Analyzing Consumer Markets. Model of Buyer Behavior.

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Analyzing Consumer Markets

Model of Buyer Behavior

Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior


Culture is the most basic cause of a person's wants and behavior, and it includes basic values, perceptions, wants, and behaviors. Chinese: 孝順、風水、數字 4 Taiwan: appreciation of the hair

→ PANTENE Pro-V Esso in Thailand European vs. Italian

Tokyo Disney vs. Europe Disney

東京迪士尼成功的原因 歐洲迪士尼為文化融合所做的努力


依據法國作家 Jules Verne 科幻小說來興建「發現樂園」。

總裁的老婆是法國人。 歐洲迪士尼的疏忽


Subculture: Groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences. Hispanic market (42 million), e.g. Sears. African-American market (39 million), e.g.

Hallmark’s Mahogany. Asian-American market (12.5 million), e.g. Wal-

Mart in Seattle, Scottrade.

Social Factors

Reference Groups Family Roles and Statuses

Reference Group A person’s reference groups consist of all the groups

that have a direct (face-to-face) or indirect influence on his/her attitudes or behavior.

Reference group Membership group: primary group & secondary group Non-membership group: aspirational group & dissociative

group Opinion leader

1/10 Buzz marketing, e.g. Hebrew National; Hasbro Games; Big

Fat Promotions for beer. Balance Theory (Fritz Heider): P-O-X

Case: Cadillac V Series Cadillac V 系列在推出時與 Xbox 合作,推出知名電玩

PGR3 的擴充包,企圖讓 Cadillac V 系列成為年輕世代的夢幻車款。

玩家只要下載,就可以在原有的遊戲中增加體驗 Cadillac V系列車種的奔馳快感。

Cadillac 在美國著名的 E3 電玩展期間,提供 10 大電玩雜誌編輯每人一輛 V 系列車款代步,獲得意想不到的報導效應。這些編輯紛紛在雜誌上給予 Cadillac V 系列好評,而這些雜誌的讀者就是 Xbox 的玩家。

Xbox 同時對超過 300 萬的玩家發出 email ,介紹新增遊戲,並且在 Xbox 相關雜誌及網站介紹。

結果, Cadillac V 系列擴充包的下載次數超過 16 萬,圓滿達成行銷方案的任務。


Whereas women make up 40% of drivers, they influence more than 80% of car-buying decisions.

In all, women make almost 85% of all purchases, spending 6 trillion each year. Lowe’s Anti-smoking campaign in Thailand

Children’s influence

媽媽買給你 當美國小孩看到廣告內有自己喜歡的產品,平均吵個

9 次,父母就會投降。有 55% 的小孩無論跟父母要什麼,幾乎都會成功。

30.9% 台灣部落客媽媽屬於「精打細算」型,喜歡分享省錢秘方、贈品和好康優惠等訊息; 24.8% 屬於「驗證媽媽」型,樂於當糾察隊,試用產品,並分享產品優劣。

三種可行的行銷策略: (1) 在網路上發起團購; (2) 找出媽媽社群中的意見領袖; (3) 二手商機的浮現。

媒體運用評比: (1) 電視:聲光效果→小孩; (2) 雜誌:深度溝通→父母; (3) 網路:分眾行銷→親子。

動腦 (February 2010)

Roles and Status

A role consists of the activities people are expected to perform according to the people around them.

Each role carries a status reflecting the general esteem given to it by society.

People often choose products that show their status in society.

Marketers must be aware of the status-symbol potential of products and brands.

Examples: Singapore’s 5 Cs (Career, Condominium, Car, Credit card, County club membership); Mitsukoshi.

Personal Factors

Age and life-cycle stage Baby boomers, generation X or Y Family life cycle

Occupation Economic situation Lifestyle

SRI’s VALS, e.g. Iron City Beer.

Personality and self-concept Brand personality, e.g. sincerity, excitement, competence,

sophistication, ruggedness.


Psychological Factors

Motivation Perception Learning Beliefs and Attitudes


A motive (or drive) is a need that is sufficiently pressing to direct the person to seek satisfaction.

Freud’s theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and Herzberg’s two-factor theory.

Freud’s Theory

Assume that people are largely unconscious the real psychological forces shaping their behavior.

Motive research: qualitative research designed to probe consumers’ hidden, subconscious motivations, e.g. archetype research ( 原型研究 ).

Tools: free association, inkblot interpretation.

Chrysler PT Cruiser

Ads with Sexual Hint

性銷永遠有效? 就大部份的案例來看,性銷是可以當作救火隊的,當品牌狀況不好,或者新品牌想要竄紅,在在不乏精彩的故事。

Examples: Tom Ford, Calvin Klein, Carl's Jr., Abercrombie & Fitch.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Human needs are arranged in a hierarchy.

A person tries to satisfy the most important need first.

Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

Dissatisfiers of hygiene factors (factors that cause dissatisfaction) & satisfiers of motivation factors (factors that cause satisfaction)

Sellers should do their best to avoid dissatisfiers. Sellers should identify the major satisfiers or

motivators of purchase in the market and then supply them.



Perception is the process by which people select, organize, and interpret information to form a meaningful picture of the world.

E.g. Country-of-origin effect, Beer in China. Subliminal advertising Selective attention, selective distortion (e.g.

the influence of expectations), and selective retention.

