ...,._ R

..,...,., • Almoat n•w 1pac oue ..._ ••t•- 28 up.,., 1,

2 a 3 B.ckoom

Blutfe, upgraded, 38R -.Ok ••Y Are• . 3BR 1BR 1650. Oulel El MW'IU Apt In trlpleJC, fBA, g•· Apta w/frptc, wet bet, 2~BA. f/ p , att 2-c.,. 2BA exec cond\), aide lex:, BBQ, cebl•, 1 aft -.. aea t ....._ rag•, mini bllnd1 $750 micro, w /d hkupa, gar. pool, Kol pond•. 3 c.ar ear. $1325. ger avall. 1131-3427 ltor iltvd. Pool & No pet• Ma .. 7 3 3 C*'llral air

6 Qllr~

'398,500. &40-0038. 4,98.0

150• **SHAftlt N • W • R l•undry room. Call URGE llR, 1981 • HDMI 1700• w/ •X1ra 1torage. All

BY OWNER. Relocetlon 2BA 18A, 341h St. BEACH CLOSE • 2BR. 2BR. bllln• -$795/mo. _s.._s._eoe_1 _____ , • tlDRll tlOOt' malntenence Incl. torcH quick Hie. Wint.,, tum. 2 blk1 2BA. Frplc, pallo. Cor• Cal 01<. Cllll Pem, Agl 2BR IBA, up•talre, encl ....... Q1-4088 Frig, d1hwsl'lr, stove Sony, no pee-. ia3o eq . ft . 3BR, bch/etorH, ulll pd. n•r local S 11 oo 5449-.. 8 0 get, w/d, micro., new N .. I * 8 1tACIOU81 Incl No pet.a 545-4855 FROM 11,295/mo

" 2V•BA pool hom•. S855/mo 135·2702/ ~~~:/~':,Grubb • 2Bn 1Ba dpl11, grHl appliances. $700/mo, 1BR E/ald•. gar, •ky· • •••o htron t Brand 'l'l4EHEW'°"'UWlllA , Many custom 1-aturff

873~· ...;;...;.;.....;.;...;.__...;_ ___ 1 ar•a w o hkup, 1ng1 Av1. 8/1 . 841·2887 or 111 ... pallo $900/mo new 2~ 1e., 2 car FAIAW~~-& upgrade•. Jacuzzi N•ar Bay & e .. ch, BIG Cyn condo, 11lnt gar 635 Bernard tl'B Sa1. call 898-6744. &40ooel8 252 CM St perking. Wint« or yrty . tub. ~ av-. French Cape Cod, 3BR & cond, 2Br 2Ba. fp. 2 $795/mo 79CM>7 U 11

350/S1550 14e-f851 ~~

doore, hardwood fire. den, 2BA unfum, yrly petlo.s, 1tove, refrlg, 2 RENT DllCOUNTll -Wu ll•led at S5e0,000 I•• $1700. 213/ 598- gar, pool, 1pa, tonnl• tB•RIEAtB~T81olttD~•pt w/ Penc Ntting w/OCHl'll"' blk to bcl'I/ beyl Lg ....,. In....._ NOW '450.000 Don't 1948 or 714/973--9921 . S1 575/m6. 840-0189 "' I A d t d 3BR 2•- le ,,.., U ....._ rt--.

new carp•t /drepee, v ew. • ecore • • ue, app , - · pper iWwpol _,. wall! D•Y·

251•10H, aLUF'FS 4BR 2 '"zBa, 1895 329 Un!Yerelly From 1925. Chlfd Ole. Nu ~t, paint & b41nde, 2BR..28A nr NBC-*

Evng..eSC>-548<>. Patio. 2 car garego Dr No pela &42-2818 No Peta. Ut .. t07 113 )'!!y "5CM>11~ ~ pellM0-1194 ~-•r 1-- Nr comm pool/1hop• - "'HlllUll $1SSO Bkr 7 5 .. '1234

22 .... cBAond,!> 1'!1,.'!_ e3qBRft, • aaoo 8JP CONDO "' ca ~ DUPLE X upstra 28r

H eh. Good location 3BR, 2BA, g rdn ape, 2 2Ba, gar, b.,cony, blk lo beach & echool. To deck1. no imk,., pet• to bch. $t200Jmo.. be eold together. '2000/mo l'fJ0..82$8 (811)35M539 ssso.ooo. Agt, Jerry ••• T mAROAtN IN Lg 1 BR + d•n. 1 BA,

·LOT VALUE Brooke. Prine only. T OWNI 3BR 1QA vnra Balboa. Hc.,

$4 .. - 845-8345 upper Oupl•lC on Pofn- pool, quiet, S 1,050. , _ Nt11a. Lg balcony & M ove-u p 10 Meia UDO ISLE cu1tom 3Br garacie. S'I050 VIiia _..;;«M_&-..;.9_7_43_. __ ...,.... __ Verde & llve -right on 1 yr new, S.W. con- Rental• 875-49t SI LUX fUm duplex 2· the golf course. This temp, fab muter •t• ....o.;,;;.;.;.;;;;..,.;;...;;E_,;C_OD___ 2Br, 1300 1/f, •t•P• to 4BR . 2•~Ba · ranch- w /Jacuul, load• or CAP • ocn, deck, HBO/cable, •lyl• home la be1t 11orag• thruout. prof Newly bultt 2 aty 3BR, open beam cell, frplc. --------•I buy on the market. dee. Sell rum or not. 2¥•BA w/rrptc, garden $1075/mo wlnl•r. 831· I N C R EA S E Priced to Hll al lot Onr. S885K. 87~911'l . p•llo, 2 car encl auto S167. ot 818/9G8-0352 value A1k tor Anne NB Home, pvt comm. gar a H c •Y•t•!"· NWPT NO. 2 Matr YOUR

C.1h1r11·h H(•,1ltt1 B• ·.1t1ty l l~JO ,'\, r- 1tllf"-.. '.. j i 40

McCa•land 760-5000 3BR 21hBA. '500,000, A•91 value In town-. ,,, •• 284, 2 car gar, REACH or 751-4330 · Hll•r tin. 714/851· $2190/mo.- 875-2311/ NC; r/p . quiet loc. Nr

W• can bulld or fl• •Ill Comm' I , A••· •tc.

,.....CONVEYS CUSTOMS 11'559309. Wayne 5-40-Cablnet•/Furnlture. 8042 Jeff 957-6447 Flnl•h•a/R•ato,-eUon.

D•NTAL"-AN Single 14.15 Month Famlty $8.75 Month

HI00·652-oo90 ••.12

·--r:i,._.,.,...,...., 0630, or 844-8881 _;;.;87...;;;W3...;;.;;..;..11..;..· ---- pool Sf395 840-1529 THROUGH In~. -::,.::.,.;;:.::N:'~-IU .. T:;~;;~~:;:R;;:;;":-1 o~=!:~~ful 3~i l~~:o o:::":~:~'trpl~~d:~~ OUR NEW All quellty. ~75

- - CLOSE.UPI :/~a,1:~a~4~vall w/d , J1.'!'2• _!188~ Bkr IMPROVED

v:--'C:' - - ....... LOWER RA TES ~ ... ..u.r.IOM •.OnN ly ! .. ~•ft ,. __ ... Lovely 2Br front l)OuH. Sl•p lo bchl 2Br 2Ba. 2 ~ ~ Ca~blneta-P=l~ka

C.H pen try 3S 10 Fount;i1n

alley 10.14

ABSOLUTE IARGAIN 48r 2Ba w/pvt yard In 11lrrt .,... Owner llqul· dallon al S2S9,900_ w/ Term• OP• N T ODAY PATRICK nNORe

Aet 7804702 (Ov« $150,000,000 Sold)

Huntinqtnn Be;ic h 1 n.w

ew .-..ury .....,. .... oe w/d , gar, 4 bllls 10 lo . 0 .... - N H car ger, pat deck,

n "'"" r oag bch, '509 Poppy S 1050 d1U1 . Incl $ 1200 mo :IS yn eq Jeny 842.()587 ::·~~~:~~:ach _1_14...;.18$4-.;_;__9318;..;.__n_1_·954;...__e_ 58 .. 174e No P••• O AT•• F•Nc••· •111:::·:4~~K u~:;.}: t~~:· fer'~ TOWNHOUSE $1.50 per llne ~~,::~~:·,~'CAI~:~

Shlr1•y 942•1 0 , 9 No .,. ••. 1 14y, F...-n- 2eR. 2VJB'A. ·~ 1rptc1, . per day, I Pet• 945-2227. leaf $1200 840-5324 · pool, ..-pa, dbl g11eg•

NEWPORT CREST St550/mo 722·7381 C;iq wt Costa MC'S<l 2 124 Twnhm• v. ml to WATCH the boot• go

bchl 38R ~ den, 3Ba, by. Udo Beyfront hm

Thel'e ALt you pay. 9ulCI °" 4 ....

13 i!-1lonl In 1111

Ctc,111111q J'> 14 b••ut upgrada Pool, * ••••talde 2 BR Avail to 8/30/92 3BR 1ennl1, 1pa. Prine. 1 V.Ba, frplc, ~ard, gar. dbl gill' 873-2248 . S29S 500 ...... 809 w/d hkup1. P•I OK - ••LY


Repair Pro 15 Vt9 Powet Reatrelchlng ln1tall New & u .. d ' $985/mo .. 5-5882 • ..-n 1· . om•

DIRECTORY FHt/ 541· 1972/S•rvlce

OCIM vtlW CONDO 2BR, 2BA dual maa­ter eultH Elegant, unlqu•. By owner. Pool , clubhou1e, gym. 'Quiet, ct.an , bfigtlt, aharp Sacr1· tic• $191 ,000.

nr bch $650·$1500 .,rr3BR twnh.H Nwp.t -wtnter-1• .... • atao

Jtet• ,1'rplc, p~llo, gar, VIiia Ren1al1 875-49t2 very n ice. 322 OQle St. •.

Foe more Information CALL TOOAVll



M tl-0478

lt025 mo M 7·1'a40

• EAITllDE• . 29R 1 BA, rrplc , ga. rage, w/d tikup• Lg encl yard $$150/mo. 2et7 O RANGE AVE.

CENTAUR MGMT 942-2281 or d31·2725

I Ii 111' 11 1 • l ! (

Ht• tr 11 "111

I ,, I' i1 '

fi, ' .'' IH

\41 • ,,_. MOUa• IUMM f\IWINTl!R ChwminQ, lrnmac 1 IA

RENTALS AVAILAaLa t Oen/8ft. M•tr b•, ttplc, cyn vtew, I ' 3001

W9terfl'ont Hom.. loc. _mo.-.._4-.'4-_3_2?_8 ____ .....-._1

Aeellont M . .... Anrecllv• "31· 1400, 790-M00 IBdrm hOuM, Wooda

South Cc<lst M etro 2 18<>


Your LUX LIYtNQll t BR Service Directory

1 BA lower unl1, frig , Repreeent•tlV• micro. AJC. patio Gl!ll AA 2-4321 6 waJer Incl $750/mo. u-.

CClncr1·l1• .h?G .; " Orlvewaye..patlo1·

pathl •IC. No Job IOO 1mall ltM1. Uc • ..._,

Mickey 536-0553

·'Pool, ape, .. una, etc . Ext 310 545-tHMt Avt 9/ 1. l---------'4

D.A.Z . Conetrvotlon Crattemanal'llp, con­cret• • block. F,... e 11 • Competi tive price• 751-8535.

Aparlmonte ft ,, B<l lbo.1 lslan<J 2606

PUBLIC NOTICE ORTIZ CONSTRUCTION Tll• Calli. Public Utlll- Muonry-concr.t• P• t1•1 CommlHlon, RE· llo•Dftvewa)'9. Paint. QUIRES lh•I 1111 Uled, ~ ... 54&-30M hou1ehold good• mov•r• . print th•lr P U.C C.I T number, llmo'e & chautt.ur'•


Tilt•'> 1·,;B a eaut.ttul 2BfJ Apt. N/ print their TC P. num· .IACK KalHftl DY TILE

•mkr• Yrly SUOO- ber In •II advertl.._ It MARBLE. INSTAU Clo.. to S Baytronl ment• If you hava • 1 REPAIR. All type1 8'15-8~02 Eve• queatlon about lh• 1• of Paver-1 Wuhlng &

gallly of a mover, llmo Sealing. 497-6885 Fum 2Bfl 1Ba dwn1tr11 o r chauffeur , C all -

Ilk• new Pilllo. car- P~t>llc Ut1111•• Com· THE ORIGINAL ~"pe?~k!8;~6_;~~ m1111on . 11•$5M151 DEAN the TILE UN

-y~e~ "'R~LV~:!! .. ~B~R~. ~2'..!:e~A~~2'.l----~---...... .....,'"1 leaky •how•re-Acld ....,.. ' wuh It r~rout. New people only No P•t•. & R•p•lr. Bathroom .. Kitch bi t-Ina, dropea, Shower door•. Kite• new c rp1 lmmoculte Floore-Plumbing Uc. 1950/mo. 873 5099 AND COMM•ftCIAL 25yre o c. 873-8085

A R•l'RIG• ftATION . -Yr1y epl. 1B • 1BA w/ SER'lllCI! , SALl!S TILE lo1tal~/Repalred .

deck Nu crpt N/pet1 ·ucen.ed S73-808 l Prompc Couneout ..,_ A•modet~ '825 • '7~ frM Eat. & "9fwl .. icw utll1 0134220 • John & Shelby.64H170 A ppl1.111t , ...

Balboa Peninsula 2()0 7 • M C H •LO R 1800•

Walk to beech. Frig & u111 Incl. Yrty .No pet lfMtM'ISf.1711.

1 OR OupleJt. lurn, ~c gar. no pet1, yrly I••· S&oO ·mo . mature, r• apo nalbl• pera on . Appl (2 13) 553-3773.

20R I BA upatre unit Nu cpt "' g•r, $900 910 W, Balt>oe 81Vd t1MM?ll1•nwott

Lo new 2DR 181, vi.w• lilt blk to b•y/beh 1 blk · 10 ocol Od Pnto 648-9081 173-.31>7&

Ooetanfront .. ._ Stu­dio , atove/trlg H70

Scrv11 ,. .11;•1, . • fl... .

Al1 Mak .. and Modell Cour1eOU8 8"" SSl-0515 3021 ·1 HMbof Bl C M

AllllTOI RlllOVAL RffldenU.U Comm'I c.rt1fl~ . ...... 6088

A u1,.

R1·p.111 '·I I/

At•.ttily !If.I.

yrty. vt11 pd 1001 I! .IAl'AA for product BAlboe BIVd &4~-4049 ••le• or eiar.., op-

WINTER UCHI LOR l>Of1unltlM ca.1t .eaten l'U R NISH•D Full 71 41171M>114'

kll~. to sundae•. 1tepe 10 oe•an/ bay. No p•11/amkr1 . Avl 1mm•d. M~ 1111 Plaza del NCHt• 87$-0IO? Of (111)4*"<>1

2BR 28A, lg W/d , tlO&O U~Mll47 Cell ah•t ePM

B11'. 111

So·r ,, '· l.~ll

( 11 ,, , '''I

~) t 'f , I I \ J l ,• \

..- ~ .,.. a DI a 10 HM~,,_ llMl9 fOI '°" beech. UnMn Ava I 9(1 , 4"-'1490


Con<.,I r 11c tir111

Bu1lct1nq ..l ,fi() lnC:Orl)f> f ,lX .17 70 P11Ul'e c.n.trvotloft, TAXES pr•pared · &

driveway• . patio•. book• kept Comput· room .Odltlon•, uw ...ueo. La•er printed. cu tt ing , concrele Hom• INC elnc• ·es. remov. UC. 254724. Uc/bonded 241-8752 S3e-1043 or S38-3521.

Electric.ii 3£> 10 ••KMS Electr'lc, 220V,

room eddttlone, cell­ing fane. llghte, plug•,

l .trHhc.tp1• f;.

Lwm C.111· JB08

•TREES• pe,.... upgrade•. Fr.. .Topped 1'emovt Lewt11 .. 11ma1 .. 487-8 '101 eom1<1ri dr111p 76 t ·3476


ELECTRICIAN Complele Ylfd ~ Uc.#S97894 "'"Eitlmllt;Clllnt~

__ .i..;..(7_14..:..>..;..84...;M_230.;...__1 Duetr'• Lawn ... Int. 8 UNLIN• a L•CTRIC Mon thly/Wkly o r 1

Sefv. NpB/CM 15 yrs time. ,,_est. 24 t-1840 All efec/ltng epec.

#3He21 , 87~59

W.P. YOUNQQUllT ,_.... c...erecter

Ou•llty painting by proteea l onala .

'Llc#902098. lnaured. Fl'9e Mt. 845-3306

P,11wr111q IHhh

wt Osle Shel Hq r..­Total Interior Remod­eling S....,. Allwtoo To Th• Clay. 833-7172

P1.w1 s.

Vn1_,1 1 l1 "" "" 1ct·h PIANO TUNING by I,..

vine R .. ldent. Ref.,. sncaa Av_all.&bfe.. Celt Rlck aaa.o7a.

Pl ,1st1•r

Rt·p.11r H'HO '•""'°"• O.rdefttne. G•n malnt., ,, .. trim- lnWirt. pelch pluteftng ming, removal, dean· CU.tom tex1Utlng, QUlllty FPnr "...,

& O\'( k·. 11 1 'ii upe, 1prlnklere Install wortc. Problema.No Prob-& repair. 650<8318. lemal ,32e864. 554-71131

l'•NC•8.0AT•• · LAWN melnt. R .. Jeom. Restucco, 15 yr guar. ..._ R~. "9dwoocf.I New eod. Srtnkler 1y. blHllng/p•tchlng/ ad-Cedar !IOI!~ CIMfl t• m• Cleen upe. Tr.. dlllone. Clean/Re•

Jim Why1e 6U·l'20t trim ir .... "' 511 0443 eoneble, lie. ~114

F 11 ,,

111•,1 111 H1·11.1· " !1.,)U ... " . .......,.. H11dwood nr • . nno .. cer~. c.wpei.. Sub fir rpr Uc. 848.2821 .

H ;in r1 y M. l ll i i' 1 0


Sprinkler lnetellatlon Tr" Trlmmlng/Removel Lewn Malnt. & Qeanupa

i.otOUlllng •432-8804• ••. u.. -•..oa•

I • •r l 1 I '.,, r v11 • ",

\h 1,'

CAIMINAL OEFENSI! Drunk OrMng4502 Su.p UCJWamanta AllOffeN .. , F,....

Con•uftatlon l'l'M652

M.1·.0111 y H!;:>i!

M• EDD•l411111 HEATH; ' PUMllNG Uc541878.~

Scrt•t•1. l")t 'f \ ll t 'I,

11 I

Met~ Morton'• Mobile Screen~ Nobody b .. 19 MOf'" ton'• prlcff Nobody! Our prlc" .,. eo low you haw to look UP' to ... ..... bottom.

{7 t 4) 14~..e580

'.~ J 1J I' I~ I 1

n, ;, I 1 ', • l

Your flret • 1 rourflntfob. ,...,llnt .. ,,. . c1 ........... .

'°"' ,.,.. .......

S• , ~ i

FIND an apartment

throuob cla11ifaed


BLONDE alandar, ah~ty, vary OWM, 39. &' 10'', 172 Ha 11 hand,ome, M, Bruce L.. (Born PROFElllONAL AlllYOU llY SW~. 1uce .. 1ful ax· famlnlna woman Iba., wtth I year old adllenturoua. NmVra- Again) 1Mk1 27-3e, OWM, 40•1• 8.2 .. , full· •Al• MATlf ecutlve, humoroua, •"kl truttworthy, at· daunhter, ...i...,.. t.m- tired executtve, 8 '2" , ~ 5'7", lea• than .vv~ •rae•111a t t -· -"",_ figured, axpra1al11a. Flftytah, young, attrec· non-rellgloua, 1ove1 • • • aueceu u Hy outing• u well u allm OWMNSW. oa- 120 Iba. Love muelc

t111e . Wanted, non- WMkanda away, 11<1- mate ega •S-57. I'm dat•. Seeka commit• alres attrac11'Ve, tovfng, (lglHIH 10 Bach) , r:rc~r':"aht;::':t.tt'".: amoker, tntelllgant Ing, laughter. SMka ~~-educ~~· cta .. y, tad lady, MY race. No famlnlM 50l•h, flex· apotts, beef 411887. tractive, clalay, aml-men under 70, over SWM 35-45, aucce... ...,., ... ad,..,,.... to laugh yupplaa. 4119M. lt>t. homemaker, wan. bl 5·r. 412193. ful. •"r•ctlve, witty, and play. I have nu-•__,_.....__..._ __ ....;.. ___ • able for aalnng, t:rwvet, llNCIRE • • · uny , non-

communleattva, f'l/1/d . maroua lntweata and ILOll> NAIR gardening, charltlH, •- PrlnceH (3t-40). Kkl• AnRACTIVI Committed ralatlon- would love to ahara ILUE ma cuttural, h..ntlful II(> ...., ITIOf'a than OKI *18456.

l.,.IUIQE.,.. 1htP1marr111g9. •2815. ~.·,,· 2~!5t ' • meet ttvtt1 ... Sha •hoUld be DEPlllDAILE TIRED OF DATING? "' "' _ .....,., _ SWM , 5'9" , 140 Iba.. I •lbl ,..WM, 70' a, 5 • .. .. , llZ• e, SWF, 5'3". NS, SAMIA •----.-.-

1 11--- love• to bike. awlm car ng, com pa. • · '7 " ME TOO!

501ah, lo~k 40lah, ...... - and play aporta , free to •hare hie me. =-~!.~~~1'lo~ SWM, 21. 5 '8 ", 155 dally Jogger, COM, ..,...._ IN THE aMkl SWF whh .. ma _;;41...,

1.;.905.;;..;;.;.·_____ For taatlng ralltlon- lb• .• happy, heafthy.

lovff travel, th-t•r. IAlllA lntareat•. Only thoM LOOKING ahtp, let'• talk. •t900 athletic , outgoing , dancing S..klng rala- Born In Brull, OWF, RAIN who are IMklng nu- FOR ... k1ng Ma right, pr-. t1on1hlp, trim prof ••. fun 1'9dhaad, at- You don't mind for. turlng ralatlonahlp SOUTH far SF wt1h the aame SWM with young tractive, •••k• n /a algn accent? You are ahould raapond . llORE COU.._ aroma for llfa . .,1918. ~ ... humor #28e1 male, •"rac:ttve, nnan- a man •tMM, hOn•t? _11_1_9 .... tS;..... __ -___ than a ona night "1 '

BEAUTIFUL clally Hcura, muat LM'• catch the train I CEASE stand, bu1 leH than DUDES TOP NOTCH

IL-OE love lllda, music and am r .. dy for you, call. THE marriage? Attractive Wanted, 19.28 for ATIORNEY vn llfa 4'2875 , _,,,_28_90_. ----- SBM. 28, IMkl ad- good tlmeall U .B . Hlghty educated



D •· -ENT vantutOUI S,. # 1913. 1 kl .. eo • • • SEEKING WANTED: - good oo ng, good j SWM. 25, 5 to . t •

38 • .... 119 1 Thia ....... hend LOOKUAA Rl\8 bod. Uk• !rut. I'm a 28 '""' 1t11klng SWE. • <> v • bl • UNDEAIT ... DINQ BEST ntEND --·, 90me, ...,. ~vn GWM -•tJ ........ nd baautlful lnalda/out, "" tall, ftt, lntalllgent, lov· PRETTY 1 afty y.o . w .. ng to 22-27 wtth '"'''' •

1 a aka 1 n ta II I g • n t , FRIEND Patlta. attrac11ve elngla Ing, romantic, atncef"a, ..,.., meet y6u. II 18&4. lntallac1 tnvofVem«it ( ) It- dj t- mom 32, Maka " Spa paaalonate and " real'', OWM, 56, 5 '9", 170 In community or Ctlar-aware ' wa • ua ...... SWF. nav•r married. clal Someone" for aln 30•8 gentteman IMkl Iba .. looking for pretty STILL lty ...,anti a ptua. Must ~nulM mat• (age 45- 5'• ", 40, lor • la•tlng ~· ralattonahlp. Ac tn ta~y. •O+ to ahara a KID atao Ilka baaaball 80) for potantlli mar- ralatlonahlp Enjoy uva, frlandly, outgo :Or:an~:.· tY:n=•~ beach, movie$, danc· OWM,


9 .. . 50, ...

6 gamH, golf and work·

'rlege. 4128'3· watklng, dining. mov- Ing, aacure Many In- netting, adVanturoua Ing, and romance. I "' Ing out. aa well u . BEAUTIFUL las. and Hiking. Look· taraata. Prater non- and apeclal ratatlon- am Entrepreneur type. fun. Curley tock• Mallbu Sun1at1. tong

Ing for SM 3"'· •• Lat '• k Wiii - t lo 1 N Dancer. Waetcand run- em ... ·1ca1 and humor-EURoprau ~ amo er. anaw... ahlp of our lit• un vng guy. on- .,. ~ meat aoonl 1112877 11 112...,. k :<\" k aways. Clark Gable, oua Interludes. Call · • • ........ tlma ..•. Oo It , calll amo ar, non n ar, Erroll Flvnn Nead

ILONDE SEEKING 1111912. 11ncera #1ee1 . m• "'"°' EARTHY, 401.ah cutte .-...;;.__..;...;;..;.... ___ _ Widow , 31, hazel, UNDEAST•uDINQ LOVES CHURCH tor maybe alwaya I US ua'yy 6 '7", 120 Iba., graat "" CHIVALROUI •1903. ~ I ,_ figure. deltree prof•• GRANDPA IOLD OPERA IN PERSIAN

\/anding "°'*· ....,,. IWMICf U ,000 • N.000 ...,. month lftoolna E.llc1l1nt ~ mullt ... Imm. di.....,., ,.., ... .,

AtN Coda datlngl Maetl CAl.L ~ locale by Phon9 1 • .... WetlMn 1-900-900-7M-0123 * Alao1 903-MAT'e. Ewt 31 181 Romance Adlllaor an-1 over S3/mln

"-........... 0 ... UK ttwu 1100K

hd cNdll no .-~ No adV•IC9 ...


;:-~er:' 1~t~·9:; FANTASIES FROM THE DUNGEON 1-900-903- ~:!...!'.~~~~~~

min GIRL Ewt. 17. Adults

BEAUTIFUL OIM.I • "ifl ~~;..MATMI LJV'EIU MllN of Coeta M ....

1-900 lff 5841 1•900 ..,._DATE a.d '° FOR EVERY DESIRE . ti & ""8r. 13 min

24hrl$1.915."*V10 min LADIES ol tha Orange

Wiid Woman

1/t00-740-tll3 $2.35/mln 1 O mlt\/mln

Coast and tt*r prt­vata numberl 1 ·900-HO•M E ET Ext 117 18'ovw $3jmln LIVE GIRLS 1 ON 1

1 ·IOOJll4.et00 S2 50/mln, 10 min ITW'I e.autJful Mlatr ... Diana

Spaakl Down t>oyl 1-900-773-lAOY 1-0N-1 LOCAL GIRL.I• CALIF

1 oo. of men & women Wat1Jng for your cal · Real ii a $2.mlWI min

Pr11111ta Phone Oinlctory o f Hot Sln•I• Women 1-900.80-GALS Ext. 117 Adutta only $5/mln.

Unwan'led Street Gfl'l Talk to ma baby 1 • 900-903-LEGS 1 8 • S2 50 min to min

18 ..- $2/mln 20mln 1~M 1--------..-Baautttul Woman Con.~ S3 "*' Mult ba 11 r? f... H~ lhelr man Lot.a o1 ttlldentl IOOll tor

uer them 1«>0- "*1~ fUrTWlll!nglln-978-BUNS EJCl 117 cie.ftld WI they ftnO

Adult.I only S2Jmln ~ lttma ~..er?

HUN? through claa11hed


TO llonal, eo• "5-68, •f· Fro m &0-70, honHI ADVlln'UROUI DANCING TALL GULF flu•nt ... ,_ lovlng man. and caring, for friend· oa1···L1 STRONG OWM, •7. 6 '8 ", 180 COWBOY SWM, 31, IOoklng tor I poulot9 Hrioua rala- stdp and outing• 1 m """' 5 ' 10", 250 Iba., black Iba , Ilka• commlt-tlonahlp .,

2 ... 2 1

.__~ 30

A~ 28. 8 '7 '. 229 Iba . 91ncera WF, 25-35 to . . eo •. bf'own av•• and LADY har . ... .,..... .. ayaa. mant, kl<I•. aJrplanaa •••k ing attractive be pan pall, In Per- A_,.,.._ ,..,..,... ...... C _ll•• f""6 HAPPY ... hair , 515", ahy, quiet that want• to feel yra • Blue Collar. ... and above. Looking young blond fllty, age llan Gutt till Thank•

PRETTY and lonely, nice lady loved and appract- cure·aotdlar , Ilka for lland9f OWF 35-45 21·2• . who knowa giv1ng. #1898 ~2879. ated You .,. warm, daaart , mountain•. to ahara cto .. rel•· how to h...,. tun and__:_..::;_ ____ _

PLAYFUL SLr.__, friendly, ucltlng. ma· beach N..CS er-my llonahlp. I'm a atodc· antov• th• beach and WIDOWED Writer, photographer, r5::': tura, that wut be mu- •k•nMd tall redhead& broker 6 MBA. #1881 romance, Ilka moon- ENGINEER ...... 40 _ ___.. ..,.., •• ,... romanc• with a to balk In my tova tight watka on th• SM . ... , .• , 17.. a•--.,, • yra., __ ... ----· bear ma eon• Com LOYAL v~ ., ,_r SWM, 3e-551ah who • afty rHI par.on.' •te&4 • ~h and tata night c:i.r, a • · hstad 2

MUI M•H II 1888 NORM Al klaalng by a fir• and antoY11 mualc, rock to but rHlly only teasy, AIMIWNTUAOUS - d I kl h who'• • •Mk• at· cla11lc1 , rnov l aa , Ha Ha 1 m eura any· ,..,OUT., .. QOI- 1 •"Y DANCEi LOVING ..:: .. '?. cd:,~ao.:S tractive W.U to do SP'. ~c1h . ad~~n~r•• one celling ma wlll '"' - WITH SINCERE try thing• on th• apur ~~!,.':. b:::a Many

uat pla7 ... I m.. t\ava a HnH or WANTED FOXEI SWM 8 't''. 185, , 5 of Iha moment t1lca together #2178 humorll Look •Olsh, Slim, n 1, WF who en- T-'I ~...- ........ ....,~ Y""· E\lropaan d• midnight swims In 1

HEAL THY! IHI nlnatMn • 299<1 foY• th• '1)Ut of door9, n:,,';ft'hf'.;. ;~;;,;; scent, cultured, man- hot tub, anjOy ahoot-wr • ,.THYtl SWEET tong walk• & talk• tallv & flnanctally •• Ing pool, waakand """"' • .ND OWM: 47, e·, t&O tbs., •low handa, ftt, witty, cur•, wants to mMt gatawaya to Catalina,

WISE? " .. n.. of humor . gravartou• and caring, lady only or heart & football and romance A Hot Live Call SEXY .., 1897 . IHkl up-beat, youth- I I I I I

Attractive/ affluent 10- • fut, beautiful, beach~ __ w_ .. _ll_h'""i.c#r.i1c:803=-.--==1 • ~" an oy g 11 ng a Ba•utllul glr11Walt1ng clally_ active Newport Bionda SWFr.a.a, 0000-!All# ~ ) hlonda w"'- anti""• •OVE -.&~ 'ad• uow_a~. - 1~AA.a-B ,,_ 1 1 · -<r nu w · " r Mutt live In Hunting. I 1.vv-vvv-v-• eacn nvaator. c a11- figure, Ilka to lay out Seeking allm, non- t 1- "'1"'•• • ., ""'' 1 10 - •n1 .... oa• cur..... .. •• •. TO uaw,••1 '"" beacn Lat'• play - ""'m n, "'' mn. act • 50 ' • , tall/ allm, and work out. Looking amoklng woman with ""' "" '"I(' 50'ste<r1 Intel· for crulH r guy under an open mind and FUNNY SWM, 39, 8 ', 175, togath•• "1883 ADULT 900 LINE tactually atlmutatlng N/ 5'9 ". muat be rich . heart. Mull love th• nlENDLY dark, hand•om• ••• TALL DU•ECTORY S SfW ganttaman of over 25 Call Kelty outdoora, 11lllng, ex· acuhve IHka pretty Graphic Uatlng ol unu-a cc om p II 1 h men t , "2840 ploflng, aharlng. 1pon· COMPASSIONATE woman. around 30, to DARK 1ual unadvarllud charac ter & Integrity· Tll[ tanafty, almpla plea· SWM, 35, e-1 , 11011 , relocate In Hawaii. HANDSOME adult programa. t · comfortable In Bta_ck · aur... and youraalf Ilk• mualc, movt.1, __ .,_t..;,.IMS2.;......_____ I ~ $ 99 min

I Cwsy aecure, sincere. ath·

ti• or earm udaa· ~ Im .a, tall , ahm, •• comedy, baachH. NICE 1euc gent, 38, •Mk• AJI Home No.'I the very beat In a BLOND oura, with two aall· awap maata, b.-Ck· mature, honait , .. . quality monogamous boata (on• ••ch fUba , monogamv HAPPY auaJ WF, 23-33, 5 ., ·-1 \)f RMI Women ralaUonahlp only the DW F • late •O 1· good coast). a condo at th• SMklng W~, 28-40. PHOTOQBA BU£R 1 AIW\-ll"MM t>eetl. !f2848 body You Tall , thin. river. rrH travel. and cute, allm, stabfe, hu· ,_.." e· fo r monogamous ,_ -

HnH of humor. sub- an opan.4ndad future moroua , lntalllgant, H•kl attracttv. lady romance or tun data PSM Inc $5/mln t8yr HEY atanca, pro fa11 lonal Thing• Im not: Mar· fun _, 191' 11 to 35 for fun, tov. Call to compare Inter Ill NUMBERS You that c hange• hata. .__. .. _.. rich -------- and hfa I'm a gMng, --•-•t_1_t1_t ae9 __ . ---·I No

BEWARE' I'm tun, at• r._. , .....,.,ng, • con-If you ar• .,, h<>Mat tract""•· and romant1c ~l. :C'"!~. ' : LOOKING ~~ a1'::.n,, 1~•d TALL OF REAL WOMEN man, abrtylah. call ma. #284A -... .. , 1fOR A ROMANTIC 1400tlCMMOO #2882 _ _...._. - T-

0---- ~:•::;:ng· ~:,act!!,~ ~ualilftE NON RELIGIOUS W1DOWE.R s F Pub SS/man 18 yr

•-- ~ SWM protaa1 lon1t SEEKING INTENSE -"-1.;.ees.;..;..._____ OantHNnan ... ka lov· blue collar worker, Loyal. dependable, ~~=--

AIGHIT -•.,... C Ing, caring lady for aga 57 , 190 tb• , educated, fun tovtng, AVWYVWil MEET .,..p with croN drM• 5 ' 10", non·•mokar , non-emollar . flnan- Ml*IOttr SISG'nw\10

MAN t713 haflo out tharal I Ing and fof compan- drlf'lkar EnJOy• moun- dalty aecura. no ch.._ Att L.ocatal warm , attac llonata, Ilka loOklng up to a lonahtp I am nice tllna. d"art, camp- dren. •••k• pr•"Y MMI b'/ phooal anJov• 11<11ng, danc· man and anJOY your looking, middle aged, Ing, nahlng. ·~•. lady, 40 to 55, with Chrtatten phone Ro-Ing, 1r1val, mualc Ara aplrtt of adWntura. I eomeo.ne 1pecial welt aducatad. Inter· P.B s TV. Saetca mo- good moral'atl'llcat mane. N- optk>n• you aalf-conftdant, ara would be one to m"t through clauified Htlng and paraon- nog1mou1 relation· value• Many lnteraat• S3 min you-you? tl2891 . you. SWFNS. #2841 . able. 1111902. ahlp with SF #1901 to •hara •181Mt 1-9Q0.1ee.1110

P f'I .;;011;11

Service~ 3005

· Call 1-900-844-0100 • Enter 4·digic code appearing in ad • Li lcn to greeting • Leave' rnc~~Jgc (you can change it

if not c..ati"ficd)

When lea\·ing a mes. age • Leave your fi1!-tt name • Mcnt ion }Our i ntcrc~t~

----; Tc fl \our ace · , .... • Dc!-tcr ibc your Jppcar.incc ~ pcc1f) 1our preference~ •Include \\hat ou liked :ihout t hl~

pcr,on \ nu Jrc rc,ponding to

) ou m,l\ kJ\ l ' .1 ' O ":cond me' Jl!C .... O U \\ iii he JUllll11Jlll' J ll ) billed q c: lor cJch minutt'.


~ ... •

PRINT CLEARLY (First three words ore boldfac e) 25 word moximum

FREE ADS ARE MAIL-INS ONLY All Coll-Ins Wiii Be Charged Regular Rote.


NAME· --------------------------------~ PHONE·------------------------.;__ ______ _ ADORE SS

CITY: STATE: ZJP: ----Thia .,,.."""' .. ' " ccaitdt4.-; W. Qll'nlll acnpc yc:v parl1'l\ll .. ,,_ ~ aft .. De JMJ~ 11'1 ~ 0..-. ~ ht.I\ ad ... " ...... a c.'Oda nurwtlef in ~ ,_..,. ... r~ by a ~IMd too•. Y9'1 wll M M6e 10 ail -' Mlrto9 .-.. ..... N9M 11\1 an atWU COC1a No OM wll i.a ltllla 10 ~ row ma.-.. ... ~tor your11e1


MalAdb DMlll

Nr-'pot ~~ M8l:J Pb U!W.~! .

COiia ,_,,CA W626 Oi


~ . Cotto..._, Plot• o venue for WV- lo meet ~OM pelmltt9d Ot'#f to indlcott9 gerdet p; •'••IC» or roce W. ll.lg09lt ftlc)I Odl ~ contc*l 0 ... ~ age roroa. h1¥9, and CJVOC011tor9 li4t OOI itOil lil"C)

t •NCI onotol 1 lea tarQuooe WI not be occ~ rt. ~'POl1 ~ Coato M..a Plot ,......... ltle l!gt'lt lo r..-:1 any~ It CIOl"'9d odl f'f'O/ be ~ tor pub!lcofion onlr' bV '*'°" 11 ~ d ogre (If Old9' No odl .... be ~llMll'v~uno. lho•.aoa

.. ~ 1l'w Neowwport a.act\ Com> MelicJ Plot ~ l\O lcdi!y for.,. c:ontwtit Ot r9Plv lo Of'f'( ~d

~·· hc:idli+ftNI~~,. ~ fOt.,. contwtit d and QI~ to°""

~t"and b""" <**Te mode c:igarlt'llt .,. ~ to....., Plot and •• .,.,.....

~"°""'QI " .... Orddno rtJCliOl'lable o~ ,_., ~ ~ dOtt!Qget

~ ~ Ofco.-2 ~ .. ~· plOCO brr ft-.~ or Ol'V ~lo rrftf ad'I ~1¥rt

CANCIUA1'0N Of fllOMOftC* 1'<1Jnot 1n-.,......, .... ~" IWlf ~ ~ICll '°'19C11 h Pf01090il ~ °' Q'1t _,,,......,

M •.:•41-•lar ............. .................... ,,.,...,.,.., -.,.. ~·~ .... i1Mi10 ..... .=

r1u a ,. M -.. FUN 1081 .....,.._ •••• moe a!::=:===::!I " 1 V'..:..._~ *"*'°" • · •UQUOI CUM• ~n.:: = Off 1 .--... Pff, 1-c eve e /Wk . b 1 h t t i

••• llDI "oet• ......___ l t l4M• y ou r g 1 , we ... - ~ groomed • able ..

llOU•t • 11 • ltlWf at.Ye . ..,,._.pm· IMm? Trawt weaearn Atael&an Meta mute, A O .. ly 8ataty S300 for ..... & l"MOft .... ~d .. nl. ,....., VWV obeo buying merchWMl!M. w/a co. tt'9I "• a

..a t taln• d . No exp nee. 71'/ MO- DOOd ~. J~ ., .......... 7"'n4l44 1811 • • .,. 3'M. !ntwpttw Ma Mlo'-

P OUNO. aeu. muet ...... eral ope ning • for ~ Ith lal ...,. "- t8 A wer In °"" • ._..... .... ., w .... 9tllff needed to worlC -- ...,, .... ,.....,, .... ,_. ··--".. . ---- wtth 0.V. DI•. lldulte llfSlalleH ,,.... during ..-.....-.u. med .... Mm In amell~roup horn-. ~ • lmmad .... .... -...,.. ..... ..--.. - . ._ ,.._, a ~~..J-~ ... ~1 a11. OooCI Income, exciting -·...- .,..., __ ,. .,.. ...... ...., bonua program . O alda tuu MI on TUee. 179-7237. Group tt9n9POf1etion .,, , , ae.e807. -------- hJMMhed. Aetuf'tl ,..,..

Lo.I AJRUMll NOW guarantMd . MU8T ttlllWMDtS HllHIQI • TA" T I .. ~· diamond neck· e cuatomer Service M•DIAT•LYI P:or teoe 118191 .. Hlll'bof e Ftlght A11endanta A PP 1 • 0 a 11 D 0 N Vl• w C e nte r . C•h • Meohantce HAWKINS 160~899

._, 4DA. .. - .. i-. .............. Ml ....... 0-. .. ............... . _ ..... ...., .... itf·~ ,...., - Dea. ..... ~ .... ltl.U?. U.. ~· , awoa- · 9n-tl49. ~- AN IVtDID ONI •?W••· ~"""'= ~·ei.. ~ ...,.. ·• x•11 Bo 11 , .. ·n·u ..

I eipd. K AM/f'M ll'rATI IN - ·· lo ......_ ... MG ML GI' THI MAL -- .......,_ ..... ""°""~-== fMI wheell. 1 owner. ~ ~ Al .,. a.no oeo. c.1 ...., ... '* DIQ.AM.. .... ,.,.. .,._ 7~· ,TtOH OP COVSNANTI, Mefoedee t lll MOO COHDtTIONI AND .... l'Urbo, .,..,.,. oer, t ITIUCTIOHI "DICI MA­owner, •11••1t oon- TtOH"}ftCORDID ON ... ......._ .. - ......... 17, ,., ... ....-.. ,-. IOOIC t'7•7 ,AM tMI (?l ') ~. IT KO. OP OP~

VW 1171 IUS* .._. AICOROI OP ~ ""9e ~ ~ NN COUNTV, ON LOT t Ofl lfMI. lnoludM tow TMCT 10lll, IN lHI CffV L=.°'=-• 800d ~~· OllO. ~·~ :~ ::

ototh .. , hou•efiold, OOMM!O 1H 1001C 411. b oolC• . •·to.ta 'MIU .._ ._ /tHO '° °' P'rt a ... e.rn.3pm, t- tr LWMll MllCEUAHROUS ~ 11t0 Cor9k:a (GI.- • Clf'Mt bey OfU6Nt, ... IH ?HR OPPJCI OP J~

~..,...) cellent condit ion. COUNlY MC()A()a OP QUMr'I ._,, d,...... a M,000. 1464191 '71 11'110 C e n'ipe ,.. SAIO ORANOI COUNTY. °'"- """""'"'· ctotMe •pedal. a.en. A/C. DCUnNO ~ xcellent fum. ml•o 6 hOUMhold "9ma. Aellable . ,.....,...,eo, IJMTS t lMtOUOH u. w.

lt•m• •• gtv ... w•v l.qta of lllUft. let MM. U600-080 . .... 7'1 Cl.UIM! ON LOT t OP ~-:ro:.:~em.c.. Wleon•A • 1H7, H' l•lander, 19U M EACEDl!8 ~~~~~~

• 111:J~~~~~~~~;I Atomlc/4 ln b oerd, •608lC. Auto, ._ MINtUM "-AN. • ThUf9o SATURDAY lam4pm. 9IMpe I, "-d, ~. roof , gr••• car fXCE'11NO PUATH!A

Sat 10 to 2. Fum., :::c. ==-· =i 3 .... of ...... mucn 1 10.000 090. Mt- THEREFROM, ALL IM-

P~ .,._.?CHI • Entry lA\191 & Up 11-4pm """ P:rtc!ay I.OST! Pencrlpdon aun- 1-eoo.aT4-4aM Genwet Offtce

gtaMM, black cue,1.A_n_: _L.oc_al_men/WO ___ m_en_. llU' ITAllTllll ~ Irvine Terrlle9, S•25/Wkly. Factory ••llNIDn.J.. CdM Aewerd f734Cn .... mbly at hom•. No ----- •JJ

exp. 1·90C>7M-7020. 7 / S300-MOO I* WMk da)'!/9119. l5Jmln. / 8AM-12 Noon I i1 . 1lll 1 .'.

ATT•NTION Sporte CALLI LO•• t0.t 4 .. In a minded Individuate. JACK

W ..... 8 Ith ,,0 , etudenta, new rHlo Mt-Ot7,.1_C.M . ,.• w r. • denta . $1 504300/ DONlllA

~ 1!11 • " \(l l )( )

Diet . Safe , ettectl\le. week . Pfr/•vH & a .. Fr .. guld~ by Nu· wHkenda, flex· •checl· .... t ' Tuetln P•rm. Prr. 2 to 6PM, tr1onle1. S4&-5253 uln. Call 945-5760. Jobe In Kvwltn Ta. M·F, Dell Hndwlch

Free. Oonatructlon mal(JnQ & ciOeer 15/ a.rttnder T,..,._I Worker• 175,000.00 hr. 01 bell. 780-1145.

HAWAII/MEXICO Needed, Call: E n g I n e e r I n g P!ASON WANTED to JAMAICA/FLORIDA HI00•344 5011 ext. 1 $200,000.00 Olt Fl.td drive my daugh1ar to

2 round trip alrfarM. Worker• $100,00 00 end from Carden pvt 1160 per peraon. Call Naed•Pllrt·l'"'9jo0? C all 1-800·7'3-3"'0 achool. t/9 • 9/13. (305) !5e1 .... 801. SM ctallltled employment Ex1. 1045 Home 6 echool ~

-=:::::;:;:;;;;;;;;;;::::::;;;;;;;;::::;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;======;;;; mll• equldl•tant to B•ech Blvd 6 Atlan1a. Pick up 7:30am d.ity. Return 2 .30pm, W9d & Fri •pm. Locel woman • houaewffe • atudent , with late model ear P'•fered.


• '80/Week caeh.

conalder xchng for 9:r. ~ub member9h lp. 1

CINTIRCLUI Memberahlp for •al•, Make °"91, 17&-1381

~ ....... . A nt"I" •·d 10

M11QUI .... * COSTA MEsA * 1931 Newpon Blvd. Tr~ Selec11on1 Ftench• Engflah•AtMr

• 8000 Sq. F1.* Mon-Sat 10-e. Sun 12~ •We Buy and S.11• ~•Welcome North-South \'Ulnerable North

deals NORTH • AK Q • K875 • A K 10-' • 3 2

Matt.era improved tomewhal 53&-82'2 w.hen declarer won the firat trick RIAL HTATl' I IHTI• and led a club off the board. Eut 13,000 MO. poten· '

tlal In ADOITION to

** &42..evtO ..

ppl"111lf 'S fiO 11

WEST EAST • 853 • A962 • J 2

• 10 9 6" • Q 10 3 • 9 6 5 3 • 10 8 + K Q 9 7

SOUTH •J 7 2 •J" • Q 8 7 + AJ65•

followed low and declarer'• jack won Comm'• 10 l00% to Refrtg -brand nftl fortheeilhth trick. Sinut.hejacko( • TARTI Advanc.ad pool 25.5 ' dbl d diamonda was dealined t.o raJI, nine Trng I No deak FMI w/lcedlapenHr. wate trick& were now ce.rtain, but Fried· FT/PT. Petrtck d l1pen1er. I pllld ov•

.. , man, not bleaaed with X -ray viaion, Ollleapl• 955-582• S 15oo. you mak

NATIONWIDI UU, lno o tfer. Muat Hll. Cal found a brilliant way to aetUe the M F Sott-5597 iuue regardleaa of the poaition of RECEPTIONIST Sld~/~ld• refrlg S250 the red-auil ho no ni. outh c.t08aed FHt phone office. Waaher & dryer $15 t.o dummy with• spade, led a club t.o Good phone voice. ••· Comm'I mow•r the ace and then continued with Wk d Y 1 8 : 3 0 •5 Pm · edger 1250. 948-58'8

Come join Shipley'• another club. dtacardin1 the table'• H.B. 8 9 7·1073 Furniture~ t..iO 1 I remaining high apade! AHl•uranl

. T he defendere had n o count.er. TIRED OF 2 ·PO corner couch,

=p~ .. =:..c':M E 18"\ • I W ~ .. ,:--~~,; 0704 or 17MIOI '"OV!MENTS ANO A"· W E T 9''1T 11 131 .. 171. 1819 CAOIUAO Fleet- F'URT!NAHCES LOCATED

"" ' p o c e wood e e d a n . Im- OR TO NT ,LOCATED ON =~~~P~rn!:.mlAT,;~~ 3S' Gerden crul•lng m•cul•t• condlUon. ~ LO Of' TRACT

VAIU•TYI (Ott Vlctorie a Harbor) ketch. Perkin• ' 11°' S •PP h Ir• b I u • • EXCEPTING FUATHEA S.I/ 8 ,, 8 II dl••el (under 100 h ,.), • ' 1 6 ,tS0.080. Lido THE .. EFDOU •vcwsM!

un •er am Yerd Sele. 211 M ... Dr. Double planked I 1 973-22'8 " " '"' '"" 2938 Alve'91de Or, nr OM. Sat . • to ?. Al ... 1.r. noner furtlng • • . EASE_MENTS IN ANO TO ll'Ylne a M.... klnct. of glb, Wlndleaa. Avon & Buick 1981 El.ctra AU. 1lf05e RESTRICTED

new Tohatau o/b. In- sr11at1on w1,..aoon. 53,000 ~~~O~ t:rf'~~~ H t111! r'<P ''

H1 I i 11 j I I ii

2 ,..•mlly Oarege Sate l Wlnd•urfer. 12' Zo­diac, sofa. glaMtop tble, bdrm eet, TV, 18" L ,.._..__ ._.......

2 _ .,.

Chrtacrert u · Chevy a """',_ - · - ... Maida AX7, ChevY \abl H , d ark re al Ptck·Up iaquartum & WOOd, 8Pantah a1yte. etereo. 'Sat/Sun 7em. US H Table Lampe, .....,._ Lft ~ Aottaaerie, etc.

Sat. t to 3 . Call for Alley garao- ..... 173 dtrecttona. "2..etee.

Victoria, Apt. C. 8AM MISC ..._, _ _.._. It lo 2PM. Pie... partl · ,..,..._..,,d ema, on at__. ~n equtp, d .. k .

,_.. SAT M , 6971 Oonly Dr. (Off SpnngdM) BRASS lapel lampa

He•dllnar projector. Argu.-Merc carneru •to CO.ta M ... St.

1\1 ·.. ,, · 1

I t ' JI I > 1 ti ,'

Chiding Newpor1 0 g . m . 1 owner, MINIUM Pt.AH Baach mooring . rune Ilk• new, M1Y RESERVINO THEA!· 129,000. 927·2358 lollded, teeth« ,fnt., ~OM EASEMENTS FOR

rlor , U .HO. Ca ll ACCESS , INORESS, 090!JI! 714-e82-G710. EO RESS, ENCROACH·


- -- .,....... Auna well • REPLACEMENT L. . MAINTI!· " l'e•t la l'un" 1"9 QOOd condition, green, =:~~"~~ ULD8. Total rent 1990, 1850 080 M4-91MM OH THE ~M Newpon ll!leech allp. Pt.AH OR AS DEFINED IH S2t, 150/080 H~i--"*.IC---NOTICI---- THE O£C\AAATION. ' IM13 1--------- PAACEL3:

T .a . .......... NON-EXCLUSIVE EASI!> Slipo..; [) I I<·

.'\, S to1 " 1• ,·11. ·.


CABINET doora, t .. k. boat parte, 1oola, h .. hold. SAT i.-2 11M5 A Ptacentla Ave

80AT ILi~ 22'·28', 14, tee1 . U•La aa =ESFORAU.~E~~ 8a'lboa Penn leul• , YOU TMa ACTIOlf TO IN THE CONDOMINIUM

Aefflg, """·~· • • U C loc No llve NOTSCT YOUR...,,. Pl.AN AHO AS DEl'INED IN rage cabin, 1, a1er •boarda. 723-45G7. DTY, IT llAY N 90U> THE DECLARATION. 909

• mi.o. UN M Dook nettr lettr AT A "'81.tC 8ALIL IP PARCEL • : 2375 1 Calle Oana Bal laJ 10 •2', $500 or YOU •ID AN llJUlt\A. EXCWSIVE EASEMENTS

Dining rm ,._, chra, (~) 1nlde1oruHge NATION OP TMm NA- IN ANO TO THOSE POA-butfet, furniture. elec .723-5770. TU"I OP THI N0o TIOHS Of' LOT 1 OF SAID dryer a morel 1811 LEASINQ " ' dock In 088Dl•O AOAIN8'r l:~cTOE~~~lg :~o:: . Klnglet C1 Sat Sam. N.B. P•rmanent bula. Y~~ YOU IHOULD STRICT ED COMMON

•aTAT•IMOVINQ I LITTLE tyleea toya, t>oya Eaay acceH. Sall txi.t COllllTACT A LAWYllJt. AREAS WHICH ARE ADJA· Sat/Sun tam-3pm. No & glrte cl01hlng. Early prfr'd . Ownr 87~75 ....... ef CENT WITH ANO AP. .. rtyblrda. 117 Flower American bedroom PIER. $t 75lmo. Side tie True ... '•.... PURTENANT TO SAID 81, "'NwpVl9th S1 H1, clrce 11M8. Cherry 10 25._ Weal Newport UfMlief DMd PARCELS t , 2, 3 ANO 5

FURNITURE: wicker, WOOd dlntno Mt Furn, Canal., ... 850-81•5 .. Tn.t OESC1'1~ HEREIN. ch•lre, dHk; Sklla, tone of mlac. SAT --------~1 Notic::a 11 hetM>Y g!Yen PARCEL 5. gamee, etc. 98' Au· tam-tpm, 1817 Pott Side Tie, 111/foot, 10' that OUA.UTY LOAk SER· AN UNDIVIDED ONE llM FRl&SUN 8~am C#1ow Pl. to 32'. Neat Udo lale VICI! CORP., a Cal1foml1 F1FTY..f1~1155THJ FfE

W~r, ,;':.~~,clean~ u INl1 ... or fbMPAfel IM~~~ c uatom dutgn redWd

Eut could not broach a red auit WAJTREll ba ... foam pad w/boi. without g;ving declaru the {ulfilhn1 eters. $ 175. ~MN 8tety a c..- upright

The bidding .J1 ":.t•l1\ f '''" ,'I,, I" t hi I,'-.


C.1111p1·1·. HV-. ~ North Eut South Weat 1 • Pua l NT Pua 3 NT Pue P ... P ...

Opening lead Ten of • The pnt.e for Lhe Best Played

Hand at tht recent Europt'an Cum· muntt\ rhamp1on11h1ps in Athena was won by 'hmuel Fnedman of Is rael for t h 1.1 effort

The r ontract waa a normal enough three no trump and, desp1l~ llt'ven (11111 tnckll. chance8 for nine tnrk11 wtre nol all Lhat bright -

.. 11w1tch Eut Weat'• minor·1u1t hold· 1ngs and vou can aee that dtt larer will havt e dtv1I nf 11 time t rymg to develop two exlro tncks

•- · h D-- ~..J OR WAITER? , piano 11200. Xlnt tnr& in t at 1u1t. ao c.aat peraeve.-.u 7 aot'A light yellow, condt Student dnk w1th spadea Bu t now Fried.m&n'a • 6AM·12 Noon good condition, 1100, SM. Bdrm Mt: 1 drwr beautifully timed unblockinJ ma· .. $3()().$500 per Wffk •~Ht drMt, mtrr, hdbd, x1nt neuver reaped 1ta JWll reward. Bea.utlful Sofa, rov...... •M S4M Lamp•

Declarer won the ,._de Ul L--d Call Diane In Tustin, che lr, ottome.n. N- ll$M ........ '""'"" U&ll 2e ... tN. Or Mark Cond, oak trim . .. cn-

and aet up• long club by conced1n1 In C.M .. M 1-0t74 flea 1325. a..14"88. another club lnck lO Eut: ince IUITAIL 8 ALia E11p'd BED, FULL SIZE w/ a WIND8U .. ., .... , East waa now do.,n to nocJuna but Frr tor upacele linen br•aa headbo ud , Comp a Rocket 99 red cards. declarer a ctually acored 11or,, Fuh lel Reta s100. Walnut dining $2"9•. bOth 1500 an overtnck - thret' apade , one req Sandre, 9-4().2929 rm ••t w/• ch• I,.., &Q.9181 E 17Wt75

r: I J,\', I .fi() 15

heart , thl'ff diamonda and three • ••El make olfer. e· hid ... AM/f'M STE,.~O , .. I L. ~ bed . brown, 1225

<' uue. . . Athl•tlc Manager Mutt Hiii 8-121111'1 or oeNet 176. Compact We have often q1l1bbled with lhe TralnH. S 300·S •OO &-11 pm. 6so....e99 EJC· dtl1c SJl•Y9' ... <hod

haod.s eelect.ed to Wlll the bnlliancy Wffkly. It you Ilk• c•ll•nt buyl condl11on , d r•••er • ..J. I th ' 1- aporta 6 money call $250. Nlghte1and '30.

e- • • . n~-:.

Dall. Also Nagel memorattve •.rt•• 14 (all In beaut tr.me). ,..,,,, beat pf1c In the USA cell Bob a 71•1891-8253.

Me tcoa Saaaon• " Portoflno Refle c­ttona" I palO 12.650 &. $750 tor frame, T01al of s:MOO. you meke oft« Must Sell. Can ..

Q lf 1t I' I >•r f //•' t".

l q u1pm1·11t t,(Jl/ awa1wi. n 111 cau we coniretu .. t.e Bret. 71'·5-45-804•2 C AL-MOD• Country Ch••• '230. a.cs box t he Judgea o n a worthy c hoice. tranch dining rm Ht: epttnga 125. M1·7329. 2 Dratting tabl•• ·

TELEMAHKETINO ~ Wing noel chre, e - - etoota, 6' walnut exec.

ti. Tr.1111 ·1·, ~101 l

'79 MOTOR HOME 32' PORATION Recorded 08/ OEC\AAATION ANO THE Beachcr•tt. two ' elr Ot /1Ht In 8oolt 14203 TEMRS ANO CONDITIONS eonc:t , awning, gen- =.:~""c:. ~ :: :. OF THE MAST£R LEASE erator, all etnenltlM, 11c9 of tl'l9 Cognty Recofder RECORDED AUGUST 10, atrong anglne a.et of OAAHQE County Call- 1959, IN BOOK 4833 'A0E otter over 110,000 1om1a and purauant to the 274 ET SEQ OF OfRCW.. Call 831 ·6379 ~ of Oefeull and E>ec· RECORDS

Ar 1t.' ', " 1 1·

P,1r•·, • i• ·)

tlon to Sell it.eunct• r• The RNl •ddreae end COfded 04/22/ 1911 In 8oott other common dealgnel:lon, • Page • !net No 111· " any, of the , ... pte>per1y 118508 of .. id cin clal dnc:tlbt<I abo\19 la ~

AU"JOMOlllU!S R9C«dl, wt11 Sell on '19/0il PQl1ed to be' '*°' 8AIGH· Bad Credtt OK, M '•t1 ' '9111 at 1000 AM. at IN ~~N ~R=, COSTA model•. gU.rentHd FRONT OF THE fl.AG- TheSA.undngned Tndt" approval t No

1 J~~ ~:AAA~ TbHi...e~ dltclllm• any liablltty 10f

paymen ' CENTIA CMC CENTER any lneofrectneea o( the t~a-eaM 2• ~.... 40t-41 I EAST CHAPMAN 111NI addr ... and other

A"'1roE PLACENTI• ~ common d .. lgnatlon, It • '"" any, ahown herein. An'1q111•


ATTENTION ceneback aid• c hre Ou•en Mat1reH Set. d••k/cradenu/chalr C _.. I 1• Uke new. Coat seoo, 4 Id h I ' CloaMa, P.A.'e , dlalera arv .... wood tab• w Hll 1225 eso.oeoe • • c • ra. type.

• $300 ••on on bonua. parq. top. S3000 Ea· Miter, rolled/flat plan Commlaalon 10 30'1f.. ther 9-5pm 875-4900 Leave m .. ••r· fll••· mlac. fife' pelnt· Super IHd•. Delly G~ANITE·LIKE glaaa SHADE TREES. Huge Ing•, teblaa, a ccH· c uh aplfte. Beat d ining room table With now. lnatant ahade. llOOM. 250oe2• Z. ptotno In town. For In- e upholst•ftld Chalra. Olff9fent kinda. 15 gai..

Cl . 1·.,~ 11 •, ' lll·I ' > at publlc auction. to the Ttie total amount of the l'llQhelt bldcMf fOf cuh (paytlble •t the time -of ..,. unpeld balance ol tl'lt obll·

'St MO.A R .. tOf'ed to In l&wful money of the ~~ •r;u:,:d ~ = orlglnal fec1ory ·~· ~ ~ all rig:t reuonable 11tlmat•d Off·wtltte with red Int• to ·and now tteld~ It coe11. •l*'Me and .a. rtof. &pok ... hcond under Mid Deed Of Truat In vanoee at tl'l9 time of the owner. lmm•culete. the P'°'*'Y elluatect In lnlllel OUblCdon of the~


1 Summary 6 Glance ovftr

10 Lady II 14 PopUir IS T0<onto

toot ballet 16 Dark poet 17 Tooth 18 Bad lose< 20 Noric. 21 Grid foul 23 of Commons 24 Weal/fl (the

hair ) 26 Peaked 28 Ptaywrlghl

Pinter 30 Haler aufl 31 Furt01JI 32 Vue ma1er1a1 36 Potier 11ake 37 Ranoe r•doe 38 Sto-glrl 39 Butterfly

lhaped flower s

42 Funny l)efaon i&4 Puaport

endorMmerlll 45 Ovenhrow 48 Au1tior1 49 Thr .. card SO Ne at 10 N.-

Brunswtek St Type 52 Informer

llano SS Puaaoe in t o

41 41



law S8 HabH 60 Stngle 61 Th1nka

' 62 Namea 63 Permit• to 6<I Hurnor1111 6S t<tlmef wor t.


I NFL tNm 2 Oii ·yieiding

lfM 3 ObNf'le wolh

lftllllill .. 4 Wing S Sr-1 fabric: 6 Tasteful 7 Aiding IWhip 8 Long 9 And not

10 Aemovea from I hr one

I I Appro~1m11tety 12 Dot·d85h lalk 13 Paid up 19 Biblleal land 22 Pot cover 25 Decay 28 eon'* .. 11on1 27 Long QArment 211 Body jOlnte 29 In 1 llne 30 Request • 32 Dt1tr1Ct1 33 Zone 34 Very bad 35 Ethnic group 3 7 Ctiur.cti

sec hon 40 Shows • 1 Asian land 42 BehtiVIOr •3 ChOOM •5 Cargo umt •8 Aroma 4 7 Lalla etalt 48 JO\llal 49 Hand coYerl

5 I N8\ll lCAI tPMCt unu

53 Out Of line ~4 frueh•art ~ Anomate

, 11tomecn 57 Mr Whltl\ey S9 Kntoht •


$22,000. ""5«14S Mid county Ind State and tlce o( Nie la! '59,940.34 tervt-. call utePro $500. can 145-e7ee lone. Alt ten fOf l200. lnt'I, 1381 W•mer Ave, Pine tree• ~ ft. s>ot·

P i. I:" ,. · •

________ ..,. deearlbect .. fOllOwl In adcllltor'I to catti. the

'AAC1:L 1: Tru.tee Wiii acciapt a CW.. SI• c. Tuatln, CA OR • AT auvau 2 led. 25 for MO. 25

259-0102 Wntte l..an'llnate dMk• __ ro-.Mell60.._;:..;....-..;.e_1_4_9"4_Z2_-t B•bY Qrand , e xce l

(_) ; ' • I ()C, C)

tt ~ rt jull 11Ar1tng ~ 0'*1I butlnNS ct .... ,.., .. I QfMI place 10 lllld otta eciu•Qmtn1

w/•tNI c.eM cnan cond 11 ,450. Spinet Aettlg!f!tor 645-tln w!:.D1:0 1 ~~~·-!:'~ Plano, good oondlUon.


TRADE A SUILEASEHOLO IN let'• checJl drawn en • ANO TO UNtT NO 25 OH llate or ~ bri, I LOT t Of TRACT 10525, 1H cl'leclll dl'swn by • ~ 0t THI!: CITY OF COSTA ,._.., c:radlt union or a K1ng a.cs. alt Unln, pn. w/beaded lace. N...,., Plano taac"-t muat

Iowa & bed •Pfffd. worn S250. 133-e121 aacrlftc•. 1475. 627· throu9b clu11hed ME•SA. COUNTY OF OR- chedl dtawn by a elate Ct $75. &U-e059. 1854 or 962-2238. AHOI! STATE Of CALJ. r.cs..I MW9 and lo9"

' Ulodatlon, N\ltnge .. llOddorl or ....... bet* ~In~ 1102 of the F1nandal ~ and 9Ulhortzect to dO bultneee ... tl'ltl ..... In the eveinl tender ~ than cuh .. ~act. IN TIWIM may ~ the luuance of the T~·· Oeed un111 fUndl beCOme a\lllllable to the ~ or end04'Me u a IMtt• Of right.

Said .... wllt be made, bul wlltloul cownent or WM~ 0t lm­

J'r111"•rty uniqu rrodu.t ln1t1111 .. 1tt) Of All Thinga: Ellubeth Tudor, llllRA {C,,.pt ll Ort 22J Lun., at • :!::On or ~.,:,

Thurtder, Augutt 22, 1111 Frtde1, Augu1t U. 1111 l<r•d•r Mont•~• t • m ameud •I

,-our v.-1 n·~rtolrt oi ._nnwl•dgt. l rom lll•r.itu"' lo null'ltrlc•I cydu tu '"lrolo10 huw do you do llP ( Ju•I lull.y, I "utul .. "ou oner ml'ftt1ontd lh•I f.ip• n..v ff'•r • tl'tl•ll'I 11umbfr, but I didn' t utt h 11 IThr numbt'r I• lttur I If you"""' comr dow11 South, rlu"' 1top In •nd ltl mt m•I.• you IMlmf h•m •l'ld rrd ·• y4'd Artvy •nd bl.ic t. 04'd f'C'U I That' ' wh•I I Ion • IHlul lh• C,outh! I

ARll'1 I M,1uh ~I Arni IQI rm ph • 1 •n humon~ .in mu"' , "'l\n•lt • • ·"'' •l<•m• •I Ii <1J11n1mr111 ( .rr1•r ll•h '"'"'1 .i• rMull " ' ... """n m•lf't1.il f"." '

l'l"lJ'('nJt•nct· 1nvnl111n~ ovrrw• rntl'f' 0Hl'n Ellubeth f, lu\OWft M lht ~ti cutncld•• wllh crullvlly, <1tylt, 10 Nll9fV tl'lt lndebtldne .. pttn,.ur D11111nt1fy, mlnAlr humor w11h "vl'lln qllftn," wu w•ll v•rw4 In J iwov('ry Nn•uahty Wh.tl h•d bttn • MCUred by Mid Deed. ecs. ""'""" d~ l<1r.tll11n• v .. n.111111111 ulrology. Sh .. WM d•llghltd to htvt " tr•p' II tr•nd(lrMrd ltllu prutKllVr YWlOM thef'tunder, """' .,,.

4KORl'IO en •• 2.1 Nuv 21 l Yvu r """ boNI undtr th• t odl . .c;al •lgn of •h1t'ld lnd1v1du•I. UtUAlly ahy. UMrt =:-u. .. ~~~ Vlrwo thr v1 .. 1n. Sht k.-.w. from htt 'I ~imply aduA' you'" T1urut lnvl)lvrd the note ~--- ~= n.ilur•l t .. lrnh •urf,.•• tumpthhV•ll'"' . ., .,. _..,

h .MMC"11tlon ind 11vdy with .. ,,.,,...,r ORPIO (Oct 2.l Nov 21 ) "uu II deed Wftl\ .,,..,_. Al'h 11•b dt•nt' You·u "•In •1111"11 '> a n -· u ~ In ~ u..-John Ott, 1h11 htr pl•ftrt WM Mtttu· b.nrlll thruuah re;ad1n1. wn11n1. put · ..,..._... _,, ._

trip 1nvnlvr• ''1J,.• man ' 'Krn•r1u fHa char~• and •• ry, pl•11tt of thr mind. HH eubfffta 1111" Vlt'•• ind op1n1unt on JMJMr rm • • h111hhAhl1 ,.,..., t1ll•1nK. qu1<I< rt•.-t t1on• f I I I I .. peneea cf "'*- and

..,.1n l•ll'nl Solid• Clm• to holcl 111 h igh n,1'4 ll•r C'M1(!fti& .tpprtl.. ,,. .. .,. • lnit v1 ut of the ~ cnewd by !>AC ITTAIUUc; tNov 12 (JN )IJ l11l•lltttuel IMtmuyl prow._ Clla• of proprrty Oon1 I u tf\lth Sttf\anu MldOeedofTrwt.

l•nd'1 h leto ry la rift wllh .-rol...,y lutu,... l••rnlng. pmtfl"rtry OUM.In LOAM IDo onc,u11 h1n1 fr.1m ~orn111 m«••••I' -.,. CITT lllU ~ 21 YIC8 co•' •1

r " h.tl." Pf'"'utiltudMtrolOJUl•ll•• A A (Nov 2l ·~ ) " •1 ,. Yl•u II .... ur.• rt<(1•n1 K•1n• lnd 1v11lu•I F I f T'MMTD, t•t UIT w*lo 'rr•·•d• c•n.ard will ho' ""P') d 1lont to full ldn11lttt· ocu. on "'111vn trip. v1 " . . oor- POURTM eTRalT

Aallli (M•rth 21 Apnl I") Al hn4 •bl• dOmf'Mlt ad1u•m•nt Ycxi II tnlu · IUIT• ••• , e•MT 1 Mnn .. y h rr•• ltUll> " 1 n I hf' ban" .. L .. • you m111h1 (~I 01( vl<11m nl df'<f'pt ion •tr )'Our o wn ~tyl•. i.l•nl •m .. 111on11, AM. CA •?Ot C7t4t

Oprn hn ... "' uunmuniut1t•n Wntl'' Dy l•tr •fttr11oon you will lul prinoplN hon trip m•r tit' n~ry ••••··~J 8Yt U Y CAPRI OltN (f>.-c 22 · l•n llfl Oti· blnM'd " c;nn•no h lAhllght• lulf1ll 10 rompl•I• ml»ion l.o to 111 Ml•DRIC"8• AUTMO.

