Armadale Primary School

Post on 07-Dec-2021






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Armadale Primary School Principal: Mr Warren Bachman Carradine Road, Mount Nasura WA 6112 Telephone: (08) 0391 4500

Dear Parents and Carers

We have a busy few weeks ahead of us before we can all rest up and relax on a well-deserved holiday. Next Thursday 9 September the school will be open to the public between 5:00pm and 7:00pm for the annual Parent Open Evening. This is a great opportunity to showcase our school and the great work done by your child and their teachers in respective classrooms. Do come along and allow your child to take you on a Learning Journey. It will be time well spent! Parent evenings are designed to focus on the work children do in classrooms that parents are often not aware of! There will be a food stall and coffee van located on site. A special notice on Parent Open Evening will be sent home via Connect next week.

Next Friday 10 September will be the last working day at Armadale Primary School for Mrs Victoria Rawlings who has secured a similar position at Harrisdale SHS. Mrs Rawlings has been the ‘front face’ of the office for many years and is known for her friendliness, efficiency and humour. On behalf of the school community I would like to thank Mrs Rawlings for her commitment to the school and wish her continued success in her new position. With the bushfire season approaching we have been practising our evacuation (Code Green) and lock-down (Code Red) drills The safety of our students and staff is paramount. Please talk to your child about listening carefully, following instructions and staying calm. In an emergency the best planning can be put aside as safety becomes the only issue! Head lice—under the School Education Act 1999, if any child is identified with head lice, the parent/carer will be contacted and asked to collect their child from school. They must then commence treatment until all live lice have been removed. The following process in managing head lice at Armadale Primary School will be followed. 1. Head lice and/or nits identified or suspected in a child’s hair by a member of staff. 2. Line Manager notified by staff member. Mrs Verissimo (K-2), Mr Moir (3-6) 3. Line Manager confirms head lice or nits present and arranges parent notification, initially over the

telephone but followed up with written advice. 4. A notice is sent to all children in the relevant Year group as a reminder to other parents to check

their child’s hair and treat if needed 5. On return to school the parent must accompany the child to the office where they will be checked

by an authorised staff member. If live lice or nits are present the child will be sent home. More information is available on the HealthyWA website Teachers are currently reviewing student personal items for year levels in 2022. This will be followed up with an outline of the Anticipated Costs in 2022 for such things as excursions, incursions, camps, carnivals, etc to allow families to manage budgets. Once confirmed the School Board will endorse the process and the ordering process will commence.

Tuesday 7 September—School Board meeting @6;00pm Thursday 8 September—Parent Open Evening (5pm-6pm) Wednesday 15 September—Faction Jump Events Friday 17 September—Faction Athletics Carnival Friday 24 September—Last day of Term 3 Monday 11 October—Staff and Students commence Term 4

Armadale Primary School

NEWSLETTER ISSUE 14–Friday 3rd September 2021


Armadale Primary School Principal: Mr Warren Bachman Carradine Road, Mount Nasura WA 6112 Telephone: (08) 0391 4500

Music Notes

Senior Choir Year 5 and 6 – Senior Dale Fest and One Big Voice It’s been a huge few weeks for our Senior Choir. After their fantastic performance at Senior Dale Fest in

Week 4, they then went on to One Big Voice at the end of week 5!

One Big Voice was held at the RAC Arena and our students gave so much of themselves – from the

months of preparation and extra rehearsals in the lead up, through to the energy put out on the night! It

was a night not to be missed and I’m so glad to have been able to experience it alongside them. Photos

of the night can be purchased

Thanks must go to Mrs Riley and Mrs Claus for being there on the night to help with the endless toilet

runs and general student assistance!

PP – Year 6 students: Musica Viva – Adam Hall and the Velvet Players What a wonderful Monday we had this week on 30/8/21! We were all ‘swinging’ and ‘scatting’ along with

Adam Hall and the Velvet Players. After weeks of working with the songs in Music classes it was fantastic

to see the people, see the instruments and hear it all live! The band were top notch and funny too... so it

was a fantastic live music experience for our students. We had students play along on instruments, sing

along with the songs we had learnt, get up the front to scat sing with Adam Hall... and we did some danc-

ing too!

Kelmscott Senior High School Incursion We are very lucky to be having the Kelmscott Senior High School annual Music Tour come to our school

once again on Wednesday 22/9/21 at 11:30am. The one hour concert is a fantastic opportunity to see

local students make music – and it’s always lovely to see some of our APS current and past students in

the bands too! Community members are welcome to attend as well.

School Band – (Monday lunchtimes once a fortnight) School Band is on this coming Monday 6/9/21 (and each fortnight after).

* If any students in the school have been learning an instrument privately, for at least 6 months or so,

they are welcome to join our school band. Please contact me by email on to find out more.

Ukulele Club Ukulele Club continues in Term 3, with lunchtime gatherings on Tuesdays in the Music Room. Ms Hartley (APS Music Specialist)

Armadale Primary School Principal: Mr Warren Bachman Carradine Road, Mount Nasura WA 6112 Telephone: (08) 0391 4500

Term 3 (Commencement Time 8:35am) Pre Primary– Year 6

Assembly Roster—Term 3

Date Control Class Item Class

Year Area Teacher Year Area Teacher

10 September 5 12 Mrs Claus & Mr Johnstone PP1, PP2, A2 Pre Primary Teachers

24 September Student Councillors 1 3 & 4 Mrs Edwards & Ms Tucci

Library News

The closing date for the latest Book Club magazine is Friday 10th September.

