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aries horascope 2014 from


Aries Horoscope

(21st March to 20th April)

1. Aries Horoscope

General description: The Sun enters this first Sign of Zodiac, the Aries on or around March

21st each year. Aries, the first Sign of the Zodiac calendar, represents raw energy, unbridled

passion and a ruthless haste. Aries are energetic and enthusiastic people; they like to set the

ball rolling as soon as they come across an interesting opportunity, but they lack the

discipline and commitment to take things to the finishing line. Aries may also be impulsive

and harsh, and it is almost impossible to convince them about anything. The Aries-born are

quite action-oriented, and tend to act in a physical way to everything.

Element - Fire

Quality - Cardinal

Characteristics – Masculine, positive

Ruling planet - Mars

Detriment - Venus

Exaltation - The Sun

Fall – Saturn

Symbol – The Ram

The Symbol denotes – Cheerful, carefree, boastful and confident behaviour along with a

combative, rash and hasty approach

Birthstone - Ruby and Garnet

Birth Colours – All shades of red – scarlet, carmine, red, vermilion

Other lucky colours – Jade green, green

Lucky Day - Tuesday

Associated Flowers and Plants - Geraniums, Honeysuckle, Cacti, Chillies, Ginger, Garlic,

Aloe, other shrubs

Quality most needed for balance - Caution

Deepest need – Action

Compatible Signs - Leo, Sagittarius

Best Sign/s for marriage and/or partnerships – Libra and sometimes even Capricorn

Anatomically Aries corresponds to - Skull and face; muscles used in eating, smiling,

talking and other facial expressions, deep muscles in the mouth and other muscles in the

head; temporal and internal carotids, and cephalic vein.

Noteworthy qualities – Industriousness, enterprise, courage, generosity, practicality,

ambition, inspiration, leadership, action-orientation.

Undesirable personality traits – Audacity, impatience, imprudence, egocentric and selfish

approach, hastiness, recklessness.

2. Aries Decans

Born between March 21 and March 30 If a person is born between these days, the planetary ruler is Mars. Mars is the planet of

energy and surplus of energy would mean quarrels, fights and clashes. It is best to keep the

tongue and temper in control. Illness could hit between 42 to 56 years. The 28th year would

be noteworthy. Those born under this influence are fearless and pioneers in their own

respective fields. They are the initiators, however they are impulsive and impatient too. They

always want to be the first in whatever endeavour they undertake, and are proactive enough

to get whatever they want in life and work for it tirelessly. They are also assertive and

aggressive, and dominant by nature.

Born between March 31 and April 9

If a person is born between these days, his/ her planetary ruler is Sun. This is a fortunate Decan to be

born under, implying that the person would have both constructive and creative abilities. The person

born under this Decan shall be – ambitious, kind-hearted, idealistic and a born leader. Those born

under this influence are also creative and hard working. They are high achievers, who would work

relentlessly, until they achieve whatever they desired for. They also tend to possess a good sense of

humour, and have an uncanny ability to laugh on themselves. The negative traits of these people are

that they tend to be boastful braggers. They always want to be the centre of attraction for

everything, and thus always are attention seekers.

Born between April 10 and April 20

If a person is born between the aforementioned days, their planetary ruler is Jupiter. Intuitive and

generous, they enjoy the company of others and revere learning and knowledge. These persons

would also enjoy the good things in life, and do well in the positions of trust and responsibility. The

persons born under this influence also tend to be adventurous. They love to explore new things and

love the company of other people. Initiators of avant garde, they never shirk from helping out the

others in the time of their problems. These people posses a keen thirst for knowledge, and that is

why they always learn new things with a surprising alacrity. The negative traits of these people are

that they tend to have unrealistic expectations and live in the dreamy worlds of their own.

3. Moon Sign Aries – The Moon in Aries

Moon Sign Traits

Individuals with the moon in Aries react at the speed of light and the word restraint is not in

their dictionary. Their response, more often than not, will be on the basis of their emotions

and they feel passionately about everything. Moon in Aries signifies the enthusiastic and

impulsive nature of the subject. If they take fancy to anything or some idea strikes their mind,

then they jump into action almost instantly without the preliminary groundwork and start the

implementation of their idea as soon as possible. Things just don’t ‘happen’ for individuals

having their moon in Aries, rather things and events should ‘fly’ which is in tandem with

their hasty nature. These individuals are spontaneous and determined, which makes them

desiring a constant need of action all the time. These individuals would opt for playing it

straight all the time and don’t take the path of manipulation or deception. They have an aura

of innocence around them and also like to have authority and power under their control.

