
AS Media – Juhel Miah – Mrs Brindley

This presentation will show and explain the reasons behind the sources of inspirations I took from a variety of existing magazines, for my front cover, contents page and double page spread.

I took inspiration from the way the sub-articles come down the side of the cover, looks nice and attractive.

I also took inspiration from the image of the artist itself as it is the main focus and by being central on the page it shows the readers they are the main focus.

However I feel the writing on the top of the page here does not look nice and makes the cover look a bit messy as it is sqaushed and untidy.

I found this part of the contents page very eye-catching because I like the way how it has a picture on the other side showing the artist and the page number next to it with a little caption telling the reader what it is about.

Below are all the double page spreads I analysed and reviewed. As mentioned previously, I like the way all of these double page spreads have the interview on one page and have an image of the artist on the other page, this is a very effective way and a technique which I will definitely take inspiration from.

My final outcome, as you can see it is similar to the double page spreads above. I took a lot of inspiration from these double page spreads.

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