Subliminal Persuasion


→ Coke↑18%, Popcorn↑52% Wilson Barry Key :廣告中色情的潛意識線索會潛在的引起性慾。


反對論點 (Counter Argument)

影響注意的個人因素 需求/動機 , e.g. increasing intrinsic self-relevance

(for example, Sure deodorant). 態度

認知一致性理論:人們試圖去維持信念和態度間的一致。 消費者擁有不喜歡的態度會分配較小的注意。

適應水準 注意的幅度

將注意或思想集中在單一事件的時間是相當有限的 → 較短的廣告時間

影響注意的刺激因素 尺寸大小 (Size) → 廣告版面、戶外廣告、貨架空間(衝動性產品)。

顏色 (Color) 在報紙的廣告中,彩色的比黑白的多出了 41% 的銷售量。 紅色較引人注意。

強度 (Intensity) Konica 的色彩環商標較以前的櫻花引人注意。

對比 (Contrast) 黑白 vs. 彩色;有聲 vs. 無聲。


影響注意的刺激因素 位置 (Location)



報紙:第一版、最後一版、外報頭以及內報頭。 方向性 (Direction) 移動 (Motion) 隔離 (Isolation) → 孤島廣告 (Island Ad) 新奇 (Novelty), e.g. Araldite adhesive.

Ad Examples of Direction and Motion



吸引人的代言人 (Attractive Spokesperson)背景轉換 (Scene Changes)

透過背景快速的變動,來增加大腦的活動力。 Note :快速的廣告較步調慢的廣告不易被記憶及



Learning describes changes in an individual’s behavior arising from experience.

Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning

Methods Reinforcement schedules

Cognitive Learning Rehearsal and Elaboration

Operant Conditioning Methods

Name Operation Performed after Behavior


Positive reinforcement

Present positive consequences

Increases the prob. of behavior

Negative reinforcement

Remove aversive consequences

Increases the prob. of behavior

Extinction Neutral consequences occur

Decreases the prob. of behavior

Punishment Present aversive consequence

Decreases the prob. of behavior

Reinforcement Schedules

Three types of schedule Continuous reinforcement schedule Fixed ratio reinforcement schedule Variable ratio reinforcement schedule

For approximately one-third the cost of the continuous schedule, the same amount of behavior was sustained.

Beliefs and Attitudes

A belief is a descriptive thought that a person has about something.

Attitudes describe a person’s relatively consistent evaluation, feelings, and tendencies toward an object or idea.

E.g. National Milk Processors Education Program – 01, 02, 03.

Decision Rules

Compensatory Simple Additive Rule Weighted Additive Rule

Noncompensatory The Lexicographic Rule The Elimination-by-Aspects Rule The Conjunctive Rule

Decision Rules – Compensatory

Simple Additive Rule Weighted Additive Rule

Fishbein-Ajzen Model

k: consumer, j: brand, i: attribute, n: number of attribute, W: weight, B: belief, A: attitude.

The Idea-Point Model



kj ki kijiA W B



kj ki kij kijiA W I B

A Consumer’s Brand Beliefs about Computers

Computer Attribute

Memory Capacity

Graphics Capability

Size and Weight Price

A 10 8 6 4

B 8 9 8 3

C 6 8 10 5

D 4 3 7 8

Marketing Strategies

Alter beliefs about the brand: psychological repositioning, e.g. 蠻牛 , 五聯熱水器 , 萬安生命 .

Alter beliefs about competitor’s brands: competitive positioning, e.g. Dunkin Donuts, SYM.

Alter the important weights, e.g. 台灣啤酒 , 薄酒萊 . Call attention to neglected attributes, e.g. Extra潔淨

無糖口香糖 , 聲寶殺菌光 , Online Store. Redesign the product: repositioning, e.g. Arm &

Hammer, 綠油精 , 十八銅人行氣散 .

Case: Beaujolais (薄酒萊 )

產地: South of Burgundy 品種: Gamay Noir 一般品嚐葡萄酒常強調陳年、厚實。薄酒萊強調新鮮、果香,利用行銷策略、舉辦「新酒節」等方式,使消費者接受其訴求。

Decision Rule – Noncompensatory

The Lexicographic Rule The brand on the most important attribute is selected.

The Elimination-by-Aspects Rule (Tversky, 1972) Brands are evaluated on the most important attribute, and

specific cutoffs are imposed. Compromise effect, e.g. 菜單上最貴的的菜色 (HBR 中文版

June 2008, p.38).

The Conjunctive Rule Cutoffs are established for each attribute.

A Consumer’s Brand Beliefs about Computers

Computer Attribute

Memory Capacity

Graphics Capability

Size and Weight Price

A 10 8 6 4

B 8 9 8 3

C 6 8 10 5

D 4 3 7 8


What factors may affect a consumer’s decision rule?

Adopter Categorization on the Basis of Relative Time of Adoption of Innovations

Characteristics of Innovators

Relatively younger, better educated, higher income.

More receptive to unfamiliar things, rely more on their own values and judgment, more willing to take risk

Less brand-loyal, more likely to take advantage of special promotions such as discounts, coupons, and samples.

Forrester Research Inc.

Influence of Product Characteristics on Rate of Adoption

Relative advantage: Is the innovation superior to existing products? E.g. cellular phone, color television, Wii.

Compatibility: Does the innovation fit the values and experience of the target market? E.g. Dvorak keyboard vs. QWERTY keyboard; 秘魯村落燒開水計畫 ; 在天主教國家推廣保險套 .

Influence of Product Characteristics on Rate of Adoption

Complexity: Is the innovation difficult to understand or use? E.g. iPod.

Divisibility: Can the innovation be used on a limited basis? E.g. 垃圾不落地→再資源回收→資源分類→購買專用垃圾袋 .

Communicability: Can results be easily observed or described to others? Counterexample – walkband

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