AS Pysch - L3 experimental research

Post on 13-May-2015






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Participants must be given the right to withdraw at any time,

Participants must be fully informed after the study – of what it was about and where their findings fit.

Participants must agree to take part and having their data used, knowing as mush as possible about the study (they consent, and it is informed consent).

The researcher must be competent to carry out the study..

There must be no deceit – participants must be fully informed.

Experimental Research Methods

- Describe & Evaluate the

following research methods:



-Describe & evaluate each

Mr Oakes

Write your idea on a post it note and stick on the board.

The research deliberately manipulates the independent variable (change) while maintaining strict control over any other variable.

Weaknesses Unnatural situation –

likely to lack validity (lack ecological validity & mudane realism)

Data lacks depth, detail – reductionist method – by looking at the parts the whole might not be studied – lacks validity

Strengths Rigorous control

over situation & ppts – can repeat -tested for reliability

Controls extraneous variables – few confounding variables

Objective & Scientific (use stats)

The researcher deliberately manipulates the independent variable but does this in the subjects environment

Weaknesses Control over

extraneous variables is harder than lab exp – possibly more confounding variables – lack validity

Ethical issues

Strengths Careful controls –

replicable -tested for reliability

In natural setting - more ecologically valid than lab exp

Less bias from sampling – subjects don’t have to brought to the lab

Cut and sort the statements (there will be one left over)

The independent variable is changed by natural occurrence, the researcher just records the effect on the dependent variable

Weaknesses Lack of control

No cause and effect as IV not being directly manipulated

Difficult to repeat – cant test reliability & generalise

Strengths IV naturally

occuring - Mudane realism & Ecological Validity

Research can be carried out when manipulating the IV would usually be unethical or not practical

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