
Step 1...

Notes:If you want to install this software, you must follow instructions.After you download the software you need to extract. And after the window you will have to choose next option.

Step 2...

notes:Second, next you can see this window, this window show about license agreement. License agreement tell about this software specifically, law of the software, and it will ask you about agree or disagree continue the program . You have to choose yes if you want to continue or back if you not to continue.

Step 3...

noted:Third, choose folder where QuickTime files will be installed. If you want to change the folder, choose change option and select the specific folder.

Step 4...

notes:The program is installed, please wait several minutes until finished.

Step 5...

Notes:Now, the quick time player is installed. If you choose View Read Me, you can read manual instruction. Then please choose finish to continue.

Step 6...

Notes:Window offer you to get Quick Time Player (pro versions). If you want to get pro versions, please choose Go Pro Now but you need to pay if you want to get the pro version. If you do not want to get pro version please choose No Thanks.

Step 7...

notes:After quick time player was installed, the shortcut of quick time will appear like the window. Please open the shortcut.

Step 8...

note:Quick time player will be opened. The window offers you to update but you can choose no if you will not update quick time.

Step 9...

Note:It is the window for quick time. Now we can play video or song but we also can buy the videos or songs here.

Computer Assigment



By :

Astri sitanggang110503335

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