Assumption Province

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"Your destiny is to be apostles, and so tend within your hearts the sacred fire that the Holy Spirit lights there..."

- St. Eugene de Mazenod -

January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

News & Views Assumption Province


Page 1 200th Anniversary of Missionary Oblates of

Mary Immaculate

Page 16 Official Opening of the Holy Year of Mercy at

St. Stanislaus Parish

Page 18 Provincial Council

Meeting in Poznan, Poland

Page 19 190th Anniversary of

Approval of Constitution of Rules

Page 20 Bro. Grzegorz Loska in Prince George, B.C.

Page 21 A Letter from Pre-novice

Thomas Machnicki

Page 21 Beautiful Words Shared

by a Grade 10 Student

Page 22 Lenten Missionaries

Your job is not only to take care of those who go to church, but those who

do not. That voice of the founder needs to be heard in Canada today…

Page 15

On January 25, 2016 the Missionary Oblates of Mary

Immaculate celebrated 200th anniversary of the

establishment of their congregation.

Eugene de Mazenod, with a small group of zealous priests,

formed a community in the old Carmelite Cloister in Aix-

en-Provence, France. This small congregation soon began

sending missionaries to different parts of the world. Today it

works in almost 70 countries around the world. Today it

numbers almost 4,000 members. The Missionary Oblates of

Mary Immaculate came to Canada 175 years ago (in 1841)

and played a very important role in establishing the Canadian Church.

200th Anniversary

of Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

Provincial Congress The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Assumption Province began this jubilee year with a

Provincial Congress entitled “The Emerging Future of Life and Mission – Responding to the Signs of the Times in a Transformative Way.” From January 18th to 22nd all members of Assumption Province and invited guests prayed, shared their experiences, and also tried to discern the future directions for their

ministry and mission. Among many guest speakers were the following individuals:

Father Superior General Louis Lougen OMI from Rome (by Skype);

Jean Vanier, founder of L’Arche Community (by pre-recorded video): Who are the poor in today’s


Gabriela Kasprzak, a young history professor from University of Toronto (in-person): What’s

Emerging from our History? – A Lay Person’s Perspective;

Fr. Pawel Ratajczak OMI from Rome (by Skype): How I see the future of Assumption Province.


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

Jubilee Mass

The Provincial of Assumption Province, Fr. Marian Gil OMI, while welcoming all who attended this

milestone celebration said: “Today we thank God for the life of our founder St. Eugene de Mazenod who, 200 years ago, courageously responded to God’s call by establishing our Congregation. We also thank God for the many Missionary Oblates who for the past 200 years served across the globe responding to the

needs of the most abandoned.”

This intense week of deliberations started with a Jubilee Mass at St. Maximilian Kolbe church and was presided by Thomas Cardinal

Collins. Among many distinguished guest who joined us for this special celebration were:

Bp. Douglas Crosby OMI, President of the Canadian Conference

of Catholic Bishops and Bishop of Hamilton;

Bp. William McGratton from the Peterborough Diocese;

Bp. Wayne Kirkpatrick, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Toronto;

Fr. Bill Antone OMI, Provincial of the US Province;

Fr. Kenneth Forster OMI, Provincial of Lacombe Province;

Fr. Antoni Bochm OMI, Provincial of Polish Province; Fr. Mariusz Kasperski OMI and Fr. Pawel Wyszkowski OMI,

Superiors of Polish delegations in Madagascar and Ukraine respectively.


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

In his homily, Thomas Cardinal Collins, referring to this dynamic religious community said, “We have to have an apostolic zeal. We have to

proclaim the Lord to the nations. We must do so in the spirit of joy, which is summed up in that very word “Gospel” – Good News, the News of Salvation. And

that is what we celebrate today in a very special way when we reflect upon the 200 years of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.”


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

This solemn liturgy was well attended by faithful parishioners from across the Toronto area as well as

representatives of church and lay organizations.


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

80th Anniversary of Arrival of Polish Oblates

On January 20, 2016 the entire Province visited St. Stanislaus Kostka parish in Toronto in order to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the arrival of Polish Oblates to Toronto. In 1935 Fr. Stan Puchniak OMI

was invited by Cardinal James McGuigan to take over St. Stanislaus Kostka church which at that time faced many challenges.

