An unknown light can be freighting

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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An Unknown Light Can Be Freighting

A couple of years ago I went camping in a secluded plot of land a friend owned.

There was no one out there that night except for me and a group of friends.

We were all gathered around the campfire one night and noticed a beam of light coming from behind the

trees about 100 feet away.

The light was moving around aiming at us then swinging up into the sky like a spot like.

None of us knew what the light was or what it was coming from.

Of course, all the girls start to get scared and run into their tents.

While the three guys myself included muster up the courage to go see what the mysterious light is.

The three of us start moving towards the light within the trees.

As we get closer my friend Brad starts to get scared and decides to turn back.

Encountering The Mysterious Light

Now at this point it is just my friend Ian and I.

We make it to the other side of the trees and see a clearing with a bright light emitting from the center.

I tell Ian that I am going to get closer and see what it is, but Ian seemed to be so nervous and tells me “I

will just stay here”.

I decide I am going to see what this light is no matter what.

There I go by myself into the clearing walking straight to the light.

The light seemed to get brighter as I got closer, but once I was about 20 feet away I noticed it was a truck

that just had a lot of lights on it.

I am now wondering who this could be; we should be the only ones out here, as I walk up to the side of the


There is a person setting up a deer blind.

He notices me and jumps up from what he was doing.

My adrenaline is kicking in and I am ready for whatever is about to happen, but as he turns and we make eye contact I notice that it is my friend’s dad

that owns the land.

A sigh of relief was let out from the both of us.

After explaining to him what happened, he apologized and said he didn’t realize that we were in

that direction.

This encounter has always made me curious how far a flashlight or lights can be seen.

So I did a little research about how light travels.

How Light Travels

The way light works is it is projected from its starting point.

Let’s say you are using a flashlight.

The light the flashlight emits is actually photons in a cone shape.

The further the photons get from the source the thinner and more spread out they become.

Eventually coming to a point where the naked eye is unable to see.

Photons are continuous meaning that they will never stop, but after becoming so thin they basically turn


Can Light Be Seen At Extreme Distances

Like I stated earlier about how light is photons and the photons thin out after so far.

You can actually control how far you can see the light from your flashlight to a certain extent by focusing

the beam.

The more focused you have your light the further it will go.

On the downside the more focused the beam is, the less the light will cover width wise.

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