Post on 22-Nov-2014






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this report had been done my me Najibullah and my friend jayesh in Bk school of business management













Any purpose and its fulfillment require deep routed efforts for its completion. Many

characters play a vital role. This is more when a project undertaken is directly to a cause.

We would like to thank Prof. Sarla Achuthan, our Project guide, not only for giving us

the opportunity to work on this project, but also for providing us with sound guidance and the

necessary facilities to carry out the project. She constantly insisted and helped us in learning

new things.

She was introduced as one of the pillars of our Organization. It is from her that we all

learned the nuance of the day-to-day affairs. She made us to learn more processes beyond our














“Advertising is the modern substitute for argument; its function is to make the worse appear the better.”-George Santayana.

The radio ads agencies or stations receive advertisement get requests from the clients. Their main work is to decide on the scripts of the radio commercials that will suit the advertisement in the best manner possible. These ads are made in such a manner that the targeted customers find it appealing. The ads are given the final touch by the producer and the voice actor and eventually the advertisement is thrown into production.

But the customers nowadays prefer to television advertisements because it has both audio as well as video media which attract them the most.


There are varieties of media available in today’s era to communicate with people and this media (such as advertisements on TV and Radio) in the business are useful tool to differentiate the product of company from those of competitors. They use these tools to generate revenue as well by creating the image on the mind of potential customers.

Our main focus will be to determine the reduction in the effectiveness of the radio advertisements compare to the television advertisements. Prior to the advent of the television people were dependent on the radio to get news all over the world. Purpose of the research is to find out what proportion of people is still loyal to the radio.



In order to study the problem we consider few objectives in mind.

To study the behavior of people toward the radio advertisements To study why there is decrease in the interest of people toward the radio listing habits To know the effect of radio ad to the other media To analyze the effects of Television advertisements on people compare to radio

advertisements To analyze the causes that influence people to preferred the television advertisements


This is the primary study to have knowledge about the attitude of people towards listing of the radio advertisements and the factors that influence them, to shift from radio advertisements to television advertisements. So in order to collect the data,

We will like start the research by surveying the young generation because they are more available on such media and have impact on purchase decision so we could collect more specific and descriptive data.

The next target will be of those who are choosing the cheap media so can afford it and can give comparative view on the cost and benefits of the other channel of marketing as well. (Advertising agency, organization etc)

Local public also be the target as well to have holistic view toward the problem in our hand.


This research study will benefit to the users of this analysis and furthermore can be useful to know about the preference of people toward the radio advertisements and television advertisements.

This study will help the radio advertisement agency to add new features if possible to influence the people to listen the radio advertisements

This study may attract the potential users and can help in change the focus of people from television advertisements to radio advertisements

The study could help the organization to decrease their advertisement cost by using the radio advertisements (such cost include Time cost, monetary cost etc.)



Radio is one of the advertising vehicles that is mostly used by advertisers as a primary or supplemental medium to identify and develop specific appeals to a distinct market. According to Berkam, W. Harold and Gibson Christopher in book “Advertising concept sand strategies” the use of radio as an advertising medium has been facilitated by the fact that it has a relatively low cost due to great competition among radio stations and networks. Most of the firms often use radio advertising to create awareness and increase sales or their products. In the most firm’s radio advertising communicate quality and convince of their products while in other firms it also communicates low prize value and use. Many firms use radio advertising because of its wide geographical coverage and many languages used by local stations which makes it possible to reach different target group. Since its inception, radio has become an integral part of our culture. In some way, it touches the lives of almost everyone, every day. Radio, as a medium, offers a form of entertainment that attracts listeners while they are working, traveling, relaxing or doing almost anything. A farmer, for example, may listen to the radio while he is having breakfast or plowing his field. People driving to work often listen to the radio. Radio offers information such as: news, weather reports, Traffic conditions, advertising and music for your listening pleasure. Radio is a relatively inexpensive way of reaching people. It has often been called the "theater of the mind" because voices or sounds can be used to create moods or images that if crested by visual effects would be impossible to afford.

