Arizona Daily Wildcat - Nov. 4 - A Section

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Arizona Daily Wildcat - Nov. 4 - A Section


Arizona Daily WildcatFeeling blue? Read the Wildcat !

dailywildcat.comwednesday, november , tucson, arizona


Book smartsIs your dream to become the next J.K. Rowling? Check out your odds of success in WildLife.


UA Graduate School Day

UA Graduate School DayStudent Union Memorial Center

3rd fl oor North Ballroom; Today 1pm-4pm

UA Graduate School Day

UA Career Services

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The University of Arizona Police Department has ended its investi-gation into the Oct. 8 theft of 10,000 Arizona Daily Wildcat newspapers.

The University of Arizona Police Department closed the case de-spite not questioning UA students and Phi Kappa Psi members Alex Cornell and Nick Kovaleski , whose names appeared on Spanish home-work found in a pile of thousands of stolen newspapers discovered on West Anklam Road on Oct. 9.

The fraternity’s president and vice president initially would nei-ther confirm nor deny Phi Kappa Psi’s involvement in the mass theft. Phi Kappa Psi President Keith Pe-ters later told the Daily Wildcat the fraternity would be carrying out an internal investigation.

Peters, Cornell and Kovaleski have repeatedly declined comment con-cerning the ongoing case and the fraternity’s internal investigation.

UAPD officers placed phone calls to Cornell and Kovaleski on Oct. 9. The call to Kovaleski was not re-turned, and Cornell deferred com-ment to Peters, who could not be reached by the police.

The campus police again attempt-ed to contact the fraternity members on Oct. 21, but UAPD received no response. After a final failed attempt to contact Cornell, Kovaleski and Pe-ters via e-mail on Oct. 22, Detective David Caballero chose to close the case, according to police reports.

“Probable cause does not exist at this time to obtain an arrest or search warrant,” Caballero wrote in the report. “No other investigative

UA WebMail experienced e-mail delays again Tuesday at 10 a.m. due to an un-known problem, offi cials from University Information Technology Services said.

The delays come a day after what one offi cial called the longest outage — close to 10 hours — in WebMail’s six years of use.

The problem was primarily due to the large number of current WebMail users, which is far more than the system was originally designed to accommodate, Associate Director of UITS-Frontline Services Thomas Rees said.

“The demand on the system has com-pletely outgrown its ability to handle it,” Rees said. “The software was never meant to handle 60,000 accounts.”

Student Affairs Administrative Assis-tant Diane Jensen said her department re-verted to making phone calls once e-mail services went down, causing delays in the offi ce’s affairs.

“It slows a lot of stuff down,” she said. UITS offi cials said they spent hours Tues-

day looking for the cause of the problem. “We are systematically going

through and turn-ing off different pro-cesses. We have a whole incident team working to fi gure out this problem,” said UITS Senior Director Limell Lawson .

UITS technicians suspended the UA’s new e-mail service

CatMail Tuesday to make sure the new service was not the problem.

Despite the suspension, 7,474 students had opted into CatMail and 226 WebMail

accounts were successfully transferred to the new service by 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Lawson said.

The outage highlights the need for a transition to a new e-mail system, Rees said.

“The old system barely gets by on a regular basis,” he said.

WebMail outage longest in six years of useBy Will Ferguson


Photo illustration by Colin Darland/Arizona Daily Wildcat

This old system barely gets by on a regular basis.

— Thomas ReesUITS associate director


11:30 a.m. Monday: UITS officials start to notice delays9:20 p.m. Monday: all delayed e-mails sent out10 a.m. Tuesday: delays noticed again Tuesday afternoon: delays fixed



THEFT, page A12

UAPD closes paper

theft case

With about 98 percent of precincts reporting at press time, Democrats locked up at least one of three Tucson City Council seats in this year’s elec-tion, with two others too close to call.

Tucson voters rejected Proposition 200 , which would have required 2.4 police of� cers per 1,000 residents. The measure failed by about a 70-30 percent margin.

Propositions 401 and 402, budget overrides to increase funding for Tucson Uni� ed School District, also failed by wide margins .

Proposition 400, the Home Rule proposition, was too close to call at press time. The proposition would allow the city of Tucson bypass state-mandated

spending limits forcing the city to put a portion of its budget into savings.

On the South Side, Democratic candi-date Richard Fimbres defeated Republican Shaun McClusky by about 10 percent .

Races in Ward 3 and Ward 6 were too close to call at press time.

Incumbent Karin Uhlich , a Demo-crat representing Ward 3 on the North Side, maintained a 1 percent edge on Republican Ben Buehler-Garcia , with about 47 percent of the vote, while Green candidate Mary DeCamp regis-tered at about 6 percent .

The race for Ward 6, representing Midtown and the UA, saw Republican challenger Steve Kozachik holding a lead of about 50 percent to 49 percent over Democratic incumbent Nina Trasoff at midnight .

A packed patio, gallons of margaritas and swarms of journalists

characterized the Pima County Republican Party’s election night bash last night at Chuy’s Mesquite Broiler, 6310 E. Tanque Verde Rd.

“Tonight’s just a big night to see how our hard work’s paid off,” said political science junior and College Republicans President Coty McKenzie . About 10 members of the club were present for the event, he said.

McKenzie was among a relatively small pool of college-age people mixed in with the mostly older crowd.

It can be diffi cult to bring students out to events such as these, McKenzie said, in part because many of them are from out of town and not registered to vote in Pima County.

“It’s real hard to get a big following,” he said.

McKenzie, himself not registered to

Props fare poorly at polls

By Tim McDonnell and Will Ferguson


Ashlee Salamon/Arizona Daily WildcatDavid Ferreira, 33, looks at the screens displaying Web site results of election coverage updates during the Republican election night party at Chuy’s on E. Tanque Verde Rd. Tuesday night.

City Council RacesWith 98 percent of precincts reporting

Ward 3 (North Side) Incumbent Karin Uhlich (Democrat) 47.32 %Ben Buehler-Garcia (Republican) 46.41 %Mary DeCamp (Green) 6.13 %

Ward 5 (South Side)Richard Fimbres (D) 53.36 %Shaun McClusky (R) 46.39 %

Ward 6 (Midtown, including University of Arizona)Incumbent Nina Trasoff (D) 48.86 %Steve Kozachick (R) 50.78 %ELECTION, page A12



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Arizona Daily WildcatVol. 103, Issue 52

The Arizona Daily Wildcat is an independent stu-dent newspaper published daily during the fall and spring semesters at the University of Arizona. It is dis-trubted on campus and throughout Tucson with a circu-lation of 15,000. The function of the Daily Wildcat is to disseminate news to the community and to encourage an exchange of ideas. The Daily Wildcat was founded under a different name in 1899.

All copy, photographs, and graphics appearing in the Arizona Daily Wildcat are the sole property of the Wildcat and may not be reproduced without the specific consent of the editor in chief. A single copy of the Daily Wildcat is free from newsstands. Unauthorized removal of mutiple copies will be considered theft and may be prosecuted. Additional copies of the Daily Wildcat are available from the Student Media office.

The Arizona Daily Wildcat is a member of The Associated Press and the Associated Collegiate Press.

odds & ends

News Tips621-3193

The Daily Wildcat is always interested in story ideas and tips from readers. If you see something deserving of cover-age, contact news editor Tim McDonnell at or call the newsroom at 621-3193.

CorrectionsRequests for corrections or complaints concerning

news and editoral content of the Arizona Daily Wildcat should be directed to the editor in chief. For further information on the Daily Wildcat’s approved grievance policy, readers may contact Mark Woodhams, director of Arizona Student Media, in the Sherman R. Miller Newsroom at the Park Student Union.


Tomorrow: H: 89 L: 57


‘Turtles Can Fly’The Center for Middle Eastern

Studies is hosting a free film screening of “Turtles Can Fly.” It will be shown in the Manuel T. Pacheco Integrated Learning Center, Room 130 at 7 p.m.

Swine flu spelled outWant to know more about

H1N1? Professor of veterinary science and microbiology Jim Collins will discuss the virus in Life Sciences South, Room 340 at 5 p.m.

Don’t want college to end?Thinking of attending graduate

school? Career Services is hosting 2009 Graduate School Day with representative from schools all over the country. It will be from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom of the Student Union Memorial Center.

New question: Did you vote in the

City Council elections?

There’s been lots of news about athletes and animals in the news. Do you know who Usain Bolt is?

Yeah. That fast Jamaican guy, the fastest guy in the world.

Did you hear he recently adopted a new pet?

I did not.

He went to Nairobi, Kenya and adopted a baby cheetah. Do you think it’s kind of funny that he actually got him-self a cheetah?

I think that (pauses) it was smart for him to do that because he’s like the fastest guy in the world and the cheetah resembles him. Like, your pet should resemble you. If he has money, which I’m sure he does, then that cheetah, he should go and get it if he wants it.

I think it cost him nearly $14,000 just to adopt it and it will cost him a couple of grand more each year just to keep it licensed properly.

That’s really expensive, but if you have the money to do it and that’s what he wants — that’s where his heart is at — then go for it, man.

What would some-body even feed a cheetah anyway?

I would need to talk to someone. I don’t know. I don’t know anything about cheetahs so I would need to talk to a professional on that.

What would you name him?


Close, Usain Bolt actually named his baby cheetah Lightning Bolt.

That’s pretty funny.

More on athletes and animals, did you hear about the Manu Ginobili thing that happened on Sunday?

I love him but I didn’t hear anything, no.

Apparently in his game against the Kings, a bat was flying around the arena and disrupt-ing play. He just kind of swatted it down and then picked it up and walked over to some guy and handed him the bat-tered bat.

That’s so funny. I didn’t even see that.

What would you do if you were playing basketball and a bat was just flying around?

I would do the same thing or I would just duck.

I read that he had to get a rabies shot, too.

Definitely. Definitely. Bats are … yeah. Bats are dangerous. (Laughs) You’ve definitely got to have a rabies shot.

— Brian Kimball


LONDON — Lawyers for Kate Winslet say the actress has accepted 25,000 pounds (more than $40,000) in dam-ages after the Daily Mail falsely reported in January she lied about her exercise regime.

Winslet was not in court for Tuesday’s settlement, but through her lawyers, said she

wanted an apology “to demonstrate my commit-ment to the views that I have always expressed about body issues, including diet and exercise.”

Winslet has been an outspoken critic of exces-sive dieting. In 2007, she won damages against a British magazine which wrongly stated she had visited a diet doctor.

The actress won both an Oscar and a Golden Globe earlier this year for her performance in “The Reader.”

Associated Newspapers, owners of the Daily Mail, apologized for “any distress caused.”

— The Associated Press

Winslet wins false report damages

Peeping Tom gets arrested at local Christian bookstoreSIMI VALLEY, Calif. — A 28-year-old

clerk at a Christian bookstore in Simi Valley has been arrested on charges of peeping at customers in the restroom with a video camera. Police said the man was cited and released on suspicion of peeping by means of an electronic device Sunday after a customer spotted the de-

vice hidden among boxes in the corner of the bathroom of the Family Christian Book Store.

The 40-year-old woman and her hus-band called police to report the suspi-ciously placed camera.

