Annual Report 2016 Heritage Presbyterian Church · Ann Strohm Rachel Messman Fran Myers Scott Towle Pat Oliver Pam McClelland Organization of the Session Clerk of Session Rachel Messman

Post on 17-Sep-2018






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Annual Report


Heritage Presbyterian Church

8503 Fort Hunt Road

Alexandria, Virginia 22308

Rev. Diane Hutchins, Interim Pastor

Elder Rachel Messman, Clerk of Session

Vision Statement

Connect ~ Grow ~ Serve

Mission Statement

We strive to be a Spirit-led, mission-

minded community of Christians,

a bedrock for the faithful in an

uncertain world and a safe pasture for

all of God’s lambs.

Celebrating the heritage

of our historic setting

and our faith as disciples of Christ,

we worship, teach, enjoy fellowship,

practice stewardship,

and reach out to our Mount Vernon

community and the world.


Pastor’s Report .......................................... 3 Clerk’s Report ............................................ 4 Music Director’s Report ............................. 4 Session Team Reports

Children’s Christian Education ................ 5 Congregational Care ............................... 5 Congregational Life ................................. 6 Discipleship .............................................. 6 Finance & Stewardship ........................... 7 Missions .................................................. 7 Personnel ................................................ 9 Property ................................................. 10 Worship ................................................. 10

Organizations & Activities Endowment Committee.......................... 11 Nominating Committee .......................... 11 Pastor Nominating Committee ............... 12 Lunch Bunch ......................................... 12 Men’s Fellowship & Prayer Breakfast .... 13 Heritage Presbyterian Women .............. 13

Treasurer’s Report ................................... 15 2016 Financial Statement ........................ 16 2016 Budget ............................................. 19

Heritage Presbyterian Church

8503 Fort Hunt Road Alexandria, Virginia 22308

Phone: 703-360-9546 Fax: 703-360-7389

Church Staff

Rev. Diane Hutchins, Interim Pastor Chap. Arnold Porter, Clergy Colleague

Elder Jeffrey Taylor, Music Director Gary Thomas, Organist

Denise Hayden, Office Manager/Asst. Treasurer Perry N. Carvellas, Sexton Charles Budde, Treasurer

Rev. Lawrence A. Glassco, Pastor Emeritus

Session 2016

Class of 2016 Class of 2017 Class of 2018 Diana Johannes Andrew Adamson Kari Ann McDonald Ann Strohm Rachel Messman Fran Myers Scott Towle Pat Oliver Pam McClelland

Organization of the Session

Clerk of Session Rachel Messman Children’s Christian Education Kari Ann McDonald Congregational Care Fran Myers Congregational Life Diana Johannes Communications Scott Towle Discipleship Pam McClelland Finance & Stewardship Pat Oliver Personnel Ann Strohm Property Andrew Adamson

Worship Jeff Taylor Moderator Rev. Diane Hutchins

2 Heritage Presbyterian Church Annual Report 2016

Having arrived at Heritage on December 1, 2015, we spent the beginning of 2016 getting acquainted. On January 9, we held an all-day training for the newly elected elders and nearly all of the Session, including outgoing elders attended. Subsequently, a member of the congregation protested one of the newly elected elders, causing the young man to resign, leaving us without formal leadership for the Mission Team for the year.

We began the pastor search process by partnering with Holy Cow! Consulting in Chicago to design a Church Assessment Tool (CAT). The CAT provided us with a benchmark survey to measure experiences, perceptions and aspirations of the church congregation. During the first two weeks in April, 88 people completed the online survey. On April 30, a trained interpreter met with the Session to review the results. And, on May 15 the results were shared with the congregation.

As a result of the CAT survey, we agreed that our first priority was to make necessary changes to attract families with children and youth to our church. Other priorities were to

develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to reach new people and incorporate them into the life of the church and to strengthen the process by which members are called and equipped for ministry and leadership. On the graph of our energy and satisfaction, we were very close to the medium intersection. On the graph of progressive/conservative, we were on the mid-line. We were dangerously low on the scale of adaptable or settled. However, it also was clear that this congregation was not much interested in making any changes to accommodate that first priority. I didn’t see any effort to follow through on any of the things that the CAT found we wanted to do. Elder Pam McClelland and I went on a weekend retreat with “The Well” to try to understand more about what the CAT meant for us.

After dealing with too many leaks — especially in the Associate Pastor’s office, we voted to replace the roof in April. Session voted to use the rental income from the Manse to pay for the roof.

In March and April I led a six week confirmation class for five girls which included the Reformed Institute’s Confirmation Retreat weekend. On May 8, we welcomed into membership at Heritage the five young ladies: Erin McAllister, Lacey Rogers, Heather Thompson, Hannah Thompson, who I also baptized, and Mia Vago.

In June, we received a visit from long-time Heritage members Fred & Ann Fredrick for a weekend of celebrations for all of Fred’s accomplishments and for both of their contributions to Heritage over the years.

This year we tried something a little different, we did a Wednesday night Vacation Bible School in July & August. I taught an adult class which got a huge participation, while the youth were occupied with bible stories and games. We had about 30 adults every week. It was a good experience for children and youth of all ages.

The Nominating Committee went to work over the summer and presented a slate of names for a Pastor Nominating Committee to the congregation in September. Once again a member protested the inclusion of a young woman, and unfortunately she resigned before the PNC could begin their work. Harriet Hopkins was appointed by the Presbytery to work with our committee.

On the day they were elected, I went out on sick leave, and was out for the rest of the year. Chaplain Arnie Porter preached on Sunday’s, Denise Hayden kept the office running very smoothly, and our clerk, Rachel Messman took care of the official business. Everyone in the congregation stepped up to make sure our mission and ministry continued. I returned to Heritage, half time, on January 1, 2017. It has been a slow start, surely much slower than anyone anticipated, but we think we can make this work.

Pastor’s Report Pastor Diane Hutchins

4 Heritage Presbyterian Church Annual Report 2016

Music Director’s Report Elder Jeff Taylor

The Sanctuary performed at each Sunday worship service throughout the year with the exception of July and August. Soloists from the choir and congregation provided special music while the choir was on their traditional summer break. Heritage ringers performed several times during the year and made good use of the additional bells purchased the previous year. The children’s choir performed bi-monthly until the summer break. Special services included the 15th annual Worshipful Jazz Sunday on Transfiguration Sunday led by the Marty Nau Quartet. Winter and spring services frequently featured Geoffrey Gallante playing trumpet descants on opening and closing hymns. Organist, Gary Thomas and several soloists performed during the summer choir recess including Dave Bossman, Kate Keating, Alexander Kluskens, Michelle St. John, Jennifer McAllister, Marty Nau, Vivien Peterson, Nancy Pope and William Sams, and a quartet from the choir, Jim Hayes, Jennifer McAllister, Rachel Messman and myself. Zach Johns provided musical accompaniment for the 9:00 A.M. outdoor services. We were saddened to lose our beloved Joan Coe who passed away suddenly in

early September. She had been a member of Heritage Ringers for more than a decade. Her strong faith, good-natured spirit and infectious humor have been sorely missed. We also said farewell to long-time choir member Gary Davis who relocated to Norfolk, VA. Late in the year our pipe organ required some additional unforeseen maintenance to the stop cancellation process and an AC Control Box. After several weeks of carefully stepping over an extension cord connecting the organ to the power supply, the repairs were successfully accomplished. To be better prepared to meet such future unplanned expenses, an organ maintenance fund has been established. We are thankful for the contributions already received . It has been a joy to continue to work with everyone on the music team and I truly appreciate the time, energy and commitment each of you brings to your performances for the glory of God throughout the year.