--.....,.--.---.---.1 "blv 11uhl1111\ "11IJ lhrl•llun toulJ 10 t 1 12 13 t .. ~ Oft•!' llt' n; WrlllU\ ( iifl•ful 1

16 T AUIWS IArr1I 20 M .. y 20 1 C>1• ·

l"m1n•ll' 111ltirm•t11tn, rc'tfl'<I IC'ch • ..___._-+--'-- -II niqun "'f~r•tl' l.t•I I rum 1llu'lon I ovr

r .. l•t••111•h1r ""Rh.I • Hh l'l•m11vr b\.lt h .1 .. , "''''~ I 1111 .. r J'f'"hon l"t1hllghl• tr .. 111'1 J1uhl"h1n" KIUI

(.l MINI IM•Y 21 Junr 20) A""ll\11 · "'' 111 "\Nlt1u\ u1uhl hf' ro•wiiNtll" tt 11um· .. ru11 nv rt'1'.tn.l1ng dudhne f l n .. n .. .tl n .. Anlli&l lOnt l111•ll y wurl. en v1 111 r lour "''"'" mon"v I• be<orng with · htld, '""n1 1• ""'r<1n'iblt'

mi· \llt 11l1u•tml'nl 1nl11llvr4 t•m ily mf'nt frt•n1h prot1gr, populully, CAPRICOllN (Ott 22 l•n 191 Rim llGllATURll buJ11~ . n~ ity l..r A'lurbl•hln" "' ll''Hlt'r l1n•n<1al wcur11y Don't flfUll• dtl•F with loH Yuu II OPfl .. t modl'lln" ht>•u11ly1nA urruundln"• TAURUS (Apnl 20 May 20) f•mily r.apcur." th• mom•nt I mph• 11 on Delwd: Oll0111•t Ynu II 111'1 lh• monry \)'C l•• hi(th yt•u II mftmHr " " rrh•b1hl•lrd You hnt rot 1one Niil v•lun. rrcrlpt n l 'ubll•h•d Newport bot at ti&hl r l4<t' li&uru I ibr.1 1 ... tul'f'J A'HOn 10 Ct'lrbralf', •h·W• vlndl(all'd, fu nch ()uthnt bo\if\dtti• wt In hAhl lea~lta Meea '1tot

AOUAalU (11n ZO ·f•h IA ) Wh•t lnrn- 011 prumollon. pltlduction, lf'td • ol fT•llty r1 ... ...,. play• si-ramwnt n.\lt' Augullt 15• 22• II, t•t · Y••u thnu~hl w•• lun rn1vl'9 to bf tllu l'111h1p O.Ci.1on, 11 llrat •lhiit'd lt•f\Jt AQUAalU CJ•n 20· ftb 18) fhOM ...lhi!f •ory m1r.gl' h~r ~rn.r10 .-inph••l1t·• 1~1 nl1,m., apt1corn •~P~ loy11ty who ihou11ht you wt"" " pull ing runch · MUC IOTICI d1~ "-'"''"· ll«'tt't m .. un" 1.1ur nl hnmr, C '1MtNI (M•y 11 · Jun• 20) You·u n " .,.. jn for nid• •wihn1n1 ,.mpl\a ,...Ill w , 1n~hlulinn , h•"r•••I ur mu•t•um Trn tnnl II nm ~""'niph1r11l y. fl\Otl ttr· lit 011 puwtr, iuthorlty, •bl Illy to lnffl ..... r r r ..... dtr. lov1n" ur• It n ~ ... ry u1nly wtltrt t'du<•hon, llnowltdAr •tt drfdlint Cin:umit.tntt• till.• dr•mlllC' Matrr 11 1t

PlSC (hb 19•Millhh201 Ln1Uy uinttrnrd Youllw• .. •up•dtfff'twnt tumtnvourfivor W"r heJ .. otbliw .. ~iC:.~~ th 1• p.1wPr · play d•y Ynu' ll win pt'rtonl No "'''" Hm1t•t1on1, M'lf• lm • Pl ( frb 19 · Marth 2()) Yuu,... F'lAH AIALTV, 4IOO i r1tnd• •11r~1 ~•un<h aur,. WJJh h•lp J'I*°" ur ut hnwi r.un-u• rtll'ilud ''°"' 111tuauon th•• had ~n Campue Dr. Me t39 • u f C•prtcorn n•t1\'• me11v (If your CANCCR (Junt ll •Julv 21) ~ ret•rdlnl P'°ll"'- ~•n•rlo fnturtt =ort IHch, Callf, 11,ndf'&I ho~ ••ru•tinn• ••II t.. lul • •ndf'pttnd•ntt. tuur•a• ur m nv1r1ton• 1 fllltd lloo .iwart uf JNJlln•' w1lllnantu to p1ont•r projf'(t What l«t'l't tn ornu1t1 n , rtv•l•ht•n, ... ""'1" Tom ChrtetenMn, ll07

C'ANCl R (Junr 21•fu ly 211 Lon" • ti1 t•n•,. t1•mmun1u11on • int.t in• 1nv1 · l•llttn Ill Ull\'f'I plu~ Jlr.\lll'IHUI lo< Ill •ll•tr '•lu II tw rid 1•1 bunJttn ll •t-o • rr• H•ll h111hl111h1rd • h•llJ w11h t1h1l11y 111 hl'lp 1nd 1ll1du•I wl'ou rm"f'J lu ·.ally

i--'-4--+---+--~I II 0 tfuly 2l ·AUJ UJ A - dllfl'r • If AUC.U r 22 ltt YOUR llllTH · hid ~tn ob,.ct ul 111ytttry tf'CflYH ptychlt lrnpnwion You rt invitt'd lo leaehote Or., H .. Port

, , I I tnur hl'l'ftt' ht•pll.tl , muttum hllcft, C.. t:lll:9 DAY. ""u l1t••~t lr.•m 1 .. m1lv tr.tJ1t111n , btn' 11 ' ' 1"'"1" 1ght You'I .tlfd t.ill I AUC T U I YOUR llRTH • Thie buelneaa 11 cen-f'nt '- •l'Hf vi •mrln'1'mrn1 l•atur•d

't 11u II •orl 1•11 1n11t .. 1Ju•l IM••• you II to. It• 111 imprint po•hly •~ ""A' n•l1ty 1mag1n.a1oon '"'"'llf' ••( rnn"" 111'11 Anoth• r I l'\I ,. 1n11olvt'J

VIRGO I Au11 l.l 0 S:..1>1 lJ I lou II t>f. d1 h11l11rd i.,, ,..,_,,, ""••11.-d IMm <..an• n'T ""''""' 1gnfod 4 1 l""""'tf" f'"'du« . 1•nc•n• l11 r .. A'ff '••II ,.. r•n th• w;ay 111d n11 ••n• " '" rur •"" • r\o•pt Y••u \'l)Ur 011nf1J"n"• l•u1l1I•'

t I I , •m•d •1nd1u11vn l,flC) 1nvt1lvtd ... _...,..., .__ ......... }'ttU '"" •n '"'I"" ua to ,.,ur '"II"' ' ltO ( July 2l •Au1 22' hu I'"~ OAYr You.,.. usi-blt of hp,...n1 Jh;-,....,~·1:::.";;"(•''>wa;'-._ 111'9 "ou •rY -'luhborn '"'""Vt', wntt • ' I I d .• .... ...........

1 ,.,..,., pubh< <Kttpt•nt t fon1 un ,.. . t• 1n1•. t t.t• v11 •rtU•n w '" , qu rnene.f 11'...a bufl.. mena.I , rt"tuld h•v• ._n lotf\;lrilt I ln.•m ••rd f11\.tnc1al • nd othnWiM •Nttn u• ll•tly, pc!!!Mt!l lnt,11 ti.I.ti curt lly, \.ftdet h ,..... nttt ••t br>th rar.nt• 11 n>l•tl•rly t .oly ' , II h I M ..-1,_. Na!M(al .._

fHturn lMl~l11y, P"bl lt' Nl111nn1, a,. l'\C't '~'' a"t~t•t •n• ".._. 1nr on a..-- 11 '"' ~· r.tut\I • lt't• ~vrp1e1 l"'"""'n• rt•v ,....,. "' " h h .._ • """'r rnl '" '"'r hf• Yc•u .,... ,tr•wn "''""'' tt•n• bt11winiol\1p ••th '"'"I' • !ft# • °" •w • ••y wit TOftl aww.w1

r .. n11ly 1Nrnb.r «•nt11J•tnlal wvN&I~ MHIWR of ~., W• 11"4 TM , :•• .. .., hl •Nhll.f'ltUftt, .... ,,..n ... •ri 'i'UU"' VlllGO ~ Alfl U · .,. lll Oittnt • )'l•U •••natln "''°''( r ... !Tltnl Vtr• .. County a... "' w1ll1na II• h•I' Jvwn ft1r ult1m1ll' rur• 1,, ( h,...11 rtf•rtn< ... Pftpill'I' format , rt• I U 11tanu f"'tll•fte f"Wy ttll\lf~ nl ll I I OowfF : .: J">W tit tt'bu11Jin1 t•n m '"' •ull•hl• •umr YC\u II w c.•nttrntd wllh d•prn · ruin 1n )'•lur llff' (\ltrtnl Ktneri' ~,......, .._...

l llllA I Vl'f :t l · l2t( t .?21 <At pro • ~====::!=~~~===~~~:::!!!!!!!!!!!===:::!::=~=:!:=~ tl'n11111111 "'rrra1tttl rrl•1 1n11 to• hum•.


tru. tun- Jl'l'mti>rr •nJ ''"'mbrr will df'nta .... ,,,._ mtlhod , u,... o( thnw •ho h•1t.t11h lmpr>f1•nl •~t< (Ilana ... eoa.. ..... "°' a..--IH' your "''''' m,mor.t If', '""'•nlu , I I I d ad I t lh t Id I I I I ._ rMfil•b ... mnnth• (•f J'9I ff'qU rr lpt'(lill lflC U Ina JUI fllfn I i& h)U flf UI t "'* , U II, ..... , ... I , If,

··---------• r!' 11t•r11.1' tlfonu•, llfat I• lnc-t>IM 1Mrttal tta1111 1•1 n..a


- --- -- -- ----- ---------------------------- ------- ----- ----- ------------ -- - - --------------- -- -------- ------------------------------- - -----------------------------------·--

- ---- - - -- - ----- --- -- ---- ---- ~------ - - --- - - -- -- --


..... Aug. 22, 1991

Newport Beach/Costa Mesa Independent

Food Editor Jon fetgulOft ••• 540-1224, nt. 368

111111 c Ask the Dietitian/Cl Fiood news/C4 Classified/CS

4 Condltlight, a blazing fire and o cory dinntr for two ­just you and your swuthtart; it's o gnat way to celtbratt. Tht ptrftct finish to just such a romantic dinntr is a luscious dessert.

Venus would deftnitely approve of Winte1' Ambrosia Gratin. Canned U.S. Bartlett pear halves, sliced oranges. honey and lemOn juice are browned under the broiler for a mere silt ro eight rninutes. 'Then. toasted almonds and coconut arc sprinkled on lOp ro finish thili light and elegant

Cuswd Cake and Warm Gmaered ComRQte fit the bill. Whecher il's anoc.her couple or thole s,.ccthearu known as " the ki<li" who 8'kl to the party. these two desserts arc bound to please

Wann Gingered Compote mJXe\ canned chngpcach !llice • U.S. Bartlett pear halve and California chunky mixed fruit, a dehc1ous combination of peache • pears. pineapple. grape and cherrie in a gmicr-cirrus sauce. This lusciou and tangy de \Crt can be ~ ahead and wanned m the

; version of ambrosia, ''the food of the gods." Canned California cling peaches combine with canned U.S. Ba11lett pears for a variety of sruMing recipe , just right for the occasion. With a little imaginarion, these reminders of summer"s bounty can be transfonncd into healthful, heart-wuming wintert1me confection thar are virtually effortle to make.

Tum the lighrs down low for Peaches Aam~. The heated brandy bums with a blue-violet flame over clmg peach 'ha.Ives and brighr maraschino cherrie . A uacc of pumpkin pie pice adds an unusual. intriguing flavor. Jusr remember to warm the brandy an a maJI pan

microwave nghr before scrvina. . ~

Take Pear Love Leners for example. Canned U.S. Bartlett pear halve and raspbel'T)' jam are tucked in ide triangles of ready-ro-use pie cru t. Nothing could~ simpler or more satisfying. Hint: Pear Love Letters make a great ~peciaJ breakfast treat, too.

bef oo:: igniting Peaches Flam~ ro ensure the drama of the dtsh and the safety of the cook. For simplicity, the brandy may simply be boiled before adding it to the peach miitturc.

Peach Cranbeay Cu wd Cake h its origin in 1 French country dessert that's a cross between a fruit pancake and a dessert ettpc. ln th1 decidedly American version. cranbcme are featured m~ead of the traditional cherries with a urpri ingly dehc1ou addition of crushed gingersnap cookies. It' a peachy finale to a day devoted to love.

,~<'¥rh '-fr: no.1bnJt j/ Pl~ la~d~ake

f P1rt11rnll

can (16 oz.) California ding peach li«s in juice or extra llaht yrup

1/2 cup cranberries 1 cup low-rat miJk 4 qp, llptty beaten

1/3 cup ugar 2 tea.spoons vanilla extract

1 /2 teaspoon grated orange peel 1/8 teaspoon salt · · 213 cup crushed gingersnap aiokies

Powdtmt sugar

Drain pc.ichc • reserving all liquid for other u. s. Spray I 0-mch pie plate with · non- tick vcactable c~ung. Arranac peach lice and cranberric in a ~inglc layer in bottom of dish. Whi i; together remaining ingredient\ except gingersnaps and pow<kre<J ugar. S11r in gingersnaps and pour over fruit. 8 c at 350°F for 30-40 minute .• until a 1001hp1d. mscncd in center come. out clean Du'I with powdered \Ugar and \Crve wann Mile 8 ~rving'i .

'utnenh Per ~·na : Calorics· 171 F.c 10&al ~ 04. Prumn. ~.261 °"' lcnlf. 119m Cathohydral 21.11 ~"hum · 11s ma Dtc1»y fihtr I 071 Calorie frum far : 26

When twosomes become thrtlcsomes and thensome • Peach Cranberry

~-!Prr1r,he; 09Vr,,~11 b(f

2 cans (16 oz. tacit) California ding peach balvt.S in juke or extra Uaht syrup

2 Tablespoons margarint 1/3 cup brown sugar

I Tablespoon lemon juke 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie pke 1/4 cup martiehlno cherries,

halved 1/4 cup brandy, optional

Dram peache • reserving all liquid. Mell margarine in medium frying pan. Stir in brown ugar. lemon juice. pumpkin pie p1cc and reserved pc h hquid. Bnng

mixture to a bOll. Boil 5 minutes. until mi:ttrure 1. reduced and thickened. Sur m pcache! and chem~. boil 5 minutes to thicken miltture. Tran fer peaches and

uce to serving' d1 h. Meanwhile hCar, but do not boil, brandy tn I mtall ~uccpan. L1ghr with a match and pour naming brandy over peaches to serve.• M c 6 SCT\llng • Allcmatavc; Heat brandy to bo1hng

and ur into pc h mi:tttuJ'C before tran f erring co ~rvm dish.

utrienu Pu~· (111te l.Ji11' lw-'YI: Calorics· 170 P .. TrtUI la Prwin I 07 a Che rot Oma C#tloll · l5 l a :id1wn: 59 ma l>!cwy f 1bcr: I 86 a Ca.luria from rau· 16

y If

can (16 oz.) California ding peach sl~ i~ juke or utn light yrup

l can (16 oi.) U.S. Bartlett pur halvt.S in juke or extra light yrup

I can (16 OL) California chunky mixed fruit in juic't or txtra liaflt yrup ·

J/4 cup apple juke t tt.tipoon lemon juke l teaspoon ar•ted lemon pttl

l /l tttipOOft &l'OUnd alnaer 1/2 a.ip dried apl"ia>U 1/4 a.ip curran

Drain pcachc and pears. rcservmg all hqu1d. Oram chunky muted fruit. tt\Crvmg allJ1quid for other u . Cornbtnc rc;;ervcd 'peach and pw hqutd. apple JUiee, lemon JUiee. lemon peel and gmger m a medium

uccpan BMJ to. boil: boil UOCO\eitd for 15 minute Stir in apricots and cwranl\, irnmcr for 10 minute . Remo .. e from heat and let land until wann. hr in drained fruits and serve.• Mal~ 6 rving . •Compote may be prqmcd in ldvance

and rcfri c:ra&cd, then wanned on the ovc or in the microwave bcf orc rvin .

NutneNJ pn Suvl"I ('~: 164 Proecin: I. 6 a C'aridl)'dr.u: 4l.l I DicWy Fi • .. 06 a

f• ·Tou.I. 2 I ~ .o~

i 11 ~•,. ('Morla from fMI • I

can (16 0%.) • Bartlett ptar halves in juke or extn ll&bt yrup

I (9-lncb) ttfrigerated •ll·ttady pit crust

2 Tablespoons rupMrry jam Vanilla )OIUrt OT rroun yogurt.


Oram pears. reserving all liquid for Olhc1 u1C . Cut circle of pl! try in half: join end to fonn long. narrow tnp. Roll out to measure 6 it l8-inch rtttanglc on a Oou.red urfacc. Cut into three, 6 mch squ&rcl . Cul each sqUJ.tC m half. diagonally. into triangle, , La l pear half. cut· idr up. on each trianale. Top With one teaspoon jam and fold cd up ovtr pear lake an envelope. ticking them l ether with water. Repeat with remainin p~ crust dough. pears and raspberry jam Place cnvel pc on a bakin heel. Bake at 37S°F, 20 minut~. until olden brown. Serve with vanilla yogurt or frozen '1 .urt. 1f dcMrcd. Ma.kc 4 ~rvan .

UU'ICnU Per St1" 1•x1 ,.,. "" llldl "'""" OI fro;t• V<1 fllfl: Calorics m flll ·T<ul I '21 Protean· ) ·' • rol 0 ma ewtd\ydnfea: •1.~ a um: 371 ma

' 09cuty Fiber. - 2 61 Nona from fats: 40"J,

J /,~,~ ;~

(""C'~n/iP< t'a

r7 flrtl/11 can (16 oi.) U . Bartlett ~ar

hahes in juice or ntra light yrup

2 medium oran~ I Tablespoon hooey I t~poon lemon juict l tuspoons ktd almonds.

toasted l t poom ~ded coconut.

toasted Drain pear hal\les. rc\Crving all liquid for other use . !Jee pc~ into fam ht:t peel and out.er ptlh from orange ·1i t

cros•1-w1'iC into ll•·1nch thick rou~ rrange orange 'h'e' evenly m bollom

of 2 small gntin dhhc' Arnn e pear fans over the oran ~e ,lkcs. Combine honey and lemon JUict mix .,.ell . Oriulc evenly over fruit. Bm1l 3 S tll\:hc from heat source. 6-8 minu~ !lo, until &he f ruu 1 lightly bro~ncd . pnnkle toa_,trd almond and COl'OOUt over lht f nut


F11 lota1 ~I


Choose calcium supplement which will dissolve a Q. I ba~ Md two d....._.

cakl•• aappltmtDll. OM "' ... from cald.m cart>onatt, tbe ~ from oytttr shells. la OM better din tlM o&Mr1 I tried th•t ttlC 1°" dHcrtbtd IA H e.rtkr ~a, alld die caltlam ca~nate C.bltt did DOt dlaaoln when I placed It In vtnea•r.

H.D., IA Cresttnta For the benefit of my' readers,

the "vinegar tcst 0 prOYides a rough approximation of how well a -alcium supplement will break

down in your digestive tract and be 1bsorbed. You simply drop one Of your calcium pilll in I gla Of

vinca1r and leave It for 30 minute . ldealJy, it will bc&in to dissolve within that time.

According to Dr. John Vanderveen of the FDA'• Nutritional Department, both of the upplcment you describe are actually the ame: calcium carbonate as the form of caJcium found in ground oy tcr shells.

The diff er~nccs between how

well one calcium carbonate tablet dissolVes compared to another is due to how firmly 11packed'' the calcium ii in eacrEhu lement. The more firmly the calciUm in the pi the more dtmcu.lt 1t will be for the body's dlaative juices to break it down.

1"bb is especially important when you consider that proper calcium absorption must take place early in the digestive tract, bccau e that's where the acidity level i the highc l . Therefore, it

would seem that the body's diaeatiYI functions do not have the time to wait for • Jlowly di&10lvlna or highly packed calcium supplement.

My acMce to you ii to c:ouider switchifta brandl of calcium 1upplement1 and try the vineaar test again. Dr. Vanderveen adds that there ia no way to tell at a glance whether a calcium ~upplcmcnt i highly packed or

• not. Howe"er, there arc pccific calcium "pa.eking" guidelines.

Rcaden fandint calcium tableu th8t do not dinolve may wish to contact their local FDA office with the name of that comp1ny.

Q. II It ta& to put hot food dlrtdlJ la&o lilt rtfrtatrator or 1lllMMIN le IN •llewM lo cool ant?

H.R., Glndale U by "aa(c" you urc a king if the

hot food will harm your appliance, the answer I no. Modern • · refrigerators arc well equiP.fcd to deal with hut ftxxh and st1I maintain their proper internal

temperature, unlike 1he old ice blues u1ed over 40 ycan aao.

Any larac portion of hot food will t•ke longer for it internal temperature to cool down than would be the case with a smaller portion. This can create an ideal opponunity ror heat rcailtant bacteria (which m1y hive been accidentlilly added to the food) to develop.

Thu, it' U!>Ually I good practice to cut into smaller

._ ............................................ ~ ........... ~~ ...................... == ...................... ..._. ........... __.~~~~"'!-........... == .................... .,.--== ................................. ~==---.,,,,-;-........... -=-........... == ............................................................................. ========--. ............................................................................. == ...................... ~~ ..................................... pieces any large section or meat, fish or poultry in order to en. ure rapid and safe cooling. A similar approach can be


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HUGHIS COUPON RULIS All monuloctur., I c.oupc>nt moy be dovbted wb C~ 1.w.d by tood wpermotk•tt 1n los 1~1 to <on1toct of monuloct~•' ond ••p•rotion ... ,.1., VentUfo Son .. ,,~td.no 91,.,.,~ ond dotes, wtlh the lollow1~ ••<•ptlon• I A lim•I of Orange <ovnhet moy be r~ lor foe• "olve rtml ltk• Item• will be doobled per cvatornttr All 1f not •111ptttld ond •uble<t to the tollowu19 tONI• ot~ covpc>nt of the Ilk• Hem will be r.0...-ned ''°"' ood Ot •11<ept10M 1 Only one r.iotljr <ovpon ot foce .,glue 2. If the <oupe)n ••<Melt I .00 only Pft' 11..m 1 Applifl only to the merchond••• reg 1 M mot be~ (no <Olh r9fund) 3 bcl~ vlortv O'llOI~ ot ~ ~-" $.ubthtutiOl'lt ~ okoholK beY.,oge,, tre h fluid milk . lobo<co fll'O ott. wpeonoritet••twond.d ptodu<'1 wlH be.._ duck ott'9f r .. oli.t t , Gfoc.ry purchoM <oupoft• mu·-t by Hu9fwt Muf .. ets. . (qu1 .. olenl voJue wtll be off.,,~ ftff It.ma ond connot ••<Md value of off.,ed If pott•t>C. 3 fresh fluid milt! produ<ta •• • Item, 4 When ~led. o monufocturer • covpc>f\ eluded • Coupon for tttple Of ony gr.01., mCilt• connot be comblMd w 1fh ony re1011., • coupon pi. volve of monufoctvr., • CoutlOftt not OCC9ftt9d

• used for tews or ca eroles Divide ------1 the e hot items into smaller, individual serving containers and store them in the refrigerator or freezer.

Q. My 30-year-old on was recrnlly diagnosed as having gout. I reel this Is due to his .,junk rood" dir t. What type of diet should ht have?

B.T., La Cresctnta People who suffer from gout

know that it is a genetic condition which generally afflicts men over the age of 30. This disease is rarely een in women.

It i characterized by the body's inability to break down purines (the end products of protein dige Lion). When the e purines arc allowed to accumulate, an c"Cce sivc amount of uric acid i' produced and crystal are formed. It i the c crystals which become dcpo itcd in the joints and soft ti ues of the body and produce both pain and skeletal changes, particularly in the fingers and toe~.

You mention in your letter that your ~n is also 50 pounds overweight. I would like to caution against the use of "!)tarvation" type diet The e have the effect of aggrm.a11ng the gout condition by further reducing the body's ability to eliminate uric acid from the system. Don't overlook the bencfil~ of regular excrci e to help u e up C'ICC'iS fat tores; it' a bette r ~lution to your son's weight problem than anv starv111i"" ,. · A<, fo r w me food guidance,

dietary fat has been identified u a sub'itance which makes it more difficult for the body to act rid or uric acid. l·oods such as chip and pastru:'i, which are typically termed "Jun~ food," arc usually very high in fat I would suggest that alcohol al o be restricted, as 1t has aho been ao;soc1ated with gouJ.

Typ1c.11ly, foods high in purines arc to he avoided these include organ meat such as liver, kidney, and <,wecthread • as well as sardine' in Oii, anchovies, and graVIC\'

Poultry, beans, lcnt1l 'i, asp.iragu,, caulinowcr, mushroom , and 'pinnch have moderate levels of purine, and hould be ke pt to occa.,1nnal con'iumpt1on Rotate their U\e '" )OUr 'On\ diet.

Tell }OUr on not to de pair. There are load' of foods which ta tc 8lXxl and do not need to be re tractt'd - for instance, all fruit • vegetable.., (except tho e I have mt.lie. ted), non-fal milk, reduced Cat chce11e , egg!I, pa<;tn , cereal , breads. and ugar. Even chocolate and punut butter can be eaten occa 1on.tlly _ R~l ltrrd dltlitlan Dcr11/te

Sc1111/on 11n.s ... u s rt•dtrs' qutt lions about nutrition, dlttlng and food ldt• . Mnd qut tlon, to Dtraltt ·can/on, R.D., c;o lluntln ton Bcacb/1'ountaln Vallt1 lndtptndtol, JJO •~ . Ba) Sst., Co ta Mt • , CA 92626.


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or Roost-Vons Leon Beef·'~· Thm Tnmmed

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Boneless Top Sirloin Steaks Vont Leon Bee/·'4 Thin Tnmmed

Boneless Round or Rump Roast Lea £ye-Vons Leon Bee/·.,.· Thin Tnmmed

Red Flame Seedless Grapes Low in Calorics Califo rqio Grown

Fresh Sweet Blueberries I J C )um 1• lll1,l1·1 Wn·'h C ·,..,,.., I 11'1 "~"-'

Le Rouge Royale Peppers or l.11 /mm" \ '1-llol\o 1'1·1111t·r.-(.rt 11 lur 'lllr If\

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Heinz Squeeze Ketchup 21 Ounnt lllfllft (\iun M11ffottf 18 011nrt1

Namco Snack Crackers ' ~ \.~7 eo .s <Nnt fb,

Kraft B.B.Q. Sa~ . . 01iiiM( Hiiiofy at lllkU Olil. lfHIS) 1r tl:l

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Food bits

Californians' shouldn't fear safety with dairy products

Rocent reporu on health riab relatifta '° dairy produc:ta nilts concern that Californians may develop a mbc::Onccption about the 11fcty of dairy producta, said Hen17 VOii, director of the California Department of Food and Agriculture.

.. Since the dairy industry is California's number one agricultural producer, it i important for the consumer to undet'1tand that the problems back east arc totally unrelated to what the ituation is in Cahfomia.

The California Department of Food and Agriculture's Milk and Dairy Foods Control Branch has one of the most aggressive and comprehen ive milk safety in pection programs in the country, Voss said. Unlike other stat~ , intentionaJ violation of the California sanitation, pasteurization and dairy food safety laws are felony off en cs, he added.

lnKlmg 1111 ..... ...,.bid far cbM• The enormous amounts of energy expended by the rapidly

growing and developing bodies of children can be satisfied by snacking, which is actually heaJthy for them if proper foods arc consumed, aid Dr. WiJliam Dietz, director of chnicaJ nutrition at the New England Medical Center in Boston.

Dietz dispels the notion that snacking results in mailer appetites - and therefore uneaten food - at the family dinner table.

"Their stomachs are small, so they can' t fill up on all of the enerJY _lhey might need .ai ~ alone," Dietz said. " that's why they're hungry practically all the time. Plus, kids are very good - better than adults, in fact - at listening to their own bodies."

However, he emphasizes that parents should be aware of what their children snack on and assist them in making the proper food choices. Things like fresh fruits, low-fat yogu,rts and low-fat, cholesterol-free cookies and crackers are rcadtly available and healthy anytime. Other food stuffs like peanuts, graham crackers and pretzels arc acceptable snacking forms and full of essential nutrients.

Rib eaters from Coors Distributing in Huntington Beach and teams from other Orange County cities will compete in the second round of rib eating contests at Tony Roma's, A Place for Ribs, in Fullerton on Sunday at 2 p.m. to benefit the Starlight Foundation.

John Moschitta, the world's fastest talking man at 586 words per minute who earned fame for his FederaJ Express commercials, will emcee the contest.

The Starlight Foundation is an international non-profit charitable organa.zation based in Los :.\nfeles that grants the wishes of crttically, chronically and tenninaUy ii children.

Teams wall be trying to eat the most baby back nbs in five minutes. The public is welcome.

- B)' tbr Pll" I

MONEY SAVING COUPONS .:~t. the Sunflower Group ·-------------1 I ... ANUFAC1UR£RCOUPON I EXPIR£S It »'91 I I

I SAVE aoc I

.......... bailll111lO.-pUled .................. . WU the ialpiradoa belliad die creation of llaue tulJ bMf kabobl. BmbellllW wltr. ,,..... summer ve1etable1, .. Oreco­Amorican Beef IC*Jbl" are ideal for the novtCe 11 well 11 more eaperiettced outdDor cltef.I.

Developed by the home cconomista at the Kikkoman Kitchens, thetc kabobt feature cok>rlul red bell pepper, patty-pan .,quash and tender beef cubes. Their delightfUI flavor comes from marinating the beef and vegc1ablcs in a Craarant combination of olive oil, white wine vinegar, bay leave , garlic, oregano and bottled tcriyaki marinade and sauce.

Although not typically used in Greek-style dishes, the teriyaki sauce - a blend of naturally brewed soy sauce, wine, brown sugar and select spices - adds a touch of sweetness that is pleasinaly accented by the other seasonings.

The squa h, which normally takes longer to cook on the grill

Fresh on the market

Seven percent fat lean ground beef emerges

In the wake of McOonaJd's new McLean burger, Luclcy Stores, Inc. is the first supermarket in California and Nevada to add to its shelves a new-low-fat hamburger which possesses just 7 percent fat, considerably less than the conventional 15-30 percent ground beef sold in many stores.

"Con umers became increasingly heaJth conscious during the '80s and non-fat food alternatives for the '90s," said Steve Harper, vice president for meat sales and merchandising for Lucky Stores. " ... we are pleased to bring reduced fat ground beef hqme to consumers who are watching thcit daily fat intake."

The product, Miller's Ultimate Low Fat Ground Beete, i based on three )Cars of re earch by Or. Dale Huffman, professor of animal and dairy science at Auburn University tn Alabama.

To compensate for the reduced fa t, and the ta tc, texture and moisture it creates, Huffman's formula uses water and carrageenan, a complex carbohydrate derived from red seaweed. Accounting for le than one percent of the final product, carragecnan scab in moi ture and upplcments the juiciness often lost when using lower fat meet. Carragcenan hits long been used in ice cream and yogurt.

HydrolyLcd vegetable protein is added to the mlxturc to enhance its flavor. The new reduced fat meat looks and tastes like meat with more than twice its fat content.

....... , ...... , .. 1111 llCll lllllVll Paradise Tropical Teas• have splashed into stores in Costa Mesa

and Newport Beach. Six flavors of black tea and tropical fruit nectars are available in pitcher size tea bags. They arc packaged for use with

a home coffee or tea brewer and our made to be served iced. Flavors include Original Blend, Kiwi, Passion Fruit, Manao,

Papaya and Caffeine Free. The tea is available at the Marriott Hotel, Newport Party Center, Pirets of South Coaat Plua and the Irvine Ranch Fanncr'1 Market in Costa Mesa; and the Coffee Emporium at Fashion Island jn Newport Beach.

C.11111 Clll ... Ill - In ...... With American families u ing the microwave more all tho lime,

Pillsbury research has developed , the newest microwave snack -Funfctti• Microwave Cupcakes - which arc now- available nationally.

The concept of baking in the microwave oven was met with skepticism just five years ago, but today microwave baking mixes have led to one in five cooks to make baded goods in the microwave. lhe cupcakes arc available in yellow cake with vanilla f rostmg and

chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. The starter kit includes the cupcake mix. fro ting, candy sprinkles, paper b king cup liners and a reu able microwave cu~ke pan.

New recloiln - 11111 ....-ct ......_ Golden Chee e has introduced a new reclosurc method for its Ii.no.,

of reduced fat 11hreddcd cheese known as Golden Balance•. The shred saver is a polypropylene clip which provides an airtight seal on bags of cheese, ensuring product fre hness.

The Zip Clip airtight cal was developed by a Dutch plastics cxpen and is u ed to reseal bags of powdered milk marketed in many countries where fre h milk is not available. The clips arc often saved and used over and over for many different products, and many companies in Europe now m~rket Zap Oip a a produ~ in ltsclf.

The 4-, 6- and 8-inch clips will soon be available dircctJy lhroujh­groccry, discount and drug stores around the nation.

ONTHREE~MOAEBAAS ~:=:=:=:=:==:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::::;:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:-~~~~-:--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--j . I OF BATH ()fJ ;:GUUR SIZE I I TWO BARS OF FAMllY SIZE I

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16025 Brookhurst, Fountain Valley Wednesday. August 28 1 00 p m & 7 00 p.m




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Cookbook features meatloafs Meatloaf is a mainstay of

everyday menus. Now thcrc:.S ..A miniature cookbook filled with 42 different versions - · Cro m " Granny's :.'. and ''Basic" to "California Sushi Loaf."

Meatloaf is currently starring m an enormous revival, fi nding it way onto bistro and diner menus coast-to-coast.

·I've cnjoye.d Mom's Meatloaf at the e legantly ca ual Buckhead Omer north of Atlanta and the thick labs of meatloaf served at Chcrrington's in Mount AdaJJls m Cincinnati.

Conclusion? There are no two meatloaves ever the same, even 1f they're named after Mom or Granny.

Author Sharon Moore dedicated her " Meatloar• book (Crown Publishing Group, $10 95 hard­cover) to the principle that any batch of ingredient can fit the meatloaf category.

fherc' a Meatloaf Stroganoff that call for two pounds or

ground '1rlom; Sherried Ham Loaf COJ!lbine ground ham and rk.

TEX·MEX MEATLOAF • 11.i~ egg • 1 tat>lt>Spoon mol~

12 table)poons tOINlO p.&StC 1 t.i~poon D1ion mustard

• '1• tt1 Po<>" Wou:~enhire saUCP • 1 tt.i\poon chtlt ~r • Hot Y UCt .u ~red • 1 tC!.l\~ dned thyme • Still .and frnhly ground pepper as

~ired • 1 ·' J po\Jnch le.in w<>und beef

I Y, rup fr~ ~ .. d -crumbs 1 C'Uf> finely chopped onlOO

11 garlic clo\-e, minced 1 gr.ited urrot

• ·~ cup ~ed kidney C>f red buns, dr.ltncd patted dry

Yield: b to 8 ser.•~ Pf'!P tinw: 30 m1nutl!'S Bale time: Up to 1 hour Olredlont: Prehe.it Olien to lSO

detveo F. In a m1Jun3 bowt, be~t the qg ana blend tn moWses tcxmto pntt., musurd and Worcestcnhlrf' sauce unti\ thoroughly combined. Blend In chili powdef, hot sa~. th~ ult and pe~r Mix 1n the ground ~. ~ crumbs, onion, prhc .ind carrcic, _ .and tknd well. ureful!Y mix in the kidney beans to avoid m.uhing them,

P1aai tht- mhttu~ In an Oiied 9·ind\ !Jy 5·inch '°"' pin <lnd ~HS down lk!MY. Bake '45 minutes to 1 hour, until !Oaf ls firm and browned ---------, I MAMJ,t(TIJPCW'ON I lUWS 03i1't I

·save 55¢

on ,uw ~l .. l\ frl ~-~u pcr Long, ~upcr, M4txi,

Thin, 1mi, and Pant) Lmcr.



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...... II.._.....,'*"-"' fll "°",.._..II AP' 0 2 4 . 0 I 1 • 1 I ·• DONCAITf" DA, IVORYC"HT LN * 1•1°4·87 20114 TOMAS LH, HUNTINGTON BUCH t 1 HI 11 N T" 7743 A P 1 O 7 I I 2 1 2 ................... a 1111nu•1N.._ ..... t4H.11 IOI MAIN ST. HUNTINGTON IUCH, HUNTINGTON lfACH• lfACH ll., HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA ' LOT I ' t1 l04 1i


19131' ......... v .. 1••t1eF1-11Y .. 1 ... t•."'-' HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA CA ' HUNTINGTON IEACH, CA GRfEN WILLIAM J A'17l · 2l&·0 7 15020 WHEELER Cl ...................................... CA A.'141·043·42.5010, 80 ·~·N JOHN CA STOPHE". VIOl.!T AP'15t 072 · 02 • 7 . • I ..... "fie llM '9119, fie,_,,...,... M.,.... 9ldl HOUGHTON, "ON, t711.12 1401 T HWO,. M A S GOwtNS, ARVIN V, WINIFRIEO, A'14 .. t7H 00 930J :io.U N Tiit 7 4J LOT ~~NTINGTON BEACH, ---eill\, ..,. W .....,_II._,""".._ A P'O 2 4 • 0 I 1 • 1 I ·• DONCASTfA DA. A p 1fit . 24 8 . 2 I .: A p I 3 g • I 2 OO 7 · • 023.01., tl,211.3 NEWBURY 0", PERUMEAN OA\110 AP107· ll2· 12 5010, 1ta..ac.uni,,.._ .. ., ... "'.._.•tpm,Gftfle t1 ,4to.14 I04 MAIN HUNTINGTON 8lACH, 93743 74 112l tl ,111.41 21372 5052 CHERYL OR, HUNTINGTON BEACH AP 171 · 3l4 · 21 ' U7334 "t6531 ... 9IJ ti Nie, ,. IT, HUNTINGTON CA MANORFIELD 0 ,. IAOOKHURST ST 7, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA ' U I03 o2 3t42 WHEELER Cl

BEACH. CA DUFFY, HA"OLD. AP ' HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA E ER ,. ' . ' T• ...... ,_, llr°'*'Y ma, be,....,_. by pe~trUf &MITH MICHA!L 8 1 4 I . OS e · l l g O 1 O HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA CASSEL JOHN A W AV , CHAnllS F. LE GENO Cl, HUNTING TON BEACH, • -..- .... and~ ....... •fl eddillonsl GORDON, SMITH AMI(: tlll.11 • 1402 CA APt36·12·007 .5010, 1 4 e . o' 4 2 2' 2 . A, 1 • 3 • 0 1 • 0 1 • HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA ""*'91Met ..... ~~-. ormetbeNdMll'llld A P'O 2 4 • l O 2 • 1 5 LUWARD OR AP1!i9-248·21 .5010, Ust 93 21372 tl 191 et 1832 t287 .S2 5742 PADUA CA HOPKING, GLEN uiW"' ll'llllllmen1 ,_., d ~loft tH1 U 902 PECA.• HUNTINGTON BEACH• t 1.611 .75 1121 8ROOKHUAST ST 1 SARATOGA LN OR, HUNTINGTON COX, RAND.AU G. DELMAS. AP107 472

• • MANORFIELD DR, • ' BEACH, CA THOMAS. cox EILUN, 31 • U61 35 1502 NA ..... ....., a>nt.tm"'8 ~llOn. or ltMt ini•111r1 ol en AV, HUNTINGTON CA HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH, WHITNEY. GARY E. AP 1 7 I . 3 2 2 . 2 !i ,, JUDY Cl, HUNTINGTON .,, ... 1w;olan 6l 14ldempllon. ol .. 4ete1Nd ptopeny 11111. BEACH. CA CUMMINGS,RICHARO, CA CA CA AP 1 I 3 · 0 2 5 • 1 5 U.311 2 2 16941 BEACH CA "'*',..,..btbritn.dby~ LC1fOl\OteroeCouncy 8RVLSKI. MARTIN A. A p 141·011 · 1 6 . . AFFLEi.8ACH GLENN ERWIN, MICHELE, AP APl48·0 4 2·22.50l0 12 05412 587l EDGEWATER LH MEHAABIAN PAUL a TMCall.:lor. SenlaAne. C.bi.a AP024 · 115·2 3 H2502 21312 F AP\59-254-09 935-12-02 1 • te9 l .OO teS.69 1832 NOROINA OR HUNTINGTON BEA'CH. AP107 5,43 11 .

1ow•'YIRl•l*\lllyofp.-IU')'fllll\elon~goono 1t•11esnd n:259·1~U~~NJf6 :EJT?~GTON BEA~=: t1 ,692.02 637l ;,:.a~~ . :~~~~:~~ ~~~~~~';.~N au~: HUNTINGTON BEACH: CA • • tl ,601.sO • 852l oonea. RACH CA CA TALEGAT! DR, BEACH CA C • A CA AP171 322 25.SO 1 O. MERLE Cl,

AotMrt L. cttron Orenge County Tu Collector lleeeotc.Mtomle


AP024 · 115 · 27 A'141·086- 13 .5010, MARICSHAUSEN APl35 - 12 130 .. t872.35 1832 t1 22288 17411 HUNTINGTON BEACH HANJANI MAHMOUD t4,582 .H 224 1 lT U57.0I 21401 KURT AP1s9•2ss-2o' tl ,221.04 21372 SARATOGA LN, CHAPPAAAL LN CA ' z. AP107-to1 -04 ST, HUNTINGTO IEAFORTH LN. t2 s,49 76 820l BROOKHUAST ST 130, HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH• RENCH LOREN JA t939 121181 BRYANT

E.lllQMd • Slnca AM. °'*""9 County on AYoull 22. 1981 BEACH, CA HUNTINGTON BEACH, MOONFIELD OA HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA CA ' A p 1 7 i . 3 3 3 • o I ' DR HUNTINGTON ::i~:· ~j 5;~~·5f1\0 c~LPAIO ROBERT HUNTINGTON BEACH: c~ENOERSON DON l A ~c1on- ov:~o~ e T. ANDERSON, CHERYL t909 61 4172 BEACH, CA lM~?lltlrt11'1MionureUMdbflewotdeM1~• • · • • CA • • • • • J , AP\63-101 -14., WINDSOR OR, STEVENS, ALFRED,

ltMtrll ST, HUNTINGTO MONTERISI, JOAN, VON RIEDL. GERHOLD A p 9 3 8 . 1 7 . 5 5 0 • • t538 91 5281 HEI t290.79 5551 ROGERS HUNTINGTON BEACH, A p 107 8 5 1 • 2 3 ., Adm · Adnwoatratllf Adrnx .

BEACH. CA AP149 · 022 · 19 . ,F. APl78.412•02 .. U44.08 20331 AV, HUNTINGTO OR, HUNTINGTON CA $1 ,256..62 16522 HATHAWA~CARLO tl .._180.7 91 1SIO .POA"t.\lJEW. CJ ACM, CA "CH ~ M~rr.-lWBEJrr' A aN lw-r--1

- AP · AIHUor't Map Hlal!Men---rT, AP024-122·09, KA.PAA DR. WELLINGTON OA, HUNTINGTON BEACH, MC CLURE, CARO\.Y GERA.CI, MICHA.fl, JR, AP178·341 · 38 ' HUNTINGTON BEACH Inc lncot?Qfattd t 1,313 .29 119 9T HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH CA M. AP148-082-20 .. A p 1 6 3 1 2 1 . 3 1 '2 594 92 18142 CA


Pwcel Number Apt ·~· Alan • Altooaoon AHOC • Auoaa ... Bldg • Building ~ . Brother• C~all - Calibru Co ·~ Conet • Conn\QOl'I eoo, · CoC19etnllY• CGtp • Colporat:on Conavr · Conlervaior Oepc - 0~ Oev • Development Ottt . OlllnQ O.v . OM"on Ed · EduclllOll EnltJ)lt El\letptllH Eat· Ettal• .. al • and oti.,. Elle • E.llec:utor. EHQllrta F l M • '•"** & Metd\an ~ - Olardan

Int lnturenc. ST, HUNTINGTO CA CA 'APl36- 17-550.5010, t2CS327 54 11 HEI t169258 1708lHAAKNESS Cl HOSN l(ALEY K lmt • .,,.,, .. llTMlnl BEACH. CA J BOWLES, THOMAS c . NESSETH. AOY. AP U8l .20 2o331 AV. HUNTINGTO BO.LSA CHICA ST, HUNTINGTON UAcH: A p 1 0 7. 6 6 4 . 0 2 • Jf J""10t MAC DONALD AP 1 4 9 • 0 3 1 • 3 3 ., I 7 8 • 4 1 2 • O 4 PORTVIEW Cl 104, BEACH, CA HUNTINGTON BEACH CA U 892 24 1471 LA Loe Ano.. RANDALL K, AP024- U,909.38 9091 , 4 3cs8 78 16572 HUNTINGTON BEACH, DANDLEY, KEITH 0 , CA ' LILLY LEONARD M WARNER AV

~ -=IKtlMg 141·17

·• " ·143

·71 ~:r~T~~GTON BEAC~: MARIANA Cl, ~~ORCORAN, ::~.~: ~;J;0:o~~d~ CZAJA. DAVID, AP 3RO TA, AP171·375- HUNTINGTON BEACH

Ml . Mcull , 310 7TH ST. CA HUNTINGTON BEACH, PATRICIA A AP936- AV HUNTINGTON 1 CS 3 1 2· 1 • 4 1 .• 375 16 , U ,338.51 CA. NA · NallOnllAllOClllliOll HUNTINGTON BEACH, BENNETT FRED E CA 17•557 ; 1 87894 BEACH CA U ,927 .38 5142 1CS862 BARUNA LN, CHRISTENSEN , Nad· Nallonlll CA AP 149 • 0 3 4 • 0 4 . '. JORDAN. BILL E, 20331 °


PORTViEw . Cl AP148.·081 OCS .5020 WARNER A.V, HUNTINGTON B(ACH, ARNOLD L. AP111 · Nd# . Nurnber FAITH, RICKIE t2 400 74 21822 AP 178 · 4 2 1 · 34 . • 205 HUNTINGTON $374 71 530 HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA f 071 -40., t928 .32 NT a SA . NalJONll Trust STEVEN, AP024- BA.HA.MA LN U,011 .30 3262 BEACH CA EDINGER AV CA GEORGE. GAR'f, AP 11t251 GOTHARD ST. sndSsvinotAIJIC)OallOn 111 "25·• tl,lS3.9S HUNTINGTON BEACH: GILBERT OR, AP93e°· 17·557.5010, HUNTINGTON BEACH'. WILE. ALEXANDER l 7 8 l 9 2 . 1t.9 . HUNTINGTON BEACH, s & L s.~ and L 115 HUNTINGTON ST, CA HUNTINGTON BEACH, , 980 31 20331 CA PAUL, AP1CS3~172- 11 .. $3,477 28 ~ 151 CA

no• Oll'I HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA • U .302 H 5882 BRANFORD • OR, AOSE MICHAEL S, Secy • Set.er, CA ALLEN, THOMAS, A FRIEDEMANN. F K. PORTVIEW Cl 205, YOUNG. DOLORES L, LOURDES OR, HUNTINGTON BEACH, A p 1 4• 2 1 5 l O 4 •• St Sanlof HAYNES. MARSHAL, 149-083· 33., t758 .13 A p 1 7 8 . 4 4 4 0 4 •• HUNTINGTON BEACH, A p 1 4 8 0 8 2 0 6 • HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA t 1,235.74 7581 -SI . SalnVSVHI A p 0 2 4 . 1 8 4 . 2 CS 21305 SEASPRITE Cl, t 11 288 le 18412 CA $217 .30 5392 CA VENDLEY JAMES M DANUBE DR USA . Unotld Statat U ,799.52 231 ELMIR.A HUNTINGTON BEACH, GRIMAUD LN. MARSOLEK. LE, AP EDINGER AV, MARCHESE, FRANK A p 178 . S4 1 . 1..9 .: HUNTINGTON BEACH:

ol Amell!a AV, HUNTINGTON CA HUNTINGTON BEACH, 93s-29·099 .. tt7 l 78 HUNTINGTON BEACH, P, AP163·203·01 ., .,,286.90 1798 CA Vet1 · Vet.,ent BEACH, CA BRIDGEMAN, LANCE CA 3207 ANNE Cl 103, CA tl ,929 .96 5812 MONTEGO DA, AP142· 151- 04.5010. ' and JOUMA, AONAN. A F, AP149-091 13., KYEES. MELVIN. AP HUNTINGTON BEACH. BROOKS. ROBERT J, HELMSIOE DA, HUNTINGTON BEACH, U79.17 7581 OANuaa; &lot A.rtdlor CU4ll1 · 14., ..t380.l U ,472.38 21581171 ·5-65-2.S-5~10 CA Ae148 ·.0..~~ -0-4 ... UNTIN~~,t;CH, CA DA. HUNTINGTON • N"umber 502 CALIFORNIA ST, TMPn~ LN, t550 12 • 18732 'BARER. DOUGLAS w. tl ,381.82 5302 CA SIDDIQ. TARIQ, AP BEACH, CA

HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH. INTREPID LN, A p 9 3 CS . 2 9 . 1 7 0 .• HENRICKSEN OR, A.Pl 193 -203·01 .3102. 1 7 8 . 6 4 2 1 4 • ICELSH, £LECIA A


CA CA HUNTINGTON BEACH tl, 188.78 16511 HUNTINGTON BEACH, $513 69 5612 tl .869 .75 3882 A p 142 . 1 5 5 1 0 UNGER, JOSEPH, A PETHTEL. BILLY D, CA • TROPEZ LN 146• CA HELMSIOE OR. MONTEGO OR. t587.00 7522 RHINE

0 2 4 • 3 0 2 • 1 0 A p 1 4 9 . 1 0 5 . 1 CS .• MITCHELL GLEN R HUNTINGTON BEACH, AP148·083 03 5010, HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH DR HUNTINGTON ' $679 .48 9471 · • CA $1 ,765 .23 5302 c 'CA ' ·

U ,O l 8 ·86 7871 SHEL MOKIHANA OR A p 1 7 8 • 8 5 2 . 3 4 • MASON DALE E HENRICKSEN OR A BEACH, CA The A.1teuor'l IMI) l*cll<f'lumber wtW1 uHd tockectibe Cl, HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON BEACH: tJ,436.33 18892 A p 9 3 7 : 1 S l l 2 .: HUNTINGTON BEACH: YING , WILLIAM H. LEVENSON. STANLEY Hill, CURTIS SR, prope11Yll'l .... aUt.reftfatolhe At1•Wtll'lllt)~fle BEACH, CA CA CORAL CAY LN, , 237548 798 lCA AP183 271 - 17 , TR, AP178·6•4·07 .• AP142 158 · 15 . , mep11-o9orblodtl'IUl'l\ber:ntwboolllndlfl•il'ldMduel MIRJAHANGIR CULLMANNJOHNLHUNTINGTONBEACH, MOONMIST Cl 112 HOUGHTONRONALo•l .55176 17541$1 ,23878 1610782.22092 18851 J*c.lnumberonflenpP11Q9arw:hnlfleblack A~el ~A3~~·3 At~5~5t,22· A p 149 1e1 . 2 O ' C~OTEETE DONALD HUNTINGTON BEACH'. l , AP14S· 103· 18 , ~~~\~NGTON BEA.Cc;!· ~~~NGT~~Ol~EAC~· ~~~~~GTON BEA~~· ~~::.::~~.~~~~~.~=~ 200 VENICE AV. ~6i:;,;~~s 213l~2R 0 B . E A T • c~AVER, LISA F, tl .277 .88 5611 CA • CA • CA • etld Pwcel 5 W'ltwt lflat block. The msp1 reletrtd IO are HUNTINGTON BEACH. HUNTINGTON BEACH• A p 9 3 3 . 3 9 . 1 8 5 .. A p 9 3 7 . 1 5 3 I 1 LITTLER OR. PHILLIPS, VIOLA AP FOX, FRED J, A Pl 78 COLLIER. STEVE, AP IMlllltlletotinspecllOnlnlheolflceolf\eAtHHOt CA c• ' $1 , 143.40 19125 , 261662 1943;HUNTINGTON BEACH, 15329137., $8252705·82 .. tl ,23298 142-172· 13 , U3114

HUNTINGTON WEST " . BEACHCREST LN A ' CA 4700 WARNER AV, 16102 FAME Cl, 7822 RHINE OR. All P'OC*'lY It In fie Townahop Soultund ~· WHI cl San CORP, AP025·031 • CALKINS, MEjARI HUNTINGTON BEACH: ~Au~i~GTOL:f BE~d~· PREBIS, JEANNE HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH, SetNrlWI BaM Md Metidien 07 .3103, $543 .58 JR, AP149· 16 ·25 .. CA • MARIE. AP146· 121 CA CA CA

• VISTA DEL MAR TR U .&77 .9cs 9N4T3NlGTPIOEN AP933-39- 165.3102, C~MITH SAMUEL J 02.. t437 30 5981 WEISS FREDERICK, SMITH. LARRY. TINOCO MARIO M, IMPORTANT NOTICE LOT 1 BLK 2002 LOT 2 DR, HU 1 ts62 21 191 25 · • MEADOWLARK DR. A P 1 e 3 3 o 1 1 3 • A P 1 1 8 1 o 5 8 2 .• A p 1 4 2 2 1 2 2 1 . ,

BLK 2002 BEACH. CA BEACHCREST LN A AP 937 15 415 · HUNTINGTON BEACH, U ,925 .30 17101 $2,64210 3382 '94248 752 1 The'*'* PlbltNd ere tiote ~on 1\9 111519CIO MOTTLES, JOHN, A SMITH, EllSWORT HUNTINGTON BEACH'. u 47 7o FORMERLY CA SIMS, HUNTINGTON SPARKLER OR. WARNER AV, 1U !di r...,.,,.,. who-. dllOOled d ~' M'I'» 0 2 5 -034 · 07 3 1 02 , M, AP149·171 25., CA AP937· 15 41 5 117371 BUTTE. GARY W. BEACH. CA HUNTINGTON BEACH. HUNTINGTON BEACH Mlteht, ,lllll, tn11tlnd1Mwnsmeelt11dbf\ereuont708 .H 2 $36984 2t82 AP933·39 · 1155010 SEABLUf.'F OR 103• AP146 132 04 . AP163301 -735010,CA CA NI prlHl'OI OWMfl hevtda1led., pe' l&llH ROCHESTER AV, SEASIDE LN, $544 33 1912S HUNTINGTON BEACH, '822.44 18232 t50 30 17108 SIMS, [YSTEA. SUSAN CASTRO, CLAUDIO



CA CA HUNTINGTON BEACH · • HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA 29 ., tl ,281 91 1607' 142 291 01 , t774 59 CA AP025 034·07 5010 GYORKOS, JOHN W, CA . tl ,629 60 7371 CA A.Pl 193 301 73 .5020, CRETE LN 18251 KIM LN

MIER. DAVID S, AP t435.01 200 AP 149 1 7 2 1 1 . ALI MIKE AP933 SEABLUFF DR 103, NORTON, WILLIAM t427 20 17108 SIMS, HUNTINGTON BEACH: HUNTINGTON BEACH: 0 2 3 • 3 3 1 • 2 0 ·, ROCHESTER AV $398 19 972 39 177 t2 tH es HUNTINGTON BEACH, W, AP146· 132-06 , HUNTINGTON BEACH CA CA . UL9 1 1.~2 81 72 HUNTINGTOH-Sfl\CH: HIGHTtOE. DR. 19105-' ' Bl!ACHCRE'ST CA..... 4~7 30 1-&15 CA • WARNER. COLE M{ZZASAL MA


.~__..+.C~AM'I~ •Y, C JOH . . 7 3102 . • HllrA-- Hr--t 915 AP 149 · 183 • 3 0 • $843. 26 1910S CHOUNATSIT GTO BE 2COH6. MENG. ERIC CHI FU, ANGELINA OR, HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH,

AP023 · 0 7 4 - 02 . . ST t792 .78 21H1BEACHCREST LN C N N A · AP146 211 17 HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA CA U .983.90 1841 LAKE ~ul~~:GG~OE~ BE·c<;!· HUNTINGTON BEACH



ST, HUNTINGTON " • CA HUNTINGTON BEACH.CA ' AWHN • AJITAP1462 1110, 16601 GONZALEZ APt30 82 · 07 4 .,J AP142°332-03 BEACH. CA CA BYRAM BLAINE J CA AP933 ·39· 177 5010 SINGH, AP937-15- GRAHAM . ST ALFREDO . AP185· U ,223 60 3157 tS29.20 FORMERLY AP023 ·014·02.5010, SUNDBERG. DENNIS, A PO 2 s' 0 5 e . 1 8 .: w Ass ERM AN . t488 81 1910S 539 .3102. t!SS 46 900 HUNTINGTON BEACH 06 2 07 $961 34 WARNER ~v. AP142 332 03 117841 '415.35 1841 \.AKE A PO 2 3 3 8 1 . 3 5 · • tl ,241 19 921 MASON, AP149·341 BEACHCREST LN C PACIFIC COAST HY CA 17401 MAYOR LN HUNTINGTON BEACH. VOLGA DA ST, HUNTINGTON tl ,717.24 19330 ALABAMA ST 12 . tl , 191.38 i761 HUNTINGTON BEACH. 212, HUNTINGTON ISRAELSKY, DAVID B HUNTINGTON BEACH CA HUNTINGTON BEACH BEACH, CA WINGEDFOOT Cl, HUNTINGTON BEACH: MELINDA. Cl, CA ' BEACH, CA TR, AP\46211 · 18 . CA SUTHER l AN 0 . CA AP023·074-02.6020, HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA HUNTINGTON BEACH. CLARK RHYS AP ROBERSON, MELVIN tl ,334 98 FORMERLY ROBINSON SHIRLEY WILLIAM. AP931 40 SKISTIMAS ALFRED t1 ,551 .181841LAICECA AP025 058 - 19 CA 933 J9 1t2 E, MAGANN, MAAYG. AP146211 · 10. 16601M, AP16513129 .017., U ,898 .9016422AP142 4 7 4 35 . ST HUNTINGTON HINOJOSA, ANTONIO, t1 241 19 91'9 TITLE INS & TA CO t2 721 34 19120 A P9 3 7 • 16 · O1 7 ·• GRAHAM ST, $1 015 6417212 SLUE HARBOUR LN 92 277 50 75CS1 BEACH. CA A PO 2 3 • 4 4 1 · 0 1 · • ALABAMA ST, TR HARRIGAN, BEACHCREST LN 8 U ,304.76 7351 COHO HUNTINGTON BEACH, FO'>t Cl HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON BEACH: CENTER AV.

CADE, CAROU 0 , tl ,024 .o2 6095 HUNTINGTON BEACH RHONDA LEE. HUNTINGTON BEACH' OR 182. HUNTINGTON CA BEACH, CA CA HUNTINGTON BEACH A PO 2 3 . O I 4 • 1 0 ., GREENBRIER · OR, CA ' AP 151 · 29 3 • 2 1 • CA ' BEACH, CA SU, STEPHEN AP148 THOMPSON KRIS JOSEPH DOUG AP CA U ,153.58 921 13TH HUNTINGTON BEACH. SLUPE, AICHAAO T tl ,093 22 20371 MIER DAVID s AP937 · 1CS 017 5020, 211 19 , tl ,27599 .\P165 14 1 35 5010 19 3 1 9 9 0 5 0 . • PATAO MAR YLVNE ST HUNTINGTONCA AP025 · 094 · 02 ' SOMERVILLE LN. AP933 3~ 210 ' t214.51 7351 COHOFORMEALY AP146· t 111500 17551t13701 4 165344 AP157 383 11 BEACH; CA HOWARD. PERRY L tHl.61 30; HUNTINGTON BEACH. t 1 376 92 19106 DR 112, HUNTINGTON 211 10 16601 COLLINS LN CAMPfSINA OR SOC. s i 997 80 11001 GULF


CASTRELLON.DANIEL HUNTINGTON BEACH, AP026 102 03.5010, BROOKS, GRACE P, , 4._.6 SS 1910S 2' NO. AFM FINANCIAL CA A AP115 347 01 11456 POCO Cl 150, 11101 GULF LN , F, AP023, 11 27 . c~5 ELEVENTH ST 9301.07 1113 A p 1 5 I 3 15 . 0 s • QUEENSPORT LN 8 A7P99 3517 2~56 W~COH~TA SARIC, ANTON t42l 43 17132 SAN HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTING TON BEACH, t4 421.41 514 20TH ' DELAWARE ST t938 19 8381 REILLY HUNTINGTON BEACH• t 1. MARTIN. AP146 251 LEANDRO LN, CA CA ST'. HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH' OR , HUNTINGTON CA ' AV 502, HUNTINGTON 06 , t222 15 16711 HUNTINGTON BEA.CH VINDEOAHL,JOHNNY KEYES, WYNN, AP BEACH, CA LTD •• AP024-018·23 .. CA ' BEACH, CA TT ROBERT H BEACH, CA DIANE LN . CA W, AP932 74· 160 1 59 2 71 54 5 010 , AP023 118-27 .5010. u .139•27 ~~RME~j AP02 S· 102 03.5020 TITLE INS • TR co A ~ego 3 3 3 9 2 2 0 • STAMEY. SUSAN HUNTINOTON BEACH. MOLOSKY, BARBARA 5010 t57 IS 16439 t42.73 ?136 LORI OR , tt,01 8.85 514 20TH ~~~4-01I· • ST t 1 711 H 11 ll TR &/OR, WILSON, $1 267 27 1120 ~:~r6~P937 40 ~:~l CA A, A.Pl 85-352 08 ,. POCO Cl 160 HUNTINGTON BEACH, ST, HUNTINGTON NTINGTON BEACH• OElAWARE ST, BYRON C, ISlANOVIEW Cl c SEA.STAR OR 2 DIBS, NICHOLAS A, t2 .110 01 17t12 HUNTNGTON BEACH CA B(ACH, CA HU ' HUNTINGTON BEACH AP 151 3 2 3 0 5 HUNTINGTON BEACH• • AP 1 4 6 • 2 5 2 1 6 • • ALTAMIRANO LN, CA AP159 271 ~4 5020

HENDERSON, ROY M, CA Bl O CA ' 8301 87 20882 EGRET CA ' HUNTINGTON BEACH, $379 43 11762 DEBRA HUNTINGTON BfACH. AP932 74 160.5020, t151.25 71'38. LORI A p O 2 3 1 4 3 0 2 . , 18377 BEACH V WOOD OONA LO LN. HUNTINGTON W I NG MICH A EI.. CA Cl, HUNTINGTON CA 8 288 02 18439 P'OCO OR HUNTINGTON t 1154 79 611 17TH p A R T N E R S H IP' • EWA.AD ' AP025-144 BEACH CA p ' 3 ' 3 t 2 3 1 ' HAR l AM 8 A I( 1 S • BEACH, CA HEFFLER TREMAINE Cl 160 HUNTINGTON BEACH CA sT' . HUNTINGTON AP024 ·011· 23.6010, ea .; 110 04 1503 TITLE. INS & TA co:, 1'so ~1 1120 CHRISTOPHER N, O'NEIL. MICHAEL. E. APba 034 11 .. BEACH CA SHIM. JAE K BEACH. CA t1 .0H.93POATIONOFLAKUID'E • l.N, TR It/OR, SUMMERS, su'RFLINE DA 0 AP937-40- 1575010, APl48 321 07 . $10,22432 18305 BELLEVILLE. DAVID CHANG. CHIEN"'UO

SMITH. MICHA.fl a. OLD AP024• HUNTINGTON 8£ACH, ROBERT M. HUNTINGTON BUCH. U50.81 N1922..2 tl.227 es 16812 NIANTIC Cl, w. AP932·74·1H. FRED. AP165 241 25 AP023 143 · 0t .. 01807.501050S11THcA AP161 · l81 - 0I • CA · SHORELINE l <>· COOPfR LN. HUNTINGTON BEACH 5010, l1131516451u.13775 17442 tl,426 40 817 18TH ST, HUNTINGTON TSUNOCHI, MITSUKO, t1.041 11 20742 AP'U3 ·39 231 3102, HUNTINGTON MACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA LA VILLA LN IH, DAIRY\llEW Cl, ST, HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA A PO 2 6 184 2 1 • CATAMARAN LN. UH 23 1120 CAC no w LI M CA AMODEO, FREDERICK HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BtACH, BEACH, CA HUNTINGTON BEACH Ult 60 FOAMERL y HUNTINGTON 8£ACH, SUAFLINE OR 0 , AIA · IL A J . A.Pl 48 3 21 07 501 Q , C. A.Pl 78 034-50 .. CA CA

MCGRATH. MICHAfL9y THE SEA. AP024 AP025-114-21 .11 to1CA HUNTINGTON BEACH. :t1'5~~ ; 50 • 2 ~;ooue. 2s1ee12cooPERU.l2101 18235 VILLA WARNAAP165241 · 25 .5010 JOSEPH, A.-023 036·07 U 121 78 ENGLAND ST AP 1 5 1 · 3 I 1 • J 3 • CA • · LN. HUNTINGTON WAYFARER LN , ASSN , ANDERSON U 114 93 17442 163 26 , U .621.31 HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON BUCH: tt ,513 15 1202 AP'l33-31 231 6010, ~~~IFIC H~~~~JGT~~ BEACH, CA HUNTINGTON BfACH DONALD A OAIRYVICW Cl, FORMERLY AP023· c1TY \.OT 1BLK113CA EVELYNE Cl.ttl4.32 1120 • AP146·321075020, CA AP't37 · 1!5 703 ., HUNTINGTON BEACH, 163 21. 212 17TH ST. ANO LOT 10 8LK 113 AP'021 114 21 .8010, HUNTINGTON BCACH. SUAFLINE DA 0 , :~~~· ~: 202 8010 020 05 16812 A'171 034 50 5010 U41.53 HOO CA HUNTINGTON Bl!ACH. u .uo.17 901 CA HUNTINGTON BEACH. • COOPER LN, t722 13 16235 WAANEA AV 150, EXTRA STO .. AGC CA OGISAKA co \.TO. ENGLAND ST, OE MARCO, JAMES CA U&0.06 1400 PACIFIC HUNTINGTON BEACH, WAYFAAlA LN. HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON BUCH,

GITTLESON, O[AN A, A P'O 2 4 0 l 8 1 0 ·• HUNTINGTON BEACH, J , A'1!51 !502·54., GRABLf ,EL12AltTH, ~s~~GT~: Bf~~~· CA HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA , A pt 1 6 !!> l 3 1 . 3 I , AP'021 181 · 21t7,715.H101 llTH c A tt ,47500 20121AP't33 • 3t · 240 ., • HORM£ll. OAINCA SCOTT, TRACY. APtH,16000P'8 208 U ,12511 FORMERLY ST, HUNTINGTON G£RACI, [ILfEN C, NORTH BRITA.IN lN. t1,411.44 1120 c;AftAIOS P'AUL A MA.A • A'141 313 23 •• AP171034 ·50, 5020, 117·15 107., U31 40 PG 11 PAi. 1 AP'OU113·21 . 2128!ACH,CA AP'025 · 111 · 17 ,, HUNTINGTON BEACH. BA.YMIST DR A.' APUt•o· 2115010· tt : 14070 85710,71408 1123!511100 WARN(" AVAP'115 ·331 · 3J .5010, 17TH ST, HUNTINGTON lfACH UH.12 71!5 OWEN CA HUNTINGTON IOCH, ' " • • OAKCiROVE Ct, WAYFA"ER LN, 254, HUNTINGTON 14, 187.71 p 201 HUNTINGTON MACH, IY THE HA, AP024 AV, HUNTINGTON SECURITY P'AClr!C CA ~t~~r l~ PA<i~'f ..nJNTtNOTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BfACH, l!ACH, CA PG 11 P'AA 1 CA 0 I I · 10 · 15 0 1 0 • lfACH CA FINANCIAL SERVICES AP'IU 31· 240 .ll02, · CA CA HOUSE" BROS CO, A'1H·U1 ·33 .6020 WtllS, R08BlN D. tl . 271 .U 101 UTH K!LlfA , MElVIN F. INC. AP153·072 O!S .. t427 IO 1120 HCUNTINGTON BlACH, PARRISH, GAil. AP' KHANNA, ASHO K. VE"AN, EVELYN D. ll!S,111 32 p B 201

AP'02 3-2 02 17 •• ST HUNTINGTONAP111 • 110 3 4 . tl.41421 191118AYMIST DA A, A 1 4 1 · !Sl3 · 18 ,. APl71 · 014 · 02 ., APIS7 · 1J 023 PG18PAR1 tt ,153.74 1t44 MACH, CA t1H .42 GARFIELD NEWLAND ST, HUNTINGTON BfACH, TAXAATI 14.l:Jt. 14 18432U, 156 00 4172 MAUI t771 .70 441S <:MA.Sf CAPELUNO. AICHAAO IUMMl" BAUU LN, SCIAftAILLO, ALAN STRUT A.00 LOT 3 0 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA AR'""' ......,.


