Apat Na Tanong Nito.part2 (1)

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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Apat na tanong nito





IntroductionInterests were the things that concern, involves, draws the attention of, or arouses the curiosity of a person. There were many reasons why a person becomes interested on a particular thing. An ECE student has its reasons to be technically interested their course. There were three major considerations namely: Skills, Background and motivations. They may be interested because its their skill, they may be interested because its what people around them is doing, and they may be interested because they are being motivated and eventually get hooked up to it. Skills, Background and Motivation nowadays were big factors for students to choose their course. Sometimes these three were the basis of student for their own technical interest.

Skills, background, and motivation, these three things were what strives an ECE student to have its technical interest on its course. These can also be the trigger of a student to have self-esteem. These can also be the source of their knowledge, which could be their edge in their respective technical interest. But how really does this three aspect affect the whole of the technical interest of an ECE student


Technical interests of BSECE students while studying can be affected by many things. These things that affects technical interest causes great effect to the student, it may cause them great it may cause them bad. It is mainly because these things may encourage or discourage them. There were many factors that could affect the interest of BSECE students but as based on the research we will mainly be focusing on the Skills, background, and motivations of BSECE students that strives them to their technical interest. Technical Interest comes from two words Technical and Interest. According to the Merriam and Webster dictionary technical is having special knowledge especially of how machines work or of how particular kinds of work is done, and interest is a quality that attracts one persons attention and makes them want to learn more about something or to be involved in something. To sum up technical interest is attracting one persons interest on special knowledge of particular thing.

Students sometimes choose their course base on its demand on the world scene. Sometimes they would not consider checking on their skills, background and motivation which would sometimes end up them not liking the course they are taking or the worst case scenario is they are going to shift on their more preferred course. The technical interests of BSECE student were not just from nowhere there were definitely factors that would greatly affect

It has been a long time that people has been considering their talents in everything they are doing. Talents may show your capabilities but based on studies conducted motivations and backgrounds were already a factor today. Since people nowadays has been considering psychological capacities of a person to be affected by neither their background nor the people that is motivating them to be interested on it. This research will show us how this three (Skills, Background and Motivations) as it affects the technical aspect of interests of BSECE students, knowing that the course they choose has so many technicalities especially in the field where they would be working.

Conceptual frameworkINPUT

Random students of different year and sectionPROCESS



Knowledge on how Skill, Background, and Motivation affects thetechical interests of ECE students.

Fig. 1 Paradigm on the effects of Skill, Background, and Motivation on the technical interests of ECE students.The researcher chose Random students from different year and section as respondent for this research to be unified, and to have a wide perspective on how Skills, Background and Motivations affect each student surveyed. The said respondents will undergo a survey in which they will answer questionnaire. The researchers will then after analyze the gathered data and then interpret the results according to the needs of this research

Theoretical Framework

As based on Jean Bapiste Lamarck's Theory of Use and Disuse, whatever characteristic the organism acquires during its lifetime, this can be passed on to its offspring. And this trait is strengthened or developed with constant use during its lifetime. Otherwise, the trait is lost. Applying it outside the box once a student has a skill perhaps a background on its interest or better say technical interest it may cause him to develop it as he grows or in his college years show in the theory as passing to the offspring. This shows that as they get to gain something such as skills they get to have it reflect on the next stage of their life. For example when person get to have a skill, motivation , or background during its high school or elementary days it would greatly an impact on the things they would do or the things they will like to do on their college days. Using the following representation, characteristics gained during lifetime is the things they gained, such as skill, and the background they grow in and the motivations they get as they age. While the passing of characteristics to the offspring could be represented as their college years. Getting all the principle once a student has gained a skill or being affected by its background. He acquires it, develop it and once he goes to college he find himself being attracted on the technicalities of the course the student has chosen from its past skill or background gained.

