Analysis of Behavioural Approaches

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  • 7/27/2019 Analysis of Behavioural Approaches


    Analysis of Behavioural Approaches for ASD

    The NZASD Guideline recognises well assessed, behavioural interventions as being the best way to support behavioural challenges

    experienced by individuals with ASD. The Guideline appreciates the abundance of different behavioural assessments and

    interventions, but acknowledges the common foundations for these as being in the science of applied behaviour analysis. It defines

    applied behaviour analysis (ABA) as:

    the process of systematically applying interventions based upon the principles of learning theory to improve socially significant

    behaviours to a meaningful degree, and to demonstrate that the interventions employed are responsible for the improvement in

    behaviour (Ministries of Health and Education, 2008, p.242).

    This artefact sets out to analyse and evaluate a range of interventions with their basis in ABA and categorise them according to the

    effective components in facilitating behavioural change. The aim is to provide breadth rather than depth, to be aware of some of

    what is available. The interventions chosen are listed below together with my personal rationale for selection.

    Key Component Intervention Rationale for Selection

    Positive behaviour


    Functional Behaviour Assessment


    The meta-analysis by Lord and McGee (2001) repeatedly provides many

    examples where ABA supported by FBA has the most favourable


    Individual Education Plan (IEP) An appropriate IEP developed around evidence-based effective,

    interventions produces the best results for modification of problem

    behaviours. (Lord and McGee, 2001)

    Positive Behaviour Intervention

    and Support (PBIS)

    PBIS is an approach that can be used across the whole school with benefits

    to all children, staff and families. The NZ MoE have used this approach in

    their Positive Behaviour For Learning initiative (Ministry of Education,


    Social Stories This offers an affordable intervention that is already used successfully by

    staff in our school. These staff could support others to develop stories for

    the children they work with.

    Video Modelling I would like to explore the idea of video modelling with a child who has

    behaviour problems relating to turn taking on a specific piece of

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    playground equipment.

    Pivotal Response Training It is very easy for teachers, including myself to target academic skills in

    children with ASD, however, I have come to firmly believe that it is the

    pivotal skills, the key competencies, that we need to be teaching in order

    to truly help our children make changes that will last for live.Peer Mediated Instruction and

    Intervention (PMII)

    With the increase in numbers of children with ASD in our classrooms it is

    important to actively involve peers in their interventions. This brings

    benefits to both the individual with ASD, the peer themselves and the

    teacher, who becomes free to deal with other tasks. This is something that

    could be explored in our school.

    Systems change Adult Behaviour Change Cartledge et al. (2008) report the importance of teachers looking at, and

    adapting, their own behaviours in relation to the behaviours of cultural

    and linguistically diverse students. I have clearly witnessed this need for

    adaptation in teachers approaches this year and feel this needs to be a

    focus for our school to prevent these negative situations arising again next




    Adapting Physical Aspects of the


    This is something I would like to explore further with regards to 2 children

    in my current class.

    The following tables consider each selected intervention with regards to theory, purpose, practice, research evidence, the individual

    with ASD and their family, and culture and the New Zealand context.

    Functional Behaviour Assessment (FBA)

    Theory All behaviours serve a purpose. Identification of this purpose can allow the problem behaviour to be replaced withsomething more acceptable whilst still allowing the child to fulfil the same purpose.

    Purpose To identify the antecedents of problem behaviours.

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    Practice FBA is a systematic process involving: identification of the problem behaviour (interview and observations) forming an hypothesis about antecedents and consequences linked to the behaviour testing the hypothesis (observations of adaptations of the environment) developing an intervention based on results of this testing



    Lord and McGee (2001) reported that:

    Interventions based on FBA have a higher frequency of use of positive procedures than those not based on FBA Interventions based on FBA have a higher rate of reduction of problem behaviours than non-systematic


    In some cases interventions based on FBA were not designed in accordance with the assessment data.It is important that information supplied by FBA is used accurately, to inform the selection and implementation of an


    The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders (NPDC on ASD) reports that:FBA meets evidence-based criteria with five single-subject and one group design studies across ages, as well as in the

    domains of behavior and communication.

