Assignment guide for unit 1 akitt irene

Post on 22-Jan-2015






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Unit 1: Activity 4

Presentation of Research results


This presentation will present the results from my research and explain how this information will help me develop my concept art sketches and final product by showing you the three types of research I done, my mindmap and moodboard, game research and finally the questionnaire I did by doing all these it helped me to finishing off my final product of my game.

Mindmap & Moodboard

On the next two slides shows my mindmap and my moodboard by doing secondary research for my images and information I have collected to help me design my game.



With this mind map and mood board I have done primary and secondary research to find and help me to get a theme, story board, characters and ideas to create a video game. Primary research I went out to look for weapons, characters and the Victorian era and I have found steam punk, fashion, factories, poverty people lived in and terraced houses. Secondary research I have found similar game genres and how well they have done with the game and what the audience range is and made it not to be exactly like mine but all the successful parts of the game I have done to mine to be just as better then all the other games. All this researching help me to develop my game to be the best and accurate it could be as it was set in Victorian time helping me designing my environment, character and weapon.

Game Research

Your game research slides should go on this section with a slide where you explain how this research has helped to inform your game idea and the choice of items/ characters and environments you will sketch.

All the data collected was to help me find information and how games are designed. This helped me develop my ideas by showing me all the different type of games and all the graphical and technical things that a game needs this also helped me by developing my designs by helping me to make my game as professional looking and best it could be.


These are my results from my questionnaire.

What art style do you think would tell in an action adventure game?

which area of a game should have the most focus when it comes to concept art?

what type of weapon do you think will be good in a Victorian action/adventure game?

where should the environment be for a victorian action/adventure?

do you think a victorian action/adventure game will be interesting?

Do you think it will be better if the character is a boy or girl?

what graphical style do you think a Victorian action/adventure game should be like?

This helped my initial ideas for my sketches by looking at other people’s opinions for my design of my game and how my audience’s will perceive and expect my game to be like as it’s a Victorian era action/adventure game and this helped me to design my game that would be more appealing and more successful to consumers.


All of these research and planning help me to sketch my drawings to be professional and appealing to my audiences and help me what will my consumers want from my game by doing all this helped me to sketch my environment, character and weapon that will be best suited for my game that I have designed.

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