HUNTINGTON KACH, M. A.-024042-01 .. ll.K I NW114 [1/2 CA AP'l33 •31• 240 1010, OU" - HUNTINGTON l!ACH, BEACH, CA 8 A.CH, CA tl 1,IOI 40 75U CA tl 512.70 40l CREST AP1 1 1 · 110 · 37 ., W T NEW\.ANDUH.17 1120 AOS N. ~ANKLYNH, CA FRANKLIN, ROC YI. . <iRC(N, WllLIAM W, SL.ATER AV,

MfTCHElL. ARNOLD AV, HUNTINGTON tltl .II A TR 211 ILK [STA TE, YOSHIDA, IAYMIST OR A , A P' 1 1 0 • 2 f I • 0 t . • A.'141· U · 11. 50 \ 0 , A P' I '7 I • 0 I 5 • 2 7 •. A P' I 3 7 • I J • 1 0 I .. HUNTINGTON llACH, L Al'02J 202·17.I010, lfACH CA I LOTH ALll"T K, HUNTINGTON BOCH, U ,041 04 17431 OJAI tllO t2 11432 t 1.012.17 4112 U .241.22 11211 CA t11111 11442 Al'024°•042·01.1010, 'AASlR, RICHARD A '113 • IS I 4 • 0 I • CA LH. HUNTINGTON UNO£RHILL lN, C[NARIO 0"· COUNTESS OR lOJ, AP'115 •)U·Ol,5010, IUMMl" IRHU lN, t121 H 403 CRHT Ml"All, AP'I 14<.411· t1 ,2H.SI 1422 P'AUL, JON, AP'tU IEACH. CA HUNTINGTON lfACH. HUNTINGTON IEACH, HUNTINGTON BUCH, UU.27 7122 ILATt:R HUNTtNGTON l(ACH.,AV, HUNTINGTON 01.I010, tl . 114.le OHPVllW DR. 12·U1 ,, U72.37 CANLAl , ALFR£00N. CA C~ CA AV, HUNTtNQTON CA lfACH, CA 22112 LAGUNA Cl, HUNTINGTON 80CH. 20112 IAYFRONT LN A' 1 1 0 • 3 4 t • 0 J .. AHOAOS, STANltV GlfFORO, KfLLY, AP Oi.\.ANDO,KATHLUN lfACH, CA MC OY. "Oll"T Aec>24-042 01.1020, HUNTINGTON llACH, CA 104, HUNTINGTON U21.21 17371 UOO lUG[N[, A.'14 .. H• 171 \02 4 l ., UH lS KAY, APIH 4 231 •• A.'1 H ·Jl2·01 I020,

D Al'OU •24H>t .. tl ,471.H 40) CRIST CA AOE, JOHN I , AP1H lfACH, CA 1.H, HUNTINGTON 01., U .172.42 1MU 18021 IALLAD LN , t1 ,2l7 01 17111 U64 40 7122 SLATfR t2 011.70 11141 AV, HUNTINGTON YOUNGKIN, CAROL l&l 17.. HOt,ee WILLIAMS , OAAMll. llACH, CA WHITT(" l , HUNTINGTON IEAQt C<>f'llNA LH 121 AV, HUNTIHGTON lu;.,.IAKIR lN, l!ACH,CA ANN, AP'14I03•11 , 1toll SLO<>ft Cl.AP'lll · l2.Jll •• ST ONGf, JfANHVNTINOTON If.ACM, CA HUNTINGTON KACH, KACH, CA HUNTINGTON •Aet4, .. VIMS. MICHAIL O. Hl2.to HJ\ ~ HUNTINGTON IEACH, HU 12 1201 P'AU\., AP110·HI 01~ CA IMITH, OON. A'17 .. CA A,- l 15·U1 01,IOIO, CA • APOJ4 • 041 · 01 . ,JOUA Cl,CA lltACl,OINl OR 204, t1 .121.10 17711 IAOOUAN. 12101I010, t70l .73 "fCHA"OI, ICOTTtl04.127•211lATl"

11"0UT OOMALDfl, t40 M 701 10TMIT, HUNTINOTOff RACH, Al'111· 113· 17.1010, HUNTINGTON, •ACH, "'flCOTT LN. ANTAANI AP'14 .. \UU MILOOV LN, JAMii, Alllll M • AV. HUHTWGTOM A PO 2 a .' 2 I' ·~·.i HUNTINGTON ••cw. CA t141.J7 ltoll llO°' CA HUNTINGTON KACH, 112·27.. ·~1217.12 HUNTINGTON BfACH, 241.IOIO, UI0.7• lfACH, CA Ult 01 72U Lrau CA lOTIU,MAN "'OP' Cl~ HUNTIHGTDff SllOENTOP. LA""Y4 CA 1132 MARIL TN DR. CA '7111 COMINA lN ntf"ION, T M Y. MAiia D", Lil, HIMIRT M, PTtH INC, l!ACH, CA • AP' I I 3 • I I · 0 7 I . COOK. HO\MAN HVNTI QTON l!ACH, YOON, IAM YANG 141, HUNTtNQTOflit HUNTINGTON •ACH. A PO 14· 0. ' . ' J .' A,., 4 • • 011 ~ 2 2 . . QONCi, THOMAS L. .... 14 , ... ; DAlf '" AP'l 1(). CA SUK. AP171·111 oe . MACH. CA ec.a .... Cl


....... 11 .:.. • ... ~ ._,, ........ ,.= .. ._., ~ •.&' oo ,,.,,. .-ea w-:r~A11· .... ..... , • _...!Wfto,_ - ·Jll·IO ti MIAO M.L 0. ~ m1M.H ,.,

"WAllO, ANTHON¥ :11; :,~111 - ~fi on.a ' a1ao ·• • 'I.vii• a a·'•• . o o' .. • 'h mwollt • AP111~.h llACN. "' =•D -. ~ 1-a••., 1 MG!!· av. iiii:K ..... 1.eo =:.,.= DAU

74.44 '14a.10l· 4Y.•tci __,..,. 11AQt. M11•t•1 ~CA UDO. ,._OllT JANIT TPOAM Da. NllAWA. IAllM 11 ..._. 1.U .... CA LN. A. NM'f JMID a. AP ~~A A, 4 I I •


4 7 2 •I 0 ~TON •ACH, A'111 · 214 · J£:=:TON J ._...:. weo. WAYNI ' · ·~ lib'::·" nM :1,:.l,0'40J.n4 1T:'.'i·~oTi~~ ta.Gii.Gi 1 Aft187·UJ·01.I010, l410.JI 20IU CA • coora a.MITM ., '• 1 • 1°•· 0 • . ..... ., .. 17... IT. NIWP09" .~ ..W,.,.11AQt, ... 122.M UOI MCMTIM't OM 41 1212 'AllUV UI, LO LARSOM. AP LIWll 1a. A#l..ol1· ..,.. II tllO tt Oh 21 11• llACM CA CA IAVllDI DI' 102. NIWPOln' llACH. C AMSTt9'0AM Oil, HUNTINGTON •ACH, 14i· J84· 21 .I010, .......... 1 .. , 9&.0UCDTPI LM. Ol.ANA' u.. WoS • ......, ... NAKAMltl MWO, NIW'O«T ••CH. CA ., ....... u .ao.• 01

HUNTINGTON •ACH. c~ON HELIN M tl14.M 1191 llACH ... ~TON II.ACM. HUNTINGTON llACH. A, 04 • • 01 1 • a I •• A, 4 2 a. a i ' . ' • . . JOHNION, GINlVA ~ ~ C~HRAllAN, PAUi.. T9', APil1 ·lt1· 10., ~ON MAg:: ~TON •ACH, KUINZU, KINT, A ~~111·212·01.I010 ::.:11A~ 4~ :~:O~oM2.J~ :4.4lt~-;e~:;u0c4:zN NIWt'ORT 11.ACH, AP117 · 343 · 30 U,02l.Ot tUI CA A,142 ·0 11 · 21 . , lll-l72-0I., HOl.1 e14t 11112110LA lrACH, CA CA VllTA 1U. ~T HART. RONALD U07.03 ui2 OlYWIC DR. MARTIR, llUC '· tlOl.tl 1101' llACH .. , A&.aACOM DI', LH, • HUNTINCITON ()119' GRAHAM, Aft GRUN, WIWAM W, MACH. CA A'4ll·lll•U.I01 A'MSTEROAM OR, HUNTINGTON IUCH, A, 1 4 I · 2 7 2 • 2 1 .. a. HUNTWGTON HUNTINGTON •ACH, •ACH, CA O 4 t • 1 2 I • 0 I • , A, 4 2 J • 11 1 .. 2 0 . , AH1t·H ·417 .1010 Ul.H 4I MAMA HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA H 0 LL 0 w A y 11,371.H 1ll01 ••CH; CA c~AWMI GfORGf A,111·272·01.1020 ~..!z..~.11218 OCIAN U,Hl.02 211 14TH ttU.71 101 oc~~ ~· ~T •Ac

C~UILLET ROGER _.p MAURICE, AP1151 ·H1: ~~t.~TC>tol l!A~· A'rf 4ffl2"!-tf"· M. A'1A·l12·11., ~::·" 112LHl1 .v.~ACV:. ~T ~l' NIWfllORT •ACM. ~'tH 1~1· NlWP AVILES, ITtvt, A • • "' St .. •1 .tl0.12 20231 • e2 182 n ~.: HM.II 1IOS2 • A"'"' "' • J AP I 3 4 . O 4 . O It

117·313·11 .. '7115.152 110 •ND LN CA 1 • 11 c .. """" IT1NGRAY lfUNTINGTON ••CH, HARRISON, JAMD. IAMC. u.ovoa OF CHOt, IN.JtN • 11 412 .. HCANY . 11i12 HAGUE LN.HUNTINGTON BfACH' NGUYIN,TRlfNCAO. AV, HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON ACH' CA A,04t · 201 · 01 ,.CALWOflNIA ~. A'tlt - 11 · 472 .NCRfST .OR N(~ HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA ' NGO, MVLINH T, leACH, CA CA ' IALAMUT, MOMll, t714.41 U1 KINGI 4 2 I · I I I · 0 1 • t4,174.t4 101 OC,.A lfACH CA CA MAJOR KENNETH L AP 1 4 5 • 3 4 1 • 4 I ·, TAX-MTI IAMV.A VICENTE AP I J 1 • t I • 0 1 I . , RO. ~T •ACH, U,211.42 222 HAD VISTA 121. NfWPOftT •

FORCE, DA\£10 B. A, 1 51 '. 3 t 3 . 4 5 ' U ,4H.24 12t1 I a C A M I L L A 11,2I0.24 11514 CA IT, NIWf'ORT lfACH, •ACH, CA A p 1 I 7 . 3 s 3 . 4 s . • t713 58 lt5t1 LASSEN WINSLOW DR. AMA 04.os3 A, 111 · 31a . 1 2 • ltCKLlY Of', ICACCIA. IETTV, A' CA "ARSON. DARWIN TAX-MTI .. 73.95 1402 Cl, . HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON IEACH, SU VIEW VII.LAGE, .. 47.11 1ao9i HUNTINGTON IEACH, 041·202•H .. eltl.31 NlWN>RTJl, AP423· K, APIH-71-011 ., AMA 07-040 VALENCIA OR', BEACH CA - CA Aft11t· 141·H .• •11.10 MllHARO IT. CA 120 KINGS RD, 171-01.. t4,217. 14 H.331.H PM 231·14 MC au. JAMii HUNTINGTON BEACH, GONSOWSKI PAUL A'1'S· 341 ·41.1010, N TR 171 8UC I LOT HUHTl .. GTON BEACH. ~T IEACH. CA M>4 HTH ST, ftA" 1 UNfT 1 A P411 · 141 · 1 5 . CA A p 1 5 1 • 4 1 ; • 2 O ' t611.0!I Ut 1 IJ CA TAX-MTE J!WELL, WIWAM H, ~<>f'T KACH, CA TOGETHER WITH AN t 11 ,111.14 1

U'M"ER, DOUG, APt2ta7141501 ZION WINSLOW OR, Aft11t· 141·31.,H4.34 LAMB EARL A AMA04-044 AP04t · 202 · 41 ., HICKS. HILLIARDUND1121NTINPA"1 NAPOU. NEWPOR l I 7 • 4 4 2 . 3 1 • , c1,' ' HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON BEACH, N TR 172 ILK I LOT JARA, HENRY, AP153: U,192.tt 115 KINGS THOMAS Ill, A,423· SfGREGATED OUT OF BeACH. CA U,528.H 17332 BEACH, CA CA 151 314-03 .. tl ,148.H ' WfST, CHRISTOPHER .. D. NEWPORT BEACH, H1.0S., tl,322.14 AP047·241-<>1 ZtlDER LN CARR RICHARD O FRANQUI, MARIO M, AP15t· 141·40., t72.14 11302 SALMON LN M, AP145-022·25., CA 31CM MARCUS AV, TAX-MTI HUNTINGTON BEACH' A p 1 5'1 . 4 l 1. 3 3 ' AP145·411 · 21 .l010, N TR 172 Ill( 8 LOT HUNTINGTON BEACH' tl ,111.lt 5012 AP04t· 202·43.1010, NEWPORT leACH, CA TAX-MTE AMA 07-041 CA • t2 025 01 9522 U7.04 1811 REO 15 CA • GALWAY Cl, 174.13 8115 KINGS RD. MfTCHEU. PAUL H AMA 07·011 MORANZ .JOHN R AP187· 442· 31.3102. SMOKEY Cl, COACH DA. AP151•141· 41 .,t!58 .54 ORTIZ, CH~RLES E, HUNTINGTON BEACH, NfWPORTlfACH, CA TR, AP421-Sl2·18.. AOTHfRY ROH AP442 '111 · 22 t27.22 17332 ZEIDER HUNTINGTON BEACH. HUNTINGTON BEACH. N TR 172 BLK BLOT A Pl 153 · 402 · 13 .. CA AP041·202·43 .5020. tl74.34 312 DEVELOPMENTGROVP. u.se~.02 i LN, HUNTINGTON CA CA 71 U52.IO 19891 LURES Ut2.10 815 KINGS CATAUNA DR. AP424 · 111 · 10 . , PINEHURST LN BEACH, CA KATZ, IVAN, AP PETERSON, PHILIP AP 1 5 I . 1 4 1 . 4 2 ., LN. HUNTINGTON TAX-"ATE RO, NEWPORT BEACH, NEWPORT BEACH, CA U5,n7.44 FIRST ADO NEWPORT BEACH, CA AP1e7· 442· 31 .3202. 151-431·23 .. t750.11BRYCE, AP14S-433· 1211.20 TR 172 LOT BEACH.CA AMA04-046 CA STRAUGHTER.To NEWPORT MESA HUESTON CHARLE 1322.90 17332 ZEIDER 20731 CHARWOOD LN, 20.. t 1.1530.31 8112 80 BLK B AND LOTS AVIOJYA. \l'JCK.1. AP YBANEZ. RICHARD P, WAHLSTROM, LONE. DARRYL. AP421S·382· TR -i.OT n s -t'OR Of p ANSl.03'· 13 LN, HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON BEACH, GAS LIGHT DR, II 6. 7 2 ALL IN 8lK 8 1 5 a · 40 2 • 3 2 . 5 0 1 0 . A P 1 8 5 • 2 3 2 • 0 9 • • A ..-o 4 I • 2-, 0 • 3 1 • • •• t~. 774.30 309° LA LOT AND POR OF LOT t4 304 94 1007 TIUf. BEACH, CA CA HUNTINGTON BEACH, AP1151· 141·43., Hl .15 9511 t4,11S.81 J711 •1 ,433 .H 41 ST LA OL.NfWti -- ' ~ACH AP117· 442·31 .5010, w_ _HEWLAN CA -- H4 34-N ~ i»-IL GORNWAt OR, AV, KNOREW!" RO. BEACH, CA AP424· 181 · 10 5010 CA ' ~.8lf17n2LETDER ESTATE, HOLVEY, MANZANARES, BLOT54 HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH. NEWPORT BEACH.CA AP42S·382· 29.5010 t8!51.08FIRSTAODTO ANOSHIAAVANI LN, HUNTINGTON LARRY W JOSEPH, AP933·97· A P 1 5 9 • 1 4 1 • 8 1 . , CA CA VARON, GREGORY UOIS.H NEWPORT MESA TA ARDESHIR AP4l5I BEACH. CA AP151 · 531 · 23 ' 009., U ,214.11 t178.70TR172BLK AP163·402·32.5020, AP185 · 232 · 10., CHARLfS. AP050-010-30t LA JOLLA DR,LOT71!5POROFLOTo53.()l 'UlOIS

DEFEO. DOMENIC A t1 ,063.14 200ll 15598 PRODUCER LN BLOT It AND 15 1233.88 1518 t4,115.e8 7791 02.. t4,114.12 8 NEWPORT BEACH, CA AND POR OF LOT 718 1031 ., SANoCASTL JR, APHS7·443·03 GOTHIC Cl, 9, HUNTINGTON AP151· 141·11., CORNWALL DR , SLATER AV, COUINS ISLAND. AP42!5· 312·21.5020 MILLER. ANDREW J, DA NEWPORT BEACH .5010, 148.35 8382HUNTINGTON BEACH, BEACH, CA tlt.HNTR 1728LKHUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH, NEWPORTBfACH,CA tl,141.51 309 L APl38 · 71 · 013 .,CA FRIESLAND OR. CA TAX-RATE BLOT 41 CA CA ANGELO, JOSEPH, JOUA DA, NEWPOR H44.98 TA 13013 AP4SI 053•03 !SOlO HUNTINGTON BEACH. A p 1 5 1 . 5 3 3 . O 9 ll AP 1 5 I · 1 4 1 • 81 ., SCHONES. STANLEY 8 L 0 0 MF I E LO A p 0 5 0 • 0 1 0 · 0 t · • BEACH, CA LOT 1 UNIT 4 t 4 958 115 . 103 CA tl 151 09 890l AREA 04..0 11 .100.58 Tl' 172 J AP153·404-17. GUNOA AP115-382· t19,099.90 3 COLLINS KING. JERROLD. A TOGETHER WITH AN SA,NDCASTlE OR

PATRICK. NIGEL K, MIOBURY DR. PETER' S LANDING BUCBLOT77ANDBLK sOlO, 1200.41 19900 01 .. . ,:318.19 7751 ISLAND. NEWPORT 458.081 ·25 .. t582 .1 UNO 115 INT IN LOT 1 NEWPORT BEACH CA AP 1 8 7 · 4 5 3 · 1 3 . , HUNTINGTON BEACH, PARTNERS LIMITED, B LOTS 78, 83, 14, SHEFFIELD LN. CYPRESS ST, BEACH, CA 171 SANDCASTLE DR • • SEGREGATED OUT OF DI VINCENZO tl,733.06 8231 CA AP 178 • 4 5 1 · 0 2 . , 90,98 ANO BLK C HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH. CITY OF NEWPORT NEWPORT BEACH. CA AP424-021 ·30 JOSEPH p AP451• GUILDERS OR, A p 1 5 1 • 5 3 4 . o 3 t 1,320.81 16300 LOTS 43.45 INC, 49·51 CA CA BEACH, APOS0-211 • PACIFIC INFINITY RI 375 07 • t 4 072 1 HUNTINGTON BEACH. $1 , 154.89 as&; COAST HY. INC, 55-57 INC NGUYEN. XUAN NGA, "'°""TY .. NEWPORTOl., 139.70 37 INC. AP451·H4-10.. TAX-RATE 2728 WINDOVER OR CA GALLANT DR. HUNTINGTON BEACH, 11·13 INC, 17·89 INC, AP153 · 4015 · 29 . , IEACHaTY BEACON BAY, tl ,151 .88 290 AREA07-017 NEWPORT BEACH CA'

RODRIGUEZ, DAVID HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 71)75 INC, 71·11 INC, tl ,273.80 19846 NEWPORT BEACH, CA HARBOR VIEW OR, • JR, AP167·472· 13 .• CA ' AP 178 • 4 5 1 · 0 4 •• 86'·87 INC, 11 ·93 INC LEIGHTON LN, TAX-RATE MORELAND. JAMES NEWPORT BEACH, CA CORSO, PERI, AP47s. Tl&TR C t 11 ,447 .30 8041 A p 1 5 1 . 5 6 2 . o 9 U ,805.72 15292 AP l SI · 141 · I0 • • HUNTINGTON BEACH, AREA 07.001 SCOTT, APOS0-283· WEYANT, HAROLD E 055 02 • t7. l75R~~ TA I 1R· l 92 3 · OO· NEWMAN AV. aei2COAST HWY. U .513.04TR172BLKcA EARLE, HOWARD. AP08 .• t1,57,t.20 1638AP451 · 043 · 18 ' 324 CAMEO SHO • IOR. FERRY,WILUA HUNTINGTON BEACH, ~8A4lr~~s OR HUNTINGTON BEACH A LOT 113 AND BLK A ALKHOUTOFF, F._EO 045-034-07 .• 1722.18 SERENADE TA, • t ,374.25 7 l,. RD. NEWPORT BEACH, J, AP458·a7S.. 11 . CA HUNl'.JNGTON BEACH• CA LOTS 114, 119~ 120~ FE090A, A~\63...-0&- 17~ SEASHORE ORT HE.WPOR.T BEACH.~ JASMINE- - AVE-, CA 12,275.05 121

TRAN, KIM T . AP CA ' AP 178 · 4 5 1 · l 2 . , 125, 121, 131 . 132, 39.. 191 l :H 19894 NEWPORT BEACH, CA BETTINGEN, GRANT, NEWPORT BEACH, CA STARBOARD WV, 1 6 7 · 4 9 2 · 2 8 .• A p 1 5 1 . 5 IS 3 .. 1 9 $8 19.31 N TR 5813 137, INC. 115-117 INC, VERMONT 'LN, GAGE, JACQUELINE A PO 15 2 · O 1 1 · 1 4 · • RUSSELL, RONALD J, TAX·"-'TE NEWPORT BEACH, CA $1 , 145.10 8402 , 37040 2o40lLOT2 12H231NC, 127· 129HUNTINGTON BEACH, M, AP045-0SS·39 ., U ,085.24 2215MC CLOSKEV, KEVIN AREA07.011 TAX-MTE SLATER AV, CAMFIELD LN, IMAMURA, KIKUO, INC, 133· 135 INC. CA U ,220.52 225 CANAL PACIFIC DR, NEWPORT M, AP459·052·17.. BARTLING, STORM, AR!A 07·042 HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH, AP178 · 581 · 09 ., 139· 141 INC. 141, ESPINOZA, GREGGD. ST. NEWPORT BEACH, BEACH. CA . U ,Ul.84 .,, IRIS AP931 · 80 · 783 .. THOMAS. GAR CA CA 14,308.28 10232 138, 143, 144, 149 "&AP 163 • 4 2 1 · 1 0 . • CA CAMPBELl, WILt:IAM AV, NEWPORT BEACH, tl ,889 .48 59 LEIGH, AP440-112·01.

HATFIELD, ARTHUR A p 15 l . 58 3 . 1 8 COAST HY, 150 ANO BLK BLOTS e1 ,898.22 OE VOUNG, ROGER D. APOS2·071 12., CA BAYCREST CT 45, tl ,141.H 1337 VIST W, AP167·501 -04., 1823 58 BsOl HUNTINGTON BEACH, 109· 150 INC ANO BLK 19112 LINDSAY LN. TR, BANK, ESSEX U92.24 221 MAZURA. TERRENCE NEWPORT BEACH, CA HUERTA, NEWPOR $613 72 8321 DARSY TRUXTON DR CA CLOTS 109·111 , 147 HUNTINGTON BEACH, S A V I N G S • GOLDENROD AV, A. AP4S9-005-11., AP931 ·80·783 .5010, BEACH, CA DR, HUNTINGTON HUNTINGt'ON BEACH, A,..., 7 8 . 5 8 1 . 1 O •• ANO BU< C POR OF CA A P 0 4 5 · 0 5 6 - 4 1 .• NEWPORT BEACH, CA t 2,027 .38 100 1209.39 59 BAYCREST ROGERS, THOMAS 8 BEACH. CA CA ' U ,883 .88 11224 LOTS 112. 118, 124, AP153· 421 · 10.5010, U .290.54 229 CANAL HUBINGER, M JEANE LARKSPUR AV, CT 45, NEWPORT AP440· 152· 21.15010

SANDERS. JENE C, APl5l · 591 • 04 COAST HY. 130, 138, 142, 141 t133. 11 19112 ST, NEWPORT BEACH, TA, AP052· 120· 22 .. NEWPORT BEACH, CA BfACH, CA U1.11 2115 VIST A p 9 3 2 . 1 8 0 11 . . S2160 82 20052 HUNTINGTON B£ACH, HERKJNS, ROBERT A. LINDSAY LN. CA ta,085.02 3415 JONES. THOMAS F. AP931 ·10 783.5020, ENTRADA. NEWPOR s 1, 146 .90 8474 VINTAGE LN CA A p 13 3 . 8 7 . 2 2 5 .• HUNTINGTON BEACH, DENNISTON REAL TY OCEAN BL, NEWPORT A p 4 51 · 0 7 2 . 1 I .• t757 .58 59 BEACH, CA BENJAMIN DR, HUNTINGTON BEACH. H53.77 7841 ESSEX CA INVESTORS I, AP045· BEACH, CA U ,141.827170RCHID BAYCREAST CT 45, AP440· 152· 21.S020 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA ' TAX-RATE OR 28, HUNTINGTON HARRIS, ROGER E, 081 22 ., t728.95 GREY FOX INC. AV, NEWPORT BEACH, NEWPORT BEACH, CA Ul.28 2115 VIST CA UYEKAWA PATRICIA AREACM-011 BEACH. CA AP153 · 422 · 01 . , 214 COLTON ST, AP052 120 · 51 . , CA ENTRADA, NEWPOR

KACHEVAS, JEN. AP M APlS7·403-05 tl ,438.17 8742 NEWPORT BEACH. CA H51.19 3018 S 0 ND HAUS TAX-RATE B£ACH. CA 932 18 · 068 50 10 , tl084.08 189ll SOBRINO, MARIA OE T4X-"ATE GARFIELD AV, JACOBS, JEFFREY A. BREAKERS OR, CHARLES A, AP459· AREA07.020 EBBERT, ROBERTS, $1 18 28 1771 1 IST s LOURDES, APl 45-0l &- A.MA 04..036 HUNTINGTON BEACH, A P 0 4 5 • 0 7 1 • 2 5 ,... NtwPORT BEACH, CA 091·05.. 13,254.44 BOHL. JAIME. AP451· A P 4 4 O 1 5 3 . 2 2 • , BRITTANY LN, ~UN~~NGTON BEAC~l ~·EA·~85846.'1 5~~2 ALI. MIKE, AP024- CA 12.074, 18 248 CEDAR HATAELDr AOBERT L, 510 AVOCADO AV, 611 04., t 1,711 .12 tl ,101.20 2151 VISTA HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA ' HUNTINGTON BEACH• 142· 18., t 1,121>38 W T NEWLAND ST, NEWPORT BEACH, AP 0 5 2 • 2 0 2 • 1 3 • • NEWPORT BEACH, CA 2201 POAT LERWICK ENTRADA, NEWPORT CA GE .. RKE ROBERT A CA ' 301 5TH ST, ESTATE NEFRONEY CA el , 158.04 338 KENDALL, ROBERT A, PL NEWPORT BEACH BEACH CA AP932 · 18·0 68 5020, A p 157 '. 4 3 4 • o 2 ' BANK BEVERLY HUNTINGTON BEACH, CYNDETH, AP153: WEBB. JAMES P, EVENING CANYON RD. AP 4 5 9 • 0 9 4 • 0 4 . , CA ' PIANTER, PETER c $635.40 17711 tl594 66 8472 ' CA 481-18., . t 1,712.54 AP 0 4 6 • 0 7 1 .. 3 2 · • NEWPORT BEACH, CA t3,4H.58 2200 ZENZ. BRIAN H, AP JR, AP440· 113·34., BRITTANY LN, SUNKIST Cl HILLS CON, APl 4S· AP024· 142· 18.5010, 1722 MOSSFORO OR, t521.47 318 CEDAR MC KEEVER. MARLIN, WATERFRONT DR, 9 3 4 . 8 1 • o 1 4 , , t4,499.48 409 VISTA HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH: ~=;;~··· Du~i431·g:> U12.55 301 5TH ST, HUNTINGTON BEACH, ST. NEWPORT BfACH. A PO 5 2 . 2 0 2 . 1 4 .• NEWPORT BEACH. CA tl .517.IO 2782 GRANDE. NEWPORT CA CA ' HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA CA U ,453.44 332 Z I E L 0 N I( 0 • HILLSIDE DR 14 BEACH, CA

TSCHOHL. RAYMOND BARNES RHIO PCH ~~NTINGTON BEACH, CA HENDERSON, ROY M, C 0~~:5s. A~LE: EVENING CANYOf\4 RO, FREDERICK A TA, AP NEWPORT BEACH. CA LEY, DOUGLAS A,. F, AP938·31 · CAPITAL ASSETS INC MIE8, DAYIO S STUPIN, ANDREW, AP 1 ~ 3 . 5 4 2 . 1 5 .._ .._ A N, 4 NEWP--OU IEACH, CA 4 15 t - 1 0 2 • 1 8 . , - AP 4 4 0 . 2 1 1 . 7 1. , 01 1.50 1~. $'184 . 29 AP"159 - 121 · 01 ' 145 223 0,.3 AP024- 147-03 ., t57).~ l!581W2·2l ., H ,138.28 PHILLJPS, FREOERICKtl .140.54 417 TAX-MTE t1 , 101.172724VISTA 785 1 SOUTHLAKE DR t11 908 44 1es1' { tl l7i 71 1752 · • 1421.80 211 STH ST, IAYONNE DR, 231 PROSPECT ST, TA, AP052·210·1t., BEGONIA AV, AMA 07..018 DEL ORO NEWPORT 11 HUNTINGTON FLORIDA. ST CA.NTEABUAY DA HUNTINGTON BEACH. HUNTINGTON BEACH, NEWPORT BEACH, CA H~Jll.1,1 _ 1H NEWPORT BEACH, CA GORDON, M$CHAEL, BFACH CA BEACH, CA ' HUNTINGTON BEACH• • CA _ ~· - KOONTZ, KARL 0 , SHORECLIFF RD. ORTIZ, GASTON, AP KENNEDY, LORNA LS, CURTiS. DONALD C, 1tAATOl , ANTHONY"C~ -- • -RED£VElOPMENT CESENA, LOUISFJR, AP045 · 073 · 29 • NEWPORTBEACH, CA 461· 11 4 · 10 . 5010,AP117 · 802 · 10 . , AP440 · 211 13 . ,

S. AP939·27· 102., CENTRAL PARK 15, ~~ l 4 5 • 2 3 2 • 2 l AGENCY OF THE CITY AP 1Si . 54 4 . OS ., 1434,88 FORMERLY KAYAJANIAN, JACK 152.17 2511 BAYSIDE U ,085.40 2~1 t1 ,381 .58 501 tl .298 .08 17740 A p 15 9 . 3 7 l . 1 5 ., UOt l2 , 521·2 OF HUNTINGTON Ul7.14 1141 AP045-073·21.. 215 J, AP423..022· l4 OR, NEWPORT BEACH, S~~TIA;~ BE CH gA CANCHA, NEW~ORT SAMPSON LN C·9, 1518.22 6858CORRAL YORK.SHIRE LN BEACH, AP024-147· ,ALERMO DR. 81ST ST, NEWPORT .5010, •t .077.H 118 CA N1;nPO A • BEACH, CA HUNTINGTON BEACH, Cl, HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON B!ACH• 33 ., 171.00 212 STH HUNTINGTON BEACH, BEACH, CA 43AD ST. NEWPORT ZAGER, GARY ET AL. TAX-MT£ H 0 ER DEMAN N , CA BEACH, CA CA ' ST, HUNTINGTON CA WALKER, PAUL, BEACH, CA AP 4 51 • 1 1 5 • l 8 • , AREA 07..021 JOSEPH E SA, AP440-

TAX-RATE LEICHT CHRIS AP HOUGHTON RONALD BEACH. CA BANK, UNITED AP 0 4 5 · 075 38 ., AP423 · 023 · 08 ., t1 ,st3.H 419 ROSSITER BRUCE G 305·03 , U , 123.71 AREA 04-0l 3 1 5 g . l a 1 . 0• 1 L APl 45 241~1 PATfRNO, ANTHONY MERCANTIL£ TR CO N t2 ,940.48 421 12NO U ,382.16 120 43RO FERNLEAF AV. A p 4 4 2 i 8 4 • 3 o ' 1113 VISTA CAUDAL,

96 092 30 es11' t251 14 15o2 •• v. AP024-18S.20., A, AP1 53·544-38., ST, NEWPORT BEACH, ST. NEWPORT BEACH, NEWPORT BEACH, CA u 093 SI 1'4 NEWPORT BEACH, CA GORDON, RUTH LET HITCHINGPOST Cl OXFORD OR tl ,588.09 213 2NO U , 111 .78 8702 CA CA GONZALEZ. DAVID A, CORMORANT Cl AP440 305 -03.3202,

AL, AP110·210· 11 .. HUNTINGTON BEACH. HUNTINGTON BfACH• ST. HUNTINOTOHSAILPORT DR, GRISET, JAMES R, DIAMOND, DAVID F, AP45t · 231 02 ., NEWPORT BEACH, CA• U ,212 .231913VISTA t 138.48 T 5 R 11 SEC CA ' CA ' BEACH, CA HUNTINGTON B£ACH, AP 0 4 7 · 0 4 t · 2 0 · • AP423·023· 14.5010, t5,352.44 802 AP442· 284·30.501 o . CAUDAL. NEWPORT 34 POR SEl /4 • AP 159.381 .01 5020 MIER DAVID S AP STUPIN, ANDREW, CA tS,411 .38 431 31ST tl ,121.14 117 42ND POINS£TT1A AV, tl32 H 14 BEACH, CA

BALIGA. KATHERINE • 4410 30 . 681 1 145•244-U .. OlaS A,024 · 17 3 · 05 . , NGUYEN, ANNIE. APST, NEWPORT BEACH, ST, NEWPORT BEACH, NEWPORT BEACH, CA CORMORANT Cl AP440 ·30603.5010, R, AP110·221 ·11., HrTCHINGPOST Cl 15201 NOTTINGHAM 12,789.40 604 MAIN 1 15 3 . 6 8 1 . 2 8 . • CA CA AP451·231 -02.3203, NEWPORT BEACH CA •1 .201 81 1tU VISTA t 133 50 N TR 300 LOT HUNTINGTON BEACH• LN HUNTINGTON ST, HUNT1NGTON U ,181 .53 19302 WITTE, RUSSELL 8, JEHL, CHARLES F. U5.05 802 URBANUS ALANNA CAUDAL. NEWPORT 11 CA ' BEACH CA BEACH, CA CORALWOOD LN, AP 0 4 7 • 0 I 2 • 1 8 · • AP 4 2 3 • 0 3 1 · 0 I .• POINSETTIA AV, M HISSER• AP 442· BEACH, CA AP l 10 22 1 11 .501 0 , MC KENZIE CHARLES GAUDIO LOUIS JR JARVIS, FRANK D. HUNTINGTON BEACH. 12,177.50 107 30TH t4.530.H 5 BALBOA NEWrORT BEACH, CA 401 ·27 u '152 40 TOBIAS. SCOTT, AP 947 71 N TR 30 0 LOT p ET AL A.Pl 59.393. A p 1 4 5 : 3. 2 . 0 2 • A p. 3 7 . 1 5 . 4 I 1 . • CA ST, NEWPORT BEACH, COVES, NEWPORT AP45t 231 ·02.3402, 41 CORMORANT Cl, 4 4 0 • 3 3 4 • 1 t . . 11 13 S33 io A TR 245 ., 000 47 15052 U04.70 FORMERLY AP153· 581 · 28 .S010, CA B£ACH. CA 1•1 .314.31 802 NEWPORT BEACH CA U ,432 .02 554 VISTA

KELLER. MELVIN F. LOT 24 . CA.PETOWN LN APl37· 15-411.11 121 U ,031.41 11302 FERGUSON, WILLIAM AP423·03 1·08.5010, POINSETTIA AV. Aft442·401 ·27 .5'010. FLORA, NEWPORT AP l 10·221 14 .t37 .46 SAUNDERS JOHN W HUNTINGTON BfACH• LAKE ST U. CORALWOOO LN, PAUL, AP047·094-33., 1418.11 5 BALIOA NEWPORT BEACH, CA t1 ,t53 oo 41 BEACH, CA N TR 3015 LOT 14 APl 59.393.40 ' CA ' HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH, U ,391.40 117 25TH COVES, NEWPORT AP451-231 ·02.5010, CORMORANT Cl / TAX-MT!

J PETTlri·, ~A~f1~~r $330 10 A TR l45 LOT JORDAN, ROBERT CAJ ... CKSON LEANOR C~RANCO DOUGLAS ~l· NEWPORT BEACH, :~~C2H3, oc:l 0• 6020 =~~JS}hlA ~2 NEWPORT BEACH, CA• AMA 07-046 · " 40 DAVID AP11!5-011 · " • • • • • " · • • SMITH, JEFF E. AP

t37 .46 N TR 308 LOT D u N N I N GT 0 N 03 so3o t224 30 M, APl37· 15· A p 153 . 5 I 4 . 0 4 . . WILL, PRESTON D. U ,791.14 5 BALBOA NEWPORT HACH. CA 4 4 2 . 4 0 2 0 I TH 0 MA s s EN . 19 EUGENE E AP159. 80l1 GLENWOOD OR 418.3102, nos.et t1 ,522.81 8792 MASTER PROPERTIES. COVES. NEWPORT FOGG, LEOTA M. AP t4,024.48 56 GEORGE w. APl 17

PARKER, TREVOR, AP 393.45 tl90 92 A TR HUNTINGTON BfACH• t28 LAKE H , SAILPOAT OR, A PO 4 7 • 101 · 1 8 . • HACH, CA 459·232· 11 .. U27.72 SHEARWATER Pl. 421 01 ., U87.201911 1 4 9 2 7 1 1 9 .• 245 LOT SO . CA ' HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH, 12. 121 .08 213 21TH EVANS. JOHN F, 701 POPPY AV, NEWPORT BEACH, CA OOV[R OR, NEWPORT $2,620 .90 21 061 APl 59 393 45 SOlO PERUMEAN JANICE CA CA ST, NEWPORT BEACH, A P4 2 3 · 0 5 1 · 0 8 ., NEWPORT BEACH, CA BERTHOLF SANORA. BEACH. CA SHACKLEFORD Cl • • 56 0 3 ATR 245 LOT APlgs . o4l 30 ' APl37· 115·4H.5010,t LESOVSKY, LUDWIG CA t2,289 .22 4018 TUCK, FRANK APl31 1'0 802 , MOORE, GARY D. HUNTINGTON BEACH, 50 UOa 47 8471• U80.75 121 LAKE ALBERT TR, TOG PARTNERSHIP, CHANNEL Pl, SWEENEY JR, AP932· U,050.71 12 A p 1 l 7 . 4 2 3 1 O • • CA 18891 VALLEY HARMONY Cl 31, HUNTINGTON AP 1 5 5 0 l 4 • 0 3 • • AP 0 41 · 1S2 • 0 8 • • NEWPORT BEACH, CA 18-011., t551 .54 800 BAYClllEST CT 14, t 1,t47.07 1507

GRIER. MICHAEL P. CIRCLE INC REED HUNTINGTON BEACH• BEACH, CA U15.52 19582 tl ,927 .02 2001 W BRAUN, MARSHALL E OCEAN FRONT, NEWPORT BEACH, CA MARINERS OR, A P 1 4 9 2 7 1 · 4 2 .• ERNEST A ' ET AL• CA • DELUCA. E ft DUK(, CANBERRA LN, BALBOA Bl, NEWPORT S, AP423·082 01., NEWPORT BEACH, CA NEWPORT BEACH. CA $877 86 2 1082 A p 8 9 7 2 5 . 0 0 3 • AHN YONG AP A p. 3 • • I 0 . 2 5 0 •• HUNTINGTON BEACH, BEACH. CA UOl.14 3101 THOMPSON, J TR. TAX-Mn s c H I L L I N G • BECKWOURTH Cl, • 278 84 1 aa11' 1 8 s 0 e 1. 2 3 . 5 0 1 0 H<4a.33 !tlO LAI(! IT CA TEPPER, WILLIAM, CHANNEL Pl, A,. a 2 . 5 5 . 0 0 s • I ~ 07-0)4 CAROLIN! J, APl 17· HUNTINGTON BEACH. VALLEY Cl t1 77715 8301 MAR 207, HUNTINGTON COSTA, DANIEL L. AP047 · 1I1 · 07 .• NEWPORT BEACH, CA •4,131.72 801 LIDO TI•T" CO TRl1R 452·01 ., t4,S7t.74 .. CA HUNTINGTON BEACH• VISTA ' OR BEACH. CA AP l 5 5 • 0 2 4 • 2 9 • • te,t44.04 1t00 W HIAJI, , AON, AP PARK DR, NEWPORT 1121-00-2 &JOA, KERN, 1100 DEVON LN,


AP 1 4 9 2 7 2 0 1 · • WT NEWLAND CA ' AP t 3 t · S 0 • 3 0 8 .. IN EftENDENCE LN. BEACH. CA U .822.11 511 35TH APIU·H ·OOS.5010. 21.. t4, 141.14 2701 A,117 -4152·01.l 102, tl ,298 47 21001 ESTATE MAEDEL AOUSTA FRED AP 081.3t 400 LAKE ST HUNTINGTON BfACH, NORBURY, DONALD ST, NEWPORT BEACH, tH1 .73 801 UOO ISLAND VIEW DR, t1 ,3H et 1100 STRATHMOOR LN, MARIE · L ET AL• l 8 5 . O •1 3 • i g 202, HUNTINGTON CA W JR, AP047· 112.0l., CA PARK DR. NEWPORT NEWPORT BEACH, CA DEVON LN, NEWPOR"T HUNTINGTON BEACH, A p 9 3 2 • 8 O . O 3 1 • t l ,005.14 14102 BEACH, CA AP155·024· 21.3102, t4,180.50 1tl0 W C H R I S M A N , IEACH, CA 00881N$, DENNIS K, BOCH, CA CA 1593 56 8777 CORAL RIOGEVIEW Cl HAQUE, AZJR, AP U715.44 111542 BALBOA Bl. NEW,ORT BARBARA JEAN TR IAZZV. RICHARD J, AP 4 6 I 1 2 1 1 I .• APl 17· 4152 o 1.1103,

SIGNAL COMPANIES SPRINGS CT HUNTINGTON BUCH' 131·50-317., tlll.22 INOEPENDENCE LN. BEACH, CA KING, JERRY J , AP 112 . 7 0 · 0 I 0 ., U41.44 1729 PORT 11,080 17 1100 INC • 10A. HUNTINGTON BEACH. CA • 310 LAICf IT 102. HUNTINGTON BfACH, AP047 112 01 .5010, A p 4 21 1 2 1 . 0 3 • • u .022.u 121 LIDO CHARLES. PL. DEVON LN. NfWPOftT SOMERFIELD. RONALD CA • B A H R A M I HUNTINGTON llACH, CA 11540.78 11l0 W U ,278.27 HOO PARK DR. NEWftOAT NEWPO"T BEACH, CA lfACH, CA F. AP1S 1 021 22 .. A p 9 3 2 8 O 0 4 3 MATTHEW APlt&' CA AP1H 024·21 .15010, IAL80A Bl, NEWPORT NEWPORT Bl, BEACH, CA GEORGE, DOUGLAS 8 APl 17· 412·01 .1020 t58 1 32 8701 • • ' SMIDT, BART L. A' tll0.11 111542 IEACH, CA NE\WORT BfACH, CA STUHLEY, JON R. JR AP4H 222 08 U2 14 1100 OfVoN KNIGHTS Cl, :~=~N~~ 1777 CO~~ ~:211BR5?~~c~nt~I 1 :n 150 412 .1020. IHDEftENDENCE LN, AP047· 112·01.1020, WALKE... llLL. A Pt I 2 70 017 ., t4: 111.01 11271.N, .NlWftORT RACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH, HUNTINGTON BEACH' HUNTINGTON MACH : ttl0.42 711 OC!AN HUNTINGTON l!ACH, HU 70 1130 W AP423 112 12 ., U,721 .24 121 LIDO S!ACREST OR, CA CA CA • CA ' AV 420, HUNTJNGTOH CA IALIOA k , NEWPORT U ,411. 13 235 VIA PA"K DA, NEWPORT N[WPORT BEACH CA SMITH KENT JAMfS


• ' ' 1 11 • 0 3 I 0 1 • TOSO. JAMES T. AP BEACH, CA APU2 70·017 15010, A AP4H 223 11. HJl.41 UOI DOvtR t581S 48 20301 MARION, AP932·11· l915-20l·24 •• HH.Sl TAX-MTI e1 ,ll0.41 10022 0 4 7 2 I I · 1 t .. MYAN, DARELL L. •1 .217 .71 121 UOO t4,428 ,14 1Hi OR, NEWPORT l!ACH. MAGNOLIA ST. 010., t770.11 1331 H 2l HACllNDA Of', AMACM--OM - lllMARK OR, U ,111.11 112.I WA,423 112 12.1010, ,ARK DR, NEW'ORT IANDCAtn.E DR, CA HUNTINGTON BfACH. LAURELWOOD OR, HUNTINGTON RACH, FIRST AMl"ICAN HUNTINGTON l!ACH, IALIOA Bl, NEWPO"T U17.42 235 VIA BeACH, CA NlWPOlltT BUCH, CA ICIA"RA. JOS!J'H CA HUNTINGTON B!ACH, CA TRUST CO TR. CA l!ACH CA ITHACA. NEW,ORT DALY, WILLIAM F, ASHTON, ROHRT l , IRO, AP117 412-0t.

PETTIT, CARL f , AP C~NNG .. ABl R08EAT A i;,ur~~: 2'l~~r:ro R, CAUDILL, CHAL.Ml1' T, IN O R A , FI A , QUILLIN, CHARLfS A llACH, CA ' Ff .. NANDU, IMILOA, AP 4 SI 2 I 3 . 1 7.. e1 ,721.48 110l 151 112 01 . . • ttl1IH ltstA,113 · 112 · 10 . , 00MtNICK J JR, AP047 · 211 .. 0l .. A,423112· 12t5020. A,111 · 14 · 001 .. HOl41 1142 PORTNOTIINGHAM ,_D, tl ,19288 20011~·1 4 11:~37·"°;'::~HAClfNOA DR t~.,:.111 .H 1tl41A'111· 03117 , tl ,214,21 tU Wt1,I0577 231 VIAU.:..Hl.40 110SUIOURNf WV. Nl'MIDRT•Aat,CA SHOA!WOOD Cl. . . HUNTINGTON IEACH' H~K<>f'Y &.N, tl ,701.24 10212 IALaOA l&.VO. nHACA, N!WftO"T n .. NANOO IT 100, NEWPOlltT IN:ACH. CA M 0" R I. 0 N HUNTINGTON BEACH, ~5~'fN~~~N B!Ag~. CA ' HUNTINOTOH RACH, CONSTITUTION DR, NEW,ORT lfACH, CA RACH, CA NEWfl'ORT MACH, CA IOEKf, ROGU• L, MITCH(Ll, A'117 ' CA • FALANO TONY AP CA HUNTINGTON lfACH, NEWITT. fOWARD I.. HARRll, VfRN ! , A, R.<>f'H. IARIA"A, A, 411 • 27 2 1 7 . , 412 07., U ,472.41

PACHECO, MARCOS CA I . ' • ' I DOTY, NEAL R, A' CA A ftO 4 I • 101 · 1I • . 4U111-04 •• t4H.21 A, IS 2 · I 4 • 0 1 I ., tl ,011.74 1172 ,ORT 1100 CA"'9RIDGI LH. r . AP151 111.0t .• :1~·0:: 4: 0 21~:00 :la ... :.2 2 0

1111· 1U 143· 12 .. .. ., 71 QARDNIR, J(FFlRY t1 ,711.24 UI 210 VIA GAAZIANA, U ,112.01 110 NfLIOH l'l. NlWfl'ORT NrwPORT •ACH CA taSI 13 9031 • • CHINOOK OR Hl2 INHIMUCK OR, R Afl'lll-081.02 , ALVARADO 1111., ,.rwftORT •ACH, CA FERNANDO IT 201, lfACH, CA OUZDTTA ,AT'-ICIA MEDITERRANEAN DA, ~~~'fN~~~N BEA~~· HUNTINGTON lfACH' HUNTINGTON MACH, tl71.11 10101 NlWftORT IUCH, CA HARRll • fOGIR , NEWfl'DRT lfACH, CA HACATORYAN , ANN, A'11l·IOl-42:z HUNTINGTON HACH, CA • CA ' CA IAMOA OR, TATI. OIORGf TR, CLAUOINf, GIUlfT. IMITH, llCfNNfTH M. ZARTA,_, AP4H 212· U , 104.42 111• CA AftUl ·222 01 1010 IU .. NER. JAM(I D. HUHTINGTON lfACH, A PO 4. 111 · 0 2 •• JAMEi ... AP4U · A p 112· • 4 . 0 1 7 •• 01 .3102, eu1.u WARWtCK LN,

ROGERS. EDWARD. ..'f..X..~}! U11 .. attt' A,. 1 I I . 1 'I · 0 I • • CA u . 111.11 707 o' 111-01.. U~!7 42 H71.12 110 1111 PORT [DWARD ~T •ACH. CA A P 1 5 1 2 0 1 0 7 . , - -..014 CHINOOK DR 11 ll4 70 t112 QIU.Hr . , GARY IALIOA ILV • 2U VIA ll"ACA, Pl .. NANOO IT 204, Pl, N!WftORT IUCH, JottNITON, lf'UCI, U ,310.28 20451 LIHOU, G£RALO H, HUNTINGTON ll'.ACH' WAReURTON D .. , GRANT. A,ll~Ol2· NfWPC>ftT WACH, CA NlWPOftT lfACH, CA NIWPORT MACH, CA CA AP 1 1 7 · I 1 1 .. 1 0 , • l((LVINGROV! LN. A p 1 4. a. 1 . 215 • CA • HUNTINGTON RACH. 12., HH.71 1t711 c,oox. D10H4A2LOO, ' · A LANSDAU LIVING HAUINP, ~RAY IMITH. OARV J, A, n ,tol I 110t HUNTINGTON ltACH. U , 1H.t2 Ul 2 CA LVUNOTON LN, A 4 I · • • • T"UST TR, AP421· M. APIU 14 OU .. 4 I I • 2 I I · 1 I • , IANTlAGO Of', CA SANTIAGO OR, tr"Glfp:F 1"1f'IN A HUNTINGTON •ACH, U , '71.14 'ORMlRLY 11f.01 •• tl ,440.14 H40.H 110 U.132.11 ltll '°"T ~ •ACH. CA " EMHC>l=. ITtwART A. HUNTINGTON BEACH, TA>t-MTI 111·22Mi. HJt.41 CA· ~ AP041·1•2 Ol I0100I MJ V1A UOO IOUO, mNANOO IT 210, TOWNHNO C1, 1~MA ..... R J , A, A p 111 • 2 2 2 -0 1 . , CA AMA 04·020 11712 MITWtHOI MORAi.Li, ROKRT £ IAIJOA l&.VD, Nl~T l[ACH, CA NIWPORT •ACH. CA NfWf'ORT MACH. CA I 1 1 • I 2 J • 2 0 . , t1 111.41 1122 TAX-MTI LO VI l ANO . LH HUNTINGTON LOUii, A'Jl ... otl· HlWPORT l[ACH, CA CHILCOTT, WIUARO IA"ON, "ONAL.0, A' A,411· 211• 11.1101 U ,117 4 1001 w0oOCAEIT °"· AMA oe..o1• HOWARD, A'1tl-072· KACH CA 10., u .20t.ae 11H2 Aft0•1· 142·01.1010 • .-. A,4U 221-0> •• •a 2 - t 4 • o 11 . , t1 .teooo ttJt ft<Mtl MAfttANLH, NIWPORT HUNTINGTON lfACH, NARDO fUQENf D M ., UH.41 144J2 Hoo-'AZAR, IAtlD, l.fXIHGTOH LH. UU.12 100I £ U .041 .11 227 V1A t1 .U0.21 807 TOWNHNQ Ct, OOli91 .... C7

• 111•--

,.~-LAMY .. ' = • ':I":' ::-.o. ,,, ~ A,. a I • •• 2 . a• .. lilmlA. 1CA -.- ... ANl4-IO·CUl.I010. A, •t l • 'I l ·.!.!.:..1. ...... TIMlmfY u .. I ., I • ~I 111.1 ..,an.... . •:;. -tNM •• ,... IM ~ -- ••aM .. A&.TAiM.MMAO 1211 _..,,... . AP1•J11·

tt •I l·~r:--=- cam 'HNllTOlflilO~LA~TTllLL ='Ai"IT,COITA::~~~j f,00,0 . C:~~~ l.l~Aa·A=-~11.•10. 1491.91~~-·· •• ~--., =- .,. .... ~=r~~cro IU-1LJCI ~a.=- CfTY Oii COITA ~I, COST ..... ,. , •• ••• • • , • . , • U.u.111.oe , :=.~"'-CC.TA ~~-AV ...

A H A D p 0 U 17,IMM ... , II I071 Cciifi Ill HMYAm iM. ~ ANIJ-411-U., MICHAIL L ~.74 JIM 11 111.H 171 MAUC IUIAN KAY C09TA ...._ CA AP11\: ==v.:. "· P011T0...0 ..... 01n llA&.llACH,. CA ~a:. IT coa'f: .~.tt:o11 . .-A::"· COITA vtCTOMA IT COITA .,1 lt· 214 · JO .: .... , . ........ '!

... ,... • CA llACH. CA TAMll1l11 l8A. CA ' ..... JO 1 NOOGecM L.:MaA It. .-A. CA lllOllRT J u.•u.ao Ziii .... 11 J .. Na• ~ .. TAJWIAft :r~:::: .. ···-::·· ~..,. AP422 · 411 · 21 •• OMNGfAVl,CflaT KRU.JN. M.a.w.I llA~22 • 01• • • ~~~A CA AV, AVA·J.CflaTA~

A llAQt CA AMAn .. 11 cam "°"'~ .. """":,,0:=1r.~'f 1111 .10 I ..... CA '"'· APU7·'7M01., 11,741.17 1111 AP111· 214· iO.I04'0. ~ MMC-YNI. f#"'f:!t ICAUS R ITIPHIN ~ •ACH CA ui':i '271....-.oi ~~IT, COITA TAX.UTI .. ll.U 2IM MAIL'"' DI', COITA UU.M 2ttl IATll A'9•M~

14-£111.7' ::a,~~71 · 411 .: A·~~:o11~· AV. MAL llACH. CA AP4J2 · 41I·21 . . AMA, ... ,, ~ 1• COIT~ ..... ~.~~. AN22· ~:.. CA AV, •1.J0i.a1 ::

NOltTH STAR LH, 102 • 40NICIlHHiil11 I . , IUJI, ITIPHIH H. U11 .10 l40 kNA'f. JA .. I 'W, WM.SON. DAVID 112·11 .. IJOl.11 H4 ,.AOOWI 'AMILY Fll04f" AV • ,AUL JA:.CH·A~A llACH, CA NIWPOftT CORn ' PORT~~ ::..'..~.~ .. 471

• 1179 ~~IT. COITA AP422 •IJl•11.I010, ri:n, 1 H~l~r IW"MAL IT, COITA f'AlmCQHWt, A,UI· COS~=-:\ c-: .. N

111:111 -'22 VANGNHI. aHIWPOlllT•ACH,cA ""'"'°' Avt, HALA,422 - •11 - 11 •111.11 ' noi'N 4v , · cotTA ... • . c• 412.oe.. •1.1n11 sfMICONOUCTOlllNC, ti 7JO 11 4 ; J ...... AN»77- AP442·0H·Ol.I010 llACH CA Ul 1 10 IM IUNOANC( LH, COSTA MllA CA • ~ "CllPT 1977 FLAMINGO DR. A, ta 1 . t I . O IO ~J. iViMNQ ITAll LN 417 •• U ,211.44 240 U.020J7 Z17i ..... OF A .. flttCA VICTOAaA ST COITA MflA. CA • - M, AN22·3l+OI .. COITA MHA, CA U,281.11 2w ~ •ACH C • NICI LH 114, COftTf P<>ftTOFINO, NTalA n., A'17 .. MllA CA • IUIO.H 22IO IAILfY, MARY, FISCHER AV H.

CROllON THOt.A\ Nl\WOflT ••cH. CA NIWPOft'T •ACM, CA 411·21., •1 .01e.u IAITMAN W1WAM TAX.flt.Aft TAX.UTI '8>1RAL. AV. COIT MNNfY, OWfH, ., COSTA MfSA, CA A'1 h 711 U MAMIT RICHARD I I C 0 V I N N A 11227 IURNIOI AV R AP42J 442 21 AMA ,._.,, AMA 1-.oaG MESA. CA Ul·OJ-01.. ..Ot It IOUtCAI ASIOC-

f4 02174 • • " A, I I 0 : 17 · 111 .: IANOAO, AP442-0la.'. lfAL lfACH, CA ' •il4.00 • .14S CAITANlOA, .IOlf. VASHAR, VAGHOUI~ "IVNOSA, MICHA[ 1111 PELICAN "-· IATE5. A,.ll·ta-Oll., :vfNING ITAR T: c•1. 112.41 2IO 21,1.1010. ..71.11 fWOTT. RONALD. VtcTOllllA ST COSTA A, 141 . 0 7 2 . 0 2 • • A,. 141 . 0 I 2 • • I •• :; 70 ~422·at 1 ·i~ c:i~ M[IA c:uSAN HIJ.13 245 ASCHIR NfWP()RT •ACM CA AGNIY LH 207, 24 COlllTt A,. 171· 4 I 1 · O4 .. MHA CA • •1.821.12 3111 '1 .tU.14 17 • • • AV C·8 COSTA~.


IHV INC A'9» P!YKOFF RANDALL •ACH CA • ·• l!IGHTON JfFFRfY MC DONALD. JANE LONGWOOD CT, AMA 07.ota 71·t20.>103. HI.SI A, .,,...2.ose .. 21.. JOHNsOH, fLGIN f, HH.OI 2H~ •• AP141 ·112-02' TAX.Un LOUtSf. AP422·1U· COSTA MUA. CA TAX-MTI

ROGIRI, ANH A HO CAONfV LH 102, U,310.24 aoo• AP 171 . 10 2 . O 2 . , g~~~~l CA A ' t1 ,IH 04 7H AMA~ 17·• tl ,141.72 HS IU"T; EDWARD S, AMA 11·112 1 1 7 • 7 2 1 • 0 4 • NlWPORT IEACH CA CORTE HERMOSA U 171.21 14 EUPMAN LINDA R Ol. VWtC AV COST A l'fl>fltSfN, flOVD T. llHA T£ ST• COSTA A ' 1 I I • S 3 4 • 0 8 · • STOUT MC~ll. W .,, .... 44 1 IAR.-m. JAWS ... HEWPOltT BUCH, CA. sui.FSIOf, SUL A p 4 2' 2 . 41 s - 0 I ' MlSA. CA • A p 4 1I . 142 . 0 3 •• MESA. CA U ,118.H 2080 A p 4 2 2' - 0 7 1 · 0 > .: POLAIUSl>f',NfW,.ORTA,IJ0 · 77·17t .. AP442·0H· 21.1010,•ACH, CA UOOIOt 2104 CfU, J0£Y t771 .13 111 KARIM_i ESSAM, MANDAfUNOR, COSTA 4,275.H 1043 W MACH, CA t1 ,721.32 270 11.281.05 . 300 AP111·502·02.3102, CONTtNENTAL AV IAT\JttNIND C, AP141 · FA ... WINOS LH, COSTA p 4 2 ~ • 4 1 2 • 1 6 • • MESA, CA WILSON ST COSTA

MfSZICAT, DONNA L, CAGNfV LH I07, COlllTf HfRMOIA, 1247.17 14 SURFSIDE, COSTA MfSA CA '112-05., .• 1.182.44 MESA, CA U .430.22 7U W A'1ll·514·09,5010, MESA, CA ' A,.421 · 011 · 01 .. NfWPOftTRACH,CA N!WPORTl(ACH,CA HALIEACH, CA A,.422·453·01.3102 741 Ol.VMPIC AV, SPIELIERGER IL.SON ST, COSTA tl ,123.ll 2080 ORT, RONALD f, t1,112.H 1225 COONEY, PAMELA UTWILLfR, USA, AP AP171·502·02 5010, tH 74 2104 COSTA MESA, CA STEVEN F, AP411·182· SA, CA MANDARIN DR, COSTA Apt422 ·017·01.6010, IUSllXLH. NlWPC>ftT LOU, AP933·31·U4 •• • J 1 . I 0 • •• 7 . • t237.02 14 SURFSIDE. CoNnNENTAL AV SVotaoOA, ROBERT 21 .$010. uoe.24 107 Sf'ENCE. CHA,.US . ... MESAy.CA tH.89 N n. 12711 MACH, CA t1 ,US.•4 21 t1,2H.42 14 SEAL lfACH, CA COSTA MESA CA • JEFFRfY, AP141 · GfO,.GETOWN LN, A p 4 2 2 • 4 1 2 2 6 · • FRf • DENNIS G. lOT' '"ACTM~N. SUSAN STARFISH CT 31, CORSICA DR 54, MITCHELL. GLEN R, STEVENSON: MAR 7 2 2 . 1 0 . I 0 1 0. COSTA Me.SA, CA t1,~N~A AV c&Ui ::.',.! .~ i 8 3 1 • '1:0; AP422·077 01 .6020.

J, A"95-21..002., NEWPORT BEACH, CA NEWPORT BEACH, CA A pt 1 7 I · 5 0 2 • 1 I • • c AP•22·S05-21 . t 1,211 .41 151 TA>C-MTI MESA CA ' u 'NAGER DA COSTA t527 93 N TR 12711 U.721.11 1000 JOHNSON. WIU.YANA WHITE, CAROL Lff, 11 ,259.40 18211 .1 .uo.12 2020LANSING lN. COSTA AMA 11-oOM SANTAMARIA MESA CA • LOT 1 IUCKINGHAM 2. MARIE, APIH AP931 10.814.. SURFSIDE AV, SEAL MONROVIA AV, COSTA MESA, CA GRAV CHRISTOPHER ALFREDO AP422•412: A'13t· U 1· 13 SO 1 O CANYON VILLAS NfWPORT lfACH, CA 7e..025., UH.07 600 11,141.H to BEACH, CA MESA CA COX, WANOA, AP MfTCHE,LL AP4l2 H SOlO ' t3 219 12 tl57 57 ' llOa HOMEOWNERS ASSN,

MOHTGOMUtY, JOHN CAGNEY LN 217, CORSICA DA 71 . AP42l 605 21 5010 4 1 I · 0 1 2 • 2 I . , · • • 217• • a:,. • · T N · ER A P4 2 2 . O 71 . 1 4 •• APHS-21020 .. NEWPORT BEACH, CA NEWPOA: BEACH, CA PROPQTY .. CO.TA t251.t4 . . 202011 ,137.12 3158 ~:~1°'s.u.T!1 ·fil·51 cos'TA"Mfi!~~ AV .:.s~~ CA OR. COSTA '403.22 TRACT na17 U ,184.12 1000 COTA, YOLANDA S, PACINI. LARRY W, MUA CfTY MONRO.YIAAV. COSTA MANISTEE OR. COSTA CIR COSTA MESA CA CITY OF COSTA f ERNA No E z FORLOT A BUCKINGHAM 20, APt3e · 78 · 013. , Aptt31 · 10 · Slt . TAX-AA~ MEIA CA MESA.CA CORVI JOSEPH' A MESA AP422·412-01 OSVALDO AP141 • JAPS, RICHARD. N"lWPOATIEACH,CA •n1.H200MCNEIL•1.311.0e .. AMA11-004 FLORES ARMAND GRAHAM, SCOTTE, AP41l 104 19 ' u111o 21ot0154·03 1821111213AP422 · 071 · 115 .,

t----- TA>C-MTI ~~~~ NEWPORT c~~~8:r ~~~ LANE~...JOAN-CAR B, AP422·512·40 .• A p 4 1I . 0 2 2 . 2 4 .. 4 • • usi WAUAC •• . U03.22 TRACT 1331?


A,.938 - 78 · 182 931 · 80 · 118 ,530.42 2081 ' MESA.CA ,....."• " • ""..._,,.. NEWMAN, MtCHAEL tUO 54 102 SCHOU t1444' 81 l ; 8 MEADOW VIEW LN COSTA MESA, CA HERNANDEZ MARIA MIYAHIRA, l(OICHI. SANDOVAL, AP422 AP 141 · 115 7 0 5 .. AREA 15·115

I , A,.117..4'()2..()2., Pl.AZA 141 NEWPORT CORSICA DR 15 COSTA MESA, CA • VICKERY, MARCIA EVA AP418'.o32 04 A p 4 1 2 . 1 1 2 . 0 1 . • •&2· 12.. . t1 .7)1.5e ueo.oe 3008 BRIGGS EQUITIES U ,311 .21 1112 BEACH CA. ~EWPORT BEACH cA' TAX-Mn LYN, AP931 ·32·407 .. n•a to S1S U12.t7 1073 TULARE 2107 RALEIGH AV, FERNHEATH LN. FIVE AP42S-"52· ~~~ ~· NEW,.ORT HILL,. KELUY, AP ' AMA 11-ool 1~~·11.~2.J~~~~i3 TRAVERSE OR, COSTA D~:.ios;~~s:P4~~ c~~I~z~~s'f,.~~STO c~~Zi.~:E~~B~:T L 12.sOIO, U ,778.71 .,., 11:402 02.9010, ~~t7tJ~i:z ·~~:: ~o::~ :rv BUNTING, RUSSELLC. KRISTIN LN 1: COST ~~~· c~ONALO G 112-04.. '2.su.e.i A p 4 2 2 . 4 e 3 1 • . : A p 141'. 2 3 3 . 0 1 : ~~~TA ~~E"cA ST.

i:A~2:t~ ~~ORT n . NEWPORT BEACH, :t3~~ ~i 5 7 2•

11~io ~:~·1 ~3A2 ·407 5010 A p 41 • • 0 I 1 . 3 4 . : ~~~~A ~;~R~A DA. :~::J:a AV cJJ~l ~~~~~ON ST cJ:~: YOSHIDA. KENNETH BEACH, CA CA ~~~ IHA°wA1i c1R. cosTA tt5.54 2183 KRISTIN ~~4~~~T:s~E~~N~e: ARBAuo. · ~GUEL. MESA. CA ' MESA CA • ~1 083 ~';.9~

9jf1~=9 TAX-Mn TAX-MTE BL A ICE s L v . ~~~~-~s''2. 12 . so10. ~ 7• COSTA MESA, BAKER, . PAU·L · o. :r1~~. :.- 1 2 1 . ,00~'\A'i.r:: • .AP~~ .... i~~~ T:.0BE~Tp~~~·~1~~~~ PAR 1 UNIT 2

.AMA 07.o52 AMA 07-074 DOROTHY, APlll·H · 1319.39 1780 HAWAII STOVALL. CLYDE E, ::;:.~: 9~= 1HE~tN·A TUI.ARE DR. COSTA t211 .10 715 t21 ,788 .12 2790 i~~E~Vf~~A:~ IORCOMAN. KELVIN BATLEY. CRAIG w. ~~:00 :1o~~k~~o RD CIR, COSTA MESA, CA JANE s . MI c HAE L Cl, COSTA MESA. CA MESA. CA VICTORIA ST. COSTA HARBOR Bl, COSTA SEGREGATED OUT Of

DOUGLAS. AP42e AP 4 5 I · 0 8 1 • 3 3 . , CHUNG, YOUNG , H. OAVIO, AP937·88--051 ., NEMECEK. WILLIAM MESA, CA MESA. CA AP42S.233· 11 111· 17., U ,H7.84 13,7•5.84 2042 PORT 2~~·E~:5 B~ ~AP 131 · S7 2 • 31 .• 11 ,255.58 411 TAX-MTE R. AP412· 112·SO,. TAX-MTI CARLSON, CHAIS, 2217 f'AIVATE RD WEYBRIDGE Pl • • t701 .28 3387 BRYSON SPRINGS, AREA 16.015 t 1 100 SO 952 DAHLIA AP 1 4 1 3 7 2 1 0 • T4X-MTE NEWPORT BEACH, CA NEWPORT BEACH, CA• ::a; ~f . I 1 • 01~!i4 NEVADA AVE, COST.A COST.A MESA. CA RIVAS, ERNIE, AP424- AV, COSTA MESA, CA AREA 16·041 11 ,748 SO ' 52 AR:EA 16-11f A,.421· 111 · 17 3202 . MESA, CA TAX-MTt 051 ·32.. U ,858.9 SCHAUMBURG NEWPORT MESA SWARTHMORE LN. YOUNG, WILLIAM. D 12S0.132217PRIVATt TAX-MTE ~~~=~~Tc~ c'f s . BENSON, CHARLES R AREA 16-00, 752 SHALIMAR OR STEVEN F, A'412·11'i PARTNERS. AP42 .. COSTA MESA, CA JR, AP,24-212·33 •• RD, NfW~T BUCH, AREA 07-012 ' JR, AP141-022· 10.. HASTINGS PHILLIPA COSTA MESA, CA 21., tl , 120.H US 321 · 18., t34,e49.34 A WYLIE, FRANK B. t2.874 54 838 CEHT£R CA COLE JACK E AP TAx.MTt 11 ,729.92 135eAP117· 213: 135010. SOLEIMANY, AU A. CROCUS Cl, COSTATR517LOT1102 Al>1•1 373 · 19 . ST, COSTAMESA.·CA

TAX-MTE 13251'·114,., 19J1 .22 A.REAl 2.ooe GARLINGFORD ST• t1,716. 12 · 118-)AP•24 · 054 · 04 . , MESA, CA SIMMONS, RICHARDteS544 2547 CITY OF COSTA AREA 07·o&7 21 KIALOA CT 114 COSTA MESA, CA SANTA ANA AV tl,589.04 787 HANSEN, NOEL H JR, P AP424·323·23., GREENBRIAR LN, MESA, AP424-271

NEWPORT BEACH CA LOO, LARRY L, AP STEVENS, ALFRED. COSTrA MESA CA SHALIMAR OR, COSTA A p 4 1 2 . 2 1 2 . 1 8 . , t829 .83 939 W 1 tTH COSTA MESA, CA 29 • 1681 .44 585 W GUSTAFSON, fRANI( TI L LIN G HA• ST 2 1 7 • 0 9 2 • 1 3 .• A P 1 4 1 • 0 2 2 . 3 4 . , LONG MlCHAEL MESA, CA U37 .11 929 9EGONIA ST, COSTA MESA, CA PAJARO, ASTERIO, 18TH ST, COS TA

E, AP119·321 ·40., ROBERT F AP9l 2•58: 11 ,827.85 3920 11 ,742.02 3157 DAVID ' APl 17.253• TRAN, THAO OUC, AV, COSTA MESA. CA LAVOIE, MAURICE E, A p 141 . 3 7 4 1 7 ., MESA, CA 11 ,485.12 2231 108 11• 114 25 2

SUNFLOWER ST, SEAL SHARON LN, COSTA 18 a1 184 38 325 AP424·054·05.3202. HEREDIA, ENRIQUE, AP42 .. 381 · 10.5010, •1 .299 20 397 IRVINE AV, NEWPORT ·• • · BEACH, CA '.iESA, CA ·• • · US0.57 783 A p 4 1 2 . 2 1 2 . 2 5 t 1, 155 19 947 W PRINCETON DR COSTA TAX-M TE BEACH. CA ~~~MER ~l~PO~AP217 · 092 14 . , SEALS, JAMESRIMPA~~s~E~AST!. COSTAsHALIMARDR.COSTAll ,111.82 94c)11TH ST, COSTAMfSA, CA • AREA15·127

TA>C-MTE BEACH CA t935.94 3900 J TR. MC HUGH, RICH, WEIDNER EILEEN L MESA, CA CARNATION AVE, MESA, CA BRVANT,OOUGLASE. MAZZONE, ANTHONY AMA 07-0e7 ATKINSON SUE ANN SUNFLOWER ST, SEAL ~ P 1 4 1 · 134 · 0 2 ., A p 1 1 7 . 2 5 4 • 2 2 ' AP424·054·05.5010, COSTA MESA. CA SADONY, PAUL E. A '1 4 1 . 3 I 3 O e , M, AP411·083 21 .