We began 2016 with renewed spirit and vigor at Heritage. Rev. Diane Hutchins had come in December of 2015 to be our Interim Pastor. We had a lot of work to do, but we were very hopeful that eventually we would find our next installed pastor. Diane led us through the Holy Cow! Congregation Assessment Tool. This helped us to know who we are and what we should be seeking in terms of a new pastor. The Session began work on a Mission Study. We had a wonderful Lenten Soup Supper program and an excellent Wednesday night, all-ages Vacation Bible School during the summer. The roof needed to be replaced, money was raised, and the work completed quickly. By September the Nominating Committee had secured the names for a Pastor Nominating Committee and these folks were elected at a Congregational Meeting on September 18. Then, unfortunately, Diane became very ill and was unable to be with us for several months. We are so pleased that she has been able to return to us as of the first of January 2017. During Diane’s absence, the congregation and staff of Heritage continued to keep things moving ahead. We are happy to report that the Mission Study has been completed and the PNC-generated Mission Information Form has been approved by Session. We are ready to move ahead to the actual search for a new pastor. There are many people to thank for the excellent progress that continued to be made

during Diane’s illness. Chaplain Arnie Porter was wonderful in the pulpit. Denise Hayden kept everything working properly in the church office, and Charley Budde continued to keep our books in order. Music Director, Jeff Taylor, Organist, Gary Thomas, and Sexton, Perry Carvellas continued with their fine work. All the members of Session worked hard at their various responsibilities. The congregation kept their spirits up and their support strong. We thank you, one and all. We are ready to proceed with the work and challenges of the New Year. Let us continue to love God, love each other and love Heritage Presbyterian Church.

Clerk’s Report Elder Rachel Messman


Elder Kari Ann McDonald

The Christian Education Team provides opportunities for children and youth to grow in their faith and relationship with God. Some activities that occurred in 2016 were: Children in Worship, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Family Nights and a Christmas Eve pageant. Emily Perez has faithfully led Children in Worship. She plans and organizes the curriculum, as well as arranges for leaders to teach each week. Thank you to the leaders (including Emily) that have been giving of their time to teach our children! Thank you to the Sunday School teachers of 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years: High School: Jennifer McAllister and Adrienne Magnuson (2015-16) and Mary Oliver (2016-17); 5th Grade-Junior High: Betsy Rogers; K-4

th Grade: Karen Rudolph and myself;

Substitutes: Pat Carvellas, Jenny Kennedy, Katherine Salter, and Sara Sams. Students participate in bible instruction, prayer and reflections. Service projects are part of the children’s ministry. Special events are combined classes to celebrate Easter (egg hunt and activities) and Christmas. A new format of Vacation Bible School was attempted in 2016! Vacation Bible School was held in the evenings, on five Wednesdays in July/August. Children were invited! Adults were invited! All enjoyed a meal beforehand. Adults attended lessons with Pastor Diane Hutchins. Children were adventurers in Cave Quest and attended three stations: Bible Lesson, Arts and Crafts, and Outdoor Play/Bible Buddy Reflection. Family Nights were multigenerational. Most began with a shared meal. Themes included: Christmas caroling, game night, and Halloween Fun Night. The Christian Education Team members, Sara Sams and Katherine Salter organized a Christmas Pageant, which was part of the Christmas Eve service. Mary, Joseph and the angel were cast (Annelise Sams, Jonathan Salter and Eva Magnuson). The congregation

was invited to participate as other characters in the play (more angels, shepherds, cows and donkeys). Pastor Diane Hutchins has been a faithful leader for our team. She organized a Confirmation Class and on May 8, five girls: Erin McAllister, Lacy Rogers, Hannah Thompson, Heather Thompson and Mia Vago were received into membership at Heritage. And on May 22, she presented Bibles to 3

rd graders: Eva Magnuson,

Aubrey Rudolph and Jonathan Salter. She is a wonderful source of guidance and expertise!


Elder Fran Myers

The Congregational Care Ministry works throughout the year to communicate and connect with members and friends of our congregation. Each month we visit, call, bring flowers from the church service, or send cards to those members who are hospitalized, in rehab centers, recovering at home, or who live in retirement communities or nursing homes. Some in our congregation have undergone surgery or some type of treatment, are caring for ill family members, and ask for assistance with meals. We currently have two meal “teams” that include others in addition to the core visitation group. As needed, we may also assist with transportation to church or to medical appointments. I am thankful for the core members of the Caring Team: Kathy Gordon, Diana Johannes, Winnie Larson, Emily Perez and Nancy Pope. This team has given much of their time and talents to support members of the congregation in letting them know that we are their church family, and will do what we can in times of need, and that we have them in our prayers. Also we could not manage this ministry without the assistance and ideas of others: Pat Carvellas, Marge Hernandez, Pat Meeks, Rachel Messman, Mary Oliver, Elizabeth Tolles, and Gail Trimble who have offered their time with visits, calls, meals and transportation. I also appreciate the timely manner in which our office manager, Denise Hayden, communicates care needs to me as she receives them directly to the office. We especially could not continue this ministry without the support, advice, and guidance from Pastor Diane Hutchins and Chaplain Arnie Porter. There are many others of you who have also been part of this ministry every week. If you have checked the Caring Table for cards, dutifully maintained and selected by our team member Emily Perez, and offered your own words of concern and prayer, you have participated in the Caring Team work. By donating the flowers from the church service, by giving of your time to sign up to call our homebound members or deliver a meal, you are part of the Caring Team effort. By responding to an email for help with transportation, you have provided support for this work. Let us continue to reveal God’s love for one another, serving and caring for one another in Christ.

Session Team Reports

6 Heritage Presbyterian Church Annual Report 2016


Elder Diana Johannes

The mission of the Congregational Life/Fellowship Team is to provide good food, good fun and good fellowship activities for our Heritage family. Activities under this Team include our weekly Fellowship Time after the worship service and special events (noted below), all of which require many helping hands for which we are most appreciative. Our core group in 2016 included Carol Borgstrom, Karen & John Christenson, Anne Ferguson, Marge Hernandez and Fran Myers-Lovell. Our first special event was the Soup-er Luncheon, which is served as a prelude to the Annual Congregational Meeting, held in January. In February, we hosted the reception following our annual Worshipful Jazz Concert with the Marty Nau Quartet. The Ice Cream Social was held on June 21, at which time our Sunday School Teachers were recognized for their dedication through the Church school year. In September, we held our Annual Church Picnic. Entertainment for the youngest members of our family included an awesome face painter and moonbounce! And thank you to HPW for a generous contribution of $200 to help defray some of the costs. As in previous years, our guests for both events were members of Iglesia Evangelica. Much appreciation goes to Charles Jones and crew for their hard work at the grills. We extend a hearty invitation to anyone who may be interested in joining this fun group. Over the past 6 years, we have lost over half of our team due to retirement or relocation, and are very much in need of new members. Also, if you are interested in hosting a Fellowship Hour but feel somewhat uncertain of expectations, please let me know and she will be more than happy to assist. Finally, thank you very much to everyone who has hosted Fellowship Time throughout the year. You have added greatly to the joy of our time together!


