ARCHIVAL LISTING OF GRAND LODGE Lodge Officers...1992 Grand Lodge Officers Most Worshipful Ernest Y. Yamane Grand Master No Pin Known

Post on 03-Jul-2020






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1989 – 2018

This list was compiled from proceedings of our Annual Communications as well as Installation

programs. If there are any errors or omissions please contact us. Some group photos are missing.

Any assistance in recovering them is greatly appreciated.

Grand Lodge of Hawaii

Fund Raising Pineapple Pin

C o n f e r e n c e o f G r a n d M a s t e r s o f N o r t h A m e r i c a

H o s t e d b y G r a n d L o d g e o f H a w a i i - 1 9 9 9

G r a n d L o d g e S e a l c a s t i n b r o n z e

b y M W C h a r l i e W e g e n e r - 2 0 1 0

1989 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l W i l l i a m K . M c K e e , J r .

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Group Picture Found

Elected Officers Grand Master - William K. McKee, Jr.

Sr. Grand Warden - Ernest Y. Yamane

Jr. Grand Warden - David K. Lindsey, Jr.

Grand Treasurer - John G. Simpson

Grand Secretary - Nelson A. Ahina

Grand Lecturer - Louie C. Ondo

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Treasurer - William H. Wong

Asst. Grand Secretary - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - Not a position at that time

Grand Marshal - Cleghorn P. McKee

Grand Standard Bearer - Not a position at that time

Grand Sword Bearer - Not a position at that time

Grand Bible Bearer - Not a position at that time

Sr. Grand Deacon - Lawrence A. Sanchez

Jr. Grand Deacon - John E.D. Williams

Sr. Grand Steward - James A. Sullivan, Sr.

Jr. Grand Steward - John S. Moriki, Jr.

Grand Historian - Not a position at that time

Grand Organist - Not a position at that time

Grand Pursuivant - Not a position at that time

Grand Tiler - Fred H.S. Yang

1990 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l W i l l i a m K . M c K e e , J r .

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Group Picture Found

Elected Officers Grand Master - William K. McKee, Jr.

Deputy Grand Master - Ernest Y. Yamane

Sr. Grand Warden - David K. Lindsey, Jr.

Jr. Grand Warden - Richard W. Decker

Grand Treasurer - William H. Wong

Grand Secretary - Nelson A. Ahina

Grand Lecturer - Louie C. Ondo

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Treasurer - Roy T. Ota

Asst. Grand Secretary - Herbert G. Gardiner

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Dexter W. Lum

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Bunny Y.B. Wong

Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - Frederick H. Overstreet

Grand Marshal - Cleghorn P. McKee

Grand Standard Bearer - James P. Malczon

Grand Sword Bearer -Harold F. Lishman

Grand Bible Bearer - Albert W. Hicks

Sr. Grand Deacon - Laurence A. Sanchez

Jr. Grand Deacon - John E.D. Williams

Sr. Grand Steward - James A. Sullivan

Jr. Grand Steward - John S. Moriki, Jr.

Grand Historian - Homer A. Cundiff

Grand Organist - Stanley H. Nesser

Grand Pursuivant - Severino R. Malajito

Grand Tiler - James L. Norris

1991 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l W i l l i a m K . M c K e e , J r .

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Group Picture Found

Elected Officers Grand Master - William K. McKee, Jr.

Deputy Grand Master - Ernest Y. Yamane

Sr. Grand Warden - David K. Lindsey, Jr.

Jr. Grand Warden - Severino R. Malajito

Grand Treasurer - William H. Wong

Grand Secretary - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Lecturer - Louie C. Ondo

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Treasurer - Arlan M. Scott

Asst. Grand Secretary - John E.D. Williams

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Dexter W. Lum

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Bunny Y.B. Wong

Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - Frank B. Fiedler

Grand Marshal - Cleghorn P. McKee

Grand Standard Bearer - Gus Young

Grand Sword Bearer - Laurence A. Sanchez

Grand Bible Bearer - Albert W. Hicks

Sr. Grand Deacon - Frederick H. Overstreet

Jr. Grand Deacon - James P. Malczon

Sr. Grand Steward - Bennett K.C. Ing

Jr. Grand Steward - John S. Moriki, Jr.

Grand Historian - None Reported

Grand Organist - Stanley H. Nesser

Grand Pursuivant - Raymond Young

Grand Tiler - James L. Norris

1992 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l E r n e s t Y . Y a m a n e

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Pin Known Of - No Group Picture Found

Elected Officers Grand Master - Ernest Y. Yamane

Deputy Grand Master - David K. Lindsey, Jr.

