Appendix 1. Interview

Post on 12-Jan-2023






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Appendix 1. Interview

A. Teachers’ interview

No Question Answer

1 Do you get some difficulties in

teaching English?

Yes, sometimes


Do you find some problems in

teaching English?

The students are lack of

vocabularies and do not interest in

learning English.


What do the cause of the


The students are lack of

motivation. They think that

English is not important.

4 Do you ever use method or

media in teaching English?

Yes, I’m. I used pictures in

teaching descriptive text.

B. Students’ interview

No Question Answer

1 Do you think learn English was


Yes, I do


What makes you think that learning

English is difficult?

A vocabulary has some meanings,

we have to know and distinguish

verb, adjective, and the

pronunciation very difficult.

3 How about your test score? Under minimum score.

Appendix 2. Observation



Date : Saturday/July 27, 2019

School : SMK TQ Sadamiyyah

Class : X Tata Busana

English Teacher : Isnanu Rida, S.Pd


Observe the teaching and learning process in the classroom, and note the result of

your observation based on the following indicators.

A. Observation in cycle one

No Indicators Note

1 Learning Material Descriptive text

2 Skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing)


3 Learning Strategy, model, technique Group investigation method

4 Learning technology/ media Word walls

5 Students’ responses toward the learning strategy and media

A few of the students can join in learning

process actively, but many students did not interest and be passive in the class.

6 The students are given a chance to have discussion with their friends

Yes, after apply word walls media as a game and gave some questions to the students in

group the students asked to make a discussion about text

7 Evaluation used by the teacher Test (multiple choice and essay)

8 Excellence of the teaching process All of the students want to join in a word walls game

13 Weakness of the teaching process There was still many students feel bored and did not interest in learning process

Jepara, February 29, 2020


B. Observation in cycle two

No Indicators Note

1 Learning Material Descriptive text

2 Skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing)


3 Learning Strategy, model, technique Group investigation method

4 Learning technology/ media Word walls

5 Students’ responses toward the learning strategy and media

Many students can join in learning process actively, but still one or two students did not interest and be passive in the class.

6 The students are given a chance to have discussion with their friends

Yes, after apply word walls media as a game

and gave some questions to the students in

group the students asked to make a discussion

about text

7 Evaluation used by the teacher Test (multiple choice and essay)

8 Excellence of the teaching process All of the students want to join in a word walls game

13 Weakness of the teaching process The students took long time to remember the word walls to comprehending the text.

Jepara, March 07, 2020


Appendix 3. Blueprint of test

A. Blueprint of test in cycle one

Basic Competence

Indicator Question Indicator





Answer Keys

3.7 Compare the social function,

text structure, and language

features in some oral descriptive

texts, and write with giving and

asking the information related to

people description, place, and

building, in short and simple

ways, appropriate with the


Identify the social function,

structure of the text, and

language features in some of

descriptive texts

Providing a descriptive text

and indicate the main idea, the

text purpose and the topic

related to the context of the




1, 2, 6, 10, 11,


Essay: 3

LK 1 Multiple choice:

B, D, A, B, D, C

Essay: To describe

about Chairul Tanjung

4.8 Catch the meaning in oral Response the meaning in Providing a descriptive text Multiple LK 2 Multiple choice:

descriptive texts or written descriptive text, oral or written

about people, place, and


and indicate the information

related to the content of the



3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,

12, 13, 14, 16,

17, 18, 19, 20


1, 2, 4

C, A, B, B, A, D, B, E,

C, D, A, A, C, C


1. Every morning and

in the evening John

takes his pet for

walks because he

want no one will be

afraid of his pet.

2. Because his pet

climb all over him.

4.The Caracteristics of

Chairul Tanjung:

Tall body, dark hair,

slightly slanted eyes

and brown skin.

Chairul Tanjung


Bank Mega, Carrefour,

Trans TV, Trans 7,

Trans Studio, etc.

4.10 Arrange a descriptive text

orally and written about people,

place, and building appropriate

with the purpose, the generic

structure, and language features

correctly with the context.

Arrange the descriptive text

orally and written about

people, place, and building.

Build some statements to fill

the descriptive text

Essay: 5 LK 3 a. Reading a novel in

this room.

b. A night table next

to the bed, a TV, a

radio, and a


c. Play online games,

chat with my

friends via


d. Everything I need

when I hungry.

B. Blueprint of test in cycle two

Basic Competence

Indicator Question Indicator





Answer Keys

3.7 Compare the social function,

text structure, and language

features in some oral descriptive

Identify the social function,

structure of the text, and

language features in some of

Providing a descriptive text

and indicate the main idea, the

text purpose and the topic



14, 17, 19.

LK 1 Multiple choice:

B, B, E

texts, and write with giving and

asking the information related to

people description, place, and

building, in short and simple

ways, appropriate with the


descriptive texts related to the context of the


4.8 Catch the meaning in oral

descriptive texts or written

Response the meaning in

descriptive text, oral or written

about people, place, and


Providing a descriptive text

and indicate the information

related to the content of the




1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8,

9, 10, 16, 18,



1, 2, 3.

LK 2 Multiple choice:

C, D, A, B, B, C, D,

A, D, C, C.


1. Karebosi Link

2. Coto Makassar

and Konro

3. Bananas are

pressed, grilled,

and covered with

Palm Sugar Sauce

and sometimes

eaten with Durian.

4.10 Arrange a descriptive text

orally and written about people,

place, and building appropriate

with the purpose, the generic

structure, and language features

correctly with the context.

Arrange the descriptive text

orally and written about

people, place, and building.

Build some statements to fill

the descriptive text


Choices: 4, 6,

11, 12, 13, 15,

Essay: 4& 5.

LK 3 Multiple Choices: D,

A, B, B, D, C.


4. C – A – B


Appendix 4. Test

A. Test in cycle one

1. Choose the best answer by

crossing A, B, C, D, or E!

Read this text carefully

My Father

My father is Mr. Joko. He is

very warm, smart, and funny

person. I live with him in

Bangsri, Jepara.

