
Fast food in the city of Chiclayo

Andre Seclén Deza1


This research was conducted in the area of the city of Chiclayo, which is located

within the province of the same name, where we could witness the lack of

interest to reassess traditional Peruvian food, known as "food to step or fast

food. "This research was conducted to obtain the necessary information to

understand the points where these foods stalls, and as is their influx, and also

the different establishment that sell food by passing through the city were

studied in order to have a reference of the citizens´ behavior. The defined area

for research was the center of the city of Chiclayo, and selecting it through a

stratified random sampling of the population, then use the enclosed

questionnaire item (surveys) and open-item questionnaire (interviews) for the

data collection. Quantitative data were processed through the Excel 2010

program and qualitative data were processed using Microsoft Word, word

processor, for data analysis program.

Keywords: Food to the step, reassess, traditional food.


Esta investigación se realizó en el ámbito de la ciudad de Chiclayo, que se

encuentra situada dentro de la provincia del mismo nombre, en la cual se pudo

presenciar la falta de interés por revalorar la comida tradicional peruana, que se

conoce como “comida al paso o comida rápida”. Esta investigación se realizó

para obtener información necesaria para conocer los puntos donde estos

puestos de comida se encuentran, y como es su afluencia, y además se

estudió los diferentes establecimientos que expenden comida al paso en la

ciudad, para así tener una referencia de cómo es el comportamiento de los

ciudadanos. La zona delimitada para la investigación fue el centro de la ciudad

de Chiclayo, y seleccionándola a través de un muestreo aleatorio estratificado

de la población, para luego utilizar el cuestionario de ítem cerrado (encuestas)

y cuestionario de ítem abierto (entrevistas), para la recolección de datos. Los

datos cuantitativos, se procesaron a través del programa Excel 2010, y los

datos cualitativos, se procesaron mediante el programa Microsoft Word,

procesador de textos, para el análisis de los datos.

Palabras claves: Comida al paso, revalorar, tradicional.

1 Student eighth cycle of the School of Hotel Management and Tourism Services, Faculty of Business

Studies, Catholic University of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, in the city of Chiclayo (Peru). Email:


In order to reassess the traditional Peruvian food, this this research was born,

considering the lack of interest that some ones have, and other non-reappraise.

Knowing that the food is going through its best, and tourism is increasing. For this

research the next question is how is the situation of fast food restaurants in the city of

Chiclayo is formulated ?, all with the aim to identify and analyze the situation facing

many of the fast food restaurants in the city of Chiclayo. This research is important

because it will reveal, tastes, needs and preferences chiclayanos consumers towards

these types of restaurants and food centers to step, found in the center of the city of

Chiclayo, allowing development in the field of fast food restaurants and food stands.

The research is divided into three parts: The first is the conceptual framework

where noted orderly information obtained through articles, magazines and websites. In

the second part, the methodological framework, where indicated, which method,

techniques, instruments, stage and the process undertaken to obtain information

defined. Finally, in the third part entitled, analysis and discussion of the results,

described in minute detail, what were the results obtained after performing field work.

Finally, some conclusions and recommendations regarding the problem investigated,

according to the results shown by surveys are proposed.

The overall objective of this research was to diagnose the reality of fast food

that has the center of Chiclayo, in the district of Chiclayo, in the province of

Lambayeque, to promote it properly. Also, in order to realize the main objective,

specific objectives were established, among them we identify the different types of

positions that offer is fast food, meet the tastes and preferences of customers

regarding fast food offered at the center city of Chiclayo; and record the customs,

traditions and times when these products are consumed. This research is important,

why allow a direct relationship with reality in which the fast food service in the center of

the city of Chiclayo is. This research is relevant, why there is little information on this

area in the field of informal restoration, being a contribution to knowledge in relation to

an objective reality.

The fast food.

Shall state the international and national history in the present work for this

research quick or fast-food meal and the food to pass, indicating how these genres

born and evolve.

Bachs & Vives (2008) defined the word restaurant or establishment that offers

the public, in exchange for a fee, a number of culinary offerings for consumption. It also

defines the fast food restaurant or fast-food as a new restoration system that allows to

take food or eat at the same place, while I do so quickly in such times of day that is not

possible or no time enough to sit in a classic restaurant to eat at home or simply to

prepare a meal. The author also refers some characteristics of fast-food which are like

an offering program very small but based on more or less flavored varieties as pizza,

hamburgers, salads, among others; besides being a total service by the same

customer, a use of single-use tableware, rationalization of production lines to detail, in

order to achieve greater efficiency with minimal staff.

