Analyzing Multi-Dimensional Networks within MediaWikis

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Analyzing Multi-Dimensional Networks within MediaWikis

Brian C. KeeganNortheastern UniversityBoston, MA, USA

Arber CeniSocial Media Research

FoundationBelmont, CA, USA 94002

Marc A. SmithSocial Media Research

FoundationBelmont, CA, USA 94002

ABSTRACTThe MediaWiki platform supports popular socio-technicalsystems such as Wikipedia as well as thousands of otherwikis. This software encodes and records a variety of rela-tionships about the content, history, and editors of its arti-cles such as hyperlinks between articles, discussions amongeditors, and editing histories. These relationships can be an-alyzed using standard techniques from social network analy-sis, however, extracting relational data from Wikipedia hastraditionally required specialized knowledge of its API, in-formation retrieval, network analysis, and data visualizationthat has inhibited scholarly analysis. We present a soft-ware library called the NodeXL MediaWiki Importer thatextracts a variety of relationships from the MediaWiki APIand integrates with the popular NodeXL network analysisand visualization software. This library allows users to queryand extract a variety of multidimensional relationships fromany MediaWiki installation with a publicly-accessible API.We present a case study examining the similarities and dif-ferences between different relationships for the Wikipediaarticles about “Pope Francis” and “Social media.” We con-clude by discussing the implications this library has for boththeoretical and methodological research as well as commu-nity management and outline future work to expand thecapabilities of the library.

Categories and Subject DescriptorsH.4 [Information Systems Applications]: Miscellaneous;D.2.8 [Software Engineering]: Metrics—complexity mea-sures, performance measures

General TermsSystem

KeywordsWikipedia, MediaWiki, NodeXL, network analysis, SNA, so-cial media, visualization, data analysis

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for per-sonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are notmade or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bearthis notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for componentsof this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstract-ing with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post onservers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/ora fee. Request permissions from Copyright is heldby the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.WikiSym ’13, August 05–07 2013, Hong Kong, ChinaACM 978-1-4503-1852-5/13/08 $15.00.

1. INTRODUCTIONMediaWiki is an open source wiki system used by Wiki-

pedia as well as thousands of other wikis.1 MediaWikis havea two-fold value: they not only contain rich content, but theyalso encodes a variety of rich relational meta-data about edi-tors’ contributions over time. The relationships within thesemeta-data can be extracted to reveal interactions that maysupport these large-scale collaborations. In aggregate, theseconnections form complex networks that can reveal struc-tural patterns of the networks, key positions within them,as well as visualizations of sub-groups and the relationshipsbetween them. These maps allow networks to be contrasted,highlighting the structural properties of different collabora-tions or communities.

MediaWikis installations generally make much of theirdata publicly available in real time through an applicationprogramming interface (API). However, specifying the cor-rect queries, retrieving the information, structuring and in-tersecting it with other data for analysis, and processingit for visualization are individually highly complex tasksrequiring substantial knowledge across a variety of tech-nical domains: users must be familiar with programminglanguages, information retrieval, data parsing and cleanup,graph data structures and manipulation, statistical analysisof graphs, and graph layout algorithms to be able to ac-cess, analyze, and visualize network data about wikis. Weargue this complexity has, unfortunately, limited scholarlyinquiry into these increasingly pervasive and influential in-formation systems to only those scholars possessing theseesoteric but nevertheless prerequisite skills. We introducea software library that extracts these complex relationshipsusing a simple graphical user interface and integrates withthe popular NodeXL network analysis package.

After reviewing related work on network analyses of Wiki-pedia, we explain how to identify and extract multidimen-sional networks from MediaWikis. In particular, we de-scribe a variety of relationships, article attributes, and ed-itor attributes that can be retrieved from MediaWikis anddescribe the process of chaining relationships together formultidimensional network exploration. Then we introducethe design, implementation, and interface of the NodeXL Me-

diaWiki Importer (NMWI). We use the NMWI in brief casestudies to illustrate how the structural patterns of relation-ships vary significantly across different types of articles, edi-tors, and categories on the English Wikipedia. We concludeby discussing the implications the NMWI has for scholarshipin socio-technical systems.