    Individual with

    ASD and family

    FBA allows for identification of core characteristics and sensory issues in the individual with ASD including:

    communication deficits social attention e.g. biting hands leads to adult soothing social avoidance escape from aversive situations access to desirable objects or activities sensory reinforcement including auditory, visual, tactile, olfactory, gustatory

    FBA can be used across school, home and community settings and the data collected helps to inform the ch ilds

    individual education plan and their families.

    Culture and

    NZ ContextAssessments need to account for the cultural impact on behaviours and the cultural values of the family.

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    Individual Education Plan (IEP)

    Theory No one intervention can address all the needs of a child with ASD. The child is an active, capable learner whose needscan be met by class and school-wide strategies. Collaborative decision making is key in supporting children with ASD

    Purpose IEPs offer a vehicle for adapting the school program to fit the needs of the child rather than changing the child. This is

    achieved through creating, implementing and monitoring a comprehensive intervention package in collaboration withthe school, family, community and the child with ASD. It allows knowledge from different areas to be combined to

    produce better outcomes for the child.

    Practice An IEP is: a plan of how the classroom or school program will be adapted to meet the child s needs combines knowledge about the childs needs, aspirations, goals and what is required to achieve these a plan to complement class learning and improve the childs participation in the class, school and community a future focused plan looking at strengths, next steps and how to facilitate these a brief outline of a few precise goals and steps to achieve these in the classroom setting a living document that should be updated and referred to by all the team



    In 2010 national and international literature around IEPs, from 319 sources was reviewed to inform their effectiveness

    and future use. The Review of the Literature on Individual Education Plans (Mitchell et al., 2011) was commissioned by

    the NZ Ministry of Education. The final conclusion from this review was:

    .in examining the role of IEPs we believe that they should ultimately lead to a high standard of education for

    students with special educational needs, as reflected in improved educational outcomes and the best possible quality of

    life for such students.(Mitchell et al., 2011, p.64)

    Individual with

    ASD and family

    The involvement of the family at every stage of the IEP process is critical. If practical the child should be given a voice at

    IEP meetings. IEPs address the specific needs of the individual with ASD and their families.

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    Culture and

    NZ Context

    The NZ Ministry of Education documentCollaboration for Success: Individual Education Plans (2011) offers strategies

    to ensure inclusion of Mori and Pasifika families in the collaborative IEP process. It emphasises that an IEP is designed


    .writing students into The New Zealand Curriculum rather than writing students out.(Ministry of Education, 2007,p.5)

    In accordance with the NZCurriculum Purpose and Scope this means that all students are included:

    .regardless of their sexuality, ethnicity, belief, ability or disability, social or cultural background, or geographical

    location.(Ministry of Education, 2007, p.6)

    This document acknowledges that Mori-medium schools may chose alternative options based on their kaupapa.

    Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS)

    Theory Positive behaviour interventions and supports comes under the umbrella of ABA, based on the learning theory conceptthat interaction with the environment is the process by which most learning takes place. However, unlike traditional

    ABA, PBIS has a strong family- centred foundation. PBIS supposes that there is a purpose to all behaviour and that,

    problem behaviour can be reduced if this purpose is identified and an alternative way of achieving this is taught.

    Purpose PBIS aims to reduce or replace problem behaviours by teaching functional skills and at the same time improvingacademic, communication, social and pivotal skills.

    Practice A behavioural support plan for the child with ASD and their families or carers consists of: a medical assessment to ruling out physical illness as the cause of the problem behaviour a FBA is conducted using interviews and observations identify the purpose of the behaviour families and professionals design a plan to remove antecedents of the problem behaviour new skills and alternative ways of communicating wants and needs are taught

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    Lord and McGee (2001) concluded that:

    PBIS was effective in reducing problem behaviours in at least 50% of all ABA studies involving children with ASD PBIS effectiveness doubled if it was informed by FBA for most children PBIS can be carried out in the childs natural setting PBIS had little effect reducing behaviour problems maintained by sensory inputs PBIS increased problems for a small percentage (6-8%) of participants

    Raising Children Network Australia rates PBIS as established.

