Annual Report - IECA Foundation Annual Report.pdf · equine assisted therapy to individuals with cognitive, physical and emotional disabilities. This grant will provide financial

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Annual Report

A Year Worth Celebrating

Women of Tomorrow, 2018 Micro-Grant Recipient

Founded in 1996, as the philanthropic arm of the Independent Educational Consultants Association, the IECA Foundation leverages the knowledge,professional skills, and funds of IECA members,sponsors, and donors to help underservedstudents map pathways to success. Programs supported by the Foundation’s grant-making create opportunities for young people,nurturing their hope for a successful future.The IECA Foundation changes lives.

Dear Friends of the IECA Foundation,

Your extraordinary support made 2018 a record-breaking year. As excited as we were

twelve months ago about the possibilities to come,we could not have predicted the incredible levelof support we received. Your generosity broughtin over $100K, funding over 28 programs for underserved children throughout the country.

From our micro-grants that foster excitement for nonprofits where IECA members volunteer, to our

traditional grant program that offers outstanding nonprofitsprogrammatic as well as operating funds, the Foundation wasable to make an extraordinary impact in the lives of many. Additionally, through our partnership with a national nonprofit consulting firm, we streamlined operations and increased outreach so that we could better fulfill our mission.

2018 was a banner year, setting the stage for a tremendous2019. We are excited to expand the Foundation’s outreach,deepening our relationship with our incredible donors and witnessing the impact of your gifts on our communities.

Thank you for making 2018 a year to remember. We look forward to working with you to build on that success.

Sincerely, Luisa Rabe, CEP 2018 Board Chair, IECA Foundation

Mission Statement ,

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CityArts, New York City

Codman Academy, Massachusetts

Celebrating ,

AV Pride, Georgia - $5,000Association of Village Pride empowersyouth in Fayette County, Georgia tobecome successful in a global economy.The Foundation grant helped fund anafter-school program designed toprepare youth for the workforce.

Best Foot Forward, Florida - $5,000 ▲Best Foot Forward provides academicsupport and guidance to foster careyouth so they can maximize theirpotential. The Foundation supportedGrounded for Life, a program that helps65 foster care students succeed in highschool and beyond.

Beyond Soccer, Massachusetts - $5,000Beyond Soccer combines soccer withhomework help, cooking classes,nutrition programming, collegecounseling and other activities.The grant from the Foundation willhelp this program incorporate moreacademic tutoring and triple thenumber of students served.

Box Of Rain, Maryland - $5,000Box of Rain offers Annapolis youth inpublic/subsidized housing year-roundprogramming. The Foundation supportedtheir Charting Careers program whichhelps 5th through 12th grade studentsenvision and plan for their futures.

CITYArts, New York - $5,000CITYarts connects children withprofessional artists to create public art.Our grant benefited its Always in Bloomproject: the creation of a public mural incollaboration with the Urban AssemblySchool for Green Careers, workingto empower youth to take on leadershiproles and revitalize the neighborhood space.

Codman Academy, Massachusetts - $5,000Codman Academy is a charter schoolserving 345 students grades K-12.99% of students are of color and 80%qualify for free or reduced lunch. TheFoundation grant helped fund a collegeand career program to help studentsgain access to college.

Evanston Scholars, Illinois - $5,000Evanston Scholars improves collegeaccess and success for ambitious first-generation and low-income Evanstonstudents. The Foundation grant helpedthe organization deliver a comprehensiveCollege Affordability curriculum that spansthe entire Evanston Scholars program.

Glacier High School Ascent Program,Montana - $5,000GHS created an innovative approachto support at-risk students and families,The Ascent Program, based on theknowledge and experience of MontanaAcademy, an emotional growth boardingschool. The Foundation supported theParent University aspect of the program,which offers a non-threatening approachto help parents of at-risk children.

Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization,Florida - $3,000The Gold Coast Down SyndromeOrganization is a proactive, dynamicsupport group to individuals withDown Syndrome and their families.The Foundation supported The LearningProgram, which educated both parentsand children. 95% of parents believe theLearning Program had a large impact ontheir children’s education and 97% notedan appreciable growth in knowledge.

Mountain Valley Treatment Center,New Hampshire - $5,000Support from the Foundation helpedMountain Valley renovate an existingbuilding to provide space for art therapytreatment for adolescents with anxietyand related disorders.