2. RELATED WORKWikipedia is an exemplar of a “knowledge network” in

which concepts are explicitly linked to one another. Howeverencyclopedias from Diderot’s Encyclopedie through new con-ceptualizations of organizing knowledge proposed by Van-nevar Bush, Ted Nelson, and Tim Bernders-Lee have em-ployed the concept of relations to associate semantically-related topics together [29]. However, the scale, complexity,and openness of relationships in Wikipedia has made it aprominent corpus used predominantly by computer and in-formation scientists but also increasingly by social scientiststo understand large-scale, distributed collaboration.

Structural approaches to the analysis of social media datahave theoretical importance for understanding how behav-ioral regularities and emergent social roles support and en-able online community [9, 28]. New kinds of data large-scaleand fine-grained data are enabling examination of behavioralchange of entire social systems [20]. Prior work has analyzedthe structure of editors contributing to articles [5, 18, 15],articles linking to other articles [14], editor modifying othereditors’ contributions [3, 13, 16], editors’ discussions withother editor [19, 21], and changes in these structures overtime [4, 16]. However, this work typically examines onlya single relationship rather than multiple overlapping rela-tionships.

3. OUR APPROACHNodeXL2 is an open-source network analysis application

that uses the familiarity of Microsoft Excel spreadsheetsto collect, store, analyze, visualize, and publish networkdatasets. NodeXL is focused on end user ease-of-use by sim-plifying the collection, analysis, and visualization of datafrom web and social media. Users can analyze data fromTwitter, Facebook, YouTube, flickr, email, and the webwithout specialized knowledge about information retrieval,perform common network analysis tasks such as calculatingcentrality or analyzing community structure, and visualizethe structure and attributes of the network [11, 25].

Although the English Wikipedia is by far the largest ex-ample of a MediaWiki-based online community,3 MediaWikisare used in a variety of other contexts [26]. Because of thepervasiveness of this wiki system, we designed an importerthat can analyze patterns of collaboration, communication,and interaction on Wikipedias in other languages [12], en-cyclopedia projects for fan and educational communities [8],and enterprises and distributed collaborations [10]. BecauseWikipedia remains the most well-studied MediaWiki instal-lation, we define relationships using Wikipedia as an ex-ample below and throughout the remainder of the paper.Despite this domain-specific definition, these relationshipscan be found and analyzed using the NodeXL MediaWiki Im-

porter for any public MediaWiki API.

3.1 Relationship typesAs the review above suggested, Wikipedia is a complex

and multidimensional network that encodes a variety of re-lationships among editors, among articles, and between ed-itors and articles. These networks are multidimensional be-cause they not only encode a different of types of nodes but


(a) Undirected editor–article relationship with weight 1

Ui Pa


(b) Directed editor–editor relationship with weight 1

Ui Uj1

(c) Directed article–article relationship with weight 3

Pa Pb


Figure 1: Examples of relationships (in black) in-volving editors (in red) and articles (in blue).

they also encode different types of relationships. Analysisof unidimensional networks often assumes distinct relation-ships can be collapsed together or altogether fails to capturethe rich interdependencies among different sets of objects.Recognizing this plurality of network patterns and analyzinghow these new and diverse structural signatures and theirlogics of affiliation are essential to understanding how thesecomplex networks emerge, interact, and change [6]. We iden-tify and review three broad classes of multidimensional net-works within MediaWikis below.

Networks fall into a variety of classes reflecting the typesof nodes and types of edges in them [27]. One-mode (alsoknown as “unimodal”) networks have only one type of nodein the network (e.g., people) wherein links can exist betweenany pair of nodes in the network. Two-mode (also knownas bipartite or affiliation) networks have two distinct typesof nodes in the network (e.g., people and objects) whereinlinks in the network can only exist between different typesof nodes. Edges between nodes can be directed if the direc-tion is meaningful and asymmetrical relationships can exist(e.g., following on Twitter) or undirected if the direction isnot meaningful and only symmetrical relationships can exist(e.g., co-location). A variety of attributes can also be ap-pended to both nodes and edges, which are described below.

