Analysing Sentence

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  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence







    ID NUMBER: 951104-13-5692

    SEMESTER: SEMESTER 1 2014/2015


    LECTURER: AP D A!"#$ H%$&' I!%(&'

    Analysing sentence

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    1. There was a wooden fence around Kino’s house.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes Wooden ,Kino’s ‘s-posessie pronouns

    Words There-!der"Was-copu#a "e er"Wooden-nounFence-noun!round-prepositiona#Kino’s house- noun

    $hrases a wooden fence-noun

    phrasearound Kino’s house-

    prepositiona# phrase%#auses

    &entences There'"e'($'$$$atterns) There was a "ro*en ase in +ana’s room.

    . n the other side of the fence, there were some more houses.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes were


    -past tense of

    ‘are’-to show p#ura#

    Words n the other side of- prepositionFence-noun

     There- ader"Were-copu#a "e er"&ome-indenitesMore-adectie+ouses-nouns

    $hrases n the other side of the fence-

    prepositiona# phrase some more houses-noun phrase

    %#auses&entences There'"e'($'$$$atterns) n the other side of the house,there were some more trees.

    0. &mo*e came from these houses and Kino cou#d hear peop#e hain "rea*fast.

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes camehouses"rea*fast

    -past tense form

    of come-to show p#ura#

    Words &mo*e- noun%ame- er"2past tense3From-preposition

     These-pronouns+ouses- noun!nd-conunctionKino- noun%ou#d-moda# er"

    +ear-er"+ain "rea*fast- au4i#iar5 hae

    $hrases from these houses 6prepositiona#


    cou#d hear peop#e- er" phrase

    hain "rea*fast-er" phrase

    %#auses &mo*e came from these houses-

    independent c#ause

    Kino cou#d hear peop#e hain"rea*fast- independent c#ause

    &entences &'7'$$'$redicate$atterns) Dust came from those factories and Farid cou#d see peop#e are sti##

    wor*in.8. 9ut these sounds were not #i*e the sounds in Kino’s house.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes &oundsWereKino’s

    -2s3 shows p#ura#- past tense of

    ‘are’-2‘s3 to show



  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    Words 9ut-conunction These-pronouns &ounds-noun Were-er" (ot- ader":i*e-preposition

     The-artic#e2determiner3 &ounds-noun ;n-preposition Kino’s-noun +ouse-noun

    $hrases #i*e the sounds-prepositiona#

    phrase in Kino’s house-prepositiona#

    phrase%#auses&entences ($'7'$$'$$

    $atterns) These houses were not #i*e the houses in

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    ?. The mornin air was not so co#d now and Kino pu##ed the "#an*et from his


    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes Was,pu##ed -to show past


    Words The-artic#e Mornin-nounair-noun was-copu#a er" not- ader" so-ader" co#d-adectie

    now-ader"and-conunction Kino-noun $u##ed- er"

     The-artic#es 9#an*et-noun From- prepositionhis-possessie pronouns face-noun

    $hrases The mornin air 6(oun phrasewas not so co#d now-er" phrase

    pu##ed the "#an*et-er" phrase from his face-prepositiona# phrase

    %#auses The mornin air was not so co#d

    now-independent c#auseKino pu##ed the "#an*et from his

    face- independent c#ause&entences &'7$'$$'$redicate

    $attern) The niht air was not so co#d now and !ini opened the window "eside

    her.@. Kino was 5oun and stron.

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes Was -to show past

    tenseWords Kino - noun

    Was-er" Aoun-adecties !nd-conunctions &tron-adecties

    $hrases Aoun and stron-adectia#

    phrase%#auses Kino was 5oun-independent


    &entences &'7'!d$

    $attern) Dar5# was cute and ta##.

    B. +is "#ac* hair hun down oer his "rown forehead.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes +un -past tense of


    Words +is-possessie pronouns 9#ac*-adectie +air-noun +un-er" Down- er-preposition +is-possessie pronouns 9rown-adectie Forehead-nouns

    $hrases +is "#ac* hair-(oun phrase hun down-er" phrase oer his "rown forehead-

    prepositiona# phrase


    &entences &'7'$$

    $attern) +is "#ac* ac*et hun down oer his shou#der.

