Assistive technology powerpoint

Post on 10-Feb-2017






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Assistive Technology

Amanda Buckhaulter

Assistive Technology Assistive technology is any piece of

equipment, tool, device, or material that can be used to help a person with a disability complete a task.

Assistive technology can be as simple as a rubber pencil grip or as complex as a sophisticated audio recorder.

Assistive technology can help students succeed in the classroom.

Individuals with Disabilities Act

IDEA defines assistive technology as any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability. (IDEA Sec. 602(1))

Laws on Assistive Technology

The Technology-Related Assistance Act for Individuals with Disabilities (Public Law 100-407), provides funding so that devices and services will be provided to individuals with disabilities.

The federal government acknowledged the importance of assistive technology by revising the individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) in 1997 and in 2004. IDEA states that school districts must consider assistive technology for any child in special education.

Individualized Education Plans

IEP’s are written plans that meet the unique educational needs of a child with a disability.

It is imperative to consider assistive technology when planning the IEP.

Impairments that Require Assistive Technology

Hearing ImpairedVisually ImpairedLearning DisabledPhysically Disabled

Hearing Impaired FM amplification system The microphone picks up the teacher’s voice, and

the transmitter sends it directly to the child’s receiver for amplification in the hearing aids. This allows students to focus on understanding what is being said.

Visually Impaired• Braille Lite allows

teachers to convert classroom handouts to braille.

• Students are able to type and then convert their notes to braille.

Learning Disabled IPAD Students with learning disabilities can use an

IPAD to play games targeted at their learning level.

Physically Disabled

A wheelchair accommodates students with minimum or no movement by enhancing their ability to move to their destination.

“Many say technologies make things easier, for people with disabilities technologies make things possible.” Knut Ellingsen, Vice President of the European Federation of Hard of Hearing (EFHOH)


Assistive technology basics. (n.d). Retrieved June 8, 2015 from

GARI. Retrieved June 10, 2015 from

The Individuals with Disabilities Act. Retrieved June 9, 2015 from

The IRIS Center. Retrieved June 8, 2015 from:

Oticon People First. Retrieved June 9, 2015 from

Roblyer, M., & Doering, A. H. (2013). Integrating Educational Technology Into Teaching. Upper Saddle River: Pearson

Education, Inc.

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