3.1.1 Editor-article relationshipsThe creation of Wikipedia content requires editors to make

revisions to a article. However, this relationship is inherentlymultimodal as it requires the representation of a relationshipbetween two distinct types of nodes: editors (e.g., editors)and articles (e.g., articles). There is only a single substan-tive relationship in this class and an example is given inFigure 1(a).

Editing When a editor modifies a article this contributionrepresents an editing relationship. An editing link iscreated when editor i makes a change to article P .This is a two-mode network: a editor cannot modifyanother editor and a article cannot modify another ar-ticle. This relationship can be weighted to reflect thenumber of times a editor modified a article within awindow of time. It is traditionally undirected reflect-ing the lack of a meaningful “article modifying editors”tie. However, it is implemented as a directed tie withonly one possible direction (“editor modifies article”)

within NodeXL.

3.1.2 Editor-editor relationshipsWikipedia is also an online community wherein editors

interact with other editors. These relationships are one-mode because they only involve editor nodes, but they canvary in their direction. There are three types of relationshipsin this class and an example is given in Figure 1(b).

Co-editorship This is a projection of the two-mode edit-ing network into a one-mode editor-editor network. Alink exists between editor i and editor j if both ed-itors edited the same article. This is an undirectedrelationship because a editor cannot edit at anothereditor. This relationship can be weighted to reflectthe number of articles two editors have both edited.

Discussions Writing wiki articles also demands explicit co-ordination by editors discussing the work related to aarticle or discussing work done by editors themselves.Threaded discussion articles exist for both editors andarticles to develop consensus about how to write arti-cles or respond to problematic editors [17, 19]. A linkis created if editor i responds to editor j’s commenton a discussion article. This is a directed relationshipbecause one editor is responding the the other editor.This relationship can be weighted to reflect the numberof times a editor responds to another editors.

Article trajectory The history of changes made to a arti-cle can be associated with individual editors such thatevery change can be interpreted as one editor modi-fying a version of a article previous made by anothereditors [16]. Alternatively, this can be interpreted asa “document passing” network tracing the history ofeditors’ changes. For a given article, a link exists fromeditor i to editor j if editor j modified the article fol-lowing editor i. The resulting network of editor-editorinteractions is unique to every article. This is a di-rected relationship because one editor modifies anothereditor’s version of the article. This relationship can beweighted because one editor can repeatedly modify an-other editor’s versions of a article.

3.1.3 Article-article relationshipsThe previous relationships encode information related to

the editors’ contributions to articles, but the articles them-selves also encode relationships based on their content. Thereare four types of relationships in this class and an exampleis given in Figure 1(c).

Shared editorship This is a projection of the two-modeediting network into a one-mode article-article net-work. A link exists between article A and article Bif both articles were modified by a common editor.This is an undirected relationship because a articlecannot edit at another article. This relationship can beweighted to reflect the number of editors two articlesshared in common.

Hyperlinks Wikipedia articles link to other Wikipedia ar-ticles in their text. A hyperlink relationship exists ifarticle A has a wiki-link to article B. These links aredirected because hyperlinks are not symmetric: a arti-cle may link to another without the other linking back.

(a) Primary network (b) Secondary network













(c) Primary network (d) Secondary network













Figure 2: Illustration of (a) an undirected two-modeprimary network and its (b) hypothetical directedone-mode secondary network. (c) is a directed one-mode primary network and (d) is its hypotheticalundirected one-mode secondary network. The “ego”is outlined in green.

These relationships are unweighted to reflect only thata link exists rather than the number of times a articleis linked.

Editor trajectory The history of a editor’s contributionscan be interpreted as a editor moving from one articleto another. For a given editor, a link exists from articleA to article B if article B was modified by the editorafter he or she modified article A. The resulting net-work of article-article interactions is unique to everyeditor. This relationship is directed because a editormoves from article A to article B. This relationshipcan be weighted because a editor can repeatedly movefrom article A to article B.

Category co-membership Articles on Wikipedia are clas-sified into topical categories with other articles. If arti-cle A and article B are members of the same categoryX, they will share a link. This relationship is undi-rected because the relationship is symmetrical: a ar-ticle can’t have a one-way co-membership link. Therelationship is weighted and reflects the number ofcategories both articles share membership. Substan-tively, pairs of articles that share many category co-memberships are likely to be strongly related.

