
Analyzing My First Photographs

By Carley Haynes.

My first attempt at Leading lines...

• This was one of my first attempts of trying to achieve a photograph using leading lines. This picture works well because there a several different types of lines. The use of horizontal and vertical and makes the photograph look more attractive and striking.

First go at Framing.

• This is one of my first attempts at framing. this photograph in my opinion could have improved its quality if f i used my feet to create angles, or if i got the focus a bit sharper. Next time ill try different techniques to improve the quality of the picture.

My First Take on Balance.

• This is one of the first photographs i had taken trying to use the rule of balance. I wanted to find something simple to take a photograph that included this element. i think that the photo does show the rule of balance, but could of used different ways of making it look a lot more effective. I think to improve this photograph i could improve this photograph by capturing better light, and to take it more to the right or left.

One of My Particular Favourites.

• This is a photograph that i took, down near the basketball courts at school. I like this photograph especially because of the lighting and the focus on the broken class. This photo also works because of it being taken on a slight angle. I also like the shadow of the trees reflecting in the mirror, this adds a stunning effect.

Getting the right Focus?

• This photograph is another image that i really like. Its almost like the leafs are naturally framing the flower. I think the focus on this is a lot better then other shots that I have taken. If i were to make improvements then i would try to get better lighting so its looks sharper.

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