Sgt. Dwight Thompson said the re-cording shows the suspect hiding the

video camera in the bathroom because it was taping as he positioned it.

Thompson says investigators believe the incident was isolated because the victim and the suspect are the only peo-ple seen on the video.

— The Associated Press

Today’s High: 92 Low: 59

On the Spot

Fast FactsOdds that a polished dia-

mond weighs more than a carat: one in 1,000.

In a typical diamond mine, you have to dig 23 tons of ore to find a single one-carat dia-mond.

An ounce of gold can be beaten thin enough to cover an entire acre of ground.

The largest gold nug-get ever found weighed 172 pounds, 13 ounces.

There’s enough gold in the ocean to give every human nine pounds.

Diamonds are up to 90 times harder than corundum, the next hardest mineral.

The number one use of gold in the United States: class rings.

Diamonds have been worth more than pearls for only about a century.

Seventy-five percent of all the gold mined each year is made into jewelry.

The diamond is the only gem composed of a single el-ement — carbon.

South Africa mines almost half of the world’s gold.

Undeclared freshman

Yes (48 votes)

No (13 votes)

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• wednesday, november 4, 2009 • arizona daily wildcat

Jaclyn Lee ApplegateCalendar Editor520•621•

Michael Rosenfeld

Athletes’ odd animal encounters

Lisa Beth Earle/ArizonA DAily WilDcAt

Dancers display their flamboyant moves and costumes at a Make-A-Wish Foundation charity event in the Student Union Memorial Center’s Kiva Room last night. The “One Night, One Wish” event was hosted by the UA Student Health Advisory Committee and is one of many events that the committee puts on to raise charitable donations.

Kate Winslet

Dancing for a cause

Girl playing Farmville

Girl: Bitch didn’t send me two goats.

— Integrated Learning Center

Editor in ChiefAlex Dalenberg

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Worth noting

LOS ANGELES — A man arrested outside Ryan Seacrest’s workplace has pleaded not guilty to a felo-ny stalking charge.

Chidi Benjamin Uzomah Jr. entered the plea Tuesday through an attorney. A court commissioner ordered Uzomah to stay 500 yards away from Seacrest if he is

released from jail on $150,000 bail.Los Angeles police arrested Uzomah at the E!

Entertainment Television headquarters in Los An-geles on Friday. A request for a civil restraining order stated he was carrying a knife at the time.

Uzomah appeared in street clothes during Tuesday’s hearing and agreed to be represented by a public defender. He is due back in court Nov. 16.

Seacrest did not attend.

— The Associated Press

Man arrested for Seacrest stalking

Ryan Seacrest

A3 arizona daily wildcat • wednesday, november 4, 2009 •

Veterinary science and microbiology professor Jim Collins will give a small, open lecture discussing the H1N1 vi-rus today from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Life Sciences South building, Room 340 .

The lecture is meant to educate people on the mechanics of and misconceptions about H1N1, more commonly referred to as swine flu.

The event will be sponsored by the Undergraduate Biology Re-search Program and hosted by the program’s ambassadors.

Chemistry and biochemistry ju-nior Mounir Koussa is an Under-graduate Biology Research Pro-gram ambassador coordinating the event. The lecture will cover swine flu and “the mechanics of how it works and how it infects, what

makes it different from the regular flu and any other virus,” she said.

H1N1 has become an increasingly popular topic as the public receives alerts on low quantities of available vaccinations, anticipation of increased outbreaks during the approaching fl u season and correct steps to take to avoid contracting H1N1.

“People are very worried about whether or not they’re going to get it and whether or not getting it is really that bad,” Koussa said.

Constant warnings amplify pub-lic concern about becoming ill with the virus, he said.

“A lot of times what you hear about when things are related to science in the news is very skewed and really odd interpretations,” Koussa said.

Today’s lecture will aim to give a greater general understanding of

the virus to those interested. Col-lins worked on influenza for his doctoral thesis in the 1970s, with an emphasis on H1N1, and is a virologist, meaning he works with the science of viruses and the dis-eases caused by them, he said.

“Flu is very good at changing, and it’s unpredictable,” Collins said. “I’m going to try to address some of the confusion about what this virus is and where did it come from.”


Ana AgyBusiness Economics

Park City, UTArizona Athletics

Morgan IngramMarketingTucson, AZ

Chain Gang Junior Honorary

Shiloh MillerMarketingEl Paso, TXAlpha Phi

Gillean OsterdayNutritional Science

Phoenix, AZChain Gang Junior


Ashley TateCommunications

Peoria, AZKappa Kappa Gamma

Daria Artiola Jack BrownPsychologyAtlanta, GA

Arizona Athletics

David DicksonFinance

Phoenix, AZPi Beta Phi

Patrick HryshkoPre-Physiology

Gilbert, AZChain Gang Junior


Tomas NavarroAgricultural Economics

Yuma, AZUA Hispanic Alumni Club

Jason TranelManagement

Information SystemsPueblo, CO

College Republicans

Nov. 4 and 5 online

Crowning of the King and QueenFriday, Nov. 6, 8 p.m., Old Main

Wilbur’s 50th Anniversary“

Aged to Purrrrfection!”

Migrate your University email to CatMail any time between November 2 and December 19 at

Need help? Ask the 24/7 IT Support Center: or (520) 626 TECH (8324).


STUDENT EMAIL IS MOVING TO or (520) 626 TECH (8324).



Undergraduate students interested in continuing their education will have an opportunity to explore their op-tions today at Career Service’s Gradu-ate School Day. About 80 different institutions will have representatives at the fair, from Pepperdine University to Columbia University , said Susan Miller, marketing and special events coordinator for Career Services . Some of the schools will have representatives from specifi c programs, while others will provide general information about graduate studies.

“The purpose is to give UA stu-dents an opportunity to evaluate … higher education across the country,” Miller said.

Students will be able to speak direct-ly with representatives from schools they are interested in.

“It’s helpful to see what the repre-sentatives have to say to solidify what your plans are,” Miller said.

Students should know what they are looking for and do some research about the programs before attending the event, Miller said. In addition to ask-ing questions, students should explain what they have to offer to programs.

“It works both ways,” Miller said. “You have to see if there is a good fit between the institution and the individual.”

She recommended that students who have more time to spend at the fair should start with schools they are less serious about so they can practice interacting with the representatives. If the student has less time, Miller said they should start with the school they are most interested in.

“It’s the next best thing to visiting these institutions,” she said.

Today’s fair will mark the fourth time Career Services has held this event. This year, Miller said, more medical and health related institutions will be in attendance. However, representa-tives from other areas, such as business and art and design will also be present.

In addition to institutions across the country, as well as a few international

institutions representing their pro-grams at the fair, UA will also be repre-senting some of its graduate programs.

Anne Cione, senior program coordi-nator for the UA Cancer Biology Grad-uate Interdisciplinary Program , will represent her program at the fair.

Cione said many students ask about what is required for acceptance into the program.

“We’ll try to answer any question they have,” she said.

Cione said some of the programs will be bringing graduate students as well.

“For the students, they can ask, ‘What is graduate school really like?’” she said.

With the state of the economy, Cione said she expects more people to apply for graduate school.

“I think it’s important that we are out there trying to attract top-notch students from UA,” she said.

Andrew Huerta, coordinator for the McNair Achievement Program, will be representing the UA Graduate College at the fair.

Huerta said the UA Graduate Col-lege will have about six representatives at the fair, in addition to representatives from some individual departments.

“I think it’s important for students to realize the value of graduate education and the programs here at UA,” he said.

The UA Graduate College will pro-vide information about the application process, the programs and funding.

“We want students to realize they can stay here at the university,” Huerta said. “We want them to realize the strengths of our programs here at UA.”


Grad school eventhighlights choices

What: Career Services’ Graduate School Day

Who: Representatives from graduate departments at UA and other institutions

Where: Student Union Memorial Center Grand Ballroom

When: 1-4 p.m.

Lisa Beth Earle/Arizona Daily WildcatGabi Ortiz, a psychology sophomore, wears a fl u mask while waiting for her appointment at Campus Health on Tuesday. Campus Health is encour-aging both students and health professionals to wear protective masks to help prevent spreading the fl u.

Virologist to dispel myths,explain mechanics of swine flu

“What is H1N1” lectureheld today from 5pm.-6pm.

in the Life Sciences South building, Room 340.



DWopinions Laura DonovanOpinions Editor520•621•7581


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Letters should include name, connection to the university (year, •major, etc.) and contact information.

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Letters should be no longer than 350 words and should refrain •from personal attacks.

CONTACT US | The Arizona Daily Wildcat accepts original, unpublished letters from all of its readers.


• wednesday, november 4, 2009 • arizona daily wildcat

Alex DalenbergEditor in Chief520•621•

Homecoming is arguably one of the best dances in high school.

The elation of finding the perfect dress; the irritation of others arriving in the same perfect dress; the butterflies taking flight as the boy you’ve been Facebook stalking for months asks you to dance; the bitterness that swarms as he asks your arch nemesis instead; the flashing lights, deafening music, inappropriate grinding, etc., etc., etc. Eventually, the dancing dwindles down and, for some, the events that follow are the most fondly remembered — that is unless gang-rape is involved.

A 15-year-old girl found the perfect, sparkly purple dress for Richmond High School’s Home-coming Dance in Northern California — but the color of her dress will not be what encompasses her thoughts when looking back on her Home-coming night.

She allegedly left the dance around 9 p.m. Her father was supposed to pick her up but a classmate invited her to go drink alcohol in the courtyard on the school’s campus. Purportedly, the girl drank a substantial amount of alcohol before she fell victim to rape, assault, robbery and ruthless passivity.

It was there, on Richmond High School’s prop-erty, in a place of learning, where security guards should have been patrolling the campus, that this girl was gang-raped for two and a half hours.

Such an act is heartbreakingly dehumanizing all on its own, but when gang-rape becomes a spectator sport, there are simply no words.

Police believe up to a dozen people watched

as this 15-year-old girl was beaten and gang-raped. Instead of using their phones to call the police or an authoritative figure of any kind, many of the onlookers took pictures on their phones and made jokes, while others even opted to participate.

There have been multiple arrests, with charges including suspicion of rape, rape in concert with force and rape with a foreign object. But those that merely watched this inhumane savagery will likely not be charged with anything unless some-one can prove they actively participated.

Those who could have stopped this abomina-tion at anytime, by simply typing three digits into their cellular and pressing send, those who found entertainment and pleasure in a girl’s psycho-logical demise, those who encouraged savagery with brutal passivity rather than reporting the atrocity taking place right before their eyes will not be punished.

Some may have feared that if others found out that they snitched or if they opted to get person-ally involved then there would be retaliation — an understandable concern, especially in an area like Richmond. However, while I recognize the potential danger, slipping away and making a call or even sending a simple text to your parents to call the police seems far too plausible and consequence-free.

This is an utter embarrassment to the state of California and the United States as a whole. While this is hardly the first instance of gang-rape this nation has witnessed, the publicity the occurrence has received sheds light on an overwhelming flaw which punctures the well-being of our country: an excess of cruel passivity accompanied by a lack of personal responsibility.

Though the inactive onlookers didn’t physically rape, assault or rob the girl, they are responsible for allowing the detestable crime to continue.

