Annotating Posters

Post on 10-Apr-2017






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The type of clothes she is wearing is to indicate that she is a good girl and that she is independent. She doesn’t follow the crowd.

Whereas the girls here like to act like the boss. They all act like they are better than everyone else.

The colors that they are wearing are pink and white to show that they are very girly/feminine. Not much of the white is used in this poster because it obviously looks like these girls aren't ‘pure’ this is because of their stereotypical posture the type of clothing they are wearing and the expression of their face which demonstrates the fact that they are really ‘bitchy’

The use of colors that are used on this poster are mainly pink. This is because this movie is aimed at the female audience. Particularly teenagers of the ages between 15 and over.

One of the reasons why the actresses' name is written in bold is because she is very well known also because younger girls see her as a role model, from her previous films such as parent trap.

If you look closely at their posture you can tell that they are all confident and big-headed.the way they are dressed looks very seductive and they use it to look like a sexual object, whereas the main character on the left looks very ‘normal looking’ while she is portrayed as the ‘innocent’ girl.

This movie is aimed at young boys and men who like watching action movies these types of movies are stereotypically aimed at males rather than females. This is because there are a lot of violent weapons and and all sorts of gadgetry types of machinery.

The use of color that are used are black and various shades of grey. This shows the audience that dark colors indicate the fact that males like to dress in dark colors because it is a masculine shade and a lot of action movies are usually that color, which means that it’s targeted at males.

The characters on this poster look very strong and confident. This is because of the amount of weapons they holding and the armor that they are wearing.

As you can see the color of the background is red and orange which indicates that it is fire, this also means that there is a war happening .

The planes/helicopters that are in the sky are making the enemies look very threatened this is because they are high up in the sky and these people don’t know what is happening up in the air.

The robots that are in the background look very intimidating. This is because they look like the enemies too but they are all also technologically man made so they are made to do evil things such as kill people.

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