BALBOA ISLAND A p. 3 2 . 5 '9 . 1 4 4 • BEACH. CA I 1, 171 .eo 3039 t739.H 305 E 19TH U 14.38 783 EHLE. GERALD R. A p 4 2 ' . 3 e 1 . 2 2 • t 1,989 91 323 1823 89 900 VAN PROPERTIES, APOSO· t 2,HLIO 27 IMA LO.A BL.AIR, TULAV R, FILLMORE WV, COSTA ST, COSTA MESA, CA SHALIMAR OR, COSTA AP 4 12 · 2 13 · 1 2 .• tl ,587.94 1771 BOWLING GREEN OR, NESS CT COSTA 052-01., 14,290.24 CT 144 NEWPORT AP 217-094-12., MESA, CA TALMO.JACQUELINE MESA. CA 1383.27 920 MONROVIA AV, COSTA COSTA MESA, CA MESA, CA 135 OPAL AV. BEACH CA tl ,007.14 4784 FIRAP141 · 134 · 20 . • R AP117· 341 ·30 HALASZVN, JAMES. GOLDENROD OR, MESA.CA AP 14 1 313·09.5010.I NEWPORT BEACH. CA ATKINSON KEITH w AV, SEAL BEACH, CA u . 112.ee 3032 •1 . 141.10 453 E 19n4 AP 4 2 4 • 112 · o5 • cosTA MESA. CA TA-X..fltATt I'" se J23 aowLING TAX..fltATE

LARSON. VIRGINIA H APl32· 61· l44 5010' STERN, LEE c . AP FILLMORE WY, COSTA ST, COSTA MESA, CA 12.475.00 773 SCOTT PHILLIPS . ELIZABETH. AMA 16..()4.4 GREEN DR, COSTA ARE.A 15- 13'& TA, APOS0-093 25., t30l.8J 27 IMA LOA 2 1 7 • 1 1 4 · 0 5 · MESA, CA APl 17· 341 ·30.5010, Pl, COSTA MESA, CA J, MICHAELS. MARKG, WESTERN DIOCESE MESA, CA APPLEMAN. ARNOLO U ,127.43 211CT 144 NEWPORT~trv~·73AV :~:~ GARCIA, RICHARDC. t442.74 453 E 19TH HARVEY, E ALMA, AP935 · 09 · 040 ., ARMENIANCHURCHOF PERLMAN, NYA APB. AP439· 1S4·01 ., SAPPHIRE AV, BEACH CA • AP 141 . 141 . I I .• ST, COSTA MESA, CA AP 4 2 4 2 0 2 1 2 , tl ,924.01 341 t NORTH AMERICA 1 4 1 3 I 1 • 0 4 . , tl.23..& 1 1 2493 N!WPORT BEACH, CA PARSER HE N BEACH, CA Ute.43 3045 APl 17· 341 ·30 .5020. t588 .80 731... CENTER TIMBER LAKE 40. A p 4 2 e _ 0 fi 1 0 5 ' U , 127.H 263 IRVINE BL F2. COSTA

HENNESSY, JAMES SUSAN, • AP9l2~J,. AP217· 114 OS 5~Jfe COOLIDGE AV, COSTA tl ,733 .35 453 E 19TH ST, COSTA MESA, CA COSTA MESA, CA , 4,30172 l30 E 22N • HANOVER DR, COSTA ~SA. CA W, APOS0.112· 317 12 025 28 4 •trv! 88 AV SEAL MESA. CA ST, COSTA MESA. CA DAV, THURSTON, TAX-MTt ST COSTA MESA CA MESA, CA DIMOND, CRAIG R, 07 5010, t4,478 39 £SCAPADE' d 317, ~ACH CA • HICKEY, ANNE 8, FISHER, MARK. AP A p 4 2 4 2 0 4 0 9 • AMA 1S.Q38 CORSAR. SHIRLEE. WALKER. GREGORY AP 4 3 9 1 5 ' . 0 4 •• 114 CORAL AV, NEWroRTBEACHCA ANDERSON AP141 · 833 · 32 ., 117 · 342 · 14 ., t499H707CENTER LAKES JOINTAP42S · Oe101 H, A,1' 1395· 1e . U ,102082'63 1RVINE NEWPORT BEACH, CA ' TIMOTHY EDWARD• 1574.30 3134 KERRY tt .008.78 487 ST, COSTA MESA, CA VENTURE AP410_511 • tll3 SS 152 E 22N' U ,45311 200 8L E3 COST.A MESA.

BARTON, CYNTHIA G, TAX..fltATI A p 2 1 7 . 1 7 8 4 3 .: LN. COSTA MESA, CA FLOWER ST. COSTA TAX-Mn 02.. • t 142,308.30 ST, COSTA MESA, CA ~~~v~: DR. COSTA CA AP060 · 142 · 3t ., AMA07-oM U ,819.70 35301 MESA. CA AREA16-022 3400 AVE OF THE AP428·011 ·01 .5010, A'141 395· 1950 10 TAX-Mn !2P,OOOLE1N.~2 ~~ SAOOVGHtANZAOEH, t4fATHER Cl, SEAL :~~1:o. A~~!,Ha~~· 21 csiNg· - DEVINE, DONNA ARTS, COSTA MESA-; -H07,~ l52 E 22N 1117475 2 ' AREA 16·138 " " ,. ~ HOUSHANG. AP•e1 . BEACH CA · • 11• • • · STARLING, AP141 · CA ST, COSTA MESA, CA HA.MOVER DA COSTA DONOVAN JOHN A NEWPORTBEACH, CA 063-01., U ,814.84 2 ' LANGMAS, DA\llOA, tl , U0.13 1798903. 10 .• 1831001130AP410 - 51 1 · 03 . . ATTALLAH . MESA CA . AP412 e•2 · 38 '

TAX-f'ATe ROCKY POINT AO, TAX-MTE AP 4 1 9 • 0 5 5 · 0 2 · • ~ANTA AN.A AV, AUSTIN ST, COSTA t15,,895.08 3400 MAHMOUD H. AP426 REECE PAMELA J S3 203 90 344S

AMA 07.oA N~P~~T ~:f~· i~ AREA 12.007 ~~?::R~2 DR. cJli! ~~TG~~:~~:.~~IS L. M~!~f>f: VIRGINIA ~~~T~~E~E c:RTS, ~;~511 .0RA:~e0224t A p , 4 ' • l 9 5 3 7 : WIMBLEDON WY. SCHWAl.8E, .. 0LfH, MOHAMAO AU, AP BROOKS, DARREL MESA, CA AP42 5 · 142 · 05 ., KAYE. AP14HS04-07., AP410 · 51 .1 · 04 ., COSTA MESA, CA • t1 ,0 20.5 I 218 COSTA MESA, CA

::.~~ :; 2 g :;12, 5 • • 4 8 1 • 1 O 1 • 1 I . , W, AP043· 134- AP•11·05!5·02.5010, tl48.47 422 E teTH 11 ,883.22 3051 VAN 1112.288 34 3..00 STEPP, F M. ~~~;~~NOR, COST.A l TAX..fltATE • • t12 874 U 8 24,5010, t29.48 23 080.11 2271 Pl. COSTA MESA, CA BUREN AV, COSTA AVE OF THE .ARTS LIBONAO "OMAN JOHNSON JAY M

:-~~~ ~~ NEWPORT YORKSHiAE. NEWPORT 13TH ST, SEAL BEACH. RUTGERS DR. COSTA ZANDER. MARY MESA. CA COSTA MESA. CA • A p 4 2 9'. 0 7 3 0 4 .: A p 1' 1 4 1 2 'e . AREA 1' ·145 .. • BEACH. CA CA MESA, CA LOUISE. AP425-151 · GORDON, MICHAEL A p 4 1 0 . 5 1 1 • 0 s .• e 1,581 00 2270 • 1 eu ee 2520 DUKE VEROULT. ARTHUR J,

:r404218-2252•25•501 0 . KERSHNERMARILYN SCOTT. GEORGEBJ. MCLOUD. BRUCE H, 22 .• t841.H 250 EJOHN, AP141 -e5209 .. t111 033.92 34000RANGE AV, COSTApL ' coSTA MESA CA AP412 0 4 2 - e l. . . 0 1717 AP481 1 '11 - 2s .'. AP043 · 252 · 01 . , AP411172 - 07 . , lSTH ST, COSTAtt , 119.38 3132AVE . OF THE ARTS. MESA. CA THIBAULTSTEVENJ tl ,50889 3'93

IRVIN! AV, NEWPORT U ,432 .40 14 tl ,931.21 800 tl ,819.83 373 MESA, CA PIERCE AV, COSTA COSTA MESA, CA MAYER, DORIS C, A pt 1 4 1 4 2 4 O 8 QUEENS CT, COST.A BfACH. CA NARBORNE. NEWPORT ISLAND VIEW DR, SEAL VICTORIA ST, COSTA FERBER, RICHARD E. MESA. CA A p 4 10 . 51 1 . 0 8 .• A p 4 2 e . 0. 1 1 • . • • , 734 24 2513COLBY MESA CA


AMA 07.070 J, APIH-45-033., L. AP043·254-23 .. AP 4 1I · 172 · 1 5 • • Pl, COSTA MESA, CA U ,000 48 310 COSTA MESA, CA OLIGER. AUBRE'! L JORDAN R AP1' l 042 070 . 12 180.24 GORSKI, MARK I • .AP t2,071 .7123LUCERNE t2,812 .02 1740 t721 .22 358 RALCAM ANDERSON, DAVID A MONROE WV, COST A P41 O 511 · 07 , TR, AP421152..05 . 454'-02 tile 97 20113'90 QUEENS CT,

4 4 0 . 0 2 4 .. 0 • .• ST 33. NEWPORT CATALINA AV. SEAL Pl, COSTA MESA, CA R. AP42S-331 · 14 .• MESA. CA •120,891.24 N TR 1312.31 271 LOYOlA RD COSTA COSTA MESA CA •1.714.22 2229 ALTA BEACH, CA BEACH. CA AINSWORTH, DAVID tl ,713.07 233 AP14 1 852 H 5010, 12341 LOT 8 CAMEUIA LN. COSTA MESA CA ' TAX-"ATE vtST~ DR, NEWPORT MC LAUGHLIN, BOGDA.NOV, MARV J, TR. AP419 172·32 . PALMER ST, COSTA t43 1 28 3101Ap4 1 O 5 1 1 . O 8 , MESA, CA BELCHER, C"AIG AIUA 15-149 llACH, CA CHARLES J APl38- AP043 · 211 · 10 . , t4H.182113THURINMESA, CA MONROE WV. COSTA19e54492 N TR MOSER, COTTA o AVID AP1419e4-

FORDE. DOUGLASW, 45..051., t4:141 .58 20 t1 ,t7t.92 405 AV, COSTA MESA, CA SWIFT, P£TER. AP MESA, CA 123C1LOT7 JANE, AP428 324-11 . JI t183231 1003 MANGUBAT. LANA A,440 · 041 · 17 · SALZBURG ST 61 , CRYSTAL Pl. SEAL PETERS, PAUL425· 402· 04 . 5010 , TAX-MT£ AP410 511 09. t81540 1117 IAVINEMISSloH DR COSTA ~771397!~7:,tril~ U ,t?l.H 2417 NEWPORT BEACH, CA BEACH, CA RICHARD, AP419· t 1,041.48 218 t13e.801 48 N TR AV, COSTA MESA. CA MESA CA BAY ' · COSTA MESA, IAMIOO ST, SUN JUNG JA AP QUINN, JAMES 172-3e., tl ,258.20 MAGNOLIA ST, COSTA AREA 16"-021 123'1 LOT I TUaBs DIXON W TR NfW,ORT BEACH. CA • J 9'. 4 5 . 0 5 ' 3 . MICHAEL, AP1H· 382 HA~LTON ST, MESA. CA FROST, ROBERT A. A p 4 1 0 5 1 1 1 0 TA>e-Mn AJAM ABOUL HAAZK. CA

ALDER, CORY W, AP 1• 459 84 24 031 ·38.. tl ,232.t• COSTA MESA, CA LARSON, LOUISE J, AP 1 1I · 131 0 7 · t13e 798 38 N TR AMA 15-Mi A p 141 e 7 1 o 7 ' TA>C-MTI 440 - 043 · 08 . SA.LZBURG ST 53, F 0 RM ERL y SA.MEE. TAREK. APAP425 · 481 · 12 .• tt . 199.34 2327 12341LOT9 ~ER, DAVID s . ,492218 1045 fl AMA 1&~ i.o U ,471.12 2433 NEWPO"T BEACH, CA AP199..031 -04 100 4 1 9 · 1 I 1 • 0 8 · · tl ,872.10 1731 ~J~i~l~~JER CA AV. SAKIOKA FARMS AP 13t · 0 8 !5 · 1 6 • CA.MINO DA, COSTA STATE Of IUNYA ST, NEWPORT ROSE. ROBERT A, eTH ST, SEAL BEACH, U ,77111 447 SANTA ANA AV, AP1l9 131 1(;7 SOlO LAKES JOINT t1 ,103.52 3201 MESA, CA CALIFORNIA, AP420 BUCH, CA A Pt 3 8 . 4 e . 0 4 7 . CA HAMILTON (TP) ST. COSTA MESA, CA . • VENTURES AP4 10 COLORADO Pl. COSTA A, 1 ' 1 6 7 1 . 1 7 012 ,, •toe 20 T 8

ALLE80RN, ROBERT U ,773.78 ,· A p 1. 9 - 0 3 1 . 3 8 . f COSTA MESA. CA A p 4 2 5 . 4 8 1 . 1 3 .• 1109.13 2327 511 11 .. 1'2,934 26 N MtSA. CA 111,120 01 1011 EL R 10 s'Ec 9 ;.OA OF SCOTT, AP440-06!5 CHERBOURG 47, U ,94034 FORM£RLYAP422 · 021 28 . , 11 ,08174 N TR 3202~J:~1~:JER C AV. TR 123'1 LOTA MCNA88, JOSEPHl<,:AMINO OR. COSTA SEC AP,2007101 04 .. U ,370.35 2HI NEWPORT BEACH CA AP111·031 ·05. 137 18,814.20 570 LOT l3 LEVl~E JO~N ~INOA LAKES JOINT AP 13I · 1 2 2 l S •. MESA CA tl06 20 N TR 13349 IASIWOOO ST, TE ' eTH ST, SEAL BEACH, HAMILTON ST, COSTA WELLS, JEFFREY B. T'" 'p

39 tll

0.. VENTURE, AP410-51 1 12.114 40 3191 HAITI ' LOT 1

N!WPORT HACH. CA TAX..fltA CA MESA, CA AP 4 2 e • 1 I 2 • 0 4 . . " · A ' • • 12 t25 3to 30 N TA CIR, COSTA MESA. CA TAX MT! A,440 OSI 04.1010, A"EA 07..oea QUINN, JAMES M, DUNCAN, CLIFTON 8. 13H.35 140 E BAY U .. 051 20 204 MONTE 12l'1 LOT a · UADEA. MYRON G. AMA 15 04M TAX·MTt Hll.H 2HI AETNA LIF£AP191 · 03l · 11 . , A .. 422 · 01, · 15 . sT, COSTA MESA,CA VISTA AVE, COSTAA,410 511 13 , .AP131 122 '1 . UNITtD STATCS OF AR£A1&·1A BASSWOOD ST. INSURANCE CO, WJS t2.3H.41 121 7TH t1 ,0SS.11 FAIRVIEW SMITH, LARRY R, ~~F;:r ALAN AP U ,441 .11NTR12341 t4,47100 3151 AMERIC A. AP141·313 DUA TORRE NfWPORTl!ACH, C.A INC, .AP44S-14121 .. ST, SEAL8EACH, CA FARMSLOT20W115AP421 · 282 · 0!5 , • . • LOTC COUNTRY CLUB OR 13 t1S720 TR3741 vteTOA AP<l l lJ7~

:T16TR C0t11.14832 5031AP191 · 032 · 12 ., FTSH21FT ·LYINGE1451.21 1t8'•3t 111 1 4 .. AP410 51' 14 COSTAM£SA, CA LOT 1 ftOR OF LOT ' " JR 11A· 112 3 ·00 2 . BIRCH ST, NEWPORT U ,313. 1• 117 7TH OF Cll OF CHA,.LE ST NEWPORT • 1 BLVD, ~~:~~·:· AV cJ:::. U ,482 12 N TR 1234; AP1lt 122· 4 1 5010, ANO POR OF LOT 45 ~iVf.~~(~5fN22cJ:f: ::.,~:.~o 0

•• ~=1·5 :et~·sc~ 4 1 3 0 • • ~T .. ~~AIL s::~~·ocl. . !)( ',.'" 0 s H A N • c~~~~~A. c~R. MESA, CA • ~0: 4D1 0 6 1 1 0 1 g ~~J~y CLUB 3b~3 A ~U,"!'~ · 3MJAr~~~~: MESA, CA •

CAROi aT, NEWPOR t1•.0t0.2t 6016 12,511.62 20t 11TH MANOUCHER,A,422 1 Apt428·2t4· 27 .6010, DOBOAGCOMA~ .. \ELV812N 11,441Ht<fTR12341 COSTA MESA. CA ttH 152 111 SONORA TAX..fltATf

BfACH, CA llRCH ST, NEWPORT ST, SEAL BEACH, CA 02.02.. U ,Ht.12 1270.H 1155 U LAS. A,-4., 1 LOT E SCHW•RZ. WlLLIAM RO. COSTA MESA. CA AREA 15·170 LAIASH. WAYNE. A BEACH, CA GLOS SBRENNO . 1111 CHARLE, COSTA FULLERTON AV. 11 • t1 ,15_?.;,14C02SST7I A, 4 1 O. 6 1 1 . 1 t •• f , AP139 13' lt . Tf'llOLET. ROBERT IC.. COSTA MESA

4 4 2 2 Q 1 • 0 I DAVID FORKER, Apt MES.A, CA COSTA MESA, CA FAIRWAY ~. A U ,771.20 N TA.12341 U ,011 to 1160A,1•1 · lJ2 · 1 a ., ptAA~ERS , AP141· U,171.81 3 WINGEO TAX-MTE 1 t t 0 6 1 2 0 . SKINNER. RAV L, DfAN. RONALD. L, MESA, CA LOT F BARBADOS rt. COSTA Ul4 14 tot 351 ·20., t4U,174 01 FOOT LN, NEW,.OftT AMA 07.o92 U ,333.53 201 7TH Apt422· 1U 12.5010, AP 4 2 I · 2 IS · 1 I .. APOl · 112 · 11IOJ~iAp4 'O 6 1 1 . l 7 ., ~SA, CA MAGELLAN ST, COSTA FIRST ADD TO llACH CA ROHAT ST. SEAL lfACH, CA U7 to 114 IH1 45 JOO ALVA tH.41 2 t2 64101 N TA. 123' 1 SCHMITT, SHARON A, MESA, CA FAIRVIEW K 15 LOT

IWlGlRT, ALLEN, A, R UKRO~.:'tt1 023 04 KVL!. WILLIAM VORKSHIR! ST. COSTA LN, COSTA MESA. CA FAIRWAY DA COSTA LOT Q AP 1SI · 1 11 · 0 4 . , EDWA .. DS. HER RT J PO" OF LOT AND 4 I I . I I 2 • 0 e • 7 GE"ALD. AP1H· Mf:SA, CA DEf'T Of VETS MESA, CA A,. 4 1 O r. 1 1 . 1 I . , 1761.32 3114 $ TR, AP141·5« .(), ., BlK 11 LOTS 4'7 NC 0 ,111.. 2121 c'i·~~ .. l~J o~ 063 215.. •1 ,I07.17 BECKE ... JAWS P, AffAIRS OF STATE Of KLING. VIRGINIA I t1 511)()NTA12341 018.RALTA,.AV, COSTA H21H111 SONORA AND a 14 &NC ANO f'l•f 0 ... NEW,<>ftT ' 211 MAIN ST, HAL A,.• 2 2 141 · 31 . , CAL. DAVID EA,. 4 JI · 1I 1 " 1 I LOTH MESA, CA AD, COSTA MESA, CA BK 17 ANO al.IC 11 llACH, CA NfWl"ORT RACH, CA BfACH, CA IHI 4t 1158 PV"CELL. AP421.J01 · 1461.12, 2511 IANK. ARST IC RANK l W I Cl , WHITE, DAVIO L. POR OF Bl.I( AND 81.K

TIATR to KERSt!~~~·1~~~·~~N AN'fOCI, IAAIARA, ANAHEIM AV. COSTA 11 .. 1412.IO 371 ( WfSTMtNSTtR AV. Nn'WOl'K SAVINGS, CH[STEA. Aftl3t·1U A, t 4 I . 5 I 1 . 1 • ., t I & 12 PQft OF lll<S TIU1" Ula 00 2 . M, .. .. A,., •• 08 2 . 21 • MESA, CA 11TH ST COSTA COSTA MESA. CA FARGO HOTEL.$ COR ... OS . tl ,784 .42 1611 U ,021 .IO HO FAIRVIEW Bl.I( II'°" MYAN, MICHAfL, MOt1, 1~l~~O o3: tS14.to FO,.Mt:RLV KOVALfNl(O, IVANMESA, CA RUSS[LL,ITANL£VJ, AP410 121 · 01. , LAIRADORDR. COSTAM.AC[LLANST, COSU Of LOTS 1 · 13 IN c A P4 I I · I I a 0 4 • N ' APN 111082·2111 EUOENE, AP422 111 HENRY, THOMAS 0 A, 4 JI · 2 2 1 4 I ·• U21 ,421 24 3350 MESA, CA M(SA. CA AND BU It LOTS 1·7 t1.to1.u 1024 NTl~T.~~c~iif:, 1u 00UtH1N AV, 44., t101 .10 21u 2ND, AP421i1247 .. 1754. 11 2eot AVE oF ncr ARTS. HOGAN. ELUN, M AP141 -sa1 . ,.,,010. INC ANO ILK•• POR IANOfltflfR D,., lVINf APtle 47• SEAL RACH, CA SAN MICHeL 0" fAST, • 1,t71.J4 421 l 20TH DRANO! AV, COSTA COSTA Mt:IA, CA I A,. 1 l I · 1 I 2 • 0 I .. 1747.73 HO Of LOTS t EW ILK A Nf\WORT IEACH, CA

00L 1 ·u 001 47 •l A'1tt·0•2 21.1010, COSTA MESA. CA ST, COSTA MfS.A, CA MHA. CA CT T•"'-MTE OU.JO 160 MAGELLAN ST, COSTA POR Of' LOT ANO

TAYLOft, RC>al,_T ' · • • • 7 tl ,Ht.40 113 MAZAKAI, BRIAN R, REINICI(, MICHAEL, llDlN ~~ COftSICA Pl, COSTA MISA, CA CUMMINGS ~ MOONS A,. 411 . 11 2 1 O , , MOHT'fLllfR • DOl.f'HIN AV. llAL A, 4 2 2 11 1 0 I ., AP 4 2 I 3 2 1 • 0 I ., HOMEOWNU'5 ASSN, AMA 11-031 MHA, CA llRAHIM, MAGDI. ADO BlK S ftOR ()ff tltJ.11 1114 :~:r4r7 a::f~·o ~~ l(ACH. CA tl ,441. ,. 2011 U .4•5.01 415 COSTA A, 4 l I . 2 1 2 . 2 I .. w l D GI w 0 RT H . O'IRl(N. MtCHA£L ' · AP141 ·IU·SO.IO10, LOT AIA~D ST OOC.otNROO AV, 40010 4i AVZAAADfL . ARNOU> AV. COSTAMUA IT, COSTAtUIOI . FOftMfRLVJAMESW. AN22052 AP111 · 11J · 2!~ .. 111212 ... A,141 · 351 •20.5010 NIWP<>RT•ACH, CA ~TPfLllfR 7 MOftRIS, A'111•122· MEIA,CA MES.A. CA A' 4 l1 · 212· U . JO 21.I010, U72.H 111 tl ,I00.14 t&I VALENCIA IT, CO TA IH, 171.41 2ni

MISCH.. MICHAU CH CA. 04.. t212.. no CITY OF COSTA APOl·U1 011010, PAtltefl 4 °'PIM Ut 1 MOOJHKA Cl, COSTA MV"TlEWOOD ST. MEIA. CA PtN CAEEllC DR ILDG 1nv1N. A'9J4-J1 · N(WPOftT KA • CARMEL AV, HAL MllA, AP422 42• OI •• •17007 411 COSTA MC CALLUM. MARV MtSA. CA COSTA MfSA, CA AP141 · 114·10.5020. n . COSTA tMIA CA 004., •1 ,211.70 4 TAX-MTI lfACH, CA 1211 , 10 1014 MllA aT, COSTA J, Al'4H·281 •4l.. CITY OF COSTA IOOHIR, MIAH a. t1 ,02t.7l Ill ' CANYON Ill.ANO°"· AMA07· 101 ~. ROllRTVJCTOfUA IT. COSTA,.14, CA ....... to U4 IANTAwsA, Al"422·174-0t .. AP111 · 21> · JO . VAL(~IAIT, COSlA TAX-MTR NIWPC>ftT •ACH, CA DUNA. c.srv. A • • A'1H·11104 .. ... A. CA MAATHEN. A"ILO. ISAtn~ AV, COSTA UI 1. 10 2112 t1 .I08 O> 1Hl MISA. CA AMA 15-1•

fllOTT MICHAfl. C, 4 4 2 . O I 4 · SI . U .2H OJ lltl A, 4 2 2 · 4 2 4 · 1 I ., Apt421·U2·01.1010, MflA, CA ftOMONA AV, COSTA IAMAR Of', COSTA T ....... Tl TtlUR, .IU'MtY I , Apt 14 . 11 · O4 4 , , 14,412.H 3072 CREITVllW AV. HAL t211 . 10 I 1141.50 47l COSTA WARD fl.AINI KAY, MflA, CA MfSA, CA - .- AP 4 2 I • i I 2 • 0 I • .. at1 oa 44 HA CDRTt '°"TOAHO, •ACH. CA • VK:TORIA IT. COITA MISA ST. COSTA A, 4 '' .a I J. 0 I . A" 4 2 2 . 174 . 1 4 •• OALVA, OAV1D, A AMA 11.-9 t1 ,21a.u UI 211T 11&.ANO Ott HfWPORT NIWPC>f'T •ACH, CA A,1H• 111·04.I010. MllA, CA MISA, CA IHI M 2tl MONTt U1 t . 10 171 1 ~ t • 2 I 1 • 2 1 , lflVIN[ CO, Aft427 IT ' · COSTA ..... llACt4 cA' AP442 OU•H.1010 u .•z.u 1HI A, 4 2 2 . 4 z 4 . 2 0 . ' AP421·322·0S.S020. VISTA AV, COITA 'itCTORIA IT. COITA U~l1t.70 212 190 OI .. H ,744 . • CA Ann RteHARD 0 1111 .. aon ca«n c11UTY11W AV, MAL u11 . 1ot10W:TORtA t1 .1eo u •72COITA ... A. c.t. MllA. cA 11.ec:tR n . COSTA atlO AlftWAY AV, APl Ii . 21 · 012 ' '°"'TOF'WO, NIWPORT •ACM. CA IT, COITA MUA, CA .. IA ST, COITA W 00 OW 0 R TH DfltOA, GU..LlllMO. MllA..1-CA COITA MESA. CA ..... ,, • tl.411 .IO ii ••CH. CA MANION. WA VNl Q, A , 4 2 J . 4 2 4 . 2 a •• MllA, CA MARTHA, A,. .... A , 4 2 2 . 1 I 2 . 0 ' • • WOT' A, QR(QORY ' · , .. TH. J(FJ1'(Y, FOWfTAml VIJl.j,ft mn

WfON CT A,40 Ol .. H .I020 A, 1 I I · 1 11 .. 1 I .. U1't . 10. TllltTI, OSCAR t. 018., 1111IO'ti.MO11 U A f' 1 I I • 2. 1 l -1 0 . A,• 2 7 • 1 I J • 0 I • • TllUl•11 NIWPIM'TUll024 I072t411.H 1I01W:TCMUAIT, COITAA,42• · 122 · 07 ., FORW._lY A'9H· MAPL( IT, COITAU,01712 1111•4.112.ll 11!4 AWlt ...

CA CORTt '°"TOANO. CATAUNA AV, llM. ....... CA • 1210.12 412 COITA 20-01111 JOO ALTA ... A. CA ,AL.AU Pl. COITA AtflfillAV AV, COl•A I u ou.uoa, """'°"' llACH_. CA ••CM. CA VAIQUU. JULIUS • • Ml.IA ST, COITA LN, COSTA .... A. CA 1Qtr• NA • A CA MESA, CA c It ••

.. ..

___ _... -- APt · 101·1•. IE' t di .... '""99.~L .__. _ -vr ., •t. ii14 It... • •O •II 1

, M.. tt .. NOii.a~ ANTMGNV. Cl R. maAl&·.IWTl4 LAWA.JGl•ttR. ~ Al U &.- I 711. .....

AP II 1 · 114· 1 I ., MIVALLIY. CA fa - #i0..0.... Pt 41 •111 01 II 'I •. t I I . I W.~6\ CA • WU. 1NU

!~~·"~,~·,TT~.~.J&'ICT.•-= 11.10 ·~, ... CA :t.=.:.MCU AL- ~!·· ::ft'~':I: ett ....... , •. N:'li - 1~1. VAWY. CA 11.111.u 9411 IOWI YAW\' CA AINYALLIY cA ..... c&MN.. ••• DA• • 11.0111 ' CA t.U I DIU ... A ..... .en A'112·1H· t2 .I010,Q,'°""'A•YAUIY, unU. YIWI. • AP44t .'1a1-11., AP411~tll· IO.. CA • TU.11 Wl9T,!RVM.CA :::.:l'CA !~2.1' '';'C:,~ CA A p 144 . 4 41• 4 I., ~AX-Mft •tn.11 147U t1,2M.IO LOii ON. WIUJAM D. AW-- ITINIGflla.. r -MATMAWAY GI VAUtv CA T~,T9'0M.1111A!l1Y11N 11,0ll.H 11111 AMAlt..U WAYUllY LJe. lllMNI. C0MW000 LN. A,411·011·.ll., ITlf'I ...... YM. RICHAN>tt'~~tT MllRT Aliii7

• • • .. • - · •• AWTHVIT CT. CA 11N1N1. CA tt,Ml.10 11 ' M . -- ' - -KEUYUAN, AIOGHIG, 1714.04 11411 ,~TAIN VAIJ.IY CA ~ GAYLCMD MAV9 TOWV " Dl' ... •NDAYIDW OlllCHARD •Wiii. CA AP411 ·l lJ· O1..:.i MU WIST. •VM. Oll.I010, t-...

A,11J -"744 · 01 .. LINDIH ST 'OUHTAIN ' C, A~•111-oe .... , ..... ,· •s1 1 ' P"ll 1 ·• 10 ' a.a-o' •t,411.M w CA Gl---.0 Hl7.1411M1SAHTA VAUIY, ' CA TAX-MTI 14,111.11 174'0 MT ...... "• • 1 " A • • • · • _. ' UU. IMOOTING STAR. ICHINOI\.. JC* G, •YM. CA "AMONA IT, WAKAMATIU, AMA lNMH Cl.ffWOOO Cl, ~IC 4~2 =10 I :.. 1102 f.711 21 •VM. CA A p 11 o . 1 I 2 . 2 I .. AHl1·0 ·0tl.IO FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA YAIUN<>f'I, Af'117· IZALlAY. LfWtl M. P:OUNTAIN VMUY,CA IMNI. CA • CAMw':u..~ c GAANGf. aO..OM. MOM:OI. LOMAINI 11.no.11 ' tJM.21

ALPAIO, "Olf"T J, U1·27 •• 1114.12 AP144 -0t1 · 41 ., F A R D , VICINTI. GIORGI AP•ll·U4'·0l.IOIO:•YINf.CA A IA, ANl1·112· fUNCON, lftVINl, CA GMINAILO MONTt9'1SI, , JOAN, 1700 TURnlOOVE AV, H"U. 70 11Sl4 MT G H 0LAMM0I111 TR, Af14U.211•11., tl7 .l4 U LIMON NAIH, THOMAI L. 04.I010, 1121.to II IMNI. CA AP112 · 744 · 21 . ,FOUNTAINVALL.fY,CAIHfLLYCI fOUNTAIHHOllEINI AP1tt40t· t1l71 1 l 4't1TRH IRVINI CA APll4 · 70· 010 IHOOTINQ ITA", TAX-MTI VAKIU. MA •1 .7&1.22 .... MfWf ... THEOOOflf VALLl!Y CA oa., n.soo.1• 11170 LoMA iT lf.VINt CA ARNOl.O . ...... ., OH 20 1'i •YINI. CA UHRAINI CANARY AV, M, AP157·204-0I •• GOllY, WILLIAM"· COUY "'"'" Cl. HA ...... : &.ucv: AP SYTH-A9'NOU>, CAM: ITARFLOWIR. IAVINI, , ... K. HYO• UM. AMA•1• A,111 :41·21 4 FOUNTAIN VALLl!Y, CA 1742.n 11171 A, 144 101 . 4' FOUNTAIN VALL!Y, CA 441· 211· 11 1010 A, 41a . '.,4 10 CA A, ... 1 . .... · O 1 .. A"fTAC, KMOfl, A' Hl1" ' AP'1 '2·744· 28 .6010, ACACIA ST. FOUNTAIN U ,235.10 18401 MT ll9'ATt. JACQUfLYN 1111.11 ' 1411; tlJl.OI 11 JOADA.N HUfftllt. p JtNNRR, 11,101.12 t 12 t • 0 I I · 0 I · GMrNNLO. IR U ,305 • .21 Ut9 VALLl!Y, CA Nf'Wl&! .. AY Cl, I , AVCO FINANCIAL c"YITAL Cl, lftVINf, !AIT, IRV1Nt CA A' I a 4 . 7 I . O 1 I ., HAWKRIOGf, IRVINf, U,H7.24 •••1t~t CA CANA .. Y AV, GE .. MANETTI , FOUNTAIN VALLEY CAH .. VICH. A'ltl· CA MYlM DAVID M tM111 10 CA CHAWLAIN, '""'""'• MAUTON FOUNTAINVALLl!Y.CA GE .. ALD J, AP157· HOUGHTALING , 42.2·U .. U , 104.70 AP44t 2U·U 1020 AP1a2'. 1 t · Ol1 • G .. !fNLfAF, IRV1NE, ... c,"A,Mf'·.~~(~·· CA •oo•• K ANH A"j7.47.

BURKE. PAUL J, 242·34., 1301 .14 FRED .. ICK C, AP144 17200 N!WHC>f't ST, Ull.27 1411; t1,111.71 t2 GOlDfN CA .. 4 - • . · • lAUU, " "'" ' t1,M2.40 1 "'•3'01311 212· 772 · ~~2'-i IHI PETERS CT, 104-11.. u11 .11FOUNTAINVAOLL~Y • .fA C"YSTAL ct. IRVINE, GLENITJ.l .. VINf,CA HILL, KEN~ETH •• ~=J::.~.NG , .. v,Jl A•1' ... '1~~·1 71' ' :J.irOIUfNFllLD, '"

• · FOUNTAINVALLEY, CA 11472 l'JOftY AV, D f 8 ., " • CA DOOITMA .. D APt34 · 10 · 011 .. ' ' •" • CA SHANNON RIVER Cl R. GOSTANTIAN, ARIS, llOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA JACQUELYN, AP111· JACOBS, DONALD J, £SMATfl APtl2-~ U , 111.90 101 WUT CA ON G .. EG~V TRENTON. l .. VINf, CA Af'H7·47· 214.a01 FOUNTALINAVLA0LL8EY0• CS/I AP 1I7 • 2 I 3 • 0 8 . , WIGHT, DOUGLAS E, 422·24.5010, t1H.03 AP 4 4 9 . 3 1 1 . 2 1 • , 003. t714.0t 24 YALE LOOP, l .. VINf, Ni~P4Sl·l7l ·1I TAX-MTI 1110.01 1

VI l • t1 ,24t .81 9401 A it 144 • 123 • 0 1 ., 17200 N!WHC>n ST, t1 , 1H.H 3112 O'VAl RD 3 IRVINE CA • ·• G"HN,IELD, l"V1 ANTHONY L. AP112· TANAGER AV E, 11.113.71 18052 MTFOUNTAINVALLfY,CA STEINBECKCT, IRVINE, C ' ' KAZfMI, MOHAMAD, 11,111.40 2 AMAl~Ge CA •• 802·37.. U01.12 FOUNTAIN VALLEY.CA HICKS ST, FOUNTAIN CONCAPMET"O CA ~ENSEN LARRY C Af't34 nl1 · 002 ., SUNCRfflC, l .. VINf, CA IEIMA. JdHN G, O'HARE.' PATIUCK 11287 SANTA ROE. HO J, AP157· VAllEY,CA CENTREASSOCIATESL KIM, H£RIK, AP Af'ti 2 : 4 0 · 02I 'U,313.11 120 WEST YILOl .. IM, GONUL. APl21 · 114 · 71 . , APl37 · 11" 01t BELINDA Cl. FOUNTAIN 215-11 .. tl ,290.74 HOUSTON,EDWAR P, APtH-71113., 4 4" 3 1 7 . 0 I . . . • YALE LOOP, IAVINE, A ,4 I 1 • 8" 1 · O8 .. n .sa1.eo 13 u 331.14 VALLEY, CA 11812 CAPENSE ST A AP144-134-01 H71 .SI 11170 t2190 70 14912 11,431.20 101 OVAL CA H ,1U.ll 21 MONTICELLO, IRVINE, FOXHOl.LOW 3

DEMKO, STEVEN. FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA .s'o10. t1 ,!S11.21 WARNER AV 202, vu'ccAAV, IRVINE, CA RO 1• '"VIN£. CA APl34 11 ·002. !5010, IEECHWOOD, IRVINE, CA IRVINE. CA A p 112 · 821 · O1 • • CASE, CHARLES T. 18280 RAINIER ST. FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA All'449 317·015.5010, L .. Aopt11~:010N.0J2E01'so'"'y t1 , 139.38 120 WEST CA STEIN.:. NICHOLAS, APU7-S5·03t .901 t2,247 .98 18487 AP 1 5 7 • 2 9 8 · 1 4 ., FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA CROSBY, DONALD L H16.34 14912 • •

3 • • • · 10, VALE LOOP, IR'VINE, SMEIYE, RONALD I<, CARL. AP651-017.01 ., Utt.41

SANTA ALBERTA Cl R, 045 83 11177 PARI( DONG SOON JR, AP93171•231 .. YUCCA AV IRVINE CA 14.tl t SOLANA, CA A 11'4 5 1 · II1 · 3 9 ., •1 .071,14 11 ,OXHOlLOW I FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA CAPENSE ST, AP14'4 · 171 · 25 : t504.58 17210 JONES, MtCHEAL w , IRVILNE, ~ N E LYNCH. DANIEL J. U,151 .H 11 BENNINGTON, l"VINf, 1,.VIN(, CA

VICICOVIC, TOSHIKO, FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA t2 288.88 11591 NEWHOPE ST 1202, A p 4 4 I · 3 t 1 l 1 . SI VER A • H NRY, A p I 3 4 . I 5 . 0 0 2 " MOUNTAIN \SH. CA QUINTE .. O A P ll 2 I 2 2 · 0 I • • BESOYAN, ROBERT MARIGOLD Cl R. FOUNTAIN VAUEY, CA U ,321.21 14157 i A it I 3 5 . 8 2 • 0 8 1 .. t 1,451 .12 21 STONE IRVINE, CA EVANS, GEORG!. A p 9 3 7 • 1 'e t1 ,875.20 18478 W AP15731237 FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA BOVE. KEVIN LAUREL AV IRVINE ::15•17 I SEGURA CREEK NORTH IRVINE IOESEN, SONIA. AP AP'551 · 072 · 01 .. tl 14110 SANTA CARLOTTA ST, •2 924 II 1i 870• Mf ALDANA RUDOLPH MICHAEL, APt31·71· CA • ' • IRVINE, CA CA ' ' 135-90·051., t223 .40 11,041.21 27 DUANE, HAVENWOOO 1 FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA SCHELIN Cl FOUNTAIN JIMENEZ jR, ALDANA. 270.3302. 12158.41 Hill RONALD L, el~i9MAN, AP93~:z.e FROELICH, KARL ~~"ii 18 sC~~~ IRVINE. CA ... VINE CA APl 12·822·08 .5010, VALLEY CA DIANA AP144-171 · 17200 NEWHOPf ST A p 4 4 9 . 3 t 1 . 2 • • _CONRAD~ .Aft.U ·U · · WEAVER.._ EUGENE J, AHAMI U.SAMA ' 547·75 18478 QAVY


JOSEPH AP 29.. t909.83- 11823 12 ,--FOUN'r-IN 1679.32 - 3811 FERN Oet.. tl ,ltt.31 052 ., U00.49 321 91 • IR'\'tNt;-CA A PS 61 . o"'7 2 . 2 4 .. A p. 3. : , 2 . 011 SANTA CARLOTTA ST, 1 S 7 .'3 7 2 . 1• 2 MARIGOLD Cl R, VALLEY, CA ST, IRVINE, CA NAVARRE 77, IRVINE, O .. ANGE BLOSSOM HILL. GAIL S, AP U,431.94 29 .,27.ll 27 CLA" FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA t2 513 94 1575 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA HESS. MAYNARD B, TANG, MING CHU CA 171 , IRVINE, CA :eo312· ;1i~4r50~a°o BELMONTE, t .. VIN!, CA 12, IRVINE. CA

WU. CHUNG NAN, WADE . RIVER Cl ADLER, GREGG R, APUl -78· 279.3302, CHUANG, AP449· HEIDARY. PEYMAN. • IRW HERNAN D £ Z , SMITH. US AP143 ·232· 11 .5010, FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA RENT A BUCK INC, tSll.10 17200 392·04.. 041.80 ~-:::,. AP934 · 18 · 073 , :~1·:~·::· ;:2 5020

ROBERT. AP651 ·072· KEASL!R, APH S24 1 58 9838 DIETZ DONALD w AP 1 4 4 • 1 7 4 · 0 9 . , NEWHOPE ST 121 • FORMERLY AP449· 11, 1 I0.84 482 • • ' ' 157.5020, 1401.32 4 60-019.. t 1 .416. GARDENIA AV. AP15 .7 · 482 · 08. t448.2818435SIERRAFOUNTAINVALLEY,CA 392·04.81 14811 ELEANOR WYNNE. ORANGE BLOSSOM, t187 .1317 FIRWOODCAPECOD. l .. VINE, CA 21 MARIGOLD 1 FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA t542 77 11980SANT4 ST FOUNTAIN CAMERON, JON, AP MULBERRY AV IRVINE APtll·ll0-64.5010, tRVINE CA 42, IRVINE, CA IR'VINE CA AP143 232· 11 .5020. CATHERINE ST, VA°LLEY, CA 938·78· 37e .. 080.18 CA. ' ' •1 ,414.79 FORMERLY APl34· 18·073.5010, ARDAKOUL, MEHDI TAX-AATI VA.ZIN, ALAN, $900.17 9138 FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA ATONOO, OSCAR F. 11830 WARNER AV AP449· 392·04 5010 APl81·H0·70.5010 8 t44.13 482 ORANGE GHADERI, AP938·01 · AMA 21·112 9 3 8 . 5 0 . 0 9 7 • GARDENIA AV, MC DONALD A p 144 . 1 7 4 . l 2 405, FOUNTAIN ., 813 08 ' 14ee1' IU.AKE CT, IRVINE, CA BLOSSOM IRVINE CA 0915.5010, U17.71 ea Gu Ev ARR A u OH H FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA ARTHUR J AP187: UOl.41 16487 . •VALLEY. CA MULBERRY AV, IRVINE, NCHARLESMORCOS, IA.KER, • TERRY L, BRIA .. WOOD 95, EDUARDO P, AP621= WEEPtNGWOOO t

MEDINA. ALFONSO J 023· 10 • t723 38 SIERRA ST, FOUNTAIN TEPLITZKY, BURT CA APH1·110· 14.1010, Apt 3 4 . S. 3 - 0 2 t . • IRVINE. CA 201-02 .• U , 104.70 51 IRVtNf, CA SR. AP143·251 ·40 .. 17572 LIVE OAK ci° R VALLEY. CA ALAN, AP938·78 481., BYHAM, JAMES C, 1911.56 FORMERLY tl ,551 .41 3 CLEAR KENNES, GILLES. BlUECOAT, '"VINE. CA APl31· 50 097 .1501 S2.283 82 1 &81l FOUNTAIN VAlLEY CA RUMNEY, ROBERT R, t&41.80 11830 A,. 4 4 8 . 4 1 1 0 7 . • APH9 Hl-<>1.5010• 8 WATER. IRVINE. CA A p. 3 8 • 0 1 • 1 0 2 •• AP529· 201 ·02 .5010, t411.50 DAISY AV E, HAMBAICK JAMES, AP144 · 203 · 18 . , WARNER AV 808, t499.30 14931 ALCOTT CT, IRVINE, HUTCHINSON , u ,s7o.OO 18 t125.75 51 WEEPINGWOOD 9 FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA A p 1 8 7 0 4 2 . 2 9 t 1,088.70 11712 FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA ATHEL AV, IRVINE. CA CA SANDRA K, AP934· BRIARWOOD 102, Bl.UECOAT. IRVINE, CA IRVINE, CA AP143 251 40 .3402, t550 44 1761°3 ESPEN Cl, FOUNTAIN AP931· 78 · 4S1 5010, ZOLNER PAUL. TAX-MT£ H -029., 12,335.88 31 ~~~~~ g~ 102 6010 AP529-201 ·02.5020, MARINO JAN $25 .94 16811 DAISY Locu'sT ST FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA :o~N~~ v 11:,38° A p 4 4 9 : 4 3 2 . 0 8 . . • .. EA 2e-011 LAKEVIEW, IRVINE, CA 1350 4S • IS . ' H41 .21 51 MARIE, • AP9H·6 AV E. FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA BL Ac KB u RN . Fo"'uNTAIN V~LLEV CA t2.324.S2 3516 KAZARIAN, ARTMVR, BERMAN, ARNOLD, BRIARWOOD 102 BLUECOAT, IRVINE. CA 142 .. 11 ,707.31 3 VA LLEY. CA GILLET. FRANK L. EDWARD S, AP . • PECAN ST IRVINE CA A p 4 3 4 . 0 1 1 1 2 A p 9 3 6 . 0 1 . 0 1 2 . ' IRVINE CA • TAX-AATI ORE£NBOUQH 14

SUE. VANG IL. A p 167 1 13 . 1 2 . • 144·383·08 .• 1394.29 PA---Tv IN SYLICAN. OSCAR F t3 720 24 111a't' u .122.22 78 WEST CASIS BENEDICTO AMA 2 .. 113 If.VINE. CA A p 143 2 7 1 2 2 .. $317 02 9698 LA 11843 POPPY AV. .......""" ' • co'NsTR. UCTION w c YALE LOOP, IRVINE. • • 0 SULLIVA $1852 08 16692 M PO AV FOUNTAINVALLEYCA IRVIHEOITY AP449 - 43 2 · 31 .. ' ' CA AP938 · 0 1 · 114 . • CALLAWAY.WILLIAM DEIRDRE AP93l 5 CEO R. Cl R A A LA • ' 1782. 18 3541 fBOE IRVINE. CA tl 150.50 112 O 2NO AP530.171 · •



WEBB. ELLEN I, A p 1 8 7 1 1 3 . 1 8 . 402·43 .. 91 ,927 .82 PERCHES WILLIAM R AP449: 432·44 052·35 t32 681 32 • 1, 144.41 10 G H' O LI z ADE H • • CA A P 1 4 3 3 6 1 1 5 .• t 2.882.48 970l 11537 MT MICHAELIS M, AP449·441 ·37 ., tl, 150,80 3482 EBOf 2582 .• KELVIN AV. LAKEVIEW 79, IRVINE, ESKANOAR AMIR'. A Lt:~~~· 1 ;'~L_-'t~A . AP938· 55· 214.SO1 $383.48 l 8768 TALBERT AV. Cl, FOUNTAIN VALLEY. t 1,874. 14 1 WOOD ST. IRViNE. CA IRVINE. CA CA A p 9 3 e . 0 I . 0 4 1 .. u 053 29 9 URBINO. t210.85 l BUTTERNUT Cl R, FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA CA NVMPH, IRVINE, CA TRUJILLO RICHARD MURPHY AVE TAX-RATE t3 292 72 27 EAST IRVINE . CA ' SPINNAKER, IRVIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA AP167 113 16 .5010, CHANG, LEO JUNG JONES. BRONWVNN. M. AP4S1.024-07 ., PARTNERSHIP, AP435· AREAll-031 YA,LELOOP41 tRVINE. ' CA

ZILLGITT. JOHN R. t44331 9701 CHUAN, HSIA, RITAE, AP449 · 451 · 20 ., tl ,714. 18 115451193·04 .• 114,619.32 CA ' TAX-MTE · VAIUSO, MAURE£ A p 1 4 3 3 6 2 . 1 0 . • TALBERT AV. A p 1 4 4 4 1 4 . 2 2 .• 1947.01 9 TIGER. VERDUN Cl. IRVINE. CA 43 CORPORATE PARK, ~~~~.g INC APU8 08 041 3202 AREA 29.1,. A, 9 l I . 5 6 . 2 1 I . 9508.37 9616 FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA tl ,80088 16642 IRVINE CA AP45 1024075010 IRVINE CA • U12 48 27 EAST tl ,208 .93 1 MARIPOSA AV, A Pl 67 113 18 5020. TERREL ST, FOUNTAIN IRVINE CO AP518 tl 89 1 40 .\5451, ' :;; "s~:.1: i 1BKO ~SO YALE.LOOP 41 IRVINE A ~E~Dj 0F~E~~RI~ 4 A, SPINNAKER, IRVIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA t2,553 29 970 1 VALLEY. CA 01115 , •41 ,917.23 VERDUN Cl, IRVINE, CA TAX-RATE • · CA ' ' • • . ' CA

KIMURA. MARK, TALBERT 1' \/ , ANDRADA HENRY G IA'llNE SUB LOT 296 MALLEY AMINA AP AREA 2e-G16 PG 41 PAR I tl,02J.S8 2 ROUSS, JASON AP 1 4 3 5 2 1 3 2 . , FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA A p 1 4 4 . 47 1 . 8 2 ' BLK 13 8 POR OF LOT 4 5 1 • 1 'o 1 • l •9 . , IRVINE CO, APS88· TAX-MTE WINTERS, MAURICE CANDELA, IRVINE, CA Apt 3 I . 5 5 • 2 5 7 t2 , l 5S.58 9793 KOTLER , TOLi , AP '1 ,933 .52 16894 MT ANO POR OF LOT 297 tl ,395.14 15082 011 · 13,. 17,547.91 G. AP93l ·S4-027 ·• TAX-«ATE t2,773.H l EMMONS Cl, 1 8 7 1 2 3 1 6 • DARWIN Cl, FOUNTAIN BLK 157 HUMPHREY Cl, IRVINE, IRVINE SUB LOT 296 IRVIANE .. EAC02• l ·04-t ~l·~l~o~P 2~1 IR~~SET AMA 2f..117 SEAWINO, IRVINE, C FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA $2 ,51218 9 165 LA VALLEY CA CA Bll( 13 8 POR OF LOT • • PRUITT MICHAEL R MOSS, NANCY

AZCONA, ARTURO, COLONIA AV, TOUMOOGE SHAWN TAX·MTE BUCHER, KATHRYN DUPONT PAT10 CA AP529·073· 21 6010, APl31·11 115.501 AP 1 4 3 5 2 1 5 8 .. FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA S APl 4.:_473 03 AREA 28·007 A AP451 · 252· 11. TAX-RATE BUILDING.. AP445· TAX-Mn tl

032 Ol ·

14 t282.71 1

$931 99 18931 MT SHIVE, JOHN w tS91 88 16862 JONES. RONALD A. the 70 FORMERLY AREA 2-.018 111.01.. • 15,111.20 . MAYFLOWER IRVINE ROCKWOOD 6 GALE. Cl FOUNTAIN A p 167 1 51 1 4 , SUGARLOAF ST AP 4 4 7 0 2 2 0 1 . • AP45.1· 252· 11 81 1 TlliTA CO TRl1R 2112 DUPONT DR, AREA 29-090 CA • • IRVINE, CA VALLEY. CA $984 9 2 17846 ASH FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA tl.562 .40 384 l .FENN GREENWOOD.' tRVINE, 1923 00· 2. BROWN, l .. VINE. CA IRVINE CO.WEBSTER, PARKS, RANDY L VARSHNEV. SUBHAS~ ST, FOUNTAIN TROWBRIDGE JOHN ST, IRVINE, CA CA DONALD J TR. AP4U · AP 4 4 5 · 1 1 1 · 0 9 . • WILLIAM F ET AL, TAX-AATI A p 9 3 I . 7 3 0 t t

C, SACHOEV. USHA, VALLEY, CA B SR AP14._,484 11 AP447022·01 .5010, AP451 · 252115010, 021 · 13., 11 ,237.44115,111 .20 2172AP931 · 37 · 008 . .J AREA28· 120 92,793.72 1 AGA AP156 0 31 04 .. SUMMERS, CLARKH. '10l8_94 lll&S 1580. 18 384 1 FENN u 86.74 118782 VIA VERONA. DUPONT OR, IRVINE, t4,041.41PM112· 11 ROORIGUE Z . 11 , IRVINE. CA '1 .851 00 10200 A P 1 8 7 1 6 3 2 2 • CORAL ALOE AV E, ST, IRVINE. CA GREENWOOD, IRVINE, IRVINE, CA CA PAR 48 UNIT 8 OF RUDOLPH L. AP561 · FALCON AV. $481 48 9398 LA FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA DAVIES. ROBERT B. CA WALSH WILLIAM E TA>C-AATI PROJECT LOCATED ON 021·06 1911 79 10 FOUNTAIN VALLEY.CA COLONIA AV. VOIGT, RONALD• L, BANI(, CALIFORNIA WOOLLEY, MARK I(, A P4 8 3 •• 0 4 4 . 0 8 . : AREA 2....0.1 A p 5 I 0 . 0 3 8 . 0 2 CORNWAUIS. iRVINE. TAX-MT(

B 0 N T H I U S • FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA A p 1 4 4 5 1 5 1 8 FEDERAL. AP447 031 A p 4 5 1 . 2 5 2 4 3 , t2.H9.72 5388 TOGETHER WITH AN CA AREA 2 .. 1l3 CHRISTIAN. A Pl 56 RESl<USICH, JOHN, '725 48 16967 MT 11., 12,224 58 17571 t852.35 6 BLACK AMALFI DR. ~ IRVINE, IRVINE CO .. APSll· UNO 2.421.4% INT IN SCH L I ES MA Y Elt 0 4 1 1

9 5 0 1 0 . A p 1 e 7 1 7 1 0 4 . HUTCHINGS ST MANCHESTER AV. OAK IRVINE CA CA 011 •11.. 924•749·51 41 TAX-Mn DAVID N APS21113 91 •89 2 14 10351 t2.68500 9347 LA FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA IRVINE CA OIEHR STEVEN G BRAUER CHARLES F IRVINE SUB LOT 298 APl31 · 37 - 022 .. AREA2 .. 122 Ol tl'7571

• NIGHTINGALE AV, ESTRELLA AV, BLASCHKE ELLEN M AP44i 031 11 .5010. AP451 .'252. 11.so10'. AP4t3 .'012 . 02 BLK 15 7 POR OF LOT t4.H7.90 l5520 BAJOREK. PATRICIA ATHERTON IRVl~E g FOUNTAIN VALLE Y. CA FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA A p 1 6 9 O '1 2 1 3 . '. t 126.33 17571 127.91 13 STONE t950.22 19402 SIERR



AP1 56 052 0 4 50 10 , PATRICK. AP167 AMARILLO AV, IRVINE. CA AP451 · 252 17 5020, HUNTER, FLOYD W WATTSON WOLFF CHOATE, IR'Vlt;IE, CA f93·45.50iO, tSl.I $ l03P:030 RWILL

1 ~t7 233 05 . $2,917 51 IFOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA LOPEZ. LEONEL S, '200.23 13 STONE 3RD, AP483· 121 · 11 .• VENTURES AP58S. TAX-MD AP551 ·Ol1 · 1 2.5020, 14 ATHERTON IRVIN WHI • 17454 WINEMAST St, AP447 ·032·04.5010, PINE, IRVINE. CA 14,059.18 5522 • AMA 29-0M 028.19 43 CHOATE, CA ' FOUNTAIN VALLEr CA FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA TAX·AATE '488 99 17832 MOL WAY, EUGENE SIERRA ROJA RD. ~l2~~· ·~2l·~!~·~~ p IR\aNE CO., RfZVANI. IRVINE, CA APl529· 113·45.15020 AP 156 05204 0 20 . MANNING THOMAS AREA 2 1-009 MANCHESTER AV. PORTER. AP453032· 1RVINE. CA AP515 ·031 · 115010 JOHN AP455-04H1 .. SNOOK. MELVIN E. uaa.04 1 ~5~1~i60RWILL 1 ~t7 A. AP 187 542 03 . NGUYEN. LANH VAN. IRVINE. CA 26 • 12,489.02 8 KIM, HENRY. AP .. 121.11 p BK 23i t 13,538.30 N TR A p 5 s 1 • 0 3 2 . 1 9 .. ATHERTON. ,,.VINE. c FOUNTA N VALLEY CA t l ,877 7~ 8906 EL AP 1 0 8 8 3 2 2 3 , WANG. PETER PENG. ANGELL ST. IRVINE, 4 I 3 . 1 7 3 O 3 . , PG. I PAR 12 12425 LOT 5 U ,107.11 23 1

· CAPITAN AV, tl .586 94 10608 HU, MICHELLE H, CA •1 ,Hl.78 5548 ,,_p 585-031 12 KANOTZ, WILLIAM, CHOATE, IRVINE, CA TA>CtMTI A iEi~E~. 0 5 3 G:;v !FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA MORNING GLORY Cl R, A p .. 4 7 . 0 3 2 0 7 . N 0 u R A NI AN . OAKLEY TR. IRVINE. t 19 302 38 p 81( 23S A,. 3 9 . 1 • • 7 4 6 .. ..UODIS, JOHN F, AMA 2 .. 140

· CARMELRETIREMENT FOUNHINVALLEY, CA tl ,37989 17611 ABO OLKARI M . cA PGtll'ARU t1 ,836.70 235 APS51 · 043 · 04 ,. MOTT, DONALD d ~~·~~~L6~ 10063 ~°rs VILLAGE LIMITED WEBSTER AV, IRVINE, AP453 · 035 · 38 .• MOODY, SCOTT C. AP585·031 · 12.i010 STANFO"D 121, t1 ,849.97 21 GLENN, AP521 · 172 · 01 .

· PARTN E R S H I P . TAX..ftATE CA 1411 .33 33 MANN ST, A p 4 8 3 . 2 8 2 · 1 4 . te 791 70 p BK' 23i IRVINE CA IRVINE, CA t 1,677.20 7 DARWIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA AP 169 0 4 1 25 501 0 , AREA 21 ·011 AP447 032 07 3202 , IRVINE. CA t511 .95 5032 PASEO pa' I PAR 12 MICK: JANICE D, UN, HUA·LUNG, IAVINE, CA A~t5R;l~S~~L~ l~~l ~ ts , 114 49 17077 SAN MONGKOLl(ASETARIN, t518.30 17811 Tl&TR CO OE VEGA. IRVINE, CA A p 5 I 5 . O 3 1 • 1 3 . , AP939· 18· 782.5010, A II' 5 5 1 · 044 • 1 4 , TAX~Tt , 609 44 10075 MATEO ST FOUNTAIN STITAVA, AP1 44-531 WEBSTER AV , IRVINE, TRI 1 R 19 23 00 2 . t 2 l ,ll2.71 p BK 23I tl ,482.23 50 11 ,412.93 10 GLENN. ~

2 .. , .. ,

VALLEY. CA 08 . $ 1,010 07 16225 CA FOX, MICHAEL C, TAX-AATf PG 9 PAR 1l VASSAR AISLE 2, IRVINE, CA SPARROW AV. AP189 0 4 1 255020, MT GUS TIN ST, AP44703207.5010, AP463 · 0 42 55 .. AflEA2 .. 02' AP515·031 · 13.5010 IRVINE, CA SPOHN, LAWRENC F~~~1~'NsV~~~:N c: '45.86387 17077 FOUNTAINVALLEV, CA $38273 17811 •1.7e5.54 17 IRON KESTER LUCILLE E '753071 p BK 23t KELSO STEPHEN J, TAX-AATE LEE,, APS29205-U ..

· • SAN MA TEO ST. SMITH, RODERICK A, WEBSTER AV. IRVINE. BARI( WV, IRVINE. CA A p 9 3 4 : 1 0 . 0 1 1 ' pa' 9 PAR 13 A p t 3 g . 1 8 • 8 3 8 . AREA H • U4 t 1,293.84 AP

1 5 6 0 6 3 4 9 · · FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA AP 1 4 4 5 3 1 - 8 O CA DANG, LUCIAN, AP taH 30 21 CERRITO• l t1 297 ee 51 LEHIGH BISOGNO, SAMUEL, SHENANDOAH, IRVINE

$ 1. l 85 54 10079 SAN GARCIA, LEONARD t 2. 799 92 12170 ' POPE, RICHARD R, 453·043-24 , tt 18.05 IRVINf CA ' TAX-MT! AISLE ;I, IRVINE, CA A II' 5 21 • 1 I 3 • 2 1 · A JUAN CT. FOUNTAIN JOHN. AP189 071 -43 ., BERG RIVER Cl, AP 4 4 7 · 0 4 1 4 8 • 6 BRISBANE WY, SCHER LAWRENCE M A .. lA 21-071 APUl· 11·138.501 O, H•l.90 12 CALHOUN, VALLEY, CA t 1 781 44 10348 FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA U56 .33 3512 IRVINE. CA A p 9 3 4. 2 t O 2 4 ' tSIO 37 51 LEHIGH l .. 'VINE. CA TAX-RATE


HUANG, SHU WOEI, 53 1 es . t l ,533 09 BRONNER. CLARENCE tl ,188 52 1e IRVINE CA STREAM IRVNE c Hl7.15 51 LEHIGH 04., t1 ,H2.12 23 MARI(, APS29· 1l2 ~tuRCTOS VALLEY~~ AP189 0 82 15.5010. 12 11 8BERG RIVER CI, W. AP44705324 , ROCKROSE WY, GLATCH, LYNNE P, ' I ' A AISLE78, IRVINE, CA LINOBE .. G, IRVINE, CA 07 .5010, U07.H f

NL Al~ D R O U S $585 44 FORMERLY FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA t2. 1 H .38 3971 IRVINE, CA A p 9 3 4 . 3 O . O 8 2 .. TAX-MT! HAYES, JAMES B. FANG. VICTOR H R, GRANT, IRVINE, CA AC~MA~ FAHMY · AP18908183501C TAX-RATE CLAREMONT ST. SHELTON, MICHAEL•981 .3544ARBOLES, AMA21.o81 APU9· 18·tH.5010, AP521 · 1515 · 09 . , l(AQHAZl,SHAHRA ...

' 10331 CIRCULO OE IRVINE, CA F, .AP46307130 . IRVINE CA U821.7926SCRIPPSl4,114.72 I IOON!, AP1521 · 132 17 . A p 1 5 8 1 2 3 1 5 · · JUAREZ. FOUNTAIN AREA 21·01 2 FLA.CV. RICHARD L. •1.477.42 7 ' MAGUIR!, TRISH C, AliLE 171 IRVINE CA IRVIN!, CA 1.2,002.11 77 GRANT $ l 172 44 18387 LOS VALLEY. CA WYCHGEL, GERL OF, AP 4 4 7 0 7 1 0 4 • SPICEWOOO. IRVINE, TAX-MTf A p I 3 9 1 I . 0 7 4 · • ' ' AP52t· 1 II 01.1010. l"'VIN£. CA CANARIOS ST, CHUNG. DOO JIN, AP 1 4 3 4 4 1 1 8 . '2,035 84 314 1 CA Al'EA 2..021 '1 ,515.24 15 TAX-RATE t713.H I IOONE, AP'521· 132· 17 .320) FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA A p 1 e 9 1 4 1 . 1 5 . '352 9 1 9213 HAMILTON ST. IRVINE, AP453 071 30 5010, FOLMAR. RAYMOND OXFORD 50, IRVINE CA AM.A 2t-Otl IR'VINE, CA t7H.20 77 GRANT

LEWIS, LARRY K '727 20 10403 COLUMBINE AV E, CA •1 .79134 7 H. AP483 245..03.. RYNN, RUTH A, HALL, SOP'HIA A SMtTH, E .. IC IRVINE, CA A p 1 5 6 1 4 2 0 3 • RAINBOW Cl, FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA C 0 VAR RU B I AS , SPICEWOOO. IRVINE, U71.01 6312 SIERRA APIJI 11 214.5020. 4 8 3 . 3 15 2 • i O . • DOUGLAS, APl21· JONES. MUCf: A $908 .63 10478 FOUNTAIN VALLEY. C.t SANTOS M, AP4•7 CA ELENA AD, IRVINE, CA * 104 23 2I t4 747.08 4 115· 13. t 1,715.20 l AP S 2 I · 1 3 2 1 2 . APACHE RIVER AV, KENNEDY, KIP A. TAX-RATE 071 05., 11 ,692 31 BARRERA, K 0 LT AV ARV • COLUMBIA 11. IRVINE, STiLLWATE4'. IAVINE, IOONE. l .. VIN(, CA H31.74 35 CLAY FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA A p 188 141 . 3 6 .. AREA 21 -01 3 3122 HENDRIX ST, ROBUSTIANO J JR, ANDREW J, AP463· CA CA CALZADA, "ALPH R, IAVINE, CA

SUAREZ, ANTONIO L, t2.874.88 10409 ESTRADA, ALFREDO IRVIN( , CA AP463·073 41 .5010, 245 22 .. t 1.914.48 TAX~TI A, 5 2 t · 1 I I 0 3 .. AP 1 5 6 1 4 2 2 6 · AMBERWOOD Cl. G, AP1o43 214 07 , PINETTE, NICCOLE M. U30.155 4422 1212 ll[lltRA SIENA AREA zt-097 TAX-AATI 023.52 37 CARSON, ... !~-RATE t 5 19.78 10448 FOUNTAIN VALLEY CA t537 28 18359 ASPEN AP 4 4 9 0 4 2 · 3 1 • SANDBURG WY RD, IRVINf, CA AMA 21-0M 1 .. VINf CA - 2 .. 147 SALINAS RIVER Cl. BLEAK, DON ' R, ST. FOUNTAIN t899 .56 3511 MARIN IRVINE, CA ' COTTONE, THOMAS KELLER. CA .. OLl F, VILUGAI. RODOLFO KROPP. YU .. Y, A FOUNTAIN VALLEY.CA AP189 14 1 47 5010, VALLEY. CA DR. IAVINE, CA SILVER, VICTOR, AP' TAX-MT! W, AP447·211 55., APl3 4·7S·Oll .&Ol0 , G, AflSSl ·042 20 , 13 1· 157 · 413 5010

ANDERSON.THOMAS t3, 134.10 10338 BONNIN, JAMES A, KIDD. HAZEL J. AP 453 081 27 . 5010 , ARIA 21.0S3 • U .231 .13 14 •725.15 2 tl2t.70 ... FULTON, ue.ae 3 E'VtN4N I. AP158 213-05 .• AMBERWOOO Cl. A p 1 4 3 2 2 3 . 2 3 • 449 042·84 • UI 1 45 t 1, 717.40 48515 JAMES. WILLIAM RAP'ALLO. IRVIN!, CA SWE!TWATER 22, IRVINI!, CA IRE!2£ 13. ,,.VINE. c t423 62 111~ SANC FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA '575 30 18313 3701 PROVINCETOWN GREEN TREE LN, ALAN, AP451 ·011 ·75.. NIKTASH, l •

0A1L0I, IRVIN[, CA MC DONALD, APU1 · S7·4U .5020


RIG HEIMER, JAMES A P 1 8 9 2 4 1 1 2 . OLSON, STEPHEN L, A P 4 4 t · 0 I 3 0 4 . , CONSTANCE KING CA IRVIN!, CA A.MIA 21-100 t 1 I 1 1 II 1 FOUS!R, JAMEi 0 M, A'157034· 18 .. t525 .92 17870 LOSA'143 422 12 . • tl ,171.13 14671 AP453 · 113 •• ·. GROSS. FRED A, CAVALLA .. O. ft[T[ .. HIOHLANDSw1luAMs, l"VIN[,CA AP't31 15 - 404 tl .77423 1H23ALAMOS ST, *4,042.02 H11COUNTRYWOOD LN. t1 .20ltl 17121 AP'451 · 212 01 . , J, All'447· lt2· 1!S .. COMMUNITY AHN, UN, CHUN HORNG, U ,111.54 CALLENS Ct, F'OUNTAIN VALLEY. CA RARITAN AV, IRVINE. CA llRCH TRH LN, tl5451St 11 FOXHILL, H .411.tl 11 BAHIA, AP 4 I 3 • 4 2 1 · 1 I ., TIAO, LAN CHIH, AP STAASHIN! 4, l .. VlHf .FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA RAG U I ND I N , FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA AP441 OU 04 IOfO, IRVINf, CA IRVIN[, CA IR'VIN! CA •1H U I SOUTHE .. N 11 1 O 1 1 • 4 4 , CA AP157 034 lt .3102, MAMERTO J, AP AP'143 4 22 12 5010, U31 71 14171 SKRUCH, DC VERE. AIVAS, VICENTE H, IZA .. Y, DAVIO A, wooo . ... VIN ' CA 11 ,511.17 I IAl.K, ams. DOHALD F t 1.011.11 11123 1 H 251 34 • t447 .04 t 187 44 ti 11 COUNT'RYWOOO LN, A,453 1 u 14 101 o . A , 41 , 2. 2 . 1 7 .. A, 4 4 7 . a ., 1 1 I • • A,. 4. I 4 a 1 • 2 0 • • IRVINE. CA A,. 3 • • 11 0 I 1 CALLENS Cl, 10485 LA MARMOTA RARITAN AV, IRVINf, CA Ull.21 15 WILLOW t1.242.H t U ,47114 1 10 .. M(S, 11&1.U ao APH1 ·011 44 1010, IH2.41 12 IUMMl FOUNTAIN 'VAU(Y, CA AV E. FOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA JAWHAAY, KHALED. T .. EE LN, l"VIN[. CA DURWOOD EAST, IAVINl, CA CANDltlUIH, '"VIN!, US.JI a IALK, MUZE, IRVIN!. CA AP157 ·034· 115010, VALLEY, CA AP143 422· 12.6020 • .AP44t · Ol4 71 , KAIJPPININ, JOHN E. l .. 'VINf, CA 'V 0 I 0 UGH. CA t .. VINE, CA WAT I 0 N •1 .110.ss 11123 DIEUDONNE. R F. '873.72 9111111703 4501 All'45J · 141 · 11 . , .. oeus . .. ONALO, IHAH .. AM. Ai-«7· vu. CHl!H CHUNG. APH1 ·011 · 44 .IS020, MAROUUUTI J CALLENS Cl, A, 1 8 t 3 0 1 3 1 .• RARITAN AV, ROllNWOOD Cl, t1 . 243 40 11 BANYAN A, 4 g 1 . a 2 3 3 7 • • 111·41 .• U ,Otl.71 41 A,ta 1· 0 · 471.1010, t421.. a IALK. APU1·42 ·021.1010 FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA 11 .H1 90 10895 LA FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA If.VIN!, CA T .. !! LN. "'VIN!, CA t1.034,21 4 OS~£Y. ALIXANDfUA, l .. VINl. H27 47 11 IR'VIN(, CA UH.41 3

JONES, GEOFFREY M, TEHAMA Cl R NGUYEN, ANH NHU, WU, SHUN AN, A,, FOUS[ft, JAMU D, l .. VINf, CA CA MOOHltGHT 20 DUST 21, IRVIH(, CA AP157 071 11 . FOUNTAINVAUfY, CA AP14:1 502 15 , 441· 014· 14 .1010, A,451 -111 • 02 •• COTLIAR, ,.ONAL.D, HANNA. MA.GOY, "'VINl!. CA ' TAX-MTI HAZAN. U..1, A •411 .10 11411 MENDOZA. MAURO t1 ,4t120 18101 1771.14 4471 U ,411 .54 I002 AP'411 · 112· 03 . , AP447 · 372 · 07 . AMAH-131 131· 42 oao •010, TAMARIND ST, E. AP930· 29·565 IHAOBUSH IT, ROllNWOOD • Cl, '!RllMMOH LN, •1 .121.ao I H ,IOJ.H 2 LATINA. TA.X-AATI LAZA ... ITtPHlN J , HH.U • FOUNTAIN 'VALLEY, CA t 1, 131 72 17070 SA~ FOUNTAIN VALLEY. CA l .. VINf. CA IRVINf.L CA MALLARD, IAVIN[, CA t9'VINE, CA N!lfA H-102 AP 4 I 2 • 1 1 1 . 1 t ., OUST 30, UWtNf, CA

RYAN, CHARLES A. BRUNO ST 33, CHAY, SOON CHUL, KIM, P£TlR HANG ! N c; ARN AC I ON . IKINNl .. , AOlf .. T G, TIPPtNG, DWtGHT G JOHANSON ,. .. W, 11 ,OOl.H 101 T A it 1 5 7 0 7 4 1 1 • FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA A II' 1 4 3 · 5 8 3 • 1 7 . , KEEL. AP441011 P'AT .. ICIA A, AP'413 · AP 4 I 1 • 4 3 1 · 0 t . , J... Ait44

17 112 04

1• A it t JI · I j . 1 1 4 . , WtNOJAMMt ... 1 .. VtNE, ..:.:-:.~.

tl523 .50 11405 t 1.0H.31 11117 30 5020, tH7.31 111 07 ., U ,121.21 OH U 17 I010, 11 ,4 0 .11 1 U ,IH.12 24 "OCKY CA BASSWOOD ST. TAX-RATE CACHE IT, FOUNTAIN 50t0 IARICWOOO AV. I002 HtMLOCK, NIGHTHAWK, l .. VlNf, OIClHTI!, l .. VINf, fA l(NQi.L 2. 1 .. VINI. CA KAZtLIS, TODO T!NG~~lt LH FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA AMA 21.c>Oit VALUY. CA IRVIN(, CA 1 .. VINf, CA CA C .. AMMAN, ,~UL, MOMLf't', A'41J 1 U n , """'"'• I01·)1.