Elder Pam McClelland

The Discipleship is concerned with the spiritual nourishment of the adults in the congregation. The ongoing responsibilities include support for the two adult Sunday school classes. While the two Sunday school classes choose their programs, the discipleship budget pays for the books that they use. In addition, Discipleship supports the Heritage Library. This year we did a thorough cleaning on the Heritage Work Days. Since there is no catalog for the library, Elizabeth Tolles who headed the program until last year, recommended putting the list online. To do this, Discipleship bought a laptop computer during the Amazon sale in July. Bill Sams set up the computer and Bill Tolles developed a spreadsheet for the catalog. I have tested this by starting to catalog the reference collection for the library. It is going slowly, so all help will

be appreciated. We awarded Elizabeth Tolles a Certificate of Appreciation for her many years of service to the Heritage Library. Incidentally, the laptop is intended to support any activity of the church. It can stream video for Sunday school classes (an adaptor is available to feed the video into a flat screen TV set to make viewing easier). Spreadsheets and the ever popular power point slides are other possibilities for its use. Arrangements for a printer are “in the works.” An innovation this year was the resumption of Wednesday night programs during Lent. The theme of these programs was “Food for Thought” and included a simple dinner of soup and bread and a talk on some aspect of the spiritual journey of Lent. The Discipleship Elder supported the use of the Church Assessment Tool at Heritage by developing and helping to implement the outreach plan for the program and attending the Presbytery-organized meeting for churches using the tool. The elder is also Heritage’s representative to the board of the Reformed Institute which provides educational programs on the reformed tradition for laity. In 2016, the programs included the Convocation at National Presbyterian Church, several classes and occasional events. The Reformed Institute sponsors a confirmand retreat every year and this is the first year that Heritage participated thanks to Rev. Hutchins. We sent our four new confirmands to the retreat. I heard that they characterized Heritage as a “Church that gets things done.” I hope that we can get many more things done in 2017 when we will be celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.


Elder Pat Oliver

Due to a generous congregation that fully supported the needs of Heritage 2016 was a fruitful year. As we close the year out the records show that the congregation allowed Heritage to prosper for the second year: we ended the year with a surplus of $18,355.57, for which we all are extremely thankful. The 2016 accomplishments include putting a new roof on, with thanks to congregation donors and underwriters. In addition, several repairs were made to the pipe organ, again with thanks to congregation donors. The goal to maintain the Heritage 15% Mission contribution was accomplished in 2016 and will continue to be supported in 2017. Please note the Missions entry to this document to see all that was accomplished. The Manse rental amount is significant and was instrumental in the ability to pay off the roof replacement costs. The Finance & Stewardship Team recommends to the Session that we reallocate a portion of that income into the General Fund as well as maintaining a portion going to the Capitol Savings account. That account will continue to support the maintenance costs, many of which have been deferred for several years. Our 2017 Budget will be a continuation of the 2016 structure. Our recent Stewardship drive reflected the impact of the losses that occurred within our congregation during 2016. We will strive to maintain our Missions contribution at 15% of the total budget and add support to the Worship Team to better cover items such as the organ repairs. As begun in 2016 we will provide a COLA raise to each of our administrative staff in 2017. A new item will be added to the budget this year as we prepare to defray costs associated with a new Pastor Search within the 2017 Budget. The budget for 2017 is on page 19 of this report. Your FINANCE TEAM should have the unending praise from the entire congregation. All noted here spend long hours to complete the tasks created in the financial management of Heritage and insuring that it all is done “by the books”. Charley Budde, our Treasurer is the heart of the accounting system and is definitely the hardest worker of our unpaid staff. Denise Hayden is the Assistant Treasurer and provides daily cognizance of the ins and outs that occur in the church. Jim Hayes is the

Financial Recorder and is the only person in the church who knows what each of us contributes during the year, keeps meticulous records and sends a private report to each of us for tax purposes. Jesse Hernandez has been our financial advisor for many years and has actively managed the accounts to reflect consistent growth. Bill Tolles is in charge of our Counters, keeps our computer program updated, and still has time to be in charge of our Endowment and Memorial programs. P.D. Smith and Bill Sams are long serving members and always provide valuable input to every Finance & Stewardship action. Finally, my deep appreciation to the weekly Counters. You see their names in the weekly Bulletin, but many of you don’t know what they do. They spend two, sometimes three hours after church each Sunday counting and recording every penny that comes into the church that week. Our accurate records are totally dependent on them. Thank you to Barbara Jones for her time and talent in review of the Heritage Finance records for 2015. May God continue to Bless the Heritage Congregation in 2017. THANK YOU!


Elder Susan Palmer

As stated in the Heritage Mission Statement, “we strive to be a Spirit-lead, mission-minded community of Christians”. The Heritage Missions Team hopes to engage the Heritage community in God’s work here and around the world. We thank you for your faithfully and generously provided tithes and offerings and for your gifts of time and talent. The Missions Team had a challenging year in many ways. We lost our beloved sister-in-Christ, Joan Coe in August. Joan was the “face” and champion of local missions and she exemplified what it means to serve God by serving others. The Missions Team began the year with 7 members: Howard Borgstrom, Joan Coe, Claire Kluskens, John Magnuson, Wolfgang Maier, Mary Oliver and myself. We ended the year with only 4 members: Howard Borgstrom, Claire Kluskens, Mary Oliver and myself. In 2016, the Missions Team had an operating budget of $45,000. This was an $8,000 increase over 2015. Special Offerings provided additional funding in the amount of $13,615.81 and receipt of a NCP World Mission Grant in the amount of $3,000 for work in Malawi resulted in a total outlay of $61,615.81 in 2016. How did we allocate this budget, what were our focus areas and how did we serve God? In support of the Global Church, we sought to strengthen our commitment with global partners and to address critical needs. The Missions Team spent $12,151 of the operating budget to support of Presbyterian Church (USA) mission personnel as unallocated or shared. In other words — to where the need is greatest. Shared Mission Support is “Supporting the Whole Church” and these funds support mission and ministry at regional, national and international levels. For the past six years, Heritage has been involved

8 Heritage Presbyterian Church Annual Report 2016

with Malawi mission outreach. Last year Heritage began a partnership with the Chinunkha Congregation in the remote Chitipa region of Malawi. We worked with Rev. Maggie Chisi Chivunga in support of her developmental agenda for this congregation of 400. Unfortunately the famine that began to affect southern and central Malawi in late 2015 was causing severe shortages of food and hunger for the Chinunkha Congregation in early 2016. The Missions Team responded twice by funding the purchase of maize in January ($1,500) and again in late March ($1,000). In June we received notification that Heritage had received a NCP Global Partnership Grant and matching funds in the amount of $3,000 were on their way. The overall objective of our partnership and grant is the improvement of the quality of life for the Chinunkha Congregation. To date we have funded the purchase of 20 solar units for the community through the Malawi Solar Project ($1,300) and just sent funding for the installation of a transformer by ESCOM (Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi) that will supply electricity for the first time to the congregation ($8,100). Nine Heritage members met with Rev. Douglas Chipofya, Moderator of the Livingstonia Synod and I attended the Malawi Mission Network meeting in July. For over 15 years, Heritage has partnered with Faith Ministry and the town of Miguel Aleman, Mexico, to provide educational assistance, financial support for the Mission Church and prayer and brotherly love to the families of this small border town. In 2016 Heritage provided scholarships that enabled 11 children to attend school. The total cost for these scholarships was $5,660($5,059.94 from Missions operating budget and $600.06 from the Traude Maier Memorial Support for Miguel Aleman Fund. And once again Betsy Roger’s 5

th through

8th grade Sunday School class continued to correspond

with all 11 students. The Mission Church in Miguel Aleman received $3,000 in support of its ministry to meet the basic needs of families through spiritual growth, housing, community wellness, and education. Only about 15% of PC(USA) congregations directly support a PC(USA) mission co-worker. It costs over $12 million annually to keep our 150 mission co-workers in mission service. In 2016, the Missions Team provided $2,000 of directed support to Rev. Elmarie Parker and Rev. Scott Parker as they change lives for the sake of the gospel in Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon The Missions Team continued its support of Dimitrie Todorov and ECMI (European Christian Mission International)/New Hope Bulgaria through prayer and by providing $1,000 ($949 from Missions Operating Budget and $51 from Special Offerings). Other global partners: For over 50 years, the Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF) has been an independent non-profit organization working in partnership with individuals and churches to equip Presbyterian partners for medical ministry. The Missions Team allocated $700 from its operating budget for MBF work in Africa.

