

Andy Alien

Out in the galaxy

Andy Alien lives on the Green Planet which orbits the sun Proxima Centuri.

Andy is a mate of mine,but He has become a problem!

He wants to meet Collin!

His Space Ship is on the way to Nowra now!

The mother ship has arrived. That noise is his communication to me.

He is leaving the Mothership in a shuttle now!

Hi Folks!I need to make friends with Collin. He’s a computer expert and I need

him to fix my computer.

Look hard and you will see that I am computer


Come on Collin, I have a Moto Guzzi.

We can go for a ride together.

Come on Collin! If you fix my hard

drive, I’ll take you for a ride in my space


Andy old mate, if you keep annoying my teachers, I’ll get thrown out of class.

I need another earth friend, silly old Bernie is only interested in


He’s been trying to teach us aliens to sprint.

That’s not for me, Collin Mate! I could play golf with

you too!

Watch This Hole in one!

Andy Old mate! I think you are Cheating by using a

“Hole Seeker” ball. Collin won’t want to know


Andy , go back home to your planet and get your computer fixed there.Meanwhile, I’ll ask Collin to meet you next time you visit Earth.

See you later Andy.Have a good trip

home, I’ll look after

Your Moto Guzzi.

The Little Pest Is…..

On His Way Home….

And, Safely Back On His Home Planet.

The End

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