My father is quite handsome

man. Now, he is about 60 years

old. He has well-built body

because he always does exercise

every day. He is also tall. He has

short white hair and brown eyes.

He has an oval face and pointed

chin. He has slight moustaches

and beard. He has slight dark

brown skin.

My father is a technician.

He works in home, but

sometimes he got calling in

office or hotel. He organize and

repair technical equipment. He

loves his job very much. He

always smiling when he work


1. What the type of text it is?

a. Compliment

b. Descriptive text

c. Narrative text

d. Symphaty

e. Recount text

2. What is the purpose of this


a. To amuse the reader

b. To give a feeling to


c. To retell some events

d. To describe the writers’


e. To describe the writer

3. What is the writers’ fathers’


a. He is a farmer

b. He is a tailors

c. He is a technician

d. He is a teacher

e. He is a waiters

4. What does the writers’ do on

his job?

a. He organized and repair

technical equipment

b. He teachs the students on

the class

c. He gives a service in


d. He repairs cloths

e. He goes to fishing

5. Does the writers’ father like

his job?

a. Yes, the writer love his


b. Yes, the writers’ father

love his job

c. Yes, the writer and his

father love their job

d. No, the writers’ father

love his job

e. No, the writer hate his


Read the text carefuly!

Borobudur Temple

Borobudur temple is one of

the most beautiful tourist resorts

in Indonesia. It is situated in

central java. Borobudur temple

is one of the seven wonders of

the world which needs to be

preserved its circumstances. The

people all over the world know

that Borobudur is one of the

greatest art works that ever

known since long time ago.

Borobudur temple was built

by Syailendra Dynasty during

the eight century. It needed more

than two million river stones. It

is the biggest temple in the


After going into some

restorations, Borobudur is

visited by more and more

tourists, both domestic and

foreign tourists. Most of them

admire Borobudur temple

because of its beauty, its

elegance and the story of the

relief on its walls.

Domestic tourists usually go

there by bus or private cars,

while foreign tourists like to join

travel bureau because they don’t

need to think of the

transportation, accommodation,

and itinenary. There are some

money changers around the

location. It makes them easier to

change their money. But some of

them like to bring credit cards

and checks.

6. What is the generic structure

of this text?

a. Identification and


b. Identification and


c. Description and


d. Orientation and


e. Description and events

7. Where is the location of

Borobudur Temple?

a. East Java

b. Central Java

c. West Java

d. Djogjakarta

e. Semarang

8. When Borobudur temple was


a. On eight century by

Syailendra Dinasty

b. On eight century by

Shang Dinasty

c. On nine century by

Syailendra Dinasty

d. On nine century by

Shang Dinasty

e. On fifth century by

Syailendra Dinasty

9. How the domesic tourists

way when goes to Borobudur


a. By using a sheep

b. By using a plan

c. By join travel bureau

d. By bus or private cars

e. By join with thier friends

10. Read the statement below

and state the job!

They design, make, or repair

garments. They work in


a. Technician

b. Tailors

c. Teachers

d. Lawyers

e. Nurses

Read the text carefuly!

The National Monument

The National Monument

(Monumen Nasional) is a 132-

meter tower in the center of

Merdeka Square, Central

Jakarta. It symbolizes the fight

for Indonesia’s independence.

The monument consists of a

117,7 m obelisk on a 45 m

square platform at a height of a

17 m.

The towering monument

symbolizes the philosophy of

Lingga and Yoni. Lingga

resembles, rice pestle (alu) and

Yoni resembles a mortar rice

(lesung), two important items in

Indonesia aglicultural tradition.

The construction began in 1961

under the direction of President

Soekarno and the monument was

opened to the public in 1975. It

is topped by a flame covered

with gold foil. The monument

and museum are opened daily

from 08:00 – 15:00 every day

throughout the week, except for

the last Monday of the month the

monument is closed.

11. What is the text about?

a. The philosophy of

National Monument

b. The symbol of National


c. The National Monument


d. The Description of

Natonal Monument

e. The function of National


12. Whay the National

Monument is build?

a. It build to amuse the


b. It build to symbolizes the

fight for Indonesia’s


c. It build for Lingga and


d. It build for domestic and

foreign visitors

e. It build for learning

Indonesia’s history

13. What the philosophies of

Lingga and Yoni?

a. The philosophy of

Indonesia’s culture

b. The philosophy of

Indonesia’s tradition

c. The philosophy of



d. Lingga and Yoni is

philosophy for alicultural

in Indonesia

e. Lingga is philosophy for

alu and Yoni is

philosophy for lesung

14. The National Monument is

opened everyday, except .....

a. The first Monday of the


b. The second Monday of

the month

c. The last Monday of the


d. The third Monday of the


e. Every Monday

Read the text carefuly!

Kediri is a name of town. It

is situated in a valley between

the Kelud and Willis mountains

and inhabited by about 1,3

million people. In the centre of

the town there is a large hill

which is called the Dathok

mountain. Because of the

topography of the region, Kediri

is called a chilly town by the

locals. There is a big river called

Brantas cutting off the centre of

the town.

Beside the temples, Kediri

is also famous for its products

like cigarettes and a special kind

of tofu or bean curd. This highly

nutritious food is delicacy of

Kediri and has a distinctive taste.

The cigarettes factory dominates

the town economy and employs

the majority of the women labor

force. Kediri and the cigarettes

factory are inseparable and it is

considered the biggest cigarette

factory in Indonesia. Most of the

local people work in this factory.

Those who do not work here are

farmers or traders.

15. What does the text tell


a. The history of Kediri

b. The famous product of


c. The description of Kediri

d. The people of Kediri

e. The factory in Kediri

16. Which one has a distinctive


a. The cigarette

b. The special food

c. The bean curd

d. The highly nutritious


e. The Kediri’s food

17. “Those who do not work

here .....” (last sentence). The

underline word refers to .....

a. The local people

b. The factory workers

c. The farmers

d. The traders

e. The readers

Read the text carefuly!

This museum is located in

Ambarawa in central JavA. The

musseum focuses on the

collection of steam locomotive.