Missions 2016 Giving Summary

Missions Budget

Missions Operating Fund $45,000

Special Offerings/Emergency Appeals $13,616

NCP World Mission Grant $3,000

Total $61,616

Missions Giving

Local Outreach

United Community Ministries $3,733

Rising Hope Mission Church $2,000

Good Shepherd Housing $1,100

Central Union Mission $1,100

Christ House DC $1,100

DC Central Kitchen $1,100

Jubilee Housing $1,100

New Hope Housing (Mondloch House) $1,100

So Others Might Eat (SOME) $1,100

Capital Area Food Bank $908

Fisher House $603

Salvation Army $500

Central Union Missions Camp Bennett $450

Eagles’ Wings Tutoring Program $200

VIC Expenses $50

Total $16,144

Global Outreach

Shared Presbytery Mission Giving $12,151

Malawi $11,900

School Scholarships (Mexico) $5,660

Mission Church in Miguel Aleman Mexico $3,000

Presbyterian Mission Co-Workers $2,000

New Hope International (Bulgaria) $1,000

Medical Benevolence Foundation (Africa) $700

Sertao Project (Brazil) $700

Total $37,111

Other Missions

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance $1,685

Presbyterian children’s Home/Highlands $525

Presbyterian Council/Chaplains & Military $400

Committee Expenses $130

Total $2,740

Special Offering/Presb. Mission Agency

Peace & Global Witness $1,807

Christmas/Joy Gift $1,552

One Great Hour of Sharing $1,677

Pentecost Offering $585

Total $5,621

Heritage continues to support church building efforts of the Outreach Foundation. The Sertao Project in Brazil received $700 from the Mission Operating budget. Special Offerings provided $1,685 to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for earthquake relief in Haiti and Nepal, flood relief in Louisiana and West Virginia, and Sandy SuperStorm and Hurricane Matthew relief.

Locally we focused our efforts on hunger, homelessness and education. We recommitted our involvement with Ventures in Community (VIC) — a body of faith communities and non-profit agencies serving southeastern Fairfax County. VIC dues were $50. In 2016 we marked the 11

th year of Heritage’s

participation in Ventures in Community — Hypothermia Outreach Program (VIC-HOP). Hosted by Rising Hope United Methodist Mission Church, VIC-HOP provides emergency shelter for homeless adults during the winter season. Nearly 50 Heritage members and friends provided meals and chaperones for every Friday night in February and March 2016. Howard Borgstrom is the Heritage coordinator and program champion. Our involvement with Rising Hope United Methodist Mission Church goes well beyond our VIC-HOP outreach. Heritage has donated food items for their food pantry; collected coats, jackets and other clothing for the homeless and provided $2,000 to their ministries that bring the transforming love of Christ to those in need along the Route 1 corridor. Heritage has a long history of support to United Community Ministries (UCM). Heritage’s participation in the their annual Back to School Drive resulted in 32 backpacks, assorted school supplies and an astonishing $1,230 being delivered to UCM so that students from low income families in the Mount Vernon community could begin the school year with the necessary supplies. The Missions Team’s sponsored Thanksgiving Dinner Bags food drive collected 325 pounds of food and $385. Additionally $2,000 from the Missions operating budget, $118 in Special Offerings and over 800 pounds of food donations were given to UCM as they strive to create a better life for families living below the poverty level in our community.

For the third year in a row, Heritage hosted the Mount Vernon Day to Serve. Over a 180 people from Mount Vernon area faith communities attended and due to their generous contributions, the Food for Others program received 361 Power Pack meals for use in Fairfax County elementary schools. Because we underestimated the number of bags needed this year, UCM received 960 pounds of food items. Thank you to all the Heritage members who participated and grew as partners with our faith neighbors. Mary Oliver organized this most successful project. The Eagles’ Wings Tutoring Program began its 28


year of tutoring students from Mount Eagle Elementary School every Wednesday evening at Calvary Presbyterian Church. This award winning program not only helps the Mount Eagle students but the tutors and entire community. Heritage members have supported this program for 20+ years. Eight Heritage members were tutors/substitute tutors in 2016 and I continued as the Program Director. Heritage provided $200 to Calvary Presbyterian Church to offset Eagles’ Wings expenses. Additionally, Heritage supports financially the following local missions that focus their efforts on the issues of hunger and homelessness: Good Shepherd Housing $1,100, New Hope Housing $1,100, Central Union Mission $1,100, Christ House $1,100, DC Central Kitchen $1,100, Jubilee Housing $1,100, SOME (So Others May Eat) $1,100 and Salvation Army $500. We invite you to experience praying, giving and serving with us.


Elder Ann Strohm

This was my last year serving as your Chair of Personnel. It surely has been an exciting ride! This year, we welcomed Pastor Diane Hutchins into our fold and met with her mid-way to discuss her progress with the church and her plans for our future. The Personnel Team consists of Pam McClelland, Rachel Messman, Peggy Russo, Aaron Santa Anna, and myself. We meet on the second Wednesday of every month in the church library to review and discuss staff issues and requirements. Much of what the Personnel Team discusses is confidential and cannot be discussed outside of the Personnel circle. The Team keeps communication lines open with the Pastor — meeting regularly to discuss topics of interest — as well as acts as a conduit between the congregation, staff, and pastor on any items or issues that have been brought to the attention of a Team Member. At the beginning of the year, we met with General Presbyter Wilson Gunn and Committee on Ministry (COM) representative Harriet Hopkins to discuss ideas for a new pastor evaluation process. Both gave us great presentations and examples for what a good process looks like and how to balance the administrative task of staff evaluations with the Christian duties to love and counsel. The team created our new Pastor Feedback/Input Form and is finalizing the logistics of how and when these evaluations take place.

We also completed mini-biographies of all our staff (Office Manager, Director of Music, Organist, and Sexton) for use in our Mission Information Form (MIF) and on our website. The staff themselves provided the details they wanted to share with you, outside visitors, and our new pastor. We have been blessed with a wonderful staff and I want to thank them all for their hard work! While Pastor Diane has been ill, everyone has stepped up to take on extra duties: Jeff Taylor with planning the music for our services; Gary Thomas with providing his organ and piano skills to the recent memorial services; Denise Hayden for keeping the office running smoothly; and especially Chaplain Arnie Porter for turning down my offer to provide outside pulpit supply for our Sunday sermons. The Villalobos-Medrano sisters (Jessica, Lidia, and Erika) continued to do a wonderful job staffing our Nursery every Sunday. My final thanks go to Pat Oliver, Finance & Stewardship Chair, and Charley Budde, Treasurer, for their continuing support and counsel in all staff financial and compliance matters! In December, we completed the writing of a new 6-month contract for Pastor Diane which was approved by Session and the Presbytery. We intend to bring Pastor Diane back as our beloved Interim in January for the start of her next 6 months with Heritage. May we all continue to be blessed!