These people seldom can follow and are fiercely independent.

Positive Qualities

Individuals with the moon in Aries are always happy, optimistic and impatient (fast). These

individuals personify the ‘living for the moment’ approach and they seldom think long term

regarding their fast paced actions. What they strive for is instant gratification and want quick

results to the actions they take. As they are in a haste, they cannot bear to wait to see the

impact of their actions. Thus, a constant need to be in action always is a quality inherent in

them. Such individuals are extremely passionate about everything and don’t hesitate to put

forward openly what they feel and don’t have the tendency to keep things confined to

themselves. In other words, these people don’t hold grudges. They would be quite vocal

about expressing their displeasure if they don’t like a certain thing. This makes them open

and frank. Additionally, these individuals are extremely independent and have the attitude of

a go getter who pursues with unlimited energy and force the object of their desire.

Negative Qualities Individuals with the moon in Aries hold scant regard for the weak and tend to destroy the

little people who cannot keep pace with their lightening speed. Even though they don’t hold

any grudges, these individuals take everything personally. They have rapidly changing

emotions and can burst into bouts of anger over small small issues. As normally they don’t

think before they perform any action, they tend to shrug off their responsibilities in case

anything goes wrong with their actions and move on to their next line of action, without

feeling any sense of accountability. The other negative qualities these individuals exhibit are

that they can be overconfident, aggressive, self indulgent and foolhardy. These people have

an inherent problem of confusing their wants as their needs and thus often overindulge and

overspend. Also, they are often selfish in nature.

4. Aries Zodaic

Food for Aries : As they belong to the Fire element, the Rams should avoid spicy foods to

keep acidity at bay. Foods that support their livers and kidneys are good for them. These

would include beans, brown rice, lentils, olives, cucumber, spinach, figs, apricot, pumpkins

and bananas. They also require dairy products for the calcium content. Invest in a juicer or

blender to juice veggies and make smoothies that are quick and nutritious.

Aries Physical Structure : The Rams have strong, sharp features, with a prominent chin,

nose and mouth with a full upper lip. They have wide-set eyes with high eyebrows. Their

speaking tone can be brash. They are quick on their feet, but their movements are far from

graceful. They have an average height, and their complexion is tanned and rugged. Their

appearance can be jarring. The look is usually gaudy or eccentric, quite often sportive,

energetic and unrefined. Red colours are frequent. Indeed, the Rams do not belong to the

discreet type!

Aries Habits : The Rams love to take centre-stage, and if need be, they will push and shove

their way to the front. Though this habit can help them progress quickly in the short-term, in

the long-term it can compromise their relationships with people who matter. Putting them in a

responsible position can help diminish this selfishness. Regarding money, they are prone to

spending more than to saving, and rarely devote time to organising their finances.

Aries Health : The Rams have great energy, strength and stamina. They, however, are

susceptible to disorders of the head, stomach and kidneys. They need to take extra care of

these parts of their bodies, or they can develop disorders like migraine, indigestion or kidney

stones. These can be caused by too much work pressure or an unhealthy diet. In spite of their

tendency to get involved in accidents and all sorts of mishaps due to their intense activity,

they are very tough.

Aries Beauty scope : The colour that suits the Ram best is red because it matches their

spirited personality. Using this colour in their make-up as well as in their outfits enhances

their characteristics. They have prominent cheekbones, and look very attractive with earrings

and hats of any design. Come what may, they always look good. Whether it is a last minute

purchase or a carefully chosen dress, it will look great on an Aries. The same thing may look

ordinary on anyone else, but an Aries can make it look really fashionable.

5. Aries Description

People born under the Zodiac Sign Aries (Mesha), the first Sign of the Zodiac calendar,

represent the raw energy of life itself. Impulsive, spontaneous and often self-centred, this

Sign is symbolic of the innocence and egocentricity of a new born. This Sign is also

symbolised by the Ram. Always fearless and brave almost to a point of foolishness, people

born with the Zodiac Sign Aries live their lives on their own terms, often unwilling to

compromise on their beliefs, ideals and ideas.