Combience (1999) stated that the term fast food is used to describe any food

that request is prepared quickly and can eat in hand, so that these restaurants are

representative of the modern era and way of life accelerated in which we live, these

establishments are perfectly suited to people who work and do not have time to go

home to their meals. For her, commercial companies saw in this new lifestyle a source

of income for those who are dedicated to offering the public ready meals, almost as

good as those who cook at home and they were reasonably priced so began an

investigation and managed to know that most of the population in any industrialized

country uses or needs the service of such establishments.

Cooper, Floody & McNeill (2000) mentioned that a restaurant is simply a

business of retailing, with decor and suitable for a specific production staff, as is a

theater. Their menu is the script, the actors employees and their ability to balance their

finances determines the success or failure of their season "Also tell us." The fast food

restaurant is distinguished by the paper napkins and little or no personal service.

Preparing frozen such that the food can be cooked food served quickly and used. The

level of expertise of the cooks can be minimal and, consequently, labor costs can be

kept low. The accounts on average are lower than in other restaurants, and income

must come from a high flow of customers. Most of these restaurants offer home

delivery and takeaway.

Morfin (2001) gave an information about fast food restaurant is a type that is

generally characterized by having a table or tablecloth, ie customer orders what you

want and the food is carried by offering the consumer a timely service. The price of

food in these restaurants is reliability and cleanliness of the establishment must be


Muñoz (2000) stated that also distinguished by the type of service is so service

to carry occurs in almost all fast food restaurants. The customer decides to bring food,

paid and subsequently delivers your order at a counter. Subsequently, the restaurant

delivers his order with their exclusive food packaging to carry.

Cooper, Floody & McNeill (2000) mentioned that the menu is a very important

document. Because: Describe your dream to potential customers. Strongly influences

the choice of the site and the marketing plan. Clearly influences the decorating plan.

Influences the design and layout of the kitchen and dining room. "Determine who your

customers and influences the selection of staff. It is a starting point for developing your

proforma income statement. Specialization is important. You must present a small and

particular menu which encourages customers to decide what to eat, do and vacate the

site as soon as possible to clear their way to new and eager customers. "

The food at step the beginning.

Ayzcoita (2008) talked about fast food, is born from an idea that took the

brothers Mc Donald "s car company Ford, in a method called" Fordism "that was

machining the entire system and to a better time manufacture, so that these brothers

caught this idea and seeing the great demand for Californians to consume something

and not be able to do it in their cars is that they create the first "drive-in-restaurant" with

a system similar to Fordism now called fastfood. Paul Morand (1930) in the early

twentieth century, describes with some surprises restaurants located in the business

districts, mentioning. "It's time for lunch. The streets are refilled. In New York, nobody

goes home to half of the day: you eat where you are in the office, while still working, or

clubs, or cafes. In the popular restaurants, thousands of people lined up in single file,

like a barn, without removing his hat, eat other foods fresh and appetizing part to lower

our prices. They rush s Obre its full of meatballs dishes; behind, there are people

waiting their turn. "As for the more than amazing author, first by eating their officiate

while working and the other without taking off his hat and eating fast, being the author a

little human and convivial manner different from what was France the thirties.

Pitte (1991) talked about one of the most widespread institutions worldwide

which is the restaurant, where he explains that it is a property that one away, sits at a

table with payment as there or at best, to live a time of intense artistic creation. But

overall the author tells us the experience that blends with the variables of the pleasant

with the useful, the quality with the reasonable price. The restaurant origins date back

to the border between prehistory and history. This trade comes to markets and fairs

which forced peasants and artists to leave their homes for one or several days and

eating out logically. There are however, from antiquity to the Roman Empire or China,

post guesthouses or hostels located on main roads or sometimes, in the countryside,

where horses were changed, they were restoring forces rested and eating and drinking.