Elder Andrew Adamson

The Property Team is the steward of land and property owned by Heritage. This entails the church buildings as well as the manse. The church roof was the big undertaking this year. Something we were glad to tackle during our interim transition period before our new pastor arrives. At a cost of nearly $80,000 it was a tough nut to swallow but the congregation came through in a big way. The roof was installed in April and we were 100% paid off by October. Our Work Days in April and November, successfully brought together many members of the congregation, members of Iglesia Evangelica San Juan 8:32, our Boy Scout Troop 888 and the scouts’ parents, for interior cleaning, outdoor shrubbery work and leaf removal. Members of the Iglesia Evangelica San Juan 8:32 congregation not only joined in our work days, but they have also applied their skills and extra effort throughout the year. The energy and enthusiasm of both Iglesia members and our scouts were a source of inspiration to all of us. We continued to rent the manse through 2016. We only had one small expense for a plumbing repair. During our annual inspection it was noted that the building is in a good state of repair. The current lease will expire November 30, 2017. Many thanks are due to the guys who make this place run. They shovel snow, change filters, upgrade routers, program bell timers, saw trees, pull up shrubs and come

with creative solutions to the problems that pop-up in our +50 year old buildings. Gary Davis (We miss you!), John Kohout, Bernard Kluskens (even on his school breaks), Mike Messman, Russ Perkins, and Glenn St. John. A special thanks to Sexton Perry N. Carvellas as he’s on the front lines and is our first alert when things go bump in the night. DeJuana Jones and Bianca Warner again were a big help to the property team providing, advice, expertise and their own treasure to spruce up the landscaping. Their eye for design and their concern for how we appear to the community are greatly appreciated. The results of their generosity greatly enhance the beautiful setting of our church buildings and will reduce landscape maintenance costs in the future. Coming in the new year we expect to have our outdoor lighting updated to illuminate our steeple. We also expect to break ground on our memorial garden next to the flower garden. Our biggest challenge is that we lack a dedicated landscaping volunteer for the warmer months. In order to better protect our landscaping we decided that in 2017 we will hire help to keep and maintain our plants. If you have a green thumb and a desire to toil in the soil you could put your talents to work and save the church some money. Besides landscaping we are always looking for more help, so please consider joining us!


Elder Jeff Taylor

The Worship Team members are Pastor Diane, Jim Ferguson, Winnie Larsen, Mary Lyons, Rachel Messman, Arnie Porter and Lucy Willis. The Team is responsible for the many details going into the planning and coordination of church services on Sunday mornings as well as special occasions such as Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Our heartfelt thanks go to Chaplain Arnie for stepping in as our Pastor during Pastor Diane’s recuperation. The Team oversees the Music program. We are so

10 Heritage Presbyterian Church Annual Report 2016

blessed to be able to listen every Sunday to the beautiful music performed by organist Gary Thomas and our wonderful Sanctuary Choir and Heritage Ringers. The Team also insures that the paraments and table cloths reflect the correct colors based on the liturgical season. This is handled primarily by our sexton Perry N. Carvellas who volunteers his time for audio support. The Team oversees the scheduling of the ushers by Mary Lyons and Winnie Larson, acolytes, elders and other worship leaders who serve as liturgists and Communion

servers by me. Many thanks to our acolytes and their parents, Jack Adamson, Elle and Eva Magnuson, Lila and Reed Rogers, Aubrey Rudolph, Grace and Jonathan Salter, John Sams, Heath Thompson, and J.J. Vago. The Team also insures the preparation of the Communion elements. Communion is offered the first Sunday of the month for regular indoor services and every Sunday in the summer outdoor services. Audio support for worship services and other activities held in the Sanctuary is handled by Perry N. Carvellas. He also distributes and maintains hearing assistance units for those who need them. The sound system includes remote speakers in the Narthex, Library, Nursery and Kitchen. Flowers in the Sanctuary are arranged by Lucy Willis and Mary Lyons. They coordinate delivery of the floral arrangement for every Sunday service. Following each service flowers are either returned to those who donated them or distributed to someone on the prayer list. If there is no donor for a given week, the worship Committee budget provides for the flowers. In addition to the weekly flower requirement, Lucy and Mary arrange for the Christmas Poinsettias, Easter Lilies and the Thanksgiving cornucopia. The Committee also schedules and coordinates the Hanging of the Greens in preparation for Advent and Christmas. This year the hanging and removal of the decorations was handled by Perry N. Carvellas, Jim Hayes, Winnie and Gary Larson, Kari Ann, Mark, Maggie and Alex McDonald, Rachel Messman, Mary and Pat Oliver, Nancy Pope, Dorothy and Arnie Porter and myself, with some very insightful guidance from Gary Davis. Apologies if I overlooked anyone.

The Committee would like to thank all of you who have assisted the Committee by serving as an acolyte, usher, worship leader and/or Communion Server, or if you donated flowers during the year. We also thank the families who lit our Advent and Christmas candles, Vivien & Richard Peterson, Rogers Family, Santa Anna Family, Sams Family and Salter Family. Finally, a shout out to Denise Hayden, our Office Manager and corporate memory, thank you, thank you.


Elder Bill Tolles, Chair

The 2016 Endowment Committee consisted of Tina Adamson, Sylvia Larkin, Rachel Messman, Fran Myers, Glenn St. John, Treasurer, and myself as Chair. The Endowment Fund accumulated a total of $2,174.26 in interest and dividends during the first ten months of 2016 (available information). The committee made a decision to donate $5,000 of this fund to the roofing project initiated near the beginning of the year. As of the end of October this leaves a balance of $11,818.76 of unexpended dividends and interest earned since the inception of this account. Existing Gifts and Memorials funds earned $500.77 of interest in the first eleven months of this year along with an additional $500 of contributions. Distributions and/or commitments of approximately $6,500 were made this year from the following memorials: the Bill Law Memorial Fund, the Dennis Myers Memorial Fund, the Dorsie Page Memorial Fund, the Glenna Page Memorial Fund, the Reid Graham Memorial Fund, and from a small portion of the unexpended balances. Projects supported with these funds included a transfer to Heritage Presbyterian Women, upkeep of the church organ, electrical repairs, and support to Boy Scout Troop 888 for their project to make, bake and deliver pies to various soup kitchens along Route 1.


Elders Diana Johannes and Fran

Myers, Co-Chairs

The 2015 Nominating Committee was composed of Mary Lyons, Jess Hernandez and Bill Sams, with Kala Thompson and Bob Trimble as alternates, elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting on January 31, 2016, and myself as Chair, appointed by the Session. In May, Fran Myers was appointed as Co-Chair at the monthly Session meeting, In August, the Committee began the process of soliciting nominees for the Pastor Nominating Committee. The following persons were approved at the Called Congregational Meeting on September 18: John Kohout, Adrienne Magnuson, Lee Oliver, Pat Oliver, Glenn St. John, Katherine Salter, Aaron Santa Anna, Gail Trimble and Bianca Warner, with Pat Meeks and P.D. Smith as alternates. Subsequently, Adrienne Magnuson resigned from the PNC and Pat Meeks took her position. In November, the Committee began the process of soliciting nominees to fill vacancies for the Class of 2019

on the Session. The Committee was able to obtain three nominees: Sylvia Larkin and Liz Vago as new Elders, and Scott Towle serving a second term as Elder. The congregation elected all nominees by acclamation at the Called Congregational Meeting on January 1, 2017. The Committee also considered membership for the 2017 Nominating Committee, under the current bylaws. At the Annual Congregational Meeting scheduled for February 5, 2017, we will nominate Jesse Hernandez, Diana Johannes, Mary Lyons and Bill Sams, with Kala Thompson as alternate and Fran Myers and Kari Ann McDonald as the Co-Chairs.


