Atidenu Transprency webinar

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Lisa ColtonChief Learning Officer, See3 Communications

President, Darim @lisacoltonSlides:

Agenda Today

• Updates since last time

• What is transparency?

• Why does it matter?

• What does it look like?

• Where can it take place?


Transparency… implies openness, communication, and

accountability…Transparency is operating in such a way that it is easy for others to see what

actions are performed. It has been defined simply as

"the perceived quality of

intentionally shared information.”

-Schnackenberg, A., Tomlinson, E., 2014. Organizational Transparency: A New Perspective on Managing Trust in Organization-Stakeholder Relationships. Journal of Management DOI: 10.1177/0149206314525202.

WHY?“Like authenticity, transparency is not defined by you as a leaders, but by the people you want to trust you and your organization. How much information do they need in order to follow you, trust you with their money or business?”

- Charlene Li

Open Leadership (pg. 193)

How does this relate to the culture of your school and its leadership today and in the past?

Generational Differences

Importance of transparency increases with each generation. As you consider your own transparency, design for the future, not for yourself.

Community Collaboration

Community Collaboration

What has to happen for a community to co-invest in shared goals and assets?

• Clarity of purpose

• Understanding of what it takes to achieve it

• All reading from the same playbook

• Understanding roles and the nature of the teamwork

• What else?

Areas for Transparency

Financial Process Personnel

Academic Decisions Change Process What else?

Personal Transparency

Personal Transparency

Community Transparency

Raising Voices = Inviting Voices

Sharing thinking and research…in advance of decisions

Temple Beth Am Boca Raton, FL

Case Study

Susan Stallone, Dir. of Comms & Programming Steve Kaufman, Executive Director


• A feasibility study indicated an urgent need for transparency

• Significant distrust of the organization’s financial management

• Damaging, false information in circulation

• Many specific questions and issues

• A capital campaign could not be launched with without addressing these issues

“Our surveys of 20,000 synagogue members have shown that the key driver of synagogue membership is the perceived value for the dollar of membership. What most strongly correlates to perceived value for the dollar?

Budget transparency.

When leadership doesn’t share the true cost of programs, and uses funds to subsidize programs as it sees fit, not only do recipients undervalue the program, but they also feel a disconnect with the synagogue that ultimately causes them to the congregation. Including members in the conversation about budget priorities and explaining the rationale behind expenses is a great step to retaining members and ensuring financial sustainability.”

-Sacha Litman, Measuring Success

“Show Them What You’re Working with: How Transparency Leads to


Financial Transparency

Organizational Transparency: The Dashboard

Let’s Discuss Risks & Benefits

• Transparency feels scary or risky. Why?

• What does transparency “buy” you?

• What are the risks of NOT being transparent?

• How does transparency advance your vision?

Transparency as a Sandbox

There are boundaries and rules.


How can you increase transparency in your school?

Where will you start?

How will you evolve transparency?


Transparency “Taking It Home” Worksheet:

Discuss in the JDS Social Media Academy

Facebook Group:


Next Webinar: Thursday, May 21st at 1pm EST

Amplifying with Online AmbassadorsIn today’s connected landscape, individuals are always more authentic and trustworthy than organizations. Therefore, your ambassadors play a critical in your recruitment and retention strategy. Their actions — both small and large — have an impact. Learn how and why social media plays an important role in activating your ambassadors throughout the year — and especially at the end of this school year.

Work on building trust, so we can engage and leverage your online ambassadors!


• Lisa Colton

• Twitter: @lisacolton @see3 @darimonline

• Slides:

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