VO, JAY T. AP117 THOMPSON, ALLEN NGUYEN, THAC~ A, WONG, ALU, All'441· Af'41U · 111 ·07.1010, V 1 LL AN U (VA , AP447 •401•02.I010, TAX.UTI 07., 1,121.U 11 !~24 V t 074-13 , l417 .14M, A'1H1t1·27 •• AP 1 4 3 571 · 24 . , 014-13 ., 91 ,214111443.30 I002,AT .. ICIA N. AP411 ° UOJ.27 4 PADUA, AMA•103 UGL( RUN, "'VM· ~,_,,.,,C ~ 114l18ASSWOOD ST, t1 , 187.0S t7ll~IAH l1 , 1I0.71 11171 1112 Yl!ARLING AV, HEMLOCK, "'VINI, CA 413·02 .. tl , 11100 4 IA'VM, CA IATIN MNY A, CA '"•""• A ' FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA CANDl!LO IT, GALLATIN ST, t .. VIN!, CA VARM~. ..AJ I( , IANDPI~... IRVINI, PA .. Kf ... 9'11.LPH 0 Aflllt · 41 · 041 ,. Af'412 •112·07.J10Z, TtGHI, JOWH I

SULLIVAN, HA .. VfY FOUNTAIN VALLfY, CA FOUNTAIN VAU!Y, CA A,441 ·014· U .1010, A, 4 'I 112 • •• • • CA J", Aft441·~.l.()l"o" HJl.IJ Jt U7."411 !AGL( RUN, ·.,','2'1'!; 1•· 4 2 o~. c . AP117·014-ll., A"5LANO«. SAOUC JARCB. NENO, AP t.2H.17 1112 U ,170.74 I C"ANf, OARY\. •• u ,011.u 10 ..... A • c.MllTAMOH IOUTH "'YIHI· CA • ·-Hf114 11514 K, A,11t 111 1 4 I S 71 0 7 ., YEARLING AV, l"VINl', TEAKWOOD. l .. VINt, All'4~ 1 • 413 • 01 . , '".~·OICA H

0 ... "Yl U , IRY1Nf, CA A'412· 112·01.1010, ~~ RtOCH,

COTTONWOOD IT, 01.5010, 1427.72 U ,Ht 14 18111 CA CA , 1471.42 2 "'" IA :.t .:!' 1111.71 11 UOU " FOUNTAIN VALLfY, CA 17144 NI VU IT, CHALLIS ST, HQUY!H, DOMINIC, MISIAH. AHMAD, AL.Of .... OOt(, "'V1Hf, A,• AH4~14 • TAXMTI """· IRVM, CA OIACHM•, ALIC

OLIOH, "ICHA .. D f , ~NTAIN VALLEY, CA FOUNTAIN VAllfY, CA A, 4 4 I . 1 1 1 • .2 4 ., A' 41 ~ . l I a . 1 2 . , CA U ,Ht.U I f'tlA .. 0 , AMA -.1CM fl'UNOAVfLA Lil.IA 'i ;.-;:_~--~ ........ -------;.;.;.;.;;;.;.;;;;=-.;~

' • I

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l?-411111 looll hae 1he D..cl Of TNll I I CIMd - 81W'1m NQHT8 IHA&..L • ... D11111 el TMil --. COUNTY°' OMNQ1 ~ 2'. ~..,._ I, tL PUN< OR£ It • A ._ I I• lillllll. ~Ofllclal~lntfie :rc~~~~o:-=: .. WI ~IRLY~=:-J..-::..:-... =: I Ml-=:.::''°' ,..._. ~'!ILi: NOH- ....... w.~:.•111N ~~ ~~ POAATION Recorded 10/ Dltld: OM>1Jt•t nRCO~NQ , ....... D a .... ol .. =:.:I am · .. IN IXCUlllVI .,......,.,.. --Ut•OUI IMN; -- ..... ,._ oeculed w° UNITED OIJ1M1 In 900k 1424t ,ublleh•d N•wport tCfUftTIYI A.bJUD'" ._,. _, ~ tair ....... ol 11 Ind Mt a l*'Y .,._.IA IO""ICI flOR M>Clll, Nlfllll, .. THI ~=a.:.'= ~ ... -WEST!R1'4 MOATOAOE 'aae m !nit. No. 1_, ... ~ ..... Nol CAftO 8TA~ OR lfld ....,. ..... Of 0.. • lfMI w11Nn 111111on· my ~ n IORIH.1. •• INCROAC ... 00UNYV -,=..,._ nc II CORPORATION, A CAO- of Official Ree«de In IM Auel* tS, 2:1, at,"" CO,..Tft~UAL . To; ll&lll ..i ~ to ... ...,.._ .._. Iii '1ao, ..._. MINT~P~ ~d"""..W,.. ;•,; llill FONM CORPORATION ~ of ~~ ..._ ,..... OETI4ER THI WY l"9 •-.,~~ Dove ttr .. t, ~~;f,O'' ~ - ~ Al IHOWN It M UNrTI 1 II. IN- • ' le

W1U. SEU AT PU8UC cord« of ~.cow.iv. ANO POWI" TO I lllld Nolle .. .., 8-cfl. c.Mfomla ' te htfWW gtvtn CW1N1 ON LOT 1 Of .. ... AUCTION ro TliE HIGH- callfomla. and~ fo PUIUCIOTICI Pl.OM. DM.L. MD lltolon '° W '°be,.. on A&.9"' 11. t1t1 I ttw1a"'°::toatd °' TNillM ~~C: IAJO TftACT 1- Al ....... -. EST BIDDER FOR CASH., ~ ~ U::,,: pti•i 1 MM0\11 ANO tT0M ~lrl IN~ wved~~ of me eoe.t CofN'r*""V 1.AAAT10N SHOWN ON IM) CONDO- • ..eM • =: .. at 11~ :!. ~ t.corded 04/22/tttJ In •1 .. 111.:..... ~ ~ DATI! ~ r~c ~OI" COL-~ Dlltnc1 of~ ,A..C!L 4: ~UINI MINIUM~. W ii& .... • ..

8tal9e.~h, . c:uhler'• n::e0p-O: ·=· ~~ MelUtlftl ICAINO, OR TO .. ~~~~~': :EE:~i"c"r.'- LAnML to "'*•-•d :::· ~-=Up-:= CAllMENTa IH IMJ TO T~~v,~~: 'l'~LTHI~ ::~:.:::-:=-~,-:n~ ~·~ Recorm. :.Setlonot/Oll ~~t:":.::-'9 ~:~~INC. 1791,..,_ OM: :;.'".,:'~.._~,_.: no'*' tMtl 10:00 ""· rgr~~~ =r'~~ ~~ • drPm by a itai. Of **91 tlMll II 10.00 A..M. mt IN WAVE TICH NOLOQV, INT"IAl.ITI 8Uf WITH- SM Dttto, CA 11121 ~ In a Maled 9nw- Thur9dq, A~ lit~, aHOWN ANO D1J1ND AS ON etree eeNt ti cred" union, or a chtlek 'RONT OF THE FLAO· 10C>4' Adame ,.,,,._ ._OUT HOW!Vflll, ANY Ptlont:,rtr~=22• =~th !Mt.on ~of~ ioc..ci f'HTfUCTED COMMON i:oTOLJf ~~ ,re,le•M te. chwn by a tta.t• Of ttcHtal POLES AT THE MAIN !4~1 Hunllntton hedl. Ai»fr TO lNm ~ ~ . ,.... • and by c:wtj. et 1370 Ad~ A~ AREAS WHICH AA! ADJA. 1062$. ......... ,., ......... and IOan aalOda- ENTl'Y AREA TO TliE 'LA· ~ .... THE IURFACI °' THI SIOltt#y • ...cum '**P' ,.. • CENT WITH ANO AfA. G ,u-rH- .. ..... t~"' .. vtnga utoelaOon CENTIA CIVIC CEN!~~t Todd J . Thlllmann. aoe l'ROPl!RTY DHC .. IHD TaotoTn quelled, In th• vnneo Cot1- ,,. .... Ctllhlmla . .. ftUATENANT TO I AIO EXC!"b':. ciUIM ........ .... °' iavlngt bank apecffl;d 401_..'1 EAST ~MAN Geneva 91., HunUngton HEREIN IN THe ~ ,ublleh•ct Newport Sltlff Meil al Newport ~1u1~1.,:"'..:: ,AACELS 1, t , 3 AHO S ~:r. INf,XltMO TO ... hltlll In NCllOll 5102 ol the fl.. AVENUE, PUCemA. c.A hlleh, Clllf. 12t41 OI" SUCH f'IOHTS Al M· 8HC~ M... 'llot 8taoh Ctllfornla ad- f: . ._, D£~D HEAEIN. AU. THOR NllNOllD MnCla.l Code and A~ at pUbllC auctlOn. to lfMI Thi• bualntN 11 con. UAV!D IN Ol!iD f'E- AUllM t , tS, 12, '"1 dfffMd a• fOll0¥1t: PURCHASE Oft FOUR <•) PA,.C!L I : A.N UNDI- COMMON Af'EAI Al ...... ..a:--rlzed to do butlnMt In thll highest bldOtr fOf CMt1 Cluc1.cl by: an lnclMdUlll COAD!D MAY t . 1ltl Al th52t Lui Con•lfuetlon, Inc , VEHICl.ES• COAST COt.t:. VIDl!D ONE Fltr'TY..f'lFTli SHOWN OH IM> COHO(). _. •111 • •late.) Al . THE FRONT EN- (payable at lfMI time ot Hie Tht re9l1trant(t) com- INSTRUMENT NO. t• P.O loll de, Boton. CA MUNITY COLLEOll!: DIS. (1/Mll4) FU SIM"-! IN- MINIUM PLAH ........ • TRANCE TO SU~ 205 In MIWful money of IM ~ '° tranuct bual· 1H74t O' OF"CI AL tMM.1 Un Construction, TRICT Tt.-.EST IN ANO TO THI! fUllAVINO THlf'I- u11 •• .. •4• (SECOND FLOOR), 17802 Unl1ed Statee), all rigtlt, neu under lh• Ftctmout A Eco RDS AN o ft f.· PUIUC IOTICI inc., ... o . Bo. ~ 1100. Hwy All Old• .,, 10 be In ac· IMftAOVIMrNTI A1'tD AP- FROM EASIMl!H'T1 '°" ..._ • • iAVINE BLVD , TVSTIN, CA title, a.nd lriteret'I, conveyed Butl""t N1m1(1) 1111ed CORDED ,EBAUARY I , 395, Boton, CA 93598, LUI csanc. with t.n. 8MS Ooci- ft\JRT£NANCES OH LOT t AC C ! SS IN Q Pl ll_I • ut11 I ult • 112680 all right, lllle and In- !~ Nld~'*1T·-I>,!. It •bove~~~ 1tl7 AS INSTRUMENT NO. ~1MnG - n:._~l.Sltd • ~ :,:' ... ,,. wtgh ..-flOW --XRACT 0625 - f CIA"~lf .. !RC-ROACH· ... 0 e -lara.i ConY9)'ed to and ........ 0

ll!.. ...._._.._ -- "O"FF1CfAL MOTICaOf W"1WOC>d "'""·· • '"""'· Ill d m•v be eecurecl In ~MENTS") 8U8JECT MENT ~ ,.,,..,. ..,._ -now held by ll und91' Mid the pn>perty lltulted In Thll tta19ment w.. lhd RECORDS. "I I rlOlt TO Lot Angel•at CA 9002•: u! :' of m. DndOt of TO nil! TfRMI ANO CON· REl'LACi:M!NT ' MAINT!; ...... - .-DMd or Trust In the prop- Hid County a.nd State and With lhe County Ctef11 of PARCEL 2: ....... ,... Scttbofough Construction Putcr!:: of the 04ttrtct DITIONS Of' TliE 0£CLA· NANCE ANO OhiBI NA- r11kltt --~tj erty 11tual1d In aald deecrlbed U follows' Of~ County on AuQu91 NON-EXCLUSIVE EASE- -.TATS OP and Equipment, S.I .. a.nd heh b4~ ""* ew~" AATION, AND TliE TEMRS POSES ALL Al JttOWN 0-.... County. describing the land :AR;JiLhsEHOLD IN Ill, I I P804tM MENT FOR ACCESS, IN- DOllillLD PlmtlALl.i Leating, lnc:B 72•2 P ~· with hi• bid a bid MC\lllty AND OONOITIONS r 1:'4eE OH rHE CONDOMINIUM Tiie ..... ... lheleln btllbl " A" ANO TO UNIT NO 19 ON Publlthed PffwpOtt BMeh- =:· e:::.~· ~ CAM"°· At..... ~~· uene er • In an emounl not .... tt\al\ ~~:J:~ ;~C:Jsr 10: Pl.AH OR Al Df.FMD IN ..... ...

t LOT 1 or: TRACT 10525, Cost• ...... Piiot Migut1 AOE 'ENCROACHMENT To 1111 '*'9, ~. Jot c. Hughtt, c/o one ~ <6' 1 or one 1HI IN BOOK 4S33. THE OECLAllATION. (91 RIMll••, Patc9I A AS SHOWN ANO DE· SUPPORT AND l'OA ~. condngent credl- HughH·TownHnd, Inc .. 1 ho ua tnd do lltrl PAGE 274 ET SEQ. OF OF· PAACEL 3 : · tlo le ....... ~

Patcel 3 of Pare.I Map SCRIBED IN THE CONDO- 22, 29, September 5, 12, OlliER PURPOSES ALL 1or1 and pereone wt'IO may 3901 WNltfly Plat Ste ~~=" OOlh. whlc~ It 'ICIAl RECORDS NON·EXCLUllVE !AH· W OCMM'f'OP No es-.111 1n the County of MINIUM PLAN (' 'PLAN") 1IKll AS DEsa.IBEO IN' THE ottW.IM be tmweated In 11 1, Newport S.teh, CA • of ~ b'd~ The w.et addr .. , and M~S ~o~W.ll•E': NRlllA. ___ ,... Ofange, Slate of Calllomla. WHICH PLAN WAS RE· Th-69" DECLAAATlON 01" COV· the wt1I 01 "1at .. 0t both, 92960 O'*anlM • other common ~llOll, OAE • ~ ORA1tG• TM u pet map ltlecs In Book ~1~ ?: :&,7~,~~ ,UILIC NOTICI ENANTS, CONDITIONS o~ ~WJ:E~SALL been HughH•TownHnd, Inc., == "Jl0 ,:• :::...: ~~· of the rHI P'°'*1Y ~~~E'g~ ~ Center Dr8" 219, P•g•• 20 and 21 of PAGE 1051 ET SEO Of ANO RESTRICTION.! AND tll.o Thon!t :-Pl«aall MlokoMtt• D. PCN'd awllfCled to l\lft\. In the ~ ll>OW ~· ~$ AU. AS IHOWN .... a.., CA Patcll Maps In the omce OFFICIAL RECORDS OF Plotttloua RESERVATION OI" EASE· 1(1 ti:~ Court of Publlthtd Newport tvent of t11iur. to tnltf into ~eel to l>9: <tOSA MES N IN TH'E CONDOMINIUM OIM or the County Recorder of ORANGE COUNTY ·--- ....... ~~~EN~!~~ Calffomla, County Of Or· 8e'\Ch·CO•lt M•H Piiot IVCh eontracl, th• p!'O- C:R~~~· COST A. PLAN AND AS DEFINED IN TIM ....... Nld county PARCEL 2. ll•tewt . (" DECLARATION ") AE· enge, August 22. '"1 c.edt of the Chick wlll be The ~ TruatM THE OECl.AAAT!Of.f _,.. 1111,MRe

Parcel B AN UNDIVIDED ONE The Foltowlng pertont CORDED DECEMBtR 18 ~ requestl that th~ torleited, Of In the C ... of dftelalmt et'l'f ftabl:r tot PARCEL 4: ef , ........ . An -rne<tl '°' parking FIFTY·A~ (1T55EN'f!i.>.TININ. 8!!.dolERlng bWIP~Cl.FIC ... COA 1915 AS INSTAUMENT NO'. r Pl«tall .... .,. ,UIUC NOTICE !. ~!~~ .. 1~ ,!~.!u,mo .,,... lncott~ 0 the excwSNE EASEMENTS ., ,. ... ...

PoUfpoM• walkweyt, balco- TEREST ~ A ""' ,..., ICAH ,. • 88-42:0021 01' OFFICIAL Pointed .. peraonal repr• u•er...., ..... ..., .,.,.,,..., slrMI eddrett end 041* IN ANO TO THOR POR· .....,,..,, lee (91 nlH •talrw•y• public vtili- COMM ON IN A SUB- PORA~~· t880 Ntwpof11f RECORDS AS AMENDEO Mntat!YM to edmfnl"er the -~·-- ~·-" ~lrlc:t atctf ,..._ ~ common d11tgnallon, If T10HS OI LOT 1 °' SNO .. .. •nul1R

. ' LEASEHOLD ESTATE IN Blvd . ...... ta ....... Calif 8V THAT 'CERTAIN r:IRST tttaia of the dtcedent ........ ,_ ··-· ..... OM 0 " "" any,~~ TRACT 10521 SHOWN • lies, ,...,age drtlNge, and ANO TO AU OF THE REAL 92927 AMENDMENT TO DECL.A. The ,.tlflon requeatt the .......... Nalfte Ing · Cuti , CHhltr' t ~ total emcMJM of the ANO DEtrlNED AS AE· .......,. ........... lncidemal purpoHt at Mt PROPERTY. INCLUDING Newport MolOI'•, Inc:., Call· RATION OF COVENANTS dtcedent'e wtll and codl· Stet-ftl Check, Cett111t<1 Chtck, Of unptlld bllanc. of tN Qblj.. STRICT£D COMMON •Mee•• 4'91 for the In the declarallon of WITHOVT LIMITATION THE tomla, 1880 NewPOt1 Blvd , CONDITIONS A.ND A!: cite, It My, be edmltted 10 Tha FOllOw1ng peraone 81ddt1'1 Bond made pay> getton ..curt<I by the AAEAS WHICH ARE A.OJA. ....... e 4'91 Covenanll Conditions. and COMMON AREA AS OE· Cotta Mesa, c.lil 92127 STAICTIONS AHO RESER· Pf~. The WIP and any art doing ~.,. .. a.a a~ lo tl'lt Ofd« of lM property .. be told and C&HT WfTH A.NO Aft• •lftte ... M R11trlcllon1 tor Acacia FINED IN Tl-iE DECLARA· Thia bualneu 11 con- VATION OP EMEMlNTS cod~ ate llYallable tot OENERAL WATER SEA· Co.It COmmunlty Coi9 r1uonablt aatlmaled PUATENANT TO SAID 1111 ...... ) Plaza, re<:ordllCI March 4, TION OF COVENANTS, duciad by a COfPOl"•llon FOR WESTPARK MAINTE· namlNatlOn In t.n. ftte kepi \/ICE CENTER, 2921 W Olsmc1 8ot1d Of fNlt.... ~. ~ eno ed• ,ARCELS 1, 2, ' ANO 5 8t•rllll., ITIR 1987 11 lnttrumenl No 87. CONDITIONS ANO RE· The r1glalranl(1) com- NANCE OISTICT ('"F"'IT bY the court MtcArthur Blv. d 1'140, No bleld• may wtthdinlW ~ at 1M time Of tnt DfSCR1MO HEREIN. AND aTIRLIMQ

STRICTIONS 'DECLARA· menced 1o transact t>u-. AMENDMENT .. ) A.Nb THE The '*"90n ~ av- Santt Ana Callf 92704 h.• bid 10t • penc>0 of fOf1y. tnlUll ~ of 1M No- PAACEl a· ' 118910 ol Ot11c1al Records. TION' ) RECORDED ON nMI under the Ftc:t1!1oua SUPPLEMENTAL OECLA- thOlfty to edmtnltltt lht ... D.L. $Wick Company, 210CI llw (41) d•y. aft41f the da'- ttc. of Nie 11· 17•.llO. IS AN UNDIVIOEO ONE ..,....,. et Lllw, of uod Oitngt County, SEPTEMBER 17, 1980, IN 8u1ln1H N1m1(1) 11111<1 RATION OF COVENANTS, tate unc!« t.n. lndapendtnl Hatbof Blvd. #20.t.\, eo.ta aet tor Int ~no ll'ttteot In addlllcM'I to OMh, the FlFTY..f'lf"T'H et/56m RE Maoa,._ ..... Calllornla ove< Parcel" of BOOK 13747 PAGE 1545 abCMI on· NIA CONDITIONS AND RE· Admlnl..,.liol'l of Esta1•• M .... Calf, t2e,29 The 8oard of TNel ... r• TN8WI w11 ~a caaho alMPlE ~ST IN ANO t901 •aa'941 Ptrc• I MIP No ~19 In ET SEO OF OFFICIAL Sid P8f1ow, PfM ;jen1 STAICTIOHS A.ND RESER· Ael. (Thie authc>fity """ Thi• bu1lneu I• con•~ the Ptlvn.ae of r• let'• check dtewn on • TO TliE IM~MEHTI CA .... ('Jt4t 1h1 Counly of Ortnga, RECORDS OF ORANGE Thi• t lalement WU filed VA.TION Of EASEMENTS allow the peraonal repr• ~ d\JC1t<I by· an Individual ltc'llng any and al b'da or ttt*t or na11ona1 bank, e ANO AP,UAT!NA.NC!I tU4 Stele ol Call lom1a, ss pe< COUNTY, ON LOT t OF wl1h the County Cltl'k of FOR WESTPAN< MAINTE· ~ to take many ae- The regltlranl(a) com· lo wv..e any in•entlM clleCtc d19Wn by a ttate 0t ON LOT 1 Of TI\ACT DAfti .AM 18 t map flled In Book 2HI TRACT 1052S, IN THE CITY Orano• County on Augul1 NANCE DISTRK:T ('"SUP· tlon• without obtaining I menc4":I to tranNCt buaf. of lntor~..!.tl .. In any bid ,~ .. credrt union Of I 10525 r·1MitAOYEMfNTS', OtrJ L Gr•

OF COST A M ES A , 20, 1091 PLEMENTAL D£CLA.· ~approval. S.tor• tall· ""' undtf th• l"krtlllou• orlnthe ...... d~ chick dttwn hu a mt• or SUBJECT TO THE TVltd • Ptges 20 and 2l of P~roel COUNTY OF ORANGE.I PI042t8 r-.TION " ) RECORDED Ing <*\aln Y9fY lmpc>ftant 8u•ln•H NarM(e) lltted Slenedr 18/ G•N• fwdetal ..w9 end loan AND CONOITIOHS Of TliE Cieri!, •r Ce Maps In lhe Office o lhe STATE OF CALIFORNIA A:; Publl1hed N-pof1 B.ech- MAACH t3,' 1987 AS IN- actlON, rio-...

1 the JM'· al>OYt ori · lndl\4dutl com- PMR•U., \noe C~ Htoelatlon. 1evtng1 .... DECLARATION, AND THE ••t ._., ~

County R&eo•d•r 01 H ld SHOWN ON A MAP RE· Costa Meta P1tol Augua1 STAUMENT NO 117-138450 tor* f9PetttUtYe wlll be peny ci•ll•r, ayatneH At- .oclatlon Of NY1ng1 bank TEMRS AND CONOITIONS f'Ubbhed NeWpol1 County CORDED IN BOOK ·~ 22 2t Sepl ember 5 12 OF OFACIAL RECOADS reQl.llred lo glYe notlCe '°' Otnnlt Swick f•I,.. Coetl CotftMuftlty t~llltd In s.ction 5102 Of THE MASTER I.EASE C09i. ..... ~

The 11reo1 address and PAGES 48, • II AND 50 0 1!19 1 ' ' ' OF ORANGE COUNTY, 1nttte91ed ptreont unleH Thia 1lalemtnt wn filed Con"9 Dt.ttkt ot t.n. F1nancte1 Codie and RECOADED AUGUST 1~ 22 2t &epembet I ot"-• tommon des~nallon MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, Th-59e CALIFORNIA, AND ANV they l'lolrve w..iv.cl notice or wlUI the County C&tfk ol Putwahed Orengt Cout aUlhOrlnd to do bualnlta 1959!-IN BOOK "'3:t ,AG1: let1 ' II any ol th• , .. 1 property ICNOU~ ORFEFCICOERc?:R T~~ AMENDMENT TliERETO ~, ~ ~ Of~ County on August oa11u Pilot """Utt 15 ~2 In thl• • .-• . ,,, the fYent 27• 1:1 SEQ. °' OfflCIAL. d bed bove ,, pur· ·~" PARCEL:>. ect..,. ., """ -" 1S, 1991 .... , ~v ' ' tandtf othlf than cash la AECOAOS -liiiiiiii;;tM;;;;~ Hero • SAID ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC NOTICE AN UNDIVIDED 1/3AD IN· ldmlnlwatk>n IMhofitY wlH P~M2 1991 ac~ the Tl'VftM may ni. ~ ~ and

ported 10 bl V• car l.And EXCEPTING THEREFROM TE.REST IN AND TO LOT A be grlllMd untett an lnttr• PublbW Newpot1 BMch- 11\576 WlltlhOld • IN tuuanoe ot oCher common dMIQNltkln, --------1 Ntme arod addre,.s of lhe UNITS 1 THROUGH 55 IN· TRUST•• UL• OF TRACT NO 127S7, AS etl*t petton fllM II\ ob- COete Mita PllOt Augull 1he TNllM'• D..a until tt ~. of !he real P'°'*1Y ...... LI ben1hc11ty ,, whOll r• CLUSIVE ON LOT I OF NO teoz• SHOWN ON A MAP RE· j4Klion to IM ,.IJ\lon and I fUnds become evalltble 10 deKftbed lboY't .. !)Ur· ..... , .. . QUHI Iha !1911 11 being SAID TRACT 10525 AS NOTIC8 0P CORDED IN BOOK 5'9, ahoW*goodc:auH:yt.n. 2,, n Stpl~bet 5 12. lhe~OtandorNeat• por1td 10 be· ttU ....... . conducted Counsel Corp SHOWN ON SAID CONDO TRUSTU'a aALa PAGES 40 THROUGH 43 court thould noc gran the I 991 ..UIUC NOTICI matt., ol nght, II 0 S 0 U E IP A IN 0 I , The FolOWtnO • A cAlr1orn111 Cn.potal lOn C MINIUM Pl.AN YOU ARE IN DEFAULT INCLUSIVE OF MIS.. authority. Tl'l-695 Said .. 11 wtU .,_ m•dt, COSTA M!SA, CA 12127 ate ckMrla ~ ~ 0 John K Hoover 2745 E EXCEPTING FURTHER UNDER A DEED°' TRUST CELLANEOUS MAPS A HEARIN.a on t~ c:i"· T.I . .... P-eaeG 1>111 WllhcM covenant °' TM IA"dttelgntd T"IWIM ( )STNl I NATHAN

Chapm1m Averou• Suite 10 i~5~f~~~T~ :~~ ~~. DATED 12115181 UNLESS a~~~is:~~QE ¥rM:',. ~."mt~t ,':; "ILIC NOTICE u=:'~IMD'=.,~~ ~· ·~"~°' ~ :::i~,~abll:r : I'~ (b)I IN COM Or1ng1 CA 92669 01rec- PURTENANCES LOCATED YOU TAKE ACTION TO OIL PM In 0.p1 3A IOCated al SUMMAlrf OP .,., ' reg1tdlng ' ttf ... addrMt and otntr (C)S I N lions 10 IM property may OR TO BE LOCATED ON ~~WErf1A~OB~Rso"t.':,o:-r R~~~;~~~C:L.MIN- 700 Civic Center D11Vt PltOPOHD :~:T ~~l~~~ ~~rtfyoru::::.:; common dealQMtlon, II COMr~N~ S~H be obtained by requesung SAID LOT I OF TRACT A pUBUC SALE IF YOU ERAL RIGHTS, NATURAL WHI , S1nlt Ana CA OftOINAMC• TAK.m ·ACTtoN TO f1IO. MCUfed by tald Deed, Id• lily, atlOWn neriln ~I Cell 'tit:' tame "' w1111ng trom 1"- 10525 NEED AN EXPLANATION OAS RIGHTS AND OlliER 92102 A propoMd ordinance II 'ROft. vane .. thefeunder. with In- The total ~ of 1he ~ a*, lt•t t>eneftc11ry wtmin 10 d1y1 EXC EPTING FURTHER OF THE NATVRE OF THE HYDROCARBONS BY "you ob)tel 10 tha giant· echeduted IOI· adoption ti T•CT YOUR l91'Mt u provided lhtteln. unpaid belance of the Obit• br an Or Hun I om Iha l1ra1 publlcaflon of THEREFROM EXCLUSIVE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST WHATSOEVER NAME Ing of the ~llllon, you the ,_,ulat ~ Councll lfl'TYt IT MAY H 90U) and the unpeld prtnclpal of getlon I.Cured by the....!! .. Clllf 'ii2Me r EASEMENTS IN ANO TO ON KNOWN QEOTHEAMAL ahould appear al the hear· • ..,, bet 3 AT A PUaLtC IALS. IP the nole NCUted by &&Id p!'Ope!'ty \0 be told and _,,, •

1h1s no11c1 ALL THOSE RESTRICTED YOU, VOU SHOULD C • STEAM ANO ALL PRO~ Ing and ti.le your obo mMtlng _of tm , YOU NOD AN UPL.A. deed with lnterNt tti.reon ttHonable Htlmated lten TMO F • The unde<slgnea Tru'1" CO MM O N AR EAS AS TACT A LAWYER UCTS FROM ANY OF THE ~lorl• or tue written ob- 1991~ Ofdlnance 111 0, NA- In Mid Not ootte IX!* .... and .0. Commercf.111 Of.,

dl,cltlms 11nv 11ab1llty for SHOWN ON SAID CONDO· C~f=:/9ri.~~r~~o :o~· FORGOING, THAT MAV BE b':ion' with the court ~ ~'" ~ o:= ::: ~~~Not' ..,::" "'°' r:.::~SI.. Ind .:: vw:iM Ill the Umt of the ~l~·f;:· I• any 1ncorrec1nau of lhe MINIUM PLAN SeMce u the duty WITHIN QA UNDER TliE • lhe ~ Your aP- Colntlwnlty Facllttiet DI• ca•DtNO AGAINST l*'9H of the 1N11M and lnttial ~of tht No- duClted by• gentfal slrlll t ddrHI and other RESERv+ffG THERE· ro' 1ntld TrwtM und9f PARCEL OF' LANO HERE· peara~ may be In peteon tl'tel No 9t 1 (f'la.u Tower YOU S OULD ot the tNtts created by tlct of .... It' 114,331.... ntnhl9 . I common d111gnallon 11 ~'6°~E se:~e~~'{!: E ~ : pursuant 10 Oaed of ~.;8.?e~ ~C~~O P~~ 0~1 ~a:':. •:~:r,· tor or a Publlc 1;.,p~•) ~~~ACT A u:V.,.. aaJd DMC1 of T~..

11• T~ ~ .,:.ce:"~ The reg1111ent(•)

Any t hown he•eln Said EGRESS ENCROACH· Trutt DRllL contingent crt<litof of the The motion to cN9 Ordl· .. ..._of QUALITY L- ..,. let't chtdc chwn on a~ lo 1n1nMCC stl• wlll be m11d1 but With· MENT SUPPORT REPAIR Recorded on 12 19'111 PETVAL RIGHT OF IN . deceaaecl you muet Ai. ~ 91·22 ftr1l rtadmg T ..... .... YI C8 C 09'' . , A8 IC.ate Of natloNI bank a Met undtt the out covenant or warr1my, REPLACEMfNT ' MAINTE: Document no 8~1J177 ~NOD ~~J~ti~W."mi your claim wtth the coun canted by the t~wl1~ofl :;':C.., Deed TRUSTS8. 1 .. 1 UST ~k dtMn by 1 _. 01 lwlnee• NatMCt ) ellprusld o• 1mpt1aa r• NANCE ANO OTHER PUA· Book -0-, Page -0- Of Of· FOR AND STORINO IN and IT\llll e COC>Y to I.he per· CIJI vott· COU IL M· ftOURTM aTR8aT 1 federW Ctedll unkw'I Of a abo¥9 on: Mardi to, 1 gatdl"O title poueu •on POSES, AU AS SHOWN nr••:hAec:d• ~n 'n:f~ AN D REMOVING THE aonal rtptHtf'lltllY• •t; g;A~ A~~~ ~i;,:: Nouc.°~,T~ given IUITI a2e, 8AMTA Check drMn by a NI• Of ~hen~ Wiii or 1ncumbrances to pty ON THE CONDOMINIUM ~NOE• ~er Cattfornl~ SAME FflOM SAID LAND pointed bY the coun with Er~k:on NoES None Ae'. lhot OUAUTV LOAN IER> AlllA, CA .. TOt (714) ledtfel taY1nQa and lolotl Wlftte the Oounly lhe rem11.,1ng prlnclpt l PLAN OR AS DEFINED IN Ulld b fiYO SEONQ OR ANV OTHER LAND IN· tour rnon;he from the date SEl'!f• None VIC£ CORP I CehfOtnla at•••tl, aYt KAY aHoctatton. NVtt199 a .. ~ r--. on

THE DECLARATION ••ec y CLUDINQ Tl-4E RIGHT' TO of ""' luuance of lta"9 ,._ • ·~- MIM-ICll• ... -._ IOCIMlOn Of aavtna• blnk ........ " , sum or lh• nf:'ll (' I 11curad P"RCEL 3 LEE af\d AUSA LEE, hu• •• P'OYldtd In HC:tlon 1100 The full lllrt ol the or(ll ...... poiabOn u u_.M, Of vn 1 .,..,. • m.r toect1led In laetlon 6102 11. 1 1 by .. d Deed o1 Tru11, With I NON-EXCLUSIVE EASE· band and wife WILL SELL WHIPSTOCI< OR DIREC. ol I,,. CellfOtnl• Probala nenc• mar. .,_ rMd In lh• iucoeHor trvstM, Of IUbo RIZD llOMT\M• ot the ,lnendel Code end ' Interest ihoroon H pro- MENTS FOR ACCESS IN· AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO TIONALL V DRILL ANO Code The time tor tlllng City Cterit t olllee, T1 Ftlt lflMed IN9t .. pursualll to • _,. ae4a ~ to do bualnett Publlthtd ~ vtd•d n uld flOll(, ) lid GRESS EGRE SS , 'EN· ~~ ~!~~Est B~E: ~+~~R F~~A't \~~~: clalml """ 001 ••plf• ~ °':.t.C:~".Mt;MINNllY ::3~~~~~= 0.led. OM>'1/1"1 In lhl• ttat•. In lht went ea.ta ..... "°' vancH ! 1ny ..oroder lhe CROACHMENT, SUPPORT f 1 ~ 1 Wful HIEREINABOVE OE· fore our monthl from tM • • INC A CAU,OANIA COR• Publlth td N1wpo11 tender other Ulan CUh It 22, 29, ~ lerm• ot uw Ooed ol frusl ANO FOR OTHER PUA· llma o ~· • h U alt d SCRIBED OIL OR GAS h .. r lng date noticed Cltr Clet'k ,ORATJOtol Recorded Oil 1 .. cn.Coltll M... Pilot ~ed. the T""°'" ~ 1111

'I POSES AU AS SHOWN money o 1 • n 1 E LS ' TUNNELS AND ~ Publl eh e d Newport • ....., ..,21 ,., __ 11 22 2t tlt1 wlthh<*S lfMI luuanc. of Hl•m•l•<'.1 lnt11 ChtllgH IN THE CONDOMINIUM Stat .. ) al IN THE LOBBY w L ;I. Vou may u amlne the rne 8••ch-Ootta MIH Pilot S0/1 ' In u .......

1 --~ • • • the TIWtM'• °"° untll1-=======:::1 and e•pe r ''' ol th t IPLAN ANO AS DEFINED IN TO l'HE BUILDING 801 SHAFT:; INTO, TliROUGH kept by the court " you Page 377 lnt1 No, 43141 Th@5 lunde beCOfM ~ble to l-Trutlff 9nd or lh• lru11s THE DECLARATION SOUTH LEWIS STREET, OR ACROSS THE SUB- ate a person lnteruted ' In A.uguat 22, ltOt heo5 ol Olflel•I Records In ::: "'9LIC NOT1CI the P9Y" or llOnM u I PUIUC MOTICI cruled oy ,.111.1 need ol ORANGE. CA all right, title SURFACE OF THE LAND the Mtale .....,, mey flSe I office ot the County matter of 1""ht 1--------1

• PARCEL 4 t nd lnterttt conveyed to HERE IN A. 8 0 VE 0 E· ' , .. .. corder of OAAHO! eounty, T a ... ·-- . ..,.... PIMtlllllM Trus• •ow 1 5 ' 92 16 22 EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS na ,,.Id b " undtf SCRIBED AND TO BOT· with tM cour1 a tottnll "• T Calrfomll end j)OflUMt lo ' • ' .._ said .. la wltl bl made, E111m1l•rl IN ANO TO THOSE POA· :aid =d of Tri., In lhe Ta M s u c H w HI p. q~at fOf St>ed•I Nollee Of PUBLIC NO ICE lhe Notice of ~ end YOU ....... WA&IL T 1>111 wfthOUI covenent Of ...... Ill .._

The IH•n•' c 11ry under I TIONS OF LOT 1 OF SAID ptoperty '"u•led in uld STOCKED OR DIRECTlON- the ftlong ol an 1"*'10ly K .. M2 Eleeliort IO ... !Mfeundet UMD•" A D88D O' w-.nanty, ••prtoM Ot ~ 8tM1•1nt 1a•d 0..00 ' TrJ•I he•ele>- TRACT 10525 SHOWN County Cal1lomla deserlt>- ALLY DRILLED WELLS, and ef)f>f:Nl of "'-tt!:i U- PUIN..IC MOTIClls recorded 04.122/1"1 In '""'8T DATD ....... ~. regarding tltle, pot- The ~ IOI• t1•ecU111cl 1t1d dellV· I ANO DEFINED AS OE· 1ng the


land thefetn Lot 11 TVNNEl.S ANO SHAFTS H 1t °'1 :"~t=ed rn NON.JUDICIAL Boole · Page · tnat. No ti• 17, ttat . UMLl8t :-= ..... o:,:cu~ ~~=-: ertld 10 the incler110ned 1 STRICTEO CO MM O N of Tr1c1 No 12787 In lhl UNDER AND BENEATH OR ~ 1Jo of tn. CallfOf· ,OfllPllTUR• 1814'5 Of Mid Offtelal YOU TAIW ACT10fl TO ed'by !Miid Deed act- MORTGAGE. 30 wnnen Dec•1raoon of O. ~~~Ts W:~~H ~RJo"°i~: Cltyeofs11';i~f~~~! ~~~~~~:Of~~ n4a Pf1>beta Code A A• Controt .... •t·M10 ~:f'!:· ~OOWA.': ~ PROTmT YCMM ~ =. thettundtr. wtth tn- Park, Sult• 11.0, laull ar>d 0•""'"d tor Sale PURTENANT TO SAID ~ on 1 Map recorded REOA ILL, RETUNNEL, qUffl tor Special Notice On May 11 1901 II 739 FRONT OF Tt41! ,LAO- IRTY, IT llAY N IOU» ttftet " prov4ded thtllln. Calif li2714 I nd• ""'tlitn Nouce of D• PARCEL 1, 2, 3 ANO 6 DE· In Book ~II. P1gH • O EQUIP, MAINTAIN, RE· form 11 avtltat>lt from IM W 19Tli STREET, COSTA POLES AT THE MAIN AT A flUllUC 8AL&. IP and the~ prtncfpal of JMD ""°" ltull 11nd Flecllon lo 5911 SCRIBED HEREIN tnrough 43 1nclut1ve of Ml• PAIR DEEPEN AND OPEA- COUl'1 cltfll MrSA. Ct l forntt offioer• E.NTIIV ARIA TO TliE ,LA- YOU RD M DPf.A. the note MCUttd bY Mid Inc , Caltom6a. 30 The •• nt11r 1gn1<1 ceuHd PAACEL 5 c:eMineout Mapa recordt ATE ANY SUCH WELLS OR Petitioner: Thorn1on E of lht COtta Mau Po41c:e CENTIA CIVIC CENT~1 MATIOW OP TMll NA- deed wit.ti Int.,._ efl«eon llW hrll, IUl\e 110, H id Notice of Del1ul1 t nd "N UNDIVIDED ONE of Orange County Calltor· MINES, WfTttOVT, HOW· ,._,... O.pettmtf'll N'led prop- 401_.11 £AST CHAPMN" TUR• OP TM8 f1IO. at ptovtdld In Mid Nott, Calll 12114 Elecllon 10 Sell 10 be r• FIFTY·FIFTH (1 /55TH) FEE nla, u more partlcularty1£V!R, THI! RIGHT TO lrltn K . 011.91.ekl t erty IOt fOffeltUfe In con-- A.V£NU PU.CvmA. CA C8aDIMQ AQAIMaT feM, c~er ff end H · Thi• bw•lnffa 11

SIMPLE INTEAEST IN ANO dt tcrlbed In Exhibit A DAILL. MINE STORE. EX- 01111.•kl & Ceenta, nee1IOn W!lh vlolatione of 111 public ~. to t1"9 YOU YOU 8MOULD penMt of ~ and ducted by': a COfded in lh• c~ ~.: TO ™E IMPROVEMENTS contl9tlng of two peg•• ., PLOR ! OA OP!AATE auu 0.-. Cepl•t· Hea.lth and S•'-'V Cod• hlQM•1 bidder for ceth CONTACT A LAWYIR Of the Cl'Mleel by Th• reglelrtn (a) the ret l proparty 11 oca ANO APPURTENANCES tacht<I hlfeto and mtdt a THROUGH THE SUA,ACE flftO aYlte A aen Sec11ont. to wll I 1351 , (payebll et the II,,,_ of Nie ....... ef • aald DMCf Of TN9l tntnCld lo lr-.al • nd mor o lhan lhrH ON LOT I OF TRACT pt rt h91'eof a• lhrough con- OR THE UPPER 500 '£ET Jveftt C I t 1 CA 11352. fl t In lawfU moMY Of N CIUAUTf ·LOM ... ntM under the montht h""' elapsed elnca 10525 (' IMPROVEMENTS ") talned herein OF THI! SUBS~FACE OI" ...

1, IP 8 nN'l•t The Ulltnttedleppral eel United Stal•), all l'lgtll, ,,.....,..... y I 0 8 0 0 R, , , A 8 8ualnMI Ntmt(e}

•uch recordauon SUBJECT TO Tl1E TEAMS PARCEL 1 THE LAND HEREINABOVt v•lut ol the pro'*'Y It UU., and lnllf"1, ~ ""'°' DeM TflU9TD, IMt llAIT lboW on: Aptl 11 11tt DATE 08 12 ii AND CONDITIONS OF THE LOT 6 OF TRACT NO. DESCAIB!D~. Al R!· , .................. ,. 11.2U 50 Tne . H IH d to and now held bY It efTNlt POURTM 8TRl•T JoM MlctlMI FOAf CLOSURf CO N· DECLARATION, AND THE 1:1717, AS SHOWN ON A. SERVED IV tl"IE IAVIN ••••h.C•••• ..... ptOpefty I• dt&Cflbed .. vndtf aaicl Deed of Tnm In No«ICe I• ,,.,. Qt¥en au1T• ••• aAltTA ,,......,.

Sul TANT S 1 NC AS TERMS AND CONDITIONS MAP RECORDED IN BOOK COMl'ANV IN 0££01 fl!· Pll.t ~ U, IA1 IOl!olW 11,27• 50 Untied the pf'Ol)tfty eitlJMed In 11\81 QUALITY LO~ &ff'. &M.& ...... ...:.,.i (7

t ·~ Thlt tltMlmtnt WM OF THE MASTER LEASE 5&9, PAGES "°THROUGH CORD!D MAY t , 1ltl Al n tM1 Stal" Currency uld CounlY tnd State and VICE COii', , e Callfomla -- - _,.., • wltt! IN Counly

TRUSTEE. 17802 IRV1NE, RECORDED AUGUST 1; <t3 INCLUSIVE Of. MIS. INS TAUMENT NO. ·~ ' Th..OT Pursu ant to Sacllon dM Cflbed .. tollowt Corpordtn .. "'*'"· Ot ......... •Y• llCA OrMOe CourilY Oft BLVD No 105 TUSTIN 111511, IN BOOK 4533 PAOi: CELLANEOUS MAPS, 1H1 41 0, OF'1CIAL 11 4U•\H of tne Caltfomle L£QAL OEICmft'TION lllOC...ot tndl ... or~ M8MINHCKl1 AUTlfO. " ' 1111 CA 92680 274 ET sea OF OfflCIAL Rl!COADS OF OAANOE RECORDS. ANO R!- Health • nd Saltty Code, PARCl!l 1 A SUBLEASE· lt!Med INetM put1IU8M to ...... aMMtATVMI ,...,

(714) 7l1·31M2 RECORDS COUNTY CAUl'OONIA. CORDED "9RUAAV I , PfOGedlKH 10 fol'ftll thla HOLD IN ANO TO UNIT In. Deed of Ttua1 n.cutld ... aMt ~ ......... TER I SNYDE R VICE The tlrfft addrn1 and EXCEPflNO AL.I OIL. OIL 1117 AS INSTRUMENT NO ML.IC NOTICI ptO~rty wonout JudlC:l• I NO 63 OH LOT I Ofl try M 0 JANU COMftANV, Dated· OMJ7/11tt eo.a ...._ Nat

PRESIDENT other common CS.llgnallon. RIGHTS MINERALS, MIN· 11.QeMll 0, O~trlCW. --· - p1oc11d1no1 tte under TRACT 10$251.. A.S IHOWN !He., A CALWOf'INIA COR- ,ublleh•d Newport t2 ti ..._.., • If 1ny ol lhe rN I p!'operty EAAL RIGHTS NATURAL AECOAOI. - •"'" ...,. wey AND 0£SCAID!0 IN nil !'ORATION Plecorded otl • ' .._- .,

P u b ll • h ed Ne wpP~lr ~ CS.terlbed above It pl.If• OAS RIGHTS ANO OTHCR A.LS 0 E lC Cl' Tl N 0 flUllUO SA&.8 If you cle1rn en lnteretl to CONDOMINIUM ,LAN Ot/llt1 In IOOk 14211 leach-Cotta .... , Piiot 11t1 8Hc:h.CO•t• MIH 0 p ort e d lo b• 21 U H YDRO C ARB ONS ev 1'HERE,AOM A.NV AND OPCOUATSllAL lhl• P'OOtf'Y you mutt ('',LAN ) WHICH l'LAN Page,.,. llnlC. No IN' of ,..,.. IS, n . 11. 11t1 _______ ..,. Augu11 22 29 September BOSQUE SPRINGS . WHATSOEV ER NAM! ALL WATfA , WAT&fl NOttCI II HlR IY within 30 days of In. 1111\ WAS MCOAD OOH SEP. Oflolll Rtc:ordt In the of· Th&M 5, 1991 COSTA MESA, CA m28 KNOWN OEOTHERMAL RIGHTS Ofll INTUWITI. OIV£H. pureuenl to a.ctlOn P\lblleation OI tnl• ~. T£MHR 1 .,, 1110. IN lie• of thl ~ AecotOet -1;;;;;;;;;wi1

th587 The und«'algned TrutfM STEAM ANO ALL ftAOO. WH!THlA SUCH 'tfATtR Hoe of lht CAUllOANIA 114• a Yll'l!led c1 rn ltlbng IOOt< 1s1i7 f'AO& 10&1, of ORAHOa c.ounty. Cal- MUC IOT1CI , --,-U-l _U_C ___ T_IC-.--1 dl9Clalmt any 11.ollltv for UCTS FAOM AHV OF TH AIOHTI IHAU.. ""Mo COM ... fRCIAl CO<X. of yoyt lnt.,n, In.,,. M'ttd IT SEO 6, "''ICW. tomia, arid pur9UWIC \0 IN1--iUiiiOiii8-- --.wiii;;;""I

"" any lnconec:tneu of the FOAEOOINO. THAT MAV IAH, OvtR VINO. APRO- the f'ubllc .... of 1.ht kl!- pn>peny llW!tn IM o.11 of RECORDS 0' OflA.NQI HotlCe Of ~ Md fleo.1 tMJ-Dlrt -------- 1trM1 tddr"' and other BE WITHIN OA UNO R !tAIAfM LITTOfllM., PlA• IOwlna ~: (II t•Q the Orange Coun!y Su1>41- COUNN. 1lon to W ~ ,.. ICfTACtCMI ,

"°'ltloUa common dHIQnallon. If TH! PARCEL 0, I.AND Ce>\ A T I N Q , p" MOTDf'GAADIA CATI"' rlOr Cour1. 700 CMc C..Wer 'ARCfL t oontaCI 04122/lltt lrl 9oolt .IUINCllL) •v•l--N•rne a.ny, thownhef•lr\ HEREINABOV!.J D!· ICAlnlV(, AOJUDI- l'ILl.Mt liN llUA1P {I) QfMW .. I lanl•Anll~ CA AN UNDIVIOID ONI . ,.... .'"" No. ti• HTIC• TO ......

St.tement Thi tolal a.mount of lhe 8C RIBED TOQe;THfR CATEO, ITATVTC>fft, OR 111 WATV.~ CA~ 11701 Vov lllO tnlial f)f!)i "PIT'Mtn'H (1"5TM> IN- 1114tt of Mid Oftlclal DANT ~I Th• FOltowlng ~· uripald baltnee of th• obi!- WITH THE "RPETUAL CONTflACTUAL. TO- ,.\J..M llN .. ,,.,:a (t) llld• the D tl'ICt A~I UAHT At A '\'tHAHT IN "9c:orde . ...... on OllOll . a • • • •

are doing bualMte u . getlon H curtd by lht RIGHT O' DAIUJNO, MIN> Gln4lA WITH 'n4r RIOtff ttt7 CHl~OLl!T C-'rO ~ wtttl en endOrMd COMMON IN A IU .. 11t1 • 10'00 AM. • ., Al, n•it ,........ LANA H JOHNSON COM I P'OC*tY to be t06d end INO, IXPLORtNO AHO OtJ. ANO ,OWUI TO IX• ~T KO OUMft TRUCK. OQP't of lht Otlft\ dlteCtotd LIAllHOU> llTAT'l IN fflONl Of' Tlil 'LAO- ..... OWp..J ...... IL UGO C-.- °' MUNICATIONS, 11 w..i r aHon1bl • H llm•t•d CAATINO THEREFOR, ANO ~9!!!1.o. DMJ... flfOftlU;, llH 101l'1011eHVtOHIO to For1•tUf• Ueton. Or- AHO TO AU.°' n.e MAI. ,OLU AT TH! f!IAIN ...... - l~d. 0

, ...............

Yt la Loop lrvlne, CA COtll, expenMS end act- ITOf'INQ IN A.ND flE.MOV· f'f.MUV1l AHO ITORI nft! ~~- . IN'TlflNA~L tt'99 county Dltlrid Al• PRO'iln"Y, INCLUDING lN'TWV AlllllA TO TMI l't..Ao ....... 't tt 19 iiiiQ ' 92714 Venctl " In. time of In. INO Tlil IAl.I mow IAIO IAM4I "'°"' °" .. ntl TMC'°". C()Ho. iom.v·· ()fb. 700 Clv4c WITHOUT UtMTATIOfit'"' CINT\A CMC CINTIR. YOU ... - - Tff\ ctwtee ......

Lana H JoMton, '11 Watt 11 l)UbllcatlOn of the No- LANO OR ANY OlliV. LANO ..,_INMOYI OI• V!HTIOH, ..,. ltW80U-~ ~ w ... lentt ~MON ANA Al DI• 401_.11 IAIT ~rt ~· IA w, l eaeflof l Or ' Yale Loop , 1r .. 1ne CA nceofNlele• M0,10610 LA~~ INCLUDINO THE aa.tMD, OR TO OIYPT fl20CA114U (1) 1tH AN CA N'101 . UM the FlNIO IN nil 0€CLARA.. A'llHUI. fiUoCl.HT1A. CA ...... , fimull& f-8 laed\,c.lf. iiiiat 92714 In eddltton IO c.th, lhe RIOl"ll TO WHIPITOC.C OR OR OllilA'MH VTlUD MOHOH -., PUT RD Cc>rMol No abo¥9 In ""'I TIOH OP COvtNANTa, II PY* adlon. • the · Thie -.. ....... le Thia bulllllH It con- Tru•I .. Wiii ace.pt • ..,.,_ DIAlCTIONALLY OAll.L IUCH WAT&"- llUOHTI OR TMUfl, l/N fNNfl~ 00tt~11'90C1 CONDITIONS AND f'!- ..,.,.. ....,..., '°' wfl ~ ........ • .. • ..... .__,..,-:en.,_...., dueled by en lndMdual let'a c~ll dtWWn on a ANO MINt FAOM LANDS INT!flltTI. IUT Wmt. QW102llt , on ""91"' 80, II YfNI Cilaun la nc>C llrMly ITf'ICTIOHt • OIC&..AN. ~•the lfM of.... ..-- ._. The ,..eetNm(t> The reg1e11ant(1) coin- ltMe Of nMlonal '*1tl, I OTHER THAN THOH OU!~ HOW!"l!fl, ANY tltt M 10:00 em In lht Med. fht ~ A.nomt)'t TION'1 lll!COM>CO ON tn 'WM '"°"9Y of tl"9 .. Mft ........ ~la ......

menc4K1 to transact bl.Ml- chtcll dr8MI by a 1ta.i. or H I AEINAIOVI Df· llllOl"ll TO lHTVI UPON IOOewy of tM ~ OfllcewtlldedefellleproP- afl'T018lf' 11, tteO. IN Ur-.. IW), ~ 1 ltnl flt_....,• Mae Ul'illlar ..

:-;,,.~N•i:<:,~ =:' '*=." tiy~..:; :fr~'f!0·T~~t~ ::g ~~,~AC3u~.-.~ ~~~~ :~ .~~;: ~.~14b,'~ .. ~tt :-·:: ~'t;/"i C: ~.:':',;. ":.1 .i: =..ir.: =l, 1b0Ye on: NIA r.dtfal MWlgll and io... IHN1• INTO, THROUGH H!f'llN IN THI IXl..Clll ltectl. CalllOMl mto ,... The P'°'*1Y Mii ftlOORDS Of' ORAHOI undtf Mid 0.... of TIWt lft ...... Te111 a. ... _, LANI H John90fl qeoelallon, MYlngl a• Ofll AC"°5t THr sue. M IUCH ,.IOHTI Al M • Thill .... le llilll'f _,,. "*" be dltPO"O of • COUHTY, ON LOT t OP IN P°'*" ....... " A ...._ • .,._ ... 1Na 11 nMl _,. . 1 TWa ttllement wet flled tOddort or ~ bank 11.MF'ACI Of' THC I.AHO lf"V!O- IN OltO M · dUC'1ct Dt ~ di the PfO~ In Helfttl and TMCT t0121, IN TMI CfT'l ltld ~and .... and ~ ON!1f °""

wM In. C0untt C*1t Of toectfltd In a.etlOn '102 Ht fl&INAIOVI DI· 00..DEO MA'I t , 1 ... Al d9fWt ol\.UZ ~ s.t~ COdt Section l1"'8 OF COSTA MHA At~•,_...~ ..... ,...... .... 0.-W _. Or•not countY on AugueC of,,,. l'lnanolll Oodt and SCAl8 OJ. AHO TO IOT· INITJllUMINT NO ... TION INC. on "'°"..._, MICHAIL A CAPID'.I IHOWH ON ,. MAP .... LIGA4 OllCllf'Tl(JN, ,.., .,,.. .......... 11.' 1 Xl, 1"1 PI041M l4llhotl1ecttodo~ TO M •UCH WH,,• 1117 ... 01' 0"'1CIALNoee'1_..,19U"Y..., trtdAttconwv • l COM)(O IN IOOK ~ l'MCIL.1• llH"'M ..... Me. • .. ••

lw:llo In lhlt .._. In IM went ITOCIC.ID 0.- OIMCTIOff. fllCOf'O ANO fl~ ,,_.i ..... ~ a, 9y CAAt<f " ,AOH 41, •t NC> IO ur A IUILlAllH0\0 fN ,..,... .......... ,_ Pllll Ml ....... N>lleMd ~ ,.,_.., ltndtr oehtr bn ~ le ALLY DllllLUD WIL~ ~OID rEMUMl'Y I , 1tl0 lfld.....,. ~-1~. ~ Dletrlct Aftorney -'11Clu.ANfOU9 ~ AHO TO \RT NO ti ON ..... _.. tt Miir oelil.' ..... ....

Co9ll ,..... -- aocepted, ,,,. Tl\Mdee may TUNHILI AND '"""• 111rAllNSTAUMINTNO M.., ............ ,vblllftH H••--Of '"nc Of'1ICI 0/1 TJtl LOT 1 °' ~ , ... ,..-. ......... . 12. 11. ._. .. ,,.,., I , 12, wlNIGld .... ~ of UN1*t Nt10 ..-A1" OR , .... ,. °' Of'P'OA.l -.; IN dlllOr "'9J ,. ~· MM• ftl!Ot COUNTY MC01D1R OI '! IHOMI AMO . DI• • - ....... ,._ •· &• I. ,_, 1M t~·· OM ...,.. llYOM> TH! Dt!NCM fl~ .._ ._ 117 11111 lrl ,._ ~t, l•. '2.1"1 IAIOORANOI • ICDHD II THl.~CONDO-~~tl!•~n!!M~l~l~t~-~_!P~~··~--!!!~·~·~'-----J!~ ~ fUM9 .,...,,,_ ~ to UMlfl THIMOf', N«J 10 The ..._ liCldrW lfMI OOIO.• ... ""' ,,.,. DOI~ ~ '1M . 1 ...,

~. AUg&.a n. 1111 Ott

J llJI... I ILmlnm T& .. ~- .......... IMI 114 IT Im. Of HA IMP; ................. .... • IL'J W ........ ....,. MODMI.. .. IOOll elN c...,.., ._

A - • ~ .,.... • • n. '"" ..._ ... •Me• t11 ..., •1111Dw9l ........... .................................. = ·cr.e liMPI PNICl&I• . vam ,., ..- • .......... • -.. °' .. ,.., '" OPPa °' ni A IUaiAHHou> ...... ,.. .... :=:wb¥~ Deed 1 I I ......... ~ AU. Al ...: ~ MCONJIR Of IMO TO UNIT NO It OH• ac11111P ....... • _. ••L ft A8111T&llT ...... - .... • .......... --. ........... .. ft. =t:.-ec=A-:llliii'A: IN CONOG• .. ~n~..0.. l.DT t Of JMCT 1-. ~~ .. WllrMW dWdl .,_ lllf e ....

,IT_. .......... ........,...._ CA- P\MltlfOM•WBIN UMTStTitROUGH•"' ..., naw W& • ... 9- W.-. ........ ti T"9 ..,.... ...... t..- ntl OICI ~TION. ~ OH LOT t' Of

- .. llD&Ao 9- l'°'9 eecurtd '9¥ .... S111dua ~ 1111111w .., P...a.•· 1A10 TMCT tOUI Al .. Tim ......... _.. ................. .,,, INon•w el .. ~ .........,.. IHOWN ON U.O CONOO-

.. ,,. ..... ~ ~ llid .._, .... ....._ -.1 .._IN AND TO ntOle POft. ....,.. "-AH •••t•• AeAl•IT 1"

9• ctla7:' find ••· totMIOft "96onllllofl, If TIOHI Of' LOT 1 Of' 1A10 llCCU1TINQ 'UfllTHIA

YOU 8MOVL8 :r:: :. tUlllee 8'ld ,,,. thown heti1n. T9'ACT 10tH IHOWN THlAl,AOM, ALL ,... Of' Irie 11 .. C.U.., ,.._.,

aoTAUllMa. Mldl>eedotT~ ~ '"*""':!..--::.:::. ~uf?.~~o't: .. ~ ~:Cm:. ~A';;~~· :....,~·toC: ::~;;;~;;;;;;,----1~ ......... T

...... • ~ ., MMIJTYtO• L0M ... talion MC\Qd lllf - AMM WHICH ltll/Jt; AOJA. OA TO K LOCATtO OH AN UNDIVIO!O ONl ...._Of 0.... n EJlo. .....C IOTICI H T~ 1 o.t uni! .. r•--,. .. CORP. , Al~ to .. IOld - CfNT WITH AND A,..""° LOT 1 Of' TMCT rwrn~ (11•ntl .... to ... ........,,.. tur-. beoel'M ....... to ......, .... TJIUITm. t•t -WT rH1onebl• H tlma1ett "URTINANT TO IAIO 10626. nMIT Al A TU6NfT' .. _...., IM'12Jt•t In 9oo11. TA. ... ~ ._ ~ 0t ...... • 1 d811~~

fllDUllTll*TWT - ~ . •••• - erld .. AACILI I , 2, i NfO . UCl .. TINO ,UATHIA COMMON IN A aua. . ...... - "* No. ti· "°" ... .....,.T _...,-~ Nc*9 ..._ .,._, 1M. 8MTA. ..... cA =-• .. .,,.Of lw OUCRl9ED Ht!Al.IH THIAfFAOM fllCLUIN£ ti.AMHOLD HTAft .. tMr.42 ot lllld Offlclll U•D&a A MD OP 1a10 .... _. be l'MCM,

' LOAN MA- ••10 t (Y t4) .... :r.~ of..... l>AACfL • . IAllMENT1 IH AHO TO AHO TO AU. Of Tlft! MM. llliecoroe, ..... c:. OM*/ TMMT MT9 =u: tM ....... ~ or . =·-·.=n: --,..._ ...... ..,._ ': ..::·~?S~:°' .. ,r;;,.,u:r~I~~~ o,~: ~ .. ~ r=rlr1!~ ~~=°= ~::'~ ~ntf ,~: ~ ~=~ ~= ::::r':Y.:0::-..:' ..=: ~!Clef=~~ .tuec-- INllM, 01 i.A> ••LL, AllllTAMT ~ .. eocltlM a cerf\.. 8*~ IHTIAU'T IN AHO SHOWN OH IAIO COffOO. OOWilON WA Al DE- ll'OLU AT THE MAIN "90T90T _,. ....._ ......,. or ~. lll'f llcooedl,... o1 ...

wreM pura.'11 to MCM'TMY - 1 c:Nclc drliWn °" • TO THE ~ MNUM ll'l.AH. FMD .. THE ota.AM- ENmY ~TO~ "-Ao k> fJlll/IJflt the i.oMf)11C1- IVNS ~ anC1 '*-o..d ofTtwt ~ Qfltt194a ::.. °' ~ ._., a ANO A"PURTENANCU RESERVING THIRE• TION 0' COVEHANTa, CUm~ CIVIC CENT'ER, DTY, rT llAY• 90&.0 MCUr'lld ~ _.., o..d. ~ common d .. •onauon, 1t

MD JAH!S <X:>f#AHV 011t9C1 ot/07/18'1 ....__.or~~ .... Of ON LOT 1 Of' TRACT '°"OM, EAUMENTS f'OA CONDlllONS AND IU· 401-411 UST CHAPMAN AT A~ 8M&. • ~.....,.,_, ..,In- lt/f'/, lh<>Wn net ... A CAUFOfMA c()A! p bll II ,_ .. et..... OI I lout f ...,...OYEMlHTS") ACCESS , INOAESS, ITRICTIOHS ·oECL.AAA. AvtNU , PlACamA, CA YOU -- M Oft.A. WMt • pnMcild ~ The '°'91 t1llOUl'll of ttlt

·• TIOH AeeotdM 07/ e .. c':..c a I •d ... ~ewport ~ .. dr~ I ...._._.! SULllCT TO THE TfRMI EOAEIS.. ENCROACH· TION'') AlCOROEO OH at publlc ~tiOt\, 10 tM Mnoll ~ TW U,. Ind the~ pttnelpjll d ""PMf b11anc. or t11t OtJ11 ' In 900ll 1412' ot a ...... "''°' ·- ~·"- Ind -· ANO COHOfTIONS °'THI MENT, SUPfllORl REPAIR, Un'EM8fR 11, 1tl0. IH ~ ~ fOf C9lt'I w ~ ,... "'°' .,. note MC\ll'9d a:.= gallon H CU!td by th• n Intl. No 21tl Of "'""'* 16, 12. 29, "" ::=,•on. =:: ~ OECLAAATIOH, AHO THE REPLACEMUfTt MMNTE· BOOK 13747 PAGE 15'& (payltJM at the lllM of .... c:•••••o AQ.llllT ..... ~ prop9tty IO Dt told .no Rtcont1 In tt. of· Th$54 9"C~ : leaiOn 6102 Tt'.MAS AND COHOfTIOHS NANCE AHO 0 HfR PUA- ET SfO Of' OfflCIAL Ill lllwtul ~ of IM \'OU YOU aMOULD .. pt~ In Mid No111. 1ueonabl • Utlf'lllttel

Of 1M ~ "'°Oldw • of the ....___. •• COCM and Of' THE MASfD' LEASE POKS AU. AS SHOWN Rl!~OS ()It ORANOE Ui'llted llat•I, al rtghl • ...__.:.._. ,. • - r.... charge• rftd ••· ~. t'P«\... "'1d ao. OAAHOI! eounty Ciiio .-..-- AECOAOlD AUOU8T 10, OH TH! COHOOMIHIUM COUNTY. OH LOT 1 Of titte arid.,...,....,~ -·-• •-•-· ~Of IN tn.mee end WWIClM ,. the l""9 o1 ttw

end ~'to tN .... .uttolled lo dO ~ 1169. IN BOOK 433 PAGE PLAN OR AS OUIN£0 IN TRACT 10625, IH ™~ CITY IO ano l'IOW held oy • • ..... .. of .. '""'-~ by P!lb'ICalion of the No-°' °"*" Ind a.o, r-UC leOTICI :,,:: = :.,, t11t ~ 27" ET Sl!O Of OFl"lCIAL THE DECLARATION. OF COSTA MEIA Al und4w Nld 0-.d Of Truet In T,_......... Mid 0-.d of Truet. 11ee of M 11 112.290 'S7 to Sell ~ ,.. T I .. 11.-.a • RECOAOS . ll'AACEL 3 SHOWN OH A MAP AE· Ille (>'Of;*1Y 111uated In U... 0..- QUAUTY LCMM &a. tn aoclitJon to CNh the

ded 04122/IM1 In look YOU• M8 ... HPAULT ~·:: T..~lM m11ofy The WMI lddr•t Ind NON.EXCLUSIVE EASE· CORDED IN 8001< ~ Ul<I counuy Ind Si.1• IM ef T.,.. y IC a Co" p A 9 TrwtM Will ~ a ~ ll'ee- • 1r19t No 91 ....,ance o«tw common ~lion. MENTS FOR ACCESS IN- PAGES 48. olt AND !IO ~ d"°'°9d u follows· Notice II ~ atwn Mii ' ' ltt'a check 0 ,.wn on

. M4H of uid Otftcl.i UMDllt A DllD OI :CS.'~ ~ ... until If llf'/, of the rHI P'°'*'Y ORESS, EGRESS, 'EN- MISCEUANEOUS M>J>S, PARCEi. 1' thll OUAl.ITY LOAN l£A- !__!!&81 ~ ~ llllltt Of nauonel ba11k, :

AeoOl'd9 _..Sell on Oli'Oll """8T DATD.,.., ~! .......,,.,, llV ........ '° CIMCnbed ~ 11 pur· Cl'OACHMENT SUPPORT IH n1E Off'ICe Of nif' A SUBLEASEHOLD I,. VIC! C()AP a ~ rvvn•" ,._., , - · cMcti dl'wwn 111¥ 1 1 Of 1•1 • ' 10-00 AM .. IN teat . UMLlll \'Ou the P8Y"of .1!..~ .. I POl19d IO I» 401 8AIOH- AND FOA OTHER PUA· COUNTY RECOAOER Of AND TO UNIT NO "°OH COrilofdOI ....... Of ... W'TA AM. CA t.ottal Cl'9CI• unlOl'I or •

T Of TH! ' Fl.Ao. TAK9ACTIOWTO"'°' INIW '""n l'ON SPRINGS. COSTA POSES. AU AS SHOWN SAIOORAHGECOUNTY LOT 1 OF TRACT 1~. IUCCeMOt ~ 0t ~ ••Tot (7141 ··~ ctieck cir- ot e t c. ll'OLU AT THE MAIN TICT YOUlt '"9,. !Md .... wot be INIOe, MESA, CA '2121 IN THE CONDOMINIUM EXCEll'TINO THEREFROM AS SHOWN AND DE- 9ln\Md"""" ~ '° een, m TIRR'Y RU.. l«Mral N'lllnga Ind IOllln ENTRY AR!A TO n1E PL.A. IATY IT llAYH ack.D :" ~ ~1.::. The undefllgMd TNl1M PLAN AND AS DEFINED IN UNrTS I THROUGH 6S, IN· SCRIBED IN ll1E CON~ IM o..d of TNlt •.dCUttld 91LL• AllllTANT Htoc.la!lon, taYlnot •• CENTI.A CIVIC CENT£R AT A 'PUINJC SM.a. IP pl:f • ~f)f .. ~Of dltclllmt any Mabillty fOf THI! DECLARATION. CLUSM: ON LOT 1 OF MINIUM PLAN ( PLAN ) by Mo JANES COMll'ANY ••CftSTMY todallOrl or NMnQ9 bat* 401 ... 11 !AST CHAPMAN • rtiJllt tno • po• any lllc0trec1neu of In. PAACEl. ol' SAID TRACT 10525 AS WHICH PLN4 WAS R£- 1~ A CAUfOANIA C~ _., 1~ In s.c:tiori 5101 ~'IENUI! 11'\.ACENTIA CA YOU ND All UPLA- Nltlon Of 1neumbt11noet, ltl'Mt addf"' "'° ot"-t EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS SHOWN OH SAID CONDO- CORDED OH SEPTEMSE.R PORATIOH Aeocwci.d Oil ....,.. ... *Me of tn. ftMnCta1 Code and ~ auctlOn tO tM MATKMI OP TM8 MA- IO .. ti1ty the lnd«>t~ common d .. fQnallon. If IN ANO TO THOSE POA MINIUM PLN4. 17. 1980 IN BOOK 13137 1a. tMI lf'I Boot! 141115 Dated Ol.'0711991 a.JthOttnd IO 00 ~

bktdtr '°' cMh TUR• °" nm NO-~ by Mid 0-.d. ~ l/IY, thown heniln TIONS Of LOT 1 OF SAID EXCEPTING FURTHER PAGE 1067 ET 5£0. Of P904t 103 .,.. No 21800 Publl l htd Newport In th ..,. '" tM ewnl (~•IN""" of .... C:l•DINO AOAO .. T ~r ~ :::: The toll! lmounl or tM TRACT 10525 SHOWN THEREFROM, ALL IM· OFFICIAl AEC<>f'DS Of °' Oflll:llil ~ In the Ba•ch-Colta Meu .. 01 ltndef ott. thlUI cash ..