These idle bystanders bear odious resem-

blance to the infamous neighbors of Catherine “Kitty” Genovese. Genovese was stabbed to death outside of her home in Queens, N.Y., in 1964. Though her neighbors allegedly admitted to hearing screams and cries for help, not a single one complied in time to save her. This diffusion of responsibility in big numbers has since been dubbed the “bystander effect.”

The lack of action on the part of onlookers was deplorable 45 years ago, yet stories like that of this 15-year-old girl serve as a reminder that civilization hasn’t evolved as much as some may think in the years since.

There will always be those abhorrent animals who thrive off the pain of others. But their presence only emphasizes the responsibility of those ethi-cally inclined, ethically neutral or at least those who have the capacity to feel.

That girl could have been your sister, your mother, your daughter, your aunt, your best friend or just some poor, unfortunate girl who landed in a revolting situation — or it could have been you. The fact is, it shouldn’t matter who it is.

Regardless of who the victims of such atrocities are, where they’re from, what they’ve done or where they’ve been, no one deserves what that 15-year-old girl experienced or what she will have to endure for the remainder of her life.

It is everyone’s responsibility to take action. Don’t assume any-one else is going to do it for you, regardless of how many bystanders are nearby.

There should not have to be a law requiring humans to act humane. Laws and law enforce-ment can only go so far. People must accept personal responsibility and take action.

There’s no such thing as an “innocent bystander.”

— Rachel Leavitt is a creative writing sophomore. She can be reached at

More fact than fiction needed in stories

I became an avid reader of the Daily Wildcat this year, and I would like to com-ment on the lack of facts in some of your articles. Gathering some quotes together, and slapping it together with some prose is not considered a good article. Doing your own actual research, besides an in-terview, and showing multiple sides of an issue shows true prowess and dedication to the issue.

I’ve seen a lack of this, and after reading the opinions section it becomes evident that other readers do too. So, take it as a warn-ing, and heed their advice. The readers want to see more fact than fiction and that’s the aim of good journalism.

Carolyn RendePsychology freshman

Charged Butler University student on university censorship

My situation at Butler University could very easily be replicated on campuses all across the country if students don’t stand up and make it clear that is unacceptable for universities to attack students for ex-pressing dissatisfaction with administra-tors. Let me explain. Butler University has become the first university in the nation to file a lawsuit against online speech. Campus administrators didn’t like the blog I wrote that criticized their actions,

so they sued over it.Amazingly (and sickeningly) they jus-

tified their actions by referencing the massacre at Virginia Tech, claiming that unless they acted they might be held responsible for a similar situation. Of course, I never once advocated violence of any sort — I said the dean and the pro-vost made terrible decisions and lied and I presented the documents in my blog to demonstrate that the dean and the pro-vost made terrible decisions and lied!

The national outcry was so great that they dropped the lawsuit but have now accused me of all of the same things in on campus disciplinary proceedings. Oddly enough, the president has written three memos to the faculty convicting me, talk-ing about how he cares for the safety of students, and calling for a trial. I would have preferred the trial prior to the ver-dict, but that’s not the way Butler has de-cided to operate in this case.

Their actions against me are stifling free speech on my campus and run the risk of doing the same thing elsewhere. Unless we stand up together for the rights of stu-dents to speak out, we all might well lose those rights.

Jess ZimmermanButler University

Legal drinking age should stay I have control over my life, and that’s

why I choose to stay sober. Unlike what a

previous editorial suggested, I don’t have to go to wild parties just because drinking seems fun. I don’t get wasted just because I’ve never been taught what “moderate drinking” is. Similarly, underage drinking laws don’t force people to throw wild beer parties. After all, laws prohibiting stealing don’t create wild shoplifting excursions. We all have our own free will. If some-one sets up a beer pong table or plays a game, it’s because they want to, not be-cause a law is pressuring them to. While drinking laws may influence party culture, a lowered drinking age will not solve the problem of binge drinking. Self control prevents binge drinking.

There’s a reason the drinking age in the U.S. is 21 and not 18. In the 1980s, the drinking age was changed to 21 because alcohol-related accidents oc-curred at a higher rate in states with lower drinking ages. When the drinking age went up, fatalities went down. Re-search today into changing the drinking age has found the same result. In 2006, the CDC compiled data from 46 schol-arly articles on the drinking age’s ef-fects; they concluded that lowering the drinking age would increase alcohol-related fatalities by about 10 percent. Drinkers and nondrinkers alike are af-fected by drunk drivers, and personally, I like to be in control over whether I live or die.

Clark PedersonMechanical engineering freshman

The not-so-innocent bystanderscolumnist


illustration by Ken Wright/Arizona Daily Wildcat

UAPD negligent in stolen papers case


Injustice never provides any warm, fuzzy feelings, but when the very people who have sworn to uphold it commit a particu-larly jarring injustice, it feels like a slap in the face.

Someone stole the news, and the University of Arizona Police Department hasn’t done much to find the culprits. Now that the case is closed, there isn’t much hope they’re going to do anything.

When 10,000 Daily Wildcat newspapers were stolen from their stands on the morning of Oct. 8, not only were UA students cen-sored, but Arizona Student Media, which falls under Student Af-fairs, lost $8,500 worth of advertising, salaries and printing costs. Local businesses were also defrauded of expected advertising.

Given the violation of First Amendment rights, the fact that this was clearly an attempt to punish Arizona Student Media and the potential loss of thousands of dollars for a university depart-ment, one would think the case would be treated seriously.

It wasn’t.At the very beginning, campus police weren’t even sure the situ-

ation could be classified as a theft, because the newspapers are distributed for free around campus.

Media law experts in Arizona and Washington, D.C., claimed otherwise.

“It’s a crime,” said Adam Goldstein, an attorney advocate for the Student Press Law Center in Washington, D.C. “Although they’re not sold, these papers have value. Whoever stole them deprived the newspaper’s editors of that value. They deprive the advertisers of that value. They’ve deprived the university of the service. Whoever took them should be prosecuted.”

The UA’s own Kevin Kemper, who teaches media law with the UA School of Journalism, called on UAPD and campus adminis-tration to “take this incident seriously.”

Even President Robert Shelton condemned the theft as “out-rageous and completely counter to the principles of freedom of expression that we embrace at the UA.”

But despite all of this, the UAPD took the case anything but seriously, failing to even carry out what should be considered ba-sic investigative steps.

After Spanish homework carrying the names of UA students and Phi Kappa Psi members Alex Cornell and Nick Kovaleski were found in a pile of the stolen newspapers in the western outskirts of Tucson, the first step by UAPD would seemingly be to contact the two men.

Instead, campus police dragged their feet, giving up after two unreturned phone calls and one unreturned e-mail to Cornell, Kovaleski and Phi Kappa Psi President Keith Peters.

“No other investigative leads exist at this time,” the investigating de-tective wrote in his final police report, closing the case after 16 days.

What about the single one they had, but failed to follow through on?In what world does UAPD work where it takes 16 days to fail

to reach anyone in Phi Kappa Psi? Apparently the key to getting away with criminal mischief on

campus is to just let calls from police go unanswered. If you steal $8,500 from the UofA Bookstore, you can easily get away with it — just ignore your ringtone.

When two students were taken into custody in September for chalk-ing up parts of campus in a protest, UAPD responded quite seriously. They even used security tapes to identity suspects. Half that effort in the stolen newspapers case would have been much obliged. But it seems the UAPD can pick and choose which cases it takes seriously.

There wasn’t a whole lot of evidence in this case, and what was gathered had to be obtained through the efforts of the Daily Wildcat staff, with no help from UAPD. Additionally, the lack of follow-through on the one piece of evidence is telling.

The situation seems to be winding down, at least from a legal perspective. UAPD has closed the case. The jury’s still out on the Greek Standards Board hearing Wednesday night, where the Daily Wildcat must prove the fraternity’s collaboration as a whole.

It’s seeming more and more likely the culprits, whoever they are, will get off scot-free. Maybe things would be different if it were a police force doing the investigative legwork rather than reporters in a newsroom.

The sad part is that, barring any new evidence, we will never know. UAPD has done nothing other than help expedite the pro-cess by passing the buck, and that’s a shame — for the university, for college media and for free speech everywhere.

— Editorials are determined by the opinions board, which includes Shain Bergan, Alex Dalenberg,

Laura Donovan and Heather Price-Wright.


Police Beat is compiled from o� cial University of Arizona Police Department reports. A complete list of UAPD activity can be found at


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Gift-card caperUniversity of Arizona Police Department officers went to a

university parking lot on Oct. 27 at 8:31 p.m. in reference to a vehicle break-in.

Upon arrival, officers met with the owner of a Chevrolet Blazer. The owner told police that he parked his vehicle in the lot at 6 p.m. on Oct. 26 and when he returned at 8:30 on Oct. 27, he noticed several items missing from the center console area.

According to police, the vehicle showed no signs of damage or forced entry. The owner told police that the items taken were a $75 Starbuck’s gift card, a $75 Java Juice gift card, and $5 in loose change. The police have no suspects or witnesses at this time.

Here are the pills, officerUAPD officers were in the area of Cherry Avenue and Uni-

versity Boulevard on Oct. 27 at 11:23 p.m. when they were flagged down by a bicyclist in reference to a prescription pill bottle that was found.

According to police, the bottle contained seven pills. The label on the bottle was printed with a name, dated “9-15-09,” and identified the contents of the bottle as “Hydrocodone/APAP.” Police placed the bottle into property until the owner could be notified.

Chevrolet damaged by falling objectUAPD officers were dispatched to a university parking lot

on Oct. 27 at 11:47 p.m. in reference to vehicle damage. On ar-rival, officers met with the owner of a Chevrolet Cavalier. She told police that while her vehicle was parked in the lot, high winds blew over a “Service Permits Only” sign. The sign struck the woman’s car and left a large dent in the driver’s side rear-quarter panel. Police photographed the damage and notified Parking and Transportation Services, who arrived on scene to remove the sign.

MacBook stolen from Cochise Residence HallUAPD officers were dispatched to the Cochise Residence

Hall on Oct. 28 at 12:07 a.m. in reference to a report of stolen property.

Upon arrival, officers met with a resident who told them that sometime between 10:30 p.m. on Oct. 26 and midnight on Oct. 27, unknown person or persons stole his 17-inch Mac-Book laptop.

The man claimed that he left his computer in the shared computer room of his two-bedroom suite. The man stated that he had secured the door to his side of the suite but that his roommate had not secured his.

The man also told police that during the evening, approxi-mately three people were visiting another resident on the same floor, and the man suspected that one of these people took his computer, as he overheard that they were in need of money. Police have no suspects or witnesses at this time.

Chevrolet driven into wallUAPD officers responded to the intersection of Vine Avenue

and First Street on Oct. 28 at 12:08 a.m. in reference to a single vehicle collision.

Upon arrival, officers observed that a 1970 Chevrolet Nova had collided with several stationary objects.

According to the driver, he had been travelling northbound on Vine Avenue when his accelerator pedal became stuck. The vehicle accelerated off of the roadway and struck a traffic con-trol box and an electrical box before coming to rest against a wall.

According to police, the vehicle sustained significant dam-age and was not in operating condition following the colli-sion. A tow truck transported the vehicle from the scene at the owner’s request.