Sr. Grand Warden - Severino R. Malajito

Jr. Grand Warden - Frederick H. Overstreet

Grand Treasurer - William H. Wong

Grand Secretary - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Lecturer - Donald W. Wilson

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Treasurer - Norman E. Ipson

Asst. Grand Secretary - John E.D. Williams

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Dexter W. Lum

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Bunny Y.B. Wong

Grand Chaplain - David N.W.Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - Stuart M. Cowan

Grand Marshal - Arthur R. Martin

Grand Standard Bearer - Limin Kung

Grand Sword Bearer - Eric M. Moir

Grand Bible Bearer - Raymond K.H. Young

Sr. Grand Deacon - Roy T. Ota

Jr. Grand Deacon - Henry S.K. Chang

Sr. Grand Steward - James A. Sullivan, Jr.

Jr. Grand Steward - Henry Park

Grand Historian - Thomas U. Glenn

Grand Organist - Stanley H. Nesser

Grand Pursuivant - Oscar M. Jayme

Grand Tiler- Nelson A. Ahina

1993 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l D a v i d K . L i n d s e y

G r a n d M a s t e r No Pin Known Of - No Group Picture Found

Elected Officers Grand Master - David K. Lindsey

Deputy Grand Master - Frederick H. Overstreet

Sr. Grand Warden - Richard W.M. Dang

Jr. Grand Warden - Bennett K.C. Ing

Grand Treasurer - William H. Wong

Grand Secretary - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Lecturer - Melvin E. Britain

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Treasurer - Norman E. Ipson

Asst. Grand Secretary - Sio Mangisi

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Donald W. Wilson

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Bunny Y.B. Wong

Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - Lyle G. Phillips

Grand Marshal - Solomon P.Q. Chung

Grand Standard Bearer - Limin Kung

Grand Sword Bearer - L.R. “Rick” Howsley

Grand Bible Bearer - Raymond K.H. Young

Sr. Grand Deacon - James P. Malczon

Jr. Grand Deacon - William F. Lee

Sr. Grand Steward - Stuart M. Cowan

Jr. Grand Steward - Oscar M. Jayme

Grand Historian - James D. Wilson

Grand Organist - John Johnston

Grand Pursuivant - Raymond Y.H. Wong

Grand Tiler - Nelson A. Ahina

1994 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l F r e d e r i c k H . O v e r s t r e e t

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Pin Known Of - No Group Picture Found

Elected Officers Grand Master - Frederick H. Overstreet

Deputy Grand Master - Richard W.M. Dang

Sr. Grand Warden - Bennett K.C. Ing

Jr. Grand Warden - Stuart M. Cowan

Grand Treasurer - William H. Wong

Grand Secretary - J. Patrick Corrigan

Grand Lecturer - Donald W. Wilson

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Treasurer - Norman E. Ipson

Asst. Grand Secretary - Randy T.S. Chang

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Bunny Y.B. Wong

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Louie C. Ondo

Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - John B. Connell

Grand Marshal - Jerome C. Borro

Grand Standard Bearer - Limin Kung

Grand Sword Bearer - David P. Neihaus

Grand Bible Bearer - Raymond K.H. Young

Sr. Grand Deacon - Paul D. Jones

Jr. Grand Deacon - Samuel K.S. Hong

Sr. Grand Steward - Lyle G. Phillips

Jr. Grand Steward - Jose Ponciano

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - John Johnston

Grand Pursuivant - Raymond Y.H. Wong

Grand Tiler - Nelson A. Ahina

1995 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l R i c h a r d M . W . D a n g

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Pin Known Of

Elected Officers Grand Master - Richard W.M. Dang

Deputy Grand Master - Bennett K.C. Ing

Sr. Grand Warden -Stuart M. Cowan

Jr. Grand Warden - Paul D. Jones

Grand Treasurer - Limin Kung

Grand Secretary - J. Patrick Corrigan

Grand Lecturer - Donald W. Wilson

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Treasurer - Norman E. Ipson

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Kenneth K.W. Lau

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Louie C. Ondo

Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - Mason E. Teter

Grand Marshal - Dexter W. Lum

Grand Standard Bearer - Raymond K.H. Young

Grand Sword Bearer - Oscar C. Tuano

Grand Bible Bearer - Raymond K.H. Young

Sr. Grand Deacon - Randolph T.S. Chang

Jr. Grand Deacon - Frederick M. Bender

Sr. Grand Steward - David W. Nightingale

Jr. Grand Steward - Warren E. Holsomback

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - John Johnston

Grand Pursuivant - Raymond Y.H. Wong

Grand Tiler - Nelson A. Ahina

1996 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l B e n n e t K . C . I n g

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Pin Known Of

Elected Officers Grand Master - Bennett K.C. Ing

Deputy Grand Master - Stuart M. Cowan

Sr. Grand Warden - Paul D. Jones

Jr. Grand Warden - Randolph T.S. Chang

Grand Treasurer - Limin Kung

Grand Secretary - J. Patrick Corrigan

Grand Lecturer - Donald W. Wilson

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Treasurer - Bunny Y.B. Wong

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Kenneth K.W. Lau

Asst. Grand Lecturer - Jerome C. Borro

Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - Ernie Fernandes

Grand Marshal - James A. Sullivan, Jr.