Higueras (2004) mentioned that the fast food market in Peru began in 1979,

with Kentucky Fried Chicken in the food industry. Since opening its first store, KFC

achieved the acceptance by consumers. After this first US-based franchise McDonald

"s that consolidates the rise of this activity in the country reached. Then came

franchises such as Burger King, Pizza Hut, Tony Roma's, among others. And among

Peruvian, Mediterranean Chicken, which currently has 14 stores, was the first to

franchise its brand in the mid-nineties, there followed El Pardo, La Romana, Espresso,

Alfresco and Pastipizza. Also tell us about the economic recession which crossed Peru

in 1999 has slowed the growth of franchise market. An important fact is that this year

and in 2000 has not been performed Expofranchise Peru, which is the largest annual

event held in the country in relation to franchising, allowing expose -the new trends

market and knowledge of existing. It is estimated that there was a contraction of the

fast food industry approximately between 15 and 20 percent during 1999. This however

did not prevent the establishment of new brands in the market such as Hard Rock

Cafe, Ben & Jerry's, Big Apple Bagles, Señor Frog 's Carlos' n Charlie "s that reflect

the high expectations that have franchisees that the sector again grow at normal levels.

In terms of market expansion this stage is characterized most franchises have opted

for a system of own development, using technology and foreign brands but do not grant

sub-franchises to third local people, only in cases of Subway and Big Apple Bagels are

being developed with local partners. We also consolidate national market franchises

like Bembo "s, Pardo 's Chicken, Mediterranean Chicken, Alfresco, Bohemia, etc.

Chains that already have enough experience in the market to meet the competition,

some of which are leaders in their industry and even export your model to other

countries such as Chile and Colombia.

Apega (2009) narrated on Peruvian cuisine, said it is experiencing a boom that

brings immense potential for economic development of the country, tells us that both

the generation of employment and income in the sector itself (see photo # 1 ), and the

demand generated in agriculture, water resources, packaged goods and utensils, etc.

The cuisine is also becoming an increasing focus of attraction of tourism in our country

and, of course, export franchise, labor and goods. Trade (2012, February 28), in his

article mentions us some of the most famous meals paced world. They are

characterized by sold on the street and in small stalls. They are inexpensive dishes and

almost always considered in the category of junk products. Food to step or also called

street sold for many years in different parts of the world and every country is

characterized by one or several types of this. One story has the food to Peruvian step

count is the daily.

Photo No.1

The anticuchos in own place on the street Alfredo Lapoint

(Photo: Gabriela Delgado Toro)

Interview with Mr. Jorge owner of a property in Alfredo La Point street in the

center of the city of Chiclayo. Mr. Jorge or more known for their guests as

"Coco" is engaged in the business of anticuchos being over 8 years and 4 years

at this the same band conditioned for their products as: Anticuchos and chicken

skewers. Mr. Jorge is highly acclaimed for its guests taking their products so

popular that more and more inputs to prepare more of your products need.

Levenstein. (1988) stated that the fast-food are an American-inspired fails to

Western Europe until the late seventies, early eighties. Was extended by the United

States since 1950, as large franchised chains along the roads, on the outskirts of cities,

in malls and increasingly in the "malls". As these malls, shopping center restoration in a

single space, offer all kinds of fast foods such as pizzas, burgers, tortillas or tacos, fast-

food Chinese, Japanese, Greek, pittas, falafels, croissant, among other. But the word

fast-food today in Europe, according to the author designates the trilogy of ketchup,

hamburger and fries. Besides tell us that travelers who visited the United States,

observed two striking features, the voracious appetite of American and moreover, that

they want to eat as quickly as possible, especially businessmen from Chicago or New


Muñoz (2000) said that serve meals at the time, quickly is nothing new, the

ancient Romans did in Pompeii and Herculaneum, also restaurants roads and

automatic service in New York and Philadelphia, but it was not until the 1970s when

fast food became the largest in the restaurant business and saucer phenomenon piece

of beef in a bun was the key service fast food, this food has been adorned, and

vaunted praised the smartest advertising.

Muñoz (2000) reported the hectic pace of modern life, which accepts more naturally

fast food can be eaten in the restaurant, in a car or to take home. A clear example is

microwave ovens that help make this easier and faster reheat pre-cooked dishes

businesses that engage in this type of food and even that included service for motorists

are also part of the tradition of these restaurants. Besides, we must analyze the

demand or where we have to send for the present development of business plan, so

that according.

