“From Where I Sit”€¦ · 4/4/2020  · CENTERVILLE MESSENGER (096380) Free Upon Request-Published Weekly by Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N. Central Ave., Centerville, TN

Post on 14-Aug-2020






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CENTERVILLE MESSENGER (096380) Free Upon Request-Published Weekly by Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N. Central Ave., Centerville, TN 37033-1427 April 15 2020 Volume XXXX –Number 15

Todd Parsley

“From Where I Sit” Easter 2020 will certainly be one that is remembered for years to come. It was different, it was unusual, it was missing something! Yet, though it was different and unusual the message was still the same. The same message that we teach and know every first day of the week when we worship our God. The message of a risen Savior! We may not have gotten to meet together again in person, but the Lord was worshipped and the resurrection still remembered. Before His arrest, trial, and crucifixion, Jesus tried to prepare His disciples for what was about to happen. He conveyed to them a powerful lesson by washing their feet (John 13:1-17). He also sought to comfort and reassure them (John 14:1-6). During this time of reassurance, He said, "A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also" (John 14:19). Jesus would soon be betrayed and crucified on the cross, yet that would not be the end of Him, He would live again. Jesus was raised from the dead and thereby proved beyond any question that He is the Son of God (Romans 1:4). His resurrection from the dead is the key to everything. It is because He lives, that we live also. His resurrection ensures us of our resurrection from the dead. Without the resurrection of Christ, there would be no hope for salvation. Because He lives, we may also live eternally. We have the forgiveness of sins by obeying that form of doctrine like unto His death, burial, and resurrection. Paul wrote, "Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life" (Romans 6:4). Those who have done this have gone from death to life (Ephesians 2:1-7). We look forward to a home in heaven. Peter said, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last day (1 Peter 1:3-5). A home in heaven would not be possible without the resurrected living son of God, Jesus Christ. If He was still in the grave, all hope would be lost. I am thankful He is alive and because He lives, we may live also, and because He lives, I can face whatever tomorrow offers. Yes, Easter 2020 was different, but so is every Sunday right now, and every day for that matter. But our hope is still the same. We serve a risen Savior! God Bless, Todd

Carter’s Corner

The Shepherd’s Pen

EASTER SUNDAY WAS CERTAINLY UNUSUAL, but I hope that you were still able to enjoy some time with your family. Although we were not able to meet in person for worship this past Sunday, we still had a fantastic crowd on our live stream, and it was comforting to know that so many of you were able to spend time with your families on Easter worshipping and remembering Jesus’s sacrifice through communion, all while being at home. I know that the heavy rain we received washed out most egg hunts and social distancing cancelled most large family gatherings, but our family was still able to enjoy a great meal prepared by the Hoover ladies, and Cade was able to spend some time hunting eggs in his Granna and

Poppa’s garage. It is my hope that we all take to heart the time spent in remembrance of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, and we all do our part to remember daily the tremendous love and devotion that Jesus has for us. OUR 2020 CHALLENGE CONTINUES this week as we begin reading the Gospel according to John. John’s account of the life of Jesus is one of my favorite books in the Bible. John’s unique perspective of the miracles, signs, and teachings of Jesus provides an insight that connects all four of the Gospel accounts together. I hope that you have been following along in your daily reading. If not, take some time this week to get caught up and begin reading John 1-5. I’LL BE HONEST WITH YOU…it is getting harder and harder each week to know what to write to you in my article. All of you know that typically my article each week is a recap of the previous week’s youth activities, some information about upcoming events, and sharing with you some reflections from both my life and God’s Word. Now that we are approaching a month since our youth activities were all postponed and the amount of news to report is slowing down, I find myself staring blankly at my computer screen while trying to find words to say to you. I think that the solution to this problem now more than ever is to spend time focusing and reflecting from God’s word. This week I am drawn to Jesus’ teaching to his followers in Matthew chapters 5-7. In this passage, Jesus begins many of His statements by saying “you have heard that it was said…” followed by the new commandment or teaching that Jesus is giving to His audience. Jesus is challenging the beliefs, customs, and traditions that the audience were used to following, and is urging them to follow Him instead. I think that this time of staying at home and social distancing is the perfect time for each of us to reflect on Jesus’ words and challenge the way that we view our lives. Do we spend too much time focusing on ourselves? Do we choose to hold grudges against others? Do we think that our needs are more important than doing God’s will? I challenge each of you to read and reflect on Matthew 5-7 this week and think about how you can do a better job of serving God more and more each day. In Him, Carter

“I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13 Sometimes in life, things may happen that just don’t make sense. You have tried to figure it out, but the questions persist. Why would God allow such difficulties to plague me? It is during these times Satan will attack by suggesting you are alone in your struggles. God has given you the testimonies of His faithful servants so you will know He will not fail you or forsake you. They experienced times that tried their faith just as you do, but they endured and trusted God. We remember the story of Joseph. The Bible says Jacob loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age. He made him a tunic of many colors. Joseph’s brothers saw that their father loved him more and they became consumed with envy. The envy grew into hate and the hate lead to a plan of disposing of Joseph. One day Jacob sent Joseph to check on his brothers who were in a field feeding the flock. This became an opportunity for his brothers to get their revenge. They cast him into a pit, but later removed him. Can you image what Joseph must have thought when they were lifting him up from the pit? His heart was no doubt filled with relief, thinking that his brothers had just played a trick on him. His thoughts changed quickly when he realized that he was rescued from the pit only to be sold into slavery and carried away. Perhaps he spent several nights weeping over his situation. Later Joseph was sold into slavery in Egypt. The Bible says, the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. When all seemed to be going well, the unexpected happened. Based completely upon a lie, Joseph was put into prison. The Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy. In time, through God’s intervention, Joseph went from prisoner to prince. The challenges that Joseph were confronted with might have been confusing and disheartening at times, but God knew exactly what He was doing. During that time, God was preparing Joseph to honor Him in everything, strengthening his faith. (Genesis 45:5-8) Look to your predecessors in the faith and be encouraged. God didn’t fail them and He won’t fail you. Trust God regardless of how your circumstances appear and He will lead you perfectly. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6 We continue to appreciate this Church family for your prayers, encouragement, and support. You are a wonderful people! This Saturday from 1pm till 5pm the elders and deacons will be available at the church building handing out Lord Supper emblems and receiving contributions. If you need any assistance, please contact the office: 931-729-4201