llld.tl f'llOn9Y of tM YOU YOU I MOULD .: 1tt9 at "'.,;.d....,,.1nc1pa1 l I.wipe.cl blllwe of 1tt9 obll- AND OEFlNED AS Rf. PROVEMENTS AND AP- ORANGE COUNTY ~ of IN County .... AugUll 15 22 29 1'91 ICCeP1ed IM TrustM may Unll.ed SW•). Ill l'IQN, cowfACT A LAWYa. the no11"" MCUr: by ... ~ QI~ ·~u:,:s .:~ 1: STRICTED CO MMON ~Th~~~~'6!! =~RC~~~IVID'EO ON CQld« of O&HQ£ • • ..JWI wdhhold.'me iuuancL.Ot-·::: =-~~ T ......... med ~aald"*Not ~none~• HlTm•r•d ~~~~o AP· SAID LOT 1 OF TRACT 'FIFTY-FIFTH (l'SS™l IN· ~"=--C:&::".: ~1':=!. =bl:i:

Mid 0-.d Of Trwl In ==~ r:,r cllarg.. ind ,:: c::e•· ·~~·: ~ :'; PURTl!NANT TO SAID 1WJEPTING FURTHER TJ,~SJ0~S ~N TE~u: ~ to W ~ PUIUC N0T1CI the J>eY" °' tndOrM9 u 1

llM ptOC*1Y ~ In ~ of die INll .. lfW! v ff • me PARCELS 1, 2, 3 ANO 5 recorded 0.-122 1H1 In INll!tr of rtgl'll tald COlny anCI St ... and ef Trwt of tN lt\ltb ----- by lnltlal publtcatlOfl or lM N<>- DESCRIBED HEREIN THEREFROM EXCWSIVf: LEASEHOLD ESTATE IN 8ool! - Peo-. lnlt No 91· T .I . .... M9M SW ......... 0. ITWICSe, ct.tellbeel .. follo¥ws. Noua. la Mr9by ~ ..,_..., tlC4I Of hie 11 ~.U4 2tJ PAACEL 5· EASEMENTS IN ANO TO AND TO AU. OF THE REAL 1 l&SOe of Aid Official YOU MS tM NPAU\. T OU! W1tt1ou1 CCNeNW1I Of

PAAC£L 1- ltl&t OUAUTY LOAN SER- Mid Owes Of Tru.t In td<l•llOn 10 cun. th• AN UNDIVIDED ONE ALL THOSE RESmlCTEo PROPERTY, INCLUDING Record•. Sell°" OlllQ8/ UMDllR A DIHD OP warrwny. ••prne or itn. A SUBLEASEHOLD IN VICE CORP • Calltomll OUAU1'Y LCMM ..... TnmM Wiii accept • CUh· FlFTY.flFTH (1/UTli} fEE COM MON AREAS AS WITHOVT LIMITATION THE 1"1 II 10·00 AM .. IN TRU9T DATU .. ___ pl1" ,~ 11119 pos-~o TO UNfT NO 41 ON Corporation u INatM, or VIC II C 0 RP • t A I '-'1 chedl drlwn on a SIMPlf INTEAEST IN AND SHOWN OH SAID CONDO- COMMON AREA AS DE· FRONT OF THE FLAQ.. -· .....0,, °' tncum~ :,&.OT I Of TRACl 105U1 tUCCMaC>r INllM, or tub- TltUITm .. 1 .. t U8T 1t1t• or n1ttonal bank, 6 TO THE IMPROvt:Ml!HTS MINIUM Pt.AN. FINED IN THE DECLAAA· POLES AT THI! MAIN ao, teat · UNL•ll 10 .. lltf'f the lndebtlClnesa AS SHOWN ANO DE· 1tlMed tniltM pl.nllant to POURTH ITRan, "°' check dr•wn by. •tall Of ANO ~PPURTENANCES RESERVING THER E- TION OF COVENANTS ENmY AAfA TO Tl4E Pt.A- YOU TMm ACTKMI TO ..cured by Mid OMd ICI· •SCRIBED IN THE CONDO- the DMd or Trutt Hk\lted He IAWTA AM, CA *1•rrt credtl UtllOf't Of • ON LOT 1 Of' TRACT FROM, EASEMENTS FOR CONDITIONS AND RE· CENTIA CIVIC CENTER, PROTSCT youw. PROP· 1'anc.9 t~. 111tlttl .,,_ MINIUM PLAN ("PLAN') by M 0 JANES COMPANY tllOt 1714, tea. cMc:k drllWf\ by I ewe°' 10625 ('IMPAOVEMENTS") ACCESS. INGRESS , STRICTIONS DECLARA· 401.ttl EAST CtlAPMAN En"Y, IT MAY al 90\.D 1erwt u ptOllld«I W.911\ WHICH PLAN WAS RE· INC .• A CAUFOANIA COR' ' I.CS.al umgs and kMln SUBJECT TO THE TERMS EGRESS. ENCROACH- TION ) RECORDED ON AVENUE PLACENTIA. CA AT A ..Ua&JC 1ALL. tP and tne ~ pnndpal of CORDED ON SEPTEM8£R PORATION RKOl'ded 07/ eMll • m TORY RUa. H1oc.1~t10f\, Hvirigl .. AND CONOmoNS OF THE MEHT, SUPPORT, REPAIR, SEPTEMBER 17, 1980. IN at pvbllc auction, 10 the V0U NUD All IJlPLA- OM not• Mc.Uled by Mid t7 IMO IN B()()t( 13737 10/1981 In 110061 14134 •LL, A8118TANT IOClaUOn Of Hvlrtgt bank DECLAAATION, AHO THE REPLACEMENT, MAINTf· BOOK 13747 PAGE 15"5 hig"-1 bid<* for CUii ..... T..- OP ..-... ..... 1:1..o W'll'I 1111•• therlOfl

'PAGE. t0s7, ET SEO Of' Peo- 1ol21 1net No 12744 llCRllTMY t~1nld In Section 51C12 TEMRS AND CONDITIONS NANCE AND On1ER PUR- ET SEO OF OFFICIAL (,,_y1blt at 1he time of Hie - """"' ,._ ,_ u ~ in ... cl Note, OFFICIAL REOORDS Of of Ottlcill Rtcord1 In t11t QPP ~ of lf'll fmanc:laJ Code 1nd OF THE MASTER LE/ISE POSES. All AS SHOWN RECORDS OF ORANGE In i.wtu1 money of IN TURa OP THa ""°" 111•, ch1t9H and ••·

, ORANG! COUNl'Y ofltce ol the County R• O.led: 08/07/ 11191 84.111torir9d to dO buslnMs RECORDED AUGUST 10, ON ™E CONDOMINIUM COUNTY ON LOT 1 Of Untied StatM), all rlgtlt C•aDIMO AQAIN9T perwn or tM tr\!StM and PARCEL 2: corcs.t of OAANQE COuntv. Publlelled Niwpott lfl 11'119 11111 In the "'1tnt 19$9, JN BOOK "t.33 PAGE Pl.AN Of' AS DEFINED IN TRACT 10525 IN THE CITY titlt. and k'ltf'MI. c:~ \'OU , YOU IHOULD of the tNst1 c:rN!ed by AN UNDIVIDED ONE Clllloml .. Ind p\JtlUanl (0 B .. ch-COl1• M•H Pilot lendtf O!hef than cull It 27" ET 5£0 OF OfFICIAl. THE DECLARATION or COSTA MESA AS 10 and now held ot II cotn'ACT A LAWVU.. Mid OMd of Truet

,,FIFTY.flFTH (1155T'H) IN- tM Nocl09 of o.tllUll Ind ec:c:•~ IM Tru1IM mey RECORDS PAACEL 3· SHOWN ON A MAP RE· Ufldtf Mid OMd of TtU.i _, ....... ef QUALITY 1.0Mt au..

iEST AS A TENANT IN EJec:dori to Sta IMr...., AugU9t 15. 22, 29. l"9I wtthllold IM tssuenc. ol ~ atl'HC 1ddr11U and NON-EXCLUSIVE EloSE- CORDED IN 800t< 462. IM PJOP«IY Mtlmed It\ T~ .. •• .... y IC. CO R.. . A a MMON IN A SU8- r•c.ord•d 04/22/lttl In ~ IN Ttu61M • 0-.d urittl °''*common dttigl\&llOn, MEHTS FOA ACCESS, IN- PAGES 48 49 AND~ Of .. Id Col.Inly aod S1att lll>d Un4er DeM TRUST'tt, , .. , 'MIT SEHOLD ESTATE IN Boole . ll'eg• . ln11 No. 91· furld1 beeome 1Ylllt.bl• 10 11 eny, of the rMI pr094Wtf GRESS, EGRESS, EN- MISCELLANEOUS MAPS. described n followl

D TO ALL OF THE R!Al 118492 of .. Id Otflc:lll 11\t PIYM 01 endon" H I dtlCJtbed lbow 11 rur· CAOACHMENT, SUPPORT IN THE OFFICE OF THE PARCEL I -' T rwt ~ 0 UR TH ITRI! RT• "'JtROll'EATY. INCLUDING Recofd1, wm Sell on 08/091 PUIUC .. OTIC! matttf ot 11g111 ported to bt 2. 10 AND FOR OTHER PUR- COUNTY RECORDER 01" A SUBLEASEHOLD IN ... NalOU~UTY11 '*l'ebY ~ IUtTE 2H, SANTA ·'WITHOUTUMfTATIONTHE 11191 11 1000 AM 11 IN " Said 111• will ti. l'Ndt. BISCAYNE SPRINGS. POSES, AU. AS SHOWN SAID ORANGE COUNTY AND TO UNrT NO '"ON i .. e1 " 0AN 'SEA· MA. CA •.2701 (1141 eCOMMON AAEA AS OE· fAONT OF THE A.AO- but Wllhol.lt coveMnt Of COSTA MESA, CA 928.28 IN THE CONDOMINIUM EXCEPTING THEREFROM LOT 1 OF TRACT 10525 VICE CORP I CC:IOMI• 28t•eea, aYu KAY (11NEO IN THE OECl..AAA- POLES AT THE MAIN .,J,·!..~iN':.'::ULT watTat'lly ••pt ... Of ltn- Th• undlfalgned Tnm .. PLAN ANO AS DEFINED IN UNITS' ll1AOUGH SS, IN- AS SHOWN ANO DE· Corporation .. w....: HODRICK.a, AUTMO. t.TION Of' COVENANTS, ENmY AREA TO llfE PU· UNDIR A Dll•D OP p14d, tegardlng llti.. POt- dttdalma "'Y llabii.v fOf THE DECLARATION CLUSIVE ON I.OT 1 OF SCRIBED IN THI! COHO(). :=-1n.-1 llVI ~..!'- to RID:D StQUT'Uftll

CONDITIONS ANO Al!· CENTIA CMC CENTER, fflSIOll Of tneumbf~. 1ny locofr.ctrwu of Iha PARCEL" SAID TRACT 10525 AS MINIUM PLAN ( PLAN) .. ..--ft Qltlt S.-0 'STRICTIONS (' OECLAAA· ..01-411 EAST CHAPMAN TRUIT DAT•D .h.l!y 2. to aalltfy tile lndeblldn.e tlrltl eddtffl Ind other EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS SHOWN ON SAID CONOO- WHICH PLAN WAS RE- "'- 0-.d or Tt\191 uec:ut9d tTION'") RECORDED ON AVENUE, PLACENTIA. CA teli . UNLISI YOU MCUTtcl by Hid OMd, ad• common dt1lgn111on, II !N AND TO THOSE POR· MINIUM PLAN CORDED ON SEPTEMBER ~ D JANES COMPANY, OatlCI oeo7 1991

•SEPTEMBER 17, 199(), IN al public llUCtlon, 10 the TAKI ACTION TO PRO. vane•• thtf~ndtf, with I~ 1ny, enown ller9ln. TIONS OF LOT 1 OF SAID EXCEPTING FUATHER 17, 1980, IN BOOK 13T.17 ~~~Of\N;'tcl C~ Put>Uthed Newport 1'8()()1( 137" 7 PAGE 1645 hlgh991 blddtf f0< CNh TICT YOUlt PROP. lt<HI H ptovlded ttterlln, Tht total amount ol 1119 TRACT 10525 SHOWN THEREFROM ALL IM- PAGE 1057. ET SEO . OF ~ Bt1cl'l-Co1t1 Mt11 Piiot Y T SEO OF OFFICIAL (payabl• •t tN ""'-of .... IJltTY IT MAY •• IOLD Ind tile unp11d ptlndpll of unpaid b ... nc. Ol Ille obli- AND DEFINED AS RE· PROVEMENTS AND AP· OFFICIAL RECORDS OF ~I lM~, 1':,. eo: = A119Ull IS 12 29 1•t RECORDS OF OAANGE In lr'tlllfUI ~ of the AT A 'PU•LIC U&.a IP IN rlOte NCUrtcl by Uld g1llon sacurtd by thl STRICTED CO MM ON PURTENANCES LOCATED ORANGE COUNT'f •o:-0-onio.i Rec:otdl 111 tt>t Th547 C04.HTY OH LOT I OF United StJllM). .. right, • died woth 1nttt .. 1 lh«eon propef1y to be IOICS and AREAS WHICH ARE ADJA· OR TO BE LOCATED ON PAAC'EL 2 TRACT 1062s IN THE CITY Wt, ~ Int--. conwyed VOU N•ED AN °'LA- •• pnMded 1n uld Nore, reuonablt ullr'llat•d CENT WITH AND AP· SAID LOT t Of TRACT ~N UNDIVIDED ONE :!:r ~ ~~ PUIUC NOTIC! OF COSTA ' MESA AS to and now held by II UTION Of' THI MA- ten, cl'l•HQU i nd tx• co1t1. ••l*l"' and ad- PURTENANT TO SAID 10525 flfTY.FIFTH 'llfSSTH> IN- I •

A MAP R ~ Mid OMd oC Truet In TURI OP Ttfa "'°' !*\Ml Of tile llustM and llllUI et the ti!M ol ~ PARCELS 1 2 3 AND 5 EXCEPTING FURTHER lCREST AS A TENANT IN Ca lfomoa, ~ &::::": uo UEQAl. ltOTtcl ~~D c: BOOK .,,~· lh• prOJ*1Y lllV•i.d "" C•IDINO AOAIN8T Of IN trutll C!'Nltcl by lnrU•I pYbliclllon of th• No- DfSCRIBE0°HE.REtN I THEREFROM EXCLUSIVE CO MMON IN "' sue. m:c:::ic: ~ u!:!:! PROl'OS&D , .. 1-92 ,_AOCS 48 "9 AND 60 OF Mid County and Stal• Ind YOU YOU IHOULO Mid Deed of Trust tic• of telt 11 S76.327 07 PARCEL 5 EASEMENTS IN AND TO LE/ISEHOLD ESTATE IN recorded 0•'22 , 99 , tn •UDGn flOft MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, dffCf'l'*f .. fOlowa. CONTACT A LAW\'llR. QUALITY LOAN au. In lddtbOt'I 10 cash 1t1t AN UNDIVIDED ONE ALL THOSE ntsmfTE~ AND TO ALL Of THE REAL 8ooll . P• . lnat No 11• HUM'TINOTON ll&ACH


E Couo.m1 TATE IN ANO TO rvet- • 0 ' S II.lie Of Nlloonal btnli 1 TO THE IMPAO\IEMENT'S MINIUM PLAN COMMON AREA AS OE· H SAIDORAHG ... .. PARCELi Unchto.M , UfllT" TR••T , Checkdra#nb ••lateor AND APPURTENANCES RESERVING THERE· l"INED IN niE DECL.ARA- 1991 111000 ~M 11 IN Ttl • '"'""•'•" u~.f:~T}~~e:,~: A SUBLEASl!HOLD IN ofTnnt IUITll Ha, IANTA 141dtfal ct9d1t ~ Of • ON LOT ' OF TRACT mo-.. EASEMENTS FOR TION OF COVENANTS, ;~~Ts ~~ ~':.i "'~?N heotl Ctty SohMil ot.. CLUSIVl ON LOT I ' OF ANO TO UNIT NO 39 ON Not~ la heftbv gNen ANA. CA e2701 f7t41 CMck drawn by 11111e °' 10!>25 f IMPROVEMENTS ') ACCESS INGRESS , CONDITIONS ANO RE· ENTWt AREA TO THE Pl.A· \14ct ... ~ ~ SAJO TRACT 10S25 AS LOT 1 OF TRACT 10525. IN lhll OUAUTY LOAN SEA· 2es .. ••2, 8Y1 KAY fedttlll .. vtng. •nd loat'I SUBJECT TO THE TERMS EGRESS , ENCROACH- STRICTIONS " DECLARA· CENTIA Cl\llC C£NlER •• , ",, •• 2 .. " be SHOWN ON SAID CONDO THE CITY OF COSTA VICE CORP. a ClhlOfnla H .. tDfUCK8, AUTHO. a11oc.1a11on, Hlllngt .,. AND CONDITIONS Of' TH! MENT. SUPPORT, R~PAIR. TION'') RECORDED ON 40t.t1I EAST CKA ..... AN ~ tw ~ ~ MINIUM PLN4 MESA. COUNTY OF OR· COrporauon .. lrUttlM, or "IZllD ltOMATURS IOCllllOf\ Of Hvtng• l>Nllc DECLARATION AND THE REPLACEMENT MAINTE· SEPTEMBER 17, 1980 IN AVENUE PLACENTIA CA •••otl•n •• I04•t EX Cf PTING FURTHER ANGE, STATE 0' CAU· eucc"'°' INltM. or IUbo OPP S848 t!MC'ri.d In Stctle>n 6102 TEMRS AND CONDITIONS NANC

5E AND OrJ1ERs~ 8()()t( 13747 11'4GE ls-45 11 puOAC 141C1IOl'I IO, N C'*-~ HuntMe-

THEREFAOM All. IM· FORHtA. AS SHOWN AND ltlMed ~ pur1uenc IO O.ttcl oa 07 1"1 01 IM f'tnlnClll Code Ind Of THe MASTER LEASE POO SE fAU.cON"'DO~ !UM ET SEO OF OH'ICIAL NgtiMt boddtf fl)f " ..... ...,... . • CA"-.,. PRO\IEMENTS• ND AP OESCAIBED IN THE tM 0-.ct of Trull Utc"1td 11.111\0nled to do buttneu RECORDED AUGUST 10 N TH IN RECORDS OF ORANGE l,... atllol at IN time Of .... _. ao ---....._,

A . CON DOMINIU M PLAN by M D JANES COMPANY Publlen•d Newpoit 1n 1t111 llllt In tne 9Y9nt 1959 IN BOOK 4833 PAGE PLAN OA AS DEFINED IN COUNTY ON LOT 1 OF ,....~ f --· • .._. ' ~~::c~&~~T~~ ('PLAN I WHICH PLAN I~ . A.corded 071l•11t1i BHCll·C0 • 1• M ... Ptlol tendlf othtf th II CUii II 174 ET SEO OF OFFICIAL THE DECLARATION TRACT 10525 IN THE CITY ~t~tllt~ .. CI,;;::. , •• ,, ... , ••• " '"• ,SAID lOT 1 OF Tl\ACT WAS RECORDED OH SEP· In Book 1• 13& Paoe- I~ Augu1t I~ 22, 29 1991 t1c:'9P'ed. tl'lt Tru1tM m1y RECORDS PARCEL 3 ., .. SC OF COST A ME SA , uu.. Ind lnt1tii11. ~tvt<I fleill'9-' 7 i '4) • ·"'- end 10625 TEM8ER 17, 1980, IN ln11 No 11387 of Olficlal Th552 wtthhOld 11\e 1aau111e• ol The 1tr"1 1ddrtts lr'<I NON-EXCLUSIVE """ • COUNTY OF LOS ANGE· 10 11'4:9 now lltid by tt • JH P•"'• n. ~ EXCEPTING FURTHEn BOOK 13731 PAGE 1057, RllCOfcll In lM office Of tM tll• Trust .. '• Deed unlil Olhtf common dtttgNhon. MENTS FOO AC~~ss· ~: LES STATE OF CAl.11"00 under •aid OMd of Tt\41"' Marl"• .... ._. .....

THEREFROM EXCLUSM ET SEO Of OFFICIAL Coun1Y Recofdef 01 Of'- f\11\d• ~ .van.t11e to If any. Of 1n. 1H1 ~ OR0ESCS :::rRESUPPORT NIA AS SHOWN OH A '"' ~ ~ In ••••d bw-e•t fer EASEMENTS IN AND TO RECORDS OF ORANGE ANOE County, Callfomla, _, 1ILfC MAflC• tne payee Of~ u a dtKno.d 1b0¥1 11 put• CR A HM MAP RECORDED IN 800fC Mid ~ MCI ~· ar'CI 1 .. 14'1 wftl 1M haW .. 4lL THOSE RESmlCTEO COUHTY "'° plKIUMI 10 IM Noloc. rv l'fV 15 mtntf of flght pot1t<I to ti. • 20 8RIGH- ~D FOR Ofli[R PUA· 482, PAGES .. 49 AND 50 de!ICflbtd .. folow9 ~' Ct......, L8fte COMMON AR EAS AS "AACEL 2 of 0.flYll Ind a.ctlOf'I 10 T. Mo. fl-eS.. Sllld aa1e Wiii ti. made, TON SPRINGS, COSTA ~S~~E "'~'o:go~= OF MISCEllltNEOUS P4RCE.l 1 . ..... ...... 8-11 ..; SHOWN OH SAID CONDO- AN UNOIVIOE'D ONf Seti thef.undtf r9COtded YOU . ... • •• IN oe•'"ULT b\lt WllhOul C:O\ltnlnl Ot MESA. CA 92828 I MAPS. IN TliE O"FICE OF A SUBLEASEHOLD N .. 0 ...

· . FlFTY-FIFTH (tlSSTH) IN· 04'22/1t81 in Boole • P19t _. r• w1nanty ••Pt.., Of Im- The Utl<l9rslgn.d TNtlM Pt.AN ANO AS DEFINED IN THE COUNTY R£'CORDER AND TO UNIT NO 2.a ON lttlMl .. r t ' ' 1 al M~~~~:~G THERE TEREST AS A TENANl IN . lnet No 91-184494 of UNDSfll A D•ao OP plied re'.gntdlng ttllt, Pot- dl1Clalm1 any ll1bll11Y lo. THE DECLARATION OF SAID OAANGf L.01' · ! Qf' TMCT ~7r00o'~P.•'"'•c----FROM EASEMENTS FOR COMMON IN A sue. Uid Offld.i RIC'Of'd•. W111 TRUST DATID JurM • • .auaton Ot ~.. any lncortac:IMtl of "" PAR(;EL 4 COUNTY - AS SHOWN AND DE· '"""•ti•~ ••• ,.,. ACCfSS INGRESS LEASEHOLD ESTATl. IN S .. I Ot'I 00091 1"91 It 1ea1. UNLaSI YOU to Nlit!y the ~tedl'ltN 1trMC llddr ... Ind om• EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS EXCEPTING THERE'1'0M SCRIBED 1H THE CONOQ. •••oh.Celle •••• EGRess • ENCAOAC~ AND TO ALL Of' THE REAL 10 00 A.M .. IN FAOHT Of TAK• ACTION T'O .... 0. I.Cured by uld 0-.d ed- coml'llOf'I dts•Qn1tron. If IN ANO TO THOSE POR U~•rs I ™ROUGH 54 ~ M•'°llU~ PLAN r PLAN , .., .......... 1:2. 1 .. 1 ME.NT SUPPORT REP.AIR PROPERTY. INCLUDING THE f'LAOll'OllS AT THE TICT YOUR .... op. Yancet ~ ... ~I\~ any, •hown lleniln Tl()NS Of LOT 1 or SAID ClUSM ON LOT I Of' WHICH PV.IO ¥1'4.$ RE· Tl\5ft REPLACEMENT ' MAINTE· WITHOVT LIMITATION TI1E! MAIN ENTRY AREA TO UfTY tT MAY •• SOLD ltftll u prcMdtld tiler .. ,,. Tht IOlal amount of Ille TAACT 1052~ SHOWN SAID mACT 100,..."'S AS COR0£0 ON SEPTEMStA ---------

~ NANCE AND otHER PUA COMMON AREA AS DE· THE PLACENTIA CIVIC AT A • .. u.uc UL• ., and tn. unpaid p11nc:1pal ol ~aid b•lllhee Of .,,. Obll- ANO DHINEO AS RE· SHOWN ON SAID COf\IOO. 17 19'0 IOOI\ 13737 PUIUC llOTICI POSES All AS StiOwN FINED IN THE OECL.ARA· CfNTl!R, •01 ... 11 EAST YOU NllD AN U.;LA- lhe no1• UC:UJ9d by Mid gallon 1tcurtd by the STRICTED CO MM ON MINIUMP\.AN PAGE 1057 ET SEO . Of---------OH THE CONDOMINIUM TION OF COVENANTS, CHAPMAN AvtNUC, PLA· Clffd wllh lflttfffl thertoll P'°'*'V IO ti. IOld end AREAS WHICH ARE fl.OJA- EXCEPTING 'URTHER OfFICIAl RECORDS Of L.aQAl. MOTtCa PLAN OO AS OEFINCD IN CONDITIONS AND RE· Cl!NllA. CA at publlc: •UC· NATION OP T'Hll NA- u ptOYICSIKI In Did Nott rtuon1blt ullmat•d CENT WITH AND AP· THEREFROM. All IM ORAMl£ COUNT" ~T..a&A

1 THE DECLARATION STRICTK>NS ("DECLAAA- tlon, to lht hlg~t blddtf TU"a OP THI PRO. ltH, ch11g .. 1nC1 tx· c:otta ••J)tnMI and ICI· PUATEN4NT TO SAID PAOvE-..ENTS ANO AP P41'CE ~ utttPltD K~ 1 PAACEl 3 TION") RECORDED ON for cuh (ptyaOle 11 the C8•DtNO AQAINIT ~ of the trual" and vane .. 11 the time of the li'AACELS I , 2. J A.NO 5 P\mTtNANCES LOCATtO AN UNOllflDEO ONE Dt8n.tcT

NON-EXCLUSIVE EASE SEPTEMBER 11 t910, IN llmt Of H I• In l1wtul fiOU , YOU IHOULD or 11\t lt\1ttt CrHi.d by 1n11 I publlc'atoon ot 11'1 N<> OESCR18ED HEREIN Of' TO BE l0CAT£0 ON FlFTY..f FTH (1 '5.STtil NOTIC IS ,,.f,_H°' -ME.HTS ,OA ACCESS .,.,.. 800t( 13747 PAGE 15"S money of the United CONTACT A LA..,.,_, uod 0-.d of fl\ltl he• of a.tit 11 SSil.47• 70 PAACU !I SAID LOT 1 OI "'ACT TE,_EST 45 A TE~4JllT 1~ GIVE'oi ~- 1M Boerd <'I C'ORESS EGRESS 'EN- ET $[0 01' OFFICIAL Slll••I. .. rlgtlt. ""'· Ind Motto. of QUALITY LOAN Sl!Ao In •dd•llOfl to ~·" ·~ AN UNOIVIDEO ONE IOS25 COMM ON IN A sue. E~ ol ........ ~ 1CAOACHMENT, SO~T RECORDS OF ORANGE lnt•est. con~ 10 and TNet .. ' • .... VIC• CORP., A• Tr1.1llH ... a Katpl. C&I~· FlrTYf'lnH (1 !>5TH) FEE EltCl!PTING ll'URH4ER LEASftiOLD ESlATt IN ¥eu Uno eo ~ °'

' AHO FOR Oll1ER PUA- COUHTY. ON LOT I OF now lltld by " under Mid DMd TRUan• tH1 IAST la.' Check dllWTI (It'! • SIMPLE iNTEAEST IN AND THEREFROM EXCLUSl\lt ANO TO ALL Of TH£ Rf.Al. iTiCI ot °'""" Counl\' IMll POSES ALL AS SHOWN TRACT 1052$ IN TWE CITY Deed ot TNlt In the prop- Urtder f"OU1'TH tTRln NO 11111 or nabonal banll , I 10 THE IMPROVl!M(NTS CASEMENTS IN ANO TO PAOl'f.ATY INClUOiNG *" OIO to IN TH'E CONDOMINIUM OF COSTA ' MESA. AS tt1Y lllullld In Hid County of Truat llH IANTA ._ .. ,; cA Cl'ltck chwn by a state Of AND APPURTENANCES All ntOSE A(STRICT£D WlfHOVT LIMITATION TH ~ m. ... on 11141 ~uo cs.~

' Pt.AH AND AS DEFINED IN SHOWN ON A MA.II' RE and SUI• arid dffCl\t>td.. Nollet ii ""~ QNef\ • -- ledtlfal Cled•i Unl()t\ °' • ON LOT 1 Of TRACT COM MON AREAS AS co .. ~ON AREA AS DC· of ~I 1•1 .. tr'4I flV THE DECLARATION COROEO IN BOOK ~ follOww lhet QUALITY LO SER- •210 t f7 t . , 2aa. htck drmwn by I •tat• Of 10525 CIMPROV'EMOlTS ') SHOWN OH S4ID [)().. FINED T'ME OfCt.AAA c:n••!nt. OtTICt O' M 0

- PAACEL "- ll'AGES 41, 4t ANO "°OF ll'ARClL I VICE CORP • Caillomia eMJ, •Ya TDUn• RUS- i.dtfAI Nll'lf>Qt Ind lo n SUBJECl TO nit TtR .. $ M IUM Pl.AN TION OF' COVE l'oi .. NTS Sci"OOI lcJC.lteo • t!lCCWSM EASCMCNTS MISCULANEOUS MAPS, "' SUBLEASEHOLD IN Corpor••IO'I •• ""'""· °' 81.U, UlllTANT .... HIOC.llhon, ,. f'IQ• n AND CONDITiOHS OF THE AESfRVING THfAE~ CONDITIONS ANO Af· w ~ "1-t. eo-.

IN n1E Of'flCC OF THE AND TO UNFT NO 13 ON tuc~ .. IOf uus1 ... Of IUO CRllTRV toelation Of w~ bll'~ DECL.AAATION AND THE l"ROM EASEMENTS l"OA STRICTIONS 0£Cl.ARA M CA·~ icr. IN A.NO TO THOSE POA COUNTY RECORDER Of' LOT 1 Of TRACT 1M2$, tltlVted ltUtlH purl\lll\1 to Q , e~illtd 1n S.C:tl<>n ~101 l(MRS AND CONDITIONS A CCESS INO .. CSS , TlON l RECOROEO 0 '11 ... 11 "' ' TlONS Of' LOT 1 °' SAi SAID ORANG[ COUNTY A S SHOWN ANO DC· the Oetd of Trutt •HNt9d p a84e or the r1naN't1I Coa. tnCI OF THE MAJTtR LE.ASC EGRESS ENCROACH· SfPTtMBtR 17 1 IN N'<I tlida "" 0. ci;'° TRACT 10525 SHOWN EXCEPT1NO TH~RffROM SCAIBED IN THE CONOO. by MD JANE.S COMPANY, O.tt9d oe 07Jt"9l 111tl'IOtlled 10 dO b\lltf14JH RECORDED AUGUST 10 MENT. SUPPORT REPAIR BOO 13'"7 PAGC ls-4) VE.~ic°rr1c~~":~fs ANO DEFINED AS R ·UNITS I THROUGH SS, IN• MINIUM PLAN (' PLN4'') INC , A C.-LIFORNIA COA Publl1h1d N1wport It\ thit II.tit In IN ..,.,,, l95t. IN BOOK "633 PAGE REl'LACEMCNT MAINTf- ET SEO OF OfflCIAl Al SUJ>l'l..lE STRICTEO CO MM O N CLUSIVI ON LOT 1 or WHICH Pl.AH WAS RE POAATION Recorded 07 B .. ch-Co111 MIN Pilot t~ othtf than cHh 1 21" ET SEO o, Of'FlCW.. NANCE ,,.,.,.0 OTHER ll'UA· AECOADS Of OOANOE 411 blila be In AAfAS WHICH AAC ADJA SAID TRACT t051~ AS CORDED ON SfPTEMBCR 1" IHI In Book 1•131 August I& n , 29, 1"1 KC..,led lM TNllM mey RECORDS POS S -'LL AS Sl10WN COUN'TV LOT 1 0' ~nc-. - Cor>lltions CENT WITH AND AP· SHOWN OH SAID CONDO 17 IHO IN BOOK 13137 Page 1177 Intl No 17370 ThS5t ..,.11hhold the IHU~ of fht trMI eoehl• net ON THI! CON 1MUM Tl\ACT t052~ IN THE: CITY trUC'UOf'! .., ano Speo ll'URTENANT TO SAIO MINIUM Pl.AN PAGE 1067, ET SEO Of of Ot!lclal Recorda In IN tn. TtUltM a 0..0 unC4 other common dftll1\lllOf1. Pt.AH OA AS OHINEO 11'( OF COSTA MESA AS tiOns a Ille in PAACELS 1. 2. 3 ANO 5 UCf PTINO fURTHt:R OFFICIAL RECOADS OF olfle• 01 Ille County At· Mld• ~m· .... llabit 10 II •ny ot t~ r...i proP«tY THE OEC\.ARATION SHOWN ON 4 ~,,,; .. ( . IM ol:: P:'c alf'IQ OESCRIBE~ HrRflN THEREFROM, All •M· ORANGE COUNTY COfdet of OOANQf Covniy, PUILtC MOTIC• the P•Y" °' endo"" "" Clttcnbld tbo"41 it pur. PAACEL 3 COROEO IN BOO ~2. Dtrector o! Mid Scf\ool Dre ll'AACEL 5 PRO\IEMfNTS ANO AP· PARC!l 2 Ca~torn11. Ind pUB4.1at'll to 15 m1tter ol rtQht poned lo tit 431 BRYSON NON·EXCLUStvt: EA ( · PAGES .. •t ~O &O OF lnQ IMr S'lrMI

• AN UNDIVIDED ONC PURTENANCES LOCATED AN UNOIVIOEO ON£ th• Nolle• of Dtf&un and T. .. ...... SIMd .ul• .. 11 b4t m Cl• SF'f\INGS COSTA M ~ MENTS FOR ACCESS IN MISCCLLAN ous MAPS Coll! M- CA t.,"$."t l"lf'TY·'1F'llf (l/55TH} fEE OR TO 8 LOCATED ON FiFTY·"rTH (1 MTH) IN Cl~IOt'I to s.11 tti.feulldtr • • • • bul llltllhout C:OY9nAni OI CA 9212t


GRESS. EGRESS . fN IN Ttl onucc Of THE SIMPU INTEAEST IN ANO SAID LOT 1 OF TRACT TERE$T AS A TCNANT IN rtcord10 CM'12 IHI In YOU M• IN HPAULT wa~ty. t•ptttl 0t im- TN Ul'ldtf1WO'*' TruttM CROACHMENT, SUf>"°"l COUNTY A COAOCR Of .:.~me ':.:'':. TO THE IMPAOVEMfNT 1062~ COMMON IN A SUO. 8004t . Peo- lne1 NO 91. UNDKfll A DS•D OP pi;.o f999rd"'Q Ille ~ dlae!MM any ~ fol ANO 1"00 OTHCR PUA $AID ORANG£ COUNTY • I*' l\r ANO APPUATENANCfS EXCtll'TING ,UATHEA LC:ASCHOLO eSTATr IN 118491 ol Mid Ottlctal TRUIT DATaD Jut, 14, ....,0,, or tneumOrlU\C .. ""Y tncorr~ of ,,... POSES ALL AS SHOWlll C£PTlNG T't1( ·f'R .. tori),,..,. (" Sl C.y• • .,. ON LOT 1 Or TRAC! THCAfrROM EXCLUSM AND TO ALL OI THE REAL AKOfdl Mii Sell on 00,,_' tet 1. UM&.•al \'OU lo Mttt!y tN lndet)ltd,,.N ~ addr ... Ind otf'9t IN TH[ CONOOM1N1U .. Uhll'S 1 TMAOUOH IN· trlt ctall ~ fl)< IN °'*' l()G2$ f IMPRO\ICM HTS CASEMENTS IN AND TO flAOPCATY. INCLUDINO 1"91 11 10 00 AM at IN TUil ACTtON TO PftO. .cured tlV MIO 0-.ct. ed common Cl•tlgnalton, ti PLAN ANO AS DCFINED IN Ct.USM ON LOl 1 Of' 1~';0 Of [d..:ation ol SU8Jf'.Cl TO T11! TtRM ALL fl'IOSE RUmtCTED WITHOUT LIMITATION ll'ft FRONT Of' THE rLAO TICT YOUR PfllO..._ vane .. 1"-teundOf, ..,1th In- eny, 11\awn. l'l«em TH OCCLAAATION SAID TRACT !06: AS ~ NtYtputt t.'IM Unillto:i ANO CONDITIONS Of' TH COMMON AREAS A S COMMON ARCA AS DE· POL $ AT THE MAIN •RTY IT MAY •• IOLD t•••I at ~ IM<lln The rot•I l"IOUl'll of tM PARCEL" SHOWN ON SAiO C 00. School OlltT'd '"' D£Cl.ARATION. ANO THE: SHOWN ON SAID COHOO. f'IN D IN TH D£CLAAA· ENTRY AR A TO TH PL.A ' &JC SALL , eno 1114 ~ ptinclpei 01 unpaid t>IMat'IU ol the ob(J. ~ClUSNt t.:ASLME.NlS MINIUM PL.AH • ~ •

' TtMRS ANO CONOITlONS MINIUM PLAN TION 0' COVENANTS Cl!NTIA CIVIC CENTER AT A PU•D .... ••p• ~ tl'Mt note MCtled b'Y uld gall~ .. c1.1r1d by I"• IN AhD TO niO ~. UCCPTING FURTHER = ~ '-:1 any or °' TH MAST A l!ASE RISl!RVINO Tl'l[Af· CONDITIONS ANO RE· ..01 ... 11 tA.ST CHAPMAN YOU N•• .... - - ~ ""'"' ln1tfNt ,,,.,9()1\ ~ to ti. ~ """ no .. s QI- LOT t OF SAID TH RHAOM All IM • RECOAOEO AUGUST 10, l'AOM £AS MCNTS FOR STRICTIONS f DCCL.AAA· AVCNUl'. P\.ACENTIA. CA NATION 0' Tita ..... u prO\'ldtd It\ ulcS Nol• ttuon1t>I• uilmat•d TRACT 105~:1 SHOWN PRO~CMCNtS' AND Aft.. :ce::• ~ BIO ~

1951, IN BOOK 4833 ll'AQC ACCESS . INGRESS. TION" I RECORDED ON It pu 1uc:11on. to IM TUR• OP TH• PRO- '"'· cnargt1 anCI t • · ~ 1 I*"" end fld • AND DU'INtD AS RC· "°""Tt:NANCES lOCATtO "" ~ lld t. 214 ET SEO Of' 0,,lCIAl t:GAESS, fNCAOACH- SC:PTtMBCR 17, 1980. IN lligh"I bidd• for uah Cll•DINO AGAINST ,,.,,_ ol Ille urwlM and.,.~ 11 IN um.~~ STAICT~O COM MON OA TO (\ LOCATfD ON~ l"Y r.-0RlCOROS MENT SUPPORT. REPAIR. BOOK 137"7 PAGf 1545 (P•V•blt 1111\e "me of Nit YOU, YOU 9HOULD of 11\t if\lttl crMted by initial putlfl(.ali<wl ol IM No- AAtAS WHICH AR AOJA· MID LOl 1 ot TRACT ~PORf .. lllA U-.

The 1tr"t lddrNt Ind R!Pl.:ACEMENT MAJNTI!· ET S£0 OF OFFICIAL 11'1 l&wM money of IM CONTACT A \.A~ Uld 0-.d of TN•L t~ ol le ,. 171 ~ 71 CCNT WITH ANO AP· 1~ 04tl« COfnl'llOn dMigNllon. NANCE AND otHcR PUA· R COAOS or OflANG[ Ufllltd Sllll .. ), .. rlghl ...... ef • QUALITY LOAN ..... In additiOll to Cuti "'- ll'UAT[NAN T TO SAID !XCEll'TING 'UATHEA Pl•D IC"OO&. DI ..

t i1 _.,,, Of IM rMI P'°'*'Y ll'O$£S, ALL AS SHOWN COUNTY. OH lOT 1 Of llti., and in.-.•1. ConYey.d T tee' .... y t C 1 CO ftp . A I TMtM IKnf'C a cuh- ftAACnS I , ' a AND I TH£AVAOM ()(Cl.USN T It IC: T • f 0 r a " I• ~ cMecl1b9d lboYt " pot· ON TM CONDOMINIUM TRACT t0S2!, IN TH CfN to ""° now held by II " " • TINST&ll , .. , 'uaT ief I cntc.11 Cltll..., on • DUCM~EO Hr~ IN U.SCM ~ IN ,,.,.,.0 TO c.untr • ..___ ....... ~to ti. 429 BRYSON 11'\.AH OA AS DE,INCO IN 0' COSTA MHA, AS uncs.t Mid o..d of Truel If\ ""'"4' °'9M ' 11.a11 ,,, nationel bll\ • • PARCCL S At.l THOS AfS fD ..a.ltell!y DtrMIM .t

tvSPn~. COSTA M IA, nil! DCCLAAATION SHOWN OH A MAI' A IM pr~ ltult.O II\ .. Ttv•I ~~": ... ~ ":a Cf*k aia..n by a 11111 or AN UHOIYIDfD ONf COMM ON AREAS AS PwettH- .,_ • .,... - CA'*' .. AACfL 3 COROCD IN 8001( ..u Uid CounTy nd 5,,,, •ncl Noke twrt-y ~ ' -- ,~. Cfldll ""'°" °' • nm ""™ (1 TH) n:c StfOWN ON IAIO CONl>O- .,

NON·UCLUSfV U.U· ll'AOU 41 •t AND &O Of C1ttc:n&*l e1 IOl!Ow9 1na1 OUAUTY l.OAN !CA- e9TO• f114l 91~ CMCtl drtwn bt I I•'• 0t IMPU MC,_ ST IN ANO MINIUM Pl.AH fleillaMe aee4l1 - Th• undettlgMd Trut= MtHTS '-Oft ACCfSS, IN· MISClLLANfOUS MAPS. PAACl:l 1 ViC(I CORP .. a lomta 9".I, WYt TORY RUa. ~el Mlltngt and loen TO TH IMPROVCM HTS All RVING YHt!RE· ll'ubllahld Nnrpor t ~.c:.lll~~bl~1 IM ORfSI fORUS, fN IN rn Of11Ct! Of ntC A SUILCAstHOLO IN COfP(lf lion I tf\Jlt ... 0t l•LL, All1 8TA•T a11oc:l1llOn HYinO• t ANO Al'PUATt'HANC S f'AOM L'SCMCNTS ~ 8Hc~o II ~ ... Pliot

- ........... and otMt CAOA~MIHT. SUPPORT COUNTY R COOO A 0, ANO TO UNIT NO I ON 1uc:c:.uor 1Na1" Of 1Ubo SllC..lrTMY IOCllllOO OI uWIQ• .,_,II ON I.OT I Of TRACT ACClSI tNGA SS , Augu1t IS 2' t•t c:ommon d .. lon•UOll " ANO f'oA OTH A 11'1.JA. SAID ()RANOE COUNTY LOT I Ofl TAACl 106:) ., !NII .. P\llauanl to OPP~., pied!\td I!\ ilQl'I Ste>: IOS2$ P Ml'AOVEM NTI., EOAfl91 NCROACH- N'l't

lftown ,,.,.., ' POSCS All AS SHOWN DC£PTING T'H[Afrn<>M AS SHOWN AND 0 • ""' 0-.d ot lnm •~KUtt<I 0.t.cJ Ol'OT 1 1 of 8"I ' Cod 11'0 Cl TO Tl4 TtAMS MENT suPl'ORT l'U. --•.,. _....,.. ~ ot the IN THf CONDOMINIUM UNITS 1 THROUOH IN· SCl'IB D IN TH CONDO- by M 0 JAA CC)MPNN, aui. Lr.a to 00 ~ ANO CONfM"l'OfS Of' THE RCPLAC MCNT MNNT'E· ,._ ..v 1 n.• ""'*'~•="". of Ille obi- PLAN ANO AS OEflN ·O IN CLUSM1 ON LOT 1 0, MINIUM 11'1.AH l fill.AH') INC A CAUf'OftNIA COA Putillihed Ni•port In ltlt1 ttalt In U!e .-ent 0 Cl.MAllON..1.-~ TH NANCf. ANO OT'HtA PUA· aT•T-T -

TH£ DECLARATION I AID TlllACT 1 AS WHICH PlAN WAS A • ll'ORATION Rtc0to.d 01 e .. ch-Co ta ._ •• ,.II l'ilot ltfn!.t• oltie. lt>an c:1111 11 T MAS ANO ~DfTIO-. p s ALL AS SHOWN "' ,._ ...,.. ~ ':':"'::' ~ !!: ll'AACfl" SHOWN OH SAID COHOO- COAOf:O ON fPT MIER 2tl 1H1 In 800ll 1414 Augi.t t6, =" ?9 I"' c-s>ttcl ti~• Tiu .. may OP n1 SnR L ASE ON nil! CONOOM~IUM WIT'M99'AWM. MOii

I I d fXCLUSIY! fASf"M(NTS MINIUM PLAN 11. IMO JN BOOK 13731 ~ 1100 "' I No 280IO Tl'lr.60 ""''t!Mld I,,. I ~ of COftOCO AUGUST 10, PLAN OR "" omN IN ...,.,... ..... :i:;:on~t~t ~ IN AND TO fHOS ia<>A· EXCE!ll'TINO FURTHE" PAGE 1061 If ICC. 0 ol Oft\(191 A«~• lrl 11141 IN TruttMI D4'ed unl ' 1H IK>Of\ 4U2 PAO T'H O LAAATION Of'UIATIMa UllOD

' IN lfM Of IM flONS °' LOT 1 Of SAID THl'JREFROM, ALL IM O"ICIAl. COAOI Of' o • r the ~ R.- tundt ~ IYa to 114 SfO Of' OfriCIAl P'-"Cf\.' P'tCTfTJOUS ~:.a..'°" oru.e NO TRACT 1o52s SHOWN ll'ROV£.M£Nrs AND AP· ORANOf COUNTY. cu• ot OOANO Counry PUIUC NOTICI !ht PllY" 0t •ldOl'IM • " coru>s NON xcLuswe EA 1:. ~•..,...

.... II lll,tl.1 ll ANO O "NCD AS Al! ftUAl NAHC S LOCAT£0 ll'AACH I C . Md "'"'*"' 10 mat\alr Cit rigf\C Tht ..C td<ll ... llt!d WCNTS fOA ACCt:SS n. ~ C*1IOft NII In ~ to IM ITAICT D CO MMON OR TO e LOCATtD OH AN UNOIVIOED ON ~ ~ Of O.t-.. IN T .t . ... ,..... 1' . .. -- COl'Ml(ll!I ~ • Q"UI, ro-. IS N w l'IClrewn • G'I*•

TNIM .. wt!~ 1 Cal A"tAS WHICH AA fl.OJA· SAID LOT I or mACT nm FIP'TH (1 ft() IN l !ion to tMr~ YOU Ma IN Ollf!AULT Cd ~t or If""¥· ot 1M rui propttfty CRQAOilotCHT, unonT.,.,..... trOl'l'I the _,,_

ler 't cheeil -...n on 1 CENT ~~~ ~so 1:1"D 'WJ1PTINO ruAtHIR icc~flo': ~N~~: a:'!'.:'.:. ~I~ t~ UMDIR A DHD OP =•·1~.::0--""-".'.:. ~~a:~=..~~ :~Lo: S~ ~ Ol**fing wldef IN tl'I:::.. ':i.::::-'. =·; =~ ~ I , 2. ~ AHO a THfAUfllOM f)(ClUSfVt LI.Al HOLD ESTAn IN tM!iOO ol iCf ()ftrco .. TINIT DAftD .,...,~~'!! or entum!MMCM tON S .. Al f'ifGI co TA IN TH . CO~DOMINIUM =-· Vl"O::o ~ ,..,.. Cttidlt urion Cw • DUCRl D HCAllN tA F.Mrrront .. ANO TO ANO TO .All 04',,.. Ar.AL n.cuct Mii ... on oa~ , •• , . Ult&.t•• TIN IO 'Y M ~ .. CA 11'\AH ANO"" O(f D IH at 1'11 w t • 1 7 eMCAt ctrewn by .... Of ll'ARC L • • ALL rnosr A 1 .tmellD PAO .. ATY. tNCLUOINQ '"' .. 1000 AM •I IN TM• ACTMMf TO"'°' ~ by 0... .. Tht ~-- T ,,.. D CUAAliOlll co.a~ Celd ~7 ,...,., NY4nOI #lid io.t AN UNDIVIDED ON COM M OM AR At _Al WITHOUT TATIOH T'Hf.! 'AONT OP' Tl-f. FLAG- TICT YOUR PltOP. ~ IPMINune• !ft> ._.lllme 1f1! ~ tlr p \. 4 The Flc:'tl t

f •ttoetatton ull\.- a rlfTY nt'TH (l/Mnl) ,. ~~&AID~ COM..o.i AAtA AS Of .. POI.la AT TH MAIN UTY rT MAY M 90LD .., ... M ~ """ lnoonwdtw ol the Cl.USM! ~Wt:. ,....,... .. _... ' . .,,~ M,lf! .. rfMIT IN AHO MINIUM Pl.AH totlO IN TH DlCLAM ff'if"'Y Al'lf.A TO n1 11'\.A• • end "1• ""'*' ~ f!I ..,_ llddfMt tf'CI ..,_ · MM e>r.,.. <"--= : =: = ~~ nt iMPACMMfNTI AUU•VINQ THt!AI!· TIOH Of' COVl!NANTa, CENTI~ CMC , c NflR, ~ PVM.~ ~~ .,.. not• WCUIM ty aid Mm~ir:-tlOft If Tl~~oo,.ro OT 01 = :e.._ 1.,, 1•r~10il'

: .,. N f~ ~.,_,ANO A,PUft~N~~~~' ~rc -~~~N~r;?l!~r. ig.~g~~· .. ~:gLA~: ~~ ~ C~~ UT::. nta U,. :-:, ttl '"':-:!r:.'. fl;.'°"" ·~ Of the T .. ACT \~52&1 IHOWl'f M NIM IW'ld ..... M

~"::: == ~~L~[ .. ~ .. (f'ifts, Oft!H, l!NCAOACH- flOflf " I fUCOAOID OH .. P'ltJllt llO ttw TURI CW TM "'°' '"' t n111e1 •ncl tr l,..id ~Of W...,... ;~~lgT~~ lo"'J .. ~.; 'U:".::: 1 04tltW ltltin SUBJ(CT TO TH TOWS ~""'°"T, MPAlf\ lfll'TUIK" 11. 1llO. IN l\lgt'9ll ~ IOI 911 CllDUIO AOAlltaT ,_,... d IM 11\111 .. ai10 galloft Halfef t>r AACi H AOJ4. . . ........ , ......

m "*"'• W. '"*"" "'9¥ ANO COHOOOd Of= !.....c ~THI~· ~1'~74~,'A&',~~ :ir:.• ::::!, :-= \'OU , \'OU IMOUL8 ~ o..d llf Tn.& by ~.::, ·.::::.::: CENT WlfH -ND AP tMm .. - • r~e a.... ...,: f:~,.:>"~"°"9 POHi. AU AS 1t40WH ~f~OI Of OtlWfOI UNIH • l. el ..... COWUCT A UWYD. tMMUTY LOM -.. llOlll, •4* ... .,... ... l"U"Uf'ifAIO TO SAID :::. ~ ......... ~ IUndl IMCCllM ........ • OP' n4l MAITIA l.fAR OH THf ~ COUNTY, OH lOT t Of ... IJnd lnMrMI., corNtll'td ~.. VIC. CO 11 p . , A I M IM .,.,. of .. ™ t, I I Nt0 - ""9 ~ a OM p.tyM ot •ldOf ...... Moo.->(D AUOUIT 10. ~ °" Al DON.O IH TRACT 1062$ IH ,... CITY to and ~ hellrt by " T..... • .... T'MllTD, ... , MIT INlial ..-cm I 0(....... .. l ~MP I .... 1•' ~ ,,.._.llffWll IH llOQ AQI ntl OfC~TQf OF COITA MF.IA Al ~ o..ct ol Tn.ttlrl U........ -.of... .. "9 A •

• ' . ..

............ ':SOC I • ,. IMV l.l'llR, w. .:.. I 1011,_.~~ or-l

'I~~!=~·:.-~ .... ~- = - naNn.- .. -;i!"'iiij·llfi'ii:.·.· ·.~ ft .. !!!!a t1 ti M ... ""' .... -....., ._. -.S ·= '"' I - r. "'.";; ~ 2-- '1i1r::.. .... -. ...... c.11 .,, .. n. 11t' ~

... :::ir--::-:: ~ .... t=.w:t: n:iu.u.,..... ... = ... ,,.. ....... ::.11•. '::--........ .. -=-= ~ ... ~ ... _. Ii ! -~ ""' De*9 .. 1111111 .... I'- ........ • ... n.-clllllcWe ..... ': .......... c ... ,., '"'° H-. ,,,,. ---... -,..., ,...

--:~•·' M VOU MAY IXMllNI !i&ir ~!WM ti rm-.::: A. INtN. Cllr :-" .... :r ~ tw ~. I fllM. '"'' ,.,_..,... 1e ~ nlll 11•1,... w .. --'·',..Cealld WI ~ s ~ ~'..: ..=-c: ~t~l:.:,-:"om. =:~ '= l. ,., f'nlY....... .....I. ......... '° .,..,... .... , .. , ~ ....._. ... TM r--. .,..,_. neea under .. AcWoua ....... ;rM Nolof of ... ~ ................ to ... au.in.M NM!e(I) llllMct ~ ~ ..... .,,.:.. :r:= -- :-r.c:.:-:i:;T. ~ :.:1 J"' ..... ....... ,eo.!' ::·:.~ ~ '· or of *'Y ~ "''407411 der1' • ''"• • __ 1 ~t .a_ ~ in M Mme and ........ a1 Thie •i.ment ... lled ,.._, MC'ion t2IO of ~ .. "'"" ............ : .... CounlY Qerti .. ---------:;:;'$ ... ~=-~a. t=, ~~on J4/lf 11, ..--iiPUIUC;'iii;ij;'iilO;;;;T1Clw;;--:-

---------1 c:oun~ · trom ... '/:Delddel NIDlll , ...... ~ IOTICI Attornn f~ -.e111oner: Nbllafted ......,. ...,,.. ~ ~ 11MCt1- "81111••

~--.19iiiii;;;;----1 PAULIJ. MCCL.AftY,J'l. ~ ..... "°' AUf1111 COlla~~A49"' I, ._ln11111W <•ciu SI:! the you "'°" •PPHI •t ... • "t•••• p 0 ... 1m ts t2 • ~ I, .. 10, 12. , ... • ..... ... WILL nd codiC•ls 11 any ti.MW\g and stat• you ~ IOTICI •• • s. '"' • 10 I S ; 11 lllW c ... ..._ ,CA t212t 19'1 ' ' Th-600 TM FOllOWlng '*'°"' btt dmttltd 10 PfObate objeellons 0t Me -n11t1 AM • .. Hoff\ •Ill•••"' New~ e .. dvCosta Th-Mt .,. doing~•• The w1a nd My CO<loetl• obte(llons w.th 11\a • co CPOHO:R.: _ ..,.. • 1M ""9 ~IO '*"°"' ..._. PtlOt • LUCAI MANAOEMIHT ar• •v811a~ lo belora the hlanng You NOTICE OF ~EmlON ~ 7'00 0-0 ---..,.._ .. : Aug 22 24. ~. 1901 WIC IOTICI WIC IOTICI SYST&MS, 1120 M.," :ic~n:~7 "' lh• ttta kept nppea11nc1 may be TO ADMINISTER °"- w. . ..... AN. CA nt1 1CJUnt cw FRANCE. ..... anac. Me MO. ...._ 1THE PETITION parlsonF 0y'obyyour .. ~tEomey EITATEOF• putie ~. ta,_ 411.· Ii .. ~__Newpor1 PUIUCM011CI ...... !19 Pl •t 11 caflf. t27t4

DU "" • ~ IOr *" ~. .....,.; Cllr . ..., ,._... i.uc.. Met*, Inc I A c.1-requ"lll aultlority I CREDITOR Of RoMrt Jenlllnt-, •k• tllTll of .... Ill llwlul,..., ...... ....... 129 Vie .......... ... .... I.. ...... ... .... I. -- tome Corl)Oflltlon. '111IO

Th-680 ad:nis'r~ ~= contingent cr&dit0t ot ltl• 8ob Jenklna1 ""' t"*d 11 .. ). • ~· ........ ~ BNch, •--•• lllW ..... ..e ••tt•1R1 SUMM V*'I Ot., R..-on. -~-----.:.;.;..~ un r ·-·7 deceased, you must hi Robert 0 Jeni! na 1111it end ~ ~ tc QM1. iiili 8tat1••"' ni. fclll:>#IQ '*'°"' .,,,. f~ .,.,.,,.. VA 22081~ --------- t~n~r~llO~I i': 1y your ct m w11t1 the coun CASE NO. A180201 _,now htld ~ • UflOlr ~ ,,......,, 1 Beactlo TM f~ perionl .,. Oolf'O ~ • : If• Oolf'O b&MlMI • ' "''' 1>u11n111 11 ~

PUIUC NOTICI nu.W' h: "'I: aN and rNlll • copy to th To an heit1 DNcl Of TMI 11'1 1111 c:GllftMr. Clroft• dtl Mat, •• doinll ~ .. : PACIFIC COASTA.L FINAN- IOU™ "COAST~ EX· du"9CI by; a coroor.uon I aul 1'>' wi OW personal raprewni.11va benafic1a1ies etadl10ts uu.ted 1n Mid County Qa1 llta OMNI TRAVEL cam.e. CIAL. 129 All'lnlda COta. PAHllOH. a Caltofftla IJmoo Tha ra0111ranl(1) com-PMtM '~Pf1Unlat1Ve ,ger~-:, :ri:'1! by lhth' C:omun conllnQant credlofl, an a.. Md~• lollowa Thli bu1IMS1 11 co~ ttt Wet IA. CotCI M .... Sen Clemence, Calif, '2t12 ~ ~&.:'!..~· ~ lo tranuc:t .,._

'1otlU04ta th r mon s pa!'IOflt who m.iy Lal 1813 °' T111d No 1313 dUGtld by· oiler cam 92921 Pactlclt Wllllam HMnll 121 ... aw ,,,_, - naae unaer tM Fle910ua luefftH• Neme m.iny actions wi OUI tti. date of t1<sl 1$$uanca of olMiw• be 1n11ra_... li'I tl'll Cl!)' of Coaaa ...._ The regl•tf'tnl (•) co""' ~ v Weftlar, 210 Avenld• Coct, Ian ~ C.W. ~ ..,...,... NllM(I) 11-.o

•tet•....m obt.'lirung court app<ollal lelle«; as p<ovldad In lhe will 0t 1slala, 0t both. ot Oflln9a, 911111 ol C...,,,.,. mencad to ~ bue4- Liie Lani 1302. Naw90fl "*· Catlf. 12t72 I.at AMod ..... A Qen. aDO¥e on· not appllcabtl The Followfng penona B11lor" taking certi\in very ~bon 9100 of Iha of Robert Jankins. ak9 11..,.,,, on A.,.. ,,... under th• Fletltloos llatlch, Cellt. t2te3 At111 D1lll• WhllllUr, a<" l'atl~, 3Slf F•• MlchMI loyla, a.cr.-rv .

are doing l>ullnffs u · ~nant he acuonsl ~11hlorn.a Probate Codill Bob Jankins, AOb9'1 O 111 Book 112. P11911 S7 to ButlnH• Namt(•l 1t11ed Thie bu1IMH la con- 2417t i.. P.nt•a. ~ "'"' "4>1d. Co"9 MIA, T1llt ...-.ment wH 11M UNIQUE EATERY, 3179 ow~var 1 persona The time tor hhno cl 1ms Jenkins lncUIYa ol M abQYI on· NIA duC1ad by. In lndMduel N9* c.llf ta77 c.itf t2t29 wtltl Iha councv C*'I of Pullman 112s. Coela iwpit1st<ntallvl' will b w1U nol expu berore lour A PETITION has bffn M8'11. RecotOI of Mlchalla Postal Th• regt1tr1nt(1) corn- Thia ' bu1lna11 I• con- Thi• bullf'l••• 11 co~ 0,..,. County on .Ai'f 11, ~Celli 11262e r1:14utred 10 qive notice 10 months lrom Ifie heanng lllad by Robin T Jankins Couflly, Ca"1omia Thia IUltlmlnt w• lllad rMnl*f lo trllntld ~ duc:ted by • Sllf*., patt• d~ld by: an lndMdlAll 1991 Walton R. Spencer, 11172 tnll'1t1slt1d pt>rsons unles.s date noticed olbo11e •Ml Robin Theodore Ercepe ell oil, gae with the County Clltt! of ""' under the ~ n1t1hlp fha ragl1tt1nt(1) corn• '900IOt

MadJ11m1nean Dr., Hunting· ~~8:.:=~~~ ~~ 1~~d ;,~~~J YOU MA'V EXAMINE J1nk1n1, •ka Ted Jenldns minenlll end OI Or~ COunty on July 29, 8u1ln111 Nama(•l ll1ttd Th• rtgl11rant (1) com- manc«I ~ '='ir~ .PUbllW<l Newport~ ton ea.ch, Cell1 92626 achon 1 The lndepefldenl the Ille kept by the court It In tha Sup1001 Courl of hy(kocatt>on IUtlst1lll 10t1 •boYI on: Jukv 15, 1191 manced lo 1fanuct bUll· ~ N ( ,1 llMlld Costa MIU Piiot Augutl , Chow•• Spfnctr, e11i adm1nis1tat10n aulllot•ty you are • fMM'SOn Qalilomla County ol 1111Nr111 lyltlg below• Hplf'I '80t81ll Doro1twV. Wattcar ne11 undlf the flcllUou• ua Mtl trM '• ' Mediterranean Dr . Hunting- wtN be granted unless an fnte<ashtd In the estate ORANGE 500 Feet .-om IN • Publltllld Newpor1 a.ach- Thi• •ta1arnent wu llled Bu11ne•• Nam1(1l listed -:9 on: J~ • tlM a, 15, 22.


ton Beech. Call! 9262& 1n t1m;~ted person hies an you ml'IY hi. with Iha coun THE PETITION lhlnoC, ~ ~ 1"9 tight o eo... Mela Pilot Auguat 1 with the County Clafk of •boll• on· July 11, 1991 n,{ry :r'.ma:" tllad T'tl-49t Thi• bu1ln111 11 con- obiecuon lo the pehtk>n a formal Request tor raqu"ts lhal Robert T IM'Y on 1111 IUtf- ot 1 1 11 22 1191 ' Orange Coun1y on Juty 18, Pettlcle W. Hamil wtth' ~ COUl"tY T1att1 of ---------

duct.cl by hUll>and lltld and ~hows good c:ciuse srctal Nollca ol .... tiling Jankins b• appOtnled as lend lor 1111 pufpoH • • • • 1901 This 1talamant wa• ntact ,.,_....., Janutty PUBLIC MOTICI wife why thto courf should not o 11n •nvarnory no personal repres.n\811V• t aa.plollwlg tor. ~ Th-41M P8004&~ with thl County Ct1111 ol ~ ....,..,.., on Th• ragl111an1(1) com-

11, , n1 lhe ;iulho

11ry appratSal of estate assets admrn111a1 Iha tsltll• of ptOduclog, ,.~ Noni• a AllOClet•. Inc . Orange County on Juty 11, e, t 'eooeoe NOTIC• OP

menced lo 1r1111s1C1 butl· A HEARING on the or ol any pet1hon or Iha decadent man.t111g laid~ PUIUC MOTICI! 26881 Plan Dr .. Sult• 210, Hitt c ~· neee under Iha Flctltloue p.ibhon will be hel(l on account as cro\llded 1n THE PETITION The 11,_ add,... rd MIUlon Viejo Calif l28tl PIOOeM PUl>llhld lffWport a..cn. ,U.LI OI' Buelne .. Neme(s) llsttd St>Plt-mbttr s 19g 1 ar i 45 section 125 of lh• requests the decadenrt, °''* common dleigRlllCWI tf ....mtoua Pu h ~Be h- Publllhed Newpott 9Mctl· Cotta MIN PllOI Allguet I . Pm.ION.AL~ llb0¥9 on· NIA p M in D1tpt l A 1oc.,tttd al Cahtorn1<l Probale Code A WILL and codicils, 11 any ln'f, of 1111 ,.., ~ ._IM• Nem. Co bllS ..:!. Plot . ..... : 1 C:O.le Mesa PJlot Aug~t 1, I , 15, ,2, 1991 Ne. e3toa Walton R Spene., •00 Civic l.f!nhlr Onvtt Request for Special Notte• be edmtled lo probale deaCrlbed lb0'4 • purponed ee.t.....,t tU """ • 15 22 21 1991 T'h-502 Punuant to 1"9 CaltbnAI Thi• 11al91Mflt w11 111.0 Wl'SI p 0 Bo• 838 Santi! form 1s avail bla trom the The wl• and eny codic to be 31116 Hllll Cltda cm.1 Th• followtng Plfeont 8, 15, 22. 1991 ' • ' fh.Stl Sett·~ Storage ,-.