Michelle Christian and Gereffi (2010) told us that KFC and Wendy‟s are also

famous fast food brands. KFC, or Kentucky Fried Chicken, is based in Louisville,

Kentucky, United States. Founded by Colonel Sanders and now a division of Yum!

Brands, Inc., KFC is known mainly for its fried chicken. The company adopted the

abbreviated form of its name in 1991 for three reasons: to de-emphasize chicken (since

the chain was moving to offer other foods), to avoid the unhealthy connotations of the

word "fried", and to appeal to the youth market. On the other hand, Wendy's was

founded by Dave Thomas based in Dublin, Ohio and owned by the American

corporation Wendy's International, Inc. There are over 6,700 Wendy's restaurants


Joseph Gagon mentioned there is a constant rise in population in most

developing and developed countries with a majority of it being the youth. After a long

day in school or at work most youths prefer to eat or buy takeaway meals from fast

food restaurants compared to preparing a meal from scratch. Fast food outlets are

often a venue for people to meet and catch up over a snack or a soft drink. Popularity

of such outlets, therefore, demands efficient and effective supply of fast foods to meet

the growing demand.

Sánchez, Cantu (1993, p. 38) tells us that "the demand for a particular product

or service represents those volumes that can be sold to different alternative prices per

unit of time" and "demand analysis is the process by which is able to determine the

conditions that affect and determine the consumption of a product or service function of

time ". To determine the demand is necessary to make a demand forecast. The

outcome is an extension of the present demand analysis; This is why to make

projections as closely as possible drink subdue the different parameters that determine

market size, speed, rate of growth, etc., to a process of refinement.

Chang Chia-Hue, Pi-Yu Chan Ju Hsiao-Ting (2006) said that despite the many

fast food outlets competing in this industry, McDonald and KFC still attract a large

number of people, representing more fast food restaurants, which play key roles in this


The service can be classified according to López (2001): Table service. In this

service the waiter serves diners at the table. Barra.- Service This service is similar to

the previous, only customers sit opposite a counter and a waiter there tends them.

Autoservicio.- This service is also known as a buffet, specially set up their dishes and

the guest pass in front of it and serve themselves. Take away. This service is fast and

simple, the dishes are prepared and cooked, so the client asks what you want, pay and

you get your order, it's gone.

Flandrin & Montanari (1996) mentioned the street kitchens, which has always

and throughout the world were the main trade options. For a small fee, is served on the

fly a single dish or a combination of ready meals. These types of street kitchens have

always existed in China and persist throughout Asia, including industrial and post-

industrial countries like Japan. In this part the author refers to the best soups "lick" or

"oudon" "are the best in the carts on the streets of Tokyo) and what about the

components of the order of boiled in a good soybean soup accompanied with a warm

sake. "Also he speaks of street restaurants are still very present in Latin America and

the Middle East and throughout Africa ("vendors skewers the Maghreb, maquis in

Abidjan, etc) plus references in the evenings, when it reaches the afternoon and

overnight, trucks restaurants (the caravans) equipped with side counters are installed

on the boardwalk and serve local or foreign varied dishes. However these have

disappeared in Europe, where there are only a few vendors supply but without the

equipment that enables customers to sit.

Photo No. 2

Anticuchos to step on the street Lora y Cordero

(Photo: Gabriela Delgado Toro)

She is Mrs. Carmen, his post anticuchos is on the corner of Lora y Cordero and

Juan Cuglivan taking this corner over 30 years, starting the business his mother

that heritage and tradition inherited. Diners are happy for your product

furthermore not feels uncomfortable to sit on the side of the track to enjoy their

delicious kebabs, Mrs. Carmen demand that has its own with the help and

support of his cousin Rosa products.


A type of mixed study, which allows us to both analyze and observe,

interview and review documents used in the present work. The tools used were

interviews and surveys.

In the interviews I had to choose for convenience to respondents, who

were to be the owners of the establishment of food stands in the center of the

city of Chiclayo, as the survey was based on the population of the city of

Chiclayo, which consists of 2,442 people (INEI, 2009, p.47), this population

includes workers and students from the center of the city of Chiclayo. People of

private, public and language center companies, ranging in age from 16-28 years

old. The surveys were conducted in the center of the city of Chiclayo in May


The number of population of each of these establishments has been collected

through information provided by the President of the Chamber of Commerce of

Lambayeque Mr. Otto Zoegger and support from internal employees of


Consider in our framework shows the amount of 2442, students and workers in these

establishments and companies mentioned above.