You can also negotiate rates for your commercials, or even barter. Stations are often looking for prizes they can give away to listeners, so it's possible to get full commercial credit for the product or service you offer.

Advantages to radio advertising include:

The ability to easily change and update scripts are paramount to radio broadcasting, since news stories can and often do happen live.

Radio is a personal advertising medium. Station personalities have a good rapport with their listeners. If a radio personality announces your commercial, it's almost an implied endorsement.

Radio is also a way to support your printed advertising. You can say in your commercial, "See our ad in the Sunday Times," which makes your message twice as effective.

Radio advertising is not without its disadvantages too, such as:

You can't review a radio commercial. Once it plays, it’s gone. If you didn't catch the entire message, you can't go back and hear it again.



The major powerful new advertising medium started on November 2nd, 1920 in Pittsburgh this is highlighted in the book “Contemporary Advertising” Bovee L. Cortland and Arens F. William. They also said that national advisors use radio extensively because they could reach large captive audiences that tuned to popular programs. Berkman and Gilson in book “Advertising Concepts strategies” and edition records that radio today is enjoying a healthy revival. Its popularity waned during the 1950s and1960s. They argue that one reason for radios rebirth is fact that TV has become too experience for many advertisers.

Radio advertising must be very powerful to get the attention of listeners. It takes a lot of skill to compose an effective radio commercial. Some listeners simply change stations during commercial breaks. Successful radio advertising uses psychology to keep them tuned in. Unlocking the key to those subliminal receptors can be extremely effective. A well written and performed radio commercial can skyrocket your profits. On the other hand, a mundane advertisement leaves them station surfing. The best thing about radio advertising is its ability to harness the imagination of listeners. A skillfully written commercial leaves listeners with a sensory image of your product or service. A good comparison is that of a popular book made into a movie. Why is the book always better? It’s better because it allows the reader to use his or her imagination. This is one of the main advantages to radio advertising. It allows the listeners brain to become an interactive part of the scenario set by the advertiser. It gives them a sense of inclusion. We all know products sell much better when endorsed by well known sports figures or entertainers. Think of the average radio listener. They hear the same DJ’s and announcers every day. In some cases, they even feel they know these people on a personal level. Radio personalities are not only celebrities, they become friends. We relate to them and trust their judgment. When they narrate a commercial for a product, they are giving their implied endorsement. Radio advertising is this friendly camaraderie we build with radio personalities. Listening to our favorite music puts people in a great mood. One of the advantages to radio advertising is the receptiveness to new ideas this mood creates. Listeners are already in an upbeat frame of mind. Not only can that but radio advertising be easily directed to the exact type of person you are selling to. If you’re selling something that appeal to young people, advertise on the contemporary stations. If your product appeals to baby boomers, go for the oldies stations. Selling cowboy hats and boots? Your best bet is the country music stations.

The book notes the following advantages of radio relatively low cost this is because of great completion among station and networks, which has forced them to keep medirate attractive low. Demographic Selectivity Individual radio stations are skillfully appealing to specific target groups in a community due to competition for audiences.



In their book “Kleppers advertising procedures” 12th edition, Russell Thomas, Jand Lane, Ronald W note that as advertisers continue to target distinct audience segments, radio stations to become and even more important part of the media mix, particularly as a supplemental national medium to reach light users of more traditional national vehicles such as television and magazines. Klepper in this book “Advertising procedures” the 2nd edition also observes that as years ago, each radio station will be on air in each and every town and even remote areas and each day and every station will be having different programs attracting different audience and advertisers reading cheaper services in the book “Success in Advertising and promotions” by Don Milner, radio broadcasting will every different from today in five toten years time. He continues to say that there will be the possibility at the “Financial Times” because electronics and the technology of the radio having the ability to emerge and inter-active technology and the prospect of having hundred channels which will be helping in advertising and charges becoming cheap because there be many radios According to roseberg J. Larry in his book “marketing” 1st edition , Radio advertising will grow at an over angel rate of 1.4% per year as the consumer will be increasing skepticism of the advertising practices in torture , demanding accurate and useful products information.



