
  • 1. AR Suite Features, Capabilities and Examples

2. Features Technology Proprietary 3D tracking technology AR Suit augmented reality graphics engine Real-time special effects toolkits Social marketing platform. Applications Events, Amusement parks, POS installations, Shopping malls 3. Capabilities Special Effects Engine Fade between real world and virtual Silhouette follows human form in real time Particle effects and light beams follow body movement Special Lights Effect between body and background 4. 3D Camera Brings users into the experience like never before. 3D cameras emit structured light to help us determine the shape of objects and people in the area and include HD webcams for hi res augmented reality. Large TV screen The bigger the better to draw the crowds. Typical solutions use 60 LED screens but 80 screens now being regularly mooted and video walls being just as possible. Computer A typical desktop computer with such as an i7 can be used to run the game. As Graphics experience is key using latest GPU capabilities is a very important RFID Reader An RFID reader can be built into the console. RFID styled bracelets, car keys can be cool giveaways and build brand as they help reduce queues Hardware 5. Grolsch Particle Effects Play Me 6. Grolsch Gameplay Play Me 7. Kanga Suit 8. Kanga in Action Play Me 9. Reflections 10. Reflections Play Me 11. Jewelry 12. Jewelry Play Me 13. Super Hero Suits 14. Super Hero Suits Play Me 15. F1 - Suit 16. F1 Suit Preview Play Me 17. Background Alternates

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