N = 2442

z = 95% = 1.96

p = 0.5

q = 0.5

e = 0.05

𝑛 =

𝑥 0.5 0.5 0,052 1,962 + (0.5 𝑥 0.5) 2442

n = 312.5

n = 313

We worked with a confidence level of 95% which is usual for the sample having

a value of 1.96. In the chances of success and failure, we worked with 50%

each, ie 0.5 being surveys performed in the streets of Chiclayo and considering

the reality of these to be surveyed, taking as a basis the little time available to

fill these people. And for error worked with 5%, knowing that many of the people

who can fill our surveys do not have enough to fill them thoroughly and working

with the MPE time. Depending on the application of the formula, we found the

number of people to be interviewed, which gave us a sample of 313 people

from our target, so having to do a random sample is trafficked, looking assign

percentages to each of the establishments surveyed to find uniformity according

to the population presenting each.

The statistical processing of the data was performed with a Lenovo laptop with

Microsoft Windows 8 operating system with the help of Microsoft Excel 2010 software,

in which the scores obtained by the citizens in the survey, which gave us data will be

summarized recorded in graphs presented in Figs.


Interviews and surveys were used for this investigation, in which the surveys

showed a large percentage of our sample goes to these food outlets to step on

everything done in the afternoon, hours that many of these people are outside of work

or their schools, which gives a short to buy and enjoy these products they can offer us,

while mobility is expected to go home or just craving them to eat something quick time

and cheap.

Large percentage of our sample is not satisfied with hygiene and location of

these fast-food, but nevertheless still flock to these places, because we say they are

places that have a lot of tradition, tradition inherited by his parents and grandparents,

which they came too.

A number of respondents assure us that they would not pay a lot for these types

of products consumed in trucks, but if we offer these products in a local, services could

be purchased locally, but issues of time rather go to these food stalls.


Of all the information obtained was able to rescue important data, which tells us

that most of the diners wanted to find these dishes in a facility, but is also reflected in

the interview, which lets us know that the owners of these establishments want have a

separate room, but for legal issues prefer not to, as they attempt to formalize tells us

that he put many obstacles and everything had to pay more and that meant less direct


The guests tell us they like to be in a local as would give you more confidence and

security, plus they could go with friends or family group consumed. So they often prefer

to order your food to go, avoiding having to be there eating standing or on the street,

accompanied by the bustle of the city.


It is concluded that there is a demand even for these products to the passage,

but has lost the value and more the confidence to consume, as these products are

prepared on the street, being contaminated by carbon monoxide emitted cars or dust

lifting the strong winds of the city, being major factors for many people who previously

attended, no longer do more to fear for his health, having a great chance of acceptance

if these products are offered at a local or establishment that meets all health

regulations and rules, which will give more confidence to consumers and especially the

security they seek.


We believe that the central government and the city of Chiclayo should raise and

provide facilities for these food stalls step may have a place where work and thus fulfill

all rules of hygiene, looking resurface these foods that over time have marginalized and

sometimes undervalued. Besides having as benefit your audience always going to be a

lot more august in an establishment and will feel much safer.


I thank Dr. Julio César Fernández Alvarado for guiding me and contribute their

knowledge to the proper conduct of this project despite not yet having the necessary


Also to my friends who supported me in developing interviews and photographs

and even more to respondents and interviews, which provided me of their time to make

this report possible.


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Graphics N°01 Where do you usually consume these products?

Source: Own 2013

Of the 313 people surveyed only 263 people with 84% corner consume these products or trucks and the 50 remaining 16% do not.

Graphics N°02

How often do you usually eat these products?

Source: Own 2013

Of the 313 people surveyed 45% reported consuming intraday, 27% occasionally, 24% weekends and 4% once a week.

Graphics N°03

Source: Own 2013

Of the 313 people responded kebabs 32%, 27% Shampoos, cachangas 23%, 10% other (including: tamales, tamales, chicharrones, choncholi, among others), 5% and

3% picarones Churros .

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