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    C. +e had hard, "riht e5es and a thin, stron moustache.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes +ad -past tense of

    haeWords +e-noun

     +ad-copu#a er"+ard-adectie

     9riht-adectie >5es-noun !nd-conunction !-artic#e Thin-adectie &tron-adectie


    $hrases +e 6(oun phrasehad 6 er" phrasehard, "riht e5es-adectia# phraseand a-noun phrase thin, stron moustache-adectia#


    %#auses +e had hard, "riht e5es-

    independent c#ause a thin, stron moustache-adectia#

    phrase&entences &'7'!d$'!d$

    $attern) &he has a pair of "#ue e5es and a si#*5 #on hair.1.Ae##ow sun#iht fe## on the house.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes Fe## -past tense of‘fa##’

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    Words Ae##ow-adectie






    $hrases on the house-prepositiona# phrase

    %#auses&entences &'7'$$$attern) The white #asses fe## on the Eoor.

    11.(ear the wooden fence, two coc*ere#s started to ht.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes Wooden%oc*ere#s&tarted

    -su4 ‘-en’-2s3 shows p#ura#-‘ed’ past tense

    of ‘start’Words (ear-preposition

     The-artic#e Wooden-noun Fence-noun Two-noun %oc*ere#s-noun

     &tarted-er" To ht-er" to innit5

    $hrases (ear the wooden fence-

    prepositiona# phrase two coc*ere#s-noun phrase started to ht-er" phrase


    &entences ($'7$'$$

    $attern) (ear the "ro*en ase, the #asses are scattered.1.Kino watched the coc*ere#s for a moment.

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes Watched


    -2-ed3 past tense

    of watch-2s3 shows p#ura#

    Words Kino-noun Watched-er" The-artic#e %oc*ere#s-noun For-preposition a-artic#e moment-noun

    $hrases the coc*ere#s-noun phrase for a moment-prepositiona# phrase


    &entences &'7''$$

    $attern) Gico watched the students for a whi#e.10.Then Kino watched some "irds E5in towards the hi##s.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes WatchedF#5in

    -2-ed3 past tenseof ‘watch’--2-in3 past

    particip#e of ‘E5’Words Then-ader"









  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    $hrases some "irds E5in-er" phrase

     towards the hi##s-prepositiona#


    %#auses&entences &'7'7$'$$

    $attern) Then,Ki h heard some oice ta#*in "ehind the wa##s.18.The wor#d was awa*e now.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes Was!wa*e

    -past tense of


    er" of ‘wa*e’Words The-artic#es

    Wor#d-noun Was-er" !wa*e- (ow-ader"

    $hrases The wor#d- noun phraseWas awa*e now-er" phrase


    &entences &'7$'!d

    $attern) The "a"5 was awa*e now.1=.Kino ot up and went into his #itt#e wooden house.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes HotWentWooden

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    Words Kino-noun ot up-partic#es and-conunction went-er" into-preposition his-possessie pronouns

     #itt#e-determiner wooden-noun house-noun

    $hrases ot up-er" phrasewent into his #itt#e wooden house-

    er" phrase into his #itt#e wooden house-

    prepositiona# phrasehis #itt#e wooden house- noun


    %#auses&entences &'7$'7$'$$'($

    $attern) Winnie ot up and went into her "i mansion.1?.

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes Hot


    -past tense of

    ‘et’-past tense of

    ‘come’Words &he-pronoun

     ot up-partic#es







    $hrases ot up as Kino came- er"



    throuh the door- prepositiona#


    %#auses !s Kino came throuh the door-

    su"ordinate c#ause&entences &'7$'$redicate

    $attern) +e ot up as &uhana came from the *itchen.1B.

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    $hrases put %o5otito "ac*-er" phrase

     into his hanin "o4-

    prepositiona# phrase


    &entences &7id

    $attern) +on sends !udre5 "ac* to her house.1C.Then she com"ed her "#ac* hair and tied it "ac* with thin, reen ri""on.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes %om"ed Tied

    -2-ed3 past

    tense of ‘com"’-2-ed3 past

    tense of ‘tie’Words Then-ader"s



     +er-possessie pronouns





     ;t-pronoun 9ac*-partic#es





    $hrases her "#ac* hair-adectia# phrase

     tied it "ac*-er" phrase

     with thin, reen ri""on-

    prepositiona# phrase


    &entences &'7'!d$'%omp#ement

    $attern) Then,he too* his o#d eans and wore it with a "rown #eather "e#t.

