

• Sejarah perkembangan fotografi

• Bahagian asas dan fungsi kamera

• Jenis-jenis dan aksesori kamera

• Jenis-jenis filem

• Teknik penggambaran

• Komposisi

• Fotografi digital

Jenis-jenis kamera

• Point and shoot

• SLR and DSLR

Twin lens reflex

Twin lens reflex camera

Twin Lens cameras have two look-alike lenses, hence the name "twin lens." The scene before the camera is actually photographed through the bottom lens while viewed through the top lens. As the picture is focused through the top lens, the bottom lens is adjusted at the same time.

Single lens reflex

The Single Lens Reflex (SLR) uses a series of mirrors so that one may view the scene to be photographed through the same lens that takes the picture. When the shutter release is depressed the lower mirror snaps up, the picture is taken, and the mirror returns to its original position. (Hence, a "reflex" action.) At the time the picture is taken, the viewfinder is blackened for a split second.

Instant camera cth: Polaroid

Disposable Camera

Media yang sensitif kpd cahaya(Light-sensitive medium)

digital sensor


Semakin banyak cahaya yang jatuh pada media ini, semakain cerah gambar tersebut

KameraLensa /kanta

besarkan dan fokuskan imej pada media sensitif cahaya melalui satu pembukaan (aperture)


Buka dan tutup bila shutter release dilepaskan, benarkan cahaya masuk

Media yang sensitif kpd cahaya(light-sensitive device) (filem atau digital sensor)

Viewfindertempat kita lihat melalui kamera untuk pilih bahagian gambar yang diperlukan dan fokus

Lensa (kanta)

• Digunakan untuk membentuk imej yang jelas di atas fillem/digital sensor

• Diukur dalam unit ‘mm’ yang menentukan focal length (jarak fokus)

• Focal length yang berlainan membentuk saiz imej yang berlainan

Jenis Lensa (kanta)

sesuatu lensa diukur dalam bentuk mm yang dikenali sebagai ‘focal length’

3 jenis utama:

Normal/ Standard/biasa

Wide angle (bidang luas)

Telephoto/ Foto Jauh

Jenis lensa• Normal/ standard lens (paparkan secara

tepat apa yang boleh dilihat oleh mata manusia) – cth 50mm

• Telephoto

• Wide angle (paparkan kawasan yang lebih luas) – kurang daripada standard focal length, cth 24 & 35mm

Jenis Lensa Lain• Prime lens (mempunyai focal length yang

tetap, cth 35mm, 100mm)

• Macro

• Fisheye (uses an angle of view up to 180 degrees. The angle distorts the photograph so the four sides appear to be farther away)

• Teleconverter (A teleconverter attaches between the camera and another lens. It increases the focal length of your lens)

Telephoto Lens

• membawa objek jauh ke jarak yang dekat – 70-300mm– 85-120mm– 135-200mm– 300-600mm

Zoom Lens

• Mempunyai gabungan beberapa jenis kanta pada satu unit– 28mm-50mm (sudut luas ke normal)– 50mm-100mm (normal ke sederhana)– 70-200mm (normal ke jauh)– 135-300mm (sederhana ke jauh)

Focal length dan komposisi gambar



Fish Eye

Fish Eye

• Shutter speed (kelajuan pengatup) • ISO (100, 200, 400 – dua kali ganda)• Aperture (saiz bukaan lensa)

Kawalan cahaya


• 'exposure' jumlah cahaya yang masuk pada media, filem atau digital sensor



If we get it just right, the image If we get it just right, the image will look similar to what our eyes will look similar to what our eyes


Shutter SpeedShutter Speed

Tempoh pembukaan pengatup

Unit ukuran = saat / pecahan/fraction (cth: 1/1000, 1/30).

Slow shutter speed - motion

Shutter speed

High shutter speed, “freeze” the action of this surfer

The shutter speeds are 1/30th of a second, 1/60th of a second, 1/125th of a second, 1/250th of a second, etc.

Moving from one speed to the next one halves the amount of light that can enter the camera.

On the other hand, moving the other way, to a slower shutter speed, doubles the amount of light that can get into the camera.

The change from one speed to another (and halving or doubling the light that enters the camera) is called moving a stop.

Shutter speed tidak boleh kurang daripada focal length. Cth: jika guna lensa 200mm, shutter speed sekurang-kurangnya 1/200 sec

Petua untuk penggunaan shutter speed

Depth of Field (kawasan jelas)

• Kawasan yang jelas dalam

• Ditentukan oleh aperture dan jarak fokus

Depth Of Field

The following depth of field test was taken with the same focus distance and a 200 mm lens (320 mm field of view on a 35 mm camera), but with various apertures:

f/8.0 f/5.6 f/2.8

Aperture vs DOF

Kawasan mana yang jelas?

Jenis aperture apa yang boleh digunakan untuk menghasilkan gambar ini?

Aperture vs DOF


ISO vs Noise/Grain

ISO vs Noise

White Balance

Proses mengeluarkan warna yang tidak dikehendaki supaya objek yang berwarna putih akan ditunjukkan sebagai warna putih dalam gambar

Berkaitan dengan color temperature – satu cara untuk menyukat kualiti punca cahaya (It is based on the ratio of the amount of blue light to the amount of red light, ignoring green light)


White balance

Reddish/Yellowish image Correct white balance

Incorrect white balance Correct white balance

Optical zoom vs digital zoom

• Optical zoom – gunakan lensa pada kamera untuk membawa sabjek jauh kepada jarak dekat

• Digital zoom – crop bahagian gambar berkenaan dan membesarkan bahagian yang dicrop sahaja – kualiti terjejas

Komposisi Gambar

Rule of ThirdRule of ThirdThe rule of thirds simply says that, instead of placing the main focus of interest in the centre of the frame, which gets a little boring, that you look to position it on an intersection of the thirds. That is to say one third up and one third in or two thirds up and one third in etc

Placing the boat near the top of the picture tells the viewer that what they are supposed to be looking at is the reflection

Rule of third

Repetition of Form

Leading Lines

railroad tracks bring your eye from the railroad worker to the train wreck behind him:


the child is framed between the lines of the abacus


the child drawing on the ground is the foreground element, but the children behind him add an additional layer. It shows that he is participating in an activity with others and isn’t just by himself.

Bright Spots

the subject in very bright light wearing colorful clothes while the rest of the image is very dark.

Negative Space

the sky acts as the negative space and balances the buildings in the frame.

Selective Focus

selectively focusing on the girl to draw attention to her and separate her from the environment.

Camera Height or Angle

Shot from high angle



Memberi fokus kepada objek melalui pemilihan DOF yang sesuai


Tilt Up

Tilt down

Tilt Down

Kad Memori

Aksesori kamera

Camera Accesories

Extension tube

Perisian berkaitan dengan fotografi

• Adobe photoshop

• Microsoft Photo editor

• Microsoft Paint

Apakah peranan gambar foto dalam P-P?

top related