Applying goodwin's theory

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Media A2 music video analysis.



Falling in reverse- the drug in me is you

‘Music videos demonstrate certain genre characteristics’ This point suggests that the genre of music decides certain aspects

that are included. The genre rock has many aspects such as:

The sound of rock is usually centred around the electric guitar.

Rock lyrics usually cover themes such as: romantic love including sex, rebellion, social concerns and life styles.

Dark colours Direct address A lot of band footage

Sound centred around the electric guitar

There are several shots through out the video showing how the sound is centred around the electric guitars.When listening to the music the instrument you can here the most is the guitar it seems to block out the others

Themes in the music video

Rebellion is the main theme in the music video this is shown by the courtroom scene as the artist/ character in the narrative is attending a trial. To show even more rebellious attitude he stands on the witness stand. Another theme in the music video is sexual overtones as all the female characters in the narrative are wearing provocative clothing. This also links to notions of voyeurism and will also attract the target audience (generally, teenage boys).

Dark coloursThroughout the music video the background and lighting is always dark such as black and grey, this would be to show the ‘dark side’ of people such as rebellious tendencies.

Direct addressMany different shots are in direct address to make the audience feel involved in the narrative. It is almost like the artist is singing to and telling the story to the viewers.

Band footageIn the music video there are shots of performance not just narrative, this is to show of the artists as a group, also their look. An audience will automatically make a link to the artists when listening to a song. Showing the band members may also influence the viewers in style or taste.

‘Link between the lyrics and the visuals’

In the video from falling in reverse- The drug in me is you, there isn't actually any specific moment where the lyrics are linked to the visuals apart from when he sings ‘I heard this knock upon my door the other day’ even though the knock is slightly before he sings the lyrics. However there are some moments where there seems to be links between the lyrics and the visuals but they are not so literal. Such as, when the artist is singing ‘I've lost my god damn mind’ at this point the setting is in a courtroom and he is doing things which would not be seen as ‘normal’ such as; climbing on a witness stand and grabbing the judges Gavel.

‘Link between the music and visuals’

One way in which the music is liked with the visuals is when the police officers are hitting the truncheons onto there hands the guitar strums, this makes them sounds tough which they’re look doesn’t suggest. Apart from that there doesn’t seem to be anymore links, during the narrative the instruments do not link to any of the visuals and there is not any extraneous sounds.

‘Demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artist’

There are several close ups in this video of the artist, this is for the audience to know who the singer is as he is usually the one on the front of CD’s this means they might recognise and by it. Also the close ups help show the emotions on the artists/characters face which gives a bigger meaning for the lyrics, also may give more understanding of the song.

‘The artist may develop iconography that recurs across their work’

Throughout the different music videos I have watched from falling in reverse there doesn’t seem to be any consistency with iconography.However the band are recognisable by their hair, they keep it constantly the same look in all of they’re music videos

The drug in me is you I’m not a vampire Good girls Bad guys

‘There is a frequent reference to notion of looking’

The notion of looking is mostly towards the audience through out the song, it is as if he is singing to the viewers near enough through out and they are seen as ‘the drug in me is you’ this is because every time he sings that line his attention is at the camera.Although in one bit he is looking at the girl behind the glass, here it seems like he is talking to her and expressing his feelings, he is actually singing about the point of living when you only live to die, this is probably relating to the point that he is in prison and he might as well be dead, a reason why we get this reference to notion of looking is because the girl is also nodding to show that she is listening to what he is saying.

‘Often intertextual references’

There aren’t actually any intertextual references to films, other music videos, or television and popular culture in this video from falling in reverse, however in the song Good girls bad guys there is one to the film scary movie. Here in these two screen shots all the actors are saying ‘Wassup!’ The clip in falling in reverse’s music video is there for the audience to make a connection.

Scary movie Falling in reverse

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