Analysis of electronic voting protocols in applied pi calculusmdr/slides/pdf/09-evoting-analysis.pdfThe applied ˇ-calculus Applied pi-calculus: [Abadi & Fournet, 01] basic programming

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Analysis of electronic voting protocolsin applied pi calculus

Mark RyanUniversity of Birmingham

based on joint work with

Ben SmythSteve Kremer

Mounira Kourjieh

IFIP WG 1.3, Udine, ItalySeptember 2009


Electronic voting

Applied pi calculus

Privacy properties and verifiability properties

Case studies

Voting system: desired properties

Eligibility: only legitimate voters can vote, and at most once (This also

implies that the voting authorities cannot insert votes)

Fairness: no early results can be obtained

Privacy: the fact that a particular voter in a particular way is not

revealed to anyone

4 Receipt-freeness: a voter cannot later prove to a coercer that she voted

in a certain way

Coercion-resistance: a voter cannot interactively cooperate with a

coercer to prove that she voted in a certain way

4 Individual verifiability: a voter can verify that her vote was really counted

Universal verifiability: a voter can verify that the published outcome

really is the sum of all the votes

. . . and all this even in the presence of corrupt election authorities!

Electronic voting: current situation

Country Status



Germany Abandoned

Netherlands Abandoned

USA Disaster

Electronic voting: current situation

Country Status

UK Worrying

Germany Abandoned

Netherlands Abandoned

USA Disaster

Electronic voting: current situation

Country Status

UK Worrying



Netherlands Abandoned

USA Disaster

Electronic voting: current situation

Country Status

UK Worrying

Germany Abandoned

Netherlands Abandoned

USA Disaster

Electronic voting: current situation

Country Status

UK Worrying

Germany Abandoned



USA Disaster

Electronic voting: current situation

Country Status

UK Worrying

Germany Abandoned

Netherlands Abandoned

USA Disaster

Electronic voting: current situation

Country Status

UK Worrying

Germany Abandoned

Netherlands Abandoned



Electronic voting: current situation

Country Status

UK Worrying

Germany Abandoned

Netherlands Abandoned

USA Disaster

How could it be secure?

Security by trusted client software

→ → → → → → → → →

trusted by user

does not need to betrusted by authoritiesor other voters

not trusted by user

doesn’t need to betrusted by anyone

The applied π-calculus

Applied pi-calculus: [Abadi & Fournet, 01]

basic programming language with constructs for concurrency andcommunication

based on the π-calculus [Milner et al., 92]

in some ways similar to the spi-calculus [Abadi & Gordon, 98],but more general w.r.t. cryptography


naturally models a Dolev-Yao attacker

allows us to model less classical cryptographic primitives

both reachability-bases and equivalence-based specification ofproperties

automated proofs using ProVerif tool [Blanchet]

powerful proof techniques for hand proofs

successfully used to analyze a variety of security protocols

Equations to model the cryptography: examples

1 Encryption and signatures

decrypt( encrypt(m,pk(k)), k ) = m

checksign( sign(m,k), m, pk(k) ) = ok

2 Blind signatures

unblind( sign( blind(m,r), sk ), r ) = sign(m,sk)

3 Designated verifier proof of re-encryptionThe term dvp(x,renc(x,r),r,pkv) represents a proof designated for theowner of pkv that x and renc(x,r) have the same plaintext.

checkdvp(dvp(x,renc(x,r),r,pkv),x,renc(x,r),pkv) = ok

checkdvp( dvp(x,y,z,skv), x, y, pk(skv) ) = ok.

4 Zero-knowledge proofs of knowledgepf(k,x,y) represents proof that I know k such that dec(x,k)=y.

checkpf( pf(k,x,dec(x,k)), x, dec(x,k) ) = ok.

Applied pi calculus: Grammar [Abadi/Fournet 02]

L,M,N,T ,U,V ::= termsa, b, c , k ,m, n, s, t, r , . . . namex , y , z variableg(M1, . . . ,Ml) function

P,Q,R ::= processes0 null processP | Q parallel composition!P replicationν n.P name restrictionu(x).P message inputu〈M〉.P message outputif M = N then P else Q conditional

A,B,C ::= extended processesP plain processA | B parallel compositionν n.A name restrictionν x .A variable restriction{M/x} active substitution

Applied pi calculus: Operational semantics I [Abadi/Fournet 02]

Par-0 A ≡ A | 0Par-A A | (B | C ) ≡ (A | B) | CPar-C A | B ≡ B | ARepl !P ≡ P |!P

New-0 ν n.0 ≡ 0New-C ν u.ν w .A ≡ ν w .ν u.ANew-Par A | ν u.B ≡ ν u.(A | B)

where u 6∈ fv(A) ∪ fn(A)

Alias ν x .{M/x} ≡ 0Subst {M/x} | A ≡ {M/x} | A{M/x}Rewrite {M/x} ≡ {N/x}

where M =E N

Comm c〈x〉.P | c(x).Q −→ P | QThen if N = N then P else Q −→ PElse if L = M then P else Q −→ Q

for ground terms L,M where L 6=E M

Applied pi calculus: Operational semantics II [Abadi/Fournet 02]

In c(x).Pc(M)−−−→ P{M/x}

Out-Atom c〈u〉.P c〈u〉−−→ P


c〈u〉−−→ A′ u 6= c

ν u.Aν u.c〈u〉−−−−−→ A′


α−→ A′ u does not occur in α

ν u.Aα−→ ν u.A′


α−→ A′ bv(α) ∩ fv(B) = bn(α) ∩ fn(B) = ∅A | B

α−→ A′ | B

StructA ≡ B B

α−→ B ′ B ′ ≡ A′

Aα−→ A′


Receipt-freeness: leaking secrets to the coercer

To model receipt-freeness we need to specify that a coerced votercooperates with the coercer by leaking secrets on a channel ch

P ::=0P | Pνn.Pin(u, x).Pout(u,M).Pif M = N then P else P!P. . .