In this section the researcher researches on the other issues affecting area of study These refers to the measure of percentage of people in the target of market who are exposed to an advertising campaign during a given period time e.g. an advertisement may aim at a researching about 50% of the target consumer during a given month. Frequency these refer to the number of times that have average person on the target market in expose to the message. An advertisement may target an average of three times. The selected radio station may not repeat the message severally. Advertisement Media impact this the qualitative value of the message exposed through the given media .e.g. for products that needs to be demonstrated message on TV may have more impact than message on radio because TV uses both images and sound of which radio uses sound only.

Unlike television, there are no visual elements in radio, and this is often considered one of the biggest disadvantages of radio advertising. Radios are also often used as background noise, and listeners may not always pay attention to the advertisements. They may also change the station when advertisements come on. Also, a listener is usually unable to go back to a radio advertisement and listen to it at his leisure. Certain time slots are also more effective when using radio advertising, but there are typically a limited number, which often fill up quickly. One of the biggest disadvantages of radio advertising is the lack of visual stimulation. All that radio advertising is able to offer is audio, like voices and music.


Television advertising, on the other hand, has an added visual element. Many experts agree that this added visual element is often more effective at worming its way into a potential consumer's mind. Radios are commonly used for background noise in many places, including homes, offices, stores, and vehicles. This usually means that listeners are not usually actively listening to the radio. This can also result in one of the major disadvantages of radio advertising — listeners will often not even hear most radio commercials. If they do not listen and hear them, they are typically less likely to patronize those particular businesses. Another one of the biggest disadvantages of radio advertising is that listeners generally dislike advertisements. When listening to a radio station, many listeners change the station during advertisement breaks. They would usually rather listen to the main program, such as music or a talk show. Advertisements that radio listeners don't hear are ineffective. The inability to study an advertisement at the listener's leisure is another one of the major disadvantages of radio advertising. Readers are able to go back and read a newspaper advertisement, for instance, but they are unable to do this with a radio advertisement. If listeners miss some important information in a radio advertisement, they usually have to wait until the advertisement comes on again by that time, however, they may have either forgotten or lost interest. Many studies show that most people listen to their radios at certain times of the day. Many people listen to the radios in their vehicles during morning commutes to work and afternoon commutes home, for instance. Only a certain amount of time is devoted to advertising, and there are a limited number of these time slots available each day. These sought-after time slots will often be taken very quickly and they can be very expensive. Radio as a broadcasting medium, can effectively sell an image...or one or two ideas at the most. It is not, however, a detailed medium...and is a poor place for prices and telephone numbers. Radio listeners increase in the spring and summer, contrary to television audiences which increase in the fall and winter and decrease in the summer. This is an important aspect to consider when choosing advertising media.

HYPOTHETICAL SURVEY ON THE BASIS OF LITERATURE A total of 295 respondents took part in this research. Of these 295 respondents, 72% were

male and 28% female. They also asked the respondents whether they were students or working professionals. 77% of their respondents were professionals while the rest were students. The main assessment of this research was to gauge the effectiveness of advertisement played on FM radio. They asked their respondents if they listen to Radio. 95% percent of the respondents said yes. The respondents were asked where they listen to the radio. It shows that 70% of the respondents listen to radio while driving. A distant second is the cell phones. This is also evident by the fact that 61% of the respondents tune into radio during drive time; i.e., between 8 and 10 AM and 8 PM onwards. Majority of the respondents (60%) believe that advertisement is effective on FM radio.