3.2 Multidimensional network explorationTo generate a set of nodes (“alters”) from a seed node

(“ego”), we use the relationships defined above. However,this approach can be extended to explore the multidimen-sionality of the network by chaining two different types ofrelationships together. Given a seed node and a primary re-lationship, NMWI will return all the alters to which the egois connected. The vast majority of network analyses stophere and NMWI editors can as well. However, the set ofnodes consisting of the ego and its alters (or its alters’ alters)can then be examined for secondary relationships. In effect,overlapping relationships can be parsimoniously explored byextracting a set of nodes based on a primary relationship but

then examining if there are secondary relationships withinthis set of nodes.

For example, specifying an editing relationship as the pri-mary relationship for a seed editor will return a list of allthe articles who have been edited by the seed editor. If theego in Figure 2(a) is editor Ui, her alters can only be ar-ticles because the network is two-mode. The alters of Ui

are articles Pa, Pb, Pc and her alters’ alters are editors Uj

and Uk. The ego editor and her alters’ alter editors in thistwo-mode primary network are a set of editors (Ui, Uj , Uk)joined by the relationship of contributing to the same ar-ticles. The multidimensionality of this relationship can beilluminated by using the set of editors defined in the primaryrelationship as seeds for a secondary relationship: do theseeditors communicate with each other? Specifying discus-sions as the secondary relationship, Figure 2(b) shows thesecondary discussion relationships among editors conditionalon these editors appearing in the primary editing relation-ship while Pa, Pb, Pc are excluded for being a different type.Chaining the primary and secondary relationships togetherreveals an overlapping network in which editors co-editingarticles together also have discussion relationships with eachother.

In the other example, if article Pf is the ego and the re-lationship is hyperlinks, its alters in Figure 2(c) are alsoarticles because the network is one-mode, but link directionin a directed network must be respected. The alters of Pf

are articles Pd and Pa and its alters’ alters are articles Pc

and Pe but not Pb because Pf cannot reach Pb followinglink directions. The multidimensionality of this relationshipcan be examined by chaining the set of articles defined inthe primary relationship to a secondary relationship such ascategory co-membership. Figure 2(d) shows the secondarycategory co-membership relations on the set of articles iden-tified from the primary relationship while Pb is excluded fornot being in the primary set. This multidimensional analysissuggests articles with reciprocal hyperlinks (the primary re-lationship) also have category co-membership relations (thesecondary relationship). These overlapping relations are ex-plored in the case study in Section 5.

4. SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATIONThe MediaWiki API provides direct access to a variety of

data contained within its databases.4,5 The revision histo-ries of individual articles can be extracted to create editingnetworks, the revision histories of editors can be extractedto created editor trajectory networks, the links to and froma article can be queried to create a hyperlink network, andthe content of talk articles can returned to create discussionnetworks. Data for the English Wikipedia (the largest andoldest MediaWiki installation) goes back to mid-2002, butthe availability of historical data for other MediaWikis mayvary based on installation and administration practices.

The NodeXL MediaWiki Importer6 (NMWI) is a graphdata provider that allows users to download data from pub-lic MediaWiki APIs and import them into NodeXL [11]. Itis developed in C# and employs the DotNetWikiBot frame-work for interfacing with a MediaWiki API.7


Figure 3: NodeXL MediaWiki Importer interface.

As a wrapper around the API, the NMWI simplifies theextraction, cleaning, and structuring MediaWiki API out-put for the NodeXL end-user. This framework wraps themain API calls in three main classes, respectively Site, Pageand PageList. The Site class represents a MediaWiki site(i.e., and implements methodsto gather general information about the site. The Page classis the main class which represents a MediaWiki article whichallows us to load the article content, links, categories it be-longs to, images and other information related to an article.If we want to search for articles, load articles from a cate-gory or get all the articles linked by a seed articles we haveto make use of the PageList class. Although DotNetWiki-

Bot implements most of the functionality needed to parse aMediaWiki site, we introduced a new function to accommo-date the download of revisions within specific time rangesand date as well. Furthermore, because NodeXL can use im-ages as vertex representations, we also download the imageURLs for alternative representations.