Grand Standard Bearer - Norman E. Ipson

Grand Sword Bearer - Quentin C. Arbo

Grand Bible Bearer - Raymond K.H. Young

Sr. Grand Deacon - Masaichi Gushiikuma

Jr. Grand Deacon - Walter L. Hager

Sr. Grand Steward - David W. Nightingale

Jr. Grand Steward - Larry E. Sumida

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - John Johnston

Grand Pursuivant - Timothy K.S. Yuen

Grand Tiler - Claude J. Himmelein

1997 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l S t u a r t M . C o w a n

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Pin Known Of - No Group Picture Found

Elected Officers Grand Master - Stuart M. Cowan

Deputy Grand Master - Paul D. Jones

Sr. Grand Warden - Randolph T.S. Chang

Jr. Grand Warden - Mason E. Teter

Grand Treasurer - Limun Kung

Grand Secretary - J. Patrick Corrigan

Grand Lecturer - Kenneth K.W. Lau

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - John B. Connell

Grand Marshal - Robert S. Ferguson

Grand Standard - Bearer None recorded

Grand Sword Bearer - None recorded

Grand Bible Bearer - None recorded

Grand Piper - Lawrence M. Jones

Sr. Grand Deacon - Roy T. Ota

Jr. Grand Deacon - John A. Carollo

Sr. Grand Steward - Frank M. Hinshaw

Jr. Grand Steward - Herbert Bonney

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - John Johnston

Grand Pursuivant- None recorded

Grand Tiler - Claude J. Himmelein

1998 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l P a u l D . J o n e s

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Pin Known Of - No Group Picture Found

Elected Officers Grand Master - Paul D. Jones

Deputy Grand Master - Randolph T.S. Chang

Sr. Grand Warden - Mason E. Teter

Jr. Grand Warden - Frank M. Hinshaw

Grand Treasurer - Norman P. Ipson

Grand Secretary - Frederick Bender

Grand Lecturer - Donald W. Wilson

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - Walter L. Hager

Grand Marshal- Melvin E. Britain

Grand Standard Bearer - None recorded

Grand Sword Bearer - None recorded

Grand Bible Bearer - None recorded

Sr. Grand Deacon - Roy T. Ota

Jr. Grand Deacon - Patrick J. Lindan

Sr. Grand Steward - Oscar M. Jayme

Jr. Grand Steward - Michael J. Maples

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - John Johnston

Grand Pursuivant - None recorded

Grand Tiler - Claude J. Himmelein

1999 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l R a n d o l p h T . S . C h a n g

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Pin Known Of - No Group Picture Found

Elected Officers Grand Master - Randolph T.S. Chang

Deputy Grand Master - Mason E. Teter

Sr. Grand Warden - Frank M. Hinshaw

Jr. Grand Warden - Donald W. Wilson

Grand Treasurer - Norman E. Ipson

Grand Secretary - Raymond Wieckowicz, Jr.

Grand Lecturer - Lyle G. Phillips

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Lecturer - David W. Nightingale

Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - John B. Connell

Grand Marshal - Cleghorn P. McKee

Grand Standard Bearer - None recorded

Grand Sword Bearer - None recorded

Grand Bible Bearer - None recorded

Sr. Grand Deacon - James P. Malczon

Jr. Grand Deacon - George H. Kiesel

Sr. Grand Steward - Robert E. Dietrich

Jr. Grand Steward - Charles A. MacNiven

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - John Johnston

Grand Pursuivant - None recorded

Grand Tiler - Claude J. Himmelein

2000 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l M a s o n E . T e t e r

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Group Picture Found

Elected Officers Grand Master - Mason E. Teter

Deputy Grand Master - Donald W. Wilson

Sr. Grand Warden - Lyle G. Phillips

Jr. Grand Warden - A. Lee Skinner

Grand Treasurer - Norman E. Ipson

Grand Secretary - Raymond Wieckowicz, Jr.

Grand Lecturer - David W. Nightingale

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Lecturer - Oscar M. Jayme

Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - John B. Connell

Grand Marshal - Robert A. Schultz

Grand Standard Bearer - Jonathan Hodkinson

Grand Sword Bearer - Not a position at that time ?

Grand Bible Bearer - None recorded

Sr. Grand Deacon - Jack A. Hughes

Jr. Grand Deacon - Thomas L. Clark

Sr. Grand Steward - Donovan W. Young

Jr. Grand Steward - Ronald Kano

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - Cyrus H. Woo

Grand Pursuivant - Vacant ?