Elders John Kohout and Bianca

Warner, Co-Chairs

Since being elected to serve on September 18, 2016, the PNC has been meeting weekly to lay the foundation for our search. As with any journey, preparation is everything. In this regard, we have completed many of the initial steps, including learning about the Presbyterian call process, attending a Theology of the Call presentation, electing PNC leadership, and conducting team-building exercises. The PNC selected Bianca Warner and John Kohout to serve as co-chairs. In addition to this initial work, the PNC has completed other foundational work. Specifically, the PNC completed a thorough review of the Heritage website and recommended changes. The website provides prospective ministers an impression of who we are as a church. The PNC wanted the website to provide a positive impression by providing timely and updated information about our congregation. More importantly, the PNC conducted substantial outreach to members of the congregation through Heritage’s small groups seeking input into the qualities and characteristics desired in our next pastor. In this effort, members of the PNC met with Adult Sunday School, the Faith & Life class, the Dorcas and Rebecca Circles, the Saturday Men’s Breakfast group, and Heritage’s high school and college students. PNC members also met with the choir and Heritage ringers and called or visited some Heritage members that because of age or illness are not able to attend Sunday worship. The PNC very much appreciates everyone’s participation in this effort. Without question, these meetings have been enlightening and provided the PNC with a wealth of information. Finally, we have begun drafting the Ministry Information Form (MIF). Along with the Mission Study, prepared by the Session, the MIF describes who we are and tells Heritage Presbyterian Church’s story for prospective ministers. The MIF specifically describes Heritage’s vision for ministry, its call to serve the needs of our community, and the characteristics needed by ministers open to being called to our congregation. The PNC hopes to finalize the MIF in January 2017 and post our MIF by the end of the month. Once the MIF is posted,

we expect to begin the task of reviewing Personal Information Forms (PIFs) submitted by pastors interested in leading Heritage Presbyterian Church. The PNC is grateful for your continued prayers and words of support and encouragement as we work to discern God’s plan for the next chapter in the life of our church. Each member of the PNC firmly believes that God is leading us to the pastor who will lead our church to do his will and deepen our faith in Christ Jesus.


Elders Vivien & Richard Peterson,


The Lunch Bunch Fellowship was organized to give members, relatives, neighbors and friends a chance to break routine, relax, socialize and eat great meals together. We usually meet at local restaurants, make selections from lunch menus, and enjoy discounted lunch specialties. During the first part of 2016, we continued lunches on Wednesdays, which had been a tradition since the late Elder Wayne Howland coordinated the first lunch in 2000. After becoming Coordinators in 2005, we continued the Wednesday lunch custom, and began to coordinate lunches with holiday themes. Last February we celebrated the Chinese New Year at the Peking Duck Restaurant. On that Wednesday there was a total of nine of us. Several of our lunch group are involved in Ventures In Community, and are obligated to attend or host meetings on first Wednesdays. That presented scheduling conflicts for quite some time. Last May, however, we were able to change our schedule to plan lunch for the Cinco de May (May 5) celebration that happened to fall on a Thursday. Twenty people joined us at the El Paso Mexican Restaurant — WOW! We usually break in July for summer, but thanks to a suggestion of a restaurant and area tour by Lee Oliver, we carpooled to the Bar J Chili Restaurant in the

12 Heritage Presbyterian Church Annual Report 2016

Occoquan and had another fun lunch. It was also on a Thursday and 19 people came out! In November, we lunched at Cedar Knoll Restaurant, which serves lunch Thursday through Sunday. Not only did we have 22 people attend, but also Rev. Jean Coyle surprised us, and we had a private room all to ourselves. In December, we had lunch at the Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant, toured the gift shop, watched chocolate being made, and enjoyed other delights of the season. Other restaurants we enjoyed during the year were the River Bend Bistro, Primo Family Restaurant, Dishes of India, The Green Olive and Thai NaKorn. By the end of 2016, we officially moved our lunches from first Wednesdays to first Thursdays. During the year we lost a loyal Lunch Buncher, Joan Coe, whom we continue to miss very much. The Lunch Bunch’s focus is fellowship, food and fun. We have no meetings or agenda and no one takes attendance. All you need is a hearty appetite and a big smile. Restaurant suggestions are always welcome. The Lunch Bunch is open to all, so come out, bring a friend or someone who is home alone, and spread the joy. After all — you gotta’ eat!



Elder Lee Oliver, Coordinator

Bud Pope led our Thirteenth Annual Family Breakfast on June 18. His topic was “The Tongue.” Over 40 members, wives, friends, and neighbors attended this very successful annual event. Many other interesting topics were discussed by the men this year, including “What Can Adults Learn from the Children’s Vacation Bible School,” “The Father of English Hymnology,” “Martin Luther,” “How to Age Well,” “Conscience,” “Kiwanis,” “ISIS,” and “Bury MY Heart at Wounded Knee.” Regular attendees this year included Sam Armstrong, Howard Borgstrom, Earl Casner, Gary Davis, Norman Gindlesperger, Charles Jones, Wolfgang Maier, Lee Oliver, Bud Pope, Richard Peterson, Chaplain Arnie Porter, Al Leo Romaneski, P.D. Smith, Glenn St. John, Bob Trimble, and Chuck Wilbur.

The group celebrated our 45th Anniversary this year as an organization of Heritage Presbyterian Church. Our welcome mat is always out for new attendees. The group meets on the first and third Saturdays of every month at 7 :00 A.M. in the back room of Denny’s, 7214 Richmond Highway. The meetings end promptly at 8:00 A.M., leaving a full Saturday for family or business activities. Come join us for the discussions, prayer, breakfast and good fellowship.


Kathy Gordon, Moderator

The fulfillment of our purpose is led by the Coordinating Team comprised of the following individuals: Fran Myers, Vice Moderator; Mary Lyons, Spiritual Nurturer; Ann Perkins, Secretary; Rachel Messman, Treasurer; Jennifer Santa Anna, Community Outreach; Mary Oliver and Susan Palmer, Fellowship; Elizabeth Tolles and Pat Carvellas, Dorcas Circle; Fran Myers, Rebecca Circle and myself, as the Moderator. The activities, events and programs planned and executed in the past twelve months have all been designed to support one or more of the four stated tenets of the Heritage Presbyterian Women (HPW). At the cornerstone of who we are and what we do, lies our emphasis on our faith. Through the two Circles, Dorcas and Rebecca, all women of Heritage are invited and encouraged to participate in a monthly gathering for a Bible study and time of prayer. For 2016/2017, Dorcas Circle is using the PW/Horizons Bible Study entitled “Who is Jesus? What a Difference a Lens Makes” by Judy Yates Siker. Each month they explore this question through a particular theological lens. Rebecca Circle’s study will include a variety of topics, including the PW/Horizons Bible Study, the Women of the Bible series, and special guest speakers. In November, all were invited to attend the presentation given by Shahine Alam. She gave an excellent and very informative talk about Jesus through the Islamic lens, which corresponded to one of the lessons in the Bible Study. Both Circles also work together throughout the year to do at least one hands-on mission project. Supporting local, regional and world missions is a core value at Heritage. In keeping with this goal, HPW focused several of our efforts locally. Reaching outside our denominational walls and into the community, we partnered with Meals on Wheels to deliver hot meals to the elderly, disabled and homebound in Alexandria on the fifth Monday and Friday of each month. With that same collaborative spirit, HPW hosted two dinners this year for 40-50 individuals as a part of the Nurturing Parenting Program. Every year Jennifer Santa Anna does a wonderful job spearheading the annual Salvation Army Angel Tree Program. This year the Heritage family came through once again, “adopting” 25 Angels to fulfill Christmas wishes. In addition, generous Heritage members and HPW presented a check for $300 to the Salvation Army to help these families with food expenses during the holidays. Thank you so much to all who participated in this heartwarming mission!