To create the different networks available in NMWI wedownload a list of articles which depending on the choiceis a list of all hyperlinks in the seed article or the articlesof the categories that the seed article belongs to. Then foreach of this article names we download a list of its revisions,including the editor information, depending on the criteriaspecified. These data are stored in a dictionary keyed byarticle name and with values corresponding to the list ofrevision information such as editor name, size, and comment.Subsequent network structures can be created by traversingthis data structure.

4.1 InterfaceThe NMWI is installed separately from NodeXL and pro-

vides a new option for importing data. When launched, theuser is presented with the Importer interface as seen in Fig-ure 3. Users perform several steps to identify the seed entityfrom which data will be retrieved, specify the types of al-ters to be extracted, define the types of relationships to be

Figure 4: Two-mode editing network for Pope Fran-cis with clusters arranged into boxes and labeled byarticle titles.

returned, and limit the query by certain parameters.First, the user enters the name and type of a seed entity

(article, editor, category, or file) and domain for the Me-diaWiki installation from which the importer will extractdata. Some types of alters or relationships in subsequentsteps cannot be extracted for a given seed entity and theyare greyed out. Second, given this seed entity, the user se-lects a primary relationship for identifying “alter” nodes .Once the set of alters has been identified, the primary rela-tionships among these alters can be analyzed or, optionally,can be used as an input to analyze a secondary relationship(see Section 3.2).

Because editors and articles can potentially have hundredsof revisions, editors, links, or category members, NMWIspecifies options to return only the most recent revisions orrevisions within a time window. After extracting the data,the NMWI populates the “Nodes” and “Edges” tabs of theExcel worksheet.

5. CASE STUDYThe method for chaining network relations together to ex-

plore the multidimensional character of these collaborationsprovides many potential permutations. We explore only sixrelationships below based on both article-article relation-ships and editor-editor relationships. To demonstrate thecapabilities of the NMWI for large-scale and multidimen-sional network analysis, we compare the Wikipedia articles“Social media”8 and “Pope Francis”9 from late March 2013for revisions made since January 1, 2013. The contrast be-tween these articles should be instructive as former attractsconsistent and sustained attention while the latter is em-blematic of an article that attracts sudden and intense atten-tion. As such, we expect to see significant differences in thestructures of the various networks extracted from NMWI.

The networks visualized in Figures 5–9 are plotted usingthe “Harel-Koren Fast Multiscale” layout and the nodes are


grouped and colored by “Clauset-Newman-Moore” cluster-ing. It is important to note that the same node may ap-pear within different groups depending on the relationshipand thus its color and position may vary across networks.Inter-group edges are combined to show the density of tiesbetween groups while also keeping within-group structureclear. Editor-editor networks for co-editorship, trajectories,and discussion and article-article networks for shared editor-ship and hyperlinks are discussed below.

5.1 Editor-editor networks

5.1.1 Shared article editing networksThe co-editorship networks in Figure 5 are projections of

the two-mode editor-article networks for all the revisionsmade by every editor contributing since January 1, 2013and the other articles they edited during this window. Alink exists from one editor to another if they both editedthe same article during this time and the weight of this linkcorresponds to the number of articles they jointly edited.Because all the editors revised at least the seed article incommon, these networks reflect edges of weight two or more.Both networks exhibit strong clustering and the identifiedsubgroups also have strong ties to the other subgroups aseditors jointly revise many articles together.

5.1.2 Article trajectoriesThe article trajectory networks in Figure 6 capture the

which editor subsequently changed an article after anothereditor. These trajectories encode information about thetemporal context (when a editor made contributions rela-tive to other editors also making contributions) as well aseditor engagement (editors contributing repeatedly and inresponse to diverse editors) [16]. The clusters in Figure 6(a)are both larger and more dense than the clusters observed inFigure 6(b), which is unsurprising as editors contributing toa article about a current event are likely more engaged andmotivated to edit repeatedly as they update information andrespond to others’ contributions. In contrast, the“spaghetti”subgraph seen in the top-center box of Figure 6(b) revealsa subgroup of editors making only a single contribution andnever returning to edit again. Similarly, the editor at themiddle-center of the cluster in the central box in Figure 6(b)is actually a bot doing automated work, not a human editor.This structural signature of these editing patterns can servea useful diagnostic function as they reveal a lack of editorengagement in contrast with the highly-clustered patternsin Figure 6(a) indicative of sustained contributions.