Tucson Fire Department arrived on scene and cleared the man for release after evaluating his medical condi-tion. The man showed no signs of intoxication or other physical impairment.

Bicyclist charged with failure to stop, lying to police

UAPD officers were monitoring bicycle traffic in the area of Cherry Avenue and University Boulevard on Oct. 28 at 9:45 a.m. when they observed a cyclist fail to stop for a stop sign.

Officers made contact with the man and told him why he was being stopped. The man stated, “I know” and claimed to be running late for class.

Police then asked the man for identification. He told po-lice that he did not have any identification on him, but gave officers a name.

While police were performing a records check on the man’s name, he approached officers and told them that he had found his identification.

Officers realized that the name the man had originally given them was different from the name on his identification card. He told police that he had lied because he did not want to get into trouble.

Police cited the man on charges of failure to stop for a stop sign and falsely reporting to a law enforcement officer. He was released on the scene.

Are you hungry for the truth?Want to get behind the scenes at the UA?The Daily Wildcat is now hiring enthusiastic

news reporters to cover pressing issues that affect our campus.

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DWSPORTSwednesday, november ,

Kevin ZimmermanSports Editor520•626•

The end of the Wildcat-on-Wildcat carnage has arrived.

“To be honest with you, it’s tough playing against the same guys for three months,” forward Jamelle Horne said. “Seeing fresh faces on the oppos-ing team, you kind of just want to eat them, so we’ll be excited Wednesday to see a bunch of new guys.”

Arizona men’s basketball will fi nally face another team, taking on Augustana College in an exhibition game tonight at 7 in McKale Center.

In a press conference yesterday, head coach Sean Miller said he is looking forward to the team’s fi rst game-like experience at McKale.

“The reason you play exhibition games are to improve your team,” Miller said. “Win or lose, your record is zero and zero.

“In particular, one of the things we’ve not gone through as a team, as a pro-gram under my direction, is what it’s like on game day he added. What is shoot-around like? What is (the) pre-game meal, the environment like? How long before tipoff?

“There’s going to be a lot of getting used to.”

And of course, it’s nice to play against another team.

Miller said that in practice, it’s hard to tell if the results are due to sound defense versus inept offense or solid offense versus subpar defense.

“It’s been a long time coming,” Miller said. “It’ll be nice to see our guys under that light.”

Point guard Nic Wise’s status is still questionable as he recovers from a mildly sprained ankle, but Miller said he was hopeful the senior would be able to play.

Taking an optimistic approach, Miller said losing Wise has provided the opportunity to give more experi-ence to other players, allowing them the time to make more mistakes and thus learn more. That, he added, has given the coaches more to criticize and the players more to learn.

Other than Wise, though, the head coach insinuated that nothing defi ni-tive will come from the Wildcats’ fi rst showing as far as lineups go. Only Wise, assuming he can play, and Horne will be locks for the starting lineup, and the starting lineup in to-night’s game won’t hint at who will start come the Wildcats’ offi cial season opener against NAU on Nov. 15.

“The fi ve that I put out there (tonight)

is going to be really inconsequential to what will happen in two weeks,” Miller said. “Just because you start against Augustana College doesn’t mean that you’re going to start against Northern Arizona. I think that starting fi ve will have a lot more merit to it.”

Once Miller does decide on a start-ing lineup, his main concern will be teaching his defensive philosophy to whoever takes the court.

The main point going into tonight’s game — and after about 15 practices this season — will be the team’s de-fensive cohesiveness. Miller said that after reviewing game fi lm of Sunday’s Red-Blue game, the team’s defense, most notably the defense of the fi ve freshmen, was “fairly alarming.”

That team defense will be the main focus the Arizona coaches will impress upon the players. But it’s not necessarily anyone’s fault, considering the team is

still 13-strong in making a transition to a new coaching style and new system.

“We’re putting the emphasis on de-fense,” Miller said. “We all wish we were a little bit further along with our de-fense, so instead of complaining about it, for us it’s a matter of emphasizing it, teaching it, really making our practices that much more defensive oriented.”

In fact, Miller wouldn’t even admit any of his veterans were where he’d like them to be on defense. He said Horne and guard Kyle Fogg were both putting forth the effort to be the defensive “anchors” at this point in the season, but their consis-tency has room for improvement.

“Really what we’re pointing to here, is improvement in the next two weeks,” Miller said. “I hope we can look back at the Blue-Red game and chuckle and say, ‘Boy, look at what we did defensively at the Blue-Red game compared to now.’”

Amid all the ridiculous things mumbled by UA’s intoxicated Halloween

party-goers this past weekend, there was one comment I overheard that really struck me.

“All we need to do is win one of our next fi ve games and we’ll make a bowl game,” a supposed Arizona football fan excitedly stammered. “Imagine if we win the Las Vegas Bowl again?”

I wasn’t quite sure which part of his comment bothered me more, the fact that he used the word “we” to describe his favorite team, or the fact that he was as giddy as a schoolgirl that Arizona might make the Las Vegas Bowl. The first problem is a nation-wide epidemic that needs to be stopped immediately, but for the sake of this newspaper I’ll just focus on the latter part of the unnamed gentleman’s statement.

Attending a school where the football team makes a bowl game is exciting, yes, but will fans really be satisfi ed if Arizona makes the Las Vegas Bowl again?

News fl ash: 2008 was a very, very long time ago.

Last year, when Arizona reached the bowl in the City of Sin, there was legitimate reason for celebration. The football program hadn’t made it to the postseason in a decade, the same decade that saw teams like UTEP, Utah State and Middle Tennessee make bowl games.

Making, and actually winning, the Las Vegas Bowl last year was

Editor’s Note: Arizona junior running back Nic Grigsby injured his shoulder during a Sept. 26 UA road win against Oregon State. He re-injured his shoulder during the Wildcats’ home win against UCLA two weeks ago and is expected to miss the team’s homecoming game this Saturday. The Arizona Daily Wildcat caught up with Grigsby to discuss when he might return to the playing fi eld, what the most frustrating part is about his in-jury and if he’s given other players any advice for Saturday’s game.

Daily Wildcat: Are you going to try and come back for the game against California on Nov. 14, or do you know yet?

Nic Grigsby: Yes, I highly doubt that coach is going to play me this week. I mean, I want to play (laughs). I told coach to give me fi ve carries, that’s all I need. I’ll take the fourth one to the crib. (Laughs) I’m excited to play, but I highly doubt coach will do it just for the risk of me getting hurt again with one guy coming in and me taking a hit on my shoulder.

DW: What’s the most frustrat-ing aspect of the injury? Is it that it might happen again or is it not playing right now?

NG: It’s that it might happen again,

Part of the appeal of tennis is the austerity of the equipment. The simple

combination of a racket and a ball as a beginner can result in a lifelong sport once a player is hooked.

However, as the level of play increases, so does the complexity and intricacy of the equipment. In tennis, players become attached to certain rackets, establishing a sense of comfort with the equipment and developing a feel for how to use it.

But what’s in a tennis racket that has companies like Wilson, Babolot, Prince and Dunlop constantly looking for ways to market their product?

Members of the Arizona women’s tennis team can help answer that question and attest to the way rackets affect their play.

Wildcat senior Ariane Masschelein recently changed rackets and found the switch beneficial to her game.

“I actually just changed to this racket,” explained Masschelein, referring to her Babolat racket. “I used to have another one, but I thought that one was too light. This racket is a little heavier, and it gives me a good mix between power and control.”

While Masschelein prefers her Babolot racket like professionals Rafael Nadal, Andy Roddick and Kim Clijsters , her teammate, freshman Elizabeth Hammond , prefers a Prince racket.

“I’ve had this racket for about a year now,” Hammond said. “I like it because it’s light, and I feel

comfortable with my control and power.”

Technology in the sport has provided today’s players with a wide array of choices, evolving the sport from a game with a basic wooden racket to one where equipment is calibrated every year by a number of different brands, all of which promise players to get the most out of their games if they play with a particular brand.

When playing at as high a level as the Arizona women’s squad does, using certain equipment can give players confidence

and sometimes a competitive advantage over their opposition.

Of course, some people may ask how much a racket can really improve a player’s game.

Assistant coach Ryan Stotland believes equipment can only go so far on the courts.

“I personally think it’s the player more than anything else,” Stotland said. “But the majority of people out there think the equipment makes a big difference with the amount of power and control they can hit the ball with.”

“I think if you’re a player, you

can play with anything,” he added.Stotland noted that it is

recommended that players change their racket every year or even less. But Stotland, who played college tennis at the University of New Mexico, felt such an allegiance to his old racket that he played with the same model for 15 years. Now, with a new racket, Stotland said he didn’t make the switch by his own choice.

“They discontinued production of it,” he joked.

So what’s in a tennis racket? More than some may think.

Colin Darland/Arizona Daily WildcatJunior Jamelle Horne, right, knocks the ball away from sophomore Kyle Fogg during Sunday’s Red-Blue scrimmage. Horne is the only defi nite starter for tonight’s exhibition game against Augustana College.

First time aroundIn his exhibition game debut, Miller wants to improve defense


What: Augustana College at Arizona When: 7 p.m. Where: McKale Center

Who to watch: Frosh combo guard Lamont “Momo” Jones scored 21 in the Red-Blue game on Sunday.

Keys to the game: Defense. Arizona being the heavy favorite, head coach Sean Miller will use the game to teach veterans and youngsters alike about his defense system.

X-factor: Arizona’s bench. Will Miller experiment and go deep into his bench, or does he already have a smaller rotation in mind?

Having high





Q&A, page A7


What’s in a racket?

Tim Glass/Arizona Daily WildcatAssistant coach Ryan Stotland’s tennis racket rests on a bench inside the LaNelle Robson Tennis Center. The Babolat Pure Storm Tour Carbon Xtreme racket is his personal preference.



Tim Koschsports writer

A7 arizona daily wildcat • wednesday, november 4, 2009 •

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that’s the most frustrating part. I mean, it was about 90 percent coming into the UCLA game and I was taking hits on it, taking hits on it during the game and at that moment he was just directly in the spot. It was a perfect shot and I was like, “Man.”

DW: Has the injury changed your running style at all?

NG: When I’ve got space and we’re running a lot of draws and stuff, I’m myself, you know? As far as run-ning through the holes, you get hit every play. If I was a receiver or a DB or something, having this injury, it would have been healed already. Me being a running back, we’re taking shots every play, blocking and running. It’s hard to get these injuries healed.

DW: Are you going to be Coach Grigsby this weekend?

NG: Hopefully I’ll be “Scoring Grigsby.” But I love to support my players and have them go out there and have a good time versus (Washington State). We have to be ready to go because they have nothing to lose. They’re going to come out with their helmets down and buckled up and ready to play.

They have nothing to lose and they’re going to try and come here and ruin our dreams.

DW: What advice did you give the guys who might play on Saturday?

NG: Oh, Keola (Antolin) and (Nick) Booth, I told them that they’re going to have a big game. I was watching Washington State this weekend and I don’t think the Notre Dame backs are anywhere near as good as our backs at all, any of our backs. They had 300 yards rushing on them and I was looking at them like those 10-yard carries they had would have been 30-yard carries for us. We’re going to get a big game on the ground for us, a big game through the air, a big game all around for us. We’ve just got to come out and practice hard every day like we’ve been doing. Coach (Sonny) Dykes said not to take anybody lightly and that’s what we’re going to do.

an enormous step in the right direction for the Arizona football program, but a return to that bowl would be nothing short of a gross underachievement for this year’s Wildcat squad or any future squad.