Grand Tiler - Claude Himmelein

2001 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l D o n a l d W . W i l s o n

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Pin Known of

Elected Officers Grand Master - Donald W. Wilson

Deputy Grand Master -Lyle G. Phillips

Sr. Grand Warden - A. Lee Skinner

Jr. Grand Warden - Walter L. Hager

Grand Treasurer - Norman E. Ipson

Grand Secretary - Raymond Wieckowicz, Jr.

Grand Lecturer - David W. Nightingale

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Lecturer - Oscar M. Jayme

Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - John B. Connell

Grand Marshal - G. Richard Jordan

Grand Standard Bearer - None recorded

Grand Sword Bearer - None recorded

Grand Bible Bearer - None recorded

Sr. Grand Deacon - Bruce H. Bonnell

Jr. Grand Deacon - Major Inch

Sr. Grand Steward - Jack A. Hughes

Jr. Grand Steward - Charles A. MacNiven

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - Seppo M.K. Plaami

Grand Pursuivant - None recorded

Grand Tiler - Claude J. Himmelein

2002 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l L y l e G . P h i l l i p s

G r a n d M a s t e r

No Group Picture Found

Elected Officers Grand Master - Lyle G. Phillips

Deputy Grand Master - A. Lee Skinner

Sr. Grand Warden - Walter L. Hager

Jr. Grand Warden - Raymond Wieckowicz, Jr.

Grand Treasurer - Jorge H. Disuanco

Grand Secretary - Randolph T.S. Chang, PGM

Grand Lecturer - David W. Nightingale

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - John B. Connell

Grand Marshal - Carl W. Scheer

Grand Standard Bearer - G. Richard Jordan

Grand Sword Bearer - Jonathan R. Hodkinson

Grand Bible Bearer - Raymond K.H. Young

Sr. Grand Deacon - Cyrus H. Wilson

Jr. Grand Deacon - Tony Arruda

Sr. Grand Steward - Charles L. Wegener, Jr.

Jr. Grand Steward - Karvel C. Rose

Grand Historian - Hebert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - Seppo M.K. Plaami

Grand Pursuivant - Bruce H. Bonnell

Grand Tiler - Claude J. Himmelein

2003 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l A . L e e S k i n n e r

G r a n d M a s t e r

Elected Officers Grand Master - A. Lee Skinner

Deputy Grand Master - Walter L. Hager

Sr. Grand Warden - Raymond Wieckowicz, Jr.

Jr. Grand Warden - Bruce H. Bonnell

Grand Treasurer - Jorge H. Disuanco

Grand Secretary - Mike Maklary (Resigned).

A. Lee Skinner - Appointed for remainder of term

Grand Lecturer - Donald W. Wilson, PGM

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - John B. Connell

Grand Orator - G. Richard Jordan

Grand Marshal - Frank M. Condello, II

Grand Standard Bearer - Michael Janovsky

Grand Sword Bearer - Carl W. Scheer

Grand Bible Bearer - Wilfred K.C. Lam

Sr. Grand Deacon - Alan R.T. Kaopuiki

Jr. Grand Deacon - Donald W. Traller

Sr. Grand Steward - Teofilo E. De Aquino

Jr. Grand Steward - Antonio M. Ligaya

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - Seppo K.M. Plaami

Grand Pursuivant - Donovan W.C.K. Young

Grand Tiler - Claude J. Himmelein

2004 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l W a l t e r L . H a g e r

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 1 7 / 2 0 0 4

Elected Officers Grand Master - Walter L. Hager

Deputy Grand Master - Raymond

Wieckowicz, Jr.

Sr. Grand Warden - Bruce H. Bonnell

Jr. Grand Warden - Oscar M. Jayme

Grand Treasurer - Jorge H. Disuanco

Grand Secretary - A. Lee Skinner, PGM

Grand Lecturer - David W. Nightingale

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - John D. Connell

Grand Orator - Frank M. Condello, II

Grand Marshal - Carl W. Scheer

Grand Standard Bearer - Matthew J. Scott

Grand Sword Bearer - Richard B. Huston

Grand Bible Bearer - Teofilo E. De Aquino

Sr. Grand Deacon - Stanley H. Takeuchi

Jr. Grand Deacon - Camilo Andrade

Sr. Grand Steward - Robert Shimamoto

Jr. Grand Steward - Dennis Alkire

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - Seppo M.K. Plaami

Grand Pursuivant - Clifford Jenkins

Grand Tiler - Claude Hemmelein

2005 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l R a y m o n d W i e c k o w i c z , J r .

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 1 6 / 2 0 0 5

Elected Officers Grand Master - Raymond Wieckowicz, Jr.