Ambarawa was a military city

during the dutch colonial

government. King Willem I

ordered the construction of the

new railway station to enable the

government to transport it’s

troops to Semarang. On may the

21st 1873, the Ambarawa

railway station was built on

100,027,500 squares meter lanD.

Back then it was known as the

Willem I station. The Ambarawa

railway museum was established

much later on October 16, 1976

in the Ambarawa station to

preserve the steam locomotive.

They were coming to the end of

their useful life when the 3 feet 6

inches guard railway or the

Indonesian state railway or

Perusahaan Negara Kereta Api

was closed. The steam

locomotives are parked in the

open air next to the original


18. What was the Ambarawa

called during the dutch

colonial government?

a. A military city

b. A railway museum

c. A new railway town

d. King Williem I station

e. Steam locomotive station

19. Why was the Ambarawa

railway museum established?

a. To build new railway


b. To transport government


c. To preserve the steam


d. To build a new

goverments station

e. To park the locomotives in

the original station

20. Where is the parking area for

the steam locomotive?

a. In the center of the station

b. In the front of the station

c. In the open air next to the

original station

d. In the original station

e. Behind of th station

2. Essay

John is eleven years old.

Every evening John takes his

pets for a walk. His pets are

baby tigers!

Some time ago a friend of

Johns’ father found the cubs in

the jungle. The mother tiger left

them there. The cubs were only

five weeks old. The man knew

that John was very fond of

animals. He gave them to him.

Every day John feeds the

cubs with milk and raw meat.

They love to play with him.

Sometimes John finds it hard to

do his homework because the

cubs climb all over him. John’s

mother often lets John take the

cubs to bed with him. The

children at school cannot

understand John. They think it is

unusual to have baby tigers as


But John does not really care.

He loves his cubs. In the

evenings he puts them on leads

and takes them for walks. This

way no one will be afraid of his


1. When John takes his pets for

a walk and why?

2. What makes John get hard to

do his homework?

Chairul Tanjung

Chairul Tanjung is successful

businessman from Indonesia. He

leads CT Corp which consists of

three subholding companies:

Mega Corp, Trans Corp, and CT

Global Resources. These

companies concern on financial

service, media, retail, lifestyle,

entertainment, as well as natural

resources. Some of his

businesses are Bank Mega,

Carrefour, Trans TV, Trans 7,

Trans Studio, etc.

Chairul Tanjung has a tall

body, dark hair, slightly slanted

eyes and brown skin like most of

Indonesian. CT was born on

June 16, 1962; he is he is 57

years old in 2019. CT has two

children with his beloved wife

Anita Ratnasari Tanjung.

Chairul has graduated from

faculty of dentistry at University

of Indonesia. Because of being

economically disadvantaged, he

began to do business from

college. After graduation, he has

established bigger business. In

2014, he was the 375th as one of

the richest people in the world

by Forbes.

3. What is the purpose of the


4. What the characteristics of

Chairul Tanjung? and

mention his business clearly!

5. Fill in the blank with good


My Small House

I live in a small house. It has

five rooms: there are two

bedrooms, a living room, a

bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed

it is a small house; but I like

living in here for wasting my

spare time.

When the door is open, I can

see the living room. It is so small

with only three chairs and a

table, nothing else. I prefer


My bedroom is in the left side of

the living room. In this room

there is........................... . When

being bored of reading, I usually

................................ and so on.

Next to my bedroom is my

mother's. I do not know what is

inside because I never come in

to see it. In the right side of the

living room there is the kitchen.

In the kitchen I have

.............................. . It is very

pleasure when my mother cooks,

the smell fills my whole house.

I know it is a very small

house; but it is the best place I

have ever seen.

B. Test in cycle two

A. Choose the best answer by

crossing A, B, C, D, or E!

Read this text carefully!

The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel tower is an iron

lattice tower located on the

Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in

1889, it has become both a

global icon of France and one of

the most recognizable structure

in the world. The tower is the

tallest building in Paris and the

most-visited paid monumen in

the world. Millions of people

ascend it every year.

Named for its designer,

engineer Gustave Eiffel, the

tower was built as the entrance

arch to the 1889 world’s Fair.

The tower stands 324 meters tall,

about the same height as an 81-

story building. Upon its

completion, it surpassed the

Washington Monument to

assume the title of tallest man-

made structure in the world, a

title it held for 41 years, until the

Chrysler Building in New York

City was build in 1930.

However, due to the addition in

1957 of the antenna, the tower is

now taller than the Chrysler

Building. Not including

broadcast antennas, it is the

second-tallest structure in France

after the 2004 Millau Viaduct.

The tower has three levels for

visitors. Tickets can be

purchased to ascend, by stairs or

lift, to the first and second

levels. The walk to the first level

is over 300 steps, as is the walk

from the first to the second level.

The third and highest level is

accesible only by elevator. Both

the first and second levels

feature restaurant.

The tower has become the

most prominent symbol of both

Paris and France, often in the

establishing shot of films set in

the city.



1. Where is the Eiffel Tower


a. Paris

b. France

c. Champ de Mars

d. Rio de juro

e. Washington

2. Why the Washingtone

Monument just held the title of

the tallest tower for 41 years?

a. Because Paris has the taller


b. Because it build stands 324


c. Because Washingtone

Monument getting down

d. Because the Chrysler


e. Because the Eiffel Tower

3. What thing that stay on the first

and second level?

a. Restaurants

b. Coffe shop

c. Some stores

d. Kitchen

e. Park

Read the text carefully!

Petra is the youngest in our

family. He is fourteen years old and

four years younger than me. He has

long, straight hair, bright eyes and a

friendly smile. Sometimes he is

rather naught at home, but he usually

does what he is asked to do.

Petra is interested in dports

very much, and at school, he plays

football and tennis. He is the best

badminton player in our family.