5.1.3 Discussion networksThe discussion networks in Figure 7 capture whether ed-

itors who contributed to either of these articles also inter-act with each other on their respective editor talk articles.Despite the differences in the other relationships exploredabove, both articles exhibit similar structural patterns andoverall size. In fact, the same two editors appear as the mostcentral editors in both networks: “Arctic Kangaroo”10 and“Materialscientist”11 are prolific recent-change patrollers12



(a) Pope Francis (b) Social media

Figure 5: Undirected editor-editor shared editorship networks.

(a) Pope Francis (b) Social media

Figure 6: Directed editor-editor article trajectory networks.

who monitor articles for vandalism. Their centrality in botharticles reflects first, the revisions they made to both articlesreverting vandalism and second, their leaving messages onthe responsible editors’ talk articles informing or warningthem. These editors fulfill crucial social roles on Wikipediaand the discussion network vivdly captures an important di-mension of their work trying to keep bad content out whiletrying to bring new editors in.

5.2 Article-article networks

5.2.1 Shared editor editing networksThe co-editorship networks in Figure 8 are projections of

the two-mode editor-article networks for all the revisionsmade by every editor contributing to each article betweenJanuary 1, 2013 and March 30, 2013 and every other articlethese editors revised over the same period of time. Given

(a) Pope Francis (b) Social media

Figure 7: Directed editor-editor discussion networks.

(a) Pope Francis (b) Social media

Figure 8: Undirected article-article co-authorship networks.

the raw size of the resulting networks, edges were filteredout if articles only shared a single editor in common and theremaining largest connected component was visualized.

As expected, the current event article has a substantiallylarger co-editorship network than the traditional article. Mostof the other clusters in Figure 8(a) correspond to topics re-lated to the papal transition or other current news eventssuch as the Italian election and Academy Awards suggest-

ing there are many Wikipedia editors engaged in newsworkboth within and across topics. The clusters in Figure 8(b)for “Social media” are less dense and have fewer between-group connections. The groups themselves correspond toesoteric topics about cartoons and haplogroups that bear lit-tle topical similarity to social media and reflect the diverseinterests (and potential biases) of the editors contributingto it.

5.2.2 Hyperlink networksThe directed hyperlink networks capture the alter articles

to which the seed article links as well as whether these alterarticles link to one another. Figure 9 shows a marked dif-ference in the structures of the local hyperlink networks foreach article. The links on Pope Francis are extremely denseas a result of a navigation templates. This is troublesomeas these links are redundant and not derived from the bodyof the text, but rather from a box of links at the bottomof each article linking to every other article about a RomanCatholic pope. Future iterations of NMWI will instead parsethe content of the article itself to extract only the links ap-pearing in the text rather all links present anywhere on thearticle. The cluster of articles on the right corresponds toarticles about every Pope and the history of the CatholicChurch while the left cluster shows less, but still very dense,links around other topics from the text.

This stands in marked contrast to the low level of cluster-ing observed among the “Social media” articles. The clusteron the left in Figure 9(b) corresponds to a variety of arti-cles about editors and books and“newer” social media topicslike crowdsourcing, the cluster on the lower right to articlesabout social networking services, and the cluster on the up-per right to “older” social media topics topics like bloggingand podcasting. However, the lack of completely-connectedclusters is also revealing as it indicates that the editors edit-ing these articles potentially lack the commitment to createa similar box to link the same topics together across arti-cles or that the articles themselves do not lend themselvesto being grouped together into a common topic.

6. DISCUSSIONThe NodeXL MediaWiki Importer is a tool for analyzing

the multidimensional network relationships embedded withinMediaWiki installations such as Wikipedia. The tool enablesend users to perform complex data collection, analysis, vi-sualization, and publication tasks with a graphical interfaceaccessible to non-experts. This tool adds large-scale knowl-edge and collaboration networks as another type of graphdata provider for NodeXL in addition to existing ones suchas Twitter, Facebook, e-mail, and the web. The NMWIuses publicly-accessible and lightweight API calls for dataextraction from the live versions of articles for all public Me-diaWikis rather than the heavyweight and quickly-outdateddatabase dumps released only by the Wikimedia Founda-tion. As such, this tool expands the repertoire of real timesocial media analytics that have primarily focused on Twit-ter: Wikipedia’s and any other MediaWiki’s updates aboutbreaking news can be analyzed in real time.