Look at it this way: if an elite team like USC were to make the Las Vegas Bowl this year or any year in the future, the season would be considered a disaster. A season with five losses would be enough for the bigwigs in SoCal to force Pete Carroll to find a new beach to surf at despite having a trophy case that might have more trophies than the USC library has books.

After the Wildcats’ victory over BYU in the Las Vegas Bowl last year, the same should hold true for Arizona.

Don’t get me wrong, Arizona is not USC — not even close. But they are headed in the right direction. This year’s team should be aiming for an elite bowl. It controls its own destiny to make the Rose Bowl, and should be upset if it ends up losing more than four games.

After this season is over and Arizona works through some growing pains with its young players, head coach Mike Stoops should put up a banner in the locker room, on the practice field and in the weight room that reads: 2011 ROSE BOWL.

There’s no reason for the team to be upset if it doesn’t make the Rose Bowl this year or next year, but it is a legitimate goal for a program on the rise.

So, fans of Arizona football, I implore you to hope for the best. Just like you hope to get an ‘A’ on your test or you hope to get with that blonde on the other side of the room at a party, hope for the Rose Bowl, or any high-caliber bowl, for that matter.

Don’t hope for a ‘C’ on a test, don’t hope to settle for a girl you don’t really want, and most importantly, don’t hope for the Las Vegas Bowl.

— Tim Kosch is a journalism junior. He can be reached


Vegas Bowl isn’t good enough

FOOTBALLcontinued from page A7

Grigsby says backups will excelQ&Acontinued from page A7

Want to start your sports journalism career? The Daily Wildcat is searching

for beat writers to write, report and analyze the

Arizona sports scene. Think you’ve got what it takes?

Contact sports editor Kevin Zimmerman at for more information.

Follow and @WildcatHoops on for live game coverage as the Arizona men’s basketball team faces Augustana College in its first exhibition game.

Michael Ignatov/Arizona Daily Wildcat

UAGraduate SchoolDay 2009What Can

You Expect?By Susan L. MillerSenior Marketing & Events Coordinator


Of the 76 tables currently reserved for UA’s November 4th Graduate

School Day, 22 represent medical or health care programs from across

the country and around the world. Take a look at some of these institu-

tions of higher education and see if a program fi ts with your goals…

Then come check them out at UA Graduate School Day from 1pm to

4pm in the Student Union Memorial Center 3rd fl oor ballroom.

A.T. Still University (Mesa, AZ) is the home of the world’s fi rst os-

teopathic medical school, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine,

established in 1892.

American University of Antigua’s program is designed to make sure

that students meet the necessary requirements of medical and nursing

licensure in the United States.

Arizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine is the old-

est school of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Arizona.

Bastyr University, located north of Seattle, Washington, offers mul-

tiple degree programs in the natural health arts and sciences.

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (Cleveland,

OH) counts eight Nobel Prize winners among their alumni and former


The Chicago School of Professional Psychology in Southern Cali-fornia is the nation’s oldest and largest graduate university focused

exclusively on psychology and related behavioral sciences.

At Cleveland Chiropractic College Chiropractic health care focuses

primarily on spinal function and its relationship to the nervous system

and health.

Columbia University School of Nursing (New York, NY) is part of

one of the world’s most renowned academic health centers.

Creighton University (Omaha, NE), and the School of Pharmacy and

Health Professions offers nationally ranked health science doctoral pro-

grams in Pharmacy, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy.

Drexel University College of Medicine Offi ce of Professional Studies in the Health Sciences (Philadelphia, PA) have been helping

students gain entry into medical schools since 1981.

Life Chiropractic College West, which offers a Doctor of Chiropractic

degree, is located in the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area.

At Midwestern University’s Glendale campus, you’ll benefi t from a

wealth of academic and clinical resources. They concentrate on your

professional health care education.

Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions (Provo, UT)

offers doctoral degrees for healthcare professionals, including athletic

trainers, advanced practical nurses, occupational therapists, and physical


PIHMA (Phoenix, AZ) offers Masters degrees in Acupuncture and Ori-

ental Medicine

Ross University (San Diego) is one of the largest and most successful

medical educators in the world – and remains one of the great secrets

in medical education.

Samuel Merritt University (Oakland, CA) is celebrating 100 years of

educating health care professionals in a variety of fi elds: Nursing, Occu-

pational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, and Podiatry.

Southern California University of Health Sciences offers a dual-

degree program: Doctor of Chiropractic and Master’s in Acupuncture &

Oriental Medicine, plus individual degree programs as well.

Texas Chiropractic College has led the way in chiropractic education

since 1908. While they are true to the chiropractic philosophy, their

science-based curriculum puts them far ahead of most other colleges.

The Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara School of Medicine, Mexico provides you an opportunity to learn a new language, Spanish,

and achieve your goal of becoming a physician.

The University of Florida offers online Masters Degree Programs in

Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Forensic Science.

University of Medicine & Health Sciences, St. Kitts have developed

a traditional medical school curriculum utilizing problem-based learn-

ing, with an emphasis on clinical correlations.

Western University of Health Sciences (Pomona, CA) is an innova-

tive graduate university for the health professions dedicated to prepar-

ing you to fl ourish as a skilled, compassionate patient care provider.

With USC, Creighton, Columbia and

Pepperdine (just to name a few!) making

their way to our campus to talk to interested

students, it may just be time for you to get

serious about your post-bachelor’s academic


If you are considering continuing your

education and pursuing a graduate degree, or

if you are rock solid in your conviction that

graduate studies are for you, UA Graduate

School Day can help pave the way. By attend-

ing UA Graduate School Day, you will have

the opportunity to talk to several different

graduate schools and learn more about the

programs they offer.

The event is free. Just bring your Cat-

Card and your inquiring mind ready to ask

those insightful questions of the college

reps present. You should not only be ready

to ask questions about prospective programs

but also see that you are prepared to answer

questions about your interests and what you

can bring to their campus.

Taking the time to prepare for the event

will go a long way to helping you get the

most out of it. The research you do depends

on where you are in the graduate school

selection process. Assuming you already

know what your interests are, one of the

most important aspects of your research will

be selecting the programs best suited to your

interests and career goals.

The following information will give you

a basic blueprint regarding preparing for the

fair, working the fair and follow up required

after the fair. This material is adapted from

UC Berkeley’s Web site.

Before the Fair: Prepare. Before the fair, review the list of who is

attending. Review their catalogs, directories

and Web sites to get a sense of the universi-

ties and their programs. Log into our Career

Services’ Web site at,

click on that Grad Fair icon in the right hand

column about halfway down.

To get a list of all institutions attending

the UA Graduate School Day, along with links

to their profi les, scroll down to the bottom

of the screen and click on the appropriate

section under “Who’s Coming.” You’ll be

able to fi nd out what exactly the schools are

recruiting for. Some are more general in na-

ture, representing their entire university and

some are very specifi c. Using this informa-

tion, decide which schools interest you and

who you want to target at the fair. Once you

have the basic information on participating

schools and departments, rank the schools

according to your preference.

A note of caution…If the Immunobiolo-

gy Department from Big State U is attending,

chances are they won’t have details about the

Creative Writing program. You can still get

information about the campus in general,

the town it’s located in, the local weather and

more general insights into what it would be

like to go to school there, but specifi cs about

your particular program may require further

inquiry and research.

Working the FairIf you are limited as far as time, visit

your highest priority schools fi rst to ensure

you have adequate time to spend with them.

Allow enough time to talk to your favorite

school’s representatives as long as necessary.

If you have the luxury of devoting as

much time as needed to talk to everyone on

your list during this event, you might con-

sider saving your most desirable schools for

last so you can talk to some of the other (de-

sirable but not MOST desirable) schools fi rst

and get a feel for how best to present your

skills and interests to graduate school recruit-

ers. Practice makes perfect and by working

your way backwards from lesser preferred to

most preferred programs, you’ll be improv-

ing and honing your networking skills.

Bring a list of questions that will help

you make your decision. Questions should

address costs, fi nancial aid, program require-

ments, course offerings, facilities, location,

student life, faculty and program reputation.

Be prepared to answer questions from the

representative regarding what your goals are

for graduate school and your interests.

Before you Wrap it UpBe sure to get the representative’s card so

you can follow up with them after the event.

Having a personal contact at schools you are

interested in will be a huge help to getting

the information you need to make a good


We hope you’ll plan on joining us at the

UA Graduate School Day Wednesday, No-

vember 4th, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Student

Union Memorial Center 3rd fl oor ballroom.

Graduate School options in Medicine, Health Care

Wednesday, Nov. 41 p.m.-4 p.m. Student Union Memorial Center 3rd fl oor ballroom

8 • wednesday, november 4, 2009 • arizona daily wildcat


Here are excerpts from the

profi les of some of the schools

attending this week’s UA Graduate

School Day. Read the full profi les

and get the full list online at And be

sure to attend the fair on Wednes-

day, November 4th, to talk to reps

from these schools directly.

BusinessBabson College The Global

Entrepreneurship Program (GEP)

is offered on three continents by

EMLYON Business School (Europe),

Babson College’s F.W. Olin Graduate

School of Business (North Amer-

ica), and Zhejiang University’s

School of Management (China).

Claremont McKenna Col-lege (CMC) An intense year of

study will prepare you to enter the

workplace with exceptional skills

in advanced fi nancial economics,

to include corporate fi nance, asset

pricing and investment manage-


Columbia University, SIPA/The Earth Institute The Master

of Public Administration in De-

velopment Practice at Columbia is

designed to train aspiring practi-

tioners to understand and manage

integrated approaches to develop-

ment challenges.

Graziadio School of Business and Management Earn your MBA

or MS in Applied Finance or Global

Business as a full-time student at

Pepperdine and you get the best

of all worlds: Study in Malibu and

network in Los Angeles.

The Monterey Institute seeks

students who are multilingual,

globally-focused, and committed

to building greater cross-cultural

awareness worldwide through


Pepperdine University’s School of Public Policy is built

on a distinctive philosophy of nur-

turing leaders to use the tools of

analysis and policy design to effect

successful implementation and real


Thunderbird School of Global Management was founded

in 1946 and is the fi rst and old-

est graduate management school

focused exclusively on global busi-

ness. It is regarded as the world’s

Who’s Coming to UA Graduate School Day?School Profi les

leading institution in the education

of global managers.

University of California, Riverside’s MBA from the A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management provides you with

all of the advantages of being part

of the prestigious University of

California system. The UC system

has more Nobel laureates than any

other university.

Willamette University’s full-

time MBA programs are specifi -

cally designed to prepare students

for their fi rst professional career

position, career change or advance-

ment. Previous work experience is

not required.

University of Oregon, Con-fl ict & Dispute Resolution Mas-ter’s Degree Program explores

the connections between various

forms of confl ict and teaches

students to master specifi c skills

to manage, transform, or resolve

disputes and work closely with

faculty mentors.