This year, HPW contributed funding to Heartlight Ministries for the Citypac Project. This is a non-profit philanthropic organization that provides custom designed backpacks to the homeless. Our contribution was used to purchase and provide 40 backpacks to Rising Hope Methodist Church, which serves the community living in poverty along the Route 1 corridor. We hosted the 3rd Annual Mount Vernon Day to Serve where we donated a variety of food items and prepared power packs for the Food for Others program. These power packs were delivered to public elementary schools in Fairfax County and distributed to students in need, to help alleviate weekend hunger. As in past years, we provided financial support for the good work of United Community Ministries (UCM) and Central Union Mission, including their Thanksgiving meal program. We also provided funding to Central Union Mission’s Camp Bennett in Brookville, Maryland, which allowed one child from the DC Area to attend camp for a week. In addition, we financially supported Alice’s Kids, a non-profit organization which provides financial assistance to school-age children in the Mt. Vernon area, for field trip fees, club & sport fees, eye exams and glasses, and much more. For the regional community, HPW made a donation to the Presbyterian Children’s Home of the Highlands in Wytheville, Virginia, which will help this facility continue to provide an atmosphere of love and concern for abused and neglected children in the Appalachian region. We also provided funding to Eolia Christian Community Outreach (ECCO). They promote Christian values and provide much needed resources to meet the needs of impoverished people in the Eolia, Kentucky coal mining area. “Together in Service” includes participating in Presbyterian Women programs such as the Birthday and Thank Offerings. These PW Offerings are given twice a year to celebrate the blessings in our lives and support projects such as agricultural development, child care, literacy and women’s concerns. Our contribution to the

2016 Birthday Offering went to Heartland 180, a training program for at-risk youth and Habitat for Humanity. Funding also went to Direct Action and Research Training (DART), which educates communities on how to stop the flow of children from the school-to-prison pipeline and to Building Minds, which increases access to education for girls in the Republic of South Sudan. In 2016, the Thank Offering provided grants to 22 projects whose goal is to improve the lives of women and children in the United States and internationally. More than 40% were health ministries. Seeking to make a difference globally, HPW supported Fellowship of the Least Coin (FLC) and the Medical Benevolence Foundation (MBF). The FLC has flourished as a global women’s prayer movement for over 50 years. Each time a woman prays, she gives the least coin of her local currency as a symbol of that prayer. These coins are contributed annually to a common fund in the name of Christian women and are used for ministries of mercy on every continent. The MBF is a Christ centered organization dedicated to transforming lives of individuals, communities and nations, by providing medical training and supporting healing programs in hospitals and clinics around the world. They partner with local healthcare organizations and churches to create sustainable, quality medical care that is owned and operated by the local community. This year, HPW also gave a donation to Footprints of the Son, a Christian ministry that provides advocacy and care for children with special needs in Haiti and joyfully supported other global organizations, including Church World Services Blanket Plus. We thank everyone in the congregation who generously gave to this project. Over $1,000 was collected and utilized to provide blankets, tools and other necessities to people around the world. HPW generated funds for the benevolent outreach endeavors highlighted above, as well as a myriad of others, through annual pledging, Circle offerings, generous congregation contributions and our fundraising event, Made by the Belles Café and Marketplace held in October. The crafts that are sold at his event are created by the Made by the Belles (MBTB) group that met

14 Heritage Presbyterian Church Annual Report 2016

Treasurer’s Report Charley Budde In 2016 I completed my twentieth year as Church Treasurer. I again wish to express my thanks to Denise Hayden, who again provided excellent service as Assistant Treasurer in 2016. I’d also like to thank my wife Pam for her behind-the-scenes help. A summary end-of-year financial statement can be found on the next three pages. Executing our Operating Fund budget in 2016 was pretty straightforward and uneventful. After transitioning from two full time pastors to an interim pastor in 2015, we brought our Operating Fund budget inline with our expected Operating Fund revenue. Although our monthly year-to-date Operating Fund revenue was below target from April through November, our monthly year-to-date Operating Fund expenses never exceeded our monthly year-to-date Operating Fund revenue. December was a great month from a financial standpoint, as we exceeded our monthly Operating Fund revenue goal by $8,215, which brought the total for the year to $345 more than our final Operating Fund budget. We finished the year with an Operating Fund surplus of $18,355.57, thanks to significant underruns by the following committees: Children’s Christian Education, Discipleship, Worship, Property, Personnel, and the Pastor Nominating Committee.

The most significant financial event in 2016 was the replacement of our church roof at a cost of $71,966. We received contributions to our Roof Fund of $32,157.67, with the remainder of the cost covered by transfers from our Operating Fund to our Capital Improvement Fund. To alleviate the possibility of any cash flow shortfall during the summer, we borrowed $30,000 from several congregation members in early April. The balance of these loans was paid off on October 1.

Our Special Offerings & Emergency Appeals Funds ended the year with a net balance of $7,109.54, a decrease of $4,152.79. Note that donations to our Special Offerings & Emergency Appeals Funds increased by $3,600.05 in 2016 over 2015 to $15,877.02. Our Church Flow-Through Accounts ended the year with a net balance of $16,954.54, a slight increase of $176.68, while our Corporation Flow-Through Accounts ended the year with a net balance of $5,788.71, a decrease of $812.61. Our Capital Improvement Fund ended the year with a net balance of $15,798.08, an increase of $7,289.16. And, our Gifts & Memorials (G&M) Funds ended the year with a net balance of $25,424.97, an increase of $1,045.71.

Our Reserve Fund ended 2016 with a balance of $82,394.38, an increase of $1,710.48. In our accounting system, the value of our Reserve Fund fluctuates, up or down, with the value of our investments, so as not to impact any of our other Operating or Special Funds. The stock market was up and down during 2016, as was the value of our church investments, but the value of our church investments ended 2016 about where it started. Going into 2017, we continue to maintain a healthy Reserve Fund balance.