With the County Clerk ot Ani CA""~0"0838 counclefk 111 avallabla to ....._CAllMa aredotnQtiusin.au· Tl'l_.91Jl fly Act (8 a P Code 21100 Oranoe County on August If vou .;-BJECT TO Attorne .. lor ~llllon•r eumllleuon In lh• Iii• kep Thi ...... _,., T~- LA PROMESA. 1403 N P\lluc--· 'UIUC NOTICI I-' HQ). I.hi unoanigned 8, 19§1 1,,. QI tnl•nj 01 rnt> p.>1o1ton SALLIE T REYNOLDS by It'll court dlMlelntl tf"I .._, lr:Jf tl"I Mein St , s.nt. Ana Calif llWV 1 •~ pUIUC NOTICI w•ll Ml at PUbllc: euc:tlOn,

F503114 , 1 REVNOLOS 6 0£1l V THE PETITI lnCOmlClnell DI 1111 111'111 92701 fl..... on August 30. 111111, .. Publlehed Ntwl>0'1 Beach· { .. ~11~t'""00•P~~~1'., 11 :~ Tel Meh•I · Suite 1 t5 tequffts aulhonly I llddrea lllld oawr =t11mon Jn• L. OutterrH 9880 p~ FINOZ Pk1ttttew 10-00 llTI. 2075 ~

Cotta Mesa Pilot Aunust t;l<e ~00, 01 111~ .,.,rru.,n 23521 PaMo D• Valenc:la adinln~ter the astal ~ If ""Y. .,_,.,, ourh•m Dr. Hunimoton Plot"'-8 ~ .,..,...1 .,...,. BNd , Cotti ,,. .. , CA ptt· ....,. , Laguna Hiii• CA 92653 undar the lndeJ>!lndan '*"' 9each Calif ~ •~ Meme eonat prbperty lndudlng

22. 29, 5-J>ltmbt11 5 1:1, l>J~,::0 ~:,,. '°;;~~,,~e ~o0u~: Newpoll a.ad, Costa Admnislrabon of Estate The IOlll amount o1 Iha Cof1 ' D Outlltrfl, "80 ltet.....m • .,.,._.. NatM ltet.-.nt furniture, clOlhlng, loo!I 1991 ,r11 .. ".\"<:'" ""'Y g be '" Mesa P11o1 A

1e11o (Thi\ authority unpeid bllala of Iha Durham Dr., Huntington The Foltowtno l*IONI The '~~t-eons .,.~~en:. =.ons and

1or 01h11 hou••~d

_______ Th_-~_93_ P" '"'o" or by yOUI allorn~y ... BUC -nc• • .,, I • persone obltgallOtl llOlrld ~ t'he e..c:n, Calif 82$41 .,. doing bullneu ... ""'V ...... CLEANERS 2000 207~ llema stOfed by lhe lo4fow. IF YOU ARE A rv "v '" reprasenlallve lo lllk properly to be Miid and Tnll butlneH 11 con- GOLDEN TOUCH A\ITO ate dol"S buSlnees 81 Lek F 1 IH El T 0 Ing pwtOtlS

Ge1 to the 1>n.c AB<.; s CREDITOR 0, a p S many acllOns wtltlou ~ •llmllled co.ti ducted t>y· husband Ind BODY 6 TOWING, 8151 COPE ENTER EA.PC "40 Callr ~ • or ,' SP E14t FRANK EVANS: •Ille. ba84>menl c;loset conl109 .. n1 <'11$dllor ol the NOTIC~ ~a~lfrlTION ttain1ne.1Ucour1 apptoval a1penM5 ll'ld'lldvanc9 al I wife Katelll Ave., Stanton, Callt ~1lr ~lllS~28K. olta Young Ja Kim 12647 SP E175 ERIC JONE~ SP then ldVllt•M '° clauotoed ~~·~i:;,, ~~ ~"'~ TO ADMINISTER l~~MI ng cana_:~.,~~ ::- ol ~-:,1pubhcelt0n ~•gt!,11~ = =.uonai Auto Tech ,,;:·Entarprl11s. loo .. Call· ~~.-~,i\rt•l. Cl.UJJ.OI~ ~~~~~&~~~:

.1nd n\\ll ' copy 10 lhr ESTATE OF: llowavtt, Ille person 1375.387 61 Mii undat lh• Flctlllou• Inc . camomi.. 25921 PraJ. lomla COfl) . 440 F.Sr Or. rn1i 1>u1ln1H II con- Ownef rltlfVM 1hl """" P" ''•''"·'' 1 .. pr .. • ... nt.lllv~ Ricky Leroy rapresan1a11ve wlll b 1n ICld~lOn to c&lh Iha eueln•H Nama(•l Utted rteatona Dr,, Laguna Hilla, S~~ : · Coate MHa. Ca.Iii. ducteO t>y· an lndlYlduat to bid at the a.Sa flUt.. 1PJKJ1n1 .. ' b~ th.. court Fosn1ghl, oka raqull'ed to give nooca t Tl'U51M wlll ICOtPI a cu.hW• above on: JUiy 1, tfKlt Callf. 112853 II 2 Th agl t H } chUel mutt be made '#fth

________ ..,.1

:...i11hon 1nu1 month., 11om Ric ky L."""fosnlght , llhntar~sled parso3s unla chick drawn on 1 •111 or JnM L. OUlllnH Thl1 bu1ln111 la con. Jhl~ ~u.•ln•H 1' 1~on- ~C:.:. 101 ~.!ct =~ l)l(IOl\lf chec:lo.I Ot ~


111>< d 11 .. of 111 .. 1 ".!>um-A 01 aka Ricky Fosmght •y Ave waive notice 0 nauonal bani(. a di«* drawn Thia 11a1em101 wu llled ducied by: • corr;:iatlon UC1 Y· a e<>rJ>Ofl und the FlctlllOU lert cheek• only. All put·

SIMONIN IPt~1~ ' ' r·r<woded n CASE NO. A 160f88 ~~)'·~,: l~d~~S:nt by • •late :C.":'at er.!°" ~h tha~ty ~~ 2: ~·~~·,~~~!~ = ~·~:'=~ ~~ ::nu• "Narne(1) 1111.: f,"-.~ .J°:!1•:,: ~".: M!ckl (lrm•t St- "'"'1" n "' ""' 111.. To '" h&11s edmlnlstrehon 11u1homy "'-:' °' ~ c '"" ..., • 199~ on • ,,.., under th• FlctlllOU• ,,.., under the Flcllllou• at>ow on· NIA .nc, re!TIOV9d •I the tltnt of monln. Born April ,1o1"'"'·' p, >t. 111· <.. oo.• t>e~hc 1.u1 .. s c.111d1IOfS w i• be granted unless an =:, °' eder1ll IA""llQe end F80t837 Builnttl Na.me(•) !Isled eu11n11s N1m1(1) Ustad Young Jt Kim MJe, SJlh .. bllet tO Pf10t 18. 1920. died Aug Trw t ,, .... '' • 11 '"'1 ~1·""'. con11ng .. n1 c111d11ors 11nd 1n1ariiSi.d parson files an -OOlllOl1 HYlngl above on· N/A aboll• on· NIA Thi• ttallfl'laf11 _., fllld c:ancat11t10n In ihe IYtf1t of 18 1991 Long·llm• "''" "' r "'' r .. b,.fL.re tour 1>411sons whO may objection to lhe pehUon auoctaliOn or U\llf9 '*"" PublleheO Newport S.ech- Mehdi Motadl Ptesldanl CEO Wtlh the County CltflC of Mftltmant beCWMn """'* re1ldent ol Coste t< n" lo "' th· ..... 111n9 olht>n1>1~.- bf' 1nl1>1Hlt>d 1n and shows goOd cause ~:°'~~ Sec:l~l02.,: Coata Mesa P~OI Auou•t 1, Thl• atat~t wu filed This 11at11Mnt wu llttd Ofenga COUt1fY on J\IV l8, and Obl!Ollld pa11y Oltad Mesa recently ot 1 •'"" '' •• 1 1h"""' the woll Of .. ~1 't" 01 both why the court should not IUll'lorllld 10 do 11u1.- .,, 8, 15, 22, 1991 with lhl Coun1y Ctattc of ... h the COUnty Cll<k of 1991 lhlt 15th Ind 22nd dey ·of Sen D iego Well (0lJ MAY EXAMINE ol RICky LlllO) Fo!;noght ~I 1nl lh& eulhoflty Ihle Stale In""._... lender Th-492 Or~ County on Augull Orang• County on My 24 trl00740 Auguat 1991 ll'vblle St«• known In the re9'1'lu· 11 .. 11., 1r,.p1 b\ th .. coun II aka Ricky l Fo~1ght ,,ka A HEARING on !tie °''* thin c.ah • ~ 1, 1901 199t Pub!~ ~ Beecl\- aga M1n1g.am1n1. tnc. rent bu11neta loved \01.1 .11.. a pet!i<>n Rielly Fosn~ht pelthon will be held on tile TNSI• "'llY ,..hhold 1,. 1'5022.. PIOt3N Cotta M• .. PUot Augua1 1, TallphOM (111) 24't 80IQ. by •II A cotet>r•llon .n ...... ~ '"" on !he BSlilltl A PETIT ON h.1S b+lt!'n Septembel 5 1991 at 1 • S l5IUll'ICI o1 lhl Tn..11• 1 0-1 PUBLIC NOTIC! Publlsf\•d Coat• ....... Publianed Newport ~ a, 15, 22, 199t Aoent 1ot owner. o f "" Ill• 2 00 p M , ou n\,ly 111 .. Nllh 1t1 .. cour1 hied by Sha1.l Valene•• p M 1n O•pl )A located :it 1#11~ lundl blCDml 1V1111A011 to .... ~ A Cotta MIN Pilot · · -1111 a Th-~ Put>ll •h•d Newport A 23 99 F 1 • m~'l1 Requi;-JI tor and Tona l=o<J'l19hl on the 700 Cl\llc Genier Drive the .. °' ~ • 1 flot"lou• Newpor1 e.ach ,..,...., u- ....._ ' Beach-Costa ~... Pilot 1n~rma11'on1 ca:I R1~' "'f•''"''' No!l .. t! ol th'-' t1hng Supe•1or Court ol Wtst p 0 Boie 838 Santa "'an:'r,l ng"1 Buet~u Nam. gusJ 15, 22. 29, S.pt9!Tlblr 15, 22, 29, 1'91 AuQUtl 15, 22, t991


or 819 o "" 1nventOI)' 11na Cali lorn ' Coun1y ol Ana CA 92702 Slld 1111 be mm. CllA Statem4M\t S. 1991 Th·5l7 PUILIC NOTtCE Tl'l570

423-4527 C•u,9 0 1 '• ~'' , , -• o• ~1a11> ".~,., ORANGE 1F vou OBJECT TO W'1tlolA ~ °' The Foltowtng pereons Th-559 PUIUC NOT ... E ~-·-or OI ' ' "' CMl>l•Of\ or THE PETITION Ille granhng ol th• p!!\•hOn ploed ~ lfl doonQ t>u11nM.1.. "' r_ ....

del'llh cancer In Ueu ., co\Jnl ,. g1ov1dt-d 1n rt!QU""" It.'' Stn" you should appear at Iha ~Z- °' 1111 -'°" ~ WILLAfCH ASSOC 1 PUBLIC -TICI , ... M '3otttloue o t nower" contrlt.Hi· '1-..-t• n 1.S ot lhtt Vall'~ •• , rind T111~ haatltlg afld slate your~ IO llUI 1111 Chatham Ct Newport '"' 8uatne .. NetlM 11ons 10 tile City eit I 11>1<J•n1.i Pmb.11~ Codt> A Fosm9111 bi> :lppoir l>'d i\<. obJIK lions 01 hie wnnen 'Y &each Ceht 921leO Flotttt.u• ltat~t MEET Hopo R .. qo .. • 1 lor Sp .. ,,,, Notice person.ii r1>p1 .. • .,nLl!rve to ObJtcllons with Iha court=~~~ Alch1td Poloneky , I '19028 ~Name The Fono.itng ~ ~=======~ r r •"·''I obi"' 11· m ltiP adn\ln1c.11.r "'" .. s1.11.. ol belofl the he nng Your "' "' inttt•t • prolf1ded Chath•m Cl . N1wpo11 PlotttkMa• •~t are doing bul>l'llll"

c "'" ... 1 ~ thtr "" .-o.<n1 appea1ance m.l'f be 1n •hllleon 9llCI "" unpaid Beach c.111 112&&0 8U9NM NalM The F~ Pl™>O' THE PONTILLO AGENCY, someone 1pecaol --------- Anorne~ 101 Pehhoner THE PETITION p11rson 01 by your 81101nay _, oe ,,.. ..... W1rh1m Klein 10 Winged Itel..,_.. ire doing bue•ne11 u · INC , 2808 E Katella Or· throunh clu11fted

HOWSER GERTNER & 1equt"t~ ;iu1110111y 10 pt nci,_ ,..,.II ..eurld Foot Lii NIWJ)Of1 e.,ch The FollOWI " WILLIAMS BROWN adni•n Sit>• thP PSlilll' IF YOU ARE A Vi Uid ~ wllll ot11er-1 CaJrf u29eo ng P«I00•1---------r---------Ruth teab•ll• Wll· ~340 Cempus Or unoer 1n.. 11.1 .. p.-nd .. nt CREOITOA or tneteon • pto\llCllO 111 •Ml Thi• buslneu I• con- ~·H1g.~~~E;."~ 1662 PUIUC IOTICI PUIUC NOTtCI PliaLIC NOTIC! fl•m•, 78, o l Hun Newpoll Be•ch , CA Adn1111•<; lr1\11on ot Es1.11 .. • conlinQant credllOf of tla NOlll '- dllfgN • nd ducted...,. eo-pennlf• 0 ....... •---------r•-------...;..;1---.-------t lng1on Beach CA q2660 Act 1 Thi• .1ull10r•ly w•ll dee9asad you must Ille ••~ 011111 tf\111M and ot The rtgl1tranl(•l com- ~u~:i·~ ~". T,;. NOTICE OF PftEp&••TION OF p111a1d •woy August ,...,..,~ >11 a.,,,c1, Coc,1a allow lhl' pt-1<,on" your clelm with lhe court lhe lf\JS!s cilllltlld by UJd D-i mancad to trenuct busl· ··-' ~ ' ~ 1991 She wos D IM ... d'11.,1 reprw .. n1a1111t1 to '·'"'e and mall a CoPY 10 thaotTl\ifl n111 under 1n1 Flc:llllOU• bueoCanyon, Callf. D2e


retired nurso nnd • I Auo • ' . '7 1491 ~ny achons .v11hou1 personal representative Dlll<I July 30 l9"t Buetn111 Name(• ) Msled Jean Ale•andra Wf\ltn~. ZS·y•l!lr iolldonl 0 1 , obtaining court Approv.ll eppolt\led by the court Slendaro Trwl OMd above on July 19156 '!::;6~.~~n~u~,:~:·ci!z~: (St•t• Ouldellnel 8118'72)

I PUBLIC NOTICE 9 0101,,. faking c,.rl. im veiy w1th1n lour months from S«VICI Company as TIVSI" ~.d. P""""•"u A U AA ,..,1, __ .:.::::._...::..:.......:="-"....;;..-"'-----------Orange County Sur --------- 1mpo1t.1nl Hfions lhel:tata-'Oltirst Stme 14 Thie 11a1:iwH nled 92879 ·~· . ~~~~ g~vu~~~~hl~~ c Po2e1 '\...6 howt-wr 111.. pt11soMI 1• 11•rs as provided In CClna>fd CA 94520 1'

15> wnh th• County Cleftc ol Thi• bu11n111 I• con- Mesa Consolidated Water District

NO TI CE OF PETITIO N 1ep11>• t1nt.'\t111a "' '" bl' tectlon VtOO ot the 803·1000 8Y Tine LOllpt'Cfl Orange County on July 19, Hun11ngtor Baocn TO ADMINISTER l'eQUlf>'d 10 9,,p nottC1t 10 ¥~1ornia ,P'ol':te 'r!de Au•1anc Socr•llY 1991 ~uh~tdr:rg:1 ::;~r;:r:;'u:10,,.. 1965 Placentla Avenue b r 0 I he I R IC h ;H d T TE OF· mletPSlt'd p .. 1•.<.>ns unlPSCj hrna ()( • ng c lms Aug IS n 29 l~t F800728 -~--" 10 ·-~--- ....... Costa Mesa, California 92627 11etd, CA !l1Ste1 Jo Evelyn Faber coMPnt" d 1~ ""' piopu!.t'O monfl1 from th• heanng ..... Pilot Publlshecl NIWPOt1 ch- nes• undlt thl Fk:tltlou• Sturges ot B11Ct1ra ES A l thVy h.:ivv .,.. 111111.>d not•c• 0, wll not ••P•• before lour NIJWPO'l 8ead\/Coa1a Bea ,,_..,.., .... _. ..,....

sapnina McOougln Luymes. aka actron 1 r 11,,. uidt>p;>nlJ,.nt da"' nohc:ad above Costa Mau Piiot Augut11 , Buslne11 N1m1(1) 11111<1 0

1 vt1g1nia eeer.n Evelyn F Luymes laom.n 51,,,1,0n ,1uttoo•·'~ YOU MAY EXAMINE PUIUC NOTIC! e. 15. 22, 1991 1.t>ove on Sei>t•mblf 27, The Mesa Consolidated Water District Is preparing a NegalMt VA 10 g1 ndchlld•o11 C ASE NO A160290 .,.,,, t>.- 91M1 .. r.1 un .. ss "" lhe hie kept by the court II TM93 '.:A Whl Declaration for tho project described below A " Draft ' Negative II n d 1 1 g' It a I J , ' ..... ,,. nttt•l'!.led pl'.'1'50n l•h~!. ' n you &II • PlfSOn CP02816A lMy 0 I ti I fll l th Dist ct ffi d I a llable fo ·

1 ' ,_d;

1 ~ ot>it-c••on 10 tt>.. µt-u i.on 1nt1<eslld 1n Iha tstalt NOTICE OF PETITION PUILtC ttOTICl Thi• 1tatlfl'*lt was tlled ec ara on s on e a e r1 o .ce an s va r

~~~.nd;:~?;:; ... :~~ It "~~~q~~,.. , .. <>io~·, ~~~ and ~Mws QOOd ,,,us .. t°" ;:;r.1,.1e ~~~'co~ TO ADMINISTER NOltCCP02.llfl __ 10

N ~ IN~ c~ public Inspection A Neg1t~ve Declaration will be considered for neld at 1r g•owooa ~ ... on• wroo m.iy why ,..,,. cour1 v 01Jlo not S c:lll Notice ol Iha 11,n EST ATE OF: E OF PETIT 1 ~~ on approval or dlnpproval by the Board of Otrectort of the Olstrict Palk CA Olh" ' "' ' .... t; .. . n, .. r .. slo,d 1n Qllll'I tt .. ;'IUll lOlllt or an inventory anS Dorothy s. Temburo TO ADMINISTER FS02241 at its meeting to be held on September 12, 1991, •t 7:00 p.m .

.._ ________ ,,, .. "' I • .. 1 Jt .. 01 1>01h A HEARING on 1'" app<~I of astal• assats CASE NO A1602Q2 ESTATE Of: C

iiiliiliiliiliiliiiiiiiiii I E.i .. r' ~ •b•" luymt- :. ~hllOI'\ w I ~~ ~t-ld I ~s ()( ol any pl tion or To 1111 '"'''.. William N. Jecobton Publl• h•d Oita Meu. at the following location 1965 Placentia Ave . Costa Mesa. CA

' " ~ r .. ~· , r Lur""'~ p e~t~~'g';.'p~ lA ~oc::,.0 , 1 account as groVlded 1n 11enet1Cianv!. ctedrlOf'. CASE NO A 1602G9 gu~~ 22ee:' ~~= Comments from members of the public: or other lnt81Ht

Lo~·· A Pf , 11 ~. I .. tw .. n ~ 0 1«b0n t2S of "• COf'hf\9Vtll c1edllOfS ._nd • . par11es 0 the N..,,atl e o-1aratlon w •ll be ,,_. vect by -._.,... 11 •.-d ti• J 1r .. u Luvrn.-s .oo Civoe C""1"' 'IV" Cahlomia PrObal• Codi A persons ,.,ho may To •II helfS ~. l9lll n -• v "'" ' ·•-' "' AMtfJi'"."'[.S lrn lh~ Sui .. •O• r null ol Wt!SI p 0 .,!;'O c 838 s 'n1a Requesl tor Sc>ec:tll Nolie• olhttrv .. se btl 1t1leresled 11'1 benallCtlllH credilOf'S Th-558 D istrict from the d•to of this Notice through and including lh

11111 """'' c 1i.1on •a oun11 <>1 A.M 1,; A c;,~ 02 oe:ia lorm Is available t1om 1'1• the ,.,,11 or e~1a1a or both con1tngant creditor$ and close of the meetlnn held by the Board of O lrectorw on ............ ORANGE IF fOU OBJECT TO lefk I O h S T mb per50ns who may • ,. THE PETITION the gr~n11n9 ot thf' pf'ht1on i~~~~. for Pat,lloner 0 A 0pe'Tfrt0N' nasur~n otherwise bl 1n11ra lad 1n PUIUC NOTICE September 12, 1991 . Comments should be directed to lh

PACIFIC VIEW l ttqu"'•I<; lh<tl Jln Leslie you should i\Pl*i\I ~1 ti" JAMESYA HAV£RKAMP fllad by Rt>nM Tambu10 1n th• "-111 or Hl<lll O< both contact person llstod below MEMORIAL PARK Luymt'<. boo ,1ppo1ntt>d m hM1ing ~nd "ltll" y .u1 ESQ ' the sup;,\>i Coun ot ol With m N J cobson P89023

P"'"'onal '"P' .. •"nt.anve I ob1ec11ons 01 Mt> wron"n Ona KllMr PIH• CalilOf!ll• County ol A PETITION has bean '1otfttoue The project conslstt of the fOllOwlng: C fllm fll t .. ( ; • M ''' t, ChRr1"1 • ' , , ,, ,

1500 p"' ,, . "' ('l• •• N .. w pr n Ht+;i t

"4· 2700


M o t111<1rv • (Ii 11 "' (.1,.lf'lilllOI

1 10 B10.idw.1v Costa Me$c1


idminist"' rt, ..... <.tale o ol>jt'Cloon'S w1111 1h .. cou11 Ste 2360 ORANGE hied by Kathi.en BefQlf in •uelnee• Meme 1ri .. r1 ... r •odt-nt 1)(1 or,. n,.- h ... 11.ng 'f',,.,1 Oakland CA 9'4612 THE PETITION '"" Supa11or Coun ot le.t.....,.. Project No MC t063

THE PE TITIO apptt it.lnr" n~w b\I •n New~r1 B1acn/CO'llll 11qu4Kls that Roqer Cahlornll'IE County of The FOllOWlng peraons Project Name: FairvlewtGlsler Transmission Main "'itJ"' 1· ft,,. dtor>1c1'4nl pt-..-;on oi t.y yout ''""'n") Mesa Pilot Tambu10 be eppomttd OR,t,NQ .,. d bYllnau ••'

Wll.l .1n<1 O! t~ 11.., ti ·'"V IF 'l'Oll ARF' A ~ug 15 17, 22, 1991 pArsonal repre~nl8ttva to THE P~Tl~ION PAT~ 4521 Roxbury Projoct Location (Specific): •·•· ' '"''"''" lo prob<11.. CREDllOR r11 l a<in11n1s\4tr lt\e .. stale of r•quat.ts thll at lffn '0ot I 1,,. ,,.,11 w"' ,,nv coc11rdgcon11n91-n1 <11<lf.lo1 01 ""' PUILICNOTICI the decedent Blf911 be appolntad as ~T,d·92825on• CS• Mat, G lsler Ave. from 1000 feet eaat o t Collogo Avo , to • n tlldil.ibl.. lo t dtor ... l<:l'.'d YOIJ mu• I l oltt THE PETITION pWfW/lal raprasent.ativ• to ~ .... n--y· Harbor Blvd . College Avo botweon G isler Av e nnd

.. ,,,, 111 ,,,~,11 •n m .. "'" l<Ppl you1 l;\ml IN •lh t11 .. lOu•t T 07&« 3 ••quest$ eu1l10nty 10 admntSler the Ill.alt ot c);{k~T~M 4521 ' '

11 ' It .. (!WI and "'l•I ,, copy fl) '"" NOTICE 0#' odm1n1,1ar th9 ftllll tna decadent A Ao9d ~ . dal Gar1lngford Street; Garllngtord StrHt botween College

1 HE PETITION P"rson ii '"prtt• .. ni., 11v1< Tf'UITfl 'S SALE und4r lh• 1n--nd•nt THE PETITION oxbury ' Ont A e and Klllybrooke 1 -ne Klllybrooke ' -n .. be•· -, .. .,.,.,.,. :\1.11hor1ty 1c nppoin1eo by th1t cou11 UNOUt OlfO C# TRUST Ac:lmln14.trall0n ~1.llllH raqva•ts lhl de~nl 1 ~ar. C•llf 92925 v · -..ci • '-" .. , ........ n 111........ .... lhe ~s1.1t .. w1th1n lou1 noOnltl<, llom Ts No US80t11$S Act (Thi'\ ulhoflty Wtll WILL end COdle•ls 11 any f lChlll a:O -:1m~u1h . Ger11ngford Str .. t and Conway Ave • Conway Ave. un ).ti ,,... lnd .. ~ndanltha dal6' ol lust ..... UilO( t' OI YOU ARE ... DEFAULT •llow the ~1\1 be lldmillad 10 probAI• ruetH, akar between Klllybrooke Lane and Fairvi ew Road; Fairview Anni"' "· 111on ot E.!.l 'lte• len .. ,~ "~ piovl()(>d "' UNDER A DEED OF TAUST 11p<tl'S4tnta1rv• 1~ t.1k• The wll and My cocklls StrMt, Cotta MMe. Cellt Road between Conway Ave and Adame Ave Act !Th•' ,juthor1ty Wtllse t on Sl l OO OI 111 .. OATED SEPTEWEA 1• tnany ooon w•tnOVI "18 •vailabl tor 8p2t2t R ~ _ ..... ..

oO'-'tn1ng COUfl approval ••aminallon in Iha hie kept aUI • .... ...fll'I p oi- Loe ti n (Cit ) Costa M.... (Co hi) 0 i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~g~~~~~~~~~' ~~· s~er, T~11M1, r~- ao . y u , un~ ~ngo

~"""' ec1ions THE PETITION 11421 Orange Pattc ltvd .• Description of Nature, Purpoae and Benefiel r1es of Pro1ect : ho_..,., the p9fl0tlel raque, au1honty to Orange. cauf, t2tt8

STARTING A llEW BUSlllESS?? The Legel o.p.rtment at th• Piiot la

pl .. Md to announce • naw a•rvtc. now avallabla to new buelnauas

Wa wtll now SEARCH th• name tor you •1 no mr1 charga, and Hva you ttla time • ncl th• ttlp to th• Court Hou1• In Santa Ant T"-n, of CC)Ul''H, aflar lh• a11rch la compl9'~ wa wlll fllt your nc1lt lou1 buelne... namt 1tataman1 with the County Cl•"'· publlth one. a w"k for tour wMkl •• ,.qutntd by ltw and th•n flit your ptOOf of poblleatlon With County Clerk

Pi. ... stop by to tile your tlc11tlou.a bu11n... .i.tem.nt at the Piiot ~al ~rtm.,,t, 330 Welt Bay, Cotta M.... Callfomla If you can not ltoP by. pleaM celt ua at (714) M2..-32t , Extenalon 315 °' 31i a.ncl w. wtll mak• 1rrtngtrn~ fOf you to htndlt thla proc.dure by mall.

If you •hould MV9 any turthtr qutstlont, ~ call U1 a.ncl wt wtll bt more than glad to ...itt you. Good Luck In your new butlnMll

tapraHnlaltiv• w1P be admlf\•$ 1 lhl • t•t• Olel'I R Nel9on. Trwr.e. Thi • project Include• construction of approxi mately 1000 ,.,..,,ad to g~ nolic• to uoder the lndaf)lndenl 853 North Shattuell Piaice, f et f 38" d 6900 f t f 2~" t I •--;';ts~ p~:;.oM uni•· Admtn11.t11110n of E1ta1u e>rang., CMf '28t7 e o an ee o .. wa er transm u""' they nave W<trvad no11Ce 0, Act (Th11 1u1t1ot11y will S.l'\lef\ 'lln~ Tru91•, main. lnltlally d scribed In the Meaa Consolidated Wat r

~>~~ ~~~ ,.n:,':..n~~~. ,g9,.:'k~ :=.we::•.....,,· = Ot trlct'I 1984 M.ster Plan, thlt main will dlalr1bute """",... many ec:ttoM • tflout t2Gt Wlter produced from th• propo ed Well No, e to t_ho

!1;"'~~~1=d u~,u~·~ ~i.~111~our: ~r~;!, ::" Jw. :f::1: ~~ control area of Co1ta Meaa This p(Qjeet will proVIO 1nflfn•d pttcon 111 11n im:,~anl 9 ac1ions Notttl fbal>ICh ~. Or· m ny beneftt1 to the realdenta ot Costa M esa, lntludlng ob!!'ll<?,~ '° '":o P•111'0 " nowev•'· tne personal anga, Calif t2t4J1 reducing the community' • dependenco on npcn11w •. nv '"""" :r CAU r•p<9'MllAt1Ve Will ~ l't.n A Nelaon, T~ why 1i. cou &nuuld not requwad to 0,..,. N>t1Ca 10 w NO'th lhaftUdC "-Ca: and unreliable Imported water. Also, this m1ln," g< :_1 1~~~~~01Y on ttie ~tar ~ plfM>ns uni. OflnGI, Callf 92911 combined with tho propc>Jed Woll No 8, Wiii provfdt

r."':'mt!'11 ,~• ~~ o1~ ~ :::,':;'i;:' ;:~':.:~ ,s:::::,:r,~ C.C:: 1ddltlonat water now for fires and other potent 11 , ~ p M · in 0.pt lA ac: 11on 1 Thi 1~penuan1 i.y Streat, Garden anwa. emergencies. IOCatad "' 100 CM dmm~1ra1ion •ulhority C•llt 82..a Name of Agency Undertaklrvi ProJect· Cll\ltf Ot111e WHI p o w1I be gttni.d unlet6 •n Alme A. AoMtl and Henry "• • Box ,~ Si1n1" AM CA •OI••" ' d ptt110n "'" •n f Aotan. Trwt ... , 9354 M eaa Conaolldated Water 01 trlct 92701 ~ Obi llM fo lh• pehtt0n KitllliOI Aoa<I, Loe An9'P'

IF YOU OBJl:CT TO and t.howa oooO cau '"· Callf ~ Contact Person· John Carlson, Aa OCI t Engineer

,,,. gran11no ot tna pe111ion ;,~t'1::. :~~~outcl not ="~. "~:·r:v.;,;: Area Cod 714 Phono 831 ·1291 • Ex1tnalon 22 you should 11ppear al fol A H ARING 1t1 11122 A~ Clfe .. ' heartng and • '"'• ~our ~""°" -.iill w ~ 0~ VIII• ,.,.,., caar. t2tl7 • MltlgatlOn meaaurea to avoid potentlal algnlticanl etf~ta· ob11oon °' hit! .,,.n1 n 5 .,llM1bar 11 '"' at Thi• t>u11nna 11 con- On Fiie it Olatr1ct Offlc ob)«llOnt with It! COY'1 I r( ! p M in ' 0.pl A ~ bt1 e gaNral peft• Mtofl t™t h.larl'1t VOY' IO(lltd al 700 CMt ,.,.,..... tlPPH'•~ 1t1af t>a '"Cent« Ottve W• 1 Po Th• 1~trant(•) corn. Public Retourc Cod Section 21092 3 roqu ra local 1191QC• 1 ptlr 0~'/J .. l04J':~'°'n•vA ~;0:~.:"' .. An• CA :* ~ ·~~ to aubmlt tht1 notlC• to the County Cl rk fOt a po~ J*tod of CAEOtTOR Of • . IF YOU OBJECT TO ~ Name(•) .... thirty (30) days. eon1.ngan1 creditor ot ti• M ifa('!tlnQ ot ltll si-111.on t°""9 on Jtly ' · ttll di aMd yotl rtVSI '"" )'OU !hWkf IPflelW' I ~· ~"Denny"' YCIUf ti.Mn WJl'I ~ CO\Jfl heating and 1 1 1our ~ John R. C.rtaon *'Id_ "'811 a copv to «iM ~"° Of 1 wn"9n fNI UUUtMnt ... ll9d Si.ft Member R-""""1ioolb4e fOI M*-llllo.\

lftl1 • 1 • ,..rs.of'., rapt~IAlrvtt oCt llOn& \lllftn ..,. CICIU'1 wllh N CClunty Qettl °' ...,,vt..... ......-

pl•IDL #PQintad by ""• ~"'1 be ra the '-~ Yous °""'* County on ,..,.... Mlch .. le Jackaon Wtt\in b.lt lftOl\ltla lrom appeManca mt M -.n L 1•1

1tlt Ott• of lftt MWnca Of ~Of w 'fOIU,' ~ NlllW &.cretary/AMistint Seoretaty leftaf'9 M ~ in f' YOU ARE A 1'~11\ed OMIA .......

'• •• t«llO(I 9\00 Of tie CREOCTOR 0t a ,...,..... ~ l'lol /W- July 23. 1981 ,. C•tomia Probalt Codi ,_lflt °'"' r ot '"' -

~~~~~~~~~~~~1~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II ~tt~-~~~~~N~~h · ~~~~p~ .• not..... fff0t• '°"' '°"' clillm ~~ :: COUf1 ' · ,., "' ... ' Augu1t 1& 20 n 1901 " ths.M mon1M from II• he11nng ilnd mlil a copy to II• ' ' • ----=---------



Clubgoers meet dream dates with computer messages • 04

It's No Mystery • 06 Garden Memories • 03 Provencal Tastes • D 15

PLUS: Our mouthwatering guide to Coast eateries and a calendar of events this week .

vtl.7 0.34 AUGUSl 22, 1991

• L.a~uno1 An .\.iu~f'Um w~ C Iott DriH• L ,.. • fl• , 1 ~ 1.: , 1 "'nl>u• \\ 1~le'\

II ,, t'\l11tl' ".1 ' • I ut• p• Ill> .111<1 phn<o

'" r> "' t • ''' I• nt. dl"d (01 1 ont ,.. 1~ throuitti 'X'pc ' Pa>!

"" • t "''' I• ,, m ti 1• ldgunJ • • '"'''' trd< 1ni: tht" mu

1 ,. tr\ ( ''"''""'" throu~ O pt>ning Aug. 2l 011 1m .ind

"'r.11·• 1l.1n ~t•nt• '" • J I Ht 1•1-1) ,,n t'\

n flJJ><•• fll l .1 • • ""'- 1 •• 1 .ind

I 1\ ft , • 1c) ' 4' Lt\ '.. Im• , f • '"' ') l Inf \4'f111 H ( t1lt·r ...

t't ,, t', ''f'f Lil 1t•r l l

• I dJ.:Un.1 l\r1 M u \ eum - South Coas t PIM<1 , ,11t• ll1lt' I l 11.,,1111 't ( '"t.i \IC'w , ,

.. \1 " '.ti·•'• , ''" °'C•nt> < N rn

' " I '

t ' .r1t ,, 11"' rh' ·u~b ' '" I 91 ' I ~ . J' rt \11,nci.-h

·' ., 10 ., /' n1 ~u Jf

• " ,,,n, ,,, <\dni~

• ' ""I""' 11.irhm Art \iu \~um ,, J• • k.' ,


• c mt A \\ t ~A l\r1 I UKU" c~lll''} 'l'i<' • •.a ... .. )~lj I -I !(I

• • lt.1 ll\ •I' l~uf• "1<'!Tl

I n 'J p t" \;0!111.i\ '1 .1rn t or, pn11 \Jf"I

J ••'

A LOOK AT T~-iE WEE K AH EA D • "'lt>wport 84.'Kh City Hall Callery 3300 ''"''port 81\d "t>wport Beac:h, 64'4-J 1 -.n \'\latt>rrnlors b-i Ruth ~n and t tPlt>n Rt>t>dN on d1sel.iy Contm~ rh .. •ugh Sept 10 Houn · 8 am. to S pm \\11,..dd, rhrovsh f riday. Adm1"1on Frtf'

• Nt>wport Beach Publk library 856 S.n ( 11 mPNt' Dme Newport Be.ich, 6'44 11'I1 lmpr~t<Jn•~ piilnlln~ by Debfil

I lu"' M d•..pld\ Conttnoes throusttl ~ 11 t IOU" q d m Ill 9 pm Mondiy •hruu.:h Thu•-da-. q d m ro 6 p m Fri 11 .. , '! .i ,., lo S p rn ~turday 12 to 5 p rn '-un l.i\ Mm """' f rce

• Or.1 n~l' Count)' Cl'n ler f0t Cont~po­r.1()' Art Jr,]! \ \ \'\4-Arthur e1,<1 ~I.ii

~ "'l .: ·111 l t '''"'"~ o1rt by l vnn Ku 1 11h )" >£•.irh~ .,.. 1.1~1t· "-\ot'lt'

• 1 I~ ~- ' • ti >1•\ ,tr,. 0" f'\h1bol II ' •u!-:h '"fll I J I iou11 I 1

" r ,. •' • lnt-.d h rliroui>h Su11 1 ' ... "" ., n r "'i'

t ... •• '·' ~:. ... 1f1(1 1f.ttl1\.(I

•' I " ·~ '" >--· " 1111•~ 1~ or d"pl.t\ I "" ,, ti I ui;I> (kt ! 1 In l'flljf'o I R••>m •I ~" l I .i m IO ~ p m \\onrf<11 •I '" io:h '>.llurdd, l\ ln11'" ,.. f •1•t•

• 11..ck M•rfre1 A11 Clfltry 130 E. 17th ~ , Suite I, Costa Mew. 631-7094. Photos by Kip Duff, §CUlprure l1y Knsty ~1ng. p.ilnlln8J by Meliss.i L1burm l<loehn, lead coll•se by )ohn Olsen, scu:11ture by Ale~ .indt-r Prolicopenko and pi!Ste-1 by )iK I.. ~l'l..ol Opens Fnd.ay al 8 pm with • rt'·

't P''"" ""'th mu~ic b) Johnfl) Johnny CootmuM through ~ 26 l lours 10 .i m 10 6 pm ~1i>od.i) 1hroogti Fndd~'. I 1 .l m !\.I 4 fl m <...turd.iv Adtll~'IOn rrtt •Art StOf~ G.tlluy 4040 ( .1mpu\ Omc, "'-?Ort Be"' h 1SO "JS • Dte.ims .ind ~l'.1h1.~ o1n nh1btt .. t wuA by l.1llno o1111~s t~t"f'l~ Lod1flt'S , Art \dlt•nzut-lol Em 11,~ .. 1 \:•SQ\tt'I !k-11 \J~nlul'l.t o1rwi Rn~o1 tlutrt.. \~1rll.lm""' l oorrn.- lh•ou~h ~pt I 'I Ht1t1r\ 8 10 .. m to ; p "' ~ Mh 1hmugl> f rtd.i\ q 30 o1 m tn 'i 10 p rn \dtu•d<t\ Mm1\\10r1 F11~·

• Th~ At1 loft "11 \\ 1-111 ~ '"''' J. < "'" '~ li4l 814- P.:i1nti,..~ tr. "' "Mndu on »t......, 1nddin11t•I\ \\' ,\, h\ ''" n1~ • '''" "">fl•>I Ru's Rutlt"i p;l•l"tt..-f 1.it ~ •·t) '" "'I ~•"'i\ .inrl I"' •·t llli'"f>'"' hon I" rtl'lm •'t i It-. l t"(' M.11H m Jr cJ l1w rn1H11 11\ l .tncli<IJ "' II ~ fl"""' n•l'<l Aug '1 l II"" - 111 10 fl 1n tlelu"> IO "m ' " I p m I u•"><h1 thr0tJl:h ~turrla\ "'dm•) ''"" f ,, ...

• Cosby CAlltry 140• V1.1 Oporto, lloew port IJNch "'2 I 4 "'S8 " I tllm t..ty Wl"'t It> l<.J ua1, ' a rnll•'ttton of n1•w lmprr<•aon1~ p.11n11n~ by Jon c.~~ in 011 t>•h1bt1 Cun 11n~ 1ndtfimtl"ly tlm11'\ ' I I .l m to 7

11 rn l hur~.iy thrc~gh /\•\oml.t)' Adml\ •!()fl


• 0~ Cruf At1 Inc. 14110 '"'"'"'"' ol thfo Aru. (t,q.i MN ~ ... s: 10 P.:i~ l'I p.a1n! 1n~ hy Llu.ibf'th L.1~ Ill\< hf-Ii. .Hf' on rl1~ pl.i~ ( 01111nu•"\ '"'''"''''"I~ I lour\ 10 JO .i m to to /> rn law\ll.a~ tl1rou)lh ~turd.-)' [•>Pf'll 111n1 II JI m "" I rt l.1)! ~lmtUM'ltl f,,.. • Mu~r~r Ot'dc.-11 Studm .tnd G.tlltry ~00 1 < "'"·''K•n .,.,. < •w•_. d<· I M.i• "l!O '1100 \I .,.,I n ·~t . .a rnon. J>!•fll. o11"d "dll"f(tl!<I!'\ lh M.111 !<:I Red"ll " "'' l1m -,,. .. 1 r•11nl) .llntl • " lw~:.i'lt 1'\ .itrrcolon by t • 11 \\ 1t11•11 11 •'" <wi Jlf'•m.ln~nr cf, pt.. 1 tnon 1 ~ n I 'i JO p m Tue> d.a\ II" 1 •I 111 1•wi.1\ !)I lt1 .1ppomlnwnt <\.I ,.,

• Olf lht• \.\.All C .~Ill'')' ) I 2 l ' "''" St , I I I ni:" It I JI h4flll \ \ <V "> II< J• l < 1; .. r "" ~""" Rfurn t ·~.· .ar t t , "'" J" 1lfl ~1("" ( ontonu irtd• t "•11 " 1101.r\ I I .1 Ill 111 b p m \11111<!.1, •I,, •i:t Ir d.i, I 1 .1 Ill 10 • pm \Jiu• 11\ I I d 11 I r p m 'iuncl.i~ Ad· nU\\lf1n t '' t

I l 1 , I "' , • "" 1 • 0 t ( ) ! "

Blu. MarMe CoflMMut 1907 U1rbor lilvd Cotti Mcu, 646-5776 Sunnv 1>11· Ion pcrfotms pop ooatal~• ron 11i1 11 7 r m Jay's Blue• S.nd pcrf<>rm• t<lun 11nd jau Friday 1t 9 p.m l<M ('1" 1.al\ perform new 1ic and Jan tum>n ~unJay •• 1 pm, OtN M1np and C'n ~1f11nn• Monday 1t 1 pm 501 Produe1t1•n1 offers

Barnicle wants directorial debut to hit with bang · admth to 40 ) Car,, w.rnted to open "'rth .i mu~tlJ I , but, tn

wmhintt the Ltgund arch1-.es lrom the past t"' o dcladcs. he lnund lhdt mm t ll f the big o nes .ilrl Hh had v1\ 1ted the stage of

T It nc" .ir ll'l!i; dtreCl<' r o (

lhl: I .1cu11 1 Pl.s\ h<lu\c ha, hn · h~ i.:r11und runnrng.

h ~" lh: IP 1111I1 )JUi;C h1m-,cll Ill

,11. 'mn 1rnt1\ \\tth .rn 11 i 1•, r11u-1 •• 11 th.11 pract1c.1ll~

~ n •11.' tiut h.u,11, 11d11 Im~ h1m~H

'. 1 It lh Tom Thul I ,, 111,

II 'h ti 'It! I 11f ti I ' ' I ,,, "" I ': tl•I II l.H li.

' • "'l11rl.


'' " .i~nu:' \,·r· <; ind 111 11~ .. th• 11!1 1• r .. ,.,; •'1 led

" '.' ' Jl(rl• •rnt.11•1' pl:r 'h'''") ' hlJ rli.-

I '' \l k 1 rn 11t 111! llmJLI"' ., .iail r1.'J!111n ti thC' •fer ... ho

•••me' to I .1g11n 1 lrom l ' n111•tf 'l.•l t' lri1crnJt1<1r1.1I l n"er,11' 111 ' 111 I >1c~11 '"he re he- he.1Je,1 •ht ,1, 11n~ procr.1m '' an cnC' ll'l'l1, .1mh1111•11' p rnfc\\lnnal 1t l11r dtrcd1H ~ho ' " " that .. ,

IJ\11 llh If\ 111 t.1 ke the. p <it h 11 (

rn11'1 H'"'"'"'e" rn p rcp«irrng a \(it)!l rr•>(flllllllll •· 1 ht· uphill rt1,1d .d"'•'" h" .tpp1::ikd to rn~

H.irn1.IC', "h11 ~ruJi.:rngh

•I l \ luu lton f heate r

" R at her lhJn repc;it one: of the old \ tJndh\,, I

-..inicd 'llmethm~ a litt le more 1·,111crn:,' he noted, " hut aho a t-1c mu\lt.11 , one th.it most r't:Ppk \\ ((l' f:imtlt,tr 11.llh a nJ 1n1u~'tcJ rn, hut rc.111\ hadn't '' .:n hclort: ··

On the 1 1111.o n a late 1•1.J•1, l'11ll.1hnra1111n hct ..-. ccn ,11mp.1't' r I t11n.ird lkrn,1c: 1n. • h11r,•111!r.1phcr h rnmc Rnbhm' 1n1f 1hc 'Mt l rng t•·.1m n ( Betty < ••mJt•n tnd \ d11lph ( 1recn -ttlll'd thC' n II on .tl l count \

Ii irnrdt· <.'dutmn' pla\.:•'11.."f\ 11111 1<1 C''pcct ;1 ,;i rhon cop~ n ( th1· r 1pul.u 19411 Gene Kell\' mm'' \C'r.1on I h.it he nnr(,, " · •' .1 j:no<l 01, li. , hut It v.;3,n I lhl: B ni.1J\\ ,1\ 'how

· I he\ ahncd the 'h""' r i.11.all~ for the mm 1e 1 he' 1hr1.:\\ out t"' 'Hhrrd' n( tht · £krn,lern ~''re · Rarntele ""'(f\Cd " Rcmemhcr Bcrn,tcrn anti Rohhtn\ ~ crcn ' t n1g name\ at that tame th1 "'J' IO ~car\ before 'Wt 1 Side \ tOf'\- '

r () handle the 1ntnca1e d111reograph) nC "On the [ 11..-.n ·· Ua m1cle \ ummoned ,, lcllo~ u~ IA 1n,t ructor, J .ick r, 1o:ett. head () ( mu m .ii the .11c r

J I the ~.1 n Diego ~ho<.>I and a

0 2 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, August 22, 1991

Andrew Bunkie preparet for his direc1orlil debut at th ~ the l..lgun• Playhouse. " On The Town" opens pt. s. " re nt~ned d.ancer and l"horcographcr ~ho h.a' .1ppc.u cd rn more than 40 ma1or mtN1es and h~t' C...)'d Chamsc

.1mon>~ h" on~11mc \ tudcnt I hc rnlu tfol, rt deco New York 'e llmg' will he crcnted by Jerr J hnmwn ·

B cfore Barnicle on the: de~~ in htS new office wa~ 'rrc;icl

out a 5mall ocean o( ~1umc plots and s.ccoic design for "C >11 th<.. T~n." It 's a hercule.1n • •~" but one he dcarty cnjor

After a Jictle O\'cr a month in

his new environment, a~unic.k - hired to tcpl.lcc: the: rcttml longtime ant tic direc1ur Do uglas Rov.c - 1 bcgrnn111~ 1i

" feel comfortable .. and pnmc~ the " fil'\t-cl opcrauon" ''' tit ph•>howc's tcchni~l am.I ph tCtl areas. " It's nice to h l\C' • full - ite tem nfter "' '1 1~1n~· in :l many · mailer thelltt' t ,," hl" c-0mmcn1cd

Whale he ctt l<"' 10, ruom1\t111.~ to ' 1 \lart delcgatani J httk • uthority by about C'hmtm,1' .. U;irn1clc ha h1 1ghh 'ct ,111

one of RO\l.e 's unrCJhzed dru m - the acqui\ it1on nl .1

'ccond., mallcr 1hca1er for tht" prc,cn1a11on of more mud rn. demanding v.orlu

"We're slightly incomplete n ," he ;ud . " J here ' :.n clement of the communal'\' th:\r i n 't being scncd. We need .1

~rond "enue where v.c can ' \trctch ounelve£ e thetic:all)

Bamacle'a dircctonal dehut at Laguna, "On the Town," prcmw Sept 3 and ' · open' ~pc . and runs chrouah cpt. 19 ,_,ith pcrforma.noc: c"ery day but Monday. Su riptaons ''' the new Lquna PlayhOu ~•'On Ort' on ale throu1h Ck t 7, l nd adJ11ton1I mform111on can ~ obtained by calhna the theater a t 4'94..S02J.

~ 1bca1er Tucieday at 7 p.m. ~ Ear prucnta poe~ .and mlMk: Wedfta.. day at 7 p m. Adn\iaioo: Free.

• C:...., H.r.. SeeM R .... Md S..... JS80 BrookJtollow OrlYe, Santa Ana, '49-ts12. .Doo Wab Riden perform toa.laht lhrouah S11urd11 at 8 p m. and on SU. day al 6 p.m S~ Wariner perfonna Monday 11 7 and 10 p.m. (tk:kets S2A..SO) Admiuion 11 $2 to Sl, accpt Monday «mc:crt • t'o.etala VaU.,- ataadell Cnwr 16'00 9roolchum St., Fou11t11n valley, '39-11611 The Andy R1u Band will play (ollt m~lc today at 6:30 p.m outside the center Adm1uion: Free • Gtt tat Alldt.n 3810 S. Pina Drive, Santa Ana. 668-t737 The Don and Dewey Shuw will be preccntcd Sunday from \ to 3 p m. Adml Ion. Free • Patl~ Amphltktltn 100 r•alr Drive, ~ta Mesa, ~876. Qolptl·pop star AJny Grant, Kim Hill and Wea Klna per· form Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Tickets Sl7.SO to S27.SO P1rt.!n1 SS. • Soutll Coatt Plau Vlllap t631 Sun• flower Ave , Santa Ana, '35·2.0S-O. The- 1 ake s •• s·· tcncs contlnuca today with Vocal Works presentsoa a pfO&Rrn or vocal jau at S p.rn. on lhc arccn. Food from nc1tby rutaul'l.flta w.1lablc. Ad· m 100· Free.

Cc.t. Mffl Qukbt~ 5'45·5669. A fll"nlOf c1tiz n tq\U~ d.Jnce r.>UP tttb of)l!fienced dancer'$ to pn them uch Thul'Mby at 10 1,m ;at the ~otown community ~n~. Anhim .ind Center Rlftts 1n COIU Me.I 8 flkffic Sct.ool of Music Md tti. Mt 1S1 IC.llm1n Dnvt>, Ca.t.a Me-I.I S'4S·1217. Sfl.l<knu will prew-nt 'Tom Saywer" Fri· dAy ill 7 •rd Saturd•y .11 1 p rn Admis­oon n • Jimn'll« de fore Dance <Antet 1S1 Mfrnv. OrNe, Cc.t.i Mets.I, 24 l ·9903 Stu <knts of the ~n1er •nd 1b lmpu~ jui d.an('<' comp.iny will pcrf0<m Saturd.ay .it 7 p m ,l,dmtision $ 1.

8 aadsl•p Ttieatef 'S9fJ Su~ A.w., CO!U Meu, 46-0lll 'Oc1thtr•p," • comt'dy thrd~ by lri Levin about a dcM n on ho h.d. rnyuery \\-Titer who r~ torts to murdef to tf\<•¥e his fa1l1ng u~r Con1tnues thiougtl Aug. 24 Adm1uion S1CH1l SO

8 Olrltt ColWte Irvine l 530 (OtlCOfdia, ll'\IM' 786· lSfO P.K1rsc Thf'iltre Com p.1nv pmc-nts " l1nJe Shop ol Horrors," 1 mu~I <~ .about • Mordy llot11t ~~ bt'fntnds a INn u11ng pbnt Continllf'S througti Cit-pt 9 AdmiUIOI\ ' $5 S7,

• Cokten Wt~I Colt.it M.11~~ Tht­'6lrt:, I'>· H v*k-n \.\.~t t, llunt1ngton Re.teh, alj, llJ / 8 " C.wttt Ch.tnty," il mu i<.lll <:om< c about lht' lift. ~ •nd .0

, ntur t ·' ~cw 'rnrl. I•~• d.>nc ·r Con t n~ tt~u~• ~ug i~ ~ml\,l()fl , S8 Sll • Crti~~ h•licspu ·• f!-1•1.-• I t 1t1<;2 M.iln St C .. 11d n CA01o.- •.'b·1? 1 l . "-"'.I wre for Mt.uurt!," tl.I J>e-''f'\ I•, si · cnmd"y ul g<)\"rnm nl ulfruptlOI\ Con· M~.S throoth Aug 2-4 Mm~~= $ 16 2l

8 Hunlfniton ~ilCh 'l.tyhou • Clmr xhonl. 2fH I Slmhmoor lJ.lnf, Hunting­ton 8 h, 812 140~ ''lhe Rc>hbet Brid • P.>'!'" " mu .JI comedy by Alfrf'd Uhty ind Rnht·rt W•lcJm1n •bout t~ coutbh1p o1 • b.Kkwonfh ~ .tnd the ~ufl\l~ OI .a 1sch f<11mrr Cor·t•nUf".\ throofll Aus. 24 . AJrn n S7·'10 8 l~IM Communiry ThHltf 1 unit Rock t ammu111ty P<tr\, 1 ~nn ;tun llM, lrviM. 8~7 S-496. "C~b.acls: Mtmnfics," • rnmt'dy by jc.Vln r.-rucc:a t~t contra"' thcl lo\'t':\ ol • f'lfUP of people - u let'n • n 19 a 11ncJ ., adults' '20 )'!:.l"J Later ( on11n thof""1 Au 24 Adm - • SU~

• Ou1n ( out Col~ Ora!N l.:lb, :n01 f<11rview Ro.tff Cmt• Mooa 02· 58ft0 1 l'mphlhun. V1cl.tv tlawl'' COl'nlC rt:W0(~1n9 of the ~ of ~~U" (11rit•nllt!l thfou Sf-pt 1. Mtrnluion S 5 • Sf> 8 Way Off l~y10S8 L. l t ~t .. s..nu Ntl, 5'47·8997. "A.lone at d'le h.a< h, ... "' (l.medy by ftldwird OreMf about I yupplt' Who 1ohents I h«>Kh ~ 1n the tt1mptom but II tom-J 10

ttnt out rooms to keep up the p.~ts. Conunoes through Sept 21. Adrni*on: S12.SO

8 "*"' 2 Hutton Cen11e Onw, Sn.u AN, 9S5-2S8l. " Murder it !he C..f~ Nosr"' is ~It'd fndlys ind SltunUyl ' ' 8 pm. •nd Sund<M .tt 11 :30 • m. Ad· mtaPOn $39.SO to S,1. • ~ Mytlety fot Me South c:o.st Plua VIiia~. ~Q AN, 675-9726. "Mtloctf ol Murder, •n 1udience f>VlidP'tion mysiery dinMr theater IS presented exh S.turd.ty through Srpt. 28. Admission: $70.

• Tlbb~. 16360 f>Kific C-oist H1ghw•y1

Huntington Se.Kh, 8~0·5661 Pf~nts "tlooray '°' Hollywoood," t dinner show ulut1ng ~ golden . age ol Hollw.iood Showtlines are Tue.sd.y through Frlday at 7 p.rn Satu~ys •t 5 and 9 f).m , Su~ys .u 2 tnd 6 p.m. Adrplllion Pr~ Slilrt lit Ul.25.

8 lrviM linprov ·4255 C..mpus Ot1~. Ir· vine, 85'4·S'4SS M.irk Schiff, Rocky uPone .ind De.in OI~ will ~orm io­n1~ throuf\ Sund.w .it the IMne lmprov, f>eifomM8 Aug. 2'/ throulti Sept 1 •~ "St.lr Se•ICtt" lln.hst £Vin O•w, john Mc· Dowell ind c.trlol AkrriClul ~mes a~ Su~ througtl Th~ a 30 p rn ; frid.ty .al 6:30 arii:I 10:30 p.m, S..turdoly a\ 8 and tO 30 p.m. AdmlUIOn 11 $7 to s1 0

• uff Slop 2122 SE 81~. Newpor1 ~.di, 852-8762 Obrl<ln and Vildez •nd St.tn s.111r1 pen0<m tonrt throuati Sun day Showtimes •re ton1 II 8 )(> p m ; Frsd.ly •nd ~turdiy at , 10 •nd f 1 '45 p m , Sund.ty at a :lO p m Mmisslnn is '7 to StO

• '.cmc AmphithHtre. 100 htr On~. CmtA ~ 5-46-4876. Comedi.n Attdr~ Otct- C~ will pcrlorm Frid•y at 8 p m , Tlcktots t<Jnge from $17.SO to Sll P•rk· Ing S5.

Co ta Mesa • Rtd 1..ioft Rottl Mu.a'• ~unac. 305<1 Bristol St, 367-0339. IC.rash perform 10-nt&ht rrom !I to 12;30 a m and f'nday and Saturday from 9 p.m to I:)() am Cvnllnu.cs sncklinittly Adnussion SS. 8 t .. Loe.,e 1'4S E 19th St. 631·9 13 Ouuar t·sanaer Peter Wickel'Jham pla)'I folk. country. oldies and roe.ts 1\iudayi thmu&Jl Thur1dl)'1 11 9 p.m and Sunday1 11 ) pm Continues 1ndefin1tcly.

Fount.i1n Valley • 1t lgh1~ous lrolhus Hop 1'1774 Brool<huDt St. 964· 1'422 lip sy11< tool held ton•~t DI Ornnis 8 ~ 'Pi"' tu~ during "~ Hour' · from 5 to 7 pm Frscby. Admiulon. S5. T~ ~ pr nt ·0oo Wop oit Tht' ~iop" Solturd.ay .at 7:l0 p .m AdtntiNOI\: SS "Rod Arnund the Clotk' IS prcsenttd TUNi.ly at II p m Adm•J.SIOn · '5 , ChU(k 8.ttt..gl•• p!T'><!nb IMe 'SCb •nd '60J Min< ftom a p rn. to 1l .t.m.

8 Slllcv uR~ans 10201 l•l r A~ .• 96) 2'18. 'J>.apa Ray \\-Ill pl.ty Frld.iy •nd Sltvr d.ly II '> lO p rn.

Huntington Beteh 8 fl~ald's Food aftd Soll'ftJ 19171 M.tgool~ St 963~52) Cu1t.tt1\t-Ml'l&ef f>tot~ Wit~t'~m ~ folk. rountry, old· ~ and rode Mood.ty ·wcwltl frld• from $ to 7 p m ConhnUC"\ lndf'finllely


Vocal Works will be f Hlured in today's ' 'Take 5 at S" free con· cert on the green at South <:out Plaa Village.

s.aturd.Jy Cont nua 1ndefin1tt"ly 8 four Se.,ont Hotel Const>n..itory loon 690 N~ Center Or~. 7SCJ-0808 JIM fr~ \ii•nd pl•vs JUl, bluei>, ~II.id. •nd I. t pop l'uesct.v Wedt\l":Sd.t)' •nd Thu from 6 to 11 pm and Fridly and ~lun:!iy from 7 pm tu t 2 • m Contm~ 1ndeflnotdy 8 lt' Mendien Hotel Atrium loun~ •SOO ~hur 81\/d , 476· 200\ . L«' C.t tM-rtt Night" ~4'lu11ng m\ISit Crom 8ro.ld· w.ty IS pr nttd frld.iy from 8 to 11 pm CMt1nUt"S 1nck>finttely Mm1won Fr~

• '•gt-•nt ol the Muten, through Aug 30, 8 JO p rn on ft'St1V1I grounds, L•gunil Bt'.at.h PhOnt' 494 1 HS.

• Festiv,11 of Arts, throuB" Aug 30, 11' • .m to 11 JOf.m on fest1v•I groun<b. l• gun• Se;it;h S pp. Phont 49( t HS.

• s.wduu fetCMI, through Sepe. 1, 10 i m 10 10 pm, ,\ft. .inJ cr .. lts ~ m l.tgun• St'Kh $4 pp Phoot' -49'4-.lOlO

.... ' ' . ' ·. . .... \ ..

I \ .... ' •• ' .. I ... • '

lt!lfl'd: OC, Oran~ County. IT, bl4'C'k I.I.. IT~. bb«lc l'- oplioMI. pp, per pen<>I'. l'IA. IO be 1mn1ect.

• TCN•t Oft the Cout " · Auac _24 .it II pm,. ~iun C..nttr Socirty OC .tt llOfl Country PulynN.1n Viii , lr.1~ S-40. H pp rt.OM fSt 04-41

• apera '~· Aug lS .at 3 pm , Opru P1nfic <It 'Westin South Co.bl ~ ... C.~t.t ~ KU R.ad.o hor.t Jim S1ot•f(t.t d1"1.&t1 Cav.tltt"ri" Rln(o~ t1nd I P.a.gl1 «ti S2"i f>P ConU\.1 Tsnlelthy Dunn, 546·7 \71

•lob Hope and Or. H~~d HOUH (;ol{ Toum•~t .\UR 26 .at 10 • m ,.,_ "1( i.llt"'\ ol I~ l.u !Nl.ttult" ~l ~ \i~f\1.- Coun1r. Cl1.1b, CoWI M«".Y $2SU ~ F'tione S\ '100 • Ion \. • , St-pl. 5 •t f> p m , I HL~tJI S Club 81ll{l)h Tourn..mc:-nt <ot lo.WI llilTV ~t N-f>011 Be.tc.h C0untrv Club ltt"g»te'ff!d •n~n f ~ S25 ""'-lt\C'! ' 60 114'1

• <>pen1na ot vw·, I tro ~ 5 ; , ~ IU") T OS.CMr\I <.~ptf'f of 0C ~rfoo'ning Nt'\ c. Mlt:r HS pp Cont..11 ~ Jooe, 91-4 741"

• I nin ~on °"'lltn~ for Child,.., pl. • I 6 10 pm . UtOC' .. M"

\\bh fuyncut1 .. n ind ~th C.hlnl) Com mumty Clime dlf'\n~r .i l'llitwpott BH<h M..\1rinit HOtel A. Tenn" Club. AT ,.nd t~ ,,.,f.hc: S1 OJ'I) Phonc557-5100

8 lillflsh T oum.ttMnl pc 5 8 . l 1"11 1 la..pl I ~52 Club It loatiOn TBA. ~ 7(.0 2\49


Gar- conjUre. up 111eniories ol Giverny W

e've all been there. That ~·~ landscape of our <fwn imagination disgui ed

as a daydream, but actually the first-run movie in our mind.

We find oun;clvcs in a particulu place that fcel11 familiar, yet not nccc sanly to our experience or era of life So we dnft awh11c.. 1n our private rc"cne, perhaps ncn 1ranscending our~elves to another time period more fit for lhe "1nt.1w. ~ 0 fl 0 r I f k'c L..oOL _.'1 ·---.J \trolling the l.ml'I promenade deck Mllllllnhll on the Queen -----­Mal) tour, clnd expecting a ch1 ffon ·gowncd

Arts Scene

Ginger Roger -----· anJ top-hllltcd Fred Astaire to go waltnng by 11 we tnlc our make believe journey cro ., the Atlnnttc.

The Decorative Art Study C.cntcr and Garden in .m Juan Cap1 1rano 1s ot cnpt1va11 ng, tranquil '1te JU'>t the ~ind ot environment )\IU could :irrange a dream around, v.htch I\ c,;ictly what I did la .. t ~aturday whale en1oy10g a v.c::dd1ng ceremony Bnd the Cc 11vtt1c\ \\htch follO\\ed in this unique indoor·uu1door sc1t1ng.

F or me, the cen1er 1 1tscU a tudy 1n casual cleaance.

Monet\ ut\:crn~ ""lthout the pond itnJ J:ipane e footbridge (and, naturally 1 bit sligh1 on 1hc acreage). But the m &1t nd 1he 'lplenJor arc there m lar&c dcxc . c"cnl turn ·Of ·thc -ce ntury

buildings ""h c high French doof'), cur.ed doosway and other arch11ccturnl clement• gc\turc hlw.1d cl.i 1c l·uropean charm -arc clu,tercd around a meandering, tree· haded garden and fonnal courtyard accented by i1' nowcr1na crclli"> nd a hcvy l)f rose bu he . Wisteria vine , a tul ptural Jap nue mapl e

cncirclins an iron clad window. .ind 1hc quiet mu 1c of ll tri 'hn, fount.am enh n ·c the roman11c .1mh1cn~c . c'pcci lly hc1 htcnell h~ th1 mcmNahle oc 1on of famll) and {rienJ toaether 1n cclchra11on.

llmewhuc • bet ... ccn tou.11, durmfl dinne1. I con1mucJ to he u:m,nded of Givcm). the c\qui'l1te compound C'ltate and ""ailed sardcn IOl:ateJ an bow north of P ri near the bAnk of lhe 1nC', v.hkh ~1'cd na~Je 1onct'\ home 1and studtu tor more than h. If of h1 hfc. nd n:mam open tod.1y for \i itors to enjoy. II Wit\

at Ch-..crn) dunng the I tc nineteenth cen1ur1 th. t Monet nllt only crcatcJ ~me of h moit ren<Wt'ncd pOAmlln& (ma terp1ccc canva , uch "Water Lillie ,"

with colors so lush and r1di1nt that 1n viewing them in exhibit today, I often wonder if the paint 1-. ttll wet), but 1t was also the de ignated retre•t for many other Impressionist painters - a well a authors, musicians. and state men of the time - who gathered at G1vemy lo hlft opinion ttnd lavish meats w11h the. Monets.

A 1ll~tro1ed and de1:uled in Monet\ 1 able b)' Clam: Jo)C'

(Simon & Schu 1cr. 19 9), Cl:iude and Alice Monet \\.Cte renowned for indulging their pa ion for c.omfon and good "'in thrnugh regular ntuals of entertaining -fom1ly meal,, 'J'CC1al celebration,, luncheons ~ith friend , und p1cn1c' that lurni,hcd day-long k.s4'1\

When I f1r\I 1caJ thi' lu.)Cinating rook :.tOOUI .l )CBr .1gtl. my enchanlment ~ut< l'-fonet \ rich lik nt G1vcrn) in p1red me to wnte a poem a1'out ho~ hi\ art e11tcnded into h(e 1rad111on how he created occa ion' thnt were more than meal , bonding him to h•~ family and fncnd with tylc that radiated from heart and

soul. and b:ack 10 canva~. After Saturday's wedding at the

Oc1..ora11"e Art<. Ccn1cr, I tool.. another look at m~ poem. With .1

frc,h' e)e ;ind a fcv. chan cs·

My Dinner With Monet

I magine )OU were there at Gt\.Cfn ia1hercd fre h near the garden

of hue" •nd '-«nt\, Oo:111ng through the aftemotln

hll.c "' hlv pad m )Our p tel drcx\ • nd private

paraM!I, a p1cn1c for the ul

And )Calcd at the chrome }Cllow table

softened h hue d.1yhgh1. c rly wine: night

"the can' t'f hl gathering -h11nd·p1d.ed friend, in \Cllllcrcd

c"m.crsat1on\. P1 uro, Suley anJ riean& ltkc hlhe ol the field breaking

1'rc d v.1th burgun~ and chcHc 10

undent nd thvme. • ~ c\..drop of J pane • rnnt

in<ipmng au,\c ' an of life,

plca'iure' of 1hc ralllh: lake hie ~ 1n1n !I ,

&ht ,h, nn of hlcndcd "Cn\C a JO 00 (4\ll ll \I\

t· ~h \il(lk& pl " . ~tling (llC:J'l.l!C"d f't a '' t, 1hcn another -

lar c laughter ch1mer~J t'Cl•t:cn the trufflcd ~''l'Y· f,,,, gra nd 'tuf<cd phe nt,

n11~1p hn& l t)c:J or ~hc:,tnul on plum puddina

w11h f 1 cJ ala anJ he r ful\, the mcm ry i thl mom nt en cmutc .


The Art of Flirting Goes High-Tech By Alex Naughton and Sas~1a Bernhard

I nlJ!!llll' th1' You 're '11tmg a t J 1.1hlt 111 \11ur favor it e n1i:htduh, thl· uowd parts and

thn•ui:,h thc hJLC of '>make and 'tr11h: lrs:h1'. that perfect someone l'llll' rt.!l' < )11h ' If 11nl\ \nu had the cul' 1<1 i::•• up then· Jnd.

\\ h.11 ' "rnng "11h th1' p11:1urc 1' th II ll dPl'n' t h.1\l' to hl lnlJ!,. .. H.·J

11 l.111 hc rcme mhca·d I H"r'"'" h 1, C\Pl'rll'n lcd th l' 1h111b1 111 llll',t'urmg up JI k.i't Piil l' llld !Ill \\I olfl' J(l(lllll'd tO

l'\Pl'fll'lh.l' II .1111111,t l'\l'f') lime thl·\ 'l'l' th 11 \11111e11ne the\ rc.1lh \\ ,1111 ''' r'fieu

I 1111\ \\ 11lll 1h1n i.., he '"'' the , .. 11.111111

I t , .1 1! ,, m l' t' , , I I c d 'H·lntr11t11l11111" .and 1t\ hcing

pl.1\l·d l''t'rv I l111Nl.1" night at the \\ .11d11111'l l{l·,1.11ar.111t in Newport lh ti h

\lll,1111uJ111•n .1llm" \tlU to

get to know someone without the fea r of rejectio n," Wo lfe, the area Selcctrocution representative, said. " There's no face to face pre ~urc"

I he game goes hkc this· As you l'ntcr the club, you 're given your chc ice of initial'\ that for the rest of the night will identify you (o r :u leJ'-t un11 I you' re mo re properly ant roduced) Each " player" i\ ga,cn a number o f cards o n which the\. ""'e inv1ta t1ons, adm1rat1o ns, l ruJe o r clean Jokes, o r rough 'c r'c '"'p1red by that spec131 <,omeonc and then, a ft er turning thl· cJrd' an 10 a message center, " ·"t for their mc,sage to be d1,plJ)cd for all 10 \CC on large hn<ml' and TV.;

Mc,,a~cs ra nging from romantic tl' raunchy - such a~. Fo r OT krnalc from SO male " I could 'ho" ~nu "hat a real man 1s hkc" - arc !lent almost continuously throughout the n igl1ti However, Wolfe saMi people enjoy read ing thmc messages fi lled with ~cxua l innuendoes..


~s. Bristol

Donna Mc Doniel bod from 811y Idol Tou

~RED uon HOfB) 0 14) S«>-7CD> ~,~ .. " '""""!~ Costa Mesa. CA

0 4 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday. August 22, 1991

~ .. Tony Wolfe checks out the message before sending them across 1 large board In the hlgh·tcch Oirting game, Selectrocution, played every Thursday night al the Warehouse in "Newport BeKh.

650-3048 STEVE WltRINER

A.UC) 26



BAlllE 111 BOYS ,.,, .


" It's not cool to get romantic messages these days," he explained. " lt'a cool to make the other penon lauah."

Finally, the ni&ht ends with people cbooaina the fsvc they were most attracted to. The male and female who receive the greatest number of votes arc given a prize ranging from drink tabs to a boat ride.

game was conceived in 1975 by Jeff Aydcllcttc In North Carolina. Aydelcttc, who met his wife through the game, has since become one of the nation's biggest n i g h t.c I u b p r om o t c rs . Scledrocution, ju t one of bis gimmicks, i bcma played in 40 states and Canada.

for StS,000 three ye1rs ago.

W ell, he doesn't really have to wo1k anymore! In the first

year he earned $118,000, and although b\Wnc has become a little sfow now, he still gets $300 to $500 a show.

Around the country, people seem to love the game. Wolfe sajd the company receives about three letters a week from people wh9 have enjoyed Selectrocutiog and

the game has been at least sligbdy responsible for a number of marriages. •

" It' a good icebreaker," said 21-year-old Maureen McWeeocy of Costa Mesa. " It's 1 new, innovative idea ror nightclubs."

D onna Gra h1m, 30, or Huntington Beach agreed.

" Even if you're not serious, h's a great way to find something to talk about."

The ninth week at the Warehou se Restaurant , Selec1rocutfon - with a rather slow stan - " is now bu1ldina every week" - according to Warehouse Manager Warren Levy.

Sclectrocution's fun and flirting continues every Thur: day night from 10 p.m. until closing. 11 the Warchous~ Restaurant, 3450 Via Apono (673-4700). There is a ~er charge or $2. The unique elcctroni<: dating

25-ycar-old Wolfe, who decided to " never work in ~his) whole life," bought the franchise of the game

What's the biggest event to

it the neighbor· ~ 1he 37th

nuol Southern Colifomio Home & Gorden Show, sponsored by The Orange County Register. With over

1,000 exhibits, it's the largest home show in the United States. We'll show yoo how to decor· ate or remodel yoor home and give yoo tips on gardening and landscaping. You'll also see some of the country's finest antiques, arts and crofts. Come see everything we've put

under one roof at The Southern California Home & Gorden Show. August l 7 & 25 at The Anaheim Convention Center.

ARTS & CRAFTS FAIRE Hond·mode quilts, ceramics, jewelry, paintings, leather goods, blown gloss and country ilems will be on display

from the country's leading artisans · ~ and craftspeople.


deoJers will be offering furniture, collectibles, books, silver and more from Eng· land, Germany, Italy, Fronce and the Uni States.

l\.oJUlln CULTURAL ARTS THEATRE lhis is yoor poupott to the om of the For East. You'll enjoy exotic music, dance and performances from countries like Jopon, Chino, Korea and the Philippines.

SPORT COURT At the Sport Court, try your hand at tennis and basketball or get o few pointers from

•• •


110 KIK·FM's "Showcase of Homes' and tour charming

o champion paddle tennis player and foot volleyball

team. Even win great prizes!

stote-of·the·ort monufoctured homes, presented by leading

Southern California builden.

r:- -- - - - Sponsotedly• - - - - -,

$100 · .. ~.. $1°0 I I oo f>r:esent th., coupon ot the door and 5(Mt s 1 oo off the OFF I

reguk>r one day odm1U100 price of $6 50. I I Coupon good ~ one Mhtbit odm1uion only O\lldr.i 12 and under FREE

I ND~~~""°' ... aa.~· .,., ..... ...._.. l.IM-·--Plf! ~ I .. . . . .. .. . :. . .. '' .. ·~


Dave Taylor,

LA. 't(jngs

Ed Arnold,



See living spaces designed and decorated for ABC's Kitty Bartholomew, co·host of "The Home Show", KTlA

. sportscaster Ed Arnold, KOST­L"••m!!!!!I FM morning

hosts Mork Wallengren and Kim Amidon

~===:;;-:;:,and L.A. Kings' star Dove Taylor Stop by and visit Ed and Dove, who will be on hand for the show Avg. l 7 & 25 .


Step through o towering Torii Gate and you'll enler

"The Orient in s1oom·, o mognificent

n and Rower show.