Truth is when these enthusiastic individuals set out to accomplish something, they ensure

they achieve it, come what may. However, there is problem here! When their unbridled

enthusiasm backfires, they lose interest just as quickly as they had gained it. Thus, no one

begins like an Aries, but when it comes to maintaining the tempo till the end, many an Aries

fail. Often where angels fear to tread, these high-spirited, energetic and optimistic individuals

are willing to start. They take on difficult projects and challenges with an adept enthusiasm.

The Aries also tend to react in a physical way to everything, which may, at times, make them

seem overbearing and dominating. The good thing is, however, that the frustration and anger

are quickly forgotten, and the Aries becomes that lovable child yet again. The Aries, in fact,

have an emotional and passionate nature, owing to which they are liable to make strong

reactions, but they hardly mean wrong. The loving nature of the Ram inspires and flatters

others, but it is their impatience and impulsiveness, which also puts off other people.

Charismatic, courageous and friendly that they are, the Aries can become extraordinary

leaders, provided they learn to be diplomatic and patient. After all, it takes a lot of focus to to

be a great leader. Also, when it comes to dealing with too many details and concentrating on

a particular project/ task for a long period of time, the Aries often fail to handle it. They lose

interest very easily, which may hamper their career growth.

Active, fiery Aries also have a tendency to bite off more than they can chew. Before taking

something apart, they don’t stop to wonder if they can put it back together. Besides, they

constantly require others to motivate them to get going and do their best, and when they don’t

get it, they blame others for not being supportive and encouraging. But the fact is, it is an

excuse for their own idleness and unwillingness to find a driving force.

Although many Aries don’t seem romantic initially, they will profess undying love for their

beloved – a promise they are most likely to keep, provided their beloved keeps the Aries fire

going. Aries make caring partners, but at times they might expect too much from their life

partner. This will be more so in the case of Aries men than the Aries women who tend to

settle down more easily. As for the Aries men – they don’t like waiting for things. Aries

Compatibility with other Signs is quite interesting, but the pairs – Aries – Aries, Aries- Leo ,

Aries – Aquarius, Aries – Scorpio are the most compatible of them all. But then, a lot

depends on the planetary positions in one’s Kundli, too.

6. Aries Facts

Ruling Planet: Mars.

Aries Traits: Enterprising, Incisive, Spontaneous, Daring, Active, Courageous and

Energetic, the Aries are the proverbial infants, guileless and optimistic to the fault. However,

they also are impatient, impetuous, vain, proud and egoistic. They may also be liable to come

across as selfish, jealous, coarse, ruthless and violent.

Lucky Day: Tuesday

Lucky Number : 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72

Lucky Colour : Scarlet, Red

Lucky Stone(s) : Diamond, Ruby

Lucky Talisman : Metal Iron

Positive Qualities of Aries : Spontaneity, Brazenness, Action-orientation, Courageousness,

Drive, Enterprise, Innovation, Openness, Adventure-orientation

Negative Qualities of Aries : Impatience, Impetuousness, Foolhardiness, Selfishness,

Jealousy, Vanity, Pride, Ego, Ruthlessness, Possessiveness, Violence

Utilize the potential of your planets and your favourable planetary transits to the fullest by

wearing the right kind of gemstone.

Possible health concerns : The Aries are usually vigorous and possess a strong constitution.

They also have incredible powers of recovery. However, their energy levels sometimes

fluctuate widely and so do their moods, and hence they should be careful. Fitness conscious

they are, they still need to take care of their diet. Coffee, sugar and intoxicants are best

avoided, as these substances tend to stress them out.

Compatible signs : Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini and Aquarius.

Famous Aries Personalities : Ravi Shankar, Ramanathan Krishan, Bismillah Khan, Ali

Akbar Khan, Charlie Chaplin, Al Gore, Ashley Judd, Carmen Electra, Celine Dion, Charlie

Chaplin, David Frost.

7. Aries Nature


Being a Ram, you have the honour of being the first sign of the Zodiac. Needless to say, you

possess strong and powerful characteristics. You have a strong sense of purpose and march

forward towards your goals with great zeal. Your reserves of energy are practically unlimited

and it is not easy to make your tired. Courage is your most outstanding quality, so you are

happy to lead from the front, while people in your circle are more than content to follow in

your footsteps. You are also frank and straightforward, and prefer to face problems head-on,

instead of trying to beat around the bush. Since you are always eager for action, you may

sometimes tend to be impulsive, and vulnerable to being misled. These are generalised

observations, but if you wish to know anything specific about your personality,

Aries Key Planet : Mars Mars, the Red Planet, is also referred to as the God of War. But it does not mean that you are

always spoiling for a fight; it is more often about action – doing something, anything,

because you can’t stand sitting idle. If you face an obstacle, you will not sit brooding about it,

but instantly make plans about how best to tackle it. Then you will earnestly go about

implementing your plans. Mars constantly reminds you of the immense amounts of energy

you possess, and goads you on to utilise it positively.

