Annual Professional performance review (APPR overview) Wappingers CSD.

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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  • Annual Professional performance review (APPR overview) Wappingers CSD
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  • State Motivation Behind the New APPR Process The purpose of the comprehensive evaluation system is to measure teacher and principal effectiveness based on multiple measures, including student achievement to ensure that there is an effective teacher in every classroom. New York State Education Department The Wappingers CSD APPR Plan was approved by NYSED on January 14 th, 2013 You can find a copy of our approved plan on our Districts home page.
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  • General Overview In 2012 13 all classroom teachers and principals will be evaluated using the new APPR law Everyone will receive a score out of 100 points (composite score). The composite score is correlated to the HEDI ratings set by the state of: Highly Effective; Effective; Developing; and Ineffective
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  • What is the HEDI Rating? HEDI RatingComposite Score (overall) Point Range Highly Effective91100 points Effective7590 points Developing6574 points Ineffective064 points The HEDI Rating is calculated with three elements that create the composite scores
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  • Composite Score Breakdown: CriteriaPercentageVA CriteriaVA percentage Teacher Observation60%Teacher Observation60% Student Growth on State Assessment or Comparable Measure (SLO) 20% Student Growth on State Assessment or Comparable Measure (SLO) 25% Local Assessment20%Local Assessment15% Value Added (VA) Growth Measure is a method that as of 1/8/2013 has not yet been approved by NYSED. But we must plan for its inevitable approval in our overall district APPR Plan
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  • Value Added Further Defined: A Value Added model enables the use of statistical methods to measures changes in student scores over time while considering student characteristics and other factors often found to influence achievement. We expect that this will only apply to courses ending in a state assessment. More information will be shared as it becomes available.
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  • Observation Breakdown: State MandatedNegotiated Two Classroom ObservationsObservers will assign the total points out of 60 based on Danielsons Rubric (2007) One observation is announced and the other is unannounced Placement of point values on the rubric were locally negotiated. Pre and Post conferences required for announced observations 50 Points: Average of all completed Observations 5 Points: Collaboration 5 Points: Reflective Practice
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  • Student Growth on State Measure: Courses Ending in State Assessment The state will provide the district with a score for each person who is the teacher of record for a course with a state assessment attached to it. Value Added scores will be provided where applicable The scores will be created by comparing the growth of our students to students at their peer level throughout the state (Peer Level = similar past test scores and other demographic considerations such as poverty, SWD, ELL).
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  • Student Growth on State Measure: Courses NOT Ending in State Assessment If there is no state provided score for an individual teacher we will use one of the following to create a state equivalent score: School Wide Goal: An aggregate measure provided by the state representing a value based on the total state assessments administered for a given building If aggregate value is based on Value Added (We receive a score based on 25 points), the district will convert the 25 point score to a 20 point value.
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  • Value Added 20 Point Conversion State Provided Score:Value Add Conversion Score: 2520 2420 2320 2219 2119 2019 18 17 16
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  • Student Growth on State Measure: Courses NOT Ending in State Assessment If a School Wide Goal is not an option we will use: Student Learning Objective (SLO) A district created measure using a local assessment and a state provided assessment where regulations dictate. District, regional or BOCESdeveloped assessments 3 rd Party Assessments such as Acuity
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  • Which Teachers Will Require a SLO? SituationRequirement If there is a State provided growth measure for at least 50% of students SLO is not required If there is a State provided growth measure for less than 50% of students State provided growth measure and at least one SLO is required If there is no State provided growth measure for the course A SLO is required (In this case the SLO may be a school wide goal)
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  • How Our SLOs were Identified: All Buildings K 6 School Wide Measures will be used K-3: Based on a SLO where target scores are based on growth from the local Grade 3 ELA/Math Acuity assessments and the NYS ELA/Math assessments as required by NYSED Regulations (3012-c). Due to our districts grade configuration All Common Branch K-3 teachers will be covered by this SLO o3 rd Grade Teachers will receive individual scores and K-2 Teachers will receive composite score based on 3 rd grade performance as a whole. oVassar is the exception where all K-3 teachers (not just common branch) will be covered by this SLO as they will not receive a building score from the state.
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  • 3 rd Grade Assessment Target Scores MathELA Acuity Scale Score NYS Proficiency Target Acuity Scale Score NYS Proficiency Target 0-350Level 10-350Level 1 351-500Level 2351-425Level 2 501-600Level 3426-499Level 3 601+Level 4500+Level 4
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  • How Our SLOs were Identified: All Buildings K 6 School Wide Measures will be used 4-6: Common Branch ELA/Math Teachers will receive individual scores. Almost all others will receive the School Wide growth score provided by NYSED. Pertains to all K-6 special area teachers (Art, Music, P/E). Grade 6 Science and Social Studies teachers are required to have their own SLOs as per NYSED Regulations (3012-c) and will not receive the building score.
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  • How Our SLOs were identified: All Buildings 7-8 (Includes VW Grade 6) School Wide Measures will be used Based on School Wide growth score provided by NYSED. All grades and subjects (that do not end in a state assessment) will receive the building wide growth score with the exception of grades 6 8 Science and Social Studies which are required by NYSED Regulations (3012-c) to have their own SLO. If a teacher has a mix of courses such that >0 but

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