Fashion/Graphic DesignFIDM/ The Fashion Insti-

tute of Design & Merchandis-ing (L.A.) has campuses in Los

Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego

and Orange County. FIDM special-

izes in degree programs leading

to careers in the Fashion, Interior

Design, Graphics and Entertainment


Savannah College of Art and Design–Offering more degree pro-

grams and specializations than any

other art and design university in

the United States, the Savannah Col-

lege of Art and Design is uniquely

qualifi ed to prepare talented stu-

dents for professional, creative


EngineeringThe University of Southern

California’s Viterbi School of Engineering has graduate students

pursuing degrees in over 25 fi elds;

the USC graduate program in en-

gineering is consistently ranked in

the top 10 in the U.S. News and

World Report rankings.

GeneralClaremont Graduate Uni-

versity is the only comprehensive

university in the nation devoted

entirely to graduate-level education.

Colorado State University

offers an array of outstanding grad-

uate and professional programs,

many of them ranked among the

very best in the nation.

Hawaii Pacifi c University de-

livers a graduate experience that is

a combination of small class sizes,

practical orientation, excellent net-

working opportunities, and a focus

on teaching.

New Mexico State Univer-sity offers 72 different Master’s

and Doctorate programs within six

different colleges.

Prescott College Master of Arts Program is a low-residency,

research-based graduate program

designed for learners seeking an

alternative to the constraints of

one-size-fi ts-all courses.

Rensselaer Polytechnic In-stitute is the nation’s oldest tech-

nological research university and

offers a broad range of graduate


Suffolk University is an ur-

ban, private university located in

central Boston with three colleges:

Sawyer Business School, Suffolk

Law School, College of Arts and


University of San Diego of-

fers over 30 programs in the areas

of Learning & Teaching, Counsel-

ing, Leadership Studies, and Marital

& Family Therapy.

University of Southern California-Programs Biomedical &

Biological Sciences offers graduate

Programs in Biomedical and Bio-

logical Sciences (PIBBS).

Washington University in St. Louis’ Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences, organized

in 1973, is a graduate educational


International OpportunitiesAustraLearn With more than

20 years experience, facilitates the

entire application process to 34

universities in Australia and New

Zealand for almost any major.

International Graduate Pro-grams provide graduate programs


MedicalCurrently 22 of the 76 tables

reserved for UA Graduate School

Day are representing schools in

the medical or health fi eld. See the

article on Page 8 for more informa-

tion and

for full details.

Philosophy & TheologyThe Dominican School of

Philosophy & Theology (DSPT)

is a member of the Graduate Theo-

logical Union (GTU) in Berkeley,

CA -- an interfaith consortium of

nine theological schools and 11

affi liated institutes.

Mars Hill Graduate School -- Formation is the central task of

education. And Mars Hill Graduate

School is a learning community

constantly in-formation.

UA Graduate School DayWednesday, November 4, 2009

Graduate Programs & LocationA. T. Still University Mesa, AZAmerican University of Antigua New York, NYArizona School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Tucson, AZArizona State University - Biological Design Grad Program Tempe, AZArizona State University - School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture Tempe, AZAustraLearn:Study in Australia, Australia, New New Zealand & the South Pacific Zealand & S. Pac.Babson College Babson Park, MABastyr University Kenmore, WACase Western Reserve University School of Medicine Cleveland, OHChapman University Orange, CAChicago School of Professional Psychology Los Angeles, CAClaremont Graduate University Claremont, CACleveland Chiropractic College Los Angeles, CAColorado State University Fort Collins, COColumbia University, SIPA/ The Earth Institute New York, NYCreighton University Omaha, NEDominican School of Philosophy & Theology Berkeley, CADrexel University College of Medicine Office of Professional Studies in Health Philadelphia, PAFashion Institute of Design & Merchandising Encino, CAHawaii Pacific University Honolulu, HIInternational Graduate Programs Palm Harbor, FLLife Chiropractic College West Hayward, CAMars Hill Graduate School Seattle, WAMAYO Clinic Scottsdale, AZMidwestern University Glendale, AZMonterey Institute of International Studies Monterey, CANew Mexico State University Las Cruces, NMNorthern Arizona University Distance Learning Programs Tucson, AZPepperdine University Malibu, CA Pepperdine University School of Public Policy Malibu, CAPIHMA College & Clinic Phoenix, AZ Prescott College Prescott, AZ Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, NYRocky Mountain University of Health Professionals Provo, UTRoss University San Diego, CASamuel Merritt College Oakland, CASavannah College of Art and Design Savannah, GA

Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine Tempe, AZSuffolk University Boston, MATexas Chiropractic College Pasadena, TXThunderbird School of Global Management Glendale, AZUniversidad Autonoma de Guadalajara School of Medicine San Antonio, TXUniversity of California - Riverside Mountain Center, CAUniversity of Florida Oldsmar, FLUniversity of Medicine and Health Sciences, St. Kitts Santa Clara, CAUniversity of Oregon, Conflict & Dispute Resolution Master’s Degree Program Eugene, ORUniversity of San Diego San Diego, CAUSC Programs Biomedical & Biological Sciences Los Angeles, CAUSC Viterbi School of Engineering Los Angeles, CAUniversity of Southern Nevada College of Nursing Henderson, NV Utah State University Logan, UTWashington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MOWestern University of Health Sciences Pomona, CAWillamette University MBA Salem, OR

University of Arizona Graduate School Programs

College of Optical SciencesDepartment of HistoryDepartment of ImmunobiologyEller MBA ProgramGraduate CollegeGraduate Interdisciplinary ProgramsMel & Enid Zuckerman College of Public HealthSchool of Government and Public PolicySchool of Information Resources and Library ScienceTesting Office

Opportunities for Graduate Students

SMART Scholarship ProgramThe Princeton ReviewThe UA Think TankUA SALT Center

9 arizona daily wildcat • wednesday, november 4, 2009 •

at the Student Academic Learning Center

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A10 • wednesday, november 4, 2009 • arizona daily wildcat

Arizona Daily WildcatEditor in Chief Spring 2010

Applications are now available for editor in chief for the spring semester. Dig Deep. Do you have what it takes? Candidates must be UA students (grad or undergrad) and should possess the requisite journalism experience and organizational skills to lead one of the largest college newsrooms in the country.

To apply, pick up a complete job description and application from the Student Media business of�ce, 101 Park Student Union. Completed applications are due by 4 p.m. Nov. 23. The editor in chief is selected by the Student Media Board.

The Daily Wildcat and UA Career Services are teaming up to provide Career assistance to our

dynamic UA readership






ent s



UA Graduate School Day 2009ASymphony ofOpportunityThis Student Success

Story takes us from a de-

cidedly musical bent to a

research lab. Recent Grad,

Chelsea Joseph, was in-

volved in both band and choir programs during her

high school years in Tempe, Arizona. “I competed

in numerous competitions throughout the years

including All State Orchestra, Band and Choir, where

I was the fi rst chair piccolo player in the state as well

as the eleventh chair soprano singer. When I came

to the University of Arizona I majored in fl ute per-

formance with the dream of becoming a member

of a famous symphony orchestra.” Fast forward to

graduation day, May 2009, and you’ll fi nd Chelsea

moving to a different tune, having just completed

her degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology with

minors in Music and Psychology. What happened?

Read Chelsea’s complete success story at

Join us at the UA Graduate School Day on Wednesday, November 4th, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Student Union Memorial Center 3rd � oor ballroom. With USC, Creighton, Pepperdine, University of Florida and Co-lumbia University (just to name a few!) making their way to campus to talk to UA students, it may be time for you to get seri-ous about your post-bachelor’s academic plans.

Just bring your CatCard and your inquiring mind ready to ask those insightful questions of the college reps present. Assum-ing you already know what your interests are, one of the most im-portant aspects of your pre-Grad Fair research will be selecting the programs best suited to your interests and career goals.

Before the Fair: Prepare. Review the list of who is at-tending. Review their catalogs, directories and Web sites to get an overall sense of the universi-ties and the speci� c programs you are interested in. Log into our Career Services’ Web site at, click on that Grad Fair icon in the right hand column about halfway down.

To get a list of all institutions attending UA Graduate School Day 2009, along with links to their pro� les, look close to the bottom of the screen and click on the appropriate section under “Who’s Coming.” You’ll be able to � nd out what exactly the schools are recruiting for. Some are more general in nature, representing their entire univer-

sity and some are very speci� c. Using this information, decide which schools interest you and who you want to target at the fair. Once you have the basic information on participating schools and departments, rank the schools according to your preference.

A note of caution…If the Immunobiology Department from Big State U is attending, chances are they won’t have details about the Creative Writ-ing program. You can still get information about the campus in general, the town it’s located in, the local weather and more general insights into what it would be like to go to school there, but speci� cs about your particular program may require further inquiry and research.

UA Career Services – Explore. Experience. Achieve.

22ND ANNUAL DESERT Skies Church Sale. From cups and saucers to cars and trucks. Ft. Lowell & Houghton, Thursday Nov. 5th and Fri- day November 6th from 7am to 6pm. Saturday November 7th from 7am un- til noon.

“I LOVE THE flexible work schedule. Plus I get discounts on my textbooks every semester!”--Alec, UA Book- Stores, SUMC. UA BookStores is hir- ing for seasonal winter break posi- tions. Apply online at uofabook-

ELITEKRUE.COM WORK out for free! Two free classes in Muay Thai or Boxing Instruction. Check the web- site for further. Near UA campus.


RESPONSIBLE COLLEGE STU- DENT wanted 2days a week from 2:45-6pm to care for 10year old girl and help with homework. And Satur- day nights 5:30-10 must have car and good driving record. please email to:

PUBLIC PROGRAM SPECIALIST Seasonal part-time position to help conduct its nightly observing programs.Requires knowledge of astronomy, strong public speaking skills, amateurtelescopes& computer proficiency. Imaging processing experience pre- ferred. Must be flexible to work evenings. Transportation &meals pro- vided. For more information:http//www.- Send electronic re- sume to Job 986, Public Program Specialist, or send re- sume to: NOAO HR Office, Public Pro- gram Specialist #986, PO Box 26732, Tucson, Arizona 85726-6732, FAX: 520-318-8494 Preference granted to Native Americans qualified for the posi- tion living on or near the Tohono O’od- ham Reservation. NOAO support ef- forts to broaden participation. Women & underrepresented minorities are en- couraged to apply. EOE-AA

STUDENTPAYOUTS.COM PAID SURVEY Takers needed in Tucson 100% FREE to join. Click on Surveys.

SURVEY TAKERS NEEDED: Make $5-25 per survey. www. GetPaidTo-

WEBSITE DESIGNER- ACCEPTING applications for Part Time & Full Time website graphic designers and HTML/ CSS Coders. To apply email cover let- ter & examples of your work to web-

MATTRESS SALE! A-1 1-2 piece 1st anniversary Bed Sale. Twin sets $111. Full sets $129. Queen sets $149. 5year warranty. Will match any price. Delivery available. Visa/ MC/ Disc. Tucson Furniture 4241 E. Speedway. 323-6163 Se Habla Espanol.

1BD $460/MO 2BD $560/mo. Remod- eled, clean & secure. Pool, laundry. 4Miles from campus, Wildflower Apart- ments 2850 N Alvernon. 323-6243.