    Individual with

    ASD and family

    Parents have a key role in the collaborative team working on PBIS for their child. Practitioners have a responsibility to

    provide parents with training, information and support about this approach. PBIS improves pivotal skills for the

    individual as well as eliminating the target behaviours. It can be used across school, community and home settings by

    being implemented by parents and teachers, who then provide feedback to the team.

    Culture and

    NZ Context

    NZASD Guideline recommendation states:

    Educational interventions should incorporate principles of positive behaviour support, particularly on understanding

    the functions of children behaviour. (Ministry of Health and Education, 2008, p.119)

    Many studies on PBIS have been conducted in America and so do not account for the cultural composition of New


    Social Stories

    Theory The Social Stories approach was developed by Carol Gray in 1991. It is based on the theory that children with ASD often

    misunderstand or miss the social cues in body language, facial expressions, gestures and eye contact.

    Purpose To explain situations that the child may find difficult or confusing, increasing their understanding and teaching effectiveresponses. This helps the child to feel more comfortable in these situations and to cope appropriately.

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    Practice A social story can be in the form of a sheet of paper, a book, a video or a tape recording. It is developed by an adultwho works with the child and shares it with them, allowing the child to learn about the target situation without actually

    being in that position in real life, therefore reducing anxiety.

    A successful social story needs to be relevant, reassuring and easy for the child to understand. It is usually written in thefirst-person and present-tense highlighting important social cues, the things that might happen and why, and how the

    child could respond.

    Social Stories usually include three kinds of sentences:

    Descriptive sentences: describing what people do in specific social situations. Perspective sentences: explaining the emotions and thoughts of other people to the situation. Directive sentences: stating the desired behaviour in a positive way.

    They can also include control sentences written by the child to aid recall and understanding of the story

    Once the child is familiar with the story the adult helps the child apply the learning to a real life situation, reminding

    them of the story. When the child understands and uses the correct behaviour without adult support, the story can be

    faded out.



    Much evidence exits to support the use of social stories to address problem behaviours in children with ASD

    Raising Children Network Autism rates them as established.

    The NPDC on ASD considered 5 single subject studies that support the use of social stories.

    Research Autism rates social stories as having limited positive evidence. This is based on over 30 scientific, peer

    reviewed trials of Social Stories being used for children with ASD.

    Individual with

    ASD and family

    Social stories are often written by parents as well as teachers and can be used across the home, school and community

    setting. Parents understanding of their child often results in the most effective social stories. The success of social

    stories may lay in them being originally designed for children with ASD rather than borrowed from a broader field andadapted to the needs of a child with ASD. The interests and comprehension skills of the child need to be considered

    when choosing the form of the story.

    Culture and

    NZ Context

    The individual nature of social stories and the involvement of the parents allows for cultural values, beliefs and

    practices to be reflected.

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    Video Modelling

    Theory Viewing appropriate responses and behaviours via a video recording removes the anxiety of actually being in the socialsituation.

    Purpose To teach the child with ASD to replace problem behaviours with new skills including social, emotional and adaptive

    skills. It can be used to teach a wide variety of social, and functional skills.

    Practice Video modelling teaches a target behaviour or skill through the individual with ASD watching it demonstrated on avideo recording. It involves:

    the child with ASD or other models (siblings, parent, peer) are videotaped using the target behaviour the video recording is played back to the learner a number of times the learner is given opportunity to practice the behaviour in a real life situation

    Different types of video modelling include:

    Basic video modelling: when someone other than the child with ASD is recorded demonstrating the targetbehaviour or skill

    Video self-modelling: when the child with ASD is recorded demonstrating the target behaviour or skill Point-of-view video modelling: when the target behaviour or skill is recorded from the perspective of the child

    with ASD

    Video prompting: breaks the behaviour or skill into steps, recording each step with pauses to allow the child toattempt each step before watching the next section.



