Assessment of learning

Post on 25-Jan-2017






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Students who are well informed ab0ut what behaviors are expected of them in a course/ subject or learning activity have a definite guide during the learning activity and are therefore perceived to attain success.

Correlatively , teachers who know very well what they wish their students to demonstrate or perform will be in the best position to align their instructional activities to the desired learning outcomes.

In this light, all assessment and evaluation activities should start with the identification and clarification of the student learning outcomes

The identified and clarified student learning outcomes serves as the load stars that will guide both teacher and students in activities leading to the attainment of the deserved learning outcomes.

What is Student Learning Outcomes?

Every college program should have a set of college-wide expectations from student learning which have been previously agreed upon by the faculty of the program and which the students who pass the different courses under the college program are expected to demonstrate.

The individual teacher may add to his/her course more student learning expectations but must adopt the agreed upon college expectations and reflect them on each course syllabus.

It is important that this common program-wide expectations are identified and clarified because they are the basis of the outcomes assessment process.

• The student learning outcomes in the teacher education program are skills , competencies and values that the students are expected to demonstrate at the end of the every course/subject which are in turn, integrated into the year-end formation of students as they progress towards becoming professional teacher.

Attainment of these learning outcomes should be periodically assessed cooperatively by both teacher and students. Periodic assessment helps students determine their strengths and deficiencies and become active participants in outcomes attainment.

What are the sources of Expected Student Learning Outcomes?1.) the institution's mission statement is a relevant source of student learning expectations. Public schools refer to the public school system mission or state school charter as source of learning outcomes . Private schools are either sectarian or non-sectarian and their mission may be sourced from their respective religious goals, in the case of sectarian schools, or their founder’s philosophy in the case of non-sectarian schools.

2. policies on competencies and standards issued by government education agencies such as Department of Education (DepEd), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) are prescribed sources of student learning outcomes.

3. Expected competencies identified by the different professions, business and industry should be adopted to ensure that graduates are able to perform as expected in their respective workplaces and/or professions.

4. The thrust and development goals of the national government are useful integration in the identified competencies and expectations from all sectors of education.

5. International trends and development should also be considered in identifying and determining student learning outcomes to ensure the graduates’ competitiveness in the employment and professional practice abroad.

•6. It will be enriching if the identified competencies and expectations of students integrate the basic general education competencies.

Such as the following competency listed by the Montgomery college:

•a. oral and written communication which includes the ability to use oral and written language of communication supported by appropriate technology and enhanced with effective style of presentations.

b. scientific and quantitative reasoning ability which includes competency in the use of quantitative data, mathematical procedure and scientific methods of inquiry in decision-making

c. ability to analyze, synthesize and develop creative solutions which are the components of higher order thinking skills or competencies.

d. technological competency which involves the ability to use computer technology in documentation and presentations appropriate in different academic and professional settings.

e. information literacy involves the ability to efficiently locate and effectively use information from both print and electronic sources.

Thank you for listening !!!!!God bless

Reported by : Arturo Dungca III


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