National GRACE Foundation, Rhode Island - $5,000National GRACE Foundation providesfree college counseling and financialaid assistance to survivors and patientswith pediatric cancer. The founder anddirector wrote, “The IECA Foundationallows us to reach hundreds of peopleimpacted by pediatric cancer and weare making a difference in their lives.”

Neutral Zone Teen Center, Michigan - $5,000The mission of the Neutral ZoneTeen Center, written and carried outby teens, is to promote “personal growththrough artistic expression, communityleadership and the exchange of ideas.”The Foundation grant contributedto a two-day intensive training foreducators in Washtenaw County onrestorative practices to implementin secondary schools.

Pacific Quest Foundation, Hawaii - $3,500Pacific Quest Foundation helps tosteward a healthy island community.The Foundation supported the relocationprocess of Hawai’i Island schoolprograms displaced by the currentvolcanic activity.

Pass with Flying Colors, Illinois - $4,500Pass with Flying Colors aims to preparestudents in Chicago’s public high schoolsfor college. The Foundation grant helpedthe program reach 70 first generationstudents from 9th to 11th grade, providingcampus visits, career/major explorations,and college knowledge activities.

Prichard Committee Student Voice Team,Kentucky - $5,000The Prichard Committee Student VoiceTeam supports students as research,advocacy, and policy partners in thePrichard Committee’s efforts to improveKentucky schools and published a book,Ready or Not, which highlights student’sexperiences about life after high school.This grant will help spread the messageof this impressive group of students.

Reading Power, Illinois - $5,000Reading Power provides one-to-oneliteracy tutoring to elementary schoolstudents who test at the bottom 20% inreading. The Foundation grant helpedthe organization provide free servicesto students in underserved schools.

Riding Unlimited, Texas - $5,000Riding Unlimited aims to “turndisabilities into possibilities” by providingequine assisted therapy to individualswith cognitive, physical and emotionaldisabilities. This grant will providefinancial aid to riders in need.

Sisters Circle, Maryland - $5,000Sisters Circle provides long-termmentors to at-risk, low-income middleand high school girls in Baltimore toempower and support these youngwomen to become self-sufficient.The Foundation grant will help theorganization provide support to highschool students in the college andcareer counseling process.

Vista Life Innovations, Connecticut - $4,500Vista Life Innovations is a full-serviceorganization supporting individuals withdisabilities. The Foundation supportedits “Exploring Independence” summerprogram, which incorporates social skills,self-discovery and team building in anenjoyable atmosphere.

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Main Grant Cycle ,

IECA members strive to level theplaying field, by creating accessand enrichment programs for underserved youth. Each year,five awards are presented to deserving organizations whereIECA members volunteer theirtime and expertise.ALL WAYS Up Foundation, Californianominated by Jennifer TabbushHelps first-generation and low-incomeyouth get to and through college.

Circle de Luz, North Carolinanominated by Stephanie BensingerEmpowers Latinas in grades 7-12by supporting their transformationand continuing education throughextensive mentoring, holisticprogramming, and scholarshipfunds for education beyond high school.

Partners in College Success, Californianominated by Jennifer FordhamImproves college access, degreecompletion rates, and early careersuccess for low-income, first-generationstudents from San Diego County.

ScholarMatch, Californianominated by Arielle Slater and Colleen DenisonMakes college possible for all studentsthrough college counseling, online tools,scholarships, and high touch support.

Women of Tomorrow, Floridanominated by Jill RickelInspires, motivates and empowers at-risk young women to live up totheir full potential through a uniquementoring program with highlyaccomplished professional womenand scholarship opportunities.

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Circle de Luz

Micro Grants :


The Irvin W. Katz Award is presented each year by the

IECA Foundation. It was createdto honor consultants for their volunteer work with organizationsproviding educational opportunitiesto children. Irv Katz was a belovedIECA consultant who worked pas-sionately for the good of children.

In 2018, the IECA Foundationpresented the Katz Award toDr. Brenda Gerhardt for her workwith SchoolHouse Connection,a national organization strivingto overcome homelessness.Brenda provides countless hoursof advocacy as a parent surrogateto ensure marginalized students

have access to the educational system. She is a seasoned consultant who contributes toIECA, to the counseling professionand to her community. The IECAFoundation gave a grant toSchoolHouse Connection inBrenda’s honor.