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    .Kino sat "5 the re and ate a hot corn ca*e.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes &at!te

    - $ast tense

    of ‘sit’- $ast tense

    of ‘eat’Words Kino-nouns






     !te-er" a-artic#es




    $hrases "5 the re-preposition phrase

    ate a hot corn ca*e-er" phrase

    a hot corn ca*e- adectia# phrase%#auses

    &entences &'7'$$'7$'!d$

    $attern) Mino sat "5 the tree and cared a hue capita# #etter ‘!’.

    1.+e on#5 had corn ca*es and mi#* for "rea*fast.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes +ad%a*es

    -past tense of

    ‘hae’-p#ura# of ‘ca*e’

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    Words +e-pronounsn#5-ader"+ad- er"%orn-noun%a*es-noun!nd-conunction

    Mi#*-nounFor-preposition9rea*fast-innitie er"

    $hrases +ad corn ca*es and mi#*-er"

    phraseFor "rea*fast-prepositiona# phrase


    &entences &'7'($'$$

    $attern) &he on#5 had eans and shirts for c#asses.

    .When Kino had nished eatin,

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    $hrases had nished eatin-er" phrase

     came "ac*-ader"ia# phrase

     to the re-prepositiona# phrase

    %#auses When Kino had nished eatin-

    su"ordinate c#ause&entences &'7$'$redicate

    $atterns) When !hmad had nished oin,he went "ac* to the house.0.&he ate her "rea*fast, too.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes !te -past tense of

    ‘eat’Words &he-pronouns


     +er-possessie pronoun



    $hrases ate her "rea*fast-er" phrase

    %#auses&entences &'7'

    $attern) &he dran* her uice too.8.Kino and

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    &entences &'7'!d$

    $attern) +ani and +ana were "oth prett5.=.There was no need to ta#*.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes Was -past tense of

    ‘is’Words There-pronoun


     To ta#*-to innitie

    $hrases no need to ta#*- noun phrase


    &entences There'"e'7$

    $attern) There was no need to meet.?.The sun was warmin the #itt#e house.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes Was


    -past tense of


    erundieWords The-artic#es



    $hrases Warmin he #itt#e house-noun



    &entences &'7'

    $attern) The moon was #ihtin the dar* niht.@.The #iht shone throuh the ho#es in the wa##s.

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes &hone


    -past tense of

    ‘shine’-2s3p#ura# of

    ‘ho#e’-2s3 p#ura# of wa##

    Words The-artic#es:iht-noun&hone-er"

     Throuh-preposition The-artic#es+o#es-noun;n-preposition



    $hrases Throuh the ho#es- prepositiona#

    phrase;n the wa##s-prepositiona# phrase


    &entences &'7'$$'$$

    $attern) The oice echoed throuh the wa##s in the ha##.B.The #iht shone on %o5otito.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes &hone -past tense of

    ‘shine’Words The-artic#es


    $hrases on %o5otito-prepositiona# phrase

    %#auses&entences &7

    $attern) The oice echoed in his ear.C.%o5otito was in his hanin "o4.

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes Was


    -past tense of


    erundieWords %o5otito-(oun

    Was-er";n-preposition+is-possessie pronoun+anin-erunds9o4-noun

    $hrases ;n his hanin "o4- prepositiona#


    %#auses&entences &'7'$$

    $attern) +i#ar5 was in her car.0.&omethin moed on one of the ropes.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes MoedIopes

    -2-ed3past tense

    of ‘moe’

    -2s3 p#ura# of‘rope’

    Words &omethin-nounMoed-er"n-partic#esne-num"erf-preposition


    $hrases n one of the ropes- prepositiona#


    &entences &'7'$$$attern) &omethin wa#*ed in the dar*.

    01.Kino and

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    Morphemes &tood:oo*ed

    -past tense of

    ‘stand’-past tense of

    ‘#oo*’Words Kino-noun


  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence



    $hrases Was comin s#ow#5-er" phraseDown the rope-ader"ia# phrase&traiht out "ehind-ader"ia#


    %#auses&entences &'7'!d$'%omp#ement

    $attern) ! cat was comin down s#ow#5 down the stairs and its tai# was

    straiht out "ehind.00.! scorpion’s tai# has a stin in the end, a stin that *i##s.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes &corpion’sKi##s

    -2‘s3 shows


    pronouns-2s3 present

    tense of ‘*i##’Words !-artic#es


     tai#-noun has-er" a-artic#es stin-noun in-preposition the-artic#es end-noun a-artic#es stin-noun that-ader" *i##s-er"

    $hrases ! scorpion’s tai#-noun phrase has a stin-er" phrase in the end-prepositiona# phrase a stin that *i##s-noun phrase


    &entences &'7'$$'($

    $attern) ! do’s tai# has a fur.08.The tai# can "end oer the scorpion’s head, when it wants to stin some"od5.