Deputy Grand Master - Bruce H. Bonnell

Sr. Grand Warden - Oscar M. Jayme

Jr. Grand Warden - Dennis S.A. Ing

Grand Treasurer - Jorge H. Disuanco

Grand Secretary - A. Lee Skinner

Grand Lecturer - David W. Nightingale

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - John Connell

Grand Marshal - Richard Huston

Grand Standard - Leonard W.K. Ho

Grand Sword Bearer - Carl W. Scheer

Grand Bible Bearer - Keith N. Isaacson

Sr. Grand Deacon - Antonio M. Ligaya

Jr. Grand Deacon - Clifford M. Jenkins

Sr. Grand Steward - Jack A. Hughes

Jr. Grand Steward - Teofilo DeAquino

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - Milton Anderson

Grand Pursuivant - John P. Haig

Grand Tiler - Claude J. Himmelein

Asst. Grand Tiler - James R. Steinwandt

2006 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l B r u c e H . B o n n e l l

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 2 2 / 2 0 1 6

Elected Officers Grand Master - Bruce H. Bonnell

Deputy Grand Master - Oscar M. Jayme

Sr. Grand Warden - Dennis S.A. Ing

Jr. Grand Warden - Marty P. Alexander

Grand Treasurer - Jorge H. Disuanco

Grand Secretary - A. Lee Skinner, PGM

Grand Lecturer - Donald W. Wilson, PGM

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - David N.E. Kaohelaulii

Grand Orator - John B. Connell

Grand Marshal - Carl W. Scheer

Grand Standard Bearer - Teofilo E. De Aquino

Grand Sword Bearer - Keith N. Isaacson

Grand Bible Bearer - Jack A. Hughes

Sr. Grand Deacon - Monty J. Glover

Jr. Grand Deacon - Roy T. Ota

Sr. Grand Steward - Alexander A. Escasa

Jr. Grand Steward - Orlando S. Ragudos

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - Milton Anderson

Grand Pursuivant - Bernardo F. Biala

Grand Tiler - James R. Steinwandt

2007 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l O s c a r M . J a y m e

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 2 1 / 2 0 0 7

Elected Officers Grand Master - Oscar M. Jayme

Deputy Grand Master - Dennis S.A. Ing

Sr. Grand Warden - Marty P. Alexander

Jr. Grand Warden - Charles L. Wegener, Jr.

Grand Treasurer - Jorge H. Disuanco

Grand Secretary - Raymond Wieckowicz, Jr., PGM

Grand Lecturer - Donald W. Wilson, PGM

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - John B. Connell

Grand Orator - Stuart M. Cowan, PGM

Grand Marshal - Carl W. Scheer

Grand Standard Bearer -Jack A. Hughes

Grand Sword Bearer - Dennis J. Alkire

Grand Bible Bearer - Randolph V. Albano

Sr. Grand Deacon - Roy T. Ota

Jr. Grand Deacon - Oscar C. Tuano

Sr. Grand Steward - Arthur G. Chenoweth

Jr. Grand Steward - Karvel C. Rose

Grand Historian - Herbert G. Gardiner

Grand Organist - Milton Anderson

Grand Pursuivant - Matthew “Kanani” Baker

Grand Tiler - James R. Steinwandt

2008 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l D e n n i s S . A . I n g

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 1 9 / 2 0 0 8

Elected Officers Grand Master - Dennis S.A. Ing

Deputy Grand Master - Marty P. Alexander

Sr. Grand Warden - Charles L. Wegener, Jr.

Jr. Grand Warden - Monty J. Glover

Grand Treasurer - Russell Hook, resigned

Alberto P. Alarcon, appointed remainder of term

Grand Secretary - Randolph T.S. Chang, PGM

Grand Lecturer - Donald W. Wilson, PGM

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Treasurer - James Willig, Jr.

Grand Chaplain - John B. Connell

Grand Orator - Carl W. Scheer

Grand Marshal - Wilson S. Camagan

Grand Standard Bearer - Michael D. Janovsky

Grand Sword Bearer - Serafin P. Colmenares, Jr.

Grand Bible Bearer - Teofilo P. DeAquino

Sr. Grand Deacon -James A. Willig, Jr.