Looking forward in the near term, it appears that our Operating Fund budget should continue inline with our expected Operating Fund revenue. Our personnel expenses will go up by a significant amount when we call a new pastor, as we will have to pay pension and medical dues for the new pastor — an expense that are not paying for our Interim Pastor. Nonetheless, I think we will be able be to adjust our Operating Fund budget to accommodate these increased personnel costs.

monthly throughout the year. Many thanks to Mary Oliver who has done a wonderful job organizing this group, providing craft ideas and materials and hosting the gatherings at her home. In addition to these wonderful crafts, the event once again included the sale of hand-baked goods and a treasure table. The day was deemed a great success and raised over $2,000 which will be used to support women’s and children’s programs. This year, as part of the sale, we had very special handmade items from the Presbyterian Women in Aleppo Syria. Proceeds from this sale will support the people in this war-torn region. We were also able to bring back the elephants and giraffes handmade by women in Malawi. All proceeds from this sale will support the Dorothea Bowers kindergarten at Domasi Mission and

go toward school supplies, children’s meals and teacher salaries. Purchase of these unique items underscore Heritage’s ongoing mission to help spread the Gospel in Malawi. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make this event such a success! As members of this community, HPW used its funds to bless and strengthen the members and friends of Heritage in a variety of ways. This past year, HPW hosted Memorial Receptions in honor of four beloved Heritage members and also hosted two special Fellowship Hours for both Palm Sunday and the Christmas Lessons and Carols Service. With a desire to meet the needs of every generation, HPW also supported the children’s activities at the Fall picnic and recognized graduating seniors.

HERITAGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Income Statement December 31, 2016


Church Financial Assets:

Burke & Herbert Checking Account $39,434.07

Schwab One Account $160,170.10

Schwab Endowment Fund Account $147,606.92

Schwab Traude Maier Memorial Fund Acct $13,884.76

Presby Foundation Oikocredit Sh (17.25) $3,450.00

Total Church Assets $364,545.85

Corporation Financial Assets:

Allocation of Church Financial Assets $294,697.82


Church Liabilities:

Obligation Church Financial Assets to Corp $294,697.82

FICA + Medicare Payable $1,228.45

Federal Tax Payable $572.66

Virginia Tax Payable $283.62

Total Church Liabilities $296,782.55

Corporation Liabilities:

Manse Rental Deposit $3,300.00

Net Church Assets (Fund Balances):

Church Operating Fund (2017) $25,343.65

Church Operating Fund (2016) $18,355.57

Special Offering/Emergency Appeal Funds $7,109.54

Church Flow Through Funds $16,954.54

Total Net Church Assets (Fund Balances) $67,763.30

Net Corporation Assets (Fund Balances):

Corporation Operating Fund (2016) $0.00

Corporation Flow Through Funds $5,788.71

Gift & Memorial Funds $25,424.97

Nursery Fund $500.00

Capital Improvement Fund $15,798.08

Endowment Fund $147,606.92

Traude Maier Memorial Fund $13,884.76

Reserve Fund $82,394.38

Total Net Corporation Assets (Fund Balances) $291,397.82

Total Church Liabilities and Net Assets $364,545.85

Total Corporation Liabilities & Net Assets $294,697.82

16 Heritage Presbyterian Church Annual Report 2016

HERITAGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Income Statement December 31, 2016




General Operating Fund -- Cash (Church) $ 29,785.00 $ 266,063.16

General Operating Fund -- Securities (Church) $ - $ 15,411.71

Per Capita (Church) $ 170.00 $ 3,291.50

Loose Offering (Church) $ 257.00 $ 2,449.24

Manse Rental (Corp) $ 6,600.00 $ 39,600.00

Building Use (Corp) $ (325.00) $ 16,190.00

Net Investment Income (Church) $ 2,165.54 $ 4,573.12

Telephone & Copier Use (Church) $ - $ 329.80

Other (Church) $ - $ 56.30

TOTAL 2015 OPERATING FUND $ 38,652.54 $ 347,964.83




D100 MISSIONS (All Church) $ 4,901.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 45,000.00

D200 CONGREGATIONAL LIFE (Church) $ 31.20 $ 473.44 $ 555.00

D300 EVANGELISM & ASSIMILATION (Church) $ - $ 8.99 $ 100.00

D310 COMMUNICATIONS & MEDIA (Church) $ - $ 200.00 $ 250.00

D350 CONGREGATIONAL CARE (Church) $ - $ 19.90 $ 50.00

D400 CHILDREN'S CE (All Church) $ - $ 1,534.36 $ 3,000.00

D410 DISCIPLESHIP (All Church) $ 131.56 $ 2,219.58 $ 2,800.00

D500 WORSHIP (Split Church/Corp) $ 1,057.41 $ 7,332.19 $ 9,500.00

D600 PROPERTIES (All Corporation) $ 4,951.21 $ 26,359.66 $ 30,000.00

D700 FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION (Split) $ 5,927.20 $ 28,952.92 $ 29,139.00

D710 STEWARDSHIP (Church) $ - $ 300.48 $ 425.00

D750 ENDOWMENT MANAGEMENT (Corp) $ - $ - $ 75.00

D800 PERSONNEL (All Church) $ 9,643.41 $ 177,171.77 $ 184,626.00

D850 PASTOR NOMINATING CMTE (Church) $ 20.97 $ 435.97 $ 2,500.00

D851 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT (Corp) $ 3,300.00 $ 39,600.00 $ 39,600.00

TOTAL 2016 CHURCH OPERATING EXPENSE $ 16,496.53 $ 241,532.48 $ 259,619.00

TOTAL 2016 CORP OPERATING EXPENSE $ 13,467.43 $ 88,076.78 $ 88,001.00

TOTAL 2016 OPERATING EXPENSE $ 29,963.96 $ 329,609.26 $ 347,620.00

TOTAL 2016 CHURCH OPERATING REVENUE $ 32,377.54 $ 292,174.83

TOTAL 2016 CORP OPERATING REVENUE $ 6,275.00 $ 55,790.00

TOTAL 2016 OPERATING REVENUE $ 38,652.54 $ 347,964.83

TOTAL 2016 CHURCH OP INCOME (NET) $ 15,881.01 $ 50,642.35

TOTAL 2016 CORP OP INCOME (NET) $ (7,192.43) $ (32,286.78)

TOTAL 2016 OPERATING INCOME (NET) $ 8,688.58 $ 18,355.57

HERITAGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Income Statement December 31, 2016




Emerg. Appeals & Special Offerings (Church) $ 3,079.00 $ 15,877.02

Flow Through Accounts (Church) $ 1,320.00 $ 6,098.82

Flow Through Accounts (Corp) $ 200.00 $ 61,970.00

Gifts & Memorials -- Cash (Corp) $ 180.00 $ 680.00

Gifts & Memorials Investment Income (Corp) $ 419.94 $ 920.71

Capital Improvement Fund (Corp) $ 222.00 $ 222.00

Endowment -- Cash (Corp) $ - $ 664.00

Endowment -- Investment Income (Corp) $ 4,442.27 $ 6,403.92

Traude Maier Mem Fund Acct -- Inv Inc (Corp) $ 322.57 $ 584.47

TOTAL SPECIAL FUNDS $ 10,185.78 $ 93,420.94


JAN 1 2015 2015 YEAR END


D900 Spec Offerings/Emerg Appeals (Church) $ 11,262.33 $ 15,877.02 $ 20,029.81 $ 7,109.54

D1000 FLOW THROUGH (Church) $ 16,777.86 $ 6,098.82 $ 5,922.14 $ 16,954.54

D1000 FLOW THROUGH (Corporation) $ 6,601.32 $ 61,970.00 $ 62,782.61 $ 5,788.71

D1100 GIFTS & MEMORIALS (All Corp) $ 24,379.26 $ 1,600.71 $ 555.00 $ 25,424.97




2017 Gen Op Fund Received 2016 - Cash $ 7,000.00 $ 9,000.00

2017 Gen Op Fund Received 2016 - Securities $ 5,071.90 $ 16,343.65

TOTAL 2017 OPERATING FUND $ 12,071.90 $ 25,343.65

18 Heritage Presbyterian Church Annual Report 2016

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