Statement of ProblemThe main question in this research is, could Skill, Background, and Motivation really affect the technical interest of an ECE student? This research project was guided by the following research questions:1.) What are the technical interests acquired by the respondents?2.) What are the skills, background and motivation that are applied by ECE students in their technical interest?3.) Do the skills, background and motivation affect the technical interest?4.) In what way these skills, background and motivation affects their technical interest?Significance of the StudyThis study will be significant to the ECE students for them to have interests in the course they are studying by acquiring skills, motivation and background related to their course. This study will also help ECE professors as it can be applied so that their students can be interested in relation to the students skills, motivation and background. Moreover, this gives students idea what skills, motivation and background to acquire and where to get these to develop their technical interests. Also, this study will identify how ECE students skills, motivation and background affect their technical interests.

Scope and LimitationThe study will be performed at the Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, month of September in the year 2015. The research will run for three (3) weeks and the respondents must be complete for statistical data. The respondents for the research will come from and limited to the ECE Department students. They will be surveyed and interviewed regarding the problem with similar questions and the data gathered will be kept to be analyzed.

Definition of TermsBackground - the circumstances or situation prevailing at a particular time or underlying a particular event.Electronics - the science dealing with the development and application of devices and systems involving the flow of electrons or other carriers of electric charge, in a vacuum, in gaseous media, in plasma, in semiconductors, in solid-state and/or in similar devices, including, but not limited to, applications involving optical, electromagnetic and other energy forms when transduced or converted into electronic signals.Motivation- the general desire or willingness of someone to do something.Skills - the ability to do something well; expertise. Technical Interest - is attracting your interest on special knowledge of particular thing.

Chapter 2REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURERelated Foreign LiteratureDuring the last decades, students science-related interests, attitude, and images of science and scientists, and their differentiations according to gender, culture, and socio-economic status have been investigated by a multitude of research studies (Vasilia C., 2014). There are many qualities and skills and individual needs to become an effective engineer and to have a successful career. Engineering is dynamic so it needs people who can work across disciplines, with other, and continually adapt to new challenges. There is the personal statement of AJS in 2013 application. They always had a creative ability and fascination with how things work. The challenge of solving practical problems inherent in the field of engineering appeals directly to the traits. They are particularly interested in electrical and electronic engineering (EEE) because it is such rapidly evolving discipline. The potential to integrate new technologies into real life application and the opportunity to develop practical skills in the sphere is exciting. They spent a week within the Electronics Department at the British Geological Survey and was shown the diversity of the work they undertake. Their job is to use electronics to investigate the properties of rock using invasive and non-invasive techniques. What most entrusted me was them designing their own experiments and using their PCB layout and design skills to build circuits to achieve this .According to Vasilia written in International Journal of Environmental and Science Education Vol.6 no.2 in 2011. The students science-related interests, attitude, and image of science and scientists were investigated. These are factors for effective learning. As related in the website try engineering.org, an engineer must have many qualities and skills to be successful. But a mere skills and qualities is not enough, as stated in the personal statement of AJS, an interest is required for an effective learning that will lead an engineer to success.Related Foreign StudiesKhalid (2013) in his research Improving Student Interest in Engineering Curricula- Exciting Students about their Classes, he explores what events, activities, and teaching styles invoke student interest in engineering courses. At the end of his research he formed several conclusions. Some techniques have been highlighted that professors can use in their engineering classes to promote active learning. It is shocking when one professor mentions to another professor that they share a student during the semester, and the other professor has no idea who they are talking about. The first professor ends up having to describe what the student looks like, what he/she acts like, etc. before the other professor says yes. This happens more often than not. A professor might teach over 100 students per semester. It is not that hard to get to know ones students and appreciate them as individuals. A good professor avoids being a talking head. It is often seen in engineering classes that the professor is standing in front of a class and is talking, talking, talking. The students are lined up in their rows, and most of them have glazed over looks on their faces. In order to have an engaged class, a professor must engage the students. If a professor believes that their field of expertise does not allow for discussion, then the best faculty members interviewed in this study disagree. In the honors program, mathematics professors have taught discussion-based classes that are very effective for both the professor and the students. It takes some give and take and learning on the part of the professor, but we all can learn how to encourage our students in discussions which leads to much more meaningful learning experiences. In 1997, Besterfield-Sacre M. et al in their research Characteristics of Freshman Engineering Students: Models for Determining Student Attrition in Engineering, they undertook a three-year research effort to learn more about the attitudes of students and how they impact upon retention. First they identified attitudes incoming students have about the field of engineering, their perceptions about the upcoming educational experience, and their confidence in their ability to succeed in engineering. These attitudes were then related to performance and retention in the freshman engineering program. To accomplish this, a closed form survey was developed, tested and administered to the 199394 and 199495 freshman engineering classes. This study demonstrated that student attitudes can provide an effective means for evaluating aspects of their freshman engineering program, particularly those relating to issues of attrition. They developed regression models to predict attrition and performance in their freshman engineering program using quantified measures of student attitudes. Implementation of the models has allowed freshman advisors to better inform students of opportunities that engineering offers, to devise better programs of study that take advantage of students' varied interests, and to set retention goals that are more realistic.