4. Which of the following

statement is not true about


a. He plays football and tennis

b. He has long and straight hair

c. He has bright eyes

d. He doesn’t play bodminton

e. He has friendly smile

5. According to the passage, we

know that Petra is?

a. The writers’ elder brother

b. The writers youngest


c. A friendly boy

d. A naughty boy

e. The writers; teacher

6. From the text, we may conclude


a. Petra is welcoming person

b. People is older that the


c. Petra is not diligent at all

d. Many people do not like


e. Many people hate the writers

7. How old is Petra? He is ... years


a. Four

b. Fourteen

c. Fourty

d. Ten

e. Twelve

8. The writer is ... years old

a. Fourteen

b. Sixteen

c. Eighteen

d. Twenty

e. Twenty two

9. it is implied in the passage that...

a. Petra is naughty

b. Petra is lazy

c. Petra is unfriendly

d. Petra is diligent

e. Petra is hot

10. what is the text mostly about?

a. Petra

b. Petra’s hobby

c. Petra’s family

d. Petra’s elder brother

e. Petra’s mind

11. “He is fourteen years old ... than

me. The underlined word refers


a. Petra

b. The writer

c. The writers’ brother

d. The writers’ family

e. Petra’s family

12. “Petra is interested in sports very

much, ...” The underlined phrase

can be replaced by...

a. Dislike sport

b. Really like sport

c. Hates sport very much

d. Finds sport not really


e. Just so so

13. “But he usually does what he is

asked to do” the underlined

phrase means ...

a. He does anything he wants

b. He always asks

c. He is lazy

d. He is diligent

e. He is smart

Read the text carefully!

This is about my mother. Her

name is Nia Wulandari. She has

brown complexion and black hair.

Her height is as same as mine, 155


My mother is a tailor. She

sews special clothes for women

called “kebaya”. I learned many

things about sewing from her. she is

a great teacher for me.

Every morning, she wakes up

earlier than other members in my

family. She prepared breakfast for

us. She is a tough and patient mother.

We love her very much.


14. What does the text tell about?

a. The writers’ appearance

b. The writers’ mother

c. The writers’ job

d. The writers’ activity

e. The writers’ family

15. I learned many things about

sewing from her (paragraph 2).

The underlined world refers to...

a. The writers’ father

b. The writers’ sister

c. The writers’ mother

d. The writors’ brother

e. The writors parents

16. Which showed the mothers’s

writers’ character?

a. Kind and tough

b. Smart and patient

c. Excellent and amazing

d. Tough and patient

e. Patient and diligent

Read the text carefully!

Losari beach is a beautiful

beach and located on the edge city of

Makassar. It is located only about 3

km from the center of Makassar

(Karebosi Park). The beach used to

be the longest cafe in Asia, because

many cafes stand in along the beach,

but now the cafes are collected in a

special place so it does not spread

along the coast. Charm of the beach

is mainly seen in the evening when

the sunset stands out. This is a major

attraction of peoples’ coming to the

Losari Beach.

Every evening hundreds of

people come to witness the panorama

of red as the sun will disappear into

the ocean, so do not miss the sunset

at the Losari Beach. If the sky is

sunny, the scenery is absolutely

perfect. Because of its location in a

bay, the water of Losari is even often

quiet as usual pool water.

Losari is its waterfront of

Makassar. The lengthy of the beach

is approximately one kilometer and it

ia a public space that can be accessed

by anyone. On this beach there is a

park called the Pelataran Bahari

(Marine Park), with semicircular area

of nearly one hectare. This place is a

plaza with a clean floor for children

to play and running around, while

parents and teens sit on concrete

benches to enjoy the sea breeze.

From this place, you are also free to

view out to the sea and watch the

sunset slowly turns reddish in the

line of the horizon. The reflected

light also creates sheens on the

surface of sea water.

The pelataran Bahari also

serves as the stadium of open water

to watch the coastal waters in front

of Losari beach. This coastal water is

often used as a racecourse jet ski,

boat races and traditional boat jolloro

katinting, or become a transit point

of rely Sandeq traditional sailboats

and yachts.

In Losari there are also a few

hotels. Some of them qualified as a

three stars hotel. The hotel is offering

panoramic beauty of the sea with

luxury service treats. There are

Losari Beach Hotel, Losari Beach

Inn, Makassar Golden Hotel, and

Pantai Gapura Hotel. All of the

hotels located in Jalan Penghibur.

17. What is the main idea of the


a. Losari beach is an awful


b. Losari beach is a good place

to visit

c. No body visit Losari beach

d. Many visitor in Pantai

Gapura Hotel

e. No one stay in Losari Beach


18. How many hotels does the writer


a. Six hotels

b. Five hotels

c. Four hotels

d. Three hotels

e. Two hotels

19. Where is Losari beach located?

a. Somewhere at Makassar city

b. Located at Jl. Penghibur

c. Near Makassar city

d. Far away from Losari Beach


e. Located only about 3km

from the center of Makassar

(Karebosi Park)

20. What do not missssed by the

visitors when goes to Losari


a. The three stars hotel

b. The beach

c. The phanorama of red as the


d. The Marine park

e. The plaza

B. Essay

Read the text carefully!

Makassar is the provincial

capital of South Sulawesi,

Indonesia, and the largest city on

Sulawesi Island. From 1971 to

1999, the city was named Ujung

Pandang, after a pre-colonial fort in

the city, and the two names are

often used interchangeably. The

port city is located on the southwest

coast of the island of Sulawesi,

facing the Makassar Strait. Its area

is 175.77 km2 and has population of

around 1.4 million.

Makassar is home to several

prominent landmarks including the

16th century Dutch Fort Rotterdam,

Trans Studio Makassar – the third

largest indoor theme park in the

world and the Karebosi Link – the

first underground shopping center

in Indonesia.

Makassar has several famous

traditional foods. The most famous

is Coto Makassar. It is a stew made

from the mixture of nuts and spices

with beef parts which include beef

brain, tongue and intestine. Konro

rib dish is also popular traditional

food in Makassar. Both Coto

Makassar and Konro are usually

eaten with Burasa, glutinous rice

with coconut milk and sauted

coconut granule.

In addition, Makassar is the

home of pisang epe, or pressed

bananas. These are bananas which

are pressed, grilled, and covered

with palm sugar sauce and

sometimes eaten with Durian.