First House : Self The First House symbolizes your physical body and how the world perceives you. It is not

always about who you are, but more about what you bring to the table. It represents the first

phase in your life, your childhood. It can be taken to mean the start of any activity, or the

beginning of any relationship. And the beginning is very important, because, as they say, a

job well begun is half done.

Aries Element : Fire

You are a strong Fire sign and truly carry all the warmth of this element. You are full of

energy which is unlikely to ever deplete. Your powerful energy tends to make you

unpredictable. However, the best part is that you spread the light everywhere you go,

benefiting everybody equally without prejudice. You also have a strong intuition and survival

instincts, so you easily manage to wriggle out of tight situations.

Aries strength Your biggest strength is your courage. You are known to face the challenges of life without

fear. Your most prominent positive qualities are independence, generosity, optimism,

enthusiasm and fortitude.

Aries weakness

You can be rather inflexible and stubborn. You are often not open to other people’s

suggestions and insist on doing what you think is right. You are also short-tempered,

especially when faced with obstacles and criticism. These things are apt to make you feel

down at times, and in order to overcome the negativity.

8. Aries Traits

The people born under the Zodiac Sign Aries are curious, energetic and enthusiastic

individuals, who want to initiate and make things happen rather than being mere spectators.

The need for excitement push them into new territories and makes them extremely action-


Positive traits

Adventurous This is a fairly common trait as far as the Aries are concerned. Not the ones to shy away from

taking risks, the Aries at times push their luck just for that adrenalin rush.

Courageous When the going gets tough, the Aries get going! No matter how difficult the situation may be,

an Aries will take the challenge head on!

Versatile Since they always look for excitement and adventurous, the Aries are often the ones who’d

try out newer things in life. You may also call them Jack of many trades!

Lively You will never find an Aries low on energy levels. So, when an Aries is around, you will

definitely feel the whole environment in the room lightening up.

Positive The positive energy that the Aries possess and spread around not only gives them a

psychological advantage over others, but also makes them quite a popular lot in the social



If they are interested in something, be it a relationship or a project, the Aries will be

passionately into it and be an inspiration for others.

Negative traits

Arrogant A belief that what they know and perceive is right make the people born under the Zodiac

Sign Aries insensitive of others’ emotions and arrogant.


The fiery Aries have fixed opinions and they will not budge for anything in the world. Their

stubbornness make them very difficult people to deal with!


In fact they are both impulsive and impatient, and hence many a times the Aries will not

consider minute aspect of the matters and think through the situations to arrive at a decision.


Yes, the Aries enthusiastic and active, but their energies are, more often than not, scattered in

different directions. They need to harness their energy levels and be disciplined in order to

succeed in life.

Confrontational The Aries will not think twice before being confrontational and asking questions that may

potentially harm the relationship. Learning a lesson or two on human relations may be


Tendency to leave projects mid-way

Such is their need for excitement and novelty that the Aries can’t concentrate on projects for

long, and in turn leave them mid-way, in search of yet another challenge/ task.

9. Aries Men

Ruled by the planet Mars, the Aries men move through the world on the their own terms and

pace, and that is a major reason why some people find it too challenging to keep up with

them. However, if you learn to accept their peculiarities, getting along with them will be a lot

easier. Let’s go through some basic characteristics of the Aries men one by one.

This enthusiastic lot is always ready for adventure and excitement. Besides, they love

surprises as they keep them engaged and mentally stimulated. Anything predictable

and/ or straight from the text-book dampens their spirits.

At first, they may come across as selfish and self-centred people. But there does exist

a generous side of these highly active individuals, well, it is a different thing that they

show it to only those who they think are worthy of it.

Aries men don’t spend their precious time whining about how the world has been

unfair to them and things like that. And even if they do, they will quickly bounce

back. It is their courage, enthusiasm, positivity and love for near and dear ones, which

gives them immense strength to face the challenges of life.