Pch in terms of P

0ch = 0

(P | Q)ch = Pch | Qch

(νn.P)ch = νn.out(ch, n).Pch

(in(u, x).P)ch = in(u, x).out(ch, x).Pch

(out(u,M).P)ch = out(u,M).Pch

. . .

We denote by P\out(chc,·) the process νchc .(P |!in(chc , x)).

Lemma: (Pch)\out(chc,·) ≈` P

Receipt-freeness: definition


There exists aprocess V ′ which

votes a,

leaks(possiblyfake) secretsto thecoercer,

looks indistin-guishable tocoercer fromsituation inwhich shevoted c

Definition (Receipt-freeness)

A voting protocol is receipt-free if there exists aprocess V ′, satisfying

V ′\out(chc,·) ≈` VA{a/v},S [VA{c/v}chc | VB{a/v}] ≈` S [V ′ | VB{c/v}].

Case study: Lee et al. protocolWe prove receipt-freeness by

exhibiting V ′

showing that V ′\out(chc,·) ≈` VA{a/v}showing thatS [VA{c/v}chc | VB{a/v}] ≈` S [V ′ | VB{c/v}]

end-to-end verifiability

Election results can be fully verified by voters/observers

The software provided by election authorities does not need to betrusted

The software used to perform the verification can be sourcedindependently

Election verifiability


A voter cancheck her ownvote is includedin the tally.


Anyone cancheck that thedeclaredoutcomecorresponds tothe tally.


Anyone cancheck that onlyeligible votes areincluded in thedeclaredoutcome.


Verifiability 6= correctness

What system components need to be trusted in order to carry outthese checks?

Individual verifiability

Intuition: a protocol satisfies individual verifiability if there is a test

R IV(my vote , my data , bb entry

)that a voter can apply after the election.

The test succeeds iff the bulletin board entry corresponds to the voter’svote and data.

Acceptability conditions for R IV

For all votes s, there is an execution of the protocol that producesM such that some bulletin board entry T satisfies R IV (s, M,T ).

The bulletin board entry determines the vote, that is:

∀s, t, M, N,T(

R IV (s, M,T ) ∧ R IV (t, N,T )⇒ s = t)

Universal verifiability

Intuition: a protocol satisfies universal verifiability if there is a test

RUV(declared outcome , bb entries , proof

)that an observer can apply after the election.

The test succeeds iff the declared outcome is correct w.r.t. the bb entriesand the proof.

Acceptability conditions for RUV

T determines s, that is,

RUV (s1, T , p1) ∧ RUV (s2, T , p2)⇒ s1 = s2

The observer opens the bb entry the same way as the voter:

R IV (s, M,T ) ∧ RUV (s, T , p′)⇒ ∃p′.RUV (s ◦ s, T ◦ T , p′)

Election verifiability

A voting process C [!νa.(P | Q[c〈U〉])] satisfies election verifiability ifvoter’s credentials and bulletin board entries are unique and there existstests R IV ,RUV ,REV with

fv(R IV ) ⊆ bv(P) ∪ {v , z}fv(RUV ) ⊆ {v , z}fv(REV ) ⊆ {y , z}(fn(RUV ) ∪ fn(REV )) ∩ bn(P) = ∅

such that the augmented voting process satisfies the following conditions:

the unreachability assertion: fail〈true〉.the reachability assertion: pass〈true, x〉.

Augmented process

Given a voting process C [!νa.(P | Q[c〈U〉])] and tests R IV ,RUV ,REV ,the augmented voting process is

νb.(C [!νa, b′.(P | Q)] | R | R ′) | R ′′ | R ′′′


P = b(v).P.c(z).b′(y).(pass〈R IV , z〉 | fail〈ψ〉)Q = Q[b′〈U〉 | D〈U〉 | c〈U〉]R = !νs.((!b〈s〉) | c〈s〉)R ′ = b(v ′).b(v ′′).c(x ′).c(x ′′).c(y ′).c(y ′′).c(z ′).fail〈φ′ ∨ φ′′ ∨ φ′′′〉R ′′ = pass(e).pass(e′).fail〈e1 ∧ e′1 ∧ (e2 = e′2)〉R ′′′ = D(e).D(e′).fail〈¬(e = e′)〉

ψ = (R IV ∧ ¬RUV ) ∨ (R IV ∧ ¬REV ) ∨ (¬R IV ∧ REV )

φ′ = R IV {v ′,x′,z′/v ,x,z} ∧ R IV {v ′′,x′′,z′

/v ,x,z} ∧ ¬(v ′ = v ′′)

φ′′ = RUV {v ′,z′/v ,z} ∧ RUV {v ′′,z′

/v ,z} ∧ ¬(v ′ = v ′′)

φ′′′ = REV {y ′,z′/y ,z} ∧ REV {y ′′,z′

/y ,z} ∧ ¬(y ′ =E y ′′)

Results and trustworthiness requirements

Property FOO’92 Civitas ’08 Helios/UCL ’09

Vote-privacy X X Xtrusted compnts client client client

Receipt-freeness × X ×trusted compnts client

Coercion resist. × X ×trusted compnts client

Individual verif. X X Xtrusted compnts client client client

Universal verif. X X Xtrusted compnts

Elig. verif. × X ×trusted compnts

Conclusions and future work


First generic formaldefinitions of electionverifiability.

Suitable for automation.

Automatic verification forPostalBallot, FOO, Civitas.

Future work

Completion of homomorphiccases (Helios/UCL)

Voting systems that are notclient-crypto-based.

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