
Amateur Astronomy Club

Nischita KazaPrachi ShahiPrabhanjan P M

These are the lyrics of a song X, by MetallicaCall me Desdinova

Eternal lightThese gravely digs of mine

Will surely prove a sightAnd don't forget my dog

Fixed and consequentX...a star

X please


Which famous American ended up with a bee-like nickname because his sister couldn’t pronounce ‘brother’ when she was little and hence called him something that we now know him by?

Edwin “BUZZ” Aldrin Buzz was because his sister called him

“Buzzard” instead of brother (as told by Aldrin in his Reddit AMA).

In 1999, the North American Numbering Plan Administration decided to give the area code 321 to Brevard County, Florida after one local resident Robert Osband suggested the commission –”Look can we get 321 for Brevard County?”

So, although 321 was reserved for suburban Chicago, they decided to overrule that and gave it to Brevard instead.

“Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest ones”- the commission said.


The county is home to Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Centre.

3-2-1....take off xP

What is Sheldon talking about ?

Drake Equation


USS Enterprise

The following image shows the planetary nebula Sharpless-2188. It is popularly known as the ___________ Nebula due to its resemblance to something from the tech world. FITB.

Pic in the next slide


A ____________ planet is planet that cones within a star’s habitable zone and is often specifically used for planets close to the size of the earth. A planet following the __________ principle is neither too close nor too far away from a star to rule out liquid water on its surface. The best example is Earth itself. FITB

Goldilocks Zone

It was May 1910, and the world was living in fear of an impending ‘calamity’. Con artists took advantage of the panic and took to selling pills and umbrellas (as shown in the pic) as protection against the calamity. However as the plot unraveled, people learnt that there was nothing to fear, and also that they had been conned. What calamity was everyone expecting in 1910?

Halley’s Comet

It is said that when X, founder of Y, was flying over AP region along with the then PM IndiraGandhi, he asked her to sanction all the land he could see from the chopper for establishing Z. She agreed without a moments hesitation.


X- Vikram Sarabhai Y- ISRO Z- Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota

X previously known previously known as Next Generation Space Telescope(NGST), is a planned space observatory scheduled to launch in October 2018, by NASA. X will offer unprecedented resolution and sensitivity from long-wavelength visible to the mid-infrared, and is a successor instrument to the Y.

Give X and Y

X - James Webb Space Telescope Y – Hubble Space Telescope

Johannes Kepler’s 442nd birthday

“Large Binocular Telescope Near-Infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research”, is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. Also known as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), it is a Gregorian telescope observing in the optical and infrared, which achieved ‘first light’ – the first starlight to pass through the telescope onto a detector, in 1933. What is it popularly known as?

LUCIFER Large Binocular Telescope Near-Infrared

Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research

ID the Indian astrophysicist

Meghnad Saha

ID the guys on the extremes

Left- Bill Nye the Science Guy Right- Neil deGrasse Tyson

Richard Hinckley Allen lists many folk names for the X. The English ones include Jacob’s Rod or Staff, Peter’s Staff, the Ellwand, the Magi, or the Three Kings.

The passage –”Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or lose the bands of _____?” is found in the Book of Job


Orion’s Belt

Id the Google doodle

Philae landing

X are the most energetic and distant members of a class of objects called active galactic nuclei (AGN).

While the nature of these objects was controversial until the early 1980s, there is now a scientific consensus that a quasar is a compact region in the centre of a massive galaxy surrounding a central supermassive black hole Its size is 10–10,000 times the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole. The energy emitted by a X derives from mass falling onto the accretion disc around the black hole.



X is an astrophysicist and faculty member in Caltech's Physics Department.

He was part of the team to launch the New Horizons space probe to collect data about the Pluto system and beyond. For his discovery of a planetary object beyond the Kuiper belt, 2008 NQ17 (aka "Planet Bollywood")

He was featured in People magazine's "30 Under 30 to Watch“ list

He is also known for a publication on Kuiper belt object size distribution, having run a simulation to correct for the observational efficiency, and was awarded the Newcomb Medal.

Rajesh Ramayan Koothrappali

The X and Y rovers were named through a student essay competition. The winning entry was by Sofi Collis, a third-grade Russian-American student from Arizona.

I used to live in an orphanage. It was dark and cold and lonely. At night, I looked up at the sparkly sky and felt better. I dreamed I could fly there. In America, I can make all my dreams come true. Thank you for the X and the Y.— Sofi Collis, age 9

Hers was selected from nearly 10,000 entries in the contest sponsored by NASA and the Lego Co., a Denmark-based toymaker, with collaboration from the Planetary Society, Pasadena, Calif..

X- Spirit Y- Opportunity

Id the Danish astronomer

Tycho Brahe. While studying in Germany Tycho lost part of

his nose in sword duel against fellow Danish nobleman Manderup Parsberg.

Connect –

The Rape of the Lock- Ariel, Umbriel, Belinda

A Midsummer Night’s Dream- Titania, Puck

Hamlet- Ophelia

As You Like It- Rosalind

The Taming of the Shrew- Bianca

Moons of Uranus

Whose statue?

Valentina Tereshkova

How do we better know an Einstein-Rosen bridge?


Id the comic and the creator Pic in the next slide

XKCD Randall Munroe

A G dwarf star, also called Y is a main sequence star of spectral class G. Such a star has about 0.8-1.2 solar mass and surface temperature of 5300-6000K. The sun is the best known example of Y.


Yellow Dwarf

The ______ is a circle of twelve 30 degree divisions of celestial longitude that are centered upon the ecliptic, the apparent path of the sun across the celestial sphere over the course of the year. FITB


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