Ángel Boligán - Introspective of the Outside World

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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E-Catalogue for Ángel Boligán's exhibition "Introspective of the Outside World". Singapore May/June 2014. Curated by: Bruno Navarro del Valle Sponsored by: Embassy of Mexico in Singapore Supported by: The Arts House, Singapore Environment Council, ArtRepublik


The Embassy of Mexico proudly presents the first solo exhibition of Ángel Boligán in Asia. Boligán is one of the most important graphic opinion artists in Mexico and the world, whose work has been recognized through more than 136 international prizes.

The exhibition “Introspection of the Outside World” is part of the Cultural Promotion Programme of the Embassy of Mexico. With this exhibition, the Embassy aims at creating a dialogue between a Mexican artist and the Singaporean public along five topics of their common interest: healthy life, ecology, new technologies, men household chore integration and, last but not least, humour.

Through a social thematic and the use of the cartoon, the possibilities of reflection and the findings of commonalities, and also different perspectives, are plentiful. Again, we stress our commitment to create a continuous dialogue and mutual understanding between Mexico and Singapore through the fruitful avenue of different art expressions.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Mexican Agency of International Development Cooperation, The Arts House, the Singapore Environment Council, ArtRepublik Magazine, and Bruno Navarro, curator of this exhibition, for making this project possible.

Finally, this exhibition could materialize through the full support of Ángel Boligán, whom I am very grateful for his enthusiasm in this endeavour.

Rogelio Granguillhome, Ambassador of Mexico

Greetings 1

Greetings 2

With a unique technique that combines pencil and watercolour (aquarelle), and a dramatic pictorial style that involves the viewer without using any text; Ángel Boligán’s talent reaches its full expression within the histories contented in each of his artworks and their messages of great social value.

His cartoons have conquered experts and cartoonists in the five continents and are shared recurrently by millions of people through social networks, making him one of the most awarded and highly acclaimed cartoonists of our time. Boligán holds more than 140 international prizes, including Best Cartoonist of the Year 2012, given by the prestigious international group Cartoon News Center; the Citation for Excellence in the United Nations / Ranan Lauri Political Cartoons Awards 2012, and 1st Prize at the Journalism Award 2013 given by the America Newspapers Group.

The exhibition comprises 36 opinion –Healthy Life, Ecology, New Technologies; Men Household Chore Integration and Humour– where Boligán’s imagination deals with different topics of special relevance for us, both as individuals and as society, creating a bound between the artist and the viewer that overcomes language and culture, making each message specially relevant in the very plural community of Singapore.

If I were asked to deliver the briefest description of Ángel Boligán, I would say that he is the playwright of the cartoon par excellence.

I would like to profess my deepest thanks to the Ambassador of Mexico in Singapore, H.E. Rogelio Granguillhome, and to the Embassy’s Third Secretary, Ms Beatriz Nava, for their unconditional support to this project from its very beginning, as well as to The Arts House team, the Singapore Environment Council and ArtRepublik, for their kind collaboration, and specially to Mr Ángel Boligán.

It has been a pleasure.

Bruno Navarro del Valle, Curator

3 Ecology Green Pet

EcologySmog Pet4

5 Ecology EcoBike

EcologyIn Defense of Love6

7 Ecology The Printer

EcologyGreen Market8

9 Ecology The Good Idea

EcologySaving Houses10

11 Ecology Ecological City


13 Technology Roots

TechnologyLonely Chatter14

15 Technology Looking for Love


17 Technology Intensive Course

TechnologyLaptop Book18

19 Technology Friendship Request


21 Healthy Life Kid from the Future

Healthy LifeHobbies22

23 Healthy Life Sport Diet

Healthy LifeDiet24

25 Healthy Life Alcoholic

Healthy LifeSecond Hand Smoker26

27 Men at Home House Husband

Men at HomeUnfair Resemblance28

29 Men at Home Single Mother

Men at HomeMiddle Ages Wife30

31 Men at Home House Puzzle

Men at HomeTrust on Walking32

33 Humour Van Gogh’s Sunflowers

HumourEvolution and Appearance34

35 Humour Van Gogh’s Ear


37 Humour Desire to Live

HumourOld Love38

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