Many street vendors sell pisang

epe, especially around the area of

Losari Beach.

1. According to the text, what is

the first underground shopping

center in Indonesia?

2. What is the famous traditional

food in Makassar?

3. What do you know about

pisang epe according to the text


4. Arrange this sentences to be a

good paragraph!

a. It is situated in central Java.

b. Borobudur temple is one of

the seven wonders of the

world which needs to be

preserved its circumstance.

c. Borobudur temple is one of

the most beautiful tourist

resorts in Indonesia

5. Please, make a simple

descriptive text about your


Appendix 5. Questionnaire



4 : Sangat Setuju

3 : Setuju

2 : Tidak Setuju

1 : Sangat Tidak Setuju

Instruksi: berilah tanda (√) pada kolom sesuai dengan keterangan di atas!

No Pernyataan Pilihan Jawaban


1 Saya senang belajar kosa kata (vocabulary) bahasa Inggris

menggunakan word walls

2 Saya mendapat banyak kosakata (vocabulary) baru dengan

belajar menggunakan word walls

3 Saya tidak merasa bosan belajar kosakata (vocabulary) baru

menggunakan word walls

4 Saya mendapat banyak kosakata baru setelah belajar

menggunakan word walls

5 Saya mengerti tentang materi pelajaran setelah menggunakan

metode group investigation

6 Saya memahami dengan mudah mengenai teks bacaan

deskriptif setelah belajar menggunakan metode group


7 Metode group investigation membantu saya menangkap makna

yang disampaikan di dalam sebuah teks bacaan

8 Saya mampu membaca dan memahami isi bacaan teks tersebut

9 Saya mampu membaca bacaan dengan mudah setelah belajar

menggunakan metode group investigation

10 Kemampuan membaca saya bertambah dalam pemahaman isi


11 Setelah belajar menggunakan word walls dan group

investigation, saya sadar bahwa membaca sangatlah


12 Setelah belajar menggunakan word walls dan group

investigation saya hampir sering membaca untuk mendapatkan

sebuah pengetahuan

13 Word walls dan group investigation mampu menambah

kebiasaan membaca saya

14 Word walls dan group investigation mampu membuat saya

berpikir secara aktif ketika membaca sebuah bacaan

15 Word walls dan group investigation mampu membuat saya

berpikir kritis mengenai topik dalam sebuah bacaan

16 Word walls dan group investigation mampu membuat saya

berpikir dan fokus ketika membaca sebuah bacaan

17 Setelah menggunakan word walls dan group investigation, saya

suka membaca untuk menambah pengetahuan

18 Word walls dan group investigation mampu menambah

kemampuan saya dalam memahami isi bacaan, sehingga saya

dapat menambah kebiasaan membaca saya

19 Pemahaman teks, dan kebiasaan membaca adalah aktifitas yang

sulit, tapi setelah belajar menggunakan word walls dan group

investigation saya dapat menambah kemampuan saya dalam

memahami isi dari sebuah bacaan

Appendix 6. Lesson Plan

a. Lesson plan in cycle one


Sekolah : SMK TQ Sadamiyyah Guyangan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X/1

Materi Pokok : Teks Deskriptif

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit (2 Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran yang dianutnya.

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli ( gotong royong, kerjasama, tpleran, damai ), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial

dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan

kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian

yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi dasar dan indikator pencapaian kompetensi :

Kompetensi Dasar (KD)

3.7 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks

deskriptifsederhana tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.


mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada

teks deskriptif sederhana tentang orang.

4.8 Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana.


Merespon makna dalam teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang


4.10 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang orang, tempat

wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan

tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dengan benar dan sesuai



Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang orang.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui pendekatan scientific approach dan Wordwall media yang

dikombinasi dengan metode Group Investigation, diakhir pembelajaran

peserta didik mampu:

2. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks deskriptif sederhana trentang orang.

3. Merespon makna dalam teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis sederhana

tentang orang.

4. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang orang.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

a. Definisi Descriptive Text

It a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose

is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.

Descriptive text is a kind of text which describes particular thing,

animal, person, or others, for instance: our pets or a person that is

known well.

b. Fungsi Teks Deskriptive:

To describe a particular person, place or thing

The specific function of descriptive text is to give description

about an object (human or non-human)

c. Struktur Teks

Generic structure are the special characteristic of language

in the text. The generic structure of dscriptive text are as follow:

1. Identification

It is part of paragraph which introduces or identifies the

character to be describe. It can be called general

description of the subject. Usually it contains objects’

name, kind of the object, etc.

2. Description

It is part of paragraph which describes parts and

characteristics of the person or something that will be

described in detail, so the readers can get clear

description of the subject.

d. Contoh Teks Deskriptif

My Small House

Identification I live in a small house. It has five rooms: there are two

bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed it is a

small house; but I like living in here for wasting my spare time.


When the door is open, I can see the living room. It is so

small with only three chairs and a table, nothing else. I prefer

reading a novel in this room.

My bedroom is in the left side of the living room. In this room

there is a night table next to the bed, a TV, a radio, and a

computer. When being bored of reading, I usually play online

games, chat with my friends via Facebook and so on.

Next to my bedroom is my mother's. I do not know what is

inside because I never come in to see it. In the right side of the

living room there is the kitchen. In the kitchen I have everything I

need when I get hungry. It is very pleasure when my mother

cooks, the smell fills my whole house.

I know it is a very small house; but it is the best place I have

ever seen.

e. Unsur Kebahasaan

1. Use a specific participant.

2. Use adjectives.

3. Use simple present tense

4. Use action verb

E. Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

Model : Discovery Learning

Teknik : Diskusi

Metode : Group Investigation

F. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran

Media : Wordwall

Alat : Kertas Karton, Double Tap

Sumber Belajar : Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

G. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1

a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 menit)

1. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa peserta didik.