LOT ATTENDENT NEEDED Seeking hard working person to clean cars and general cleaning around property. Part time 20+ hours per week, $8.00 per hour. Bob Ross Motorsports 3520 N Oracle Rd.

1,2&3 BEDROOMS, back patio, laun- dry facilities, private swimming pool, fireplace, next to Mountain bicycle route, 1449 E. Glenn between Camp- bell and Mountain very quiet, good lo- cation. 982-1235

2BD 1BATH UPPER apartment 4blocks from campus. Great room, fenced yard,evap cooling all electric unit. Available November 15. $595/mo one year lease. Call Rosemary 520- 272-8483 owner/ agent.

1BD APARTMENT CLOSE to UA. Good location, Seneca/ Tucson Blvd. Off-street parking, lease. Deposit. $385/mo. 325-7674 or 309-0792

1ST MONTH FREE utilities included at the historic Castle Apartments. Pool, barbecue, laundry facilities, gated. Site management. www.the- 903-2402

5TH& EUCLID! 1BDRM 1ba apt, $450. 440sqft. Evap cooling, refrigera- tor, gas stove. Sec dep $450, app fee $30/ adult. Burns Development & Re- alty 327.8971.

3002 N MOUNTAIN – 2bdrm for $495 and 1bdrm for $395! On-site laundry & pool. 2miles from UA on CatTran route & bike path! MOVE-IN SPECIALS w/12month lease! Limited offer De- posit is $199 w/approved app, app fee $30/ adult. Burns Development & Re- alty 327-8971

FOR RENT ONE BD apt $550 and one 2BR $600 1.5 blocks from cam- pus. Water and electricity included. Contact 323-8767

BIKE TO CAMPUS 1BR A/C small complex, loads of charm, laundry, big lawn, friendly neighbors. $475 Madeleine owner/ agent 349-3419


LARGE 1BD APARTMENT Grant &Park area. Private parking, water paid. $350/mo available now! Lease. 721-0600 or 349-2269

NEAR CAMPUS COUNTER Clerk/ Cashier needed 15-20 hrs/wk after- noon/Sat. shift. Hourly plus bonuses. Personal transportation required. Cashier experience helpful. Apply in person. Letterbox Plus. 2509 N Camp- bell.

BARTENDER NEEDED EARN up to $250 a day. No experience necessary. Will train. Call 602-635-4227 ext 600.

BROOKLYN PIZZA COMPANY hir- ing. Apply within. See Tony. 534 N. 4th Ave.

EARN EXTRA MONEY. Students needed ASAP. Earn up to $150 per day being a Mystery Shopper. No Ex- perience Required. Call 1-800-722- 4791

AFTER-SCHOOL INSTRUCTORS for enrichment classes, K-5th grade stu- dents. Sports, dance, drama, etc. Catalina Foothills Community Schools. $9.00 to $12.00/ hour. Apply by Nov 9. Contact mgrod- or mwoodhal-

HOME HEALTH CARE organization is seeking an energetic individual to perform various health administrative duties. Must have excellent communi- cation skills, personable and ability to work in a fast paced environment. Email resume to:

LEGAL ASSISTANT PT position for le- gal forwarding department. Legal expe- rience/ paralegal education preferred. Must posses excellent phone eti- quette, basic computer skills, and the ability to multitask. $9/hr, must be able to work a minimum of 24hrs a week.

MALE AND FEMALE models, actors, extra’s needed for UofA commercials. Contact Brent at Brent Santiago Pro- ductions:


Publisher’s Notice: All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference,

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A11 arizona daily wildcat • wednesday, november 4, 2009 •






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NEAR UOFA. STUDIO- $395/mo, 1BD- $575/mo, 2BD- $675/mo 429-3829/ 444-6213

1BDRM AT PARK& Adams. $600 andincl all utilities and satellite TV. De-posit $600, app fee $30/ adult. Sorry,no pets. Call Burns Development &Realty 327-8971

GUESTHOUSE STUDIO, 1/2BLOCKfrom McKale stadium. Full Kitchen,Full Bath, water +trash paid. Availablenow. $395/ mo. Call 358-1968.

ABSOLUTELY THE LARGEST 3bed-room 2bath around for only $1450/month. Great location across thestreet from Mansfi eld Park within amile of the UofA. Full size wash-er/dryer, A/C, alarm system, fi replace,ceiling fans, built-in desks, privatefenced yard, high speed internet avail-able, pets welcome. No security de-posit (o.a.c.). Now taking reservationsfor summer/fall 2010. Call

THE SLICE AT Speedway and Main!Great modern rental available! 3 bed-room, 2.5 bath. Great outdoor livingspaces. You can move in before youleave for Christmas break with a 1year lease! $1275+ utilities. Pleasecall Julie @ 791-7035 for picturesand to schedule your showing!

MOVE-IN SPECIAL 2BLKS from sta-dium. Amenities include: dishwasher,disposal, W/D, fenced yard& securitydoors. $795/mo. 2BD. Pets okay. 903-2402.


IN ARMORY PARK 1bd 597sf all utili-ties paid a/c washer dryer $550 ALSO1bd a/c ceramic tile fl oors water paidfenced yard pets ok $500 REDI 623-5710 or

REMODELED VERY CLEAN 2bd/1baguesthouse. 8th/ Euclid $650 utilitiespaid plus covered parking! 520-241-1662

LARGE STUDIOS ONLY 6blocksfrom campus, 1125 N. 7th Ave. Walledyard, security gate, doors, windows,full bath, kitchen. Free wi/fi . Unfur-nished, $370, lease. No pets. 977-4106

!!!!!!!!!!!!!AWESOME UNIVERSITYarea 5bedroom houses from $2075/month ($415/bedroom) to $3000/month ($600/bedroom). Five distinct lo-cations to choose from all within 2miles of UofA. Spacious 2story fl oorplan includes 2 extra large bath,zoned A/C, full size washer/dryer,alarm system, upper deck, wall of win-dows in living/dining area, privatefenced back yard, pets welcome. Qual-ity living rents quick. Now taking reser-vations for summer/fall 2010. No secu-rity deposit (o.a.c.). Call

University Heights Campus Cross-ing. 1block from UofA (Acrossfrom Eller). 2bdrm apartment.INDV Leases $645 each. Fur-nished, Pool, Internet/Cable Inc.Looking for someone to take overlease Dec 20. Contact Amelia (520)-4405383

!!!!!!LUXURY UOFA Home- BRANDNEW 4BR 4+1/2 BA HUGE 3CARGARAGE just blocks north of UA. All4HUGE BEDROOMS are upstairs andhave own private CUSTOM TILEDFULL BATHROOMS each BR has pri-vate WHIRLPOOL TUB, +WALK-INCLOSET +high 10ft ceilings +ceilingfans, +custom vanities with GRANITEtops +LARGE OUTSIDE BALCONY.FULL LAUNDRY, LARGE KITCHENwith beautiful CUSTOM CABINETS+GRANITE TOPS +GLASS TOPRANGE +DISHWASHER +DISPOSAL+WALK-IN PANTRY +CAVERNOUSLIVING-ROOM with 10ft ceilings+MORE. ABSOLUTELY THE NICESTRENTAL in UA area! CAN FURNISH ifdesired. 884-1505. Ask about our current special.

!!!!!ARE YOU ready to prelease oneof the 70best UofA rental propertiesfor next school year? View all avail-able homes at Call Jarrett (Owner/A-gent) @520.331.8050 to schedule ashowing. First come, fi rst serve!

$1100 3BR, 2BA +study, 2002sf, A/C,all appl incl washer &dryer!! South ofGrant off Park. Call Adobe PMI 325-6971

!!!!3BDRM +DEN/ 4bdrm at a 3bdrmprice, 2blocks to UofA campus/ largefront porch/ lots of parking $750/month. Can furnish call

$1395 4BDRM, 2BA +Den, A/C, offstreet parking, corner of 7th &Camp-bell. Call Adobe PMI 520-325-6971

3BD 2BA CLEAN, new A/C, tile, paint,appliances, ceilings fans &more! Fire-place, private yard, storage, W/D hookups. Approved pets okay. Glenn/Country Club. $850/mo. 520-990-0783

$700 2BR-1 3/4BA, w/d, offi ce, largefenced yard. Close to UA: 2925 N. LosAltos Ave. Pets OK. 331-3001

1200+ SQ FOOT 3BD/ 2bath $1,100 amonth. Between Campbell and Coun-try Club on Glenn. Large landscapedyard, wash/ dry, kitchen, living/ diningrooms. Pets ok w/deposit 207-6281near uofa

2BD +DEN/ ARIZONA room. Adobehouse. 1 full bath. 1501 N. Dodge.2 1/2mi UofA. W/D, large kitchen, bee-hive fi replace, open beam, rustic, pri-vate fenced yard, covered patio,shared pool. Very nice. Lease. $500deposit. $875 rent. Private ownership.Maintenance included. ExceptionalRental 323-1369

2BD 1BA HOUSE Fireplace, carport,central air, Washer Dryer Utilities andInternet included, Fenced yard, Petsok. $895/mo. plus $500 deposit plus$100 pet deposit. 4miles to UofAGlenn& Alvernon area. Tim 520-903-8440.

2BD COTTAGE REMODELED waterand electric paid stove refrigeratorfenced yard $650 ALSO 3bd 2bahouse 1300sf washer dryer fencedyard covered patio mountain viewspets ok $695 REDI 623-5710 or

3BD 3BA TAKE a look at our excep-tional fl oor plans all homes areuniquely designed and incld a garagecall Casa Bonita 398-5738

BLACKLIDGE & 1ST! 2BDRM 2ba$795 Fenced yd w/storage & wkshopw/w&/d. Dep $745 app $30 per adult. Burns Development & Realty 520-327-8971.

4BD 2,3BA Taking Reservations 10-11 Superior locations as well as excep-tional fl oor plans 0-8 blks from campuscall Casa Bonita 398-5738 www.uofa-homerentals

5BD 3,4BA Take a look at our excep-tional fl oor plans all homes areuniquely designed and lots of privateparking call Casa Bonita 398-5738

5BD 5BA RESERVE for 10-11, greatlocation, private parking, awesomefl oor plan call Casa Bonita

6BD 5BA WITH larger homes avail-able, 0-8 blks from campus, privateparking, fi replace, private patios andplenty of parking. Reserve 10-11 callCasa Bonita 398-5738

AUSTIN POINT RANCHER, Immacu-late, 9yr old, 4BR, 2BA, located inquiet, pristine Eastside neighborhood,W of Houghton, S of Golf Links. Prop-erty is a non-smoking, pet specifi c, sin-gle family home. Addtl features in-clude Liv Rm/ Din area; Fam Rm, 3cargarage, Rear yard is walled with gatedin ground pool & covered patio. NearSaguaro NF. Avail Immediately. Prefer2yr lease but will consider 1yr term.Owner listed. $500 Rent credit allowedto qualifi ed tenant who can occupy by12/15/09. email: willy34777@comcast.-net or phone 888-588-0462.

AWESOME HOUSE FOR RENT!!6Bed, 3Bath, SWIMMING POOL,large yard, A/C, washer/dryer,Blocks from UofA. $2975, move inDec/Jan, 520-977-7795


GRANT& CAMPBELL! 3BDRM, 2ba$795 carport, ceramic tile, w/dhookups. Dep $795, app $30 peradult. Burns Development & Realty 520-327-8971.