The visit to St. Stanislaus Kostka parish consisted of the following events: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, thanksgiving Mass for the ministry of Missionary Oblates at St.

Stanislaus Kostka parish, and a special banquet during which the history of the parish and an artistic program were presented. The parish council presented the Provincial of Missionary Oblates of Mary

Immaculate, Assumption Province with a certificate of appreciation for the immense work that the Missionary Oblates have done at the parish.


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

Jubilee Banquet On January 21, 2016 at Pearson Convention Centre, a Jubilee Banquet took place to pay tribute to

Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Assumption Province for the work and dedication they provide across Canada.

Among many distinguished guests were Thomas Cardinal Collins; Bishop Douglas Crosby OMI, President of Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops; Bishop John Boissonneau; Mayor of Mississauga

Bonnie Crombie, Provincial Superiors of Lacombe and Notre-Dame-du-Cap Provinces, as well as numerous Church and State organizations, media representatives, and faithful parishioners coming from

as far as Ottawa, St. Catharines, and the Greater Toronto Area.

Radosc-Joy performing Lowicz Medley and Polonaise

Bp. Douglas Crosby OMI, Fr. Luc Tardiff OMI, Bill Antone OMI, Mayor Bonnie Crombie, Fr. Marian Gil OMI


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

This celebration gave platform to laity not only to express the gratitude for work of the Missionary Oblates

of Mary Immaculate, but most importantly to identify how the ministry influenced their lives.

The President of the Canadian Conference of

Catholic Bishops, Bp. Douglas Crosby OMI, during the banquet said the following: “Many

religious institutions established by Oblate missionaries over the years endure, among them the University of Ottawa and Saint Paul University; the Shrine of Our Lady of the Cape in Cap-de-la-Madeleine, Quebec;

Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre in Mississauga, Ontario; and many parish churches in Canada, including several cathedrals! Even the skidoo was conceived by an Oblate!”

Mrs. Anne Hales, Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre Staff Mr. and Mrs. Wojciech and Agata Opala

Bp. Douglas Crosby OMI

Thomas Cardinal Collins Toastmaster Fr. Peter Gioppato OMI


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

Mr. Jacek Wojcicki

Karolina Podolak and Anna Wojcik


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

For this jubilee celebration many distinguished guests sent in their greetings, which can be read on our website at

Future Events This intense week initiated many events which will take place throughout the entire year in order to present the mission and ministry of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Assumption Province.

On May 21, 2016 we will present the testimonies which we have received on the topic of “How the

ministry of Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate influenced my life.” On that day we will have a draw and present prizes to three selected persons. On the same day we will officially open 17 panels which will

present the history of Missionary Oblates in Canada. This display will journey from parish to parish across Canada and will give every Oblate community a chance to discover anew the roots of our Congregation and the courageous life of many Oblates who worked in this country.


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

Memorable Quotes

Jean Vanier:

“Who are the poor? Those who have been humiliated, those who have been pushed aside. Those who

have been seen as no good, as no value. We see it in St. Luke; the mission of Jesus is to announce the Good News to the Poor. What is that Good News? It’s not just that they are loved by God! But you are

precious, you are important, you have value! And how can we reveal that? By entering into a relationship with them. The way we listen to them. The way we give them a place in our hearts, but also in our society.”

Superior General, Fr. Louis Lougen OMI:

“Your job is not only to take care of those who go to church, but those who do not. That voice of the founder needs to be heard in Canada today…”

Thomas Cardinal Collins:

“… I encourage you to look forward with renewed hope as you continue your mission to evangelize those

marginalized and abandoned in the world.”

Apostolic Nuncio, Abp. Luigi Bonazzi:

“… through your witness show the merciful and compassionate face of Christ …”

Abp. Terry Prendergast S.J.:

Providentially this special year occurs within Pope Francis’s Jubilee of Mercy in which the whole Church is exhorted to go into the peripheries, searching out the marginalized, sharing the mercy of God and the

Good News of Jesus Christ. This mission continues to be at the heart of your mission and identity.