Related Local LiteratureThe new age in which we live is characterized by a high-priority concern for development (Bauzon P., 2009). Today schools are esblished to develop skills that include speaking and listening, writing and reading, and arithmetic. These are called rudiments of learning (Bauzon P., 2009).Last March at the Schneider Philippines Finals, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP)-ECE students beat the two finalist from Dela Salle University and Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela, receiving a total of Php100 000, held at F1 best Western Hotel in Taguig City, Thus earned them a slot at the East Asia Finals. Their project called Electrifilter, short for Electricity Generation from filthy water, is a device that generates electricity from waste water, The produce electricity can operate energy stations, run appliances at home and provide lightings for the community, especially in the remote areas. (Concepcion C.J., 2015). There is no doubt that individuals have preference for engaging in one activity over another and that many such preference can be appraised guide reliably. This tendency to give selective attention to once activity or activities rather than to others is interest (Aquino G., P. Razon, 1993). It is also recognize that learning outcomes cannot be achieved efficiently unless there is high learner motivation (Aquino G., P. Razon, 1993).Once in the life of the people we adore today; Wright Brother, Steve Jobs, Jocrales, Galileo, and many more, holding back to showing the world their ideas has been an issue. Situtaion is critical, tears about peoples skeptics is even so. The good in this is that they pursue it. They had thought of something new and believed it could be useful for the society (Brimon A., A.J. Aquino, 2015).In 2009, Bauzon stated in his book Fundamental Philosophies of Eduacation that the age we are right now is an advance age where humans are always seeking for development. He also stated that the schools are established for the development of students to their skills. Thus with enough skills, student which will be a professionals in the mere future may have develop something new. But a mere skills is not enough, a high motivation is needed. This is what Aquino G and Razon R explained in their book Educational Psychology in 19993. According to them, outcome gained during learning cannot be fully achieved if the person learning has no motivation, an interest may develop after having enough skills and background and a high motivation towards learning. According to Aquino G. and Razon R., every individual have different preferences for engaging in one activity. Each have tendency to give a selective attention in different activities which makes everyone having different excellence than others. This is explanation of interest, an example of this is the research of two ECE students that led a victory for PUP as written by Concepcion CJ in Spectrum Vol. 22, No.2 in 2015. Because of their skills and motivation, they made an Electrifilter which someday may develop again human lives.

