AP Portfolio/ Studio Art Honors Summer Assignments...AP Portfolio/ Studio Art Honors Summer Assignments Teacher: Ms. Clark Subject: Art Remind App Code: @6d9he6 First of all, let me

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AP Portfolio/ Studio Art Honors Summer Assignments

Teacher: Ms. Clark Subject: Art Remind App Code: @6d9he6

First of all, let me say that I am extremely pleased and proud of you for accepting the challenge of such a rigorous course. In August we’ll talk much more about national requirements, goals and expectations for each course. For now..., I encourage you to relax, enjoy the summer, take time to hang out with family and friends, volunteer your services somewhere, read, sleep, eat pizza, walk on the beach, go town site-seeing!. But...whatever you do, do it with a heightened sense of awareness. I strongly encourage you to take photos incessantly! Get an inexpensive digital camera and take it everywhere and shoot everything you can even use your photos! These photos will be a great resource later. Artists have always been and will continue to be the great observers, interpreters, inventors and creators in the societies in which they live. Really look at everything and see what so many people never see - explore not only with your eyes, but your heart and your mind.

If you have questions over the summer, email me (idanya.clark@browardschools.com) or message me on remind app!

Assignment time…

Summer assignments help alleviate the pressure during the school year of having to produce the required number of quality pieces needed for a successful and passing portfolio.

OK...there are 2 assignment categories: Reading/Research and Projects. There are 10 assignments will be due the first day of school August 15th and will be your first grade. Completing more than is required will put you that much further ahead when school starts. Also, let me say something about sketchbooks/journals...I believe in and strongly recommend keeping a working sketchbook (I still have one). Take it with you whenever possible, record images, plan artwork, write ideas, rough sketches and thumbnails, glue in reference photos, etc. That said, I’m leaving it up to you. In previous years I have required students to periodically turn in sketchbooks for evaluation. But I feel that it’s a personal choice; however, I will say that every artist I’ve ever met or researched kept a sketch journal-from Leonardo to the present.

Reading/Research Projects:

(200 points) Visit art galleries, museums and art festivals. Read art magazines, artists’ biographies, search the Internet for artists dealing with the same subjects as you. Study their work, philosophy, life and influences. (Refer to the suggested reading list) List any galleries, etc., you visited. What did you see?

From your research, list at least 3 artists that interested you. Describe the issues they explore in their art. What do you like about their work? Describe the subject matter, style,

etc., of their work.

Projects: Complete only 10 projects from the assignments listed below: Projects are worth 100 points each for a total of 800 points. Pieces should be no smaller than 9x12 inches and no larger that 18x24 inches. The assignments are about quality, not quantity. You may use any media or mixed media of your choice. To be able to have all 10 projects completed before August 15th, try to work on one project a week. Choice #1 Part 1: Create a portrait or self-portrait that expresses a specific mood/emotion: anger/rage, melancholy/loneliness, happiness/joy, etc. Work with lighting, values, color to enhance the psychological atmosphere. Consider the environment/setting. ( Media: of your choice) Part 2: Research portrait artists for inspiration and type one page( double spaced 12 font times new roman)summary of the artist.

Choice #2 Part 1:A close up of a bicycle/tricycle from an unusual angle. Not just a side view. MUST include shadow. Work from a photo that YOU must take. ( Media: Of your choice) Part 2: Print out the original photograph

Choice #3.

Part1: Still life arrangement of 4 reflective objects. Something should be reflected in the objects. Render as accurately as you can. ( Media: Of your choice) Part 2: research still life artist, one page summary of the artist ( 12 font double space, times new roman)

Choice #4. Part 1:Drawing of an unusual interior- a closet, cabinet, refrigerator, inside your car, under the car hood, etc. This is where a camera comes in handy - take a variety of photos to draw from. This should be a very detailed work. ( media: of your choice) Part 2: Print the photograph you took

Choice# 5. Part 1: Expressive landscape. Use expressive color similar to the Fauvists or the Der Blaue Reiter. take a photo to work from or draw from observation. ( media: of your choice) Part 2: Print the photograph

Choice #6. Part 1:Extreme close-up of food, almost to the point of abstraction. Very detailed. Cut up fruits and veggies and look closely at the insides for interesting abstract qualities. Part 2: Print a photo the object close up and far away (Media:painting/color pencil/ oil pastels.)

Choice#7. Part 1: Combine text with art. Collage other elements.

Choice#8. Buildings in a landscape. Draw on location or take a variety of photos to draw from later. Old churches are great for this. Make sure perspective is correct. Photo students take closeup details.

Choice#9. Part1: Create a colorful design for a handbag, clothing, chair, etc. Part 2:Research Trina Turk’s bags and the psychedelic art movement.

Choice#10. Hands drawing. Create a drawing of your hands (or photograph someone’s for reference) arranged in a variety of poses.

Choice#11. Draped Figure. Drape a person in clothing with lots of folds. A sheet works well. The point is to show the correct proportions of the figure and to carefully render the intricate folds. Including the subject will make this drawing even better. Consider adding a patterned background.

. Choice#12. Contrast of textures. Place 3 eggs on a towel, cloth or crumbled paper (preferably patterned) to create an interesting composition. Draw in pencil OR colored pencil. Pay attention to the smoothness of the eggs against the rough quality of the towel. Imply a light source and use a variety of values.

Choice#13. Get outside! Take your camera or sketchbook and do a series of nature close up sketches. Select one and render in pencil. Concentrate on values and textures.

Choice#14. Surrealism. Research the surrealist artists (historical and contemporary). Read what the surrealist state about their work. Create a work in the surrealist style. You may want to do this as a mixed media piece. Have fun with it!.

Choice#15. Abstraction. Research abstraction and the works of Tom C. Fedro. Create an abstract work similar to his designs. Faces, animals, objects, etc.

Choice #16 ( mandatory) Visit any art museum, art festival, Wynood, art galleries and take photos are write a one page paper on your experience.

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