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WE OFFER SHORT term leases.w w w. c a m p b e l l r a n c h a p t s . c o m520.323.9347 We are on the directbus line to the UofA. One bedroom$475.00. Two bedroom $575.00.$199.00 total move in cost! Firstmonth free on 12 month lease.1/2 month free with 6-9 month lease.

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FREE RENT THROUGH end of 2009over $1,000 value, when signing leasethrough July 2010. Male housematewanted for your own room in a 4brhouse w/wifi , cable, laundry room. Willinclude new queen bed and nightstand. Need to leave for medical rea-sons and looking to sublet for $437per month plus utilities. Call Jeff @908-578-5206.

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To be a part of our Guide to Religious Services, contact Jasmin Bell (520) 621-3425 or email classifi

FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Priority College Worship, Sundays 6:00pm, Worship 11:00am. 445 E. Speedway.

CHURCH OF CHRIST CAMPUS MINISTRY Worship 10:45am Bible Class 9:30am. One mile north of campus.

2848 N. Mountain Ave. Tucson, AZ 85719 795-7578

GRACE EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHSunday Worship 7:45am & 10:00am. Bible Class 9:00am. 830 N First Ave. Tucson, AZ 85719 520-623-6633

THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Sunday meetings begin at 9:00amRegister for Institute classes at 1333 E. 2nd St. 623-4204

LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRYWednesday Dinner & Vespers 6:00pm Sunday Worship 10:30am

715 N. Park Ave. 520-623-7575

WELS TUCSON CAMPUS MINISTRYStudent Bible study and discussion. Sunday 7:00pm. 830 N. First Ave. Tucson, AZ 85719 520-623-5088

A Guide to Religious Services

GRACE ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCHSunday Worship 8:00am & 10:00am.

� ursday 5:30. Inclusive progressive congregation. 2331 E. Adams St.

LUTHERAN CHURCH (MISSOURI SYNOD) CAMPUS MINISTRYSunday Worship 2:00 pm. � urdsay Dinner 6:00pm. 715 N Park Ave | Tucson, AZ 85719 520-623-7575

A12 • wednesday, november 4, 2009 • arizona daily wildcat

A few months ago, the Red Planet was white.

A new image from the Phoenix Mars Lander shows a landscape covered in ice and frost. The image, taken during the Martian winter in July and August, marked a visual confirmation of the progression of seasons scientists had expected was taking place.

The quality of the image — taken from a satellite orbiting 196 miles above the planet and carrying the UA-designed HiRISE cam-era — is low due to poor lighting, but clearly shows patches of carbon dioxide frost sur-rounding the lander, HiRISE media liaison Yisrael Espinoza said.

The photographs are among the last taken since the HiRISE camera was temporarily shut down due to problems with the space-craft it is attached to, HiRISE principal in-vestigator Dr. Alfred S. McEwen said, adding that the solar-powered lander itself has been

non-operational since the beginning of the Martian winter.

The ice depicted in the photographs is more than three feet thick, McEwen said, but might be patchier now as the season changes to spring. He added that because the camera has not taken any recent photos, it is hard to say for sure.

“(The ice) should still be there, but thinner,” he said.

Although the ice appears green in the im-age, “it’s not really green at all,” said Espino-za, explaining that the camera is designed to highlight the presence of certain minerals in the frost.

Although the frost is important, Espinoza said, it is not unexpected.

He added that part of the purpose of such photographs is to keep the public in touch with a spacecraft that many have come to form a personal bond with.

“People tend to bond with the lander,” he said. “We have a tendency to look at them as something other than machines.”

By Tim McDonnellArizonA DAily WilDcAt

Mars photo shows seasonal change

Photos courtesy ofYisrael Espinoza /HiRISE


After: August 2009

vote in the City of Tucson, did not par-ticipate in yesterday’s elections. Never-theless, he said, campaigning for Re-publican City Council candidates and Republican-backed propositions has been an educational experience and has given him and his club a chance to look behind the scenes of local politics.

“We’re surrounded by a lot of good Republicans,” he said.

Education junior Arthur Moroyoqui was also at the event to fight what he de-scribed as a negative shift in the Republi-can Party toward being more moderate.

“I’m sick and tired of these moderate Republicans not going back to conser-vative roots,” he said.

Although Moroyoqui said he would be carefully watching the progress of

congressional candidate Jesse Kelly and Tucson’s Proposition 200, he added that he was also following races in oth-er states and hoped to see Republicans win the various seats being voted on.

Over-spending and the overreach-ing of authority by the federal govern-ment has led Moroyoqui to press for a return to strict conservatism, he said, but added that on the UA campus he sometimes feels alone in that belief.

“I’m a minority when it comes to be-ing a conservative,” he said.

Still, he said he didn’t base his voting decisions solely on party affiliation.

“I don’t just want to vote for Re-publicans,” he said. “I want to vote for someone who’s actually going to do something.”

Meanwhile, with Democratic candidates Karin Uhlich and Richard Fimbres in the lead and Tucson’s Proposition 200 likely to fall through, spirits were high last night at the Democratic election night party at Hotel Congress in downtown Tucson.

“The results are looking pretty good so far,” said Blake Morlock, former Tuc-son Citizen political correspondent and spokesman for No on Proposition 200.

Upon arrival, Democratic candidates Richard Fimbres and Karin Uhlich were greeted by a number of supporters and student journalists from the UA.

Both Uhlich and Fimbres thanked their supporters for their hard work and dedication throughout the campaign and said they are looking forward to their future term of office.

THE INITIATIVESWith 98 percent of precincts reporting

Proposition 401 — TUSD Maintenance and Budget Override — Approximately $18.4 million for 2010.

Would fund all-day kindergarten at all TUSD elementary schools, increase student funding ratio from ap-proximately $150 per student to $187 per student and bring in-classroom Internet speeds to industry standard.

Voting Yes 40.99 % Voting No 59.01 %

Proposition 402 — TUSD Technology Capital Campaign — $9 million override (recurring) Lease 10,000 industry-standard computers for in-classroom use, install new Internet network systems at schools and replace administration networks

Voting Yes 38.77% Voting No 61.23 %

Proposition 200 — Public Safety FirstWould require mandatory minimum staffing levels for the Tucson Police Department, requiring 2.4

officers per every 1000 citizens in the City of Tucson, and require the city-wide average fire department response time to be under 4 minutes, the standard set forth by the National Fire Protection Association.

Voting Yes 29.77 % Voting No 70.23%

Proposition 400 – Home RuleWould allow the city to spend what it collects in revenues even if that is more than what is normally

allowed under state-mandated spending caps which require the city to put money into savings.Voting Yes 49.50% Voting No 50.50 %

Republicans, Democrats gatherto take in results of contest

ELECTIONcontinued from page A1

leads exist at this time.”Public Information Officer Sgt. Juan Alvarez

deferred comment to Caballero, who declined comment.

Daily Wildcat representatives will be stating their case to the Greek Standards Board on Wednesday night following an official com-plaint with Greek Life launched by the news-paper against Phi Kappa Psi.

The Oct. 8 issue of the Daily Wildcat con-tained a Police Beat article in which a woman told police she may have been drugged at a Phi Kappa Psi party.

In order for the fraternity to be found responsible for Arizona Student Media’s

estimated $8,500 loss, the Daily Wildcat must show collaboration on the part of the chapter as a whole, rather than a few individuals within the fraternity, said Jenny Nirh, senior coordinator for Fraternity and Sorority Programs within Greek Life.

Following the Greek Standards Board hear-ing, the board will send a letter to the fraterni-ty by Nov. 6 stating whether or not Phi Kappa Psi is responsible for the theft, and outlining any possible sanctions, according to official Greek Standards Board processes.

A simple majority vote is needed for the board to reach a verdict. The board is made up of eight Greek student members.

THEFTHearing with Greek Life still pendingcontinued from page A1

WASHINGTON — Despite a rising nation-wide toll of sickness caused by the H1N1 flu virus and an intensive push by the government to have people vaccinated for it, almost half of Americans say they aren’t likely to get the vac-cine, according to a new McClatchy-Ipsos poll.

Just 52 percent of Americans say they’re likely to get the vaccine: 33 percent who say they’re very likely to get it and 19 percent who say they’re somewhat likely.

Forty-seven percent say they aren’t likely to get it: 30 percent who say they aren’t at all likely to get vaccinated and 17 percent who say they aren’t very likely to do it.

The vaccine is available through a shot or a nasal spray.

The McClatchy-Ipsos poll also found rising op-position to the health care overhaul legislation that’s before Congress. Some 49 percent of Americans now oppose it — up seven points from October — while only 39 percent said they supported it. The poll had an error margin of 2.98 percentage points.

The surprising finding of widespread resistance to the swine flu vaccine comes as the illness con-tinues to spread and a growing number of Ameri-cans say they’re concerned about it: 63 percent now versus 51 percent last spring.

Nearly 25,000 people have contracted the flu so far in the United States, and 114 children have died from it.

Federal health officials are striving to assure Americans that the vaccine is safe, through constant appearances in the news media and on the Web site This week, for example, they said the vaccine had been subjected to rigorous safety tests and clinical trials and that it posed no more risk than an ordinary seasonal flu vaccine did.

“This vaccine is made exactly the same way as we make seasonal flu every year, with decades of good safety experience,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Dis-eases, said Tuesday on CBS.

Health officials are urging the people most at risk

— children, pregnant women and health workers — to get vaccinated first.

Many who want the vaccine have been frustrated by long lines and delays, however, as the government says it’s received about only 30 million doses, 50 mil-lion short of what it had projected it would have by this time. Production was slower than expected.

“I fully understand how frustrated people are and, frankly, how anxious a lot of parents are about getting this vaccine in a timely fashion,” Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Monday.

“What I can tell you is that production num-bers are up. We got 9 million new doses last week. We will have 10 million total new doses this week. That’s good news.”

If people are skeptical about the vaccine or put off by delays in its availability, most of them aren’t blam-ing the Obama administration. Two out of three, 65 percent, said they were confident that the adminis-tration had done everything in its power to make the vaccine available in time.

The views of the Obama administration’s handling of the vaccine have partisan undercurrents.

Democrats were the most confident: Eighty-two percent gave thumbs up to the government and 16 percent said they didn’t have confidence.

Independents were next, expressing confidence in the government by 56-36 percent. Republicans were the most divided, split evenly 49-49 on the adminis-tration’s handling of the vaccine.

On the broader question of overhauling health care, the rising opposition shows that Democrats are increasingly isolated on the question. In a sign of potential political trouble, independents oppose the plan by 53-29 percent. Most Democrats support it; most Republicans oppose it.

Despite the plurality of opposition to the overall proposal, Americans favor creating a public health-insurance program to compete with private insurers by 51-43 percent.

They support creating nongovernment insurance cooperatives by a larger margin of 57-35 percent.

They also support proposals to assure patients’ rights, such as mandating that insurance be portable from job to job, by 75-17 percent.

By Steven ThommaMcclAtchy neWspApers

Poll: Almost half of Americans reject swine flu vaccine

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