Related Local StudiesBatoc (2011) investigated the level of Anxiety and Academic Performances of third and fourth year college students this fiindings shows that the total level of anxiety of the respondents revealed that 97 or 37.30% have expected anxiety scores; 89 or 34.23% mild elevation anxiety level scores; 35 or 13.46%. Scored in low anxiety level; 25 or 9.61% have clinically significant anxiety performance of the students-respondents with regards to the Grade point average of their preliminary and midterm grades, the following result were determined; 92 or 24.23% of the respondents have a grade point average percent rating of 80.84, 79 or 15.76% of the respondents have 75 to 79 grade point percentage rating, 35 or 13.46% of the respondents have below 75 GPA percentage rating, 41 or 11.53% have 85 to 90 GPA percentage rating, 11 or 2.691 have 91 to 96 percentage rating, and only 2 or 0.38% have 97 to 100 GPA percentage rating. The study revealed that the fourth year respondents appear to experience stress and social concern anxiety compared to the third years which means that have they are highly reactive to stress and excessively concern about others opinion, and have weak support system.Andres (2011) investigated the effectiveness of the professional elective courses of the Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering in selected Higher Education Institution in the Philippines. His findings revealed that there were significant differences on the following; Power Electronics, when group according to type of school profile; communications, microelectronics, Power electronics and Biotech/Biomedical Engineering when group according to Major specialization; and communications, Power Electronics, Instrumentation and control and Information and computing technologies when grouped accounting to year graduated. The results showed that the extend of gains elicited from the Professional Elective Courses of the BSECE curriculum as assessed by the respondents when they are grouped according to profile posted a verbal interpretation of To an Average Extend or Effective rating.

Synthesis of the Reviewed Related Literature & StudiesThe above literatures provide ideas on how the skills and motivation help students to have an effective learning. A student with effective learning may be successful in the future is he have an interest on what he is doing. The interest of the students, which the researches intended to find, is properly explained by the above literature. The studies above provide significant role for study of the researchers. The finding about the anxiety and academic performances can be a basis on the negative factors that prevent students to be motivated. While the study about the effectiveness of elective courses of BSECE can help the researchers to have a basis about the skills and background of the research sample which are BSECE also. In the research made by Khalid in 2013, he explore what events, activities, and teaching styles invoke student interest in engineering courses. Some procedures from what he did will be the basis to analyze what are other factors makes the research samples be interested in their course. While the study made by Besterfield-Sacre M. et al which they examine the about the attitudes of students and how they impact upon retention. This study can be also a basis of the research to find out the idea of the research samples about their course.

Chapter 3RESEARCH METHODOLOGYThis chapter contains the steps and processes used by the researchers in this study. This chapter also contains the methods used by the researchers, the way of selecting the respondents, population of the respondents, description of the respondents, instruments used, and the statistics.Research DesignA descriptive research methodology was used for this study. A survey was administered to a selected sample from a specific population identified as BSECE students in PUP. The term survey is commonly applied to a research methodology designed to collect data from a specific population, or a sample from that population, and typically utilizes a questionnaire or an interview as the survey instrument.

Description of Population and RespondentsFor this study, twenty-five sections were identified in PUP BSECE by the researchers. The methodology used for this study is stratified random sample of the twenty five sections in PUP BSECE. Gay (1987) reports: Random sampling is the best single way to obtain a representative sample. No technique, not even random sampling, guarantees a representative sample, but the probability is higher for this procedure than for any other. (p. 104) 24 Gay also agrees that stratified random sampling is an appropriate methodology in order to make proportionate, and therefore meaningful, comparisons between sub-groups in the population. Robson (1993) tells us that sampling theory supports stratified random sampling as an efficient choice because the means of the stratified samples are likely to be closer to the mean of the population overall. Finally, Leary (1995) indicates that a stratified random sample will typically reflect the characteristics of the population as a whole

Research InstrumentData collection instruments refer to devices used to collect data such as questionnaires, tests, structured interview schedules and checklists. The questionnaire was designed to gather information about technical skills background and motivation of BSECE students to the course. The researchers will make sure that the selected respondents can help in providing the answers needed through the questions regarding the study. The questions on the questionnaire are all based on the problem stated.

Date Gathering ProcedureThe data for this research were collected using a survey questionnaire. The survey was created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual questions formed by the researcher. The survey was comprised of questions, which were related to the respondents skills, background and motivation. The researchers also understood that peoples consciousness may also affect their honesty and effectiveness in answering the survey, and so, the researchers gave the respondents the option of being anonymous. The participants were then given time to respond and then the researchers collected the survey forms after an hour.

