Post on 22-Feb-2016






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APUSH REVIEW SESH #5 UNITS 12/13. UNIT 14/15 : World war ii, Cold War, Hot Protest, Bad President, and the Conservatives Strike Back (1947 - 1991). 171. Lend-Lease Act, 1940 172. Atlantic Charter, 1941 173. Pearl Harbor, 1941 174. Japanese-American internment, 1942 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




171. Lend-Lease Act, 1940

172. Atlantic Charter, 1941

173. Pearl Harbor, 1941

174. Japanese-American internment, 1942

175. Normandy invasion, 1944

176. G.I. Bill, 1944

177. Yalta Conference, 1945

178. Potsdam Conference, 1945

179. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1945

180. “Iron Curtain” speech, 1946

181. Truman Doctrine, 1947

182. Marshall Plan, 1947

183. Taft-Hartley Act, 1947

184. Brooklyn Dodgers sign Jackie Robinson, 1947

185. National Security Act, 1947

186. Berlin Airlift, 1948

187. Election of 1948

188. NATO formed, 1949

189. Joseph McCarthy attacked the State Department, 1950

190. Korean War, 1950-1953

191. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed, 1953

192. Brown v. Board of Education, 1954

193. Geneva Accords, 1954

194. Joseph McCarthy condemned for misconduct, 1954

195. Montgomery bus boycott, 1955-56

196. Interstate Highway Act, 1956

197. Integration of Little Rock H.S., 1957

198. Sputnik, 1957

199. U-2 aircraft shot down by USSR, 1960

200. Greensboro sit-ins, 1960

201. Eisenhowerʼs Farewell Address, 1961

202. Bay of Pigs, 1961

203. Freedom Riders, 1961

204. Peace Corps, 1961

205. Cuban Missile Crises, 1962

206. Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique, 1963

207. March of Washington, 1963

208. John F. Kennedy assassinated, 1963

209. The Great Society, 1964-65

210. Civil Rights Act of 1964

211. Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 1964

212. Malcolm X assassinated, 1965

213. Vietnam War escalated, 1965

214. Voting Rights Act, 1965

215. Watts riots, 1965

216. Miranda v. State of Arizona, 1966

217. Tet Offensive, 1968

218. Johnson withdrew from presidential race, 1968

219. Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated, 1968

220. Robert Kennedy assassinated, 1968

221. Anti-war riots at the Chicago Democratic Convention, 1968

222. AIM created, 1968

223. Election of 1968

224. Neil Armstrong walked on moon, 1969

225. Vietnamization, 1969

226. My Lai massacre made public, 1969

227. Kent State, 1970

228. Pentagon Papers, 1971

229. Nixon visited China, 1972

230. Watergate break-in, 1972

231. SALT I and the policy of detention, 1972

232. Roe v. Wade, 1973

233. OPEC oil embargo, 1973

234. Nixon resigned, 1974

235. Panama Canal Treaty, 1977

236. Camp David Accords, 1979

237. Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, 1979

238. Iranian hostage crises, 1979-81

239. Reaganomics began, 1981

240. Beirut embassy bombed, 1983

241. Invasion of Grenada, 1983

242. Iran-Contra scandal, 1987

243. INF Treaty, 1988

244. Berlin Wall torn down, 1989

245. Persian Gulf War, 1991

246. Soviet Union dissolved, 1991

247. Oklahoma City bombing, 1995

248. Balanced Budget Agreement passed, 1997

249. Clinton impeachment trial, 1999

250. September 11th terrorist attacks, 2001

FRQs1987 “Social dislocations resulting from wartime conditions frequently bring lasting change within a society.” Evaluate the relevance of this generalization to American society in the twentieth century in view of the experiences of Blacks AND women.

1992 In what ways did the Great Society resemble the New Deal in its origins, goals, and social and political legacy? Cite specific programs and policies in support of your arguments.

1993 Describe THREE of the following and analyze the ways in which each of the three has affected the status of women in American society since 1940.

Changing economic conditionsThe rebirth of an organized women’s movementAdvances in reproductive technologyThe persistence of traditional definitions of women’s roles

1992 In 1945 Winston Churchill said that the United States stood at the summit of the world. Discuss the developments in the thirty years following Churchill’s speech which called the global preeminence of the United States into question.

• 1996 Analyze the influence of TWO of the following on American-Soviet relations in the decade following the Second World War.– Yalta Conference– Communist revolution in China– Korean War– McCarthyism

• 1999 Assess the success of the United States policy of containment in Asia between 1945 and 1975.

• 2004 Analyze the successes and failures of the United States Cold War policy of containment as it is developed in TWO of the following regions of the world during the period 1945-1975.– East and Southeast Asia– Europe– Latin America– Middle East

• 1994 To what extent did the decade of the 1950s deserve its reputation as an age of political, social and cultural conformity?

• 1997 How do you account for the appeal of McCarthyism in the United States in the era following the Second World War?

• 2006 While the United States appeared to be dominated by consensus and conformity in the 1950’s, some Americans reacted against the status quo. Analyze the critiques of United States society made by TWO of the following:– Youth– Civil Rights Activists– Intellectuals

• 1998 “1968 was a turning point for the United States.” To what extent is this an accurate assessment? In your answer, discuss TWO of the following:– National politics– Vietnam War– Civil Rights

• 2000 Discuss, with respect to TWO of the following, the view that the 1960’s represented a period of profound cultural change.– Education– Gender Roles– Music– Race Relations

• 2004b “Between 1960 and 1975, there was great progress in the struggle for political and social equality.” Assess the validity of this statement with respect to TWO of the following groups of people during that period.– African Americans– Asian Americans– Latinos– Native Americans– Women

• 2005 Analyze the extent to which TWO of the following transformed American society in the period of the 1960s and 1970s.– The Civil Rights movement– The antiwar movement– The women’s rights movement

• 2009b Analyze the ways in which the events and trends of the 1970s diminished the nation’s economic power and international influence, and challenged Americans’ confidence in both.

• 2010b Analyze the effects of the Vietnam War on TWO of the following in the United States in the period from 1961 to 1975.– The presidency– The population between 18 and 35 years old– Cold War diplomacy

• 2013 Between 1945 and 1975 various groups in the United States engaged in protest. Analyze the reasons that protest emerged in this period for TWO of the following groups.– African Americans– College students– Latino Americans– Women


1988 The United States decision to drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima was a diplomatic measure calculated to intimidate the Soviet Union in the post-Second-World-War era rather than a strictly military measure designed to force Japan's unconditional surrender. Evaluate this statement using the documents and your knowledge of the military and diplomatic history of the years 1939 through 1947.

2006b Analyze developments from 1941–1949 that increased suspicion and tension between the United States and the Soviet Union.

2001 What were the Cold War fears of the American people in the aftermath of the Second World War? How successfully did the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower address these fears? Use the documents and your knowledge of the years 1948–1961 to construct your response.

1995 Analyze the changes that occurred during the 1960's in the goals, strategies, and support of the movement for African American civil rights.

2007b In what ways did the administration of President Lyndon B. Johnson respond to the political, economic, and social problems of the United States? Assess the effectiveness of the response. Use the documents and your knowledge of the years 1960–1970 to construct your response.

2008 Analyze the ways in which the Vietnam War heightened social, political, and economic tensions in the United States. Focus your answer on the period 1964 to 1975.

2011 Analyze the international and domestic challenges the United States faced between 1968 and 1974, and evaluate how President Richard Nixon’s administration responded to them.

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