It must be noted that almost 34% of the respondents believe that advertisement is ineffective on the radio. Majority of the respondent (52.9%) answered two minutes. Almost 36.3% respondents feel that the advertisement slot should be less than 2 minutes. Based on these


results, it is clear that FM listeners can only listen to advertisement on FM for only a certain time period. After that, they change the channel. This is also evident by their response to the Question ‘Do you listen to ads or switch to other stations while the ads or running on the FM radio’? Ads timing can be cut short by making the advertisement shorter. Besides, this is what the FM listeners want. This is evident by the fact that almost 70% of the respondents feel that advertisements should be short, running more often. Conversely, 40% of the respondents either say that the advertisement should be lengthy, running fewer times or have no response.

They asked the respondents if they remember any ad or jingle from radio. The majority said ‘no’ upon further investigation, results are surprising. It has been ascertained that retention levels are higher in case of female FM listeners as compared to male listeners. Nearly half of the female listeners remember an ad or a jingle. Remembering an ad or jingle is one thing but making a purchase on the basis of those ad or jingle is another. They asked the respondents if any radio has compelled them to make a purchase. Although 80% of the responded said that radio advertisement has not motivated them to make purchase, 15% said they have made purchases based on radio advertisement. These figures are impressive and they indicate that advertisement on radio FM is an effective tool for marketing. There are various forms of advertisement on radio FM other than time slot advertisement. They include RJ’s endorsement of as product, RJ informing the listener of an event taking place in the near future and/or talking to a colleague for the live coverage of an event.


The rise of new technology was predicted to spell the end of traditional media. But despite the nation’s fascination with the latest gadgets, it seems the simple pleasure of listening to the radio is what makes Britons happiest. The Media and the Mood of the Nation study found that people who regularly watched television, used the computer, or listened to the radio were happier and had more energy than those that did not.


But it found that radio had the most mood-enhancing effect, with listeners saying that it lifted their happiness levels 100 per cent and energy levels by 300 per cent, compared to those not using any media, Viewers said TVs boosted their happiness by 62 per cent and energy by 180 per cent, while those using the internet said their happiness was increased by more than two thirds and energy levels leapt by 220 per cent, when compared against people consuming no media. The research, which was based on interviews with more than 1,000 people, commissioned by the Radio Advertising Bureau in a bid to establish whether media influenced the way people feel. Respondents were asked to detail what media they were using and rate their mood on a scale between -5 and 5 at different points during the day across one week, before giving more detailed interviews. Those that did not use any media at all averaged a score of 0.5 on the energy scale and 1.3 on the happiness scale, while those that listened to the radio had an average happiness score of 2.6 and energy rating of 2.1. TV viewers averaged a happiness and energy score of 2.1 and 1.4 and those using the internet rated 2.2 and 1.6 on the same scale. The research found that the biggest mood enhancer for people was listening to the radio while surfing the web, because they were able to enjoy the 'company' of the wireless while achieving more practical things online.


A spokesman for RAB said: ‘With consumer confidence affecting national mood and economy, these findings illustrate how powerful a boost media, and radio in particular, can be to both.’ The findings come at a time when radio listening in Britain has reached a record high.


‘Old-fashioned entertainment: many radio enthusiasts oppose plans to switch radio broadcasts from analogue to digital’ while new media options – such as listening to stations online, via mobile phones, or through digital televisions – have helped boost radio listening figures, most consumers still prefer their traditional analogue set.

It had been hoped that, as with the move to digital television, Britain would switch over to digital radio by 2015, but this plan has been delayed by at least another two years according


to a leaked government document. The technology has failed to grip the public’s imagination and there is opposition from FM loyalists who cannot see the point of moving the major stations off the analogue service. The radio industry is unlikely to be able to meet the infrastructure costs linked to building transmitters, before 2017. It also says that the loss of analogue services to digital would probably have to be phased in by region rather than on a single day. This means the process is likely to take three years to complete – not ending until 2020. Part of the problem is the need to ‘build-out’ local digital radio to the same level of coverage as on FM. Radio ads appear to hold a very secondary position in the mind of the consumer vis-à-vis television ads. While people indicates that magazines are the medium they spend the least amount of time with, and the medium they could "do without," they are also the medium which provides the best source of information on durable goods in their opinion.