Statistical TreatmentThe researchers used the formula of percentage to know the statistics of the data and information gathered from the respondents through survey questionnaires. The formula is:

P (%) = _f_ x 100 N

Where:P (%) Percentagef Frequency of the answersN Total number of respondents


In this chapter an analysis of the data collected for the study was made. Statistical techniques were applied and interpretation of the data was made in order to draw the conclusions of the study.1. Technical Interest Acquired By The RespondentsTable 1Technical/Subject Interest of ECE Students according to the Curriculum

SubjectNo. of Students that chosePercentage%

Math Related15551.67%

Gen. Science related9331%

Research related4816%

Computer/Programming related11739%


Table 1 shows that every respondents chose each subject interest and another interest which is Electronics. Math related have the most respondents that answered having 51.67% of the respondents, followed by computer/programming related with 39% of the respondents and general science related with 31% and also research related having 16%. Lastly, the other interest which is electronics is with 9.3%. In summary, the data gathered shows that the respondents chose all of the given interests. The two most common interest for ECE students are the math related and computer/programming related.2. Skills, Background And Motivation Applied By ECE Students In Their Technical InterestTable 2 Skills of ECE Students Prior to the Course

SkillsNo. of Students that chosePercentage%


Problem Solving skills10853.73%

Computer Skills199.45%

Circuit Design/ Troubleshooting skills7235.82%



Table 2 shows that 67% of the respondents answered that they have skills prior to the ECE course. The table also shows that 33% of the respondents said that they do not have skills prior to ECE course. In those that answered yes, 53.73% said they have Problem Solving skills. 9.45% of those that answered yes said that they have Computer skills. 35.82% of those that answered yes said that they have Circuit Design/Troubleshooting skills. 0.99% of those that answered yes said that they have other skills. In this table, more students answered that they have skills prior to the ECE course. The most common skill to the students is Problem solving skill.Table 3Background and Motivation of ECE Students Prior to the Course

Background/ MotivationNo. of Students that chosePercentage%


Seminars and talks related to the course3625.98%

Any professional engineer related3928.06%

High school subject related to ECE8460.43%

Other 10.72%


Family 8754.04%

Friends 3421.12%

Life Goals9257.14%



Table 3 shows that 46.33% of the respondents said that they have background prior to the course. Those that have background to ECE, seminars and talks related to ECE course are the background of 25.98% students. To those that also have background to ECE, any professional engineers related are the background of 28.06% students. High school subject related to ECE is the background of 60.43% students. Only 0.72% has other background prior to the course. The table shows that 53.67% of the respondents have motivation prior to ECE. Family is the motivation of 50.04% of the students. Friends are the motivation of 21.12% of the students. Life goals are the motivation of 57.14% of the students. Teachers/ Instructors are the motivation of 4.97% of the students. 8.07% of the students have other motivation. In this table, there are more students that have background to ECE thru high school subject that is related to the course. Family and Life Goals are the most common motivation to ECE students.

3. If the skills, background and motivation affect the technical interestTable 4Answer of ECE Students If Skill, Background and Motivation Affect Their Technical InterestAnswer if the three affect their technical interestNo. of Students that chosePercentage%



Table 5 shows that, 273 of the respondents which is 91% of the students said that the skills, background and motivation have an effect to their interest in ECE. The table also shows, that 9% of the respondents said that the skills, background and motivation have effect to their interest in ECE. In this table, almost all of the respondents answered that the skills, background and motivation affect their technical interest while less than ten per cent of the respondent answered that the three did not affect their technical interest.

4. The way skills, background and motivation affect the ECE students technical interestTable 5Effect of Skills, Background and Motivation to Students Interest in ECE

Effects of Skills, Background and MotivationNo. of Students that chosePercentage%

Good Grades7126.01%

Able to help fellow students6122.34%

Gains advance knowledge prior to ECE17664.5%


Table 5 shows that Good grade is the effect to 26.01% of the ECE students. Being able to help their fellow students is the effect to 22.34% of the ECE students. Gaining advance knowledge to ECE is the effect to 64.5% of the ECE students. There are effects to 1.01% of the ECE students. In this table, most of the respondents said that the skills, background and motivation affect their interest in ECE. Gaining advance knowledge is the most common effect of the students skills, background and motivation.