Katz Award Winner.

Katz Award HonoreeDr. Brenda Gerhardt

...their partnership enables children in foster care to receivean education and graduate fromhigh school.” — Donna Biase, Co-Founder,Best Foot Forward has allowed us to commitmore resou rces to our off-the-fieldmission that helps Beyond Soccerelementary, middle and highschool youth participating onour Law rence travel soccer teams,develop the tools and confidenceto make important gains in theclassroom. Partners like IECAFoundation help us go “beyond”for our kids, every season.Thank you for investing in us!” — Stephanie McArdle, Beyond Soccer

...they are helping our first-gener-ation students succeed in college!” — Kay Israelite, Evanston Scholars

...they have been an amazing part-ner in helping people with DownSyndrome learn, grow and thrive!” — Anne M. Dichele, ExecutiveDirector, Gold Coast Down Syndrome Organization

...our partnership helps more first-generation students succeed.With support from IECA Founda-tion, our College Success programnearly doubled the number of students served this year.” — Jessica Paulsen, Director,Pass with Flying Colors

A Year in Review .

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Grant Recipients Speak.

“I am grateful to the IECA Foundation because...

Beyond Soccer Evanston Scholars

Gold Coast Down SyndromePass With Flying Colors

Luisa Rabe, Board ChairEducational Consultant, Pennsylvania

Ann Montgomery, SecretaryEducational Consultant, Texas

Michael Spence, TreasurerEducational Consultant, Massachusetts

Phil CocchiolaHead of School, The Oxford Academy,Connecticut

Betsy DonnellyEducational Consultant, Georgia

Kristina DooleyEducational Consultant, Ohio

Julie GrayChief Advancement Officer, Buckingham Browne & Nichols School,Massachusetts

Tracy HopkinsBusiness Development Director, Outback Therapeutic Expeditions, Utah

Carl LovejoyAssociate Executive Director for External Relations, Mountain ValleyTreatment Center, New Hampshire

Lee McLendonEducational Consultant, Vermont

Kristen J. NaspoEducational Consultant, Connecticut

Sarah NorfleetNational Outreach Representative atRogers Behavioral Health, Florida

John SingletonOwner/CEO, Whetstone Academy,South Carolina

Emeritus MembersRobin AbedonEducational Consultant, Florida

Steven AntonoffEducational Consultant, Colorado

Judith BergEducational Consultant, New Jersey

Brooke DudleyEducational Consultant, Texas

Paula FeldmanEducational Consultant, California

Jean HagueEducational Consultant, Georgia

Lynn HamiltonEducational Consultant, California

Ex OfficioMark SklarowExecutive Director, Independent Educational Consultants Association

Ann Rossbach2016-2018 President, Independent Educational Consultants Association

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Board Members,

The IECA Foundation makes world-classeducational opportunities for professionalspossible. In February 2018, the Foundationunderwrote the keynote speaker for the GenderEducation and DeMystification Symposium(GEMS) Conference. GEMS is a continuingeducation event offering educational consultantsand therapeutic professionals a clinicalperspective regarding gender identity.

Education for Professionals .

In 2018, our Board of Trusteesstepped up their investments tothe IECA Foundation. We reached100% Board giving and completedan impressive match challenge

initiated by Board Chair, Luisa Rabe,and Treasurer, Michael Spence.Here are some of the many reasonsour Board members choose to giveto the IECA Foundation.

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“Why I Give” .

We want our most dedicated supporters to know how

much they mean to us. Therefore,in 2018, we created a new loyaltygroup: The Circle 96 Society.

Why Circle 96?The work of the IECA Foundationis cyclical, with grantmaking happening annually. We believe

the image of a circle aligns perfectly with this process, aswell as the idea of a dedicated circle of donors. The 96 is in reference to the founding yearof the IECA Foundation.

Members of The Circle 96 Societywill be the first to hear about upcoming IECA Foundationevents and opportunities, as well

as receive invitations for Circle 96gatherings at future conferences.We are excited about the futureof The Circle 96 Society and look forward to seeing this group ofsupporters grow! We extend special gratitude to the inauguralmembers of Circle 96, listedbelow, for their steadfast supportof the IECA Foundation.