Looking at combined advertising efforts of the radio with other media, the following are the statistics:

Radio advertising could increase the brand recall by 34%, when used in conjunction with television advertising, as compared to television advertising alone.

Radio advertising increased the return of investment more than 2 times, when combined with Internet marketing, and as compared to Internet marketing alone.

Radio advertising along with print advertising, made branding 2 times more successful than newspaper and other print media alone.

The radio has also proved to have, more return on investment (17%) than television advertising. Radio advertising has many more benefits in the long run.

Along with being effective, there are many options like different stations that can give you the best deal on your ad Radio truly stands as a growing tool of advertising that is also most effective with maximum profit and gain. And with the introduction of the many stations, radio has emerged as a tool with various streams and options for effective advertising.

Advertising on the radio can be very expensive. Companies often have to buy a lot of spots in order to have a successful radio campaign. Moreover, with the advent of podcasts and satellite radio, advertisements on the radio are becoming less and less effective. That being said, choosing to advertise over free airwaves can still be a good fit for your business if done right. Just like with print advertising, it can be easier to market your products or services to the right demographic. Radio audiences tend to stay about the same for each station per time slot, so it’s fairly easy to choose where and when to advertise. Keep in mind that the demographic of your customers is most likely different from the people who work at your business, so don’t just advertise on stations that you like. Deciding how long to make your radio promotion is also important when trying to keep costs down. Radio ads are most often 15, 30 or 60 seconds long. 15 seconds may be too short to get your message across unless you are just reminding people about a particular sale, but most need not be longer than 30 seconds. Make sure to be concise


and to the point in communicating the benefits of your company to potential consumers. Producing a radio advertisement can be as expensive or as inexpensive as you want.

Most of the money goes towards hiring voice talent and covering music royalties. If you decide to write and voice the ad in-house and use royalty-free music, you have already cut down on part of what makes radio advertisements seem so costly. At the end of the day, radio advertising is probably not the best way to go with a number of pundits saying that it is effectively dead. Nevertheless, with a focused, targeted campaign it can still work to your company’s advantage. The entire structure of TV advertising is expected to stay relatively the same for a while. If nothing else, just for the mere fact that advertisers have become so familiar with the 30-second network TV spot and don’t want to break away from convention. Simply put, TV advertising still works; it’s just a question of its effectiveness. Unfortunately, times are rapidly changing as the Internet continues to grow and offer more content. However, for the time being, television is still king. Because of the cost of TV advertisements, however, it is smart for small businesses to pick their spots much more so than larger corporations. Pepsi doesn’t have to think twice about dropping over $3 million per Super Bowl spot. Needless to say it’s a bit different for your company. Instead of going after networks it’s wise to attack cable TV when starting an ad campaign, as the rates are much cheaper.


Research methods are used to provide a systematic approach to research and helps in ordering the data collected in order to be to analyse it and conclude whether it answered a particular question or not. There are basically, two types of researches, Primary research and secondary research. We have used both the researches in our study. Our primary research supports the knowledge and curiosity behind our secondary research.

A) Secondary Research: Secondary research was needed in the study, so as to understand all the previous researches, studies, and derivation in the above field of media comparisons for advertising.

B) Primary Research: Primary research was carried out using various research tools. Primary research carried various interviews, and questionnaires. It was basically taken from two perspectives, one was the company perspective and the other was the consumer perspective.






Agree Neither

agree nor


Disagree Strongly




Entertaining 10% 35% 15% 20% 20% 3.05

Informational 5% 35% 25% 15% 20% 3.10

Reference to

Purchase and


0% 10% 50% 25% 15% 3.45

Irritating 5% 10% 45% 25% 15% 3.35


Radio advertisements from amongst all the characteristics, was found to be more entertain with the rating average of 3.05. But if the rating average of entertaining in radio advertisements is compared with all other medium, it is highest. That shows Radio is found least entertain, if compared to any other medium.