Our case study used NMWI to examine two articles onthe English Wikipedia: “Pope Francis” was a major currentevent that attracted intense activity from hundreds of edi-tors and “Social media” was an article emblematic of moretraditional patterns of sustained collaboration from fewereditors. We found striking similarities and stark differencesacross several dimensions of relationships within these arti-cles. The case only explored a fraction of the permutations ofpossible multidimensional relations that could be examinedusing the chaining approach described in Section 3.2. For ex-ample, co-editorship patterns could be examined among thealters generated by hyperlinks or category co-membershipprimary relationships rather than the editing patterns ex-

amined here.This tool has the potential for advancing methods in so-

cial network analysis and theories of collective behavior aswell as supporting more applied interests such as diagnosingthe health of an online community. Because the organiz-ing logic of one network may be predicated on the presenceor absence of ties in other relationships, data about thesecovariate networks must also be collected to develop appro-priate statistical models for inference [22]. Theories of so-cial roles and repertoires of action in online peer productioncommunities have traditionally examined regular patterns ofinteraction articulated through a single relationship [9, 28].The multidimensional data identified by the NMWI offersthe possibility of identifying richer and more nuanced roles.Finally, wiki community managers can use NMWI to iden-tify key participants or examine the effect of interventionsto improve collaboration without the need for specializedanalysis.

Additional features are worth considering in future ver-sions of the NMWI such as the attributes of editors and ar-ticles, the dynamic features of relationships, employing thecontent of articles, and examining additional relationships.First, articles and editors are not homogeneous and furtherwork should be done to create and import rich attributesfor the nodes in the network to compliment the richness ofthe relationships. A variety of attributes for editors can beextracted such as the editor type to differentiate unregis-tered editors from registered editors and admins, the totalnumber of edits made by editors as a proxy for their exper-tise, the total number of blocks imposed to understand howcontroversial they are, their tenure within the community,or how concentrated is their activity in some articles. Anal-ogously, attributes for articles can also be extracted such asthe type of article to differentiate articles from discussionarticles, the age and edit counts as a proxy for quality, andthe concentration of editing from some editors. Attributesare essential as they can both influence and be influenced bythe structure of links [24].

Second, networks are not static and additional featurescan be implemented to record timestamped information abouteditors, articles, and the relationships between them to un-derstand their evolution. Contributions to articles may behighly uneven and“bursty”, editors may exhibit cyclical pat-terns in their contribution activity, links can be introducedor removed, and there are rich time series data availablefor article view activity across the Wikimedia Foundationprojects. Understanding how these dynamics play out arecrucial for establishing causality but also introduce signifi-cant challenges for efficient data storage and parsimoniousdata visualization. Third, the content of articles themselvescan be more fully incorporated for network text analysisand content analysis [7]. Prior work has examined the per-sistence of content within Wikipedia articles [23, 1] suggest-ing that editing patterns could be examined in finer detailaround particular sections or types of content being intro-duced and removed. Finally, content across language edi-tions reveal fascinating similarities and differences in howtopics are constructed based on the patterns of their links [2].These inter-language relationships as well as patterns inthe external sites Wikipedia and other MediaWikis link tocan provide rich information about the larger informationecosystem in which wikis play such a central role.

(a) Pope Francis (b) Social media

Figure 9: Directed article-article hyperlink networks.

7. CONCLUSIONSWe developed the NodeXL MediaWiki Importer to extract

complex multidimensional relationships from the MediaWiki

API for analysis by non-expert users. The NMWI providesa graphical user interface that builds upon the NodeXL plat-form to extract, analyze, visualize and publish networksfrom Wikipedia as well as thousands of other public Me-diaWiki installations.

8. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWe would like to thank the users of the NodeXL application

and the supporters of the Social Media Research Foundation.

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