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Robin AbedonAngelo Cowen FoundationSteven AntonoffDick BaroodyDavid BeecherSandy BercuJudy BergCamille BertramAndrew BryanJennifer BuyensNancy CadwalladerPhil CocchiolaDebbie DavisSue CrumpJody DobsonBetsy Donnelly

Brooke DudleyNancy FederspielPaula FeldmanDiane GellerLisa Gelman and MatthewKenigsbergJulie GrayDeborah Davis GrovesAlan HaasJean HagueLynn HamiltonFaith HowlandJane KolberCarl LovejoyAudrey LudemannSarah McGinty

Lee McLendonAnn MontgomeryKristen NaspoPat NehmeJill PorterLuisa RabeDaria RockholzJulia SensenbrennerJane ShropshireJohn SingletonMark SklarowRachel SobelMichael SpenceKaren SteelePamela TedeschiLucia Tyler


"With the help of Sisters Circle, Igained admission to an academicallyrigorous independent school and hadresources and counseling for thecollege admissions process. I amenormously grateful to Sisters Circlebecause I know I would not be whereI am today without them."— Lashae Felder, past Sisters Circle participant, Baltimore, MD

Circle 96 Society .

A Student Speaks.

Champion’s Circle ($25,000+)Stephen CloobeckJudy Angelo Cowen Foundation

President’s Circle ($5,000-$10,000)Richard and Robin AbedonLuisa RabeMichael Spence

Founder’s Circle ($2,500-$4,999)Steven AntonoffGary and Donna AntonoffJean HagueMadelyn Pulver Jennings Gift Fund ofThe Community Foundation for theGreater Capital RegionAnn Montgomery

Charter Circle ($1,000-$2,499)Judy BergJody DobsonBetsy DonnellyLaura EgerterNicole OringerAnn C. & C. Hamilton Sloan FamilyFoundationJane Kolber Lee McLendon

Leadership Circle ($500-$999)Jed ApplerouthCamille BertramLisa BleichBill DingledineBrooke DudleyBrenda GerhardtJulie GrayDeborah Davis GrovesLynn HamiltonKaren MabieKristen NaspoJill RickelAnn RossbachJohn Singleton

Benefactor ($100-$499)Academic AccessDick BaroodyAntoinette BattisteSandy BercuJudi BessetteAndrew Bryan James BuckleyJennifer BuyensNancy CadwalladerLinda Cain

Kathie CarnahanPhil CocchiolaThe College Consulting CollaborativeCollege Essay GuyKim CrockardSue CrumpDebbie DavisTory DodgeKristina DooleyW. Laird DurleyMarilyn EngelmanSusan EschenroederRandye FalkPaula FeldmanCaryl FrankenbergerMarie and Julie FriedemannSandy FurthNanci GelbCarolyn Geldermann Diane GellerBarry and Dana GoldyBecky Grappo Gary and Sharyn GreensteinJanet GreenwoodKaryn HoltzmanMiaoling HuangPamela JobinMargie KashmanJennifer KentKatelyn KlapperJane KlemmerDouglas KruppTimothy LeeBarb LeventhalJeff LevyCarl LovejoyAudrey LudemannThe Lunder FoundationJessie MartinAllison MatlackSarah McGintyWilliam MorseMountain Valley Treatment CenterJill MuellerPat Nehme Sarah NorfleetTobey and Richard Oresman Marilyn PetrequinJill PorterSarah ReeseDaria RockholzAndrea SandersJulia SensenbrennerRenee Serrano

Hannah SerotaJane ShropshireKaren SisselmanSJC College Counseling LLC Mark SklarowRhonda SkloffNancy SmithRachel SobelDeborah SpagnolettiKaren SteelePamela TedeschiLucia TylerSally Ten EyckJesse Quam

Friends (up to $99) Ellen AdesJennifer AdrianElyse and Bruce BalderStephanie BensingerJulie BergerShereen BerlinLilia CareyMary ConsoliJill CohenWanning DingPhillip FisherBeth FreemanJacquelyn FurmanDiane GellerLynda GordonLoredana HarrisonTracy HopkinsFaith HowlandRachel IshikawaSusan IslerHelen KaplanDebbie KurinskyJoseph and Judith LeaderKaren LevineDebbie MannMeegan McRobertsGraydon MitchellEmily NorofDeborah and Mark PasculanoJennifer SlifkaMary SpiegelLeo and Jeanne StolbachStephen TankelOwens TriciaUpSkillStanford VincentLaura WeinkleAnne WeisholtzGuo Xin

