Assessor training

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Assessor training. Module 6 – Communications with Candidates Interstate Renewable Energy Council IREC ISPQ Accreditation and Certification. Assessor Training. Know what expectations IREC has for an IREC ISPQ Assessor regarding communication with candidates - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Auditor training

Assessor trainingModule 6 Communications with CandidatesInterstate Renewable Energy CouncilIREC ISPQ Accreditation and Certification

Assessor Training

Welcome to Module 6 of the Interstate Renewable Energy Councils Training Program for ISPQ Assessors. This module will cover communications with candidates.

1CommunicationsKnow what expectations IREC has for an IREC ISPQ Assessor regarding communication with candidates

Be able to describe essential protocols regarding communications between assessors and candidates

Recognize poor and well written nonconformities

Write an non-conformity based on a sample scenarioBy the end of this module, you will:

Assessor Training


By the end of this module you will:Know what expectations IREC has for an ISPQ Assessor regarding how you interact and communicate with Candidates.Be able to describe essential protocols regarding communications between Assessors and Candidates.Recognize poor- and well-written nonconformities and write a nonconformity based on a sample scenario.2Important Qualities

Assessor Training

Lesson:Communi-cationsObjectivityIntegrityTactConfidentialityFlexibilityPersistenceCommunication Skills


While good communications skills are important in most professions, for Assessors these skills are applied within defined protocols that help ensure that your interactions with candidates are as objective as possible.

These guidelines, based on ISO (pronounced ice oh seventeen-oh-eleven) 17011, provide a common framework for assessor performance, building on seven important personal qualities shown now on the screen.

Now lets look at how these qualities are reflected in some of the important communications protocols.3

Identify Conflict of Interest

Assessor Training

Lesson:Communi-cationsAssessor or family member trained by the candidateAssessor or family member has worked or consulted for candidateAssessor or family member works for a direct competitor of candidateAssessor holds strong opinions about candidateAssessor holds a financial stake in the program


Identifying Conflict of Interest issues is a step that takes place before the assessment commences.

During the nomination phase the assessor and then the candidate have the opportunity to determine if there are any conflicts that might affect the conduct or outcome of an assessment. Both assessor and candidate may then decline the nomination.

If a Conflict of Interest surfaces after the assessment is underway, the Assessor should bring it to the attention of IREC for prompt resolution.This screen shows some examples of what might be considered a conflict of interest.


Keep Accurate Records

Assessor Training

Lesson:Communi-cationsClear and concise

Refer to the Standard

Observations based on evidence

Check spelling and grammar


As mentioned in the Desk Assessment module, keeping accurate records documenting all work and communication is fundamental to the assessment process.

Fortunately, electronic communication and storage is streamlining this task. So, we ask that Assessors communicate with candidates through email as much as possible, using these guidelines on the screen.

5Use the IREC ISPQ Standard

Assessor Training


Verify you and candidate are referring to the same version of the Standard

Focus on evidence and facts

Only the Award Committee can confer an award


It is important that assessors act in an impartial and non-discriminatory manner when conducting an assessment. Because the IREC ISPQ Standard is the measure against which you evaluate a candidates application, it is the primary tool that ensures an assessors objectivity. Use the Standard to maintain your objectivity by verifying the situation and writing non-conformities, if they exist. Also remember, it is the Award Committee that makes the final decision, so be careful about giving the impression of final authority.


Maintain Confidentiality

Assessor Training



Confidentiality is a cornerstone of many professions including that of assessor. Candidates are sharing detailed operations and financial information which is not to be shared except with relevant IREC ISPQ staff.

All files are to be kept for at least 2 years. When destroyed (after 2 years) they should be shredded or electronically destroyed.7

Avoid Consulting

Assessor Training



Perhaps one of the most challenging protocols to follow when conducting an assessment is to avoid providing consulting services. Although we all want Candidates to succeed in being accredited or certified, it is not the assessors place to rewrite policies or design programs. 8

Assessor Training


Keep it Polite and Professional


Although most communication between assessors and candidates proceeds in a smooth, business-like manner, potentially contentious situations may come up.

Always keep your communication with candidates professional - in email and phone discussions, as well as in face-to-face meetings during the On-Site assessment.

If conflict or unethical exchanges of information undermine Assessor-candidate relations, the Assessor must decide if recusal is warranted. Contact IREC immediately to discuss the situation so that a decision can be made about how to proceed.

9Learning Activity

Assessor Training

The questions in these activities are a different way to think about the material and should not be thought of as tests. For your convenience the questions are also included in the Practice Exercises. You can use these to jot down your answers before moving to the answer slide.

Use your down arrow to continue with this module.

Learning Activity

Assessor Training

In the beginning of this lesson, seven qualities were presented that IREC ISPQ assessors are expected to possess. Many of these are exhibited in specific communication protocols. Which of these qualities do you think would be most called upon when adhering to each communication protocol? Some qualities apply to several protocols.

ObjectivityIntegrityTactConfidentialityFlexibilityPersistence Good Communication skills

Use your down arrow to see the answers, then again to continue with this module.

Keep it polite and professional Avoid contentious exchanges Avoid consulting or giving program-specific advice Maintain confidentialityUse the IREC ISPQ Standard Keep records of all work and communications Identify conflict of interest Learning Activity

There really are no right or wrong answers here. All these qualities are called upon at one point or another in the assessment process. Below is one assessors perception of the match between qualities and protocols. What were yours?

ObjectivityIntegrityTactConfidentialityFlexibilityPersistence Good Communication skills

Flexibility and persistence apply to all communications and aspects of the assessors job. Use your down arrow to continue.