........._ AUGUST 17-25 M


Saturdays 1000om ·10 00 pm. Sundays 10 00 o.m ·6 00 pm. Mon Fn 200p.m.·10·00 p.m

Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, August 22, 1991 0 5



Series or dates' misadventures no bili 'Mystery' Ju\ tin a I umrr Student llunlington Hrarh

10111 Mdl ugh ( I lh.in ll a"ke) '"1uld h.l\l' lll'\l'r hl'l'll rl'adv to

"k out Im J(eam girl \•.ilhnut lhe rl'r~u.1,1on of hi~ nl<k r hrothl' r , ( r .1 1 g. w h n r~ircrnth~p1aM h1-;

· ~h,ll' rv Date" lhouch · rl'l1H'l,1n1

.11 r1r,t, I om ,., '------- ... l·.1,11~ taken h\ < r 111• ' p1"h1nc'' hcrau'c he look' 11p 1 .. 111111 < r.11g 11111 1ml) plan\ lhl d.1ll'. h1.1 prt1 .. 1<ll'' lorn 14 1lh Ill'\\ \ 11llll',, llllnl'CC\\Jry gla"e' f•tl I I 1111111\, L llllil .,Hlh, , I \\,1tJ o f

h 111.I I llHHllhful llf .1d\llC \\ 1h 1 h11111\\l'd 11lrnlll\ .111d

,11 · 1twnnt <1•11fldl'llll'. I om '' 'L'I 111 llll'l'I "" 111\ \Ill"\ date I 11111111111 tll·h I ·•rn m.tkl'' thl' 1111'1 11>.,· 1•1 l.1klll,I! ( "1,11g·, t:.tr . "h1d1 hl'f"'' ,, d1.11n rl'.1l'luin of \11\fh'll'l .111.t IL'IJ•lf

I '' ·" "11 h f 11m l'\l'I\ ncn-c Ill ktrh' 'll f' 11 f thl \\,I\ '" hi." d""'\l'IL d 111' hr11thl r ' 'l'Ut'I Irk 111d ht:l.lllll '1d1m 111 h1' hrulhn''

h.r.t k .trm.1 l l· r1 1'11h1 " \Cl)

'"''l'll' .rnd '"l' Lill' lor ·111111\ llllHlll'lll 1•11f11flfl- lh.11111, \\ hll'h did\ )'L'I 111111 dn' ('l I llltll hi' hr11thl r ' llll''' ,111d rdt' llltl'f I >1 ""''"' "•" l \L ( lknl . L h 11 .1l ll r'

" • 'l" IL ii .111d I l'ru1.1ll\ • ti P t ll t •I '"11111!! .rl'11t11

r ll1L" 111d 'hP\\ llll' .1 p.11 I of 1111 I I 11' ••ll

I 1111 I \\ ,, 1 I" I t II I I h•11·h1 , ,,

11 II• I l l 11 I

~' \\t' ""' \\ h11

111 ' 11111 .J '"' 11111 • ••llll' I I h 111111

\\ 1h ,h_,p.:r.1 tt: ~ !..:./' • 1 "" .111d .1 101 •I 1111 ~ I 11111 111.in.1gt'' 111 'oh.c thl' Ill\\!\ I\ ••I h1' hri1tlu.:r ;ind hnng 111 ,j Ill ht111ll' ,,illf~. kl' t:plllJ.! ffil'

111 ,1111 hl' .ill thl' ~.1~ lhrough

Our ratings


••'IN'•,..,, .. ,

WAH,,_ ", .. , ' Ht \ICJtn

~ if °'"'"'"' ~·

Teri Polo portrays Geena Matth~ a nd Ethan Hawke portrays Tom McHugh in " My le')' Dale."

llt ltn lngrbritsen Actress Huntington Ruch

Do you rememhcr your fiN <late with a !>pccrnl \Omeonc? It wa~ prohably ~nmewhat trnuma11c,

wasn 't 11 ? You worry 1-.0 much about ~aying and doing the nght thing on a first date you rarely enjoy the actual evening N o matter how bad one of your fi"t

dates may havC' been I 'll bet 11 no v. ay measures up on the aruuety ..cale with " Mystery Date •··

Oka) I 'II admit 11, I was less than thrilled to lart my reviewing 'tint with what I perceived to be a teen rnmmcr 01ck After all, all the advertising as geared 10 appeal to tcen-.tgc r"i Perhap" hccause my npectat1ons were a bat low I wa, pll'J\an t l'.r <,urpriscd at how en1nyahlc I found th1!J action packed rnmnnt1e comedy directed hy Jonathan Wacks.

Ethan Hawke convincutgly plays

l om a some" hat insecure, '>h> and yet \lncere guy waiting for iust the right moment to asl out the girl of hi\ dreams, Gecna (Ten Polo). l nlcr Tom's brother Craig {Brian McNamara) who asks Gecna out for Tom and than proceeds to take little brother under hi ~ wing.

The date gets off to a shaky start and gets worse through a prog ression of hilarious and btzarre 1mpcd1ments to a smooth and easy evening. Dead bodies keep accumulating and a wild chase through various restaurants and a horrific nightclub wuh a cary heavy metal lizard band keep

you alternately laughing and c lut c hin g the edge of your scat

W ov c n throughout is a subtle message. Vana11ons on a theme involving truth and lookmg pn't the eKtcrior Ill ~ cc what's important give this film o little more depth than J would have expected.

About the film


•111rr 1111" tart1.li°"tthan Aawkc, Teri

Pol(), Brian McNamara, Fisher Steven and B.D. Wong. Behind the KHH Directed by Jonathan Wacka . P roduced by Cathleen Summer . Screenplay by Parker Bennett and Terry Runtc . Music by John Du Prez. llanaJa1 ti .. 98 minutea Rated P0· 13

Hawke atara at Tom McHuah-. a lhy . coOeae

atudcnl 1t homo for t~ ummer end obteaMd wldt lria

neiahbor (Polo). Has .ucll older brother (McNamara) te&a U.O. up on a date and they Ft more than they barpined for, • a cast of mistaken idenihy turns the fantasy ni&bt into tho rnisad\lenturo of a lifetime.

08 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, August 22, 1991

Pat Lamb Frtdantt writer Newport Btach

" Mystery Date" is ~ct an be utiful Vancouver, Canada The viewer visits its uburbs, ih

bridge s, it s waterfront ond it~ C h inat own, mostly after dark

Ethan Jla.,.l.c pl l)'S T om M cHugh , a pro specti ve ollegc tudcnt

r..;_,--1....a..--...... -with a crush on gorgeous Gcena Matthews, .,.ho " hou c ittana for a neighbor. 11" older brother Craig ~t him up with Gccna but aho gets him invo lved, unintent1onall~. 1n murder and intrigue.

Old car cnthu 1ast~ ~•II CnJ''' the scene$ with Craig' '5Q l> Soto F1rehte. But the bit about • .. c famtl)' schnauzer IS C'Om\ 1nJ unnece ary.

The plot. implau~iblc ·" 1t "· doc have a few good twi\l~ and • turn . Blood flows frecl • ~ h"h accounts for lhc film\ PC1 I' rat ing. Some heavy handed conu~ rchcf comes from • florist with J

grud{tc against Craig. " Look m~1de the pot" " .1

t hane e prO\.erll und the 11.c' 111 't>lving the my tcry. The prn,e rh .1lw c1ppltc1i to Tom as he trac' tn be 'iomcthmg he isn't tu 1mprl'" Geena on their (int dJte.

'J om 1s appealing in hi' ~ccnc~ with Gcena (fetchina ne~ '<'mcr l'ert Polo), but they don't ha\C rl1c right chcmi .. try. H1' action' def\ lll loaic a nd :ire somcho" annoymg. It take\ her far too long to wi c up and w. lk ou t, a nd when she docs, 11"~ in the middle of the night 1n the v.or 1 part of town.

B.D. Wong i good as a restaurant owner playing both sides of the law. Police office rs. thouph, arc all portrayed as bumblin~ or won.c. ...

Mo•llltlnil Tlll'illlJ

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• l'llff Luclt !'GI I , J ~ 1 9

lOWAIOI CINtMA 11-~ ... .J "'""'' "·• $46 )102

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Mofllll ,,_, frlllly

NIWllll't llldl aA&.IOA CIHIMA 10t l ...... M 67~J~70

Ms<ltw 7, t

lOWMOt NIWllOl'T CllNtMA 3QO .......... ('- o.;.. 644 0160

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IOUn. COAST VIUAOI ~ ot 8nrol ~Q OS9•

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IOWMOS MUNTIHOTOM TWIN ta~o- ~ 8A8 ())f~ ...._. !'\;;,,, •• ....,....,. rel • , ... w ....... ~ • , • JO , 9Jl>

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f~ Qffflll CIHUAM ~ C- ,.._ 1~ I

• • Dec .... .,_.. "" ,, 11 4S l ~I~.

730 '·~ ' ~Luo.It (PG 1230. 1J0 4 lO alO o.t.,...... I IS J )0 S 4S I 10 4 Met......_ lPO 13 I J < 1 9 II

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., 30 ' 4\ • ..... f'Ot I 1 U I :l S 1, f U


The Pilot


The most complete guide to Orange Coast rest.auranu

Costa Mesa Angtlo'•. 1%9 Harb<lr Bl~ 646-1::2S Open fr>t lunch Mon . J rt I MO i.I m to ':' pm • dinner S \0 111 Ill pm Re~l'\.&llon\ rca>mmended Ab<"c •~er•sc Nonhcrn h11!1n cumnc at budic1~on~1ous pntes Vt01I dishes h1fhl~ recotnmcncJed, n'-Cllent 1ir.1ml\u S Alll•to•s Sou1h C'c,_,, Plaza 549.(1741 Open 10 1 m IQ Y pm Mun ·fn , I:'.: lo 6 pm S11, uo Rc~rvallons not rcquued ~andvr1che' IOllpl and p.lads 1n • casual at~phcrc. S

AnlontUo Rlttorantt. South Co• I Pt.11 Omc 7.Sl 71S:l ~n for lunch 11 30 a m to :: pm Mtln · f-n , dinner 6 to 10 rm fn . Sat Sieck. tenou1 rovd Warm Tu\C1nv 1mh1Ancc. Ne.. hgh1 menu augmcnl~ ""nrthcm lt.;ihan ~pc 11l11c1 G1H'cJ putts. surper b wine "" Pcnonahtcd "1Cl'V11o.c Rc~rv111on, US BKk B•y Ro•ina and R11.11nLn1 Clllb U33 Bristol, Soulh ('o Plaza 6'1..011~ Open 11 • m 10 9 p m Mon . f ri 11 11 m to fl r m . al . 11 \0 • m hl " p m • ~un Award-w1nn1n1 11l1d bar, unusual 1peo1ls V.1nc, hccr S Ban k Four, CT)'lltal Court. U33 Bear "it 7~1 Open II 11m 10 9 pm Mon-Thun, II am to II pm Fn ,

11.. 12 10 9 pm Sun RueN11ion\ accepted Thal cu1 inc, 11rn1ll portion' ol t-cautilvlly rrcpared food 1n • 511fk scttina h1Jdco away ut the vl'J)Cr rcachct ol South (",).I t Pl•u'• C~ul (oun. SS Blitt \f1rtm CotrttbMH, 190" Hull(,, 91\J 646- .S .... 6 ~n ~fon -Thun 6·\0 1 m 10 10 pm • Jon and 11 b:JO • m to 12 Im . Sun 10 Im Ill 9 rm \'erv moJut pru;cs, 11nl ,._,ups, '11lld\ , ~dYtiche,, ckutru S

C llln's CtllntM, 1~4 W \he \rthur Rt--J 5-46-561\1\ Open 11 1 m tn 9 pm d11l\ Re,en 111on1 ac~cptcd l ne1pcn'"c C h1nc C' anJ Ci1nlonc,;c dining •1th llllC•OUI 4".11111'11<

Fl Torl to Crill. 6'' Anton Blvd M1·~ti7~ Oren II o1 m lt1 II rm "'1"n ·1-n , 11 1 m 10 m1dn11h1 '\<11 Sunllav bruD<h 10 a m to :? pm Rncl"11lt<lns 1cccr1ed Great freen 1:c)m um•IC\ 1nd South.,..cu (oc>d S

Fortune. '1120 S Plata Dr 11~0-QOO Open t I '0 a m h' 10 rm 'un I hu" I t dO • m I 0 I I p m I f I ... 1 l Re Cl'\-All<'n' AHcr1cd Ch1nct r"' I fca tunn& Pd .. 11111 Jue~

hny C1rreC1, Soulh <.1>.ot Pl 14 \tam t ~vcl ((fi.97\10 Rrukfut , lun<h Jmncr

pe<111h11n1 1n the hcihCM anJ m. 1 dclt.:IOU\ natural fl'IOJ \: l\l f'l .. I lh.kc

hc>r fc11urc' grut muffin•, f1uun 'Ult Ind lrC\h JUKt" b., $

GaMSll l, ' 20 rlua l>T South "'"''' Plaza V11l11c ~Sb--7!7' Oren for lunch 11 1 m 1,1 ~ pm Mon · I fl , dinner i>IO ~ pm , SuncJa\ t>runc:h 11 ]O Im 10 ' pm M.n f"lhOn\ w cs1ccJ T1nJc'Uf1 and cum. lot>\tcr, lamb anJ h1drn I crr•fi •rrctuc" R'1man11,

1arJcn 1tmniphl'lf ~c:rcnr \l't'1C'C' Ou1 11nJ1n1 11unc lilt U

Ganie• B , ,,.. Cl) 1111 C.11111 'I\' lk11r ~I ~ ~ Oren 11 I m Ill \0 I' m M n al : I 1 m lu 7 rm "un

nem.>0n luhmc 2 ~ ,,, '° r"' c'cnJ17 Re,Cf"41k"'ln' 'ulJutcd. A tou~h o • I C'llt•1nts 1n • Cl• Kai I rc~h !!ClllnJ $

(~anSHo's lf>"'• f uhl&• 29 I i'lh c, ~(·~SO Family ' tyle ltAl1an m•ll

tuttoua """" trwncllv •~ C hildren

~clcomc: hke ou1, S

Glno'1 on lht 11111, 428 E. 17th St 650-1750 Re~l" .. llOM accepted A O,,Sta \1cu J.ancJmark . Warm, 1nt1m1te neighborhood mect101 plau Lunch. J1nncr , ~rckcnd brcaltful EJpcrtl) Circal n~. h;ambur,cn, Mlldc~t pr1ca l l\c p1:an.l b;ar cn1ena1nmcn1, cu tomen somchmc\ get 10 "'"' alc.Jfl& S c.oldfn Drapa 2023 H:arhor Btvd h4.:? ·' ltl~ Rnc"allon~ ;1c.cp1cd <icnuin\: Chme$C Manduin diihci 1nce 1'17.S Aw1rcJ-•innin1 cu1a1nc . l.anch Jinncr IAkC·OOI, C .... k1a1I dan S$

c;u,uf A.nckn l 10 S Pl1u l>r •• ~th < <''"' P1a1.1 V1lluc «IC>" . 7'1 Oren for lunch 11 :\0 am to l JO r m d1nl'\Cr t>-10 r m rnp ·r.ankcd 'ic1nd1nav1a" Cun11ncnl1I rcsuurant WonJerful Cac ''" ul1d , homemade brt1d1. crrcllent C"'11f 5e:lect1uo, h<>mem.1cJt 1,riv.JJ lu Con•l•nl •~IJ'11" (SunJay brunch. •inc cJinner,, fooJ tuun~ bar menu lll alte1rn.••n anJ into lht n11h1 I SS llorllut ... , ~ S Plau Or .. :Wuth (oHt Plu• Vtl!Jige S.S7-2.SJI Rcscrva11on' ~upcltec' Fin• uad1tt001l J1panc'IC restaurant ~s the frahelt ln("'.d1cnl\ \u\h1 bar, 1 vni rooms. cockt•1I lounae. \l111t1-\0Unt 11Stti d1Mcn mull ~ llrdcrcd 24 , tn 1d\t1ntt. f .lcpnl 1hn1n1 l um.h, c. icr. SS ln•r. 4 S N. O ld Ncwpon Bl\ld "~:? ~~ Open Tue -Thur .S lo 10 pm, In \•t 1n II pin In 1 ~\I

fr11mc lw>u\C ddcrublc ltal .. n uutt1 ind \CAfc'<ld from Cht'f Pt•'"' Pc tanno

1 ... ( •''· lb9" ll'\-1nc A~c 111 l"lh , Mb-"<;.&..& One l>f the &h;I olik'I "ul. hou~~ ln11m.a1c, ~"On Sc•food u "<"JI SS \t1ndaria c-r.n. 1500 Adam' 11 llut-•r, ~"4.)..)Ql" Rcsc"11h••n\ .ac."cr1cJ Rc,1ricn1 •'' (,.,JJ ""' ard of f.'Corllcn c nine \.C'lt~C'\llrvc H'ltt o ..,ncr MKh.ul nuimg ~ h lh~ ~1and11rJ for Chinese rc~raunn~ Surerb k>b!.IC'f dt~hc' nd amtcmporary Ch1ne\C ofrcnn~\ I un.:h dinner, 11kc-ou1, ('(Xkl11l• i dan SS

\hr1lao's 401 ~ 17th St ~~·15011 7 a m ICI pm l\.1on • fllur • 1 m h• Q ~ r m Fri .ti • Q a m 1,1 ' p m Sun C.vurmct 4nd"""h \hOfl 'P•rfv mtcrk•I S

Ml C'na , ~% E t ~th t , M~· ;ti~b r ;tmll~ \l\ilc Mc•i.•n rc\llUfllll J>rc\l\knl au,h hi' eaten llcrc' Optn 1U11) 11 I I ;am l••f lun b, J111ne1, mcl.1 .i1l1 C:ill ahe1J lor large- ~rtl<'.s ~l\llOU\ K,...i.:c for tanulrcs. n.-cllcn1 f1m1"' value SS

\11•1'• ""~f ·C'4"JX."' 6Ml 22 e.ni Open 011~ " • m , . un ·Thur to 11 p m • Fn • at to m1dru1h1 ~ furn ~t. ('ahfom~ C"U•\ nc 1n New Orlcaru

1mb11ncc 8rc fa,u. lull h. J1nncr, an•• duseru. s N_.,-n Ill~ 2000 Ncw~n Rlvd °''. 1·2110 R ik. chtc.lten. 1lmmr. wt.di,

ndwtche. mpba 11 oa rre hnc. •· quality Oc:tkK>US rom t>rcad ()pica trl'm ' r m throu h Sat .. 2 p m 11Ddn rake WI ttoat 2 p ll'l Ja1ly SS Pula Mtta, :12 F. J71b SI Ml· ~ Dinner 7 111,-.; lunch every d•' nccpt Svq 1.W.. che1 lll11ch 111J ~\llt 111 lunth 11mc C"rOOd 11r.1ah1 rJm1 • II\' a 1hr cnmc:s SS rctltt •nee., l l~ Ncwpotl Blvd • 6S0.9'6~. Open Mon .S.t 11 am tn 9 p m Oc:hC'IOGs pmm ch~i.~cn , vul,


Orang• Coast Weekond I Thursday. August 22, 1991 DT

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S 2 OFF. ! : Theatre Presents 1 $ 2 Off 1

ANY 01NNnENTREE , ', s2 MOVIE MATINEE : 1~0•111YSI°" , 1 VALID TUES:SUN. 3PM-7PM 1 wi~ rlf'f SlO milimlln fk!rdlase • 1 I co. (~ ,. """" ... Ml WM ... °""°"" • Y11IHll & Ser Aus 131 24 ' ' , __ _:£!"'~ ~1~ ___ I , 17pmS11owo.itr•o..c..,..,.,,._ I (Oll..:'Z:.~~~:',S.~~· 1 ------------- - , _______ .__. __ _

Join us at V~ Uk P~ for PAVILIONS Chowder-Cookoff •September 15, 1991 08 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, August 22, 1991

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g. 23 & 24 .T 1 Oam-6pm FREE

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The Gregory Gallery presents demonstrations by the following artists:

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*29" Many Items at Costl


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Porn Colore·Acrylic Artist T Friday Afternoon

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3432 Via Oporto, #6 • (714) 673-6669

-YVILLAGE MERCHANT DIRECTORY-. Beach Break Specialty Wines & Beer Blockmon Ud. Jewelers Boutique Angelique Camelot Restouront Coffee Peddler Germon Home Bakery Jocquefine's Boutique Jannelle's Womens Apparel Jewelry by Mordo John Cosby Gallery Lt Bistro Wine & Cheese Udo Art Dimensions Gallery Lido Book Shoppe lido Bross and Copper lido Gfeek Cof e

Lido Shipyard Sousoge Co. Lillie Casual lo-El Gallery Magic lslond Marcel's Gallery Mortin Lawrence Gallery Mr. Toco Newi)ort Beach Sports Cords Newport Hologram Newport Morino Waterfront Delt Pogliocci Clown Gallery Poolo Giardini For Men The Ceylon Troder Warehouse Restouraot



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SERVING LUNCH & DINNER Harbor Center Harbor & Wil on


010 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, August 22, 1991

Introducing Our ALL NEW


We Specialize In Theme Parties & Events


We Also Deliver

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NEWPORT BEACH • 631-1220

--------------------------Advertisement----------------------- - --

·Sample some world-class~ ·pasta at CdM's Z Pizza By~YMQ

Restaurant of the WHk

How does a Greek pizza sound to youl Well, Z B ch d h · Pizza in Corona Del Mar ca an ave two pizzarias in

I ( II Irvine, also. -

cts ) ou taste pizzas rom a over the wor'd "Poople gobble it Uf>,"said Zus1

Megroz. She and Z1d Fanarof arc Just opc1 1 si•1 e Aug, 9, Z Pizza the owners of this exquisite little

foatur~ 1·l:c.h international pizzas pizzaria. with a cnsp. flaky crust that taste However, if you'd like them to .1bsolut• I\ sinful. Some of these cater a family dinner, corporate .:ue the (hinese pizza, with ginger lunches or parties, they will c h i1.: <en and peanuts; the deliver. They arc prepared for t lawailan pizza, with lime chicken such occasions and have the and pineapple; the Washington 4 perfect cuisine for just about Seasons pizza, with ham, sausage, everything. gJrlic and tomato; the French f pi~ ladeira, which is a cheeseless The fi th pizzaria in the rapidly piua with ~eet onions, and of growing chain, the Corona Del < ourse the traditional Italian pizza. Mar site is located on Pacific

Coast Highway at Orchid Avenue. This fam1ly·run business first A continental, f t1endly atmos·

bul')1 into the market four y~ars phere surrounds the business. ago in Laguna Beach and were Tables also are set up out.side for predicted not 10 survive due to no the hot summer months. deli"ery. H~r. they have n<:1'N Concerned 'A'ith a good diet, Z managro to expand to Newport P1ua prepares its pizzas with both

..--~~-~-~~~~-~-:--~~-, I

"""" ,...,,.. ~

The gan& at l Pizu Includes (from left) Zusi Megroz, Zid Fanarof, Claude Tassaert, Kim Meyers and Alfonso Heredia.

"UnQuest•ONbly Orange Counry s Mesi seafood restaurant possibly the BEST in Southern California Boo Gilroy l<ABC



PRIX FIXE mu $21 .IO ~3010 7 OOpm

Join us fo1 our four course Pnx F1xe gourmet dinner menu, serwd with a glass of ctiimpagne Sunday through Fnday

EnJOY th• $ptctacular sunset views at our beautiful new Fashion ls~nd restaurant .


Hou a llltMay·fr1NW. l•1tl..,..

Join us every weekday tor complimentary hors d oeuvres, dOltar 1 o~ss Champ~gne

• and t1ve entarulnment

•"'°"' can" • FMMIOl llUIO 114 1 MWPOtU C lM(~ ORIVl


l<>W cholesteral and low calories. The dough is made fresh every day with olive 011 for flavor and a smoothe1 crust.

With as many different pizzas as they make, the people at Z Pizza take their time to insure that all o( their toppings are fresh, as well. The vegetal>les such as herbs, basil and crushed garlic are delivered to them daily, as is the meat.

Enoughl Well that's still not all in freshness and international Also, every time you eat five of flavors, call Z P1Z2a at 675-4100. their delicious lunches, you get They are open from 11 ·9 pm. the sixth one free. Hurry over, Monday through Thursday, and though. These specials won't last 11 -10 p.m. on Fridays and long. Saturdays.

Z Pizza serves more than ju!tt .----------­mouth-watering_ pizza., They also I make incredi61e sandwiches in either a submarine, a F rcnch baguette or on whole wheat bread, salads ranging from Greek to a spa salad (celery root), and Their pizza is served either

whole or by the slice. ror a short time only, Z Pizza

has a number of specials. They are offering SJ off their large International pizzas. Plus, you can buy a slice of pizza, a salad and a drink for only SJ.99.

fresh pasta. Some of the pasta is spagheru

Bolognese, fettucini al Pesto, a veggie lasagna and Terragon chlc'ken.

For more information on this one~of ·a-kind p1zzana specializing

!l11tUfatk, P~B,.u/r& S#.IUI. Calru""

fi,.;J, ()H( f ;eJ Pizzu, 11,1 SMl111'e.id.

*DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS * Recipient of Southern California Restaurant Writers Associations

"Mo t Prom1 ing Newcomer" Aword

Re ervations Accepted · · (714)721-0626 MON-SUN 11 -10


By Far The Fmest lt411an ~~ Culs/n~ In NJ Orange County.

EVER BEEN TO ITALY? If you've been to Italy and miss a special dish you ate

there, call ANGELO, he'll prepare it especially for you ...

NEVER BEEN TO ITALY? Go Tonight ... To Angelo!

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...... 67fr.5777

Orange Coast We9kend I Thursday. August 22. 1991 D11

RESTAINNTI From 07 prawns, nndw1chu and· vcgetanan dishes S

Pronlo Rh tof'9nU, 3333 Brnlol S1. , South Coasl Phu.i ~4().8038 Open for lunch 11 10 am lo 2.JO p.m Mon -Sal, dinner ) 30 pm 10 I a m Mon -Sal, Sun t>n.tnlh ''nl) Shopp1n3-mall Italian food ,. tlh hc\h fish. chccltcn and pula fcmlK bread Spotty 'crvice SS Rf'd Onion, 10 1 I Sirndpomlc Dr ~~ ,.. 770 1 Oren 11 11 m 10 2 a.m Mon ·Sun , Sundav brunch 10 Im. lo J pm Rc ~cnut1•J n~ accrptcd Fine Mc~1c<1n foe.Id 1n a fun .ind dancablc environment SS

Riviera Ru 1.1urant, 3333 Bnslol St., \ ouih Coa~t Plva .540-3840 Open for lunch l 1 "' • m 10 3 p m Mon.-Siu ., 1hnncr ~ 10 pm Mon -Thun. , 5·11 pm I 11 - ~.11 Rn cr\'•twn\ rnggcs11 on . < u n1 111rnial Ull\tn C Pupul11r standby SSS

Rub) ·,, l 'l ' lkar St , Crystal Court M.' l< t BY Open 8 11m to Q pm \f.,11 I hu" - .1 m ' ' ' Ill rm. Fri -Sat , - J m 111 11 r m <;un Rcscrva11ons nol •<"1.J111rc.t llu rittr \ and hies rn a

re-created 194<11 diner complete with recorded swins music. Excellent aalads Service is totally on the man S Se1111pl. 1576 Old Newport Blvd . • 64S·8S60 Open 5 10 10:30 p.m. Moderate pnccs. witfl putlS, chicken 1e1food, wum friendly ownership. SS ~ou's Seafood Grill ind 81r, 3300 Bnstol St 979-2-400. Open for lunch and dinner seven days a week. Call for houn. Jatt champagne lunch o n wukcn<b. Reservations suggested. Fr"h seafood classically prepared, complete with an oyster bar. SS Tea 4r Symp1thy, 369 E. 17th St, 645-4860. Coty 1u1hcntlc Enalish tea room. Brcak:fasl, lunch, afternoon tea, Sunday brunch, Homcm1de Cornish past ies, steak and kidney pie, lrlne. English an11que1 may be purchased. S

Tral1ori1 Pino, 3333 S. Bris tol St., South Co11st Pl11111. 540-8038. Open for lunch 11 a.m 10 9 p.m. Mon ·Sun. Reservat ions not required The ultlm1tc piueria with 11 different pizzas from S1e11ian to Neapolitan S Tulip, 3017A H1rbor Blvd .• Baker Square Open Mond1y lhrouah Friday. 11 1 m 10 4 p.m Dutch homemade spec1alt1es, soup\, Hndw1chcs, ~•lads. S

~-'..~ '&. Pet and Plant .L_ ~ ):'i!. In -Home Care

Complete Vacation let'vlce • Pet Walking • Pet Transporat1on

• Bonded with References Call Gina For More Information 014) 848-9894

GRAND OPENING SPECIAL r-------------- .. 1 I 2FOR1 : 1~-!~0N ANY ENTREE ~1 i MU. •.auJ) ' ANY TJME (CW6CQJ..)

I · Bring coupon to our grend opening ~11 I En oy I compC.mc.nwy ~nutt ....,tn 1 2nd ol t'~ 'If.....,_~•~

I Ur K' • s 11 oo """'" per~. h1t 1 ~.- pa c:oupcm. Not ...ild wtfl .ny I <.>ltlcr ~pcti.I Ct f131 lalo<t O'Jt 11.cdamA~ .... ~ ~ ~- bp. O.l"'· ·--------------· HOW CAN WE DO THISll

lt"s our way o f thanking yo u for coming to our grand opening celebratio n . w .. rr 1.1lk1ng nlnf d11Trnm 1 pasta selfctJons Grill spcctaJtlu like t.amh Lhups P11mf Rib and Pt~ium Choice Stcaka You'll nnd hrMl' d 'lCa food like YeUow Fin Tuna. Swor Jnsh and ~hrimp Scampi Sk~

Soups Salads Sanclwlchu Oucken Wini' and Nachos Wf. ~f.n tttVc sbt \!Inds of Ptua and our Championship Chtlt

D'f 2 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, August 22, 1991

lkh Ct•ltlr, IM., 3333 S. Bris1ol .540-8822. Opcft 11 1.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Reservation• accepted. Dine in the Metro's only railrolCJ dinlna car. SS. Z•bln, 17U Place11tla, 645-8091. No reservations. Lobatcr tail. prime rib, chicken and rihl at rc:&SOllable p~. Special cban&U nl&htly. Lunch, dinner, Sunday breakfast. S Z.bla GI.kW C.. ~ed OJtw lar, 17H Placentia, 646-4222. A bia, rprawll.111 enterprise with pool tablet, oyster barl hamburscra, aanchricbcs and a ftliety or seafood otl'erinp. Very cuual. Sunday Mexican bnlnd>. S

Newport Beach

.\bbondanu, 3421 Via Udo. 67.5·8973. Open for lunch Tucs.-Sat. from 11:30 1.m. to 2:30 p.rn. Dinner tcrvcd from .5 10 10 p.m. Tucs.·Sun. Saturday c:llampape lunch senoed from 11:30 a.m. 10 " p.mj Sunday champagne dinner served from > lo 7 p.m. Italian food featuring freshly made pasta 1nd bread . Seafoocl selections offered

Allt"Y Rtalaurnt. 4501 Pacific Coast Highway 646-9126. American food. Wum and eoty. Sin Francia::o-style d1n1ng atmosphere. Lunch, dinner, Saturday and Sunday brunch. l.lvcly bar. Rcscrv1t1oos 1CCCpted. SS An>tll8'1, 311 Marine Ave. 67J.6580. Open for lunch 11:30 a.m. to ~30 p.m. Mo n -511.; dinner 5:30 10 10 p.m Tues ·Sat ; Sunday brunch. Seafood

pec.laltlea frotn tho ltal!.n coast. US Au M.uic'1, 2640 8. Pacific: Couc Hwy. 7?.0-9000 ()pen for lunch 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Moo.· Frl.~ dinMr 5;30 co 10 p.m. l\iCJ.•Sat. RcxrvatJona auacited. Beaullfully prepared contemporary c.aJlfom.la C\I Inc, pastas and 1Cafood, Ccny, Intimate almOfphc.ro. EltaUc:nt wine I 1 US Aetolec, Le Merad1t11 Hotel, 4$00 Mac.Arth-ur Blvd 476-2001 Open for din1na 6 10 10 p .m Tuca • .Sat Rcaervations requited. Aw&Jd.wlnruna me11u of liabtcr Fren~111ine11tal cu1atne, c:xcellent_ly prepared and JTICioudy .em:d. SSJJ

Ardta, 3334 W. Coast Hwy. 64$.7077. Open for lunch JI 1.m to 3 p.m. Mon.·Fri. Dinner Crom 5 p.m. to 1 1.m. dally. Claulcal continental cuisine; 11bJ11ldc preparation 1 apeclalty. Fa\IOritc b1uo1 ot Ncwpon Beach'• Old

·Money mellow, conservative '1'0W(f. SSS knll•HI, 42SO Birch Street. America's moat celebrated J1p1nesc re1t1uranl. Teppan tables 1.nd wshi bar. Lunch 11 :30 a .m. 10 2:30 p.m. Mon.·Fri. Dinner .5:30 to 10·30 p .in. Mon · l'hllB., 5:30 10 11 p.m. Fri .. 5 10 10 / .m. Sun. RescrvaUons recommended. SS

hb Bvaf. 37 Fuhion bland. 644-2030. Open 11 1.m. lo 10 p.m. d11ly Sunday brunch 11 a m co 3 p.m. Rcscrvadoru acxcpted Steaks and ru!ood with a classic Scouuh touch Excellent prime rib and Caesar salad. Dimly lit, dubby 1tmosphcre E1cellenc pian o cn1ert11nmcnl SS

Tn~ F•re r 1 .cl',,, 0 f' n l E er er'\Ce



R•st•u,.nt H orikawa • I

fOloyo • I oe ~ • S..• AM

IOUTH COAtT "-AU Vu.AOI • 3800 S Plaza Or Senta Nia (714) SS7·2S31 • 3 llWllll• 10 Pttbming Alls Cent•

Lunch-Dlnnet Brunch--CocktaJI•

<:-.. Cdt, 690 Newport C...lcr four Se.uonJ Hotel. 759-0808. 10:30 Lm. 14) 10 p.m. Moa.•Fn., Sa am co 10 p.m .. $\UL 1 • ID to s p. Reacrvauou acc_e_plcd. C.llforol continental rutJJnc. SS Cale fh..-0.ft"-t 1109 N~ C.cnt Dr 64().S7S2 Open 8 a m. to 9 p Mon .f'ri, 8 1 m to 6 pm. 1, 11 a to .S p m Sun. No rlllCMllO &aJtc S1l1d1 end sudWld>el • in • cu 1tmo1pbcrc. S C1llron1J1 lk•("· 335S VI• Lid 61S..OS-1S. ~o for lu.och 12·2 p. Mon.-F'rf., Oionc-r S:1().10 p.m. Moe Tues.; until 10-.JO Wed ·Thunr.; unill 1 Pri .. Sat. N<1 rue~11t0n1 taken. S Cal...,. PbD IOk.ll«tt, llSl Newpo Culler Dr. 759·55'3. Open l1 am. \0 1 p.m. Sun.-Tbun., and 11 1. m. 10 11 p. Fri. ·Sat . No rc1crv1tlcuu tah Crlsp-cnutcd pirmct piu.I comc.s i dov:n1 of nl\IOn; siom& arc ratb(r od Biuy~. SS The C111er,, JOJO Lafayctlo Ave 67S·S777 ()pen ror lunch ll :JO a.ro. to pm. Mon •• f:rl., dinner .5·10 p .m. dal Sunday brvnc:h 10!30 1.m. to ?;JO p. Rucrve11o n1 accepted. CootlnHtl culsloc, tc•food cmphu11, (irnt c.h<nl·dct. SS ea-.·. ea... 6J1-1J81 . 22Al w. eou llwy Open Mon ·f"ri., II .JO I m. midn1&ht Sat .Sun., 3 p .m 10 mldn 1 Fab\llous bay view, hucc t>.r. C real p for social hour. SS

Clnndo'•, 3.520 E. Pacific Coast Hwy 67.5·1922. Open for dinner from S:.JO t l~JO pm Sun· Thurs , S:JO 10 11 :JO p.m Fn.•Sat. Rc:scrvations suautcd. 0 Northern lt•han prmct cui 11w1. New moderately priced lount( fll(OU IC~ 'hi wco hOuri Wild anCJ cruy place a night •hen the band i1riku up the umbl music. Que chc.ntelc. SJ Cat.N.r N~. 1220 Bllon Avenue 7S9•ll88. Lunch 11 a .m to 3 p.m. dt.lfy; dinner crvcd all d1y, .seven d111 CblnCllC cu1Jlnc. SS$

Chlt1'1 ChlMtt, 3136 W. Balboa Blvd 673-8204. Open 11 1.rn. to 9 p.m dally. Rcscrv1hon1 ae«pted. Chtncto and Cantonc.1e cu11inc. Try the kllna pao c:hklcen O.llhit1'~ 9.57 Newport Center Or. 6'4- . Mon :niu, . 11 • m. 10 11 p.m Fra 11 • m. lo m1dn1ati1. Sit., 9 a.m. to \0 pm C\auic Amtrieao food, sr••I location for Fllhion IJland ~ &drs. S1 l>e_laaeTa. 630 Udo Part Dr 67S..Ol00 Re scrntlona 1u11e1ted Harbor 1-adnwt C.omprch.c!UM aoufood tMnu Noisy, fun Lunch, d1nocr, Sunday bnmCh SS

SATURDAY NIGHT IS ITALIAN NIGHT AT Gino's on the hill ..... .

Each entree is served with a choice of Minestrone Soup or a chiUed SlJlad of Wild Field Greens with Balsamic Vinalgreete Dressing and

Gar/ic·Parmesan Sourdough Rolls.

* Penne wt th Fresh Basil end Bleu Moon Gorgonzola Cheese Sliuce .... .................. 'f" * Italian Prime Rib Sandwich on Garlic Toast with Fettucclnl Alfredo ...................... 11"

* Fettuccini Country·style with Sliced Jtellan Sou.sage, Ham, Mushrooms, On1on, Garlic, Peas end Fresh Basll in Tomato-04ulm Sauce ....................................... 1 1•

* Penne wlth Artichoke Hearta, Mushrooms, Onion, Broccoli end Chicken Alfredo .... I" * Penne Arabblntta • Tender Pesta Quills In a Spicy Tomato Sauce with Bacon,

Hem, Mushrooms, Garlic Fresh Basil and Red Peppers ...................................... I• ""

n 7


Edit'• Dteer, 2lOS e Cout Hwy., Corona dcl Mar. 673·9050. Oocn 6 un. 10 m&dni41't Sun.·Tlnan.; uatil l a.m. Fri, Sac F1f11eHCylc daocr, wtd1 jukeboRa, slrCUC.S homutytt rood. s ; U Torl&o GrtU, 9SI Newport Center Dr. 6'C0-2B7S. Open I J 1 m, lo 11 p.m Mon ·Fri.1 II am. to m.idnlJbt Sat. unday ontncb I 0 • m. to 2 p m.

RcM:rvalions accepted Soutb~cstcrnl MCJtlCln (avontcs ID a rcstm socia 11mosphcrt Orcat srcen com ta.mala, port dishes l.Mly happy hour. SS

f11btrma•'•· foaled at the very end or the Newpon Pier. 67S·977l. Rcscnations nol necessary. Servlna tb• fre1hcst ~•foods from the PaCif'lc: North.,.c 1 Bruklast, lunch, dinner S f'lvt Cl'VW!lt, 3801 E. PtclflC Cou1 Hwy. 760-0'.lJl Open S pm. to 12 am Mon .·S1t , 4 to 11 :30 pm. Sun. Sunday hrunch 10 :30 1.m . 10 2 :30 p .m . Rc\Crvauons augcsted. A landmark for pcc1al occaslOIU, FIVC Crowns is a

rc:phca EnaJ1nd'1 olde t Inn JIUI ou1 1dc: Lo ndon Conllnental 11 well as 1rad 111o n1I En1hsh fare, 1nclud1n1 Yorbhire pudd1ns. Pr1111c nb i.s still the f•~-oricc:. but menu includes contemporary o.caCood and pull d1 hes SSS

tl•t fttt Toe, 1145 Newport Ce nter Or. b40-S2.SO Open ll .3'> am 10 :! "\O pm for lunch \1on ·Fri , S 10 10 pm I r dinner Sun ·Thur,, \ J•) 11 rm f n .oSa: Rnc rvallo ns \ UJ U led . No uvuu 11t>U'clk C'lnnoutric 'ft1lb rana dutic~ chrown in for ai>OJ m l\Ure SSS

G•l")''t Dtll, H11'> I Coul llt&h"'•Y ,,~j.219.l Open 9 a rn. 10 I p m. \fon ·frt 9 1 m lo 7 p m S..t , 10 1 rn ILi pm Un ,\ t lcai! J7 VlnllCS o ( bot ind n•ld dch tal!Jw1 hn, frotcn )-oi url, 1 uc\ n1 hi ta . C".al nni AJ 10 Plaza Jc Cales S (1iof'lio, 305 Mmnc Mc , 67S-619' 1\u1hc:n11 leahlft kooJ 1>1nncr only, .S to 10 pm Mon.• Thun , .S to II pm. frt llhl li11 s

N...,ert i.MI.., S03 Eut Edcew11er 67S·237l. Lundi IJ un to 2 p.m.; dinner S lo 9 p.m. RescrvalJOos accepted W1terfron1 din1n1 wi1b srut view ol Fun Zone and &U the CICllio& ICUon unplkd. Superb fresh fish and acafood; ucelle111 Sun brunch. Livo rcgac on Sundays SSS

Newpert ~ 8ar ud CrtU, 2100 W. Oceanfront. 675-9977 Fresh fish and p.uta 1PCQ)111cs, cock111b. beer and wine. H'omemldc dc:acm. Open daily from 11:30 am Casual 1tmoapMre. SS TIM Old SINlllMtti Fettwy, 2110 Newport Bl:Yd. 67.s.86S•. Open for dinner 5 10 10 p.m. Mon.·lbun, S 10 11 pm. Fri-Sac .. 4 to 10 pm. Sun. Rucrvations not ICCCpted lnapcnsm lua1n1 ind pu1a

Sunday bnmch 11:30 a.m. 10 2:30 p.m. dishes with an old ruhJOnca n1ir. S Rc1crv1tlon1 accepted . C rit lc1lly Panell• Cert, 600-0 Newport Cco1cr acclalrned Indian, lJndoori cookery. SS Dr. 6"-1237. Open for lunch 11 1 m. 10 Mautone Rlttor .. tt, 2MI a Plcific 2:30 p.m Mon.·Fri.; dinner S to 9 p .m, Cout Hwy. 67S·2004. Lunch, 11:30 a.m. Mon .-Sat. Re1erv11 ion1 accepted 10 3 p.m .; dinner s p.m. 10 a»dni&Pt. Spc:ci,1liZin1 in fresh fish and pasta:

J .W.'1 Su CrtU, 900 Ncwpon Center Or Happy hour, Mon.·Frl Patio dimn& catenni avaiJ1blc. SS Marriott Hotel 6CQ...4000. Opco 6;30 a.m· •Vlilable. Bustlina bistro offer ina P1rll.u'1 Seafood Crill, 309 Palm SI 10 10 I'm. Sun ·Thurs., 6:30 am. 10 11 con1cmpor1r,r northern llllian cuisine. 673-3741 Open for lunch II am 10 3 r I'll Fri..Sal Rcse~auons accepted. Larae selection of putu , plzzu. Full bu p.m. Moo -Sat , dinner S·l O p .m Fresh fish sclccuons SS pec11bzin1111 l lltian wine. SS S11.-lburs , S·ll p .m Fri Sunday brunch

Klt.e1ema, 101 B•)"'•CW Pia«, Newport Moldoo•'• lrl•' hb, 202 Newpon 10 a m. to 4 pm Reservations suges1cd Beach , 72S-0777. Lunch Mo n .-Fri.; Center Or. 6'40-4110 ()pen 11:30 Lm. to Steaks and 1eafood -•lb JllZZ and regae. dinner from 6 pm Moo.·S..t.; doled 10 Pm Sun.-Thun., fl :30 1.m. to 11 Penal, Plau Newport, Bru1ol and Sun Self p1rk in adJOimni lol Authentic p.m rrl -Sat. Bar open unhJ l a.m , Jamboree, 1000 Bnstol, 752-0107. ()pen J1!'anc c cu.1 1ne <crved 1n tnnquil RCICIVlhoos accepted, Irish apccialtics fo_r lu:ncb 11:30 am to 2 p.m Mon =~ri : cn~unnmcnl O rder SSS-pe r-person plus salads, bursers and &teaks SS d inner 6: 30· 10 p .m . Mo n , ·Sa t. ka1sd J fcu1 24 hour 1n advance. SSS .--------------~--

\tart'O Polo. lUIO Dn<>n 721~1 . Open for lunch and dinner C\·crv da)' . 11 a m l•l 10 pm Frc,hty mack f!&)lilS, rourmcl r lua\ Great ri•otto and 1noccb1. htelltnl 1ate~111 SS

Marrakesh 1100 W. l'ac1hc: Coa~c llwy MS·8'"-' Open for dinner 6 to 10 p m Mon ·Fri S .lO 10 I I pm. Sat ·Sun Rcscrva11on1 su11r•tcd Morncun CUI ·~US

Melito''· 232S f Pacific Coast Hwy C>73·82'17 Open for lunch 11:30 a m 10 ) p m : dinner S 10 11 p m. RcJCrvallons required Gourmcl ltab1n cuisine in rctl·\·cl\e1 plcndor US

I •

r I

Cont1Mnl•I Cu1s11w Smc~ l'I01

Reservations accepted. Li&ht and natural nawrs from the south of France llld Caldom11. Stnp mail 1oc:aoon ~n't d11DJ11ish the ucitcmcnt of Pucal Olhats' UN&Jn•tJYc 01.1r. SSS

TIM Pavmoa, 690 Newport Center Or. Four Scuons Hotel 7S9-0ll08, Open for breakfast 6:30 to lO:JO am, Mon -Fn .• lunch 11;30 a.m. to 2 p.m Mon -Fn , dinner 6 lo 10:30 pm. and Sunday brunch 10 1 m. to 2 pm Rcw:n•t10M needed. Amcna11 contemporuy cu~nc With French 1oucbe1. lm~ble ~l'VICC M09()y perfect food, m an 1tmmpbcre that trlnsccnd& botel stcnlJty SSSS TM Rn, 1141 Newport Center Dr. 6'4-4400. Open for lunch \1on ·Fn • 11 :30 1 m. lo 3 ,p m.; dmner from S,30 p.m nightly Award· winnina seafood spccialllcs, pnme meats. and pasta duhes served up in a fine an deoo &eltln& wtth a view of the Newport coast . Live music and d1t1cing five nights 1 'ftect in the mu11c room. SSS ~ Tbt Rla. 880 Ne,..1>0rt Center Dr 720.1800. Open CoT lunch 11 :30 am to 3 p.m. Mon.·Sat. , dmner S.30 p.m. to 12 • m Mon.-Sat Rcscn'llK>nS uge tcd Always-excellent dm1n1 and Hans Prascr's e.pcrusc. Best barburacn 10 l<l'i'll, d1no li\er and onions. Ritz salad cracked dunacncss crab. Oefin1hv~ non·nOU'lellc mcru stays c::onslJtCnt Crom )'Cir 10 ycu Casually clc1101 to di e y SSS See RESTAURANTSf014

O.r 111Hul ·wiM•ut1 U4tlUICJUlt .,(~_,4 I"" /« /,u/.,,,~ t.Mcho11~

IUltf ""61t#U, U«J't1411~,

1111tl J'dWIU JH"t/,4

11 .. un•, , n25 Nev. port. BtvJ 675-4668 Open for lunch 11 Im lo 3 pm I ucs Sii, '\11nnt:r S 30 10 11 p m ~fon ·S• I , 5 ,\0 10 10 pm Sun Rc\\:n·a1K'ns 1 .:tried f·cstive din1nJ of ddi.:1ous l.eb1nc e •pcc11hics. Belly ol•nti:n on • ect en1I SS

M1yur, 293 1 f: Pac1fk C~>a.st I lwy 67.5-662:! Open for lunch 11 30 a m 1c.1 2'J() pm, dinner S·30 to 10 30 pm

South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa {7 l 4) 540-3340



Saturday 10 - 12 It 1:30 - 3:30 $2 5 Sundays 10 • U It 1:30 - 3:30

I.R t' A CHUI E tJ (714) 67S-5T17

Experience crange Cot.rltys flt llSSti

ltielian culsiie ends specesa '8t"' bay view. Dinner Is served each nlglt f1 O'Tl

IJ p.rn. t;a 1 &tn.

{Weekends u 't30 arnJ Our Piano Bar WW J{eep You Bummln'I

Dodmaater On Duty NlpUy Now Tlaioap Labor Day • Pl••••

Call Ahead Por Space Avatlablllty.

I Clll about: oc.r banquet& on Che bey at ""Top of t.tw Vila •I

Op e ning

"aute food Cool Jazz

A new UnO of Res~urant for Oinin~ ~azing1 or just s~enOing Ume witli f rienO~

Lunch Dinner Brunch Jazz

3201 E. Coast Highway Corona dcl Mar 675-7575

Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday, August 22, 1991 013


Greeley oners lood, wine . niatchas made in hllVlll G

real food and ~uperh wines can he J match mJde in hea,cn. C!.pec1ally when

found in .i rc,t.iurant whose helm '' ~u1dt•d h\. <1n C\JCting artisan lkH>tcJ to pro\ldrng the very f1nc,1 10 h1' gul''"

Ju,t 'uch a H'nt 1hlc trove of "1nc gem~ .ind l ulin.m Jcli!!ht' l'\l'I' ,11 lhl' < ,, 1ldL 11 I rurflc 1n < ,,,1,1 \1 c,a. !'IL 'ldl l! P\L I h\. .1 tr u I. q u 1 n 1 c ' ., c n t 1 ,, I h "I •hd mna \l.11 (jrcdn

Il l rl.. \\IU \lo.il l I ind 1 fdll>'>' "h•"C •km<Jn din!! prnl .:'''°n.ilt<>m .rnd 1 olau le 'P'rll '' rL fkllc...J not ,, n I ' 1 n h 1'

John Stahler

On the Vine

, 1•1• l-. 1ng hut ''"'' 1n the o f he

I r l n1 L' n J 0 II ' \ .1 r I c t \.

l "r .... rJin.•" '~'"l'' "'h•ch


Rolh•chrld'• ;!.t11"' I (. "·"' "'"" < Prttn 1 Jt'I /\I .tr ,., "'\ P'fl < •r~ 11 (nr lu11ll1 MPn ·ht ll ,, m ht :. 'II rm I )rnnrr ~. ttl pm 1l.11h RncrvJll<lO\ .1.ur11."d for lunlh .rnJ from ~ 111 11.'lt I'm \!11n r hul\ r111m lo ., r rn l•nh I 11 \JI Con\l\IC'nth t>•'<>tl con11ncn1al. '-.irrhcrn l!JlaJn cul\lnc SS Ro~•I Thai JUOI \\ < o;"I ll tf!h'" .a\. •• ~ l \ '. R (' \l'" JI "n' .t{ c (." r l (' J I lcl1n1111c llla1 .-u1"0<' \ ~luc packed "" hcPn .c•mhrndlton 'pcu.1 1~ !>crenc

,Jc,,.1 I unt"h dtnncr ~und3V hrunch ·\h" .11 , ,.,(I 'i ("(>,l'I llwv in U.guna lk1d1 41l4-k4~4 \S kuhl°• Ja1t11ar l>intr 'IHI ~ l'Jc1f1c c ''·"1 1111.., , ~: • .ioM• < lp< n , .1 m 111 v

I, m d.11h RC\t'" "'""' n111 lll"Cl"\\afV 11rl1-h \l\k l.trr "'ilh l>ur.:c" and dtli

, 11Hl"'"hn ~

'11m', Otll, "'1<1 !'/C'"f"'fl (enter Or 1r.11 Open , .1 m 111 4 pm

\l"n I 11 '-• rc\cf\Jt"•n, ncC"dnl Deli 111." s

'"P'lrl l!l~t Bai "de I )r t>.U 4~20 Open • r 'un•h Mon Irr .. nd dinner \l •n '>un Ma1V11f1cen1 !'Jorlhcrn llaltJn

personally selects - virtually on a daiJy basis.

A native of Newport Beach and a descendant of Horace "Go west, young man" Greeley, Alan is not actually eccentnc, but rather a wild and crazy guy with a penchant for racing motorcycles who loves to roar off through the French country,1de fe rreting out unique cui\1nc~ .ind obscure , but noteworthy wine\

W hil e qud yi ng industrial engineering at OrJngc Coast

Cnllcgc and Californ ia State lJni,cr'>lt\, Long Beach. Greeley paid ht~ wav hy cooking, doing <.trnt' Jl the Ne .... port Beach \famott. the old Ambrosia, and then a' the rc !>tdent Chef de ( 'u1,inc lnr the e :cecuuve dining room at the 1 luor Corporation. rh" in turn led ro catering dinners fur fllrt:ign dtgnuancs 111 the beach hnme\ of promment executive~. 1h11-,ly la~ing the groundwork for i:,1Jhl1, hiny. th1' vc r~· o;pectal r'-''t,tUrant

<Ut\lnc l'ol\11' made on prcm1~cs, sauces ire ,1h"1lutch· pcrfC'cl Outdoor pauo , 11,hn l1.1~1Jc t>rcr7Cs from nearby B.tlhoJ hi.ind SSS

Studio Cafe. 'WI C P1mf1c Coast llwy <i~!i-7575 Open 11 "m to tO p.m Mon.-Wcd'. 11 11 m to 11 p.m Thurs.·Sat . 10 am. to 10 pm. Sun. Rc~crv111on, accepted Fashionable menu of current favorites Latc·n1ght bar d1n1ng, good hippy hour SS

Stun Noodle, 215 Rr~ersrdc Dr . J'llewpon Bt' ach ~.&R-7418 Lunch Mon -Frr . dinner Mon ·Sun V1let p1tking on weekend~. parking lot in front of rcst1unn1 Upscale neighborhood •c\tauranl -.crvc~ h1gh·cl.n~. real llalian rcpcrlOlrc n 1 air or tht Whalr, 400 M111n Street, Halho .. 1 67)-4bD P11nor:imrc bay view, cnlry features f'llt turcs of Old Newport Seafood and tnd111onal f1vorncs. Lunch, dmncr and S1turd11y, Sund11y brunch U

Trtts, 440 I lchotropc Ave 673-0910 American •nd in1crn1tron1f cumnc Loungr open, daily 11 5 pm , dinner •encJ nightly from 6 pm. Appctiun Jm.I latc·ni!lhl menu unfll m1dnrgh1 One ur 1hc Or1n1e C oasr•s mosr unique restaurant' SS

D 14 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursday. August 22, 1991

Here. one can design lunch or dinner backward from the norm -pick the wine first and then decide what dishes are an appropriate accompaniment. Every wine which IS on the carefully chosen list or ovailablc by the glass is tasted and pondered over by Greeley to assure its suitability for his eclectic menu and highly discerning cltcntele

E very winery representative and d1<1tributor\ agent who coll~

on Greeley knows that it is wise to bring sample!! of only those wine who~c reputation is stellar, and then only the bes1 or the best ends up at the Trufne. His personal fa\Orttes arc wine of great intcn ity whether they be red or white, wines which are full, rich and cwcrflow1ng with a myriad of dl\trnct flavors and pungent bouquel!i.

h therefore follows that the wines offered by the glass at the Trufne are not some inexpensive, high production jug wines that a

Tturu, 2300 W Cout H1&Jiw1y 722-924~ S11ndard su1ht and J1panesc fare with a sm11l oc:e1n view from 11"1 ovcHh~·hotel loc1hon

T\ltto Ma~. 54S Ncwpor1 Center Or 640-6333 Open 11.30 a.m. to 1 t p.m Mon ·Thur , 11 :30 a.m. to m1dn11h1 Fri.·Sat, S to 10 p.m. Sun. Reserv11tons needed Contemponry llalran cumne ln1crc$tmg pa)tas. SS

11 Ottanfroac, 2100 W. Ouanfront. by <he Balboa Pier 675·2566. Emphasis on fresh se.rood, prime me1tt Cre11 atmosphere, scn-1cc and chef. Open daily for dinner Piano bar, Sunday J•m ieu10n\. SS

Vtlla Non. 3131 W. Coast llwy. 642·7880 Dinner nightly 5 pm to 2 1.m Elccllent, hearty Italian cuisine ; oumandms wine list Active piano bar; flv<' rite loci I I arc -n lah t 8po1 Rc~crvatwn~ acccp1ed. Valcc boat parkin~ SSS

Vanleer Tt•rn. 333 Baysrdc Dr 675.5.1'1 Droner from 5 pm nrahtly Sunday brunch Eclectic fare in ell.JS)' surrovndmp under the superb dirccoon or Hint Prlaer, Karen Pierce and Jimmy Ashton Dock your bolt 111d dine. SS

distributor " made a de.al on,'' but to the contrary, arc mo dy wines from the Ii t which ure produced by some of the rinc'it "boutique" wineries in the suuc. The beauty of tht arrdngemertt is that it affords C\ne the opportunity to uy a wide selection of d1f{ercnt varietals :ind vin tage without committing to a whole bottle, a definite advantage, cc,pccullly at lunch. And, iC really big bottles arc your bag (magnum&. jeroboam~ 1.11111 rncthuselahs). Greeley is one of .1 '"<' I few who h:l~ hl\d the fores1g111 have them available for harRc patl ·~ - a maghtfiocnt show and \Cl)' lmpre tvcl

T he unportanc:e ot matching the correct wine with superbly

prepared food is reflected not only tn Greeley's discerning wine p IJtc but in his highly indivi~uali uc culinary style as well. Although his ba)ic coc,king methodology ;., frcnch, Greeley ha.'> expanded upon traditional Continent al theme by adding n d1 t1nctly C.u-

Fountain Valley Ciao klla. 17272 Ncwbopc St. S46-7~26 Open for lunch from l t 30 1 m IC\ 2 p.m Mnn .·Fri. Dinner 5·9 ·30 p . in Mon ·Thun.; S·lO pm. Fri , Sat CIO'.ICd Sund1tr1· ll•lian cu111nc with J\mrrk:an "goodies" (burger~. hot dop) IYllllable in the bar $

Tbr Hop, l 774 Br hurl! 1 96l 2366. Open 6 p.m to 2 a m Mon.-Sat Hambur&er , '\ucs.1d1ll•'· "b1.. bopper' hot cJov 01ncans 10 '50s end 6°' mu~ Re~rvaunns rtnt required Scn:11-cnu1I lnnpcMrvc S PnmaYffl Rrstaurut, l6S2.S BruUt.hunt St (at Hell). ns.7978. Open lunch 11 :JO to 2 p.m : Dinner 5 to tO JO p.m

·Mon.·Sat. ltahan. Rcscrv11ion1 accepted C1s111I. Good value for wcll·prepared veal, pasta and etas tc•I t11han dbbu Orcat desserts. SS

Huntington Beach ~a Wlllks, 781)1 Wimer Avt (at Beach BMI,) 842·89SS ~n dl1ty 11 • m to 10 p.m Authentic ' Sovtb of 1hc bonier.. homcJtylc food prcpucd rrcsh d.11ly Lunch tca1urc1 all·you<an·ut huClct Sunday buf(cl brunch '1¥tth crnnphmcntal')' cham~anc ind maraachia. Caterina 1v11l1ble Rcaerva11onJ 1cccptcd. C..•ual. lnupcMive S

ibbcan zest to h is JCnt r gastronomic creations. His uni Oirc is utilixina unorth combinotion of picc and co rc'iul~ In an extraordinary me th 1 s.ali'ific even the most jad of palate .

One sccnano where Gree.le star shines the bf'i&htc t ( wh h e produces a ''wincmak dinner," a upcrb treat for t who Jove the pairing or a.real i and wines. Don't carry when t next one comes up - they a well ~onh the time and ace a sol \aluc, JUSt lili.e everything el Greeley doc SALUDI

Cl RRE f WINE PICK; l Babcock Grand Ca•c

bardonna7. 1 inrcmely lltn.ite thi' highly pnzc1l nnd much soug after blockbu,ter is full, rich an vrry comple( with layer after lay of exquisite fruit that lingers o and on Gree Icy go1 hold of a fe ca c , hut it "on't ll.)t long even $45 a boll le

t'antamar'•, lc~QZ Doi 1 Chic.a ( Wuncr) 84t>-l!o()Z2 Oocn for lundl l 1 m daily c~cJ>! r.fonJ•y Open nrih1ly to o p m • Fnd .. y to 10 pm Ope Saturday 11 1 m. to ·10 pm Excclfet Mc.xic:an fooJ, El r.oo 'l}'le Ore1t ch1I vcrdr, carnl11s. S

J.C. Mel.In'' R1r (,rill, Ullll Bc1c Hlvd 841 -0417. Lutteh ll·Jo h> $ p.rn d11ly. Dinner to 10 )0 p.m Mon · Tbun : 5 10 11 pm f.r1 .-Sa1 Sund•)' brunch. 11 am ·l pm. R11'1 ch1(kcn pl!Sll, aeafood EJltcrtllt11ttCftl Rcscrv.attunt atc:cptcd Scmt·C1u111t Mndcutc SS .,

L\lcd's OrJl .Bakery. 9t1 Ad11m• 9f>8..4460 Oren 8 10 6 '<> d111y. uuagnu. fcttuc1n1 •lfrcdu Rc,erv11lon• not required Ca,1111 lnc11pcn l\>e. S

Ma~11·1 By IN , 317 C.nut llJgMr11) S:\6-2S55. Open I 1 m to t \ pm d11lv Sunday bn.iPCh 9 • m to 3 p..rn ScatooJ and \ltlh E:intcrta1nmcat and dar>cina TUC' -Sat Rncl'\lahons accer1cd LM mu~ic llCtrfy 111 the lltnC Rom.antic, .-1th ocean view. Great lobsccr d"he,, lwmc:m1dc ~en . em1-0 u1I SSS


Dint ln Ovr Romantic Ctllar

ti Calle.~.~-: Luncheon ~;.;~d

Monday-Friday 11 :30am-2:30pm featuring

Home tylc Cooking & Daily Specials

Dinner Served Monday-Saturday from 5:30pm

STEAKS • SEAFOOD • COCKTAILS 1695 lrvmc Ave • Cosca Mesa • 646 .. 79+.


Music Pascal_ Olhats packs . plPrect picnic Provencal~style F

v r e wpor1 '1 prem ie r Provencal reatauratcur , P.1\Cal Olhats, inpedtenls fo r

&he pc: rfecl picnic begin wi1h a i. "l..cl llf wondrous food to share -..11h fam ily and friends. A h~-.1 J11lul cuing is a pleasant nc.'c"ty, an ocean beach, fore 1 1:l.11lc. 1he Hollywood Bowl or a j,,,, "Jc view arc the next be 1 1hinl! 10 the landscape of Province.

basket laden with a (ca t which lookt.:d almo .. 1 tw beautiful to be real . The P a11cr on ... brought uperb

I he 11unse1 bay view wa. prm 1Jed by friend , D olores 'lrlhou . pre ident of the Laguna \ 11 Mu<..eum. whose Linda Isle

l11•mc. nc,1 to that of Donald llrrn, " the frequent locale for 1iind ra1c;1ng activ1 tic for the OIU'><'llm.

l'.r,rJI arrived with hi wife, \l 1m1, and fricnd5, Vivian and I >oi\C P.iucrson, bending v. ilh the ''eight of an enormou v.icker

. P.,,u1I Olh•ts prcpued " ' hr< ~en di h wittr vine·ripen~ l11m.i1oe .. for hi picnic:

RESTAlllANJI From 014


11,. 1.an~o 1 1>11~1 V•n ..-arman '' • • ~~ .. .! Open for lunch t I a m h• l

'" dinne r ~ 10 11 pm Tcrrift~ Ii.pp) • r ~ 10 7 r"' Rcw:rv11k "' ll<Uf'ICJ.

\'""I lo\1nn1n1 butopcan cu1 inc I I IC'hnC !><rlOUl fooJ Wllh a m..'ld rate rr C: l~g flcrfc.:t pot fur I romanllC: J ncr or po'A'tr lunch. Onkr a fvU meal ' rhc hvtlv bar, 110hKh fu1urcs Bru1han

mu"'· d1nc111111 n bl. SS

""l"v 201, I 201 Von Kannan 55'-'~201 Open for lunch and dinner Mon ·F·n dinner ""~ .u and un e nn11n1 new fll\1J Wrlht'lm mattcrpie~c fea1un:s conrcmror•ry C..hforrua bistro (er • 1ni rht' hoU1e ulad, lobtcer cake , cnunbly ftc••1nt bread, anc;ho")' 11pcn• dC' . lc1u11ful, sleek dttor fra med by

""•lcrfall and h.r\h arccncry. Paoo d1n1n, 111 adJ111c1n 10 rr,ular d111ins mom SSS .

<"•llrn11 Rt fl•ra•I, 1910 Marn I 'I ~ · 1220 Open for luneh 11 1 m 10 ) fl m. dinner l tn 10 pm un ·Thurs, J lo II pm f t1 •Sal Happy Hour 4 to 7 P. m Rtu rv11 lo n1 a cctplcd. talrforn1a•1.ted ~4.ltbwc11rm cui11ne ( irc<'n corn tamalca and cev1cbt s>ec1ahie1 of tho hol.rsc. Try the bl4.le

m1rp111as. Busy luocbttmo ba?PI for lhc )'UUllJ prof el Qowd SS

bo11le of wine f r om their lettcndary wine collec11on.

Among the ba kct's trca!lures were gol d en hahc1, of melon filled With bluebemc:~ and

Restaurant Critic

raspberries blcs ed with a hint 'of Bcaumes de Venice, (Mu~cat v.-1nc); a platter he:ipcd with rare grilled l:imb loin and a ~atlering of feta c.hee~ on a bed or delicate green'i. ro;mcd brea'it of chicken, 1t!t ~kin hrov.n and cru\ty, ii:;irn1 hcd "1th Jc: a, cs of purple ba ti, -.heed tom:itoc • p1ck.cd frc h from lhc \JOC, a bowl of COU COUS salad with a hint of curry, and ro:lSted r:italouillc salad.

So that no one would go home hungry, loaf of {re h baked olive bread, a bag~ette for the cheese , a <1m:ill ba ket of crud1tcs, with the salty test of an ancho11Jde in an earthenware crock fo r dipping, a bal am1c-ba cd vmn1grettc and small round~ of cured goat 'hcese, rolled an h<"rb" and fre\h ground pepper ""h J topping or pine nut were tucl..ed in10 the p1cnrc ba,kct, I!> well

Dave Patter on, Pascal Olhats, Mimi Olhats and VMan Patterson, from left, prepare to toast their gourmet " perfect picnic'' at the Milhous residence on Linda I le.

Balsamic vin.a1grette 'ltyle h) this master chef. who'lc Prm-cncal rylc-coolung has set a ncv.- 'ltnndard for French rc,taurant in Orange Count) .

Roa ted ch1dcn brea!>t wuh vine-ripened tomatoc~. frc~h has1I and oh'c 011

Olhat' dranl.: a loa\t to their future plam for a catermg and take -ou t bu!>tne<.' which v.ill ~r<:oahzc in the PrO\cncal cumnc JU't hle 1he food m the ba,ket PJ\Cal Olhal\ kno,.., JJI about

picni.:-<. Port.1Mc picnic . He pack-; them regular!) for ha\ 1ri(l\ to the Holln~ood Bo,.I where the Olhat' regular!} J01n the Pattcr,on . a cu,tom for the pa't e'en year., D1nm' 111 fre"<'•' " tl-.a)' done in

Pasul's Picnk iftou • Me,clun '· J,\J w11h marinated

goat chcc~ and pine mm • ( ruJ1tc'> ba..Xct v.1th mu,tard

'>JUcc ,and an,·hoiade Couscou' alad

Chilled mcltm v.1th frc.-.h h<rnc\ 1n mu,cat v. me

Mc 10\\h1lc l'>u"nc''> '' thrtHn at 1hc On,tol rrcc:t rc,taurant ot Pa"7al .1nd \11m1 Olha1-. and 1f \·uu wuuld hl..c 1h1' fca't reproduced Im \our mo,t 'pccial tncnd , phone Pa"'CAI at ..,.5:-010.., ·

Roa tcd ratatouille al3d Breeze' lrom the ba\- ru•aled the lea\iC\ in the enormou" tree O\crhl'Jd a' the Paner\On' and

Gnllcd lamb loin with feta and \V. eet pepper\

Marla's Tidbits and Tastings

La~• Sund.1\ , J•a,cal Olhats "a the chcf at the .tnnuJI ( ·h.11nc Jc, Rot1'i~eur~ p11:nal". \\here he and hi\

fellow cheC.. and re .. 1,1ura1cuf\ and guc!tt cnJO)'Cd a Moroc~an afternoon of fine " inc . (ea\t .rnd fwhc. P.tscal hn1ught a camel to the party, "c undcf\land. f'or atmu,phcrc, or course. nn1 the gnll!


I he Orto c County Chapttr or the American In tlcutc or i\1nt and hod ot ofl to a 'tcllar tart on the 1 th with a fine how of n~ member .. knock·OUI rood $~b)' B3ngl ok 4, Cu ineRcccntly re· C.accnn~, Gustaf Anderl, The Pac1f1c Club. Royal Khyber, We t Co t Produ lion and Le Cal e. Contributing Wlncnes included Bcnngcr. Ch lone. l·etzcr Vineyard • Roben Monda .. , Winery, imi Winery and Rolr Wine and Sptnt of Newport . Pre~idcnl Keith ~en , o ( C-0ron1 Jcl

Mar, wa pica cd with the tumoul and predicted memorable evenl'i for the new gToup. Robert MondaV\, who a fo undc( of the AIWJ-', 'poke with the aroup and

~ldom-.. ccn undny un~h1ne added to the fc t1vit1e\ held 01 the Roben Mondavi Wine and I ood Center in north C<Ktn Me,a.

0 Herc 's something to v.h1le a"•}' ~our

Wednc day e\en1ng\ Ortn c Coa t Collrit I\ offering a I 5-weck ccur-.c in rrcat cu1 inc of the world and the cour.c include " food prcpuation 1cchn1quc • utcn •I'>. cultural food ervtee, and crcat1tin of un authentic atm<hphere," (The al~o plan to prepare food 1n there: somewhere, I a umc)

C1ac; begtn the \\CC~ of cpt. 9, 6·9.30 p m Regutration ta1.es pla~ in the coUege adm1 ion office from Stp1. 3 through

pt . 13 and 9.C re told 1t will co t $54.50 for the cou~. $69.50 if you want a parking sticker. Lyn Jaramillo will orthc trate the entire rroduction. For inform ti9n phone 432-Sn2.

0 The lqle GounDd club has a.n e\'cnt

comina up th1 Sunday 11 Chanteclair, but 1t may ~ too late to act in on that one

lfo\\IC\Cr. another dinner i~ coming nght .1long at Ut tango ~n Thur.da' , ept 11

On 1hc menu that night will ~ o;autced nab cake~. a chou:c tlf 'oup Cir alad, "'II '" cd b\ a choi<"e Clf ~ftron fctluctnc v.1th JUmtx; 'hrtmp. un dried tomat~" and b3'11I; chicken and lob tcr roulade v.11h mu t •rd nd tarragon llu~c. ,.eet garl1.­mou' c and a puagu : or Nackcncd m,1h1 m11h1 v.tth p1ry bl c~ t>can s:iu.c :lnd mx::aJo 'al a T1ram"u for Je'-Sert. \1cmhcl"h1p in The \rnglc Gourmet I\ S ~ per ~car and the 01Stan~o dinner «.~t' Sl • 1nduding tu and gra1u11) . For tnfonnatiun phone l\54 ·6552, or wnte P.O eo, 1%1 l-4i0. lmne Q~713

0 Bobb) M~Gcc:' '' Ck°'l\1na ac the end of

,\ u u 1. but thcv v.:111 be thr°"'ina a farewell C'\tta .. aganz th1 com1ni unda) ni ht , The ln,1urn,,n rod , "Cl,mphmcntary appetizer,, hmou•rnc el'\ kc from 10 p.m. to 2 1 m. and a m1dn1ght champagne tOll\t:" the end of an era for ·c~pott "Bc.tch.

- II) Marla Bird

Orango Coast Weekend I Thursday, August 22. 1991 D1a




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016 Orange Coast Weekend I Thursdny, August 22, 1991 ......

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