However, they tend to be outspoken, overconfident, and at times, quite insensitive

also. Expecting them to listen to your woes endlessly and heal your wounds patiently

may be too much to ask for.

Confrontational, short-tempered, egoistic and controlling, the Aries men rarely admit

their shortcomings and are not so keen rectifying their mistakes. Besides, their

demanding attitude creates pressure on their relationships, causing irreparable damage

at times.

The Aries men know how to play with words in order to get what they want. While it

is a positive trait to some extent, it also makes them manipulative.

Although often the ones to start off projects enthusiastically and with passion, the

Aries are not great finishers. Once the initial excitement dies down, they lose interest

to continue, and in all likelihood, they will shift focus to another goals or adventurous,

including romantic interests. Maintaining their enthusiasm levels is a challenge for


10. Aries Career

The born leaders, the literal and metaphorical beginners of the Zodiac, Aries hate losing,

and thus, they usually ‘win’! Well, that applies to each area of their lives. You will not

regret having an Aries on your team, for when it comes to their careers, they like to go all

guns blazing, provided they like the area/ subject. They may not decide on a vocation

right away, but when they have decided, they go all out – after all, that’s the only way

they know.

The true Fire element in them raises its head whenever the Aries are confronted with a

challenge, an adversity or some real pressure. They do not let this opportunity pass, for

this is the time to display their trademark courage, strength, intensity and supreme energy.

Their energy and action-orientation are worth imbibing, or at least, worth preserving. If

you are an Aries, or have a loved one born under this Sign, we suggest, you don’t let your

(or their) volatile, raw and immense potential get wasted.

Competitive and boastful, Aries love playing games, provided these games are malice-

free and fair. Genuine people, they are often honest, and sincerely believe in fair-play.

Combustible, fiery and blatant they may be, but they never are inconsiderate and unfair.

They like to take leadership rules, and thanks to their planetary rules, aggressive Mars,

they make for strong, fierce, ruthless albeit conscientious leaders. Unsurprisingly, most of

them are uncomfortable in subordinate roles, and even if there, they like to take projects

head-on, often leaving a blazing trail for their colleagues to follow.

Their cocksure belief in their abilities may get a tad irritating for their team-mates, yet

Aries are unlikely to give up on anything they believe in. Most Aries crave adventure and

speed, and their life is often a mix of both. No wonder they despise preachy staff

meetings and retirement plans are rarely a part of their long-term agendas.

Most important quality that Aries need to learn or cultivate as they go along their career

paths is the ability to think through. We all know that hasty actions don’t bear sweet fruit

in business and professional decisions. If the Aries imbibe this learning, they can avoid

taking regrettable career decisions or moves. Another vital lesson they have to learn is to

finish what they begin!

The most suitable areas or professions for Aries are – Research, Medicine and related

fields, Surgery, Mechanics, Athletics and Sports, Fire-fighting, Adventure Travel,

Engineering, Psychology, and most importantly, Entrepreneurship.

11. Aries Romance

Element : Fire

Quality : Cardinal; Masculine; Positive

Ruling Planet : Mars

Declaration : ‘I am’

Lessons to give in love : Innocence, action-orientation and optimism.

Lessons to learn in love : Investing trust in the right place and right person, at the right time.

Thinking before leaping!

Personality : Vitality is the second name of this proverbial infant of the Zodiac. Aries knows

how to celebrate life with his candour, infectious exuberance, optimism and love for

adventure. Probably that is why despite being the self-centred, self-absorbed, impulsive babe,

Aries is lovable, and manages to win admirers with a surprising ease. Both magnetic and

awe-inspiring in his overwhelming innocence and trust in the inherent goodness of the world,

the neonate in Ram doesn’t know the world till he experiences it first hand. And, that is why

many of his interactions with the real-world jolt him. Misplaced trust may make him

suspicious, harsh and extremely egocentric.

Love for the Aries is : a given, a necessity that has to be fulfilled, come what may! The

neonate feels it is his birth-right, and doesn’t hesitate in demanding love. An Aries will not

hesitate in going to the least probable places looking for love, especially if it catches his

fancy. An Aries wilts in absence of love; love is like a magic potion, a supplement to him. On

his first (or an unexpected) encounter with avoidance or abandonment, the baby is left

stunned and scared, and probably scarred for life.

