Appliance Testing: Why Businesses Should Have Their Appliances Checked for Defects

Post on 14-Nov-2014






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DESCRIPTION - Local businesses, no matter how big or small they are, are required to have their working appliances undergo appliance testing. It is a safety requirement imposed by industry regulators that all businesses and organisations must adhere to.


Appliance Testing: Why Businesses Should Have Their Appliances Checked for Defects

As you may know, local businesses, no matter how big or small they are, are required to have their working appliances undergo appliance testing.

It is a safety requirement imposed by industry regulators that all businesses and organisations must adhere to.

But why exactly should you have your appliances tested? Discussed below are some of the reasons why.

Reason No 1. Some electrical defects can be found by visual examination. There are instances when you just have to take one look at an electrical appliance to know that it is broken.

However, some types of defect cannot be detected by sight alone. They should undergo a series of tag and testing that is performed by professionals.

This will help ensure that no defects, visible or otherwise, are overlooked and neglected.

Reason No 2. As a business owner, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of the members of your staff.

As such, it goes without saying that you should never expose them and let them use electronic appliances that can endanger their lives.

Believe it or not, a simple defective appliance can potentially cause serious injuries or even death if left unchecked.

Thus, you will need someone who can conduct appliance testing to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your workers.

Reason No 3. Not only they can endanger lives, defective electronic appliances can also cause potential damage to property.

For instance, using a particular gadget with faulty wiring that went undetected for years is extremely dangerous.

When you plug it into an electrical socket, it might cause a short circuit that can lead to fire and other similar accidents.

If you don't want this to occur, you certainly need your appliances to undergo tag and testing.

Reason No 4. As mentioned earlier, industry regulators, including OHS, expect businesses and organisations to adhere to certain safety standards.

In addition, the government has passed a legislation requiring businesses to have all their equipment undergo appliance testing. If you fail to comply with these regulations,

you will have no choice but to pay fines, which can amount to thousands of dollars. If you don't want to pay fines, therefore, you should have your appliances tested regularly.

Reason No 5. Failure to comply with safety rules and neglecting your duties can also cause you to potentially lose your business permit.

To prevent this scenario from happening, you should contact an appliance testing expert immediately and have all your equipment tested and checked for potential defects.

Call David Hall today for a free site inspection and quote.Phone: 0415 675 102


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