April 12th : $ 11,000.00

Camp: $ 104.00

Budget: $12,976.00


Daily Updates & Devotional Message


Recovering from surgery or other illness: Shontel Jackson, Yvonna Caillouet, Alice Rochelle, Charlie Shelton, Anthony Mayberry, Juanita Garner, Glenda Teet, Glenna Hill, Bobby & Joyce Mayberry, Grace Pinkerton, Barbara Dawes, Dan Elkins, Kitty Pharris, Alden Chilton, Ann & J.C. Wells, Ruth Reece, Ann Spencer, Allene Gordon Please Pray For Those Who Are Dealing With Cancer: Belinda Potts, Nita Sundberg, Cletus Carroll, Lonnie Gilliam, Elizabeth Givens, George Peterson, Sandy Bagwell, Phil Shelton, Ann Lauran Plunkett, Jimmy Jenkins, Susan Hardy, Ronny Pitman, Ricky Pittman, Jimmy Copley, Gwen Rogers, David Talley, Beverly Grimes, Henrietta Rochelle, Jerry Shepard, Jimmy Mathis, John Beard

Home: Robert & Marge Gilmer, Mildred Bridges, Dorris & Margie Claud, Floy Gatewood, Floy Lyell, Alvitea Sunder, A.J. & Willie B. Coates, J.W. & Sue Roder, Troy Parks

...Ernest Griffin, father of Wayne (Janis) Rediker, had a pacemaker implanted April 14th at Maury Regional Hospital. He is doing well. ...Jimmy King, father of Valerie McCoy and Troy King, spent some time in the hospital. He is back at the Life Care Center. He is very weak. …Ron Jenkins, father of Renee (Michael) Horner, is recovering at home following a hospital stay due to kidney stones and sepsis. His address is: 1080 Riverview Road, Centerville, TN. 37033 ...Lonnie Gilliam received a good report from a recent scan. ...April McPherson, a friend of Kristen Garland, has been diagnosed with COVID-19. She lives in Dickson. ...Gunner Batts, son of Nick and Alicia, is recovering at home from a broken leg. ...Brenda Wood, sister of Lynda (Peter) Houston, has been diagnosed with a tumor in her throat. ...B.J. Springer, (Amy Woodruff’s husband) has been moved to Select Specialty Hospital in Nashville for rehab. ...George Peterson, father of Lesley Hudgins, is suffering with melanoma and the tumor is growing in spite of treatments. His family would appreciate your prayers. ...Stephen Dotson has a torn rotator cuff. He will have surgery in the coming days.


Thank You

Nursing Home: Life Care Center: Seth Armstrong, Pearl Gordon, Betty Claud, Addie Bell Nash, Georgia Moss, Larry Talley, Bobby Breece St. Thomas Hickman Nursing Home: Martha Bates, Jane Luckett, Francis McClanahan, Eltie Davis, Sybil Jenkins

Doyle & Marge Rushton write: “Thank you for the calls, cards, food and especially the prayers for the passing of our grandson Josh. Thanks for the lantern. God Bless!”

...We express our sympathy to the family of Angela Windsor who passed away. She was the niece of Melissa & Barry Shelton.

Memorial ...a Memorial has been given to the Camp Meribah Scholarship Fund and to Vacation Bible School in memory of Kay Mayberry.

Please Remember In Your Prayers:

Our Elders

Wayne Qualls

Craig Shelton

Shane Willis

Ken Dickerson

Mike Elkins

Gary Gatewood

Mike Goodpasture

For the next few weeks we will look at the

History of the Centerville Church of Christ….

1971: Middle Tennessee Preacher’s Forum begun. 1972: Record Sunday night crowdd of 512 to hear John Clayton. 2nd bus route begun. 1973: First Teacher’s Appreciation Dinner 1974: Willard Collins meeting. Sunday night draws 515. 1975: 3rd bus purchased, all-time high of 121 riders. Children’s Bible Hour begun. A-frame Chapel built. Paul Rogers preached in India. 50 acre addition to Camp property. 1975: John Plemmons, Jr. is song leader and serves 12 years in this role. 1976: New Testament memorized, written by members. Chorus performs frequently on Nashville tele-cast. 1977: Tulipwood Corporation formed. New bus purchased. 1978: Outreach Center begun, $161,617 Funds secured for Tulipwood. Record contribution of $50,101. Day School opens. 1979: Work begun in Cervignano, Italy. 1980: Singles Ministry begun. Outreach Center opens. Jimmy Allen record revival 1981: Lifeline Telephone Ministry begun, Amazing Grace telecast locally. 1982: World Evangelism Forum 1983: First scheduled telecast of service . WCKY Radio Broadcast. Golden Rule Reading Club, 27,001 chapters read. Nicks Scholarship Fund established. 1984: First color Directory printed. Double Day sets record of 1,122.

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