2. Guru menunjuk salah satu peserta didik untuk memimpin doa.

3. Guru mengecek absensi.

4. Guru memberi motivasi.

5. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.

b. Kegiatan Inti (70 menit)


1. Guru menunjukkan benda-benda yang ada di dalam kelas

2. Siswa mengamati ciri-ciri benda-benda tersebut


1. Guru bertanya kepada siswa mengenai benda-benda yang telah siswa


2. Salah satu siswa mendeskripsikan benda tersebut


1. Guru mengajak siswa untuk menganilisis bersama contoh teks

deskriptif dalam buku ajar/LKS.

2. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat kelompok yang setiap kelompok

beranggotakan 4/5 siswa

3. Siswa mengumpulkan berbagai informasi tentang teks deskriptif

4. Siswa menyimpulkan hasil diskusi mereka.


1. Guru membagikan sebuah teks deskriptif di masing-masing kelompok.

2. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat kelompok yang setiap kelompok

beranggotakan 4/5 siswa

3. Guru menyiapkan beberapa vocabulary yang tertera di kertas karton

yang ditempel di dinding (wordwall)

4. Siswa mencari makna dari vocabulary yang guru siapkan

5. Siswa berebut maju ke depan untuk mengisi vocabulary wordwall,

bagi kelompok yang dapat menyelesaikan lebih awal akan mendapat


c. Kegiatan Akhir (10 menit)

1. Guru bersama peserta didik menyimpulkan materi yang telah


2. Gambaran tentang materi selanjutnya.

3. Guru menunjuk salah satu dari peserta didik untuk memimpin doa.

4. Salam penutup.

Pertemuan Kedua

a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 menit)

1. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa peserta didik.

2. Guru menunjuk salah satu dari peserta didik untuk memimpin doa.

3. Guru memeriksa absensi peserta didik sekaligus menanyakan kabar

4. Guru memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik

5. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.

b. Kegiatan Inti (70 menit)


1. Guru bertanya tentang materi minggu lalu.

2. Kemudian guru meminta siswa untuk duduk berkelompok sesuai

dengan kelompoknya dipertemuan sebelumnya

3. Guru memberi sebuah teks deskriptif ke setiap kelompok untuk

dipelajari dan dipahami


1. Guru mulai menerapkan metode group investigation

2. Pada sesi pertama guru memberi pertanyaan mengenai isi dari teks

tersebut disetiap kelompok dengan pertanyaan yang berbeda

3. Pada sesi kedua siswa yang palig cepat mengacungkan jari setelah

guru membacakan pertanyaan dipersilahkan untuk menjawab

4. Bagi kelompok yang memperoleh nilai tertinggi akan mendapat


5. Dalam kurun waktu yang tersisa, siswa mengerjakan soal secara


c. Kegiatan Akhir (10 menit)

1. Guru memberi gambaran tentang materi selanjutnya.

2. Guru menunjuk salah satu dari peserta didik untuk memimpin doa.

3. Salam penutup.

H. Penilaian

No Indikator Penilaian Jumlah

soal Teknik Instrumen Contoh

1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi Tes




Read the

following text


sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks deskriptif

sederhana trentang


and choose A,

B, C, D, or E


2. Merespon makna dalam

teks deskriptif, lisan

dan tulis sederhana

tentang orang.




choice and


Read the

following text

and choose A,

B, C, D, or E



3. Menyusun teks

deskriptif lisan dan

tulis sederhana tentang




Essay Make a short

and complete

the sentence on

the text below.


I. Teknik dan Instrumen Penilaian

1. Teknik dan Jenis Penilaian

a. Penilaian Sikap (melalui rubric pengamatan selama proses

pembelajaran di kelas)

b. Penilaian Pengetahuan (melalui tes tertulis)

c. Penilaian Keterampilan (melalui hasil karya peserta didik)

2. Instrumen Penilaian

a. Penilaian Sikap















1 Rasa Semakin yakin dengan keberadaan

Syukur Tuhan setelah mempelajari ilmu


Berdoa sebelum dan sesudah

melakukan sesuatu kegiatan

Mengucapkan rasa syukur atas segala

karunia Tuhan

Memberi salam sebelum dan sesudah

mengungkapkan pendapat di depan


Mengungkapkan keagungan Tuhan

apabila melihat kebesaranNya

2. Jujur Tidak menyontek dalam mengerjakan


Tidak melakukan plagiat

(mengambil/menyalin karya orang lain

tanpa menyebutkan sumber) dalam

mengerjakan setiap tugas

Mengungkapkan perasaan terhadap

sesuatu apa adanya

Melaporkan data atau informasi apa


Mengakui kesalahan atau kekurangan

yang dimiliki

3. Disiplin Masuk kelas tepat waktu

Mengumpulkan tugas tepat waktu

Memakai seragam sesuai tata tertib

Mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan

Tertib dalam mengikuti pembelajaran

4 Percaya Melakukan sesuatu tanpa ragu-ragu

Diri Berani mengambil keputusan secara

cepat dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan

Tidak mudah putus asa

Berani menunjukkan kemampuan

yang dimiliki di depan orang banyak

Berani mencoba hal-hal yang baru

5 Tanggung-


Melakukan tugas-tugas dengan baik

Berani menerima resiko atas tindakan

yang dilakukan

Meninggalkan amanat yang diberikan


Mengembalikan barang yang dipinjam

dari orang lain

Berani meminta maaf jika melakukan

kesalahan yang merugikan orang lain

Jumlah Skor

Keterangan :

TP : Tidak Pernah

KD : Kadang-kadang

SR : Sering

SL : Selalu

Skor Maksimum : 100

Jepara, 28 Juli 2019

Guru Praktikan

Fitri Khoirun Nisa

b. Lesson plan in cycle two


Sekolah : SMK TQ Sadamiyyah Guyangan

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X/1

Materi Pokok : Teks Deskriptif

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit (2 Pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran yang dianutnya.

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli ( gotong royong, kerjasama, tpleran, damai ), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial

dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan,

teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,

kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan

kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian

yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi dasar dan indikator pencapaian kompetensi :

Kompetensi Dasar (KD)

3.7 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks

deskriptifsederhana tentang orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan

bersejarah terkenal, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.


mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada

teks deskriptif sederhana tentang orang.