    There is much positive evidence to support the use of video modelling for children with ASD.

    The National Standards Project rates video modelling as established.

    The NPCD on ASD reports that 8 single-subject studies confirm that Video modelling meets evidence-based practice


    Research Autism rates video modelling as having limited positive evidence, recognising that most research in this area

    to date has limited scientific reliability and validity.

    Autism Internet Modules list 9 studies providing supporting video modelling as an evidence-based practice.

    Individual with

    ASD and family

    Video modelling can be implemented in the home by family and may include the child in the video or a sibling or peer.

    This intervention is highly specific to the child with ASD and has a high motivational factor for many children with ASD.

    Video modelling can support children with ASD as young as 3 years of age. However, the success of video modelling

    depends on upon the previous elimination of behaviours that interfere with watching the video and imitation skills.

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    Culture and

    NZ ContextThe individuality of the videos made allows for cultural values, beliefs and practices to be reflected.

    Pivotal Response Training (PRT)

    Theory PRT is grounded in the theory that there are four key areas of child development pivotal to later development: Motivation: encouraging learning through choices, varying tasks, combining previously learned skills with

    new skills, prompting and rewards

    Self-initiation: encouraging and rewarding the childs curiosity Self-management: teaching independence and responsibility for learning. Responsiveness to multiple cues: responding to different forms of the same prompt or instruction

    Establishment of these pivotal skills can then lead to the development of other skills.

    Purpose To improve social, communication and play skills, promoting independence and reducing the need for ongoingintervention.

    Practice PRT occurs at school, home or in the community, and uses everyday activities to teach the child.PRT involves:

    1. A focus on goals specific to the individual child2. Using the childs interest to teach and help the child reach the goal3. Positive reinforcement when the child makes an effort to reach the goal4. Rewards are based on what the child likes.

    PRT always occurs in the childs natural environment and can be implemented by specialists, parents, teachers or peers.

    It can be very time intensive.Research

    EvidenceRated as established by both Raising Children Network Australia and National Standards Project

    Individual with

    ASD and family

    Active parent involvement is crucial to this approach, one source of parent training and support materials is the Koegel

    Autism Centre in the US. The childs interests and strengths are used as a basis for PRT, making the program individual

    for each child.

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    Culture and

    NZ Context

    NZASD Guideline recommendation 3.1.7 states:

    Approaches should emphasis pivotal skills such as spontaneity, initiation, motivation and self-management.

    (Ministry of Health and Education, 2008, p.87)

    Peer Mediated Instruction and Intervention (PMII)

    Theory Based on Vygotskys proximal zone of development, the peer uses their expert knowledge to move the child with ASDfrom what they know to what they need to know.

    Purpose To teach typically developing peers to interact with and help children with ASD so improving the childs social skillsincluding: responding to others, reciprocity, understanding others, and interacting with others or in groups,

    Practice Peers are systematically taught how to engage learners with ASD in social interactions. It can be used as part of thedaily curriculum with a balance of teacher-directed and learner-initiated activities. PMII can be used with pairs, or small

    groups of learners. In young children, 3 to 8 years of age, PMII can help individuals with ASD acquire communication

    and social skills. Social networking strategies can be used with older learners, 9 to 18 years of age.Research


    The NPDC on ASD classifies PMII as meeting the criteria for evidence-based practice within the early childhood and

    elementary age groups for promoting communication and social skills. They only identify one study meeting the criteria

    in the middle/high school age group.

    National Standards project rates PMII as emerging.

    Research has shown PMII to have positive effects on academic, interpersonal, and personal-social development.

    Individual with

    ASD and family

    The individual with ASD will become more included in the class setting by developing relationships with their peers and

    the increased understanding and tolerance of peers. This inclusion may generalise to outside the school setting, aiding

    the childs participation in the community, a goal for many families.