Assessor Training

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Keep it polite and professional Avoid contentious exchanges Avoid consulting or giving program-specific advice Maintain confidentialityUse the IREC ISPQ Standard Keep records of all work and communications Identify conflict of interest


Assessor Training


Nonconformity [non-kuhn-fawr-mi-tee] noun Deficiency or inconsistency that prevents an Assessor from confirming compliance with a specific area of the IREC ISPQ Standard.M6L2S1

Non-conformities are deficiencies or inconsistencies that prevent an Assessor from confirming compliance with specific areas of the IREC ISPQ Standard.

During the Desk assessment these inconsistencies are typically clarified and resolved through the iteration process.

However, when non-conformities are identified during an On-Site assessment you must present them in concise written form to the candidate during the final meeting. 13Nonconformities

Assessor Training

Lesson:Non-conformitiesInclude the following:

The number of the standard item (i.e., Tier 2.1)

Identification of the Standards title (e.g., IREC ISPQ 01022: 2011 or other Standard #)

The text of the Standard item--or an abbreviated portion of the relevant part

Description of the deficiency/nonconformity

Statement of why this deficiency is not in compliance with the standard item


The specific format required for writing Non-Conformities begins with the number of the standard item, such as Tier 2.1. Then it identifies the Standards title; right now we are using IREC ISPQ 01022.

This is followed by:Stating the relevant portion of the text of the standard item abbreviating if necessary;Describing the non-conformity and indicating why this deficiency does not comply with the standard item.14Nonconformity Example

Assessor Training

Lesson:Non-conformitiesTier 1.5, IREC ISPQ-01022: 2011, states that the candidate must employ a written contract with any paid outsourcers or contractors. This contract shall define the relationship between the employer and the outsourcing agent or contractor and shall hold contractors to the Core requirements of this ISPQ Standard. The candidate has a standard subcontractor/volunteer contract, but this document does not contain language specific to confidentiality, which is a requirement under the Core Requirements of the ISPQ Standard.


This written nonconformity tells the candidate exactly which part of the IREC ISPQ Standard was violated and describes briefly how -- without advising the candidate - to correct the problem.

Upon reading this nonconformity, it should be clear to the candidate what action(s) are needed to rectify the nonconformity but leaves decisions and details in this regard up to the Candidate.

The Assessor should not spell out details or suggestions, either in writing or verbally, of what the candidate needs to do. This can lead to misunderstandings and disrupt the objectivity of the assessment.15Learning Activity

Assessor Training

Is any part of this non-conformity missing?

Tier 2.7 Task Analysis Basis for Curriculum or Syllabus: To be eligible for recognition as an Accredited Training Program, the IREC ISPQ Standard 01022: 2011 requires that candidates offer a course, courses, or program(s) based on an established industry approved Job Task Analysis. The candidate has defined their syllabi and curricula based on the NABCEP Entry Level Learning Objectives and therefore does not match the curriculum to an industry approved Job Task Analysis.

Use your down arrow to see the answer, then again to continue with this module.

Learning Activity

Assessor Training

All necessary parts of the non-conformity are included.

Tier 2.7 Task Analysis Basis for Curriculum or Syllabus: To be eligible for recognition as an Accredited Training Program, the IREC ISPQ Standard 01022: 2011 requires that candidates offer a course, courses, or program(s) based on an established industry accepted Job Task Analysis. The candidate has defined their syllabi and curricula based on the NABCEP Entry Level Learning Objectives and therefore does not match the curriculum to an industry-approved Job Task Analysis.Number and standard titleDescription of the deficiencyContent of the StandardTRUE or FALSE?

When you determine a deficiency or inconsistency in the candidates response or documentation to a particular requirement, you must write up a nonconformity using a specific format.

Use your down arrow to see the answer, then again to continue with this module.


When you determine a deficiency or inconsistency you first attempt to clarify or resolve it during the iteration process.Learning Activity

Assessor Training


When non-conformities are identified during an on-site assessment you must present them in concise written form to the candidate during the final meeting.

Use your down arrow to see the answer, then again to continue with this module.


Non-conformities identified during the on-site assessment are presented to the candidate in the closing meeting.

Learning Activity

Assessor Training

Sample Communications

Assessor Training



To further assist Assessors in communicating clearly with candidates, the IREC ISPQ staff has compiled a series of documents containing samples of letters and emails that assessors have used when communicating with candidates at various points in the assessment process.20Summary

Assessor Training

Identify conflict of interestKeep accurate recordsUse the StandardMaintain confidentialityAvoid consultingKeep it polite and professionalAvoid contentious exchangesObjectivityIntegrityTactConfidentialityFlexibilityPersistenceGood communication


In this module you learned that IREC ISPQ expects assessors to exhibit:ObjectivityIntegrityTactConfidentialityFlexibilityPersistence and Good Communication Skills in their interactions with candidates.

We also reviewed the seven essential protocols that assessors must follow to ensure proper communications.21Summary

Assessor Training

Include the following:

The number of the standard item (i.e., Tier 2.1)Identification of the Standards title (e.g., IREC ISPQ 01022 or other Standard #)The text of the Standard item -- or an abbreviated portion of the relevant partDescription of the deficiency/nonconformityStatement of why this deficiency is not in compliance with the standard item


In addition, you learned that non-conformities are deficiencies or inconsistencies that must be written in a specific format beginning with the number of the standard item, followed by; the Standard title, the relevant portion of the standards text, and a description of the deficiency and an indication of why this does not comply.22


Assessor Training

Assessor Communications


Finally, you got some practice in determining poor- and well-written nonconformities, and you learned that there are sample communications available from IREC to help you get started. The practice exercise will help you write a nonconformity based on a sample scenario.23

Module 6 complete.Thank you.

Assessor Training

Be sure to do the practice exercise before moving on to Module 7. You have now completed Module 6 of the Interstate Renewable Energy Councils Training Program for ISPQ Assessors. 24

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