Gabriela Kasprzak PhD:

“In your particular case, I say ‘let your [collective] history define you’. Do not be afraid to be radical.”


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

Official Opening of the Holy Year of Mercy

at St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish in Toronto

On December 8th, 2015, the congregation at St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish celebrated the official opening

and start of the Holy Year of Mercy.

The parish was privileged to have Bishop Wieslaw Krotki OMI not only open the Year of Mercy, but also

bless a painting of the Divine Mercy. This marked a substantial and significant moment for parishioners,

as the painting began and will spend the year travelling and getting passed on from family to family. In its

early weeks of movement between families, the painting has already infused a sense of community and,

more importantly, longing in the parish. This eagerness mirrors the very desire in all our hearts for the

mercy of the Lord, which we have all been called to remember and elicit this year.


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

Bishop Wieslaw Krotki spoke of his own experiences in northern

Canada, in his homily, which directly conveyed and pinpointed

the capacity and power of mercy. He spoke not only of the mercy

that Christ offers us, but also the mercy that we must allow to

manifest in our hearts so that we can bear witness to it and bestow

upon others.

Bishop Wielsaw Krotki’s visit to St. Stanislaus planted a seed not

only in the parish community, but also in the hearts of

parishioners. His visit initiated a year-long journey and growth to

receive and share Christ’s steadfast and desired mercy.

Extraordinary Year of Mercy December 8, 2015 – November 20, 2016


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

Provincial Council Meeting in Poznan, Poland

In his message Fr. Bochm recalled the main events of the past year and highlighted those that still await



Father Provincial Antoni Bochm welcomed all gathered

confreres; first those who came from abroad: Fr. Marian Gil, Provincial of Assumption Province; Fr. Zbigniew Opyda, Superior of the Delegation of France and

Benelux; Fr. Pawel Wyszkowski, Superior of the Ukrainian Delegation; Fr. Krzysztof Szabowski, a

representative of the Madagascar Delegation; Fr. Jerzy Kotowski, Superior of the Belarusian Mission; Fr. Piotr

Pisarek, Superior of the Swedish-Norwegian District; and Fr. Karol Lipinski from Wierszyna in Siberia. Then came words of welcome to the members of the provincial

administration, local communities and superiors responsible for various works in the Province.

Father Provincial Marian Gil thanked the community for the valuable cooperation with the Polish Province and its

jurisdictions. He expressed his wish that it will continue. Speaking of the members of Assumption Province (54 Oblates: 49 Fathers, 3 Brothers, 1 Scholastic, 1 Prenovice;

21 communities, 3 districts), Fr. Gil noted that he still counts on the support of Oblates from Poland. Such

assistance would allow for the new undertakings that present themselves in the Polish community and the Canadian reality.

Fr. Marian Gil also mentioned the recent Provincial

Congress, which was attended by, among others, Fathers Antoni Bochm, Pawel Wyszkowski, and Mariusz

Kasperski. He also noted the numerous initiatives related to

the bicentennial jubilee of the Congregation and the 60th

anniversary of Assumption Province. Each of the participants of the extended council received a commemorative folder, which included materials

concerning anniversary celebrations and a beautiful jubilee calendar. After Fr. Marian spoke, Fr. Antoni thanked

Assumption Province for all the help they extends towards the Polish Province, its Delegations, and Missions.


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

190th Anniversary of the Approval of Constitutions and Rules

On February 17, 2016, St. Casimir's

parish in Toronto was home to both the district meeting and celebration of

the 190th anniversary of the Approval of the Constitutions and Rules for

Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Oblates from the entire district took part in these events.

The district meeting took place first,

with information pertinent to Oblate ministry in the district being shared

and discussed. Immediately following the meeting,

the assembled Oblates gathered in the parish church to celebrate the Holy

Eucharist with Fr. Janusz Blazejak presiding. The subsequent homily,

preached by Fr. Paul Patrick, called the Oblates to reflect on their heritage, “Remain in the city until

you have been clothed with power from on high” (Lk. 24:49). This was

highlighted as an invitation to allow God to be fully present in the

decision-making process pertaining to Oblate ministry and allow the power of God to clothe all Oblates through

prayer, faithfulness to the Constitutions and Rules, ministry,

and community life.