Jr. Grand Deacon - Scott Waracka

Sr. Grand Steward - Orlando S. Ragudos

Jr. Grand Steward - Alexander A. Escasa

Grand Historian - Milton Anderson

Grand Organist - Garry Graham

Grand Pursuivant - Manuel V. Aquino

Grand Tiler - Charles L. Comeau

2009 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l M a r t y P . A l e x a n d e r

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 0 9

Elected Officers Grand Master - Marty P. Alexander

Deputy Grand Master - Charles L. Wegener, Jr

Senior Grand Warden - Monty J. Glover

Junior Grand Warden - Antonio M. Ligaya

Grand Treasurer - Alberto P. Alarcon

Grand Secretary - Randolph T.S. Chang PGM

Grand Lecturer - Dennis S.A. Ing PGM

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - John B. Connell

Grand Orator - Michael P. Baker

Asst. Grand Secretary - Dennis L. Miller

Grand Marshal - Wilson S. Camagan

Grand Standard Bearer - Dexter C. Carrasco

Grand Sword Bearer - Stewart H. Enger

Grand Bible Bearer - James R. Davis

Senior Grand Deacon - Orlando S. Ragudos

Junior Grand Deacon - Manuel V. Aquino

Senior Grand Steward - Scott M. Waracka

Junior Grand Steward - Vincent L. Gusman

Grand Historian - Milton L. Anderson

Grand Pursuivant - Gerhart Walch

Grand Organist - Garry Graham

Grand Tiler - Dennis J. Alkire

Inspectors Frank M. Condello Jeffrey A. Lowe

Walter L. Hager Oscar Tuano

Michael D. Janovsky James A. Sullivan

Robert S. Schultz Dale B. Palileo

Richard B. Huston Donovan W. Young

Harry Kaneakua

2010 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l C h a r l e s L . W e g e n e r , J r .

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 0

Elected Officers Grand Master Charles L. Wegener, Jr.

Deputy Grand Master - Monty J. Glover

Sr. Grand Warden - Antonio M. Ligaya

Jr. Grand Warden - Frank M. Condello II

Grand Treasurer - Alberto Alarcon

Grand Secretary - Randy T.S. Chang, PGM

Grand Lecturer - Dennis S.A. Ing, PGM

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - John B. Connell

Grand Orator - Randolph J.L. Chang

Grand Marshal - Wilson S. Camagan

Grand Standard Bearer - Gregory Propernick

Grand Sword Bearer - Dennis Alkire

Grand Bible Bearer - Edwin Boyette

Sr. Grand Deacon - Dexter Carrasco

Jr. Grand Deacon - Oscar Tuano

Sr. Grand Steward - Scott M. Waracka

Jr. Grand Steward - Keaka Hashimoto

Grand Historian - Milton L. Anderson

Grand Organist - Vacant

Grand Pursuivant - Gerhart Walch

Grand Tiler - James Steinwandt

Inspectors Donovan Young Jeffrey Low

Donald Traller Dan Miller

Michael D. Janovsky James A. Sullivan, Jr.

Robert A. Schultz Orlando S. Ragudos

Stanley H. Takeuchi Manuel V. Aquino

Timothy Yuen

2011 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l M o n t y J . G l o v e r

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 2 3 / 2 0 1 1

Elected Officers Grand Master - Monty J. Glover

Deputy Grand Master - Antonio M. Ligaya

Senior Grand Warden - Frank M. Condello II

Junior Grand Warden - Richard B. Huston

Grand Treasurer - Alberto P. Alarcon

Grand Secretary - Randy T.S. Chang

Marty P. Alexander served rest of term

Grand Lecturer - Dennis S.A. Ing PGM

Appointed Officers Asst. Grand Secretary - Charles L. Wegener, PGM

Grand Chaplain - John B. Connell

Grand Orator - Lopaka K. Kapanui

Grand Marshal - Wilson S. Camagan

Grand Standard Bearer - Vincent L. Gusman,

Grand Sword Bearer - Diamond M. Robinson

Grand Bible Bearer - Geronimo T. Mateo

Senior Grand Deacon - Dexter C. Carrasco

Junior Grand Deacon - Stewart H. Enger

Senior Grand Steward - Cyrus H. Wilson

Junior Grand Steward - Gilles Tisseraud

Grand Historian - Raymond R. Wieckowicz Jr PGM

Grand Organist …- Owen Shieh

Grand Pursuivant - Gerhart W. Walch

Grand Tiler - James R. Steinwandt

Inspectors Manuel V. Aquino Andrew L. Geiser

Donald W. Traller J. Daniel Miller

Michael D. Janovsky James A. Sullivan

Robert S. Schultz Orlando S. Ragudos

Stanley H. Takeuchi Albert Alvarez

Alexander A. Escasa

2012 Grand odge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l A n t o n i o M . L i g a y a

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 2 1 / 2 0 1 2

Elected Officers Grand Master - Antonio M. Ligaya

Deputy Grand Master - Frank M. Condello II

Senior Grand Warden - Richard B. Huston

Junior Grand Warden - Michael P. Baker

Grand Treasurer - Alberto P. Alarcon

Grand Secretary - Marty P. Alexander, PGM

Grand Lecturer - Dennis S.A. Ing PGM

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - John B. Connell

Grand Orator - Andrew L. Geiser

Grand Marshal - Wilson S. Camagan

Grand Standard Bearer - Scott M. Waracka

Grand Sword Bearer - Keith N. Isaacson

Grand Bible Bearer - Teofilo E. de Aquino

Senior Grand Deacon - Bernardo F. Biala

Junior Grand Deacon - Cyrus H. Wilson

Senior Grand Steward - David W. Mason

Junior Grand Steward - Vincent L. Gusman

Grand Historian - Bruce H. Bonnell, PGM

Grand Organist - Lee D. Gordon

Grand Pursuivant - Geronimo T. Mateo

Grand Tiler - James R. Steinwandt

Inspectors James A. Sullivan Manuel V. Aquino

Donald W. Traller J. Daniel Miller

Michael D. Janovsky Gerardo F. Biala. Jr.

