Arches & Aqueducts

Post on 14-Feb-2016






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Arches & Aqueducts. b y, Brad, Laurence, & Brian. Arches. 1.) used for decoration and structure 2.) created by the Romans 3.) built by: -two vertical supports -curved inward from the top of each pier( known as voussoirs ) -stacked voussoirs up until they reached the one keystone. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Arches & Aqueducts

by, Brad, Laurence, & Brian

Arches1.) used for decoration and structure2.) created by the Romans3.) built by:

-two vertical supports-curved inward from the top of each pier( known as

voussoirs)-stacked voussoirs up until they reached the one

keystone.- the keystone was larger than all of the other stones,

this way it held the whole arch together

Key vocab-Voussoir: the key stone, which held the whole arch together

Aqueducts• Aqueducts carried water over land that was

thought to be impossible to be carried over land

• Aqueducts helped people spread out around Rome and not just live in the cities of Rome because it help bring fresh water to many parts of Rome

• Built by:– Many workers– Aqueducts were constructed very

carefully so that they can make the water flow into the city without having shortages or having it flow out of the aqueducts

– Builders of aqueducts needed a background in mining

Detailed sketch of arches and aqueducts

• Arches stabilized buildings, and made them more sturdy

• Aqueducts brought fresh water supplies to cities

Today • This has affected us today because it lead to the development of sewage systems and fresh water.

• It lead to developments of man made rivers and waters like the Erie Canal.

Today • Arches have a affected our modern style of architecture.

• It is being used to stabilize buildings and symbols of modern art/statues.

• Without arches bridges wouldn’t be as effective or stylish.


Arches come in many forms, shapes and sizes as shown above.

Arches were productive in Ancient Rome too.


There are many advancements that have been made in the Aqueducts making industry!!

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