Followed by entertaining, Radio ads was found to be informational Reference to Purchase came third in consumer opinion with the rating average of

3.45 Lastly came irritating with the average of 3.35Radio Ads has the highest rating average from amongst all other mediums. That shows the least popularity of radio ads from amongst all other mediums. People like listening to the radio ads the least.





Agree Neither

agree nor


Disagree Strongly




Entertaining 30% 30% 20% 10% 10% 2.40



5% 55% 20% 20% 0% 2.55

Reference to




0 % 10% 45% 40% 5% 3.40

Irritating 10% 30% 35% 25% 0% 2.75


According to people, as rating average of entertaining in television advertising is

minimum i.e. 2.40. Thus people find television to be most entertaining from

amongst everything

Secondly, People find television advertising to be informational, i.e. they get

their information from television because it has got rating average of 2.55.

After entertaining and informational, Television advertising was found to be

Irrational because it got the rating average of 2.75.

Lastly fourth rank was given to Advertising as a reference to purchase.

The above opinion shown says, People may found Television advertising to be entertaining or

informational. But they still don`t consider it as a reference to purchase.

Thus, From above opinions, it could be said that Television advertising should be kept by

the company in its marketing campaign to keep the people interested in the brand not to make

people purchase any product. As in the Polling of most favored medium of entertainment,

television tops the charts. Thus, both research says Company should advertise in television to

create a good brand image, but should not expect much sales from it.





The above question was asked to see, how frequently does a person listens to radio in a day. So as to see, how much are they accessible to radio advertisements in a day. Before judging what impact they leave on people, it was to be seen how much people are into it.

The research shows, Very few people listen to Radio the whole day. But major part of people i.e. 90% listens to radio, sometimes in a day or rarely in a day.

But the best part is that people listen to it at some point of the day, which shows, they are accessible to radio in a day.

Very few people said, they never listen to radio in a day i.e. Less than 10 %.Thus majority of people listen to radio at some point of the day and are accessible to radio advertisements.




Public Opinion




Whole day Sometimesin a day

Rarely in aday


How frequently you listen radio in a day

Public Opinion



Ads providinginformations



Ads havingschemes and


Which of the following motives in Radio Advertisements generates most trust in your minds and leads to actions?

Public Opinion


After seeing, how much people are accessible to radio ads, the next part of the research was to see, which type of radio ads leaves more trust in the minds of the people.

Most of the people opted promotional ads as the factor that generates most trust in their mind. The number was 30%.

Rest, there was equal poling of 22.5% for all other types of ads i.e. Ads providing information, entertaining ads and ads having schemes and offers.

This shows that radio ads, can digest a lot of diversity in it. And different people have different taste for radio ads. And most of which generates trust in their minds.




The question was to see, which medium according to people conveys its message perfectly to

them without wasting their time. To which results are as follows:

Maximum people, i.e. near to 30% of people said that, Newspaper is the medium that

conveys its message to them without wasting their time.

Followed by television, near to 21 % people opted television as medium of advertising

that conveys its message perfectly to people.

Internet and advertising were more or less on same stand in people’s eye as medium of

advertising that conveys its message perfectly.




Ads providinginformations



Ads havingschemes and


Which of the following motives in Radio Advertisements generates most trust in your minds and leads to actions?

Public Opinion

Public Opinion















ct M










which of the above medium of advertising, displays its message perfectly without wasting your time

Public Opinion

Thereafter coming radio advertisements being conveying it message perfectly at 11%

Lastly people opted for direct mailer and magazines. The choice here is less because

not everyone has access to these mediums of advertising.

Varity in people’s choice in the medium of choice of advertising that conveys its message

perfectly without wasting their time, shows differences in people’s taste and choices.

