
twitter,adruinos and the community growing projects of Anfield/Breckfield

How we started

• Our streets are places we can control so we started talking about growing, allotments, hanging baskets, food and flowers.

The technology

• Then we thought, as tenantspin is a technology-based project how can we incorporate new ways into the gardens? It dawned on us… we can use Arduinos!

What is an Arduino?

• An Arduino is a single-board microcontroller and software suite for programming it….. Basically it is a bit of technology that can be built to interact with external environments using the internet. We thought, as Arduino’s had been used to create twitter feeds for both Mersey Shipping and Tower Bridge in London it could be used for our planting projects in Anfield/Breckfield!!

What and when???

• We will be starting to tweet hopefully from mid-late August from various spots across Anfield/Breckfield with the help of Adrian McEwen a chap with a massive knowledge of Arduinos. The feeds from these will appear in various locations around the district and in town at our parent gallery FACT (The foundation for art and creative technology)

• The feeds will include a plant expressing thirst but will also include anti-vandalism and theft elements and some interesting stuff like motivational quotes!! We can also visualise these using television screens etc.

• “Don't look for big things, just do small things with great love.”

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