Are you pulling the wool over your own eyes?

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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Are you pulling the wool over your own eyes?. Action Research at Bucklands Beach Intermediate School. Think about how the world has changed in the last 20 years. What will teaching and learning look like in the next 5, 10, 20+ years?. 21st Century Skills. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Think about how the world has changed in the

last 20 years.

What will teaching and learning look like in the next 5,

10, 20+ years?

Digital Age Literacy:Digital Age Literacy:Basic, Scientific and Technological LiteracyBasic, Scientific and Technological Literacy

Visual and Information LiteracyVisual and Information Literacy

Cultural Literacy and Global AwarenessCultural Literacy and Global Awareness

Inventive Thinking:Inventive Thinking: Adaptability and Managing ComplexityAdaptability and Managing Complexity

Curiosity, Creativity and Risk TakingCuriosity, Creativity and Risk Taking

Higher Order Thinking and Sound ReasoningHigher Order Thinking and Sound Reasoning

Effective Communication:Effective Communication:

Teaming, Collaboration and Interpersonal SkillsTeaming, Collaboration and Interpersonal Skills

Personal and Social ResponsibilityPersonal and Social Responsibility

Interactive CommunicationInteractive Communication

High Productivity:High Productivity:Prioritising, Planning and Managing ResultsPrioritising, Planning and Managing Results

Effective Use of Real World ToolsEffective Use of Real World Tools

High Quality, Meaningful ResultsHigh Quality, Meaningful Results

21st Century Skills

"Outside school they are fully engaged by their 21st Century digital lives. If educators want to have relevance in this century, it is crucial that we find ways to engage students in school."

"Schools are stuck in the 20th Century.Students have rushed into the 21st Century.How can schools catch up and provide studentswith a relevant education?'

My questionMy questionWas my present teaching practice relevant, engaging and Was my present teaching practice relevant, engaging and empowering for the students that I taught?empowering for the students that I taught?Would changes to my practice improve the quality of learning for my Would changes to my practice improve the quality of learning for my students?students?How could I change and improve my practice?How could I change and improve my practice?

How it is conductedHow it is conducted It is a cycle of posing questions, planning and

implementing the action, observing and recording, reflecting, and deciding on a next course of action.


Students wanted their learning to be. Useful and fun 22Useful and fun 22

Interesting 11Interesting 11

Relevant 18Relevant 18

Easy 6 Easy 6

Free timetable 22Free timetable 22Choice 20Choice 20Teacher support and scaffolding 21Teacher support and scaffolding 21Just in time learning 3Just in time learning 3Other aspectsOther aspects

Relevant learning Relevant learning Independent learningIndependent learningLess bookworkLess bookworkMore integration of ICT More integration of ICT Reference to current eventsReference to current eventsExcitingExciting

How I changed my practiceHow I changed my practiceIntroduced weekly task monitoring sheet Introduced weekly task monitoring sheet

Integration of ICT into all aspects of learningIntegration of ICT into all aspects of learning

Introduced an open timetable for part or all of the dayIntroduced an open timetable for part or all of the day

Student choice became a high priorityStudent choice became a high priority

Choice and variety of spaces to work in and groupingsChoice and variety of spaces to work in and groupings

Included ‘why’ in the learning intention, focus on reflection and Included ‘why’ in the learning intention, focus on reflection and


Weekly self-reflection of teaching techniques and strategies with Weekly self-reflection of teaching techniques and strategies with

critical colleaguecritical colleague

Time managementTime management

Less teacher talkLess teacher talk

Weekly student reflection sheets giving the students voiceWeekly student reflection sheets giving the students voice

Summary of students’ reflectionsSummary of students’ reflectionso Happy with open timetable choicesHappy with open timetable choiceso Learning was more interesting and fun, useful and relevantLearning was more interesting and fun, useful and relevanto Enjoyed individualized learning timeEnjoyed individualized learning timeo Enjoyed the variety of learning spacesEnjoyed the variety of learning spaceso Empowered Empowered o Heightened level of engagement and completion of tasksHeightened level of engagement and completion of taskso Able to articulate their learning and thinkingAble to articulate their learning and thinkingo ICT rich environmentICT rich environmento Student voice heard and acknowledgedStudent voice heard and acknowledgedo 4 students felt that there had been no changes to their 4 students felt that there had been no changes to their learning or my teaching practicelearning or my teaching practiceo 6 students said that their suggestions had not been implemented6 students said that their suggestions had not been implemented

Reflect on and modify practice Grow professionally Gain knowledge through professional reading Share knowledge and skills with colleagues

More effective communication with colleagues and students.

Empowered to make informed decisions Bridges the gap between professional development

and actual practice Improves ICT knowledge and integration Ongoing professional development and


Benefits of Action ResearchBenefits of Action Research

“Built into action research is the proviso that, if as a teacher I am dissatisfied with what is going on, I will have the confidence and resolution to attempt to change it. I will not be content with the status quo…” - Jean McNiff

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

- Alvin Toffler

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