Eduardo L. Abutin Albert B. Alvarez

Stanley H. Takeuchi Dustin T. Verity

Alexander A. Escasa

2013 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l F r a n k M . C o n d e l l o I I

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 2 0 / 2 0 1 3

Elected Officers Grand Master - Frank M. Condello II

Deputy Grand Master - Richard B. Huston

Senior Grand Warden - Michael P. Baker

Junior Grand Warden - Andrew L. Geiser

Grand Treasurer - Alberto P. Alarcon

Grand Secretary - Marty P. Alexander, PGM

Grand Lecturer - Dennis S.A. Ing PGM

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - Randy V.N. Albano

Grand Orator - Owen H. Shieh

Grand Marshal - Wilson S. Camagan

Grand Standard Bearer - Keith N. Isaacson

Grand Sword Bearer - Scott M. Waracka

Grand Bible Bearer - Teofilo E. de Aquino

Senior Grand Deacon - Diamond M. Robinson

Junior Grand Deacon - Cyrus H. Wilson

Senior Grand Steward - Christopher A. Stowe

Junior Grand Steward - Darryl E. Lajola

Grand Historian - Stephen D. Carroll

Grand Organist - Lee D. Gordon

Grand Pursuivant - Clifford M. Jenkins

Grand Tiler - James R. Steinwandt

Inspectors Jeffrey A. Low Alexander A. Escasa

Donald W. Traller J. Daniel Miller

Michael D. Janovsky Gilles R. Tisseraud

Albert B. Alvarez Marty P. Alexander

Manuel V. Aquino Gerardo F. Biala, Jr.

2014 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l R i c h a r d B . H u s t o n

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 1 9 / 2 0 1 4

Elected Officers Grand Master - Richard B. Huston

Deputy Grand Master - Michael P. Baker

Senior Grand Warden - Andrew L. Geiser

Junior Grand Warden - Albert B. Alvarez

Grand Treasurer - Alberto P. Alarcon

Grand Secretary - Marty P. Alexander PGM

Grand Lecturer - Dennis S.A. Ing PGM

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - Randy V.N. Albano

Grand Orator - Robert A. Schultz

Grand Marshal - Wilson S. Camagan

Grand Standard Bearer - Keith N. Isaacson

Grand Sword Bearer - Stewart H. Enger

Grand Bible Bearer - Michael J. Lopez

Senior Grand Deacon - Karvel C. Rose

Junior Grand Deacon - Manuel V. Aquino

Senior Grand Steward - Christopher A. Stowe

Junior Grand Steward - Bernard C. Baldueza

Grand Historian - Stephen D. Carroll

Grand Organist - Lee D. Gordon

Grand Pursuivant - Robert M. Shimamoto

Grand Tiler - James R. Steinwandt

Inspectors Garry Graham Darryl E. Lajola

Donald W. Traller J. Daniel Miller

Michael D. Janovsky Seth A. Connell

Raymund L. Liongson Gerardo F. Biala, Jr.

Diamond M. Robinson. Alexander A. Escasa

Marty P. Alexander

2015 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l M i c h a e l P . B a k e r S r .

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 1 8 / 2 0 1 5

Elected Officers Grand Master - Michael P. Baker Sr.

Deputy Grand Master - Andrew L. Geiser

Senior Grand Warden - Albert B. Alvarez

Junior Grand Warden - Wilson S. Camagan

Grand Treasurer - Alberto P. Alarcon

Grand Secretary - Marty P. Alexander, PGM

Grand Lecturer - Dennis S.A. Ing PGM

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - Randy V.N. Albano

Grand Orator - A. Lee Meyerson

Grand Marshal - Mark P. Leo

Grand Standard Bearer - Douglas E. Crum

Grand Sword Bearer - Robert F. Self

Grand Bible Bearer - Scott M. Waracka

Senior Grand Deacon - James D. Stephens

Junior Grand Deacon - Edde T. Kanai

Senior Grand Steward - Christopher A. Acosta

Junior Grand Steward - Richard O. Banser Jr.