4.8 Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana.


Merespon makna dalam teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang


4.10 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang orang, tempat

wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan

tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dengan benar dan sesuai



Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang orang.

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui pendekatan scientific approach dan Wordwall media yang

dikombinasi dengan metode Group Investigation, diakhir pembelajaran

peserta didik mampu:

1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks deskriptif sederhana trentang orang.

2. Merespon makna dalam teks deskriptif, lisan dan tulis sederhana

tentang orang.

3. Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang orang.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

a. Definisi Descriptive Text

It a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is

to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. Descriptive

text is a kind of text which describes particular thing, animal, person,

or others, for instance: our pets or a person that is known well.

b. Fungsi Teks Deskriptive:

To describe a particular person, place or thing

The specific function of descriptive text is to give description

about an object (human or non-human)

c. Struktur Teks

Generic structure are the special characteristic of language

in the text. The generic structure of dscriptive text are as follow:

i. Identification

It is part of paragraph which introduces or identifies the character to

be describe. It can be called general description of the subject. Usually

it contains objects’ name, kind of the object, etc.

ii. Description

It is part of paragraph which describes parts and characteristics of the

person or something that will be described in detail, so the readers can

get clear description of the subject.

d. Contoh Teks Deskriptif

My Small House


I live in a small house. It has five rooms: there are two

bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed it is a

small house; but I like living in here for wasting my spare time.

Description When the door is open, I can see the living room. It is so

small with only three chairs and a table, nothing else. I prefer

reading a novel in this room.

My bedroom is in the left side of the living room. In this room

there is a night table next to the bed, a TV, a radio, and a

computer. When being bored of reading, I usually play online

games, chat with my friends via Facebook and so on.

Next to my bedroom is my mother's. I do not know what is

inside because I never come in to see it. In the right side of the

living room there is the kitchen. In the kitchen I have everything I

need when I get hungry. It is very pleasure when my mother

cooks, the smell fills my whole house.

I know it is a very small house; but it is the best place I have

ever seen.

e. Unsur Kebahasaan

5. Use a specific participant.

6. Use adjectives.

7. Use simple present tense

8. Use action verb

E. Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Scientific Approach

Model : Discovery Learning

Teknik : Diskusi

Metode : Group Investigation

F. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran

Media : Wordwall

Alat : Kertas Karton, Double Tap

Sumber Belajar : Paket Bahasa Inggris Kelas X

G. Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran

Pertemuan 1

a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 menit)

1. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa peserta didik.

2. Guru menunjuk salah satu peserta didik untuk memimpin doa.

3. Guru mengecek absensi.

4. Guru memberi motivasi.

5. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.

b. Kegiatan Inti (70 menit)


1. Guru menunjukkan benda-benda yang ada di dalam kelas

2. Siswa mengamati ciri-ciri benda-benda tersebut


1. Guru bertanya kepada siswa mengenai benda-benda yang telah

siswa amati

2. Salah satu siswa mendeskripsikan benda tersebut


1. Guru mengajak siswa untuk menganilisis bersama contoh teks

deskriptif dalam buku ajar/LKS.

2. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat kelompok yang setiap

kelompok beranggotakan 4/5 siswa

3. Siswa mengumpulkan berbagai informasi tentang teks deskriptif

4. Siswa menyimpulkan hasil diskusi mereka.


1. Guru membagikan sebuah teks deskriptif di masing-masing


2. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat kelompok yang setiap

kelompok beranggotakan 4/5 siswa

3. Guru menempelkan beberapa kertas warna yang didalamnya

sudah tetuliskan sebuah kata yang harus diartikan dan

diperagakan oleh siswa di dinding

4. Siswa satu persatu maju dan memilih satu kertas warna. Siswa

diminta untuk membaca dan memperagakan kata dalam kertas

warna tersebut

c. Kegiatan Akhir (10 menit)

1. Guru bersama peserta didik menyimpulkan materi yang telah


2. Gambaran tentang materi selanjutnya.

3. Guru menunjuk salah satu dari peserta didik untuk memimpin


4. Salam penutup.

Pertemuan Kedua

a. Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10 menit)

1. Guru memberi salam dan menyapa peserta didik.

2. Guru menunjuk salah satu dari peserta didik untuk memimpin


3. Guru memeriksa absensi peserta didik sekaligus menanyakan


4. Guru memberikan motivasi kepada peserta didik

5. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.

b. Kegiatan Inti (70 menit)

1. Guru bertanya tentang materi minggu lalu.

2. Kemudian guru meminta siswa untuk duduk berkelompok sesuai

dengan kelompoknya dipertemuan sebelumnya

3. Guru memberi sebuah teks deskriptif ke setiap kelompok untuk

dipelajari dan dipahami


a. Guru mulai menerapkan metode group investigation

b. Pada sesi pertama guru memberi pertanyaan mengenai isi dari

teks tersebut disetiap kelompok dengan pertanyaan yang berbeda

c. Pada sesi kedua siswa yang palig cepat mengacungkan jari setelah

guru membacakan pertanyaan dipersilahkan untuk menjawab

d. Bagi kelompok yang memperoleh nilai tertinggi akan mendapat


e. Dalam kurun waktu yang tersisa, siswa mengerjakan soal secara


c. Kegiatan Akhir (10 menit)

1. Guru memberi gambaran tentang materi selanjutnya.

2. Guru menunjuk salah satu dari peserta didik untuk memimpin


3. Salam penutup.

H. Penilaian

No Indikator Penilaian Jumlah

soal Teknik Instrumen Contoh

1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi

sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan

pada teks deskriptif

sederhana trentang






Read the

following text

and choose A,

B, C, D, or E



2. Merespon makna dalam

teks deskriptif, lisan

dan tulis sederhana

tentang orang.




choice and


Read the

following text

and choose A,

B, C, D, or E



3. Menyusun teks

deskriptif lisan dan

tulis sederhana tentang




Essay Make a short

and complete

the sentence on

the text below.


