Assignment 7: BBFC

Post on 05-Feb-2015






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Assignment 7:BBFC & Understanding Of

Film Rating

Chelsea Hopkins

Esere Simei-Akajagbo

Lesson Points

What is the BBFC?

BBFC- British Board of Film Classification

Examiners classify and rate films

What do they classify?

They classify:

Music Videos,

Video Games,

Videos Online,

Trailers and Films

What are the 7 ratings symbols?

Universal- suitable for everyone

Parental Guidance

Cinema rating- 12 years and older

Video release- 12 and over

Suitable for viewers- 15 and over

Suitable for- adults

Restricted to licensed shops- contains pornographic


How do they classify films?

•Two examiners watch a film for theatrical release.

• The senior examiner will confirm the examiners’ opinion of rating. But if the examiners are unsure or do not agree, the film may be shown to other members of the Board including the Director.

•Issues such as discrimination, drugs, horror, dangerous behaviour, language, nudity, sex, and violence when making decisions. The tone of the context is also taken into consideration

Are the 7 symbols classified the same or differently?

• Every 4-5 years, the BBFC carries out a public consultation to find out what the

public thinks about the age rating of films and if the BBFC’s standards meet the

publics standards.

•They adjust their standards and criteria to meet the publics views of the

appropriate age of rating.

• The Guidelines say what is acceptable in each age category, from U to

R18.There are two key ideas laid out in the Guidelines are:

• To protect children and vulnerable adults from potentially harmful or otherwise

unsuitable content

•To empower consumers, particularly parents and those with responsibility for

children, to make informed viewing decisions.

These guidelines are set in place for all categories meaning classification is fair for

all films awaiting release.

Film Rating

Film Rating

Examiners look at general and specific certificate guidelines to consider

which category the film should be placed.

These help protect individuals from harm and the social attitudes towards

media contents.

Certificate for adult viewers

For viewers 18+ Individuals who are younger than 18 cannot

see the film in the cinema.

How are they classified?

An Example

Drugs- using highly dangerous substances and drug misuse

Threat- frightening and intense scenes.

Language: English, Japanese & German- intense swearing in a

negative context.

Violence- strong violent and gory scenes.

Sex & Nudity- strong sexual preferences, explicit images of nudity

throughout the film.

'The Human Centipede'

Why is was not rated a 15?

Case Study




Films rated 12a means that anyone aged 12 or over can go

and see the film unaccompanied. A is for 'accompanied' and

'advisory'. Children younger than 12 can see the film if they are

accompanied by an adult over 18, who has to watch the film

with them.

10 things learnt from the text

It was submitted to the BBFC with a PG request

The BBFC felt that the film’s treatment of an important theme was

‘suitable for young teenagers’

The films use of swearing meant it couldn't be classed as pg but 12a

allows for this language infrequently

The DVD version was given a rating of 12

The sex reference are not educational and were felt to mitigate any


• It is seen as playful and tender in its treatment of a mature theme

• The clip from the wizard of gore is brief and comic, meaning it was in the category to be classed as a 12a

• The trailer caused people to complain at its theatrical release because it contained sexual references and was played before a children's show

• The sex references were considered to reflect what is likely to be familiar to most adolescents

• The key classification issues are infrequent strong language, moderate sex references and brief sight of a gory scene from an old horror movie The Wizard Of Gore which was rated

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