When in Love : Aries is very loving and mindful of his partner’s needs and demands. He is

the happiest to pamper his beloved with extravagant gestures, as it gives him a sense of

accomplishment. In turn, he himself demands and craves attention, devotion and passion.

However, the very need to reciprocate in these very terms may make him feel lost, as he may

genuinely fail to realise that he ought to ‘give back’ in equal measure. The babe in Aries

secretly requires a lot of babying, and yearns that all his desires be fulfilled at the first

instance. Aries needs constant reassurances in love (though, he usually is too egoistic and

smug to accept it!), and in their absence, he may get very angry or scared. Although an Aries

may come across as domineering at first, yet the last thing he desires is a submissive partner.

A happy and satiated in love Aries can be extremely generous, cheerful and adventurous. A

neglected in love Aries shall shout, cry and throw tantrums. While, an unhappy in love Aries

may develop a tendency to get bored with people too soon; become a philanderer, or at the

very least, disloyal to the current partner.

12. Aries Relationship

Aries relationship

As a Lover The Rams are known to be flirtatious when it comes to romance, and will pro-actively pursue

their beloved. When they are attracted to someone, they will go straight to the point, instead

of beating around the bush. However, they can easily get disaffected, and if you wish to hit it

off with them, you cannot afford to be monotonous, but will have to keep engaging them in

new things. You will have to keep pace with their energy, says Ganesha. The Rams are

passionate and love adventure. It is not very easy to build a relationship with them, but once

they commit, they are usually honest and loyal for life, provided you keep them cared for and


As a Father

The Ram generally makes for a dominating father. Though he would like his children to do

their bidding, he also gives them enough space to let their natural talents flower. Given the

perfectionist the Ram himself is, his only motive is to see his children reach the very zenith of

whatever they choose as a career. Lover of outdoor sports and fitness per se, he will also

encourage them to play, and not just study all the time. This is also true, because an Aries

father wants his children to become complete human beings, and not just geeks! He is broad-

minded and treats his children as his friends, so they can really trust him, but he makes it

amply clear that he is a father first. The danger here is that the Aries father may unwittingly

impose his likes and dislikes on his children. Also, he may be too lost in his own inner life, at

times, to be there for his kids.

As a Mother

The Aries mother has much the same inclinations as the Aries father. She loves to dominate,

but here too the motive is protective, and the only thing she has at heart is the well-being of

her children. Her maternal instincts will make her want to spoon-feed her children, but she

can be very strict, if she sees them veering from their aims and objectives in life. Yes, the

aims and objectives are set! Like the Aries father, she too is keen on seeing her children excel

in sports, not just studies, so she encourages them to play outdoor games and indulge in

myriad activities, and not just the academics. She will be happy to see her children happy, but

again, will demand compliance with her wishes. Sometimes, therefore, says Ganesha, she can

be more stifling for the kids than their father.

As Children

The Rams as children respect and love their parents. Rarely wild and rebellious, they,

however, may be strong enough to follow a chosen path, despite parents’ disapproval. Most

of them are also very attached to their parents, and as the parents grow older, these children

tend to become more caring towards their parents’ needs. However, the Ram children have an

obstinate streak, and may stick to their demands and not calm down until their patents

comply, says Ganesha. They can also be a bit aggressive, both with their siblings at home and

with their friends outside, and, as a parent, you may have a tough time making them realise

their mistakes. Their temper-tantrums can often vex their parents to the point of intolerance.

However, rest assured that they are destined for big things, and will bring glory to the family.

As a Boss

As a boss, the Rams can be very tough task-masters. However, Ganesha says, they are not

totally devoid of compassion. They can not only identify with the problems of their workers,

but will also do everything to help them out of their predicaments. But at the end of the day,

they will not settle for anything less than 100 percent results. They are also very innovative

and will introduce new technologies in their offices to make work easier for their employees.

They give a lot of freedom to their employees regarding working hours as long as they get

their desired output.

As a friend

As friends, the Rams feel ‘the more the merrier’, so they are likely to have lots of friends,

with a lot of variety thrown in. They can easily adjust to the varied nature of their many

friends, even with diametrically opposite personalities, and are often seen as the bonding

factor among their friend circles. However, Ganesha says, their friends will find it difficult to

hold on to them unless they display the same energy levels and the same zest to get things

done. Though they are sensitive enough, they cannot be treated as a shoulder to cry on. Once

they have formed a solid bond with a friend, though, they can be relied upon for life.

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