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Donors ,

In Honor of:2018 New Hampshire Boarding Schools Tour: Mountain Valley Treatment Center

Robin Abedon: Kristina DooleyPaula Feldman

Steve Antonoff:Bill DingledineKathie CarnahanMarie and Julie Friedemann

Denise Baylis:Daria Rockholz

Judy Berg:Paula Feldman

Len Buccellato:Nancy Cadwallader

Michael Cohen:Guo Xin

Debbie Davis:Daria Rockholz

Sue DePra:Kathie Carnahan

Dale and Bill Dingledine:Tory DodgeAnn RossbachRachel Sobel

Brooke Dudley:Carl Lovejoy

Rita Goldberg's Inauguration of thevery first IECA Regional Group in 1985:Jane Kolber and Diana Rapp

Jean Hague:Mary ConsoliPaula FeldmanMadelyn Pulver Jennings

Georgia K. Irvin:Pamela Tedeschi

Ghita Lapidus:W. Laird Durley

Judge Mason:Jody Dobson

Luisa Rabe:Kathie CarnahanPaula Feldman

Judi Robinovitz:Barb Leventhal

Ann Rossbach:Luisa Rabe

Mark Sklarow:Kathie CarnahanPaula Feldman

Liz Smith:Sue Crump

Michael Spence:Luisa Rabe

Susan Sykes:Deborah Davis

David Tuttle:Kristina Dooley

IECA Staff:Kathie CarnahanLuisa Rabe

In Memory of:Gary Antonoff: Richard and Robin AbedonJudy BergPaula FeldmanMarie and Julie FriedemannDiane GellerLuisa Rabe

Carrie Beecher: Richard and Robin AbedonJudy BergBrooke DudleyPaula FeldmanJean HagueCarl LovejoyLuisa RabeMichael Spence

"Dinny" L. Bell: Carolyn Geldermann

John Gunzler: Nicole Oringer

Tanis Lickhalter:Lisa Bleich

Midge Lipkin:James Buckley

Ann Carol Price:The Price GroupAnn Sloan

Dr. John Poynor:Kim Crockard

IECA Foundation Annual Report | 10

Donors ,

Irvin Katz Fund: Camille BertramDeborah DavisBrenda GerhardtLynn HamiltonMeegan McRobertsJill MuellerLuisa RabeJane Shropshire

Kowalchick Fund: Camille BertramBokom FoundationNancy CadwalladerWanning DingLynn HamiltonMike Kowalchick

Individuals honored for referrals:Steve AsztalosKathie CarnahanDebbie DavisSusan EschenroederSamoa FerraroCynthia LaubensteinJim OvertonMarilyn PetriquinLisa PlotkinBarbara RappaportLia RushtonDevon SawyerEthan SawyerJennifer TabbushLaurie WeingartenPerry Youngblood

Reading Power, Illinois

Ann Rossbach Consulting Applerouth Tutoring

Asheville Academy for Girls Asheville School

Aspiro Berkshire School Blue Ridge School Brandon Hall School

Brehm Preparatory School Brooke Dudley

Carolyn MeansChapel Hill-Chauncy Hall Sc hool

Chatham HallDavid Beecher Eagle Hill SchoolGreenwood School Pomfret SchoolRed Mountain

Sedona Rock Point School South Kent School

St. Andrew's School RI Summit Educational Group

The Bertram GroupThe Oxford Academy Three Points CenterVermont Academy

ViveWestover School

Youthcare Treatment CenterTABS

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Golden Globe Sponsor

Emmy Sponsors

Hollywood Star Sponsor Director Sponsor

Producer Sponsors Camerman Sponsors

Paparazzi Sponsors

In November, we hosted nearly300 guests for a spectacularevent at the Bonaventure BrewingCo. Guests enjoyed a beautifulrooftop venue, delicious food anddrinks, and lively entertainment.Most importantly, event proceedswill help us continue our grant-making efforts for years to come!Thank you to our incredible spon-sors for making it all possible.

Lights, Camera, Action for the IECA Foundation ,

Here’s how you can continue to support the IECA Foundation

Visit our website to donate online at:

Send a check to support our grant-making efforts to:IECA Foundation

3251 Old Lee Highway, Suite 310Fairfax, Virginia 22030-1504

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Thank You for an Incredible ,


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