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes &corpion’s


    -2‘s3 possessie


    present tense of


    Words The-artic#es Tai#-noun %an-au4i#iar5 er" 9end-er" er-preposition The-artic#es scorpion’s-noun

     head-noun when-conunction it-pronouns wants-er" to stin-to innitie some"od5-noun

    $hrases oer the scorpion’s head-

    prepositiona# phrase when it wants-er" phrase to stin some"od5-innitie


    %#auses When it wants to stin some"od5-

    su"ordinate c#ause

    &entences &'7'$$'%omp#ement

    $attern) The tai# can row after it has "een chopped.0=.Kino was "reathin #oud#5 throuh his nose, so he opened his mouth to stop

    the noise.

    Units/Dimensions Forms Functions

    Morphemes 9reathin:oud#5pened

    -2-in3 past

    particip#e of

    ‘"reathe’-2-#53 su4


  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence



    ‘#oud’ to

    ader"-2-ed3 past

    tense of ‘open’

    Words Kino- nounWas-er" "e 9reathin-er" :oud#5-ader" Throuh-preposition +is-possessie pronouns (ose- noun&o-conunctions +e-pronouns pened-er" +is-possessie pronouns Mouth-noun

     To stop- to innitie The-artic#es (oise-noun

    $hrases was "reathin #oud#5- ader"ia#

    phrasethrouh his nose-prepositiona#

    phrase opened his mouth-er" phrase to stop the noise-innitie


    %#auses&entences &'7'$$'%omp#ement

    $attern) +er mother was ta#*in #oud#5 throuh the phone so she #owered

    down the o#ume to s#ow down the noise.


    1. There was a wooden fence around Kino’s house.- ;s there a wooden fence around Kino’s houseL- There was a wooden fence around Kino’s house, isn’t itL- What does Kino hae around his houseL

    . n the other side of the fence, there were some more houses.

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    - !re there an5 more houses on the other side of the fenceL- There were some more houses on the other side of the fences, aren’t

    the5L- What are there on the other side of the fenceL

    0. &mo*e came from these houses and Kino cou#d hear peop#e hain "rea*fast.- ;s there smo*e comin from those houses and cou#d Kino hear the peop#e

    hain "rea*fastL- &mo*e came from these houses and Kino cou#d hear peop#e hain

    "rea*fast, doesn’t heL- What came from these houses and what does Kino hearL

    8. 9ut these sounds were not #i*e the sounds in Kino’s house.- Do those sounds #i*e the sounds in Kino’s houseL- These sounds were not #i*e the sounds in Kino’s house, don’t the5L- What were those sounds #i*eL

    =. +is neih"ors’ wies were not #i*e

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    - Did Kino watch the coc*ere#sL- Kino watched the coc*ere#s for a moment, didn’t heL- What did Kino doL

    10.Then Kino watched some "irds E5in towards the hi##s.- Did Kino watch some "irds E5in towards the hi##sL

    - Kino watched some "irds E5in towards the hi##s, didn’t heL- Where did Kino watch the "irds E5in toL

    18.The wor#d was awa*e now.- ;s the wor#d awa*e nowL- The wor#d was awa*e now, isn’t itL- What was awa*eL

    1=.Kino ot up and went into his #itt#e wooden house.- Did Kino et up and went into his #itt#e wooden houseL- Kino ot up and went into his #itt#e wooden house, didn’t heL- What did Kino do and where did he o toL


  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    - What did

  • 8/19/2019 Analysing Sentence


    - +ow does the tai# #oo*s #i*e when it wants to stin some"od5L0=.Kino was "reathin #oud#5 throuh his nose, so he opened his mouth to stop

    the noise.- Does Kino open his mouth to stop the noiseL- Kino was "reathin #oud#5 throuh his nose, so he opened his mouth to

    stop the noise, didn’t heL- Wh5 does Kino opened his mouthL

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