TELEVISION gives access as a medium of advertising to maximum number of people and creates an own distinct image of the company. In fact, television viewers are even more apt to fully “tune into” an advertisement. Television advertising creates an own distinct image of the company. People on the other hand also likes watching television advertising. Television is a terrific medium for image advertising. The visual action and audio allow viewers to feel involved with television Last but not the least, Television advertising also acts as an important factor in the purchase decision of the people. It works best for consumer goods, FMCG, Electronic goods, Mobile phones etc.



Radio is one of the advertising media that is mostly used by advertisers as a primary or supplemental medium to identify and develop specific appeals to a distinct market. Most of the firms often use radio advertising to create awareness and increase sales or their products. Many firms use radio advertising because of its wide geographical coverage and many languages used by local stations which makes it possible to reach different target group. Radio, as a medium, offers a form of entertainment that attracts listeners while they are working, traveling, relaxing or doing almost anything.

“But based on the survey and many literature told that in spite of several advantages of radio advertisements they are still not as effective as television advertisements.”

Unlike television, there are no visual elements in radio, and this is often considered one of the biggest disadvantages of radio advertising.

Radios are also often used as background noise, and listeners may not always pay attention to the advertisements.

They may also change the station when advertisements come on. Also, a listener is usually unable to go back to a radio advertisement and listen to it at

his leisure. Certain time slots are also more effective when using radio advertising, but there are

typically a limited number, which often fill up quickly. One of the biggest disadvantages of radio advertising is the lack of visual stimulation. All

that radio advertising is able to offer is audio, like voices and music. Television advertising, on the other hand, has an added visual element. Visual element is

often more effective at worming its way into a potential consumer's mind. Radios are commonly used for background noise in many places, including homes, offices, stores, and vehicles. This usually means that listeners are not usually actively listening to the radio.

This can also result in one of the major disadvantages of radio advertising — listeners will often not even hear most radio commercials. If they do not listen and hear them, they are typically less likely to patronize those particular businesses.

Another one of the biggest disadvantages of radio advertising is that listeners generally dislike advertisements. When listening to a radio station, many listeners change the station during advertisement breaks. They would usually rather listen to the main program, such as music or a talk show. Advertisements that radio listeners don't hear are ineffective.

Readers are able to go back and read a newspaper advertisement, for instance, but they are unable to do this with a radio advertisement.


If listeners miss some important information in a radio advertisement, they usually have to wait until the advertisement comes on again by that time, however, they may have either forgotten or lost interest.

Only a certain amount of time is devoted to advertising, and there are a limited number of these time slots available each day. These sought-after time slots will often be taken very quickly and they can be very expensive.

So from the survey we come to conclusion that people are more sophisticated now and they prefer to have television advertisement, they feel radio advertisement as old tool for promotion. Thus, it is no longer as effective as it was before.


The book “Contemporary Advertising” Bovee L. Cortland and Arens F. William.

W. Harold and Gibson Christopher in book “Advertising concept sand strategies”



Questionnaire for analyzing the behavior of people toward

The radio ads and television ads





Email Id:

1. Do you agree that advertisements are mixed up in our life in such a way that it cannot be ignored?

Yes No

2. According to you, had your purchase decision ever depended on the Ads you listen on Radio or television?

Yes, Always Sometimes Rarely Never

3. Which media advertisement you prefer more? Radio ads Television ads

4. What is your response toward the advertisements? To radio ads- To television ad-

5. How much time you spend on any media for such as television, radio, internet etc.? Less than 1 hour 2 hour More than 2 hour

6. Which is your favorite advertisement and why?


7. According to you, which of the following medium of advertising, displays its message perfectly without wasting your time?

Television Newspaper Internet


Direct mail Radio Any other (please specify)

8. Which of the following motives in Advertisements generates most trust in your minds and leads to actions?

Advertisements providing information Entertaining Advertisements Promotional Advertisements Advertisements with star presence Advertisements having schemes and offers

9. Do you like watching advertisements while viewing television? I enjoy watching advertisements on TV as I like watching shows I enjoy seeing ads in the middle of shows I rarely watch TV ads

10. Do you think radio ads are still effective? Yes No


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