Music Notes

Armadale Primary School Principal: Mr Warren Bachman Carradine Road, Mount Nasura WA 6112 Telephone: (08) 0391 4500

Snapshot on Science!

Mrs Matrozis Term 3

Whole School Scitech Incursion What a wonderful opportunity to start the beginning of science week this year!

We were investigating ‘Different by Design’ food of the future, and we had animals who had a party and left a mess at our school—so on with the detective hats to try and solve who it was and use some scientific

processes in our everyday life. Well done Kindergarten classes for helping out with our detective investigation skills! It was lovely to see you

there too.. Did someone say...Ninjas? Yes, we had to use our ninja skills and try to solve how living things survive better than us ninjas in our

environment. Please see some of the pictures below.

Armadale Primary School Principal: Mr Warren Bachman Carradine Road, Mount Nasura WA 6112 Telephone: (08) 0391 4500

Science Slam Week 9

Science Slam is confirmed and ready for Week 9 this term.

Junior Years 1 – 3 will be on a Tuesday, 14th September from 3.30pm – 4.30pm.

Senior Years 4 – 6 will be on Thursday, 16th September 5pm – 6pm.

This is another opportunity for you child to present a scientific concept/experiment in

a two-minute timeslot and explain the science concept behind their presentation.

Where possible, your child will be required to supply items for his/her presentation if

they are consumables. Equipment may be borrowed from the lab by prior

arrangement. If you would like an opportunity to dress up in a particular way,

please do so!

This year the Science Slam will be held in the Science Room. Please come and see Mrs Matrozis if you need

any other items prior to the day.

There is a note to go home soon! Get thinking!!!!

Landcare Group Incursion

Our students had another wonderful opportunity to focus on rejuvenation of the Kulparti Creek area.

Through Plantrite’s commitment to sustainability and community, Armadale Primary School won the ‘Grown

for Purpose’ grant to the value of $3000.00 for the supply of native plants for APS for winter 2021. We

were able to plant a number of native plants to restore the creek habitat and encourage native animal

survival as part of this term’s Science program.

Thank you to the many parent helpers, students and volunteers for getting their hands dirty, and continually

showing what a wonderful team and community effort we have here, at Armadale Primary School. Please

see some pictures attached on the next few pages.

Armadale Primary School Principal: Mr Warren Bachman Carradine Road, Mount Nasura WA 6112 Telephone: (08) 0391 4500

Landcare Group Incursion

Armadale Primary School Principal: Mr Warren Bachman Carradine Road, Mount Nasura WA 6112 Telephone: (08) 0391 4500

Armadale Primary School Principal: Mr Warren Bachman Carradine Road, Mount Nasura WA 6112 Telephone: (08) 0391 4500

P&C and Community News

Uniform Shop

Term 3 Open Days—

10 Sept 8.15am—8.30am 24 Sept 8.15am—8.30am

At all other times, you may complete an order form and, with payment, place it in the P&C blue box be-

hind the Office of the Assistant Principals. Alternatively, follow the instructions on the order form and

place an order via email and pay via bank transfer. The order will be filled and passed onto your child’s

class teacher. The P&C can now take EFTPOS for new uniforms when the shop is open.

Payment for 2nd hand uniforms can be made at the office and are Cash only.

Our uniform shop is staffed by parent helpers, if you are able to assist on any of the open days, please

contact Natasha Dorain via the shop. All assistance is appreciated.

P&C Meeting

The next P&C meeting is a morning meeting scheduled for 9:30am to 10:30am on Friday 22nd

October. All welcome.

The P&C are very fortunate to have two Secretaries—morning meetings (Mrs Vanessa Platt) and

evening meetings (Mrs Rochelle Cardell) .

Coming soon to Armadale Primary School

What is Compass?

Compass is a school management solution that allows parents and carers to

access up-to-date and meaningful information about your school and your

child’s progress. Compass includes many different features, including the

ability to:

Monitor your child’s attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness

Communicate with your child’s teachers, and update your family contact details

View your child’s timetable and the school calendar

Monitor your child’s homework and assessment tasks

Download and view your child’s academic reports

Book parent-teacher conferences

Pay and provide consent for events and school fees

Monitor your child’s attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness

Communicate with your child’s teachers, and update your family contact details

View your child’s timetable and the school calendar

Armadale Primary School Principal: Mr Warren Bachman Carradine Road, Mount Nasura WA 6112 Telephone: (08) 0391 4500

P&C and Community News (cont…)

2021 VACSWIM Swimming Lessons

Enrolments are now open for VacSwim swimming lessons during the October and summer school holidays. VacSwim offers fun lessons at beach or pool locations across WA. Not only is VacSwim a great school holiday activity, it also teaches valuable safety skills to help keep your child safe in the water. Your children can start as young as five years old. Don’t wait! Enrol your children in VacSwim now at

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