Grand Historian - Stephen D. Carroll

Grand Organist - Lee D. Gordon

Grand Pursuivant - Herman K. Wilson

Grand Tiler - James R. Steinwandt

I n s p e c t o r s Garry Graham Seth Connell

Donald W. Traller J. Daniel Miller

Michael D. Janovsky Raymund Liongson

Darryl E. Lajola Gerardo F. Biala Jr.

Dustin T. Verity Alexander A. Escasa

2016 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l A n d r e w L . G e i s e r

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 1 6 / 2 0 1 6

Elected Officers Grand Master - Andrew L. Geiser

Deputy Grand Master - Albert B. Alvarez

Sr. Grand Warden - Wilson S. Camagan

Jr. Grand Warden - Alexander A. Escasa

Grand Treasurer - Alberto P. Alarcon

Grand Secretary - Marty P. Alexander, PGM

Grand Lecturer - Dennis S.A. Ing PGM

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain -Randy V.N. Albano

Grand Orator - Raymund L. Liongson

Grand Marshal - Damien P. Donavan

Grand Standard Bearer - Douglas E. Crum

Grand Sword Bearer - Alvin E. Walker II

Grand Bible Bearer - Robert F. Self

Senior Grand Deacon - Edde T. Kanai

Junior Grand Deacon - Robert K. Kapanui

Senior Grand Steward - Christopher A. Acosta

Junior Grand Steward - Jonathan P. Cross

Grand Historian - Stephen D. Carroll

Grand Organist - Lee D. Gordon

Grand Pursuivant - Herman K. Wilson

Grand Tiler - James R. Steinwandt

Inspectors Jay Oliver Bajuyo Seth A. Connell

Donald W. Traller J. Daniel Miller

Michael D. Janovsky Garry Graham

Michael J. Lopez Mark P. Leo

Dustin T. Verity Kevin R. Perdue

2017 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l A l b e r t B . A l v a r e z

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 2 2 / 2 0 1 7

Elected Officers Grand Master - Albert B. Alvarez

Deputy Grand Master - Wilson S. Camagan Sr. Grand Warden - Alexander A. Escasa Jr. Grand Warden - Garry Graham Grand Treasurer - Alberto P. Alarcon Grand Secretary - Marty P. Alexander, PGM Grand Lecturer - Dennis S.A. Ing PGM

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - Randy V.N. Albano

Grand Orator - Raymund L. Liongson Grand Marshal - Aaron P. Daguio Grand Standard Bearer - Vincent L. Gusman Grand Sword Bearer - Bernardo C. Baldueza Grand Bible Bearer - Feliciano Dela Cruz Jr. Senior Grand Deacon - Sonny A. Cardenas Junior Grand Deacon - Arnold C. Sarinas Senior Grand Steward - Anthony J. Escasa Junior Grand Steward - Jared A. Namumnart Grand Historian - Herman K. Wilson Grand Organist - Lee D. Gordon Grand Pursuivant - Dado C. Lajola Grand Tiler - Donald R. Alvarado

I n s p e c t o r s Jay Oliver Bajuyo Seth A. Connell

Dustin T. Verity Michael D. Janovsky Darryl E. Lajola Mark P. Leo

Michael J. Lopez J. Daniel Miller Kevin R. Perdue Donald W. Traller

Christopher Kaminaka

2018 Grand Lodge Off icers

M o s t W o r s h i p f u l W i l s o n S . C a m a g a n

G r a n d M a s t e r

I n s t a l l a t i o n 0 4 / 2 1 / 2 0 1 8

Elected Officers Grand Master - Wilson S. Camagan

Deputy Grand Master - Alexander A. Escasa Senior Grand Warden - Garry Graham Junior Grand Warden - Edde T. Kanai Treasurer - Alberto P. Alarcon Secretary - Marty P. Alexander, PGM Grand Lecturer - Dennis S. A. Ing, PGM

Appointed Officers Grand Chaplain - Randy V.N. Albano

Grand Orator - Robert A. Schultz Grand Marshal - Aaron P. Daguio Grand Standard Bearer - Douglas E. Crum Grand Sword Bearer - Scott-Michael K. Waracka Grand Bible Bearer - Vincent L. Guzman Senior Grand Deacon - Arnold C. Sarinas Junior Grand Deacon - Jared A. Namumnart Senior Grand Steward - David H. Gomes Junior Grand Steward - Bernard C. Baldueza Grand Historian - Herman K. Wilson Grand Organist - Lee D. Gordon Grand Pursuivant - Dado C. Lajola Grand Tiler - Lee K. Kaneakua

Inspectors Mark P. Leo Chris N. Kaminaka

Donovan W. Young Seth A. Connell Karvel C. Rose J. Daniel Miller Michael D. Janovsky Michael J. Lopez Dustin T. Verity Kevin R. Perdue Darryl E. Lajola

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