Following the Eucharist, the Oblates then gathered for a delicious celebratory meal prepared by several

parishioners of St. Casimir's in honour of the 190th Anniversary of

the Approval of Constitutions and Rules.

Submitted by Fr. Paul Patrick OMI


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

Brother Grzegorz Loska in Prince George, B.C. Bro. Grzegorz Loska OMI is currently attending the College of New Caledonia in Prince George, B.C

where he is enrolled in five intermediate courses in grammar, listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Aside from being busy with school work, Brother Greg helps out at home with shopping, housework, and

a lot of snow removal. Then there’s always the work at the church itself. Recently Bro. Greg travelled to Fraser Lake with two Franciscan Brothers where the visited three

different Oblate missions. There they celebrated the Way of the Cross, held catechesis, helped with penitential services, and visited families in their homes. Brother Grzegorz describes his stay in Prince

George as a very interesting experience.


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

A Letter from Pre-novice Thomas Machnicki

Beautiful Words Shared by a Student

School is going good; I don’t really have a hard semester ahead of me. I am auditing a Medieval Philosophy class Friday evenings, joining the rest of my brothers. I was the only one not taking the class and I did not want to be left out! Also, I am looking to take two online courses during summer. Focusing on the journey ahead, I’m in the process of figuring out the most suitable daily schedule that would fit my personal, spiritual and academic needs. I am finding that a right balance of study, extra and personal reading, exercise, as well as community life makes the day more

fruitful, and more focused on the Lord. I’m also looking into any possible summer ministry positions for about 2-3 weeks, either before or after my trip to Poland for World Youth Day. Thanks for all the support, and as always I ask for your prayers.

Z Bogiem, Tom

As we got to choose what to pray for, I had thought my hardest on what I was going to pray for. At first I was thinking about money, or a new house for us, but then I knew not to be greedy and pray for something that everyone can benefit from. I prayed that everyone in the world would feel a sense of support and comfort when they are in a time of need or going through a hard time, like the loss of a family member or a divorce. Another

thing I prayed for was for me and my family not to fight and argue as much and also to respect each other and be thankful and love each other. I think that God connects it all for us by showing each of us that every time we do something good like help people, we will receive good back. Perhaps it will be that all the hard work in school will pay off and you are rewarded with a loving proud family. I loved this retreat.” Sacha, grade 10

Submitted by Anne Hales

“The day we went to Queen of Apostles I had started to feel a sense of safety and comfort right as we stepped off the bus. As soon as we got into the Centre a lady named Anne welcomed us and led us to the meeting room. As we were walking down the hall I had felt a presence as if someone was watching over us.

Near the end of the retreat we went into the chapel where Mother Teresa and St. John Paul II had prayed which really got me excited and eager to pray at the best of my ability. The fact that they were there was like really cool because you knew that they were in that very space on a chair which I could be sitting on.


January - February 2016 Volume 15 No. 1

Lenten Missionaries

Fr. Bernard Briks OMI was born on January 12,

1955 in Strzybnik, Poland. He entered the Novitiate in

1977, made first vows a year later, and was ordained by Bishop Stanislaw Napierala in 1984.

He has worked as an associate pastor in Lubliniec and preached retreats, which he continues to do to this day.

He taught in the Minor Seminary in Markowice from 1989 to 1992, then became the Superior in Katowice,

Gdansk, Lubliniec, and Koden. Fr. Briks is the pastor and curator of the shrine in Koden. At one time he has served as provincial consultor.

Fr. Jozef Nieslony OMI was born on February 14,

1950 in Chudoba, Poland. He studied at the Minor

Seminary in Markowicze from 1964 to 1968, and afterwards entered the Novitiate where he made first

vows in 1969. After studying philosophy for two years in Obra, he left for Rome to continue his studies (1971-1974).

Fr. Nieslony was ordained by Archbishop Antoni

Baraniak in 1975 and began his work as associate pastor in Milanowek. In 1980 he took over as Master of

Novices and Superior in Swiety Krzyz. He then worked in Lubliniec, Gdansk, and Koden, then as vicar provincial and spiritual animator of the Polish Province

from 2011 to 2014 and retreat master for many years.

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