I. Teknik dan Instrumen Penilaian

1. Teknik dan Jenis Penilaian

a. Penilaian Sikap (melalui rubric pengamatan selama proses

pembelajaran di kelas)

b. Penilaian Pengetahuan (melalui tes tertulis)

c. Penilaian Keterampilan (melalui hasil karya peserta didik)

2. Instrumen Penilaian

a. Penilaian Sikap















1 Rasa


Semakin yakin dengan keberadaan

Tuhan setelah mempelajari ilmu


Berdoa sebelum dan sesudah

melakukan sesuatu kegiatan

Mengucapkan rasa syukur atas segala

karunia Tuhan

Memberi salam sebelum dan sesudah

mengungkapkan pendapat di depan


Mengungkapkan keagungan Tuhan

apabila melihat kebesaranNya

2. Jujur Tidak menyontek dalam mengerjakan


Tidak melakukan plagiat

(mengambil/menyalin karya orang lain

tanpa menyebutkan sumber) dalam

mengerjakan setiap tugas

Mengungkapkan perasaan terhadap

sesuatu apa adanya

Melaporkan data atau informasi apa


Mengakui kesalahan atau kekurangan

yang dimiliki

3. Disiplin Masuk kelas tepat waktu

Mengumpulkan tugas tepat waktu

Memakai seragam sesuai tata tertib

Mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan

Tertib dalam mengikuti pembelajaran

4 Percaya


Melakukan sesuatu tanpa ragu-ragu

Berani mengambil keputusan secara

cepat dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan

Tidak mudah putus asa

Berani menunjukkan kemampuan

yang dimiliki di depan orang banyak

Berani mencoba hal-hal yang baru

5 Tanggung-


Melakukan tugas-tugas dengan baik

Berani menerima resiko atas tindakan

yang dilakukan

Meninggalkan amanat yang diberikan


Mengembalikan barang yang dipinjam

dari orang lain

Berani meminta maaf jika melakukan

kesalahan yang merugikan orang lain

Jumlah Skor

Keterangan :

TP : Tidak Pernah

KD : Kadang-kadang

SR : Sering

SL : Selalu

Skor Maksimum : 100

Jepara, 30 Maret 2020

Guru Praktikan

Fitri Khoirun Nisa

Appendix 7. Score Test

a. Test in cycle one

No Name Score

1 Afita Nur Cahyanti 70

2 Ainur Rohmah 72

3 Alimatun Nafiah 81

4 Anik Setyaningsih 75

5 Awwalia Arum Fadhilla 72

6 Dania Akalily R. 71

7 Erma Lailatul Laila 70

8 Hidayatul Munafiah 70

9 Ida Nur Widya 71

10 Ifa Nur Hidayah 72

11 Juni Zuliana Sari 71

12 Khilya Amilatun Nazilah 72

13 Lunfi Zunia Sari 71

14 Monica Amellya 71

15 Nafiya Shofiyana 70

16 Nur Afifah 70

17 Nur Aisah 73

18 Rita Dwi Damayanti 72

19 Rizkha Aulia 71

20 Shofiana 71

21 Sindi Fatika Sari 72

22 Sri Wulandari 73

23 Sulis Syafa’ah 71

24 Susi Bela Shofianatul J. 70

25 Susi Nur Wulandari 71

26 Tri Hera Selfiyana 70

27 Ulya Amalia 70

28 Zahwa Afro’ Suroya 71

Total 2004

b. Test in cycle two

No Name Score

1 Afita Nur Cahyanti 80

2 Ainur Rohmah 82

3 Alimatun Nafiah 91

4 Anik Setyaningsih 85

5 Awwalia Arum Fadhilla 82

6 Dania Akalily R. 81

7 Erma Lailatul Laila 80

8 Hidayatul Munafiah 80

9 Ida Nur Widya 81

10 IfaNur Hidayah 82

11 Juni Zuliana Sari 81

12 Khilya Amilatun Nazilah 82

13 Lunfi Zunia Sari 81

14 Monica Amellya 81

15 Nafiya Shofiyana 80

16 Nur Afifah 80

17 Nur Aisah 83

18 Rita Dwi Damayanti 82

19 Rizkha Aulia 81

20 Shofiana 81

21 Sindi Fatika Sari 82

22 Sri Wulandari 83

23 Sulis Syafa’ah 81

24 Susi Bela Shofianatul J. 80

25 Susi Nur Wulandari 81

26 Tri Hera Selfiyana 80

27 Ulya Amalia 80

28 Zahwa Afro’ Suroya 81

Total 2.284

Appendix 8. Score Questionnaire

No Name Score




1 AfitaNurCahyanti 55 72.3 % Strong

2 AinurRohmah 40 52.6 % Enough

3 AlimatunNafiah 52 68.4 % Strong

4 AnikSetyaningsih 52 68.4 % Strong

5 Awwalia Arum


48 63.1 % strong

6 Dania Akalily R. 44 57.9 % Enough

7 Erma LailatulLaila 52 68.4 % Strong



70 92.1 % Very



Ida NurWidya

70 92.1 % Very


10 IfaNurHidayah 39 51.3 % Enough

11 JuniZuliana Sari 40 52.6 % Enough



61 80.3 % Very



LunfiZunia Sari

70 92.1 % Very


14 Monica Amellya 48 63.1 % Strong

15 NafiyaShofiyana 48 63.1 % Strong



74 97.4 % Very


17 NurAisah 44 57.9 % Enough


Rita DwiDamayanti

71 93.4 % Very


19 RizkhaAulia 54 71.1 % Strong

20 Shofiana 41 54 % Enough


SindiFatika Sari

72 94.7 % Very


22 Sri Wulandari 60 79 % Strong

23 SulisSyafa’ah 30 39.5 % Weak

24 Susi BelaShofianatul J. 39 51.3 % Enough


Susi NurWulandari

69 90.8 % Very


26 Tri Hera Selfiyana 51 67.1 % Strong

27 UlyaAmalia 45 59.2 % Enough

28 Zahwa Afro’ Suroya 42 55.2 % Enough

Appendix 9. Documentation

Appendix 10. Surat Telah Melakukan Penelitian

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