    Culture andNZ Context

    NZASD Guideline recommendation 3.4.2 states:

    Peers should be provided with information about ASD and given support and encouragement to foster relationships.

    (Ministry of Health and Education, 2008, p.127)

    When a child with ASD is paired with a peer from their own culture the beliefs, values and practices of this culture will

    have a better chance of being integrated into the learning.

    The Big Brothers Big Sisters program run in 15 location around New Zealand matches mentors for vulnerable children

    and young people from the age of 6-18, some of which have ASD.

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    Adult Change

    Theory Shift needs to be made in the thinking and the behaviour of adults working with the child rather than with the childthemselves. All children with ASD are unique and need to be supported in the way that produces the best possible

    outcomes for them as an individual.

    Purpose To help adults examine and change their behaviours to produce positive, maintainable change to the behaviours ofchildren with ASD

    Practice Adults working with children with ASD can adapt their own behaviours in relation to the child through: modifying the curriculum, daily routines, timings, spaces and places ensuring opportunities for social engagement altering their communication style implementing and monitoring planned interventions

    A crucial factor in achieving these changes is on-going professional development.



    Key findings from Goodall, (2008.) identified the link between:

    a teachers attitude and willingness to teach and effectiveness of their practice a teachers attitude towards ASD and how this effects the potential of the child with ASD.

    Individual with

    ASD and family

    This change in teacher attitude and behaviour will foster a more effective relationship with both the child with ASD and

    their family. This relationship will recognise and value the strengths of the child and acknowledge that they learn in a

    different way which needs to be accommodated in order to achieve positive outcomes for all involved.

    Culture and

    NZ Context

    NZASD Guideline recommendation 3.4.1 states:

    All school staff should be offered information about ASD and given opportunities for discussion with an aim towards

    understanding the needs and experiences of the child or young person.(Ministry of Health and Education, 2008, p.127)

    NZASD Guideline recommendation 6.11 states:

    Teacher aides, education support workers (ESW) and other paraprofessionals require professional learning and

    development for working with specific children and adults.(Ministry of Health and Education, 2008, p.187)

    Ministry of Education funded training is provided for professionals and families through a number of initiatives

    including the Tips for Autism program.

    A key consideration in an adults adaptation of their own behaviours is to ensure their cultural responsiveness to the


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    Environmental Change

    Theory Arranging the physical environment to ensure children with ASD know what is expected of them decreases problembehaviours replacing them with appropriate behaviours.

    Purpose To arrange the environment to remove specific antecedents to problem behaviours.

    Practice This approach involves modifying the environment to meet the needs of the child with ASD. It involves: an assessment of the antecedents to the behaviour making adjustments to the environment. monitoring the effectiveness of these adjustments

    In a classroom setting adjustments may include:

    removing distracting stimuli incorporating calming sensory experiences into the daily routine changing physical arrangements e.g. seating providing a clear and predictable schedule scheduling calming down times or exercise breaks before difficult situations alternating demanding tasks with more enjoyable tasks providing choices providing access to favourite activities and peers having somewhere for the student to relax



    Research indicates that the arrangement of the classroom environment influences the learning of children with ASD.

    Children in organized and structured classrooms show less off-task behaviours and higher levels of achievement (Hume,


    Individual with

    ASD and family

    Environmental adaptations are equally relevant to home settings as they are to the classroom. Being in an environment

    that reduces the stress of the child with ASD sets them up to be more compliant to social and academic learning and

    helps avoid challenging behaviours.

    Culture and

    NZ Context

    Any environmental modifications need to take cultural preferences into account. The Ministry of Education

    Modern Learning Environments assessment process introduced in 2010 provides schools with the opportunity to

    assess environmental needs for all learners, including those with ASD, and direct funding towards this.

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    The interventions and approaches reviewed highlight the widely accepted notion that there is no one intervention that provides the

    solution to all problem behaviours for all children. It also reflects the shift in perspective away from the child being the cause of the

    problem behaviour and needing to change towards the more ecological perspective of the environment providing the antecedent to

    such behaviours and this therefore needing to be the focus of change.

    The research supporting these approaches varies in fulfilling the demands of criteria for evidence-based practice. However, EBP is

    not the only factor that needs to be considered in intervention choice, professional experience, family preferences and the ability to

    implement the approach in a given setting must also be taken into account.

    The section of this analysis which was least supported by international literature was that of culture. This can be attributed to muchof the research coming out of America and some from the UK or other anglo-european countries. Little or no reference is made to

    the culture or ethnicities in most research studies. However, it is widely recognised by professionals within the field of ASD in New

    Zealand that cultural responsiveness is a key consideration for all ASD interventions. New Zealand is in a unique position with

    regards to its bicultural and multicultural nature. It has been noted in the research that behaviours considered as problematic by

    teachers and specialists are often developmentally appropriate within the childs culture. Misunderstandings of this form strongly

    point towards the need to increase the recruitment and training of Mori and minority culture professionals in the field of A SD.

    The shift towards a more holistic model of interventi on is in line with Mori worldview and also the collectivist view of some other

    minorities. There is a growing body of NZ research around the modification of interventions and processes to provide a good fit to

    Mori culture and include practices and beliefs. As our knowledge in this area grows it will open doors for working with other

    cultures and ethnicities in New Zealand.

    Finally the growing body of research regarding ASD interventions, and the shifting perspectives informing these interventions, places

    a responsibility on all professionals in this field to remain informed of current issues and to keep pace with the second and third

    generations of behavioural interventions as identified by Meyers and Evans (2006, p22).

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    About Us. (2013). Retrieved from Big Brothers, Big Sisters of New Zealand:

    Cartledge, G. S. (2008). Practical Behavior-Management Techniques to close the accessibility gap for students who are culturally andlinguistically diverse.Preventing School Failure, 52(3), 29-37.

    Goodall, E. (n.d.). The role of attitude in the willingness and effectiveness of teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorders(ASDs) in the mainstream. University of Canterbury. Retrieved October 2013

    Gould, K., & Pratt, C. (2008, May/June). Schoolwide discipline and individual supports for studets with autism spectrum disorder.

    Prinicpal, 38-41.

    Guardino, C., & Fullerton, E. (2010). Changing behaviors by changing the classroom environment. Teaching Exceptional Children,

    42(6), 8-13.

    Hume, K. (2007). Clean Up Your Act! Creating an Organized Classroom Environment for Students on the Spectrum. Retrieved fromIndiana Institute on Disability and Community:

    Lepkowska, D. (2008). Why don't you understand? . Retrieved from The Guardian:

    Lord, C., & McGee, J. P. (2001). Problem Behaviours. InEducating Children with Autism (pp. 115-132). Washington DC: National

    Reserach Council.

    Meyer, L. H., & Evans, I. M. (2006).Lierature review on intervention with challenging behaviour of children and youth with

    developmental disabilities. Wellington: Ministry of Education.

    Ministries of Health and Education. (2008).New Zealand autistic spectrum disorder guidelines. Wellington.

    Ministry of Education. (2012). Positive behaviour for learning: Update 2012. Wellington. Retrieved from
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    Ministry of Education. (n.d.).IEP Online. Retrieved September 2013, from TKI:

    Mitchell, D., Morton, M., & Hornby, G. (2011). Review of the Literature on Individual Education Plans. Retrieved from EducationCounts:

    National Autism Centre. (2009).National Standards Project. Retrieved July 2013, from National Autism Centre:

    National Autism Centre. (2011). Evidence-based practice and autism in the schools. Massachusetts.

    Research Autism. (2013).Interventions, Treatments and Therapies for Autism. Retrieved from Research Autsim:

    Tips for Autism. (n.d.). Retrieved July 2013, from

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