Summary of Findings The researchers have answered the question presented in the study of effects of skill, background and motivation to the technical interest of ECE students. There have been 300 respondents with a percentage error of 5% that answered the questionnaire. 1. Math related subjects interest most of the ECE students by having the highest percentage of 51.67% of ECE students. Computer/Programing related subjects in the second with 39% of the ECE students while the General science in the third with 31%. Research related subject is the fourth with 16% of ECE students and lastly, other subjects with 9.3%.2. 33% of the respondents said that they do not have skills prior to ECE course. In those that answered yes, 53.73% said they have Problem Solving skills. 9.45% of those that answered yes said that they have Computer skills. 35.82% of those that answered yes said that they have Circuit Design/Troubleshooting skills. 0.99% of those that answered yes said that they have other skills. More students answered that they have skills prior to the ECE course. The most common skill to the students is Problem solving skill.3. 91% of the students said that the skills, background and motivation have an effect to their interest in ECE. 9% of the respondents said that the skills, background and motivation have no effect to their interest in ECE. Almost all of the respondents answered that the skills, background and motivation affect their technical interest while less than ten per cent of the respondent answered that the three did not affect their technical interest.4. Good grade is the effect to 26.01% of the ECE students. Being able to help their fellow students is the effect to 22.34% of the ECE students. Gaining advance knowledge to ECE is the effect to 64.5% of the ECE students. There are effects to 1.01% of the ECE students. Gaining advance knowledge is the most common effect of the students skills, background and motivation.

Conclusions1. Based on the data collected, the students of ECE interested the most in Math related subjects. 2. More respondents answered they have skills prior to ECE course. And the most common skill is problem-solving skills. The most common motivation applied by the respondents are family and life goals. And lastly, the most common background the ECE student have is thru high school subject that is related to the course.3. The skills, background and motivation did have an effect to the students technical interest on the ECE course.4. From the data gathered, we can conclude that most students used their skills, background and motivation as to gain advance knowledge prior to the ECE course.Recommendations1. The current or incoming ECE students must have at least have an interest in the subjects of ECE course.2. The students must have at least a skill, background and motivation so that it may have a good effect in the course. And also that they may not lost interest in the course.3. Skill, background and motivation must be possessed by students in order to affect the interest on the ECE course and help them to survive the course.4. The researchers can recommend to the students to have skills, background and motivation in order to gain advance knowledge to the course.


Andres B., Effectiveness of the Professional Elective Courses of the Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Communication Engineering in Selected Higher Education Institution in the Philippines, Polytechnic University of the Philippines Graduate School

Aquino G., P. Razon, Educational Psychology, Philippines, Manila City, p.147, 149

Bauzon P., Fundamental Philosophies of Education (3rd Ed.), Philippines, San Juan City, p.1-2, 2009

Batoc V., Levels of Anxiety and Academic Performances of Third and Fourth Year College Students, Polytechnic University of the Philippines Graduate School Concepcion C.J, Spectrum, Vol. 21 No.2, Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Drimon A., A.J Aquino, Spectrum Vol. 21 No.1, Science and Technology, Polytechnic University of the Philippines, p. 7

Besterfield-Sacre M. et al, Journal of Engineering Education Volume 86 Characteristics of Freshman Engineering Students: Models for Determining Student Attrition in Engineering,Issue 2,p.139 149,April 1997

Concepcion C.J, Spectrum,Vol. 21 No.2 , , Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Khalid A., Universal Journal of Educational Research 1(1) Improving Student Interest in Curricula Exciting Students about their Classes: 20-25, 2013

Vasilia C., International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, Vol. 6 No.2, p. 141-159

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