April 2015

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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shopfredericton!April 2015

Birds of a feather

Eagles photo credit: Jane Love

Every once in a while shopfredericton! comes across something

so cool...so exciting, we just have to share it with our readers!

Well, we found a good one this time. Let us ask you a couple of

questions; do you have popcorn ceilings you would love to get rid

of? We’ve got the answer for you! Have you ever had any crack

filling done on the ceiling in your home? Did it make a mess? You

bet it did...then there was the painting, and chances are you can

see the patch job. Wouldn’t it have been perfect if you could have

had a new ceiling in one day without any of the mess?

Let us introduce you to Stretch Ceilings. A Stretch Ceiling is a

sheet of PVC that is made to fit your room. It is attached by clips to

a track that is installed to the wall, then the ceiling is stretched and

hooked onto the track. The ceiling can be ordered in any color and

virtually any shape. Rings are placed in the ceiling to accommodate

lighting, sprinklers, or grills. One of the really neat things about

these ceilings is they can be installed in a new construction instead

of gyproc or installed about 1” below an existing ceiling.

Stretch ceilings originated in Sweden about 25 years ago as a

decorating trend then arrived in France about 5 years after that,

where it was primarily used in commercial buildings. Today it is

very popular throughout Europe and is now making its mark in

Canada and the US. The ceiling membrane comes in so many

finishes and colors. You can also have it ordered with a photo on it

or lights in it. The “fabric” is fireproof and if you happen to pop the

champagne cork into it...the dent will be gone in a matter of minutes.

We recently met with Vladimir Sherbakov, the owner of

Stretch Ceilings, right here in Fredericton. He gave us a

demonstration and excellent explanation of stretch ceilings.

Vlad recently completed a 10 day course in Europe, learning

the finer points of installing this amazing new product.

So, how can you get your stretch ceiling? You can phone

Vlad at 472-1747 or e-mail him through his website

www.stretchceilingsdesign.ca and he will come to

your home and measure your room. He will order your

ceiling and in about one week he will be back to install it. Depending on the size and shape of your room, chances are he

will be done before you get home from work! The cost for a white matte finish ceiling runs about $5 per square foot and

of course, if you add a pattern or picture it will cost more. Did we mention you can add dimensions to your ceiling – that’s

right – you can add raised or recessed areas to your design. Vlad says “The only limitation is the home owners imagination.”

Check out the photos on Vlad’s website www.stretchceilingsdesign.ca then pick up the phone and call him. You know you want to!

S - T - R - E - T - C - H


I recently had the most blissful week on a cruise ship in the Eastern Caribbean. One evening we decided to attend an event in the lounge that was only advertised as “The Marriage Game”. Once we got seated and the evening got underway we realized it was a take on the old TV show, “The Newlywed Game”.

The ship’s Activity Director asked for 3 couple to come up on stage. They were chosen by the number of years they had been married. There was a couple married one year, a couple married 30 years and a couple married 60+ years. Just like the old TV show, the men were taken off stage to a place they couldn’t hear the wives’ answers. And then the questions started. They were all comical and the answers were witty, but one of the questions and answers stuck with me.

“Your husband just steps out of the shower; who does he look like? Woody Woodpecker or Droopy Dog or Superman?” The bride answered her husband looked like Woody Woodpecker, the woman who had been married 30 years said her husband looked like Droopy Dog and the woman who had been married 60+ years said her husband was SUPERMAN! Well everyone laughed at their replies and then the husbands came out. (Let’s call them Husband 1, Husband 30 and Husband 60+.) Husband 1 and 30 answered correctly and Husband 60+ thought his wife would have said he was Droopy Dog, and he was delighted with her answer.

Next the wives left the stage and the husbands were asked questions. It wasn’t a question that got me this time, it was an answer. The husbands were asked... “If you could make one thing smaller and one thing larger on your wife, what would it be?” Husband 1 started laughing and said he’d get in trouble but he’d want bigger breasts (but he didn’t use that word) and a smaller a$$. Husband 30 said the exact same thing. Everyone is roaring with laughter. Then we got to Husband 60+…he said he wouldn’t change one thing about his wife. She was perfect just the way she was. The MC pressed him for an answer but never got one.

I often think about Husband and Wife 60+ years. After all the ups and downs life throws at people...he was still her Superman and he wouldn’t change one thing about her because in his eyes, she was perfect just the way she was. Sigh...

The Marriage Game . . . or . . . Love Endures

All she was thinking of was sleep, as she pushed the wheelchair through the corridors of the hospital – exhausted from a day’s work, but good news from the doctor’s appointment. The elevator door stopped on the 3rd floor to let a father and a toddler on. She smiled and thought, someone has a new brother or sister. A new Mom is soon taking home a baby – an addition to their family. Then she remembered taking home her baby 25 years ago. The excitement, the love she felt for this little helpless human being and the fear. Would she be a good Mom? What was a good Mom? Then she thought of the man he was today. Sure there had been many ups and downs, triumphs and disappointments, they’d been through a lot together…and she loved that young man with all her heart.

The elevator doors opened on the first floor. The father and toddler got off first, and she pushed the wheelchair towards the front door. For some reason this afternoon she noticed Moms going home with new babies. The first Mom standing by a baby carrier, looking exhausted, but glowing - waiting for a drive. The second Mom…same thing and the third Mom same thing; all of them waiting for a drive, going home to a life they have never known. She wonders if they are excited, full of love and scared just like she was. Will they be good Moms? She gets to the doors and leans down telling the elderly, white-haired woman in the wheelchair, she will be right back, she has to go bring the car to the door. The old woman says, okay, she will be fine. Pushing through the doors, she thinks about the woman in the wheelchair. Fifty years ago, that woman sat in a wheelchair waiting to take her home from the hospital – waiting for a drive – but no baby carriers. She was wrapped in a blanket, being held on the woman’s lap. She wonders if the woman was excited and scared, all those years ago.

She parks the car in front of the hospital. Walks through the doors and tells the woman in the wheelchair, she is back. The woman is blind and couldn’t see her. The woman hasn’t seen her face in almost 20 years. Pushing the wheelchair towards the car she thinks about the woman in the wheelchair…this woman who used to care for her and look after her and protect her. As she helps the woman, blind and crippled now by age, she can’t help but think…” I have become a mother to her now. I look after her. I listen to her concerns. I try to protect her. I make most of the decisions for her because she can’t anymore.”

Then she thinks…“I’m not that much different than all the new moms waiting for drives, except I’m not excited…I love this woman with all my heart and I’m fearful. I’m fearful of what my life will be like without this woman.” So for today and all the days that follow she will be a mom to her Mom – a thank you for everything the old woman with the white hair did for her.


Local Artist Leah Daigle of Fredericton NB, age 12 Interests: Gymnastics, art, baking, hanging out with friends Favourite Writer: Veronica RothFavourite Singer: Meghan TrainorFavourite Animal: HippoGrade & School: Grade 7 at Nassis Middle School Favourite Subject: MathFavourite Snack: NachosFavourite colour: Purple and blueFavourite movie: Hundred Foot Journey Extra Curricular Activities: Competitive Gymnastics, art Pets: Dog- Shih-poo named GemmyBest part about being a kid: Hanging out with my friends every day. If you had a magic wand and could change 3 things about the world what would they be?1. No one would go hungry 2. Everyone in the world would have shelter (home)3. Every child would have access to an education.




All your friends are doing it…you’ve sampled it and like it…so why not try it! We’re talking about wine making of course! shopfredericton! recently sat down with Eric (Rick) Topple, owner of Wine Kitz, to learn the ins and outs of wine making. Rick is relatively new at wine making and being a business owner. He tells shopfredericton! it happened quite by accident. Before Wine Kitz you would have found Rick standing in

front of a classroom of middle school students, teaching various subjects. Then one weekend, Rick’s girlfriend said she wanted to make wine and they ended up at Wine Kitz. Rick recalls the way the staff taught them about the process from choosing a kit, to explaining the process and how the wine is bottled reminded him of teaching. He asked how someone went about purchasing a franchise or getting into the business, only to find out the previous owner wanted to retire and the business was in fact, for sale. After several meetings with accountants, lawyers and bankers, Rick became the new owner of Wine Kitz two Fredericton locations in December of 2014. So…you want to make some wine…Rick tells us the first thing you have to decide is red or white…which is your preference? Sweet or dry? Light-bodied or full-bodied? Once you decide the characteristics of the wine you like, you chose a kit. Your kit is mixed with water in a large bottle called a carboy. You dump a package of yeast into the mix and your job is done until it is time to bottle. When you bottle your wine depends on the type of wine you have chosen to make. Rick tells us anywhere from 4 to 9 weeks later you can bottle your wine. You can bring your own bottles or purchase bottles from Wine Kitz. The staff will sterilize the bottles when you arrive – but if you are bringing your own bottles – they need to be clean and all the labels need to be removed. Now it’s time for the fun part. Bottling…and of course tasting! The staff will show you how to fill the bottles, how to operate the bottle corker, put on the shrink wrap and apply the labels. They will even carry the boxes to the car for you! Making wine is really quite inexpensive. Kits are priced from $64.99 to $179.99 and each kit makes 30 bottles of wine. There is a $44.99 service fee for each kit. You can do the math! Something to think about with summer fast approaching (really, it is!) are a line of fruit wines by Niagara Mist. Wine Kitz carries 13 varieties – you can chose from a Raspberry Merlot or a Wildberry White Zinfandel or a Green Apple Sauvignon Blanc and many more. These fruity wines are light and tasty and are 7% - 8% alcohol content. They taste great alone or you can mix them with some vodka for that extra kick! Rick and his staff are quickly becoming experts on food and wine pairings. The internet is full of websites that will tell you to have a light, low alcohol white wine with fish, or a Shiraz with steak…but for a personalized opinion, these people know their stuff. In fact, one of Rick’s goals with his new business to keep providing the excellent customer service they are known for. “I want customers to come in happy and leave happier.” Customer service and keeping his employees happy is number one with this guy. So let’s have a look at a food/wine pairing; Caribbean Pineapple Pork and Rosso wine. This pork dish has a lot of spices and has a very full and pungent flavor. Rick thinks it would be excellent paired with Wine Kitz’ Rosso wine kit. Rosso is made from a blend of Zinfandel, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah. You can taste the rich, juicy flavors of plum, cherries, mocha, and strawberry jam. Rick thinks this wine is a perfect companion with any meal rich with garlic and lively spices. You will WOW! your guests with this delicious pork dish. We suggest you serve it with roasted garlic potatoes, sautéed French green beans – seasoned with garlic, freshly ground pepper and some chopped onion, and a Caprese Salad. (Turn the page to find the recipe for Caribbean Pineapple Pork!) You can phone Wine Kitz at 453-7778 (Smythe Street location) or 453-7006 (Brookside location). Have a look at their website at winekitzfredericton.ca Or…you can just drop in to one of Wine Kitz two locations – one in the Smythe Street Plaza, the other in Brookside Mall – they’re waiting for you! Tell them shopfredericton! sent you... Cheers!

2 Locations Smythe St Plaza 453.7778 & Brookside Mall 453.7006 Like us on Facebook to WIN PRIZES!

Would You Like Wine With That?

1 can pineapple slices8 cloves garlic¼ cup rice vinegar¼ cup packed brown sugar2 Tablespoons soya sauce1 Tablespoon ground coriander seeds1 ½ Teaspoon pepper½ Teaspoon cumin½ Teaspoon cayenne pepper¼ Teaspoon ground cloves¼ Teaspoon nutmeg¼ Teaspoon saltPork Loin Roast

In a food processor, mix garlic, and coriander. Add enough vinegar to make a smooth paste. Mix soya sauce, brown sugar, pepper, cumin, cayenne pepper, nutmeg and then add remaining vinegar.

Put roast into roaster and cover with the spice mixture. Lay pineapple rings on top. Pour 1 cup of water into the bottom of the pan. Roast at 325 for 1 ½ hours. Add ¼ cup of water if needed, as the liquid evaporates. Remove pineapple rings and baste every 10 minutes with pan juices for the last 30 minutes. Roast another 45 minutes or until the meat thermometer reads 170 degrees.


The Musical Ride was originally developed by members of the North-West Mounted Police to show off their riding ability and entertain the local community. Today, the Musical Ride is comprised of 33 RCMP members, who volunteer for training and participation in the production. Thirty-three members, 33 horses, who work endless hours in the ring practicing drills and routines to precision. The Musical Ride tours throughout Canada performing 40 to 50 shows annually in the months from May to October.

The RCMP Musical Ride choses a host charity or group for each location. The Canadian Diabetes Association are always looking for fund-raising events and were the successful bidders to host the show this year and are delighted to host the event in our city. Erin Pellerin, Community Engagement Coordinator tells us “CDA is extremely excited to be hosting a fundraising event of this caliber, as the show has an incredible reputation and celebrates Canadian heritage. It is a great way for us to showcase who we are and what we do.” All proceeds will help support CDA’s programs and services that they offer the over 80,000 New Brunswickers currently diagnosed with diabetes.

RCMP J Division CO Roger L. Brown has this to say about the event. “As the Commanding officer of J Division, I am thrilled to have the RCMP Musical Ride back in the Capital City for 2015 and to be supporting the Canadian Diabetes Association’s programs and services. The Musical Ride is a family friendly truly Canadian event that we always look forward to hosting in Fredericton.”

All shows will be inside the FREX Coliseum, and will feature opening entertainment by Ross Neilsen. Grade 6 Devon Middle School Student Taylor Danforth, who recently won the DMS “Devon Idol” contest, will perform the anthem at all shows.

Tickets are already selling quickly, and many callers are indicating a connection to the cause - they live with diabetes, or have a relative who lives with diabetes, and are so happy to support the Association through this event. Tickets are $11 including tax and service fees and are available online through Ticketpro, and at the FREX box office. Show dates are Sunday, May 17th at 1:30, Sunday, May 17th at 6:30, and Monday, May 18th at 2pm.

They are Coming to Fredericton!

Nothing shouts “True North Strong and Free” quite like the RCMP Musical Ride and it is coming to Fredericton!

Kitchen Talk by Jim LawrenceHi Jim, I will soon be getting a new kitchen and my mom is replacing her counters. What are our options for kitchen counters ?

In kitchens, the counter top is where most of the use and abuse takes place. There is a wide variety of counters on the market, so let’s talk about and compare the most popular ones being used today.

#1 Post forms are the most popular, as well as the least expensive counters and are also called roll tops. These are available at any kitchen dealer or building center. They require seams, and sinks must be above mounted, posing a huge limitation on shapes, particularly if you are trying for an island that has extra size or character to it.

#2 Granite or Quartz. These granite type counters are without question the best counters on the market. It is only the price that keeps them from being the most popular. However they have become much more accessible and affordable in the last twenty years.

#3 Avondale Seamless Counters. Laminates do have a great finish. The problem is that they have been around so long that they’ve become boring! Check out www.AvondaleKitchens.com where there is a really new exciting way to get it all. Shapes, designs, no seams, undermounted sinks, 100% hygienic and comes in at a relatively low cost. In short, you get the granite look for Formica prices. Although granite is still the best, these come in as a very close second. Check it out, you will likely be impressed with not only the price but the quality as well.

This article was written by Jim Lawrence www.AvondaleKitchens.com They have designers in your area every week doing professional designs and quotes.




Three WordsThere are three words no one ever wants to hear about themselves or a loved one. “You Have Cancer”. These three words will change the course of many lives forever. There are so many different considerations for the person receiving this diagnosis…surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and unfortunately the possibility of not surviving this terrible disease.

We would like to introduce you to Lynn Thier, Certified Professional Cancer Coach. Lynn has recently completed education to guide the person with cancer through all the decisions associated with the disease. The one year program consists of an initial consultation, history and assessment, medical options, integrative options, nutritional oncology, lifestyle oncology, resuming your life, and support throughout the year.

Lynn is the only Cancer Coach in New Brunswick and is excited to be able to bring hope and help to the residents of the province diagnosed with cancer. She is offering a non-profit workshop at Kingswood Park, 1700 Hanwell Road on May 21st, May

28th and June 4th at 6 PM. For more information you can contact Lynn through her website www.cancerhealthcoach.ca or at 506-999-3554 or lynnthier@gmail.com

lakewood builders

Cancer Health Coach,

Lynn Thier, RHN

City of FrederictonWith Spring approaching us, I urge you to support the many businesses both large and small available right here in Fredericton. We are the shopping centre for central and western New Brunswick and have many wonderful and talented craftspeople and dedicated business owners in our community who deserve your support. When you get the urge to go shopping, you don’t have to go very far to find quality products and professional services. Let our local merchants and artisans impress you with their quality and value.

Brad WoodsideMayor

Residence ofMike & Krista Fraser Fredericton, NB

Avondale has a professional designer in your area every week doing

At-Your-Home No-Charge-Designsvist the huge kitchen showroom at

317 Lockhart Mill Rd Woodstock NB Phone: 1-800-561-4112


Avondale does

At-Your-Home No-Charge-Designs

all in a 1-1/2 hr booking.


Do you have a little problem, a teeny little problem?

Help has arrived – just

Dear Mia,

My son is 20 and attends the local university. He is such a good boy. He has a girlfriend...nice girl from Newfoundland…who lives in an apartment with 3 other girls. Now I’m not a dummy — sometimes he doesn’t come home at night and I know he is at her apartment and I know they “sleep” together. So, Mia, my problem is...Tyler wants his girlfriend to come here some nights and he expects they will sleep in his room. I don’t think this is cool. Tyler says it’s a double standard because I know he stays at her apartment. What do you say Mia?

Cool Mom


Dear Cool, I appreciate your son’s logic . . . however, you didn’t mention if you are paying for his university, whether he pays board or even has a job. Well, I guess that doesn’t matter. You have morals that are preventing your son having a sleep over with his girlfriend. That is okay . . . I wouldn’t let my 72 year old widowed father and his 40 year old girlfriend sleep in the same room when they